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Caveolins-1 and -2 are normally co-expressed, and they form a hetero-oligomeric complex in many cell types. These caveolin hetero-oligomers are thought to represent the assembly units that drive caveolae formation in vivo. However, the functional significance of the interaction between caveolins-1 and -2 remains unknown. Here, we show that caveolin-1 co-expression is required for the transport of caveolin-2 from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane. We identified a human erythroleukemic cell line, K562, that expresses caveolin-2 but fails to express detectable levels of caveolin-1. This allowed us to stringently assess the effects of recombinant caveolin-1 expression on the behavior of endogenous caveolin-2. We show that expression of caveolin-1 in K562 cells is sufficient to reconstitute the de novo formation of caveolae in these cells. In addition, recombinant expression of caveolin-1 allows caveolin-2 to form high molecular mass oligomers that are targeted to caveolae-enriched membrane fractions. In striking contrast, in the absence of caveolin-1 expression, caveolin-2 forms low molecular mass oligomers that are retained at the level of the Golgi complex. Interestingly, we also show that expression of caveolin-1 in K562 cells dramatically up-regulates the expression of endogenous caveolin-2. Northern blot analysis reveals that caveolin-2 mRNA levels remain constant under these conditions, suggesting that the expression of caveolin-1 stabilizes the caveolin-2 protein. Conversely, transient expression of caveolin-2 in CHO cells is sufficient to up-regulate endogenous caveolin-1 expression. Thus, the formation of a hetero-oligomeric complex between caveolins-1 and -2 stabilizes the caveolin-2 protein product and allows caveolin-2 to be transported from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens of the genus Chlamydia are reported to enter host cells by both clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent processes. C. trachomatis serovar K recently was shown to enter cells via caveolae-like lipid raft domains. We asked here how widespread raft-mediated entry might be among the Chlamydia. We show that C. pneumoniae, an important cause of respiratory infections in humans that additionally is associated with cardiovascular disease, and C. psittaci, an important pathogen in domestic mammals and birds that also infects humans, each enter host cells via cholesterol-rich lipid raft microdomains. Further, we show that C. trachomatis serovars E and F also use these domains to enter host cells. The involvement of these membrane domains in the entry of these organisms was indicated by the sensitivity of their entry to the raft-disrupting agents Nystatin and filipin, and by their intracellular association with caveolin-1, a 22-kDa protein associated with the formation of caveolae in rafts. In contrast, caveolin-marked lipid raft domains do not mediate entry of C. trachomatis serovars A, 36B, and C, nor of LGV serovar L2 and MoPn. Finally, we show that entry of each of these chlamydial strains is independent of cellular expression of caveolin-1. Thus, entry via the Nystatin and filipin-sensitive pathway is dependent on lipid rafts containing cholesterol, rather than invaginated caveolae per se.  相似文献   

The vasoactive protease thrombin is a known activator of the protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) via cleavage of its NH(2) terminus. PAR1 activation stimulates the RhoA/Rho kinase signaling cascade, leading to myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, actin stress fiber formation, and changes in endothelial monolayer integrity. Previous studies suggest that some elements of this signaling pathway are localized to caveolin-containing cholesterol-rich membrane domains. Here we show that PAR1 and key components of the PAR-associated signaling cascade localize to membrane rafts and caveolae in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). To investigate the functional significance of this localization, BAEC were pretreated with filipin (5 mug/ml, 5 min) to ablate lipid rafts before thrombin (100 nM) or PAR agonist stimulation. We found that diphosphorylation of MLC and the actin stress fiber formation normally induced by PAR activation were attenuated after lipid raft disruption. To target caveolae specifically, we used a small interferring RNA approach to knockdown caveolin-1 expression. Thrombin-induced MLC phosphorylation and stress fiber formation were not altered in caveolin-1-depleted cells, suggesting that lipid rafts, but not necessarily caveolae, modulate thrombin-activated signaling pathways leading to alteration of the actin cytoskeleton in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Caveolae, a class of cholesterol-rich lipid rafts, are smooth invaginations of the plasma membrane whose formation in nonmuscle cells requires caveolin-1 (Cav1). The recent demonstration that Cav1-associated cavin proteins, in particular PTRF/cavin-1, are also required for caveolae formation supports a functional role for Cav1 independently of caveolae. In tumor cells deficient for Golgi β-1,6N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (Mgat5), reduced Cav1 expression is associated not with caveolae but with oligomerized Cav1 domains, or scaffolds, that functionally regulate receptor signaling and raft-dependent endocytosis. Using subdiffraction-limit microscopy, we show that Cav1 scaffolds are homogenous subdiffraction-limit sized structures whose size distribution differs from that of Cav1 in caveolae expressing cells. These cell lines displaying differing Cav1/caveolae phenotypes are effective tools for probing the structure and composition of caveolae. Using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture, we are able to quantitatively distinguish the composition of caveolae from the background of detergent-resistant membrane proteins and show that the presence of caveolae enriches the protein composition of detergent-resistant membrane, including the recruitment of multiple heterotrimeric G-protein subunits. These data were further supported by analysis of immuno-isolated Cav1 domains and of methyl-β-cyclodextrin-disrupted detergent-resistant membrane. Our data show that loss of caveolae results in a dramatic change to the membrane raft proteome and that this change is independent of Cav1 expression. The proteomics data, in combination with subdiffraction-limit microscopy, indicates that noncaveolar Cav1 domains, or scaffolds are structurally and functionally distinct from caveolae and differentially impact on the molecular composition of lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Caveolin-2 is the least well studied member of the caveolin gene family. It is believed that caveolin-2 is an "accessory protein" that functions in conjunction with caveolin-1. At the level of the ER, caveolin-2 interacts with caveolin-1 to form a high molecular mass hetero-oligomeric complex that is targeted to lipid rafts and drives the formation of caveolae. However, caveolin-2 is not required for caveolae formation, implying that it may fulfill some unknown regulatory role. Here, we present the first evidence that caveolin-2 is a phosphoprotein. We show that caveolin-2 undergoes Src-induced phosphorylation on tyrosine 19. To study this phosphorylation event in vivo, we generated a novel phospho-specific antibody probe that only recognizes phosphocaveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)). We then used NIH-3T3 cells stably overexpressing c-Src to examine the localization and biochemical properties of phosphocaveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)). Our results indicate that phosphocaveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)) is localized near focal adhesions, remains associated with lipid rafts/caveolae, but no longer forms a high molecular mass hetero-oligomer with caveolin-1. Instead, phosphocaveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)) behaves as a monomer/dimer in velocity gradients. Thus, we conclude that the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)) may function as a signal that is recognized by the cellular machinery to induce the dissociation of caveolin-2 from caveolin-1 oligomers. We also demonstrate that (i) insulin-stimulation of adipocytes and (ii) integrin ligation of endothelial cells can both induce the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)). During integrin ligation, phosphocaveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)) co-localizes with activated FAK at focal adhesions. Thus, phosphocaveolin-2 (Tyr(P)(19)) may function as a docking site for Src homology domain-2 (SH2) domain containing proteins during signal transduction. In support of this notion, we identify several SH2 domain containing proteins, namely c-Src, NCK, and Ras-GAP, that interact with caveolin-2 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Furthermore, our co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that caveolin-2 and Ras-GAP are constitutively associated in c-Src expressing NIH-3T3 cells, but not in untransfected NIH-3T3 cells.  相似文献   

The LDL receptor (LDL-R) promotes the specific endocytosis and lysosomal delivery of extracellular lipoprotein ligands via clathrin-coated pits. It was widely assumed that other closely related members of the LDL-R gene family would have similar functions, but recent experimental evidence has revealed that one such protein, apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (apoER2), has a critical role as an "outside-in" signal transducer in the brain. ApoER2 signaling appears to require interaction between its cytoplasmic domain and adapter molecules such as Dab1, JIP 1 and JIP 2, and PSD-95. Many of the receptors for other signaling pathways affected by such adapter molecules are compartmentalized into specialized microdomains within the plasma membrane termed caveolae. Here, we show that apoER2, but not LDL-R, is localized to caveolae, supporting the concept that its physiological role is in cell signaling, rather than in endocytosing ligands.  相似文献   

Yuan T  Hong S  Yao Y  Liao K 《Cell research》2007,17(9):772-782
Caveolae and non-caveolar lipid rafts are two types of membrane lipid microdomains that play important roles in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adipocytes. In order to ascertain their specific functions in this process, caveolae were ablated by caveolin-1 RNA interference. In Cav-1 RNAi adipocytes, neither insulin-stimulated glucose uptake nor Glut-4 (glucose transporter 4) translocation to membrane lipid microdomains was affected by the ablation of caveolae. With a modified sucrose density gradient, caveolae and non-caveolar lipid rafts could be separated. In the wild-type 3T3- L l adipocytes, Glut-4 was found to be translocated into both caveolae and non-caveolar lipid rafts. However, in Cav1 RNAi adipocytes, Glut-4 was localized predominantly in non-caveolar lipid rafts. After the removal of insulin, caveolaelocalized Glut-4 was internalized faster than non-caveolar lipid raft-associated Glut-4. The internalization of Glut-4 from plasma membrane was significantly decreased in Cav-1 RNAi adipocytes. These results suggest that insulin-stimulated Glut-4 translocation and glucose uptake are caveolae-independent events. Caveolae play a role in the internalization of Glut-4 from plasma membrane after the removal of insulin.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a caveolin-chaperone complex transports newly synthesized cholesterol from the endoplasmic reticulum through the cytoplasm to caveolae. Caveolin-1 has a 33-amino acid hydrophobic domain and three sites of palmitoylation in proximity to the hydrophobic domain. In the present study, we hypothesized that palmitoylation of caveolin-1 is necessary for binding of cholesterol, formation of a caveolin-chaperone transport complex, and rapid, direct transport of cholesterol to caveolae. To test this hypothesis, four caveolin-1 constructs were generated that substituted an alanine for a cysteine at position 133, 143, or 156 or all three sites (triple mutant). These mutated caveolins and wild type caveolin-1 were stably expressed in the lymphoid cell line, L1210-JF, which does not express caveolin-1, does not form a caveolin-chaperone complex, and does not transport newly synthesized cholesterol to caveolae. All of the caveolins were expressed and the proteins localized to plasma membrane caveolae. Wild type caveolin-1 and mutant 133 assembled into complete transport complexes and rapidly (10-20 min) transported cholesterol to caveolae. Caveolin mutants 143 and 156 did not assemble into complete transport complexes, weakly associated with cholesterol, and transported small amounts of cholesterol to caveolae. The triple mutant did not assemble into complete transport complexes and did not associate with cholesterol. We conclude that palmitoylation of caveolin-1 at positions 143 and 156 is required for cholesterol binding and transport complex formation.  相似文献   

Our in vitro studies support a functional link between the induction of cathepsin B gene expression and the catabolic restructuring associated with myotube formation during myogenesis in vivo. We have tested two predictions that are basic to this hypothesis: (1) that active cathepsin B is localized to plasma membrane caveolae of fusing myoblasts; and (2) that active cathepsin B is secreted from fusing myoblasts at physiological pH. During differentiation, L6 rat myoblasts demonstrated a fusion-related increase in activity associated with the 25/26-kDa, fully processed, active form of cathepsin B. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated a redistribution of lysosomal cathepsin B protein toward the membrane of fusing myoblasts, and a colocalization of cathepsin B with caveolin-3, the muscle-specific structural protein of membrane caveolae. Sucrose density fractionation and Western blot analysis demonstrated that an active form of cathepsin B localizes to caveolar fractions along with caveolin-3, annexin-VII, beta-dystroglycan and dystrophin. Finally, 'real-time' activity assays and Western blot analysis demonstrated that active cathepsin B is secreted from fusing myoblasts at physiological pH. Collectively, these studies support an association of active cathepsin B with plasma membrane caveolae and the secretion of active cathepsin B from differentiating myoblasts during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

Caveolae are specialized domains present in the plasma membrane (PM) of most mammalian cell types. They function in signalling, membrane regulation, and endocytosis. We found that the Eps-15 homology domain-containing protein 2 (EHD2, an ATPase) associated with the static population of PM caveolae. Recruitment to the PM involved ATP binding, interaction with anionic lipids, and oligomerization into large complexes (60-75S) via interaction of the EH domains with intrinsic NPF/KPF motifs. Hydrolysis of ATP was essential for binding of EHD2 complexes to caveolae. EHD2 was found to undergo dynamic exchange at caveolae, a process that depended on a functional ATPase cycle. Depletion of EHD2 by siRNA or expression of a dominant-negative mutant dramatically increased the fraction of mobile caveolar vesicles coming from the PM. Overexpression of EHD2, in turn, caused confinement of cholera toxin B in caveolae. The confining role of EHD2 relied on its capacity to link caveolae to actin filaments. Thus, EHD2 likely plays a key role in adjusting the balance between PM functions of stationary caveolae and the role of caveolae as vesicular carriers.  相似文献   

Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is an inherited pediatric neurodegenerative disorder, which occurs as a result of mutations in the CLN3 gene that is located on chromosome 16p12.1. The encoded protein, CLN3P, is a putative transmembrane protein with no known function. In this study, we demonstrate that CLN3P resides on membrane lipid raft domains (detergent-resistant membranes) and provide important new data towards possible functions of the protein.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) is a key facilitator of multiple types of membrane vesicle trafficking events. Two PLD isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, exist in mammals. Initial studies based on overexpression studies suggested that in resting cells, human PLD1 localized primarily to the Golgi and perinuclear vesicles in multiple cell types. In contrast, overexpressed mouse PLD2 was observed to localize primarily to the plasma membrane, although internalization on membrane vesicles was observed subsequent to serum stimulation. A recent report has suggested that the assignment of PLD2 to the plasma membrane is in error, because the endogenous isoform in rat secretory cells was imaged and found to be present primarily in the Golgi apparatus. We have reexamined this issue by using a monoclonal antibody specific for mouse PLD2, and find, as reported initially using overexpression studies, that endogenous mouse PLD2 is detected most readily at the plasma membrane in multiple cell types. In addition, we report that mouse, rat, and human PLD2 when overexpressed all similarly localize to the plasma membrane in cell lines from all three species. Finally, studies conducted using overexpression of wild-type active or dominant-negative isoforms of PLD2 and RNA interference-mediated targeting of PLD2 suggest that PLD2 functions at the plasma membrane to facilitate endocytosis of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor.  相似文献   

The Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) protein regulates cholesterol transport from late endosomes-lysosomes to other intracellular compartments. In this article, cholesterol transport to caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 containing compartments, such as the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and plasma membrane caveolae, was examined in normal (NPC+/+), NPC heterozygous (NPC+/-), and NPC homozygous (NPC-/-) human fibroblasts. The expression and distribution of NPC1 in each cell type were similar, and characterized by a finely dispersed, granular staining pattern. The expression of caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 was increased in NPC+/- and NPC-/- fibroblasts, although the distribution in each cell type was similar and characterized by predominant staining of the TGN and plasma membrane. The TGN in NPC+/+ fibroblasts was relatively cholesterol-enriched, whereas the TGN in NPC+/- and NPC-/- fibroblasts was partially or completely cholesterol-deficient, respectively. Consistent with studies demonstrating the transport of cholesterol from the TGN to plasma membrane caveolae, the concentration of cholesterol in plasma membrane caveolae isolated from NPC+/- and NPC-/- fibroblasts was significantly decreased, even though the total concentration of plasma membrane cholesterol in each cell type was similar.These studies demonstrate that NPC1 regulates cholesterol transport to caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 containing compartments such as the TGN and plasma membrane caveolae.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1421-1433
Caveolin is a protein associated with the characteristic coats that decorate the cytoplasmic face of plasma membrane caveolae. Recently it was found that exposure of human fibroblasts to cholesterol oxidase (CO) rapidly induces caveolin to redistribute to the ER and then to the Golgi complex, and that subsequent removal of CO allows caveolin to return to the plasma membrane (Smart, E. J., Y.-S. Ying, P. A. Conrad, R. G. W. Anderson, J. Cell Biol. 1994, 127:1185-1197). We now present evidence that caveolin normally undergoes microtubule-dependent cycling between the plasma membrane and the Golgi. In cells that were treated briefly with nocodazole and then with a mixture of nocodazole plus CO, caveolin relocated from the plasma membrane to the ER and then to the ER/Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC), but subsequent movement to the Golgi was not observed. Even in the absence of CO, nocodazole caused caveolin to accumulate in the ERGIC. Nocodazole did not retard the movement of caveolin from the Golgi to the plasma membrane after removal of CO. Incubation of cells at 15 degrees followed by elevation of the temperature to 37 degrees caused caveolin to accumulate first in the ERGIC and then in the Golgi, before finally reestablishing its normal steady state distribution predominantly in plasma membrane caveolae. In cells released from a 15 degrees block, movement of caveolin from the Golgi to the plasma membrane was not inhibited by nocodazole. Taken together, these results imply that caveolin cycles constitutively between the plasma membrane and the Golgi by a multi- step process, one of which, ERGIC-to-Golgi transport, requires microtubules. This novel, bidirectional pathway may indicate roles for microtubules in the maintenance of caveolae, and for caveolin in shuttling fatty acids and cholesterol between the plasma membrane and the ER/Golgi system.  相似文献   

Integrin α2β1 mediates the binding of several epithelial and mesenchymal cell types to collagen. The composition of the surrounding plasma membrane, especially caveolin-1- and cholesterol-containing membrane structures called caveolae, may be important to integrin signaling. On cell surface α2β1 integrin was located in the raft like membrane domain, rich in GPI-anchored proteins, rather than in caveolae. However, when antibodies were used to generate clusters of α2β1 integrin, they started to move laterally on cell surface along actin filaments. During the lateral movement small clusters fused together. Finally α2β1 integrin was found inside caveolae and subsequently internalized into caveosome-like perinuclear structures. The internalization process, unlike cluster formation or lateral redistribution, was dependent on protein kinase Cα activity. Caveolae are known to be highly immobile structures and α2β1 integrin clusters represent a previously unknown mechanism to activate endocytic trafficking via caveolae. The process was specific to α2β1 integrin, because the antibody-mediated formation of αV integrin clusters activated their internalization in coated vesicles and early endosomes. In addition to natural ligands human echovirus-1 (EV1) gains entry into the cell by binding to α2β1 and taking advantage of α2β1 internalization via caveolae.  相似文献   

Expression of the ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCB6 has been associated with multiple cellular functions, including resistance to several cytotoxic agents, iron homeostasis, and porphyrin transport. To further elucidate its physiological function and/or role in drug resistance, we determined the subcellular location of ABCB6. Using three novel ABCB6-specific antibodies, Western blot analysis of cells expressing cDNA-derived or endogenous ABCB6 revealed two distinct molecular weight forms. Confocal microscopy indicates that the protein localizes to both mitochondria and the plasma membrane. Differential centrifugation revealed that the lower molecular weight form predominantly resides in the mitochondria, while the larger protein form is more abundant in the plasma membrane. Preliminary studies indicate that ABCB6 is functionally relevant in the plasma membrane, where its expression prevents the accumulation of specific porphyrins in the cell. Digitonin solubilization of mitochondria demonstrated that ABCB6 is present in the outer mitochondrial membrane, while back-titration assays with the ABCB6-specific antibodies reveal that the nucleotide binding domain of ABCB6 is cytoplasmic. These studies are the first to demonstrate that ABCB6 exists in two molecular weight forms, is localized to both the outer mitochondrial membrane and the plasma membrane, and plays a functional role in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette transporter isoform C2 (ABCC2) localizes to the apical plasma membrane in polarized cells. Apical localization of ABCC2 in hepatocytes plays an important role in biliary excretion of endobiotics and xenobiotics, but the mechanism by which ABCC2 localizes to the apical membrane has not been conclusively elucidated. Here, we investigate the role of scaffolding proteins on ABCC2 localization with a focus on the function of PDZK1 (post-synaptic density 95/disk large/zonula occludens-1 domain containing 1) in regulating ABCC2 localization. The C-terminal 77 residues of ABCC2 were used to probe interacting proteins from HepG2 cells. Protein mass fingerprinting identified PDZK1 as a major interacting protein. PDZK1 associated with the plasma membrane, most likely at the apical vacuoles of HepG2 cells. Affinity pull-down assays confirmed that the C-terminal NSTKF of ABCC2 bound to the fourth PDZ domain of PDZK1. Removal of this PDZ-binding motif significantly reduced the normal apical localization of ABCC2. In HepG2 cells, overexpression of this fourth domain overcame endogenous PDZK1 and reduced the ABCC2 localization at the apical membrane with a reciprocal increase of intracellular accumulation of mislocalized ABCC2. These results suggest a possible role for an interaction between ABCC2 and PDZK1 in apical localization of ABCC2 in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

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