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CAM induction by photoperiodism in green callus cultures from a CAM plant   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract Green calli obtained from leaves of the CAM-inducible plant Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv. Montezuma were grown either under long-day or short-day regimes in the Phytotron of Gif-sur-Yvette. Callus cells were found to be CAM inducible by the short-day treatment, according to levels and diurnal oscillations of malate pools and phosphor-enolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (EC. capacity. De novo synthesis of PEP carboxylase was shown to occur under the short-day regime. In spite of continuous net CO2 output, CAM-like patterns of CO2 exchange by calli were obtained under the short-day treatment. After 2 months under both photoperiodic conditions, spontaneous organogenesis in callus tissues gave rise to numerous shootlets which were determined as photoperiod dependent for CAM; the same was so for plants originating from these shootlets.  相似文献   

Abstract: The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 18-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat was sequenced for 31 of the approximately 40 species of Clusia known to occur in Panama. Several species from other genera of the Clusiaceae were used as outgroups in the phylogenetic calculation. High sequence alignment and minimal length variation among ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 sequences facilitated determination of positional homology of nucleotide sizes. Sequence alignment was evaluated with character state (Maximum Parsimony) and distance methods (Neighbour Joining). Phylogenetic trees obtained with the two methods were largely concordant and revealed three main groups that roughly correspond to previous arrangements of species into three large morphological groups, the C. flava group, the C. minor group and the C. multiflora group. Because species of Clusia are either regular C3 plants or exhibit crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) involving varying proportions of CO2 fixation in the dark versus the light, we mapped photosynthetic pathways onto the cladograms. Photosynthetic pathway classification was based on measurements of 13C/12C ratios of plant carbon and also on information available from the literature. Both the C. flava and C. minor group contained species exhibiting CAM, distributed on distinct branches of the cladograms, whereas the third group ( C. multiflora group) was composed of species which are not known to use CAM.  相似文献   

Abstract. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers., a plant having crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), was grown in high light (16–23 mol photons m−2 d−1) and in the shade (0.8–2.1 mol photons m−2 d−1), respectively. Plants were stressed in three ways, i.e. by transfer from high light to shade or vice versa just before measurements, and by withholding nitrogen and/or water. During the day-night cycle of CAM, K. pinnata showed day-night changes of citrate levels (Δ citrate) in addition to malate changes (Δ malate). Changes of leaf-cell sap osmotic pressure. Δπ, were linearly correlated with these changes of organic-acid anion levels with a relation of Δπ/(Δ citrate +Δ malate) = 1/1. The environmental stressor, i.e. limited N-nutrition, drought and higher or lower irradiance than experienced during growth, affected the absolute and relative contributions made by Δ citrate and Δ malate to total nocturnal organic-acid accumulation. In the high-light-grown plants transferred to the shade, changes of citrate levels were much less affected than changes of malate levels by the generally decreased metabolic activity and inhibition of CO2 uptake. In the shade-grown plants, Δ citrate increased in response to stress imposed by interactive effects of the three stressors.  相似文献   

Abstract Stem chlorenchymatous cells from well-watered and water-stressed plants of Cissus quadrangularis L. were examined to evaluate the effect of drying on cell structure and metabolism. At a stem relative water content as low as 52-58%, cellular integrity was maintained, but some qualitative and quantitative alterations occurred. Chlorophyll coment was higher in stressed plants, and the intact photosynthetic apparatus exhibited an increased degree of thylakoid stacking paralleled by a lower chlorophyll a/h ratio. Overnight malate accumulation was very low. Starch was retained but its day/night fluctuation was practically suppressed. Plastosomes were smaller and fewer, and the range of their daily fluctuation was very reduced. Vacuoles underwent fragmentation and accumulated osmiophilic deposits. The maintenance of the cellular integrity accounts for the ability of C. quadrangularis to recover rapidly from water stress.  相似文献   

The discovery of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in the trees of Clusia: arrival in the limelight of international research 8 II. Phylogeny 8 III. Photosynthetic physiotypes 10 IV. Metabolic flexibility: organic acid variations 12 V. The environmental control of photosynthetic flexibility 13 VI. Phenotypic plasticity: physiotypes and morphotypes 16 VII. Ecological amplitude and habitat impact 16 VIII. Conclusions and outlook 21 Acknowledgements 22 References 22 Summary It is the aim of this review to present a monographic survey of the neotropical genus Clusia on scaling levels from molecular phylogeny, metabolism, photosynthesis and autecological environmental responses to ecological amplitude and synecological habitat impact. Clusia is the only dicotyledonous genus with real trees performing crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). By way of introduction, a brief historical reminiscence describes the discovery of CAM in Clusia and the consequent increase in interest in studying this particular genus of tropical shrubs and trees. The molecular phylogeny of CAM in the genus is compared with that in Kalancho? and the Bromeliaceae. At the level of metabolism and photosynthesis, the great plasticity of expression of photosynthetic physiotypes, i.e. (i) C(3) photosynthesis, (ii) CAM including CAM idling, (iii) CAM cycling and (iv) C(3)/CAM-intermediate behaviour, as well as metabolic flexibility in Clusia is illustrated. At the level of autecology, the factors water, irradiance and temperature, which control photosynthetic flexibility, are assessed. The phenotypic plasticity of physiotypes and morphotypes is described. At the level of synecology, the ecological amplitude of Clusia in the tropics and the relations to habitat are surveyed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Members of the Clusiaceae genus Clusia (tropical trees and shrubs) belong to the small group of dicotyledonous trees which are able to perform crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Most of the species are able to switch between C3 and CAM modes of photosynthesis and only a few are restricted to either C3 or CAM. In order to discover possible phylogenetic relationships with regard to the mode of photosynthesis, we investigated 17 species of the genus Clusia, and one species each of the Clusiaceae genera Oedematopus and Hypericum on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences between the 18S and 26S coding regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Little length variation was detected in the ITS region of Clusia species. ITS1 sequences ranged from 255 to 260 bp and ITS2 sequences from 208 to 210 bp. Neighbour-joining and parsimony analyses of these sequences resulted in considerable differences in cluster formation when compared to a classification based on morphological characteristics. The molecular data also give no indication of a group-specific evolution of modes of photosynthesis, i.e., C3 and CAM. We thus conclude that CAM has evolved independently several times within the genus Clusia.  相似文献   

It is a common belief that plant mesophyll cells are occupied up to 95% by a single multipurpose vacuole. The common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., however, requires two contrasting functions of the vacuole under salt stress. Large amounts of NaCl have to be sequestered permanently for osmotic purpose and for protecting the cytoplasm from NaCl toxicity. A dynamic exchange with the cytoplasm is required because photosynthesis proceeds under these conditions via the metabolic cycle of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Nocturnally acquired CO2 must be kept as malate in the vacuole and re-mobilized in the daytime. Here, we show that two large independent types of vacuoles with different transport properties meet the requirements for the contrasting functions within the same cell.  相似文献   

Abstract: Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging is a powerful tool to monitor temporal and spatial dynamics of photosynthesis and photosynthesis-related metabolism. In this communication, we use high resolution chlorophyll fluorescence imaging techniques under strictly controlled conditions to quantify day courses of relative effective quantum yield (φPSII) of an entire leaf of the crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant Kalanchoë daigremontiana at different light intensities. Careful interpretation of the combined gas exchange and fluorescence data, in combination with micro malate samples, allow the interpretation of underlying metabolic properties, such as leaf internal CO2 concentration (ciCO2) and energy demand of the cells. Spatial variations of φPSII, which occur as running wave fronts at the transition from phase III to phase IV of CAM, may reflect spatial differences of ciCO2, which are preserved in the tightly packed mesophyll cells of K. daigremontiana. An endogenous rhythm is driven by a master switch which mediates between malate storage and malate release to and from the vacuole, however, using fluorescence techniques, four different metabolic states can be distinguished which also account for the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase.  相似文献   

ATP and ADP increased in cut-injured sweet potato root tissue during the 3 to 6-hr incubation period, and showed the maximum for the 9 to 18-hr, and 6 to 9-hr incubation periods, respectively, then decreased. ATP was present in the highest amount among ATP, ADP and AMP throughout the 72-hr incubation period, while AMP was in the lowest. Total acid-soluble nucleotides increased gradually, and showed the peak content at the 12-hr incubation period, and decreased thereafter. Adenine mononucleotides such as ATP, ADP and AMP occupied about 40 to 65% of total acid-soluble nucleotides.  相似文献   

This study provides the first comparative analysis of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase isoforms (PEPc; EC in an obligate crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant, Vanilla planifolia Salisb. (Orchidaceae). Nocturnal CO2 fixation and malate accumulation by the leaves and the green stem show that these organs perform CAM. The chloroplast-containing aerial roots, however, exhibit C3 photosynthesis. The catalytic activity of PEPc was highest in the leaves compared with the stem and aerial roots. The Km (PEP) and Ki (malate) were similar in the PEPc extracted from leaf and aerial roots, and significant higher in stem. cDNA was obtained from those tissues and also from the soil-grown roots, and various cDNA clones were detected and amplified by means of RT-PCR and RACE-PCR. The amino-acid sequences of the PEPc isoforms deduced from the cDNA showed a great degree of homology, and Southern blot analysis suggests that the encoding genes form a small multigene family of at least two members. One PEPc isoform (PpcV1) is assumed to be related to CAM because, as shown by northern blot analysis, it is mainly expressed in the CAM-performing organs, i.e. in the leaves and the stem. A further isoform (PpcV2) was identified in the soil-grown roots and aerial roots, but northern blots show that to some extent PpcV2 is also expressed in the leaf and the stem tissues. Thus, it is assumed that PpcV2 encodes the housekeeping isoform of PEPc. Altogether, the present study provides support in favour of the view that isoforms of PEPc are related to specific functions.  相似文献   

Abstract. When detached leaves of Sedum telephium are incubated in the absence of water, a rapid switch from C3 photosynthesis to CAM (as indicated by the onset of day-to-night fluctuations in titratable acidity. ΔH+) occurs within the first dark period. The C3-CAM switch in intact plants occurs within 3 5d. Extractable activity of phospho enol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) increases five-fold in intact plants during CAM induction; however, during rapid CAM induction in detached leaves, there is only a very small increase in PEPC activity. Fractionation by anion exchange chromatography of crude extracts from leaves of intact plants subjected to water deficit shows that CAM induction is associated with the appearance of a molecular species of PEPC termed PEPC I. PEPC I is barely detectable in well-watered plants which are not performing CAM. The major form in these plants is termed PEPC II. In leaves from intact plants, there is a significant positive correlation between PEPC I activity and ΔH+ during a period of increasing water deficit. PEPC I exhibits day to night fluctuations in malate sensitivity, being less sensitive during the dark period. In contrast, PEPC II is more sensitive to inhibition by malate and has no day to night fluctuation in sensitivity. In detached leaves deprived of water, a small increase in PEPC I capacity is detected at the end of the first dark period (20 h after the start of treatment). The results suggest that PEPC I is required for attainment of maximum nocturnal malic acid synthesis. There is a significant correlation between leaf water status (relative water content), ΔH+, total PEPC and PEPC I activity suggesting that the internal water status of the plant may be a trigger for CAM induction. Abscisic acid applied to detached leaves does not cause nocturnal acidification.  相似文献   

Abstract The paper reports the results of the comprehensive study of crassulacean acid metabolism in two epiphytic tropical ferns, Drymoglossum piloselloides and Pyrrosia longifolia. The plants were investigated under different light, temperature and water status. It was found that both species are obligate CAM plants. The diurnal acidity rhythm is due to the fluctuation in malic acid concentration, which accounts for the change in titratable acidity. Besides malic acid, shikimate and oxalate are found to be present, but not contributing to the CAM acid rhythm. The diurnal rhythm of malic acid content results in a corresponding rhythm in leaf water relations. Both ΦΦ and Φtotal, were lowest at the end of the night, i.e. when the level of malic acid was highest. The effects of temperature on CO2 exchange were inverse to those observed in other CAM plants. In both ferns studied, dark CO2 fixation increased when the night temperature was increased. Increase in day temperature reduced CO2 uptake during phase IV and during the following night. The observed responses of the ferns to temperature changes suggest that the in situ environmental conditions are optimal for their CAM performance. In weak light, the plants showed net CO2 output during the midday deacidification period. Increases in light intensity reduced such CO2 output. Under drought conditions, the CO2 exchange in the ferns was reduced to zero within 5–6 d, indicating that the ferns studied are more susceptible to water deficiency than other CAM plants. This could be due to a higher cuticular conductance for water. The results are discussed, in particular, in relation to CAM performance of epiphytes growing in the wet tropics.  相似文献   

Abstract: Clusia multiflora H. B. K., an obligate C3 species and Clusia minor L. a C3/CAM intermediate species, are two physio-types of a similar morphotype. They can sympatrically occupy secondary savanna sites exposed to high insolation in the tropics. In C. multiflora severe stress, i.e., switching shade-grown plants to high light plus drought, resulted in leaves browning or yellowing and becoming necrotic. However, in long-term light stress C. multiflora was able to grow new leaves with their photosynthetic apparatus fit for high light conditions. Shade-grown C. minor readily overcame switching to high light conditions and drought, responding by a rapid change from C3 photosynthesis to CAM. Decreasing soil led to increased abscisic acid levels in the leaves of C. minor, however CAM induction was not directly related to this and was mainly determined by increased PPFD. Both species were capable of rapid accumulation of zea-xanthin for acute photoprotection following high PPFD exposure. The maximum capacity for zeaxanthin accumulation was larger in C. minor, but under steady high PPFD it only partially made use of this capacity, relying on high internal CO2 concentrations of Phase Ill of CAM, in addition to zeaxanthin, for acute photo-protection. Thus, by different means the two species perform well under high light conditions. However, C. multiflora needs time for development of adapted leaves under such stress conditions while the more flexible C. minor can readily switch from low light to high light conditions.  相似文献   

The gradients in photosynthetic and carbohydrate metabolism which persist within the fully expanded second leaf of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) were examined. Although all regions of the leaf blade were green and photosynthetically active, the basal 5 cm, representing approximately 20% of the leaf area, retained some characteristics of sink tissue. The leaf blade distal from the leaf sheath exhibited characteristics typical of source tissue; the activities of sucrolytic enzymes (invertase and sucrose synthase) were relatively low, whilst that of sucrose phosphate synthase was high. These regions of the leaf accumulated sucrose throughout the photoperiod and starch only in the second half of the photoperiod whilst hexose sugars remained low. By contrast the leaf blade proximal to the leaf sheath retained relatively high activities of sucrolytic enzymes (especially soluble, acid invertase) whilst sucrose phosphate synthase activity was low. Glucose, as well as sucrose, accumulated throughout the photoperiod. Although starch accumulated in the second half of the photoperiod, a basal level of starch was present throughout the photoperiod, by contrast with the rest of the leaf. The 14CO2 feeding experiments indicated that a constant amount of photosynthate was partitioned towards starch in this region of the leaf irrespective of irradiance. These findings are interpreted as the base of the leaf blade acting as a localized sink for carbohydrate as a result of sucrose hydrolysis by acid invertase.  相似文献   

Variations in physiology and metabolic products of Cistus creticus subsp. eriocephalus along an altitudinal gradient (350–750 m.a.s.l.) within the Monti Lucretili Regional Natural Park (central Italy) were studied. The results showed that the phenol production was in relationship with the net photosynthetic rates and the chlorophyll content. In particular, the increasing caffeic acid (CA) content with altitude suggested its role in providing an additional photo‐protection mechanism, by its ability to consume photochemical reducing power and acting as an alternative C‐atom sink under high light conditions. The metabolic production was tested by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) fingerprint analysis, highlighting the potential of this technique in biologic studies.  相似文献   

The toxic side effects of certain antimicrobial agents are probably related to their membrane damaging properties. Thus it should be possible to use measurement of membrane damage in vitro for evaluation of the potential toxicity in vivo of such antibiotics. We estimated the membrane damage induced in cultured human fibroblasts by anti-microbial agents, such as polyene antibiotics, sodium fusidate and polymyxin B as well as derivatives of some of these. Degree and character of membrane damage was determined on basis of leakage of three defined cytoplasmic markers from prelabelled cells after treatment with test substance.By comparing the minimal inhibitory concentrations against the target microbial cells (MIC) with the amounts needed to cause membrane damage of human cells (ED50) a ‘therapeutic dose range’ was obtained (ED50/MIC). The therapeutic dose range and the character of induced membrane damage were compared with the relative toxicities in vivo of each test substance. Highly toxic agents caused large functional ‘holes’ and/or showed a narrow therapeutic dose range, whereas less toxic substances induced smaller functional holes and/or had a larger therapeutic dose range. These parameters, evaluated in the presented model system, should be useful for an indication of potential toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the phenotypic adaptation of tonoplast fluidity in the CAM plant Kalancho? daigremontiana to changes in growth temperature. Tonoplast fluidity was characterized by measuring fluorescence depolarization in membranes labeled with fluorescent fatty acid analogues and by following formation of eximeres in membranes labeled by eximere-forming fluorophores. With both techniques it was found that exposure of the plants to higher growth temperature compared with the control decreased the fluidity of the tonoplast while exposure to lower growth temperature caused the opposite. Three hours of high temperature treatment (raised from 25°C to 35°C; ``heat shock') were sufficient to decrease the tonoplast fluidity to roughly the same extent as growth under high temperature for 30 days. The phenotypic response of tonoplast fluidity to changes in growth temperature was found only in the complete membrane, not however in the lipid matrix deprived of the membrane proteins. Heat treatments of the plants decreased the lipid/protein ratio while exposure to low temperature (for 30 days) increased it. Heat treatments led to a decrease in the percentage of linolenic acid (C18:3) and linoleic acid (C18:2), heat shock and low temperature treatments induced an increase in the percentage of linoleic acid (C18:3), with concomitant decrease in the percentage of linoleic acid (C18:2). However, in the case of heat shock, increase in linolenic acid concerned mainly monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, while with low temperature treatment linoleic acid increased in phosphatidylcholine. Both treatment of the plants with high and low temperature led to a slight decrease in the contribution of phosphatidylcholine and phosphoethanolamine to the total phospholipid content of the tonoplast. High-temperature treatment of the plants not only decreased the phospholipid/protein ratio in the tonoplast, but also led to the occurrence of a 35 kDa polypeptide in the tonoplast which cross-reacted with an antiserum against the tonoplast H+-ATPase holoenzyme. The important role of membrane proteins in bringing about the phenotypic rigidization of the tonoplast was mimicked by reconstitution experiments showing that incorporation of the proteins isolated from the tonoplast into phosphatidylcholine vesicles decreased the fluidity of this membrane system. As to be expected from the analyses in the natural membrane, the degree of this effect depended on the phospholipid/protein ratio. Received: 4 March 1998/Revised: 28 July 1998  相似文献   

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