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Since meat from poultry colonized with Campylobacter spp. is a major cause of bacterial gastroenteritis, human exposure should be reduced by, among other things, prevention of colonization of broiler flocks. To obtain more insight into possible sources of introduction of Campylobacter into broiler flocks, it is essential to estimate the moment that the first bird in a flock is colonized. If the rate of transmission within a flock were known, such an estimate could be determined from the change in the prevalence of colonized birds in a flock over time. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of transmission of Campylobacter using field data gathered for 5 years for Australian broiler flocks. We used unique sampling data for 42 Campylobacter jejuni-colonized flocks and estimated the transmission rate, which is defined as the number of secondary infections caused by one colonized bird per day. The estimate was 2.37 ± 0.295 infections per infectious bird per day, which implies that in our study population colonized flocks consisting of 20,000 broilers would have an increase in within-flock prevalence to 95% within 4.4 to 7.2 days after colonization of the first broiler. Using Bayesian analysis, the moment of colonization of the first bird in a flock was estimated to be from 21 days of age onward in all flocks in the study. This study provides an important quantitative estimate of the rate of transmission of Campylobacter in broiler flocks, which could be helpful in future studies on the epidemiology of Campylobacter in the field.  相似文献   

Campylobacteriosis is the most frequent food-borne human enteritis. The major source for infection with Campylobacter spp. is broiler meat. Risk assessments consider the reduction of Campylobacter in primary production to be most beneficial for human health. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of a bacteriophage application under commercial conditions which had proved to be effective in previous noncommercial studies under controlled experimental conditions. A phage cocktail for Campylobacter reduction was tested on three commercial broiler farms each with a control and an experimental group. Colonization of Campylobacter was confirmed prior to phage application in fecal samples. Subsequently, a phage cocktail was applied via drinking water in the experimental group (log10 5.8 to 7.5 PFU/bird). One day after phage application, Campylobacter counts of one experimental group were reduced under the detection limit (<50 CFU/g, P = 0.0140) in fecal samples. At slaughter, a significant reduction of >log10 3.2 CFU/g cecal content compared to the control was still detected (P = 0.0011). No significant reduction was observed in the experimental groups of the other trials. However, a significant drop in cecal Campylobacter counts occurred in a phage-contaminated control. These results suggest that maximum reduction of Campylobacter at the slaughterhouse might be achieved by phage application 1 to 4 days prior to slaughter.  相似文献   

In order to determine the occurrence and frequency of resistant strains of the bacterium Campylobacter jejuni and to establish baseline MICs in isolates from an environmental reservoir, the resistance profiles of 10 antimicrobial substances were determined for 137 C. jejuni isolates from wild birds in Sweden. Observed MICs were generally low, with only low to moderate incidence of resistance to the tested compounds. One isolate, however, was resistant to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin, indicating that quinolone-resistant genotypes of C. jejuni have the potential to spread to wild bird hosts.  相似文献   

The pathogens Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are commensals in the poultry intestine and campylobacteriosis is one of the most frequent foodborne diseases in developed and developing countries. Phages were identified to be effective in reducing intestinal Campylobacter load and this was evaluated, in the first field trials which were recently carried out. The aim of this study was to further investigate Campylobacter population dynamics during phage application on a commercial broiler farm. This study determines the superiority in colonisation of a Campylobacter type found in a field trial that was susceptible to phages in in vitro tests. The colonisation factors, i.e. motility and gamma glutamyl transferase activity, were increased in this type. The clustering in phylogenetic comparisons of MALDI-TOF spectra did not match the ST, biochemical phenotype and phage susceptibility. Occurrence of Campylobacter jejuni strains and phage susceptibility types with different colonisation potential seem to play a very important role in the success of phage therapy in commercial broiler houses. Thus, mechanisms of both, phage susceptibility and Campylobacter colonisation should be further investigated and considered when composing phage cocktails.  相似文献   

A set of C. jejuni isolates of different origins and flaA-genotypes obtained throughout the broiler meat production chain was tested in this study for a possible correlation of their origin, phylogenetic relationship, and phenotypic properties. Interestingly, the results showed a correlation of the origin and the phylogenetic relationship between the C. jejuni isolates and their ability to form biofilm, but not in their ability to survive at -18, 5, 20, and 48?°C. Two strains, a broiler cloacae isolate and a broiler fillet isolate, were unable to develop biofilm, while most of the C. jejuni isolates originating from meat and surfaces of the slaughterhouse readily formed biofilms after both 24, 48, and 72?h. Interestingly, these biofilm-forming strains were closely related. Furthermore, two strains that were isolated after disinfection developed significantly more biofilms after 24?h of incubation than the remaining strains. A comparative genomic analysis using DNA microarrays showed that the gene contents of strains that efficiently formed biofilms were different from those that did not. The study suggests that biofilm formation might be a lineage specific property, allowing C. jejuni to both survive environmental stress at the slaughterhouse and to attach to the surface of meat.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in most parts of the world. The bacterium has a broad host range and has been isolated from many animals and environments. To investigate shedding patterns and putative effects on an avian host, we developed a colonization model in which a wild bird species, the European Robin Erithacus rubecula, was inoculated orally with C. jejuni from either a human patient or from another wild bird species, the Song Thrush Turdus philomelos. These two isolates were genetically distinct from each other and provoked very different host responses. The Song Thrush isolate colonized all challenged birds and colonization lasted 6.8 days on average. Birds infected with this isolate also showed a transient but significant decrease in body mass. The human isolate did not colonize the birds and could be detected only in the feces of the birds shortly after inoculation. European Robins infected with the wild bird isolate generated a specific antibody response to C. jejuni membrane proteins from the avian isolate, which also was cross-reactive to membrane proteins of the human isolate. In contrast, European Robins infected with the human isolate did not mount a significant response to bacterial membrane proteins from either of the two isolates. The difference in colonization ability could indicate host adaptations.  相似文献   

Campylobacter infections are increasing and pose a serious public health problem in Denmark. Infections in humans and broiler flocks show similar seasonality, suggesting that climate may play a role in infection. We examined the effects of temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and hours of sunlight on Campylobacter incidence in humans and broiler flocks by using lag dependence functions, locally fitted linear models, and cross validation methods. For humans, the best model included average temperature and sunlight 4 weeks prior to infection; the maximum temperature lagged at 4 weeks was the best single predictor. For broilers, the average and maximum temperatures 3 weeks prior to slaughter gave the best estimate; the average temperature lagged at 3 weeks was the best single predictor. The combined effects of temperature and sunlight or the combined effects of temperature and relative humidity predicted the incidence in humans equally well. For broiler flock incidence these factors explained considerably less. Future research should focus on elements within the broiler environment that may be affected by climate, as well as the interaction of microclimatic factors on and around broiler farms. There is a need to quantify the contribution of broilers as a source of campylobacteriosis in humans and to further examine the effect of temperature on human incidence after this contribution is accounted for. Investigations should be conducted into food consumption and preparation practices and poultry sales that may vary by season.  相似文献   

In many industrialized countries, the incidence of campylobacteriosis exceeds that of salmonellosis. Campylobacter bacteria are transmitted to humans mainly in food, especially poultry meat products. Total prevention of Campylobacter colonization in broiler flocks is the best way to reduce (or eliminate) the contamination of poultry products. The aim of this study was to establish the sources and routes of contamination of broilers at the farm level. Molecular typing methods (DNA macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and analysis of gene polymorphism by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism) were used to characterize isolates collected from seven broiler farms. The relative genomic diversity of Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni was determined. Analysis of the similarity among 116 defined genotypes was used to determine clusters within the two species. Furthermore, evidence of recombination suggested that there were genomic rearrangements within the Campylobacter populations. Recovery of related clusters from different broiler farms showed that some Campylobacter strains might be specifically adapted to poultry. Analysis of the Campylobacter cluster distribution on three broiler farms showed that soil in the area around the poultry house was a potential source of Campylobacter contamination. The broilers were infected by Campylobacter spp. between days 15 and 36 during rearing, and the type of contamination changed during the rearing period. A study of the effect of sanitary barriers showed that the chickens stayed Campylobacter spp. free until they had access to the open area. They were then rapidly colonized by the Campylobacter strains isolated from the soil.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of bacteriophages and their hosts was carried out at a broiler house that had been identified as having a population of Campylobacter-specific bacteriophages. Cloacal and excreta samples were collected from three successive broiler flocks reared in the same barn. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from each flock, whereas bacteriophages could be isolated from flocks 1 and 2 but were not isolated from flock 3. The bacteriophages isolated from flocks 1 and 2 were closely related to each other in terms of host range, morphology, genome size, and genetic content. All Campylobacter isolates from flock 1 were genotypically indistinguishable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE and multilocus sequence typing indicated that this C. jejuni type was maintained from flock 1 to flock 2 but was largely superseded by three genetically distinct C. jejuni types insensitive to the resident bacteriophages. All isolates from the third batch of birds were insensitive to bacteriophages and genotypically distinct. These results are significant because this is the first study of an environmental population of C. jejuni bacteriophages and their influence on the Campylobacter populations of broiler house chickens. The role of developing bacteriophage resistance was investigated as this is a possible obstacle to the use of bacteriophage therapy to reduce the numbers of campylobacters in chickens. In this broiler house succession was largely due to incursion of new genotypes rather than to de novo development of resistance.  相似文献   

The study aimed to identify sources of campylobacter in 10 housed broiler flocks from three United Kingdom poultry companies. Samples from (i) the breeder flocks, which supplied the broilers, (ii) cleaned and disinfected houses prior to chick placement, (iii) the chickens, and (iv) the environments inside and outside the broiler houses during rearing were examined. Samples were collected at frequent intervals and examined for Campylobacter spp. Characterization of the isolates using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), serotyping, phage typing, and flaA restriction fragment length polymorphism typing was performed. Seven flocks became colonized during the growing period. Campylobacter spp. were detected in the environment surrounding the broiler house, prior to as well as during flock colonization, for six of these flocks. On two occasions, isolates detected in a puddle just prior to the birds being placed were indistinguishable from those colonizing the birds. Once flocks were colonized, indistinguishable strains of campylobacter were found in the feed and water and in the air of the broiler house. Campylobacter spp. were also detected in the air up to 30 m downstream of the broiler house, which raises the issue of the role of airborne transmission in the spread of campylobacter. At any time during rearing, broiler flocks were colonized by only one or two types determined by MLST but these changed, with some strains superseding others. In conclusion, the study provided strong evidence for the environment as a source of campylobacters colonizing housed broiler flocks. It also demonstrated colonization by successive campylobacter types determined by MLST during the life of a flock.  相似文献   

To obtain genetic information about Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli from broilers and carcasses at slaughterhouses, we analyzed and compared 340 isolates that were collected in 2008 from the cecum right after slaughter or from the neck skin after processing. We performed rpoB sequence-based identification, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and flaB sequence-based typing; we additionally analyzed mutations within the 23S rRNA and gyrA genes that confer resistance to macrolide and quinolone antibiotics, respectively. The rpoB-based identification resulted in a distribution of 72.0% C. jejuni and 28.0% C. coli. The MLST analysis revealed that there were 59 known sequence types (STs) and 6 newly defined STs. Most of the STs were grouped into 4 clonal complexes (CC) that are typical for poultry (CC21, CC45, CC257, and CC828), and these represented 61.8% of all of the investigated isolates. The analysis of 95 isolates from the cecum and from the corresponding carcass neck skin covered 44 different STs, and 54.7% of the pairs had matching genotypes. The data indicate that cross-contamination from various sources during slaughter may occur, although the majority of Campylobacter contamination on carcasses appeared to originate from the slaughtered flock itself. Mutations in the 23S rRNA gene were found in 3.1% of C. coli isolates, although no mutations were found in C. jejuni isolates. Mutations in the gyrA gene were observed in 18.9% of C. jejuni and 26.8% of C. coli isolates, which included two C. coli strains that carried mutations conferring resistance to both classes of antibiotics. A relationship between specific genotypes and antibiotic resistance/susceptibility was observed.Campylobacteriosis is the leading food-borne bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide (12, 15). In Switzerland, the number of registered campylobacteriosis cases has rapidly increased to more than 100 per 100,000 inhabitants in the past few years (14), and this trend has also been observed in the European Union (EU) (12). However, the real number of cases is likely higher, because not all cases are reported due to the self-limiting nature of the disease and its potentially mild symptoms.Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are commonly associated with human infection, and they can be detected in up to 85% and 15% of cases, respectively (33). Despite the important role that C. jejuni and C. coli play as zoonotic pathogens worldwide, there is little information regarding the route(s) of transmission (17). Numerous case-control and modeling studies on the infection sources of C. jejuni and C. coli have suggested that handling and consumption of contaminated poultry meat are associated with a risk of human campylobacteriosis (17, 45, 47, 49, 51). Initial meat contamination with C. jejuni or C. coli from the chicken intestine may occur during commonly used automated slaughter processing through several routes, such as the air, water, previously slaughtered flocks, or machinery (19, 36, 37).Precise genotyping and continuous comparison of the strains obtained from, e.g., the production site, flocks, slaughterhouse, retail meat, and infected humans would help to trace the source of infection and might indicate possible intervention strategies for the contaminated site.DNA sequence-based typing methods, such as multilocus sequence typing (MLST), are well suited for this purpose (28), and MLST has become the method of choice for genotyping of Campylobacter (6, 8). Moreover, extension of the classical MLST technique for C. jejuni and C. coli with sequencing of the short variable region (SVR) within the flagellin-encoding gene flaB allows a more precise differentiation among strains that have the same MLST sequence type (ST) (9, 29). An extended MLST work flow was recently developed that reduces the associated time and cost (24). In addition, the new approach allows genetic determination of antibiotic resistance to quinolones and macrolides. Resistance to these antibiotics is a worldwide issue of concern, as an increasing number of Campylobacter isolates are resistant to them. Strikingly, a number of strains are resistant to ciprofloxacin (a quinolone) and, to a lesser extent, erythromycin (a macrolide), which is problematic, because these drugs are typically used to treat campylobacteriosis. Resistance to quinolones is mainly associated with a point mutation in the DNA gyrase gene (gyrA) at position C257T, and a transition in the 23S rRNA gene at position A2075G is commonly responsible for macrolide resistance (1). Simple sequence-based analysis of these common mutational positions can therefore provide information about the antibiotic susceptibility or resistance of a strain. Besides the prudent use of antibiotics, knowledge about the genetic composition of the infectious agent can be helpful to both treat the disease and prevent the spread of resistant strains.In the current study, MLST, flaB typing, and sequence-based determination of quinolone and macrolide resistances were used to investigate the genetic background of C. jejuni and C. coli isolates collected from Swiss broilers in a spatiotemporal study in 2008. We addressed the following three aspects: (i) the diversity of Campylobacter isolates that were recovered from pooled cecum samples and the carcass neck skin, (ii) the possible impact of cross- and self-contamination during slaughter, and (iii) the antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter strains from the broiler flocks and chicken carcasses. All of the data, including the strain information and trace files, were entered into a commercial Web-based Campylobacter MLST database (SmartGene, Zug, Switzerland). This database allows users to retrieve and compare information for any analyzed strain for monitoring purposes (24).  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the prevalence of quinolone resistance among Campylobacter jejuni and Camp. coli isolates from Danish poultry at the farm level, as well as for the whole country. METHODS AND RESULTS: Data and isolates were collected from a national surveillance of Campylobacter in poultry. Quinolone resistance was investigated by determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to nalidixic acid and enrofloxacin. Among Camp. jejuni and Camp. coli combined, 7.5% were resistant to nalidixic acid. Quinolone resistance varied considerably from farm to farm, with 0% on some farms and almost 100% on others, but the resistance was evenly distributed geographically. With respect to isolates from farms where resistance was detected, quinolone resistance was higher among Camp. coli (28.7%) than among Camp. jejuni (11.3%). PFGE typing of quinolone-resistant and quinolone-susceptible isolates from four farms indicated that certain resistant isolates belonged to specific clones that were able to persist on the farms during several rotations, even in the absence of selective pressure. Some clones were present and repeatedly isolated in both a quinolone-susceptible and quinolone-resistant variant. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, quinolone resistance among Campylobacter isolates from Danish broilers was 7.5% in 1998 and 1999; it was higher among Camp. coli than Camp. jejuni. Genetic diversity among resistant isolates was lower than among susceptible isolates, and certain clones existed in both a resistant and a susceptible variant. Some resistant clones appeared to persist on the farms and were repeatedly isolated from poultry flocks. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study is important for the understanding of persistence and dynamics of Campylobacter in broiler houses. It also highlights the extent, farm-to-farm variation and persistence of quinolone-resistant Campylobacter in broiler houses.  相似文献   

Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and antibiotic resistance patterns of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli from retail chicken meat showed high overlap with isolates collected at slaughterhouses, indicating little selection along the production chain. They also showed significant common sequence types with human clinical isolates, revealing chicken meat as a likely source for human infection.  相似文献   

Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) extended with flaB typing of 425 Campylobacter jejuni isolates and 42 Campylobacter coli isolates revealed quite a low overlap between human isolates from travel-associated and domestic cases in Switzerland. Men were more frequently affected by Campylobacter than women, but strains from women and, overall, from travel-associated cases showed mutations conferring quinolone resistance more frequently than strains from men and domestic cases, respectively.  相似文献   

Poultry isolates of Campylobacter jejuni derived from a survey of meat processing batches were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of chromosomal DNA to establish the clonal relationships between single-colony isolates. In the majority of batches studied, one or two genotype patterns predominated. However, in one batch (batch A), 21 single-colony isolates gave 14 different PFGE genotypes. The banding patterns obtained with SmaI were sufficiently different to distinguish between genotypes, although the patterns also produced many common bands. The question of whether these isolates represented different clones or had a common clonal ancestry was addressed by additional genotypic and phenotypic methods. Restriction length polymorphism of PCR products obtained from the flagellin genes showed an identical flagellin genotype for all of these isolates. In contrast, unrelated control isolates resulted in different flagellin genotypes. Moreover, all 14 different PFGE genotypes of batch A had identical Penner serotypes and identical or similar biotypes and phage types. It was concluded that the isolates were of clonal origin and that the diversity in the PFGE banding patterns had most likely originated from genomic rearrangements. However, the PFGE genotypes were shown to be stable upon subculturing in vitro and after in vivo passage in chickens, and natural transformation between isogenic mutants carrying antibiotic markers did not occur in vivo in a chick colonization model. The possible mechanisms for the hypothesized genomic recombinations and the conditions that allow, induce, or select for such events are discussed.  相似文献   

Penner serotyping has been the principal method for differentiating Campylobacter isolates since its inception. Campylobacter capsule polysaccharide (CPS), the principal serodeterminant on which Penner serotyping is based, is presently of interest as a vaccine component. To determine the required valency of an effective CPS-based vaccine, a comprehensive understanding of CPS distribution is needed. Because of the association between Penner serotype and CPS, we conducted a systematic review to estimate the frequency and distribution of Penner serotypes associated with cases of Campylobacteriosis. In total, more than 21,000 sporadic cases of C. jejuni cases were identified for inclusion. While regional variation exists, distribution estimates indicate that eight serotypes accounted for more than half of all sporadic diarrheal cases globally and three serotypes (HS4 complex, HS2, and HS1/44) were dominant inter-regionally as well as globally. Furthermore, a total of 17 different serotypes reached a representation of 2% or greater in at least one of the five regions sampled. While this review is an important first step in defining CPS distribution, these results make it clear that significant gaps remain in our knowledge. Eliminating these gaps will be critical to future vaccine development efforts.  相似文献   

Of 471 specimens examined from foxes, raccoons, muskrats, otters, and beavers living in wetlands adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay, 36 were positive for five types of Cryptosporidium, including the C. canis dog and fox genotypes, Cryptosporidium muskrat genotypes I and II, and Cryptosporidium skunk genotype. Thus, fur-bearing mammals in watersheds excreted host-adapted Cryptosporidium oocysts that are not known to be of significant public health importance.  相似文献   

Colonization of broiler chickens by the enteric pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is widespread and difficult to prevent. Bacteriophage therapy is one possible means by which this colonization could be controlled, thus limiting the entry of campylobacters into the human food chain. Prior to evaluating the efficacy of phage therapy, experimental models of Campylobacter colonization of broiler chickens were established by using low-passage C. jejuni isolates HPC5 and GIIC8 from United Kingdom broiler flocks. The screening of 53 lytic bacteriophage isolates against a panel of 50 Campylobacter isolates from broiler chickens and 80 strains isolated after human infection identified two phage candidates with broad host lysis. These phages, CP8 and CP34, were orally administered in antacid suspension, at different dosages, to 25-day-old broiler chickens experimentally colonized with the C. jejuni broiler isolates. Phage treatment of C. jejuni-colonized birds resulted in Campylobacter counts falling between 0.5 and 5 log10 CFU/g of cecal contents compared to untreated controls over a 5-day period postadministration. These reductions were dependent on the phage-Campylobacter combination, the dose of phage applied, and the time elapsed after administration. Campylobacters resistant to bacteriophage infection were recovered from phage-treated chickens at a frequency of <4%. These resistant types were compromised in their ability to colonize experimental chickens and rapidly reverted to a phage-sensitive phenotype in vivo. The selection of appropriate phage and their dose optimization are key elements for the success of phage therapy to reduce campylobacters in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Poultry has long been cited as a reservoir for Campylobacter spp., and litter has been implicated as a vehicle in their transmission. Chicks were raised on litter removed from a broiler house positive for Campylobacter jejuni. Litter was removed from the house on days 0, 3, and 9 after birds were removed for slaughter. Chicks were raised on these three litters under controlled conditions in flocks of 25. None of these birds yielded C. jejuni in their cecal droppings through 7 weeks. Two successive flocks from the same Campylobacter-positive broiler house were monitored for Campylobacter colonization. Campylobacter jejuni prevalence rates were determined for each flock. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR and 23S rRNA-PCR typing methods were used to group isolates. A high prevalence (60%) of C. jejuni in flock 1 coincided with the presence of an RAPD profile not appearing in flock 2, which had a lower rate of prevalence (28%). A 23S rRNA-PCR typing method was used to determine if strains with different RAPD profiles and different prevalence rates contained different 23S sequences. RAPD profiles detected with higher prevalence rates contained a spacer in the 23S rRNA region 100% of the time, while RAPD profiles found with lower prevalence rates contained an intervening sequence less than 2% of the time. Data suggest varying colonizing potentials of different RAPD profiles and a source other than previously used litter as a means of transmission of C. jejuni. These molecular typing methods demonstrate their usefulness, when used together, in this epidemiologic investigation.  相似文献   

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