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Maria Lucena‐Perez Elena Marmesat Daniel Kleinman‐Ruiz Begoa Martínez‐Cruz Karolina Wcek Alexander P. Saveljev Ivan V. Seryodkin Innokentiy Okhlopkov Mikhail G. Dvornikov Janis Ozolins Naranbaatar Galsandorj Milan Paunovic Mirosaw Ratkiewicz Krzysztof Schmidt Jos A. Godoy 《Molecular ecology》2020,29(4):812-828
Disentangling the contribution of long‐term evolutionary processes and recent anthropogenic impacts to current genetic patterns of wildlife species is key to assessing genetic risks and designing conservation strategies. Here, we used 80 whole nuclear genomes and 96 mitogenomes from populations of the Eurasian lynx covering a range of conservation statuses, climatic zones and subspecies across Eurasia to infer the demographic history, reconstruct genetic patterns, and discuss the influence of long‐term isolation and/or more recent human‐driven changes. Our results show that Eurasian lynx populations shared a common history until 100,000 years ago, when Asian and European populations started to diverge and both entered a period of continuous and widespread decline, with western populations, except Kirov, maintaining lower effective sizes than eastern populations. Population declines and increased isolation in more recent times probably drove the genetic differentiation between geographically and ecologically close westernmost European populations. By contrast, and despite the wide range of habitats covered, populations are quite homogeneous genetically across the Asian range, showing a pattern of isolation by distance and providing little genetic support for the several proposed subspecies. Mitogenomic and nuclear divergences and population declines starting during the Late Pleistocene can be mostly attributed to climatic fluctuations and early human influence, but the widespread and sustained decline since the Holocene is more probably the consequence of anthropogenic impacts which intensified in recent centuries, especially in western Europe. Genetic erosion in isolated European populations and lack of evidence for long‐term isolation argue for the restoration of lost population connectivity. 相似文献
Analyses of mitochondrial (mt) DNA and microsatellite variation were carried out to examine the relationships between 10 freshwater populations of three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Partial sequences of the mtDNA control region and cytochrome b gene, in addition to 15 microsatellite loci, were used to analyse populations from four isolated river catchments. Results uncovered an Adriatic lineage that was clearly divergent from the European lineage, and confirmed that the most divergent and ancient populations are located within the Adriatic lineage as compared with other European populations. Two northern Adriatic populations formed independent clades within the European mitochondrial lineage, suggesting different colonization histories of the different Adriatic populations. Nuclear marker analyses also indicated deep divergence between Adriatic and European populations, albeit with some discordance between the mtDNA phylogeny of the northern Adriatic populations, further highlighting the strong differentiation among the Adriatic populations. The southern populations within the Adriatic lineage were further organized into distinct clades corresponding to respective river catchments and sub-clades corresponding to river tributaries, reflecting a high degree of population structuring within a small geographic region, concurrent with suggestions of existence of several microrefugia within the Balkan Peninsula. The highly divergent clades and haplotypes unique to the southern Adriatic populations further suggest, in accordance with an earlier, more limited survey, that southern Adriatic populations represent an important reservoir for ancient genetic diversity of G. aculeatus. 相似文献
Polanc P Sindičić M Jelenčič M Gomerčić T Kos I Huber D 《Molecular ecology resources》2012,12(2):293-298
Historical samples, like tanned hides and trophy skulls, can be extremely important for genetic studies of endangered or elusive species. Selection of a sampling protocol that is likely to provide sufficient amount and quality of DNA with a minimum damage to the original specimen is often critical for a success of the study. We investigated microsatellite genotyping success of DNA isolated from three different types of Eurasian lynx historical samples. We analysed a total of 20 microsatellite loci in 106 historical samples from the endangered Dinaric lynx population, established from re-introduction of three pairs of lynx in 1973 from Slovakian Carpathians. Of the three tested sample types, turbinal bone and septum from the nasal cavity of the trophy skulls had the lowest percentage of samples successfully genotyped for all 20 microsatellite loci. Footpad samples, collected using a cork drill, exhibited better results in polymerase chain reaction amplification and genotyping than samples of footpad epidermis cut with a scalpel. We report simple and efficient sampling protocols, which could be widely applied for future studies utilizing historical samples. 相似文献
植物亲缘地理学的研究现状与发展趋势 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
新生代以来剧烈的地质和气候变化,特别是第四纪冰期和间冰期的反复交错对温带植物类群的地理分布格局、种群结构和物种分化造成了深刻影响。近20年来,随着分子标记技术的发展和分析方法的成熟,植物亲缘地理学利用基因谱系关系和在种群中的时空分布来追溯种群的进化历史,在探讨植物类群对地质气候变迁的响应以及种群分化的历史成因等方面开展了大量工作,取得了一些重要进展。在取得这些成绩的同时,作者也注意到了被研究者所忽略的一些问题。试图对这些问题进行初步的总结,着重于分析方法和几个常用软件的使用,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。 相似文献
Mariana Fasanella Cecilia Bruno Yamila Cardoso Marta Lizarralde 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》2013,169(3):697-710
Ctenomys (tuco‐tuco) is the most numerous genus of South American subterranean rodents and one of the most genetically diverse clades of mammals known. In particular, the genus constitutes a very interesting model for evolutionary studies of genetic divergence and conservation. Ctenomys magellanicus is the southernmost species of the group and the only one living in Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). This species presents two chromosomal forms (Cm34 and Cm36) fragmented into demes distributed from the north region (steppe) to the south region (ecotone) of the island, respectively; no hybrids or overlapping areas were detected. To study the historical demography and the spatial genetic structure of the C. magellanicus population we used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (D‐loop and cytochrome b) and microsatellite loci. Nine mtDNA haplotypes were identified, three of them belonging to the north and the other six to the south. Shared haplotypes between regions were not detected. mtDNA and microsatellite genotypes showed a marked pattern of population structure with low values of genetic flow between regions. The south is made up of small populations or isolated demes making up an endogamic metapopulation with unique alleles and haplotypes. Also, the results suggest a northward expansion process starting from an ancestral haplotype from the south. That population might have lived at a refuge through the adverse Pleistocene environmental conditions that took place at Tierra del Fuego. Results of this study are relevant to the conservation of C. magellanicus, suggesting that each region (north and south) might be considered as an Evolutionarily Significant Unit. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London 相似文献
Menno J. de Jong Zhipeng Li Yanli Qin Erwan Qumr Karis Baker Wen Wang A. Rus Hoelzel 《Molecular ecology》2020,29(15):2777-2792
Species that evolved in temperate regions during the Pleistocene experienced periods of extreme climatic transitions. Consequent population fragmentation and dynamics had the potential to generate small, isolated populations where the influence of genetic drift would be expected to be strong. We use comparative genomics to assess the evolutionary influence of historical demographics and natural selection through a series of transitions associated with the formation of the genus Capreolus, speciation within this genus during the Quaternary and during divergence among European roe deer (C. capreolus) populations. Our analyses were facilitated by the generation of a new high‐coverage reference genome for the Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus). We find progressive reductions in effective population size (Ne), despite very large census sizes in modern C. capreolus populations and show that low Ne has impacted the C. capreolus genome, reducing diversity and increasing linkage disequilibrium. Even so, we find evidence for natural selection shared among C. capreolus populations, including a historically documented founder population that has been through a severe bottleneck. During each phylogenetic transition there is evidence for selection (from dN/dS and nucleotide diversity tests), including at loci associated with diapause (delayed embryonic development), a phenotype restricted to this genus among the even‐toed ungulates. Together these data allow us to assess expectations for the origin and diversification of a mammalian genus during a period of extreme environmental change. 相似文献
Ole Madsen Hendrik‐Jan Megens Martien A. M. Groenen Konrad Lohse 《Molecular ecology》2014,23(22):5566-5574
In many temperate regions, ice ages promoted range contractions into refugia resulting in divergence (and potentially speciation), while warmer periods led to range expansions and hybridization. However, the impact these climatic oscillations had in many parts of the tropics remains elusive. Here, we investigate this issue using genome sequences of three pig (Sus) species, two of which are found on islands of the Sunda‐shelf shallow seas in Island South‐East Asia (ISEA). A previous study revealed signatures of interspecific admixture between these Sus species (Genome biology, 14 , 2013, R107). However, the timing, directionality and extent of this admixture remain unknown. Here, we use a likelihood‐based model comparison to more finely resolve this admixture history and test whether it was mediated by humans or occurred naturally. Our analyses suggest that interspecific admixture between Sunda‐shelf species was most likely asymmetric and occurred long before the arrival of humans in the region. More precisely, we show that these species diverged during the late Pliocene but around 23% of their genomes have been affected by admixture during the later Pleistocene climatic transition. In addition, we show that our method provides a significant improvement over D‐statistics which are uninformative about the direction of admixture. 相似文献
J. L. Dimond;J. V. Bouma;F. Lafarga-De la Cruz;K. J. Supernault;T. White;D. A. Witting; 《Evolutionary Applications》2024,17(12):e70040
Connectivity is integral to the dynamics of metapopulations through dispersal and gene flow, and understanding these processes is essential for guiding conservation efforts. Abalone, broadcast-spawning marine snails associated with shallow rocky habitats, have experienced widespread declines, and all seven North American species are threatened. We investigated the connectivity and population genomics of pinto/northern abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana), the widest-ranging of abalone species. We employed reduced representation sequencing (RADseq) to generate single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data, assessing population connectivity and potential adaptive variation at 12 locations across the full range from Alaska to Mexico. Despite depleted populations, our analysis of over 6000 SNPs across nearly 300 individuals revealed that pinto abalone maintains a high genetic diversity with no evidence of a genetic bottleneck. Neutral population structure and isolation by distance were extremely weak, indicating panmixia across the species' range (global FST = 0.0021). Phylogenetic analysis, principal components analysis, and unsupervised clustering methods all supported a single genetic population. However, slight population differentiation was noted in the Salish Sea and Inside Passage regions, with evidence for higher barriers to dispersal relative to outer coastal areas. This north-central region may also represent the species' ancestral range based on relatively low population-specific FST values; the northern and southern extremes of the range likely represent range expansions. Outlier analysis did not identify consensus loci implicated in adaptive variation, suggesting limited adaptive differentiation. Our study sheds light on the evolutionary history and contemporary gene flow of this threatened species, providing key insights for conservation strategies, particularly in sourcing broodstock for ongoing restoration efforts. 相似文献
Phylogeography is often used to investigate the effects of glacial cycles on current genetic structure of various plant and animal species. This approach can also identify the number and location of glacial refugia as well as the recolonization routes from those refugia to the current locations. To identify the location of glacial refugia of the Yellow‐spotted mountain newt, Neurergus derjugini, we employed phylogeography patterns and genetic variability of this species by analyzing partial ND4 sequences (867 bp) of 67 specimens from 15 sampling localities from the whole species range in Iran and Iraq. Phylogenetic trees concordant with haplotype networks showed a clear genetic structure among populations as three groups corresponding to the populations in the north, center, and south. Evolutionary ages of clades north and south ranging from 0.15 to 0.17 Myr, while the oldest clade is the central clade, corresponding to 0.32 Myr. Bayesian skyline plots of population size change through time show a relatively slight increase until about 25 kyr (around the last glacial maximum) and a decline of population size about 2.5 kyr. The presence of geographically structured clades in north, center, and south sections of the species range signifies the disjunct populations that have emerged in three different refugium. This study illustrates the importance of the effect of previous glacial cycles in shaping the genetic structure of mountain species in the Zagros range. These areas are important in terms of long‐term species persistence and therefore valuable areas for conservation of biodiversity. 相似文献
Anastasiya ANTONEVICH Sergey NAIDENKO 《动物学报》2008,54(1):12-19
研究了非自由生活的4窝11只猞猁幼仔的玩耍行为、亲和及入侵关系的变化.观察到36-57日龄幼仔的同胞打斗行为,这些打斗减少了这些幼仔之间游戏性接触的频次.这个"打斗期"与游戏行为和食性的变化同步发生.打斗后,幼仔游戏性接触的非对称性以及同胞之间的偏爱更加清楚.这些打斗导致了不同窝的幼仔之间等级结构的建立. 相似文献
W. Chris Funk Robert E. Lovich Paul A. Hohenlohe Courtney A. Hofman Scott A. Morrison T. Scott Sillett Cameron K. Ghalambor Jesus E. Maldonado Torben C. Rick Mitch D. Day Nicholas R. Polato Sarah W. Fitzpatrick Timothy J. Coonan Kevin R. Crooks Adam Dillon David K. Garcelon Julie L. King Christina L. Boser Nicholas Gould William F. Andelt 《Molecular ecology》2016,25(10):2176-2194
The evolutionary mechanisms generating the tremendous biodiversity of islands have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Genetic drift and divergent selection are predicted to be strong on islands and both could drive population divergence and speciation. Alternatively, strong genetic drift may preclude adaptation. We conducted a genomic analysis to test the roles of genetic drift and divergent selection in causing genetic differentiation among populations of the island fox (Urocyon littoralis). This species consists of six subspecies, each of which occupies a different California Channel Island. Analysis of 5293 SNP loci generated using Restriction‐site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing found support for genetic drift as the dominant evolutionary mechanism driving population divergence among island fox populations. In particular, populations had exceptionally low genetic variation, small Ne (range = 2.1–89.7; median = 19.4), and significant genetic signatures of bottlenecks. Moreover, islands with the lowest genetic variation (and, by inference, the strongest historical genetic drift) were most genetically differentiated from mainland grey foxes, and vice versa, indicating genetic drift drives genome‐wide divergence. Nonetheless, outlier tests identified 3.6–6.6% of loci as high FST outliers, suggesting that despite strong genetic drift, divergent selection contributes to population divergence. Patterns of similarity among populations based on high FST outliers mirrored patterns based on morphology, providing additional evidence that outliers reflect adaptive divergence. Extremely low genetic variation and small Ne in some island fox populations, particularly on San Nicolas Island, suggest that they may be vulnerable to fixation of deleterious alleles, decreased fitness and reduced adaptive potential. 相似文献
Sarah J. Lehnert Ian R. Bradbury Brendan F. Wringe Mallory Van Wyngaarden Paul Bentzen 《Evolutionary Applications》2023,16(9):1568-1585
Conservation units represent important components of intraspecific diversity that can aid in prioritizing and protecting at-risk populations, while also safeguarding unique diversity that can contribute to species resilience. In Canada, identification and assessments of conservation units is done by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). COSEWIC can recognize conservation units below the species level (termed “designatable units”; DUs) if the unit has attributes that make it both discrete and evolutionarily significant. There are various ways in which a DU can meet criteria of discreteness and significance, and increasing access to “big data” is providing unprecedented information that can directly inform both criteria. Specifically, the incorporation of genomic data for an increasing number of non-model species is informing more COSEWIC assessments; thus, a repeatable, robust framework is needed for integrating these data into DU characterization. Here, we develop a framework that uses a multifaceted, weight of evidence approach to incorporate multiple data types, including genetic and genomic data, to inform COSEWIC DUs. We apply this framework to delineate DUs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.), an economically, culturally, and ecologically significant species, that is also characterized by complex hierarchical population structure. Specifically, we focus on an in-depth example of how our approach was applied to a previously data limited region of northern Canada that was defined by a single large DU. Application of our framework with newly available genetic and genomic data led to subdividing this DU into three new DUs. Although our approach was developed to meet criteria of COSEWIC, it is widely applicable given similarities in the definitions of a conservation unit. 相似文献
Alesandro Souza Santos Eliana Cazetta Deborah Faria Thâmara Moura Lima Maria Teresa Gomes Lopes Carolina da Silva Carvalho Alessandro Alves-Pereira José Carlos Morante-Filho Fernanda Amato Gaiotto 《Evolutionary Applications》2023,16(7):1257-1273
Human activity has diminished forests in different terrestrial ecosystems. This is well illustrated in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, which still hosts high levels of species richness and endemism, even with only 28% of its original extent remaining. The consequences of such forest loss in remaining populations can be investigated with several approaches, including the genomic perspective, which allows a broader understanding of how human disturbance influences the genetic variability in natural populations. In this context, our study investigated the genomic responses of Euterpe edulis Martius, an endangered palm tree, in forest remnants located in landscapes presenting different forest cover amount and composed by distinct bird assemblage that disperse its seeds. We sampled 22 areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest in four regions using SNP markers inserted into transcribed regions of the genome of E. edulis, distinguishing neutral loci from those putatively under natural selection (outlier). We demonstrate that populations show patterns of structure and genetic variability that differ between regions, as a possible reflection of deforestation and biogeographic histories. Deforested landscapes still maintain high neutral genetic diversity due to gene flow over short distances. Overall, we not only support previous evidence with microsatellite markers, but also show that deforestation can influence the genetic variability outlier, in the scenario of selective pressures imposed by these stressful environments. Based on our findings, we suggest that, to protect genetic diversity in the long term, it is necessary to reforest and enrich deforested areas, using seeds from populations in the same management target region. 相似文献
Ettore RANDI 《Mammal Review》2011,41(2):99-111
- 1 The wolf Canis lupus, the most widespread of the four species of large carnivores in Europe, after centuries of population decline and eradication, is now recovering in many countries. Wolves contribute to regulating prey–predator dynamics and interact with human activities, mainly livestock farming and ungulate hunting. Although wolves are protected in most European countries, illegal or incidental killing is widespread.
- 2 Wolf populations do not show any apparent phylogeographic structuring worldwide. Molecular and morphological studies of historical samples showed evidence of wolf ecomorph extinctions, coinciding with the great Pleistocene faunal turnover.
- 3 Extant populations show recurrent long‐range dispersal during cycles of expansion and recolonization. Demographically stable populations, in contrast, seem to be characterized by very limited gene flow.
- 4 Despite the potential for dispersal and ecological flexibility, landscape genetic approaches have demonstrated the existence of genetically distinct wolf populations, which originated through habitat and prey specializations.
- 5 Small isolated wolf populations may suffer from inbreeding depression, although selection for heterozygotes and the rescue effect can foster rapid population recovery. Population structure and dynamics is efficiently monitored by non‐invasive genetic methods, which are also useful to identify wolf × dogCanis lupus familiaris hybridization.
- 6 Despite technical advances and a better knowledge of wolf biology, wolf conservation is largely dependent on humans, and on the solution of conflicts with stakeholders.
Mechanisms of population differentiation in seabirds 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Despite recent advances in population genetic theory and empirical research, the extent of genetic differentiation among natural populations of animals remains difficult to predict. We reviewed studies of geographic variation in mitochondrial DNA in seabirds to test the importance of various factors in generating population genetic and phylogeographic structure. The extent of population genetic and phylogeographic structure varies extensively among species. Species fragmented by land or ice invariably exhibit population genetic structure and most also have phylogeographic structure. However, many populations (26 of 37) display genetic structure in the absence of land, suggesting that other barriers to gene flow exist. In these populations, the extent of genetic structure is best explained by nonbreeding distribution: almost all species with two or more population-specific nonbreeding areas (or seasons) have phylogeographic structure, and all species that are resident at or near breeding colonies year-round have population genetic structure. Geographic distance between colonies and foraging range appeared to have a weak influence on the extent of population genetic structure, but little evidence was found for an effect of colony dispersion or population bottlenecks. In two species (Galapagos petrel, Pterodroma phaeopygia, and Xantus's murrelet, Synthliboramphus hypoleucus), population genetic structure, and even phylogeographic structure, exist in the absence of any recognizable physical or nonphysical barrier, suggesting that other selective or behavioural processes such as philopatry may limit gene flow. Retained ancestral variation may be masking barriers to dispersal in some species, especially at high latitudes. Allopatric speciation undoubtedly occurs in this group, but reproductive isolation also appears to have evolved through founder-induced speciation, and there is strong evidence that parapatric and sympatric speciation occur. While many questions remain unanswered, results of the present review should aid conservation efforts by enabling managers to predict the extent of population differentiation in species that have not yet been studied using molecular markers, and, thus, enable the identification of management units and evolutionary significant units for conservation. 相似文献
Langqing Liu Mirte Bosse Hendrik-Jan Megens Manon de Visser Martien A. M. Groenen Ole Madsen 《Evolutionary Applications》2021,14(3):710-720
Increasing human disturbance and climate change have a major impact on habitat integrity and size, with far-reaching consequences for wild fauna and flora. Specifically, population decline and habitat fragmentation result in small, isolated populations. To what extend different endangered species can cope with small population size is still largely unknown. Studies on the genomic landscape of these species can shed light on past demographic dynamics and current genetic load, thereby also providing guidance for conservation programs. The pygmy hog (Porcula salvania) is the smallest and rarest wild pig in the world, with current estimation of only a few hundred living in the wild. Here, we analyzed whole-genome sequencing data of six pygmy hogs, three from the wild and three from a captive population, along with 30 pigs representing six other Suidae. First, we show that the pygmy hog had a very small population size with low genetic diversity over the course of the past ~1 million years. One indication of historical small effective population size is the absence of mitochondrial variation in the six sequenced individuals. Second, we evaluated the impact of historical demography. Runs of homozygosity (ROH) analysis suggests that the pygmy hog population has gone through past but not recent inbreeding. Also, the long-term, extremely small population size may have led to the accumulation of harmful mutations suggesting that the accumulation of deleterious mutations is exceeding purifying selection in this species. Thus, care has to be taken in the conservation program to avoid or minimize the potential for further inbreeding depression, and guard against environmental changes in the future. 相似文献
DENNIS L. MURRAY TODD D. STEURY JAMES D. ROTH 《The Journal of wildlife management》2008,72(7):1463-1472
Abstract The ecology of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and their main prey, snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), is poorly understood in southern Canada and the contiguous United States compared to the boreal forest of Canada and Alaska, USA, where both species are well studied. However, given recent listing of lynx under the Endangered Species Act, accurate understanding of lynx and snowshoe hare ecology and conservation requirements in the United States is a high priority. We critically examined unchallenged perceptions and important research needs related to lynx and hare ecology and conservation at the southern extent of their range. Contrary to popular dogma, lynx do not require old-growth forest for denning, but further research on lynx and hare use of fragmented landscapes at lower latitudes is required. The contention that southern lynx are subject to higher interference or exploitative competition compared to their northern counterparts remains without strong empirical support. Lynx rely more on red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and possibly other alternate prey at lower latitudes, but hares are the predominant food type for lynx across their range. Southern lynx and hare populations do not exhibit periodic cyclicity, but harvest statistics suggest that lynx abundance in the southern range is highly variable, implying that numerical fluctuations likely are fueled by immigration from Canada. Southern lynx population viability in the absence of ingress is suspect and thus maintaining connectivity with northern areas of occupancy should be a priority. Successful conservation of lynx populations in the contiguous United States will require 1) improved understanding of lynx population and habitat ecology at lower latitudes, 2) protection and management of large tracts of lynx and snowshoe hare habitat, and 3) ensured connectivity between lynx populations at the core and periphery of the species' range. However, in light of the numerous challenges facing conservation of populations of many species at their southern distributional limit, the long-term prognosis for lynx in the southern range currently is uncertain. 相似文献