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The evolutionarily conserved lethal giant larvae (Lgl) tumor suppressor gene has an essential role in establishing apical-basal cell polarity, cell proliferation, differentiation, and tissue organization. However, the precise molecular mechanism by which the Lgl carries out its function remains obscure. In the current study, we have identified Ran-binding protein M (RanBPM) as a novel binding partner of Mgl-1, a mammalian homolog of Drosophila tumor suppressor protein lethal (2) giant larvae (L(2)gl) by yeast two-hybrid screening. RanBPM seems to act as a scaffolding protein with a modulatory function with respect to Mgl-1. The Mgl-1 and RanBPM association was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down experiments. Additionally, expression of RanBPM resulted in inhibition of Mgl-1 degradation, and thereby extended the half-life of Mgl-1. Furthermore, the ability of Mgl-1 activity in cell migration and colony formation assay was enhanced by RanBPM. Taken together, our findings reveal that RanBPM plays a novel role in regulating Mgl-1 stability and contributes to its biological function as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Studies investigating the subcellular localization of periplasmic proteins have been hampered by problems with the export of green fluorescent protein (GFP). Here we show that a superfolding variant of GFP (sfGFP) is fluorescent following Sec-mediated transport and works best when the cotranslational branch of the pathway is employed.  相似文献   

The ability to visualize myelin is important in the diagnosis of demyelinating disordersand the detection of myelin-containing nerves during surgery. The development ofmyelin-selective imaging agents requires that a defined target for these agents beidentified and that a robust assay against the target be developed to allow for assessmentof structure-activity relationships. We describe an immunohistochemical analysis and afluorescence polarization binding assay using purified myelin basic protein (MBP) thatprovides quantitative evidence that MBP is the molecular binding partner of previouslydescribed myelin-selective fluorescent dyes such as BMB, GE3082, and GE3111.  相似文献   

Cell swelling induced by hypo-osmotic stress results in activation of volume-regulated anion channels (VRAC) that drive a compensatory regulatory volume decrease. We have previously shown that the Best1 gene in Drosophila encodes a VRAC that is also activated by increases in intracellular Ca2+. The role of Best1 as a VRAC has recently been independently confirmed by the Clapham lab in an unbiased RNAi screen. Although dBest1 is clearly a volume-regulated channel, its mechanisms of regulation remain unknown. Here we investigate Drosophila Best1 (dBest1) regulation using the Drosophila S2 cell model system. Because dBest1 activates slowly after establishing whole-cell recording, we tested the hypothesis that the channel is activated by phosphorylation. Two experiments indicate that phosphorylation is required for dBest1 activation: nonspecific protein kinase inhibitors or intracellular perfusion with the non-hydrolyzable ATP analog AMP-PNP dramatically reduce the amplitude of dBest1 currents. Furthermore, intracellular perfusion with ATP-γ-S augments channel activation. The kinase responsible for dBest1 activation is likely Ca2+/calmodulin dependent kinase II (CaMKII), because specific inhibitors of this kinase dramatically inhibit dBest1 current activation. Neither specific PKA inhibitors nor inactive control inhibitors have effects on dBest1currents. Our results demonstrate that dBest1 currents are regulated by phosphorylation via a CaMKII dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 (Gal-1) regulates leukocyte turnover by inducing the cell surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS), a ligand that targets cells for phagocytic removal, in the absence of apoptosis. Gal-1 monomer-dimer equilibrium appears to modulate Gal-1-induced PS exposure, although the mechanism underlying this regulation remains unclear. Here we show that monomer-dimer equilibrium regulates Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidation. A mutant form of Gal-1, containing C2S and V5D mutations (mGal-1), exhibits impaired dimerization and fails to induce cell surface PS exposure while retaining the ability to recognize carbohydrates and signal Ca2+ flux in leukocytes. mGal-1 also displayed enhanced sensitivity to oxidation, whereas ligand, which partially protected Gal-1 from oxidation, enhanced Gal-1 dimerization. Continual incubation of leukocytes with Gal-1 resulted in gradual oxidative inactivation with concomitant loss of cell surface PS, whereas rapid oxidation prevented mGal-1 from inducing PS exposure. Stabilization of Gal-1 or mGal-1 with iodoacetamide fully protected Gal-1 and mGal-1 from oxidation. Alkylation-induced stabilization allowed Gal-1 to signal sustained PS exposure in leukocytes and mGal-1 to signal both Ca2+ flux and PS exposure. Taken together, these results demonstrate that monomer-dimer equilibrium regulates Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidative inactivation and provides a mechanism whereby ligand partially protects Gal-1 from oxidation.Immunological homeostasis relies on efficient contraction of activated leukocytes following an inflammatory episode. Several factors, including members of the galectin and tumor necrosis factor families (1, 2), regulate leukocyte turnover by inducing apoptotic cell death. In contrast, several galectin family members, in particular galectin-1 (Gal-1),2 uniquely regulate neutrophil turnover by inducing phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure, which normally sensitizes apoptotic cells to phagocytic removal (3, 4), independent of apoptosis, a process recently termed preaparesis (5).Previous studies suggested that dimerization may be required for Gal-1-induced PS exposure, as a mutant form of Gal-1 (mGal-1) containing two point mutations within the dimer interface, C2S and V5D (C2S,V5D), displays impaired Gal-1 dimerization and fails to induce PS exposure (6). However, the manner in which monomer-dimer equilibrium regulates Gal-1 signaling remains unclear. Previous studies suggest that dimerization may be required for efficient cross-linking of functional receptors or the formation of signaling lattices (79). Consistent with this, monomeric mutants of several other galectins fail to induce PS exposure or signal leukocytes (4, 8). Gal-1 signaling of PS exposure requires initial signaling events, such as mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ followed by sustained receptor engagement (10). Although mGal-1 fails to induce PS exposure (6), whether mGal-1 can induce these initial signaling events remains unknown (10).In addition to directly regulating signaling, monomer-dimer equilibrium may also regulate other aspects of Gal-1 function. Unlike many other proteins involved in the regulation of immunity, Gal-1 displays unique sensitivity to oxidative inactivation (1115). Although engagement of ligand partially protects Gal-1 from oxidation (15), the impact of Gal-1 oxidation on signaling remains enigmatic. During oxidation, Gal-1 forms three distinct intramolecular disulfide bridges that facilitate profound conformational changes that preclude ligand binding and Gal-1 dimerization (1214), suggesting that monomerdimer equilibrium may also regulate Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidative inactivation.Previous studies utilized dithiothreitol (DTT) in treatment conditions to protect Gal-1 from oxidative inactivation (16, 17). Indeed, failure to include DTT precluded Gal-1-induced death in T cells (3, 18), suggesting that Gal-1 undergoes rapid oxidation in vivo in the absence of reducing conditions. However, DTT itself can induce apoptosis in leukocytes (19), leaving questions regarding the impact of Gal-1 oxidation on these signaling events. In contrast, recent studies utilizing iodoacetamide-alkylated Gal-1 (iGal-1), previously shown to protect Gal-1 from oxidative inactivation (2029), demonstrated that DTT actually primes cells to become sensitive to Gal-1-induced apoptosis regardless of Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidation (5).As the engagement of leukocyte ligands requires glycan recognition and oxidation precludes this binding (11, 15), understanding the impact of oxidation on Gal-1 signals will facilitate a greater appreciation of the factors that govern Gal-1 oxidation and therefore function. Our results demonstrate that Gal-1 monomer-dimer equilibrium provides a key regulatory point controlling both Gal-1 sensitivity to oxidation and its ability to signal PS exposure in leukocytes. These results provide novel insights into Gal-1 function and explain at a biochemical level the mechanisms regulating Gal-1 oxidative inactivation and signaling.  相似文献   

Parkinson disease (PD)-associated genomic deletions and the destabilizing L166P point mutation lead to loss of the cytoprotective DJ-1 protein. The effects of other PD-associated point mutations are less clear. Here we demonstrate that the M26I mutation reduces DJ-1 expression, particularly in a null background (knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts). Thus, homozygous M26I mutation causes loss of DJ-1 protein. To determine the cellular consequences, we measured suppression of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) and cytotoxicity for [M26I]DJ-1, and systematically all other DJ-1 methionine and cysteine mutants. C106A mutation of the central redox site specifically abolished binding to ASK1 and the cytoprotective activity of DJ-1. DJ-1 was apparently recruited into the ASK1 signalosome via Cys-106-linked mixed disulfides. The designed higher order oxidation mimicking [C106DD]DJ-1 non-covalently bound to ASK1 even in the absence of hydrogen peroxide and conferred partial cytoprotection. Interestingly, mutations of peripheral redox sites (C46A and C53A) and M26I also led to constitutive ASK1 binding. Cytoprotective [wt]DJ-1 bound to the ASK1 N terminus (which is known to bind another negative regulator, thioredoxin 1), whereas [M26I]DJ-1 bound to aberrant C-terminal site(s). Consequently, the peripheral cysteine mutants retained cytoprotective activity, whereas the PD-associated mutant [M26I]DJ-1 failed to suppress ASK1 activity and nuclear export of the death domain-associated protein Daxx and did not promote cytoprotection. Thus, cytoprotective binding of DJ-1 to ASK1 depends on the central redox-sensitive Cys-106 and may be modulated by peripheral cysteine residues. We suggest that impairments in oxidative conformation changes of DJ-1 might contribute to PD neurodegeneration.Loss-of-function mutations in the DJ-1 gene (PARK7) cause autosomal-recessive hereditary Parkinson disease (PD)2 (1). The most dramatic PD-associated mutation L166P impairs DJ-1 dimer formation and dramatically destabilizes the protein (27). Other mutations such as M26I (8) and E64D (9) have more subtle defects with unclear cellular consequences (4, 7, 10, 11). In addition to this genetic association, DJ-1 is neuropathologically linked to PD. DJ-1 is up-regulated in reactive astrocytes, and it is oxidatively modified in brains of sporadic PD patients (1214).DJ-1 protects against oxidative stress and mitochondrial toxins in cell culture (1517) as well as in diverse animal models (1821). The cytoprotective effects of DJ-1 may be stimulated by oxidation and mediated by molecular chaperoning (22, 23), and/or facilitation of the pro-survival Akt and suppression of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) pathways (6, 24, 25). The cytoprotective activity of DJ-1 against oxidative stress depends on its cysteine residues (15, 17, 26). Among the three cysteine residues of DJ-1, the most prominent one is the easiest oxidizable Cys-106 (27) that is in a constrained conformation (28), but the other cysteine residues Cys-46 and Cys-53 have been implicated with DJ-1 activity as well (22). However, the molecular basis of oxidation-mediated cytoprotective activity of DJ-1 is not clear. Moreover, the roles of PD-mutated and in vivo oxidized methionines are not known.Here we have mutagenized all oxidizable residues within DJ-1 and studied the effects on protein stability and function. The PD-associated mutation M26I within the DJ-1 dimer interface selectively reduced protein expression as well as ASK1 suppression and cytoprotective activity in oxidatively stressed cells. These cell culture results support a pathogenic effect of the clinical M26I mutation (8). Furthermore, oxidation-defective C106A mutation abolished binding to ASK1 and cytoprotective activity of DJ-1, whereas the designed higher order oxidation mimicking mutant [C106DD]DJ-1 bound to ASK1 even in the absence of H2O2 and conferred partial cytoprotection. The peripheral cysteine mutants [C46A]DJ-1 and [C53A]DJ-1 were also cytoprotective and were incorporated into the ASK1 signalosome even in the basal state. Thus, DJ-1 may be activated by a complex mechanism, which depends on the redox center Cys-106 and is modulated by the peripheral cysteine residues. Impairments of oxidative DJ-1 activation might contribute to the pathogenesis of PD.  相似文献   

The involvement of macrophages (Mφs) as host, accessory, and effector cells in the development of infectious diseases, together with their central role in iron homeostasis, place these immune cells as key players in the interface between iron and infection. Having previously shown that the functional expression of NRAMP-1 results in increased protein phosphorylation mediated in part by an iron-dependent inhibition of Mφ protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity, we sought to study the mechanism(s) underlying this specific event. Herein we have identified the mononuclear dicitrate iron complex [Fe(cit)2H4-x](1+x)− as the species responsible for the specific inhibition of Mφ PTP activity. By using biochemical and computational approaches, we show that [Fe(cit)2]5− targets the catalytic pocket of the PTP SHP-1, competitively inhibiting its interaction with an incoming phosphosubstrate. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of PTP activity by iron-citrate results in protein hyperphosphorylation and enhanced MAPK signaling in response to LPS stimulation. We propose that iron-citrate-mediated PTP inhibition represents a novel and biologically relevant regulatory mechanism of signal transduction.  相似文献   

We used in situ hybridization to investigate Kunitz trypsin inhibitor gene expression programs at the cell level in soybean embryos and in transformed tobacco seeds. The major Kunitz trypsin inhibitor mRNA, designated as KTi3, is first detectable in a specific globular stage embryo region, and then becomes localized within the axis of heart, cotyledon, and maturation stage embryos. By contrast, a related Kunitz trypsin inhibitor mRNA class, designated as KTi1/2, is not detectable during early embryogenesis. Nor is the KTi1/2 mRNA detectable in the axis at later developmental stages. Outer perimeter cells of each cotyledon accumulate both KTi1/2 and KTi3 mRNAs early in maturation. These mRNAs accumulate progressively from the outside to inside of each cotyledon in a "wave-like" pattern as embryogenesis proceeds. A similar KTi3 mRNA localization pattern is observed in soybean somatic embryos and in transformed tobacco seeds. An unrelated mRNA, encoding [beta]-conglycinin storage protein, also accumulates in a wave-like pattern during soybean embryogenesis. Our results indicate that cell-specific differences in seed protein gene expression programs are established early in development, and that seed protein mRNAs accumulate in a precise cellular pattern during seed maturation. We also show that seed protein gene expression patterns are conserved at the cell level in embryos of distantly related plants, and that these patterns are established in the absence of non-embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

We have investigated the regulation and localization of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK) in both cytosolic and nuclear fractions of glomerular mesangial cells. p42 MAPK was localized by both immunoblot and kinase activity in both cytosol and nucleus and was rapidly activated, in both fractions, by fetal bovine serum and TPA. Downregulation of protein kinase C (PKC) by TPA inhibited stimulation of cytosolic p42 MAPK, but unexpectedly had no effect on stimulated p42 MAPK in the nucleus. Next we studied the upstream kinase p45 MAPKK by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, Western blot analysis, and kinase specific activity. Unlike MAPK, p45 MAPKK is almost exclusively cytosolic in resting cells and kinase activity stimulated by TPA is restricted to the cytosol. Interestingly, PKC downregulation for 24 h with TPA dramatically enhanced nuclear MAPKK as assessed by all three techniques. Cytosolic stimulated MAPKK was attenuated in PKC downregulation. Collectively these results show that in mesangial cells: (i) p42 MAPK and p45 MAPKK localize in both the cytosol and the nucleus, and (ii) PKC exerts a negative effect on nuclear MAPKK activity as documented by PKC downregulation, which augments p45 MAPKK nuclear mass and activity. These results indicate that the dual regulation of these two kinases is under differential control in the cytosol and the nucleus.  相似文献   

The structure, stability, solubility, and function of proteins depend on their net charge and on the ionization state of the individual residues. Consequently, biochemists are interested in the pK values of the ionizable groups in proteins and how these pK values depend on their environment. We review what has been learned about pK values of ionizable groups in proteins from experimental studies and discuss the important contributions they make to protein stability and solubility.  相似文献   

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