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A bioinformatic analysis of nearly 400 genomes indicates that the overwhelming majority of bacteria possess homologs of the Escherichia coli proteins FtsL, FtsB, and FtsQ, three proteins essential for cell division in that bacterium. These three bitopic membrane proteins form a subcomplex in vivo, independent of the other cell division proteins. Here we analyze the domains of E. coli FtsL that are involved in the interaction with other cell division proteins and important for the assembly of the divisome. We show that FtsL, as we have found previously with FtsB, packs an enormous amount of information in its sequence for interactions with proteins upstream and downstream in the assembly pathway. Given their size, it is likely that the sole function of the complex of these two proteins is to act as a scaffold for divisome assembly.The division of an Escherichia coli cell into two daughter cells requires a complex of proteins, the divisome, to coordinate the constriction of the three layers of the Gram-negative cell envelope. In E. coli, there are 10 proteins known to be essential for cell division; in the absence of any one of these proteins, cells continue to elongate and to replicate and segregate their chromosomes but fail to divide (29). Numerous additional nonessential proteins have been identified that localize to midcell and assist in cell division (7-9, 20, 25, 34, 56, 59).A localization dependency pathway has been determined for the 10 essential division proteins (FtsZ→FtsA/ZipA→FtsK→FtsQ→FtsL/FtsB→FtsW→FtsI→FtsN), suggesting that the divisome assembles in a hierarchical manner (29). Based on this pathway, a given protein depends on the presence of all upstream proteins (to the left) for its localization and that protein is then required for the localization of the downstream division proteins (to the right). While the localization dependency pathway of cell division proteins suggests that a sequence of interactions is necessary for divisome formation, recent work using a variety of techniques reveals that a more complex web of interactions among these proteins is necessary for a functionally stable complex (6, 10, 19, 23, 24, 30-32, 40). While numerous interactions have been identified between division proteins, further work is needed to define which domains are involved and which interactions are necessary for assembly of the divisome.One subcomplex of the divisome, composed of the bitopic membrane proteins FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ, appears to be the bridge between the predominantly cytoplasmic cell division proteins and the predominantly periplasmic cell division proteins (10). FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ share a similar topology: short amino-terminal cytoplasmic domains and larger carboxy-terminal periplasmic domains. This tripartite complex can be divided further into a subcomplex of FtsB and FtsL, which forms in the absence of FtsQ and interacts with the downstream division proteins FtsW and FtsI in the absence of FtsQ (30). The presence of an FtsB/FtsL/FtsQ subcomplex appears to be evolutionarily conserved, as there is evidence that the homologs of FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ in the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus pneumoniae also assemble into complexes (18, 52, 55).The assembly of the FtsB/FtsL/FtsQ complex is important for the stabilization and localization of one or more of its component proteins in both E. coli and B. subtilis (11, 16, 18, 33). In E. coli, FtsB and FtsL are codependent for their stabilization and for localization to midcell, while FtsQ does not require either FtsB or FtsL for its stabilization or localization to midcell (11, 33). Both FtsL and FtsB require FtsQ for localization to midcell, and in the absence of FtsQ the levels of full-length FtsB are significantly reduced (11, 33). The observed reduction in full-length FtsB levels that occurs in the absence of FtsQ or FtsL results from the degradation of the FtsB C terminus (33). However, the C-terminally degraded FtsB generated upon depletion of FtsQ can still interact with and stabilize FtsL (33).While a portion of the FtsB C terminus is dispensable for interaction with FtsL and for the recruitment of the downstream division proteins FtsW and FtsI, it is required for interaction with FtsQ (33). Correspondingly, the FtsQ C terminus also appears to be important for interaction with FtsB and FtsL (32, 61). The interaction between FtsB and FtsL appears to be mediated by the predicted coiled-coil motifs within the periplasmic domains of the two proteins, although only the membrane-proximal half of the FtsB coiled coil is necessary for interaction with FtsL (10, 32, 33). Additionally, the transmembrane domains of FtsB and FtsL are important for their interaction with each other, while the cytoplasmic domain of FtsL is not necessary for interaction with FtsB, which has only a short 3-amino-acid cytoplasmic domain (10, 33).In this study, we focused on the interaction domains of FtsL. We find that, as with FtsB, the C terminus of FtsL is required for the interaction of FtsQ with the FtsB/FtsL subcomplex while the cytoplasmic domain of FtsL is involved in recruitment of the downstream division proteins. Finally, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the presence of FtsB, FtsL, and FtsQ homologs among bacteria and find that the proteins of this complex are likely more widely distributed among bacteria than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Deformylases are metalloproteases in bacteria, plants, and humans that remove the N-formyl-methionine off peptides in vitro. The human homolog of peptide deformylase (HsPDF) resides in the mitochondria, along with its putative formylated substrates; however, the cellular function of HsPDF remains elusive. Here we report on the function of HsPDF in mitochondrial translation and oxidative phosphorylation complex biogenesis. Functional HsPDF appears to be necessary for the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA-encoded proteins and assembly of new respiratory complexes containing these proteins. Consequently, inhibition of HsPDF reduces respiratory function and cellular ATP levels, causing dependence on aerobic glycolysis for cell survival. A series of structurally different HsPDF inhibitors and control peptidase inhibitors confirmed that inhibition of HsPDF decreases mtDNA-encoded protein accumulation. Therefore, HsPDF appears to have a role in maintenance of mitochondrial respiratory function, and this function is analogous to that of chloroplast PDF.The human mitochondrial protein peptide deformylase, HsPDF, is a metalloprotease that removes the formyl moiety on the methionine of N-formyl-methionine peptide substrates in an enzymatic assay (24, 35). Despite the slow kinetic properties of HsPDF in an in vitro deformylation assay (24, 29, 35), we have shown that small interfering RNA (siRNA) interference of HsPDF decreases human cancer cell proliferation. Similarly, pharmacologic inhibition with the PDF antibiotic inhibitor actinonin and its analogs results in mitochondrial membrane depolarization and promotes cell death or proliferation arrest in a wide variety of cancer cell lines (18, 25). However, the cellular function of HsPDF remains elusive, and others have proposed that it has none (29). In bacteria, deformylation of nascent peptides is necessary for removal of the N-terminal methionine (36) and posttranslational processing of at least a subset of proteins that contribute to cell growth and viability (28). Prokaryotic PDF thus fulfills a role in cotranslational processing (7) and in protein degradation (41).In mammals, N-terminal formylation of proteins is only known to occur during mitochondrial translation initiation, as in prokaryotic protein translation (6). In contrast to bacteria, where the entire proteome is formylated for translation initiation, formylation in eukaryotes is limited to the 13 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded proteins. Formylation is important for mitochondrial translation, because formyl-Met-tRNA, but not Met-tRNA, is recognized by initiation factor 2 as the initiator tRNA (26, 37, 39). Therefore, the participation of HsPDF in protein post- or cotranslational processing can be narrowed down to these mitochondrial translation products.Despite the current understanding of the function of formyl-methionine in the initiation of protein synthesis in mammalian mitochondria (38, 39), the functional relevance of the downstream processing of nascent mitochondrial translation products has remained unexplored. Furthermore, it has been assumed that human mitochondria-encoded proteins, like those of bovine origin, are generally not deformylated after synthesis (45).The mammalian mitochondrial genome-encoded proteins are all subunits of four of the five oxidative phosphorylation respiratory chain enzyme complexes (I, III, IV, and V) (2, 40, 42). Respiratory complexes are comprised of multiple proteins. With the exception of complex II, which is comprised entirely of nuclear DNA-encoded subunits, all other complexes include both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA-encoded proteins. Synthesis of key mtDNA-encoded protein subunits, and the assembly of these proteins with multiple nuclear-encoded subunits within the mitochondria, is necessary for the function of each individual complex (16, 30, 44). Moreover, a functional interdependence among stably assembled respiratory complexes has been demonstrated (1). Mutations in human mtDNA that affect protein-coding regions or nuclear DNA mutations that affect expression of respiratory complex subunits cause disease (13), including Parkinson''s disease, for example, in which decreased respiratory function and compromised cell viability have been demonstrated (5, 21, 23). Therefore, the importance of properly assembled mitochondrial respiratory complexes suggests that their disruption, by inhibition of mtDNA-encoded protein processing, could have significant effects on cellular function.We hypothesized that HsPDF-mediated processing of mtDNA-encoded proteins is necessary for proper function of the respiratory chain complexes. To determine how the human deformylase activity contributes to cellular function, we used pharmacologic inhibition of HsPDF activity with the hydroxamic acid peptidomimetic inhibitor of PDF, actinonin, and confirmed our findings with a variety of other structurally different inhibitors. PDF has been shown to be a target of actinonin in bacteria (9), human cells (24), and plants (17).Here we show that inhibition of HsPDF function in mitochondria of human cell lines reduces mtDNA-encoded protein accumulation, new respiratory complex assembly, and energy production by the mitochondria. Aerobic glycolysis-dependent cell survival ensues upon disruption of HsPDF function. Therefore, HsPDF appears to fulfill a function in the mitochondria and to have a role in mtDNA-encoded protein-containing oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) complex biogenesis.  相似文献   

Immunogold localization revealed that OmcS, a cytochrome that is required for Fe(III) oxide reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens, was localized along the pili. The apparent spacing between OmcS molecules suggests that OmcS facilitates electron transfer from pili to Fe(III) oxides rather than promoting electron conduction along the length of the pili.There are multiple competing/complementary models for extracellular electron transfer in Fe(III)- and electrode-reducing microorganisms (8, 18, 20, 44). Which mechanisms prevail in different microorganisms or environmental conditions may greatly influence which microorganisms compete most successfully in sedimentary environments or on the surfaces of electrodes and can impact practical decisions on the best strategies to promote Fe(III) reduction for bioremediation applications (18, 19) or to enhance the power output of microbial fuel cells (18, 21).The three most commonly considered mechanisms for electron transfer to extracellular electron acceptors are (i) direct contact between redox-active proteins on the outer surfaces of the cells and the electron acceptor, (ii) electron transfer via soluble electron shuttling molecules, and (iii) the conduction of electrons along pili or other filamentous structures. Evidence for the first mechanism includes the necessity for direct cell-Fe(III) oxide contact in Geobacter species (34) and the finding that intensively studied Fe(III)- and electrode-reducing microorganisms, such as Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, display redox-active proteins on their outer cell surfaces that could have access to extracellular electron acceptors (1, 2, 12, 15, 27, 28, 31-33). Deletion of the genes for these proteins often inhibits Fe(III) reduction (1, 4, 7, 15, 17, 28, 40) and electron transfer to electrodes (5, 7, 11, 33). In some instances, these proteins have been purified and shown to have the capacity to reduce Fe(III) and other potential electron acceptors in vitro (10, 13, 29, 38, 42, 43, 48, 49).Evidence for the second mechanism includes the ability of some microorganisms to reduce Fe(III) that they cannot directly contact, which can be associated with the accumulation of soluble substances that can promote electron shuttling (17, 22, 26, 35, 36, 47). In microbial fuel cell studies, an abundance of planktonic cells and/or the loss of current-producing capacity when the medium is replaced is consistent with the presence of an electron shuttle (3, 14, 26). Furthermore, a soluble electron shuttle is the most likely explanation for the electrochemical signatures of some microorganisms growing on an electrode surface (26, 46).Evidence for the third mechanism is more circumstantial (19). Filaments that have conductive properties have been identified in Shewanella (7) and Geobacter (41) species. To date, conductance has been measured only across the diameter of the filaments, not along the length. The evidence that the conductive filaments were involved in extracellular electron transfer in Shewanella was the finding that deletion of the genes for the c-type cytochromes OmcA and MtrC, which are necessary for extracellular electron transfer, resulted in nonconductive filaments, suggesting that the cytochromes were associated with the filaments (7). However, subsequent studies specifically designed to localize these cytochromes revealed that, although the cytochromes were extracellular, they were attached to the cells or in the exopolymeric matrix and not aligned along the pili (24, 25, 30, 40, 43). Subsequent reviews of electron transfer to Fe(III) in Shewanella oneidensis (44, 45) appear to have dropped the nanowire concept and focused on the first and second mechanisms.Geobacter sulfurreducens has a number of c-type cytochromes (15, 28) and multicopper proteins (12, 27) that have been demonstrated or proposed to be on the outer cell surface and are essential for extracellular electron transfer. Immunolocalization and proteolysis studies demonstrated that the cytochrome OmcB, which is essential for optimal Fe(III) reduction (15) and highly expressed during growth on electrodes (33), is embedded in the outer membrane (39), whereas the multicopper protein OmpB, which is also required for Fe(III) oxide reduction (27), is exposed on the outer cell surface (39).OmcS is one of the most abundant cytochromes that can readily be sheared from the outer surfaces of G. sulfurreducens cells (28). It is essential for the reduction of Fe(III) oxide (28) and for electron transfer to electrodes under some conditions (11). Therefore, the localization of this important protein was further investigated.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL37 proteins traffic sequentially from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the mitochondria. In transiently transfected cells, UL37 proteins traffic into the mitochondrion-associated membranes (MAM), the site of contact between the ER and mitochondria. In HCMV-infected cells, the predominant UL37 exon 1 protein, pUL37x1, trafficked into the ER, the MAM, and the mitochondria. Surprisingly, a component of the MAM calcium signaling junction complex, cytosolic Grp75, was increasingly enriched in heavy MAM from HCMV-infected cells. These studies show the first documented case of a herpesvirus protein, HCMV pUL37x1, trafficking into the MAM during permissive infection and HCMV-induced alteration of the MAM protein composition.The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL37 immediate early (IE) locus expresses multiple products, including the predominant UL37 exon 1 protein, pUL37x1, also known as viral mitochondrion-localized inhibitor of apoptosis (vMIA), during lytic infection (16, 22, 24, 39, 44). The UL37 glycoprotein (gpUL37) shares UL37x1 sequences and is internally cleaved, generating pUL37NH2 and gpUL37COOH (2, 22, 25, 26). pUL37x1 is essential for the growth of HCMV in humans (17) and for the growth of primary HCMV strains (20) and strain AD169 (14, 35, 39, 49) but not strain TownevarATCC in permissive human fibroblasts (HFFs) (27).pUL37x1 induces calcium (Ca2+) efflux from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (39), regulates viral early gene expression (5, 10), disrupts F-actin (34, 39), recruits and inactivates Bax at the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) (4, 31-33), and inhibits mitochondrial serine protease at late times of infection (28).Intriguingly, HCMV UL37 proteins localize dually in the ER and in the mitochondria (2, 9, 16, 17, 24-26). In contrast to other characterized, similarly localized proteins (3, 6, 11, 23, 30, 38), dual-trafficking UL37 proteins are noncompetitive and sequential, as an uncleaved gpUL37 mutant protein is ER translocated, N-glycosylated, and then imported into the mitochondria (24, 26).Ninety-nine percent of ∼1,000 mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol and directly imported into the mitochondria (13). However, the mitochondrial import of ER-synthesized proteins is poorly understood. One potential pathway is the use of the mitochondrion-associated membrane (MAM) as a transfer waypoint. The MAM is a specialized ER subdomain enriched in lipid-synthetic enzymes, lipid-associated proteins, such as sigma-1 receptor, and chaperones (18, 45). The MAM, the site of contact between the ER and the mitochondria, permits the translocation of membrane-bound lipids, including ceramide, between the two organelles (40). The MAM also provides enriched Ca2+ microdomains for mitochondrial signaling (15, 36, 37, 43, 48). One macromolecular MAM complex involved in efficient ER-to-mitochondrion Ca2+ transfer is comprised of ER-bound inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3 (IP3R3), cytosolic Grp75, and a MOM-localized voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) (42). Another MAM-stabilizing protein complex utilizes mitofusin 2 (Mfn2) to tether ER and mitochondrial organelles together (12).HCMV UL37 proteins traffic into the MAM of transiently transfected HFFs and HeLa cells, directed by their NH2-terminal leaders (8, 47). To determine whether the MAM is targeted by UL37 proteins during infection, we fractionated HCMV-infected cells and examined pUL37x1 trafficking in microsomes, mitochondria, and the MAM throughout all temporal phases of infection. Because MAM domains physically bridge two organelles, multiple markers were employed to verify the purity and identity of the fractions (7, 8, 19, 46, 47).(These studies were performed in part by Chad Williamson in partial fulfillment of his doctoral studies in the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Program at George Washington Institute of Biomedical Sciences.)HFFs and life-extended (LE)-HFFs were grown and not infected or infected with HCMV (strain AD169) at a multiplicity of 3 PFU/cell as previously described (8, 26, 47). Heavy (6,300 × g) and light (100,000 × g) MAM fractions, mitochondria, and microsomes were isolated at various times of infection and quantified as described previously (7, 8, 47). Ten- or 20-μg amounts of total lysate or of subcellular fractions were resolved by SDS-PAGE in 4 to 12% Bis-Tris NuPage gels (Invitrogen) and examined by Western analyses (7, 8, 26). Twenty-microgram amounts of the fractions were not treated or treated with proteinase K (3 μg) for 20 min on ice, resolved by SDS-PAGE, and probed by Western analysis. The blots were probed with rabbit anti-UL37x1 antiserum (DC35), goat anti-dolichyl phosphate mannose synthase 1 (DPM1), goat anti-COX2 (both from Santa Cruz Biotechnology), mouse anti-Grp75 (StressGen Biotechnologies), and the corresponding horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies (8, 47). Reactive proteins were detected by enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) reagents (Pierce), and images were digitized as described previously (26, 47).  相似文献   

Analysis of Lyme borreliosis (LB) spirochetes, using a novel multilocus sequence analysis scheme, revealed that OspA serotype 4 strains (a rodent-associated ecotype) of Borrelia garinii were sufficiently genetically distinct from bird-associated B. garinii strains to deserve species status. We suggest that OspA serotype 4 strains be raised to species status and named Borrelia bavariensis sp. nov. The rooted phylogenetic trees provide novel insights into the evolutionary history of LB spirochetes.Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) have been shown to be powerful and pragmatic molecular methods for typing large numbers of microbial strains for population genetics studies, delineation of species, and assignment of strains to defined bacterial species (4, 13, 27, 40, 44). To date, MLST/MLSA schemes have been applied only to a few vector-borne microbial populations (1, 6, 30, 37, 40, 41, 47).Lyme borreliosis (LB) spirochetes comprise a diverse group of zoonotic bacteria which are transmitted among vertebrate hosts by ixodid (hard) ticks. The most common agents of human LB are Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu stricto), Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia lusitaniae, and Borrelia spielmanii (7, 8, 12, 35). To date, 15 species have been named within the group of LB spirochetes (6, 31, 32, 37, 38, 41). While several of these LB species have been delineated using whole DNA-DNA hybridization (3, 20, 33), most ecological or epidemiological studies have been using single loci (5, 9-11, 29, 34, 36, 38, 42, 51, 53). Although some of these loci have been convenient for species assignment of strains or to address particular epidemiological questions, they may be unsuitable to resolve evolutionary relationships among LB species, because it is not possible to define any outgroup. For example, both the 5S-23S intergenic spacer (5S-23S IGS) and the gene encoding the outer surface protein A (ospA) are present only in LB spirochete genomes (36, 43). The advantage of using appropriate housekeeping genes of LB group spirochetes is that phylogenetic trees can be rooted with sequences of relapsing fever spirochetes. This renders the data amenable to detailed evolutionary studies of LB spirochetes.LB group spirochetes differ remarkably in their patterns and levels of host association, which are likely to affect their population structures (22, 24, 46, 48). Of the three main Eurasian Borrelia species, B. afzelii is adapted to rodents, whereas B. valaisiana and most strains of B. garinii are maintained by birds (12, 15, 16, 23, 26, 45). However, B. garinii OspA serotype 4 strains in Europe have been shown to be transmitted by rodents (17, 18) and, therefore, constitute a distinct ecotype within B. garinii. These strains have also been associated with high pathogenicity in humans, and their finer-scale geographical distribution seems highly focal (10, 34, 52, 53).In this study, we analyzed the intra- and interspecific phylogenetic relationships of B. burgdorferi, B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. valaisiana, B. lusitaniae, B. bissettii, and B. spielmanii by means of a novel MLSA scheme based on chromosomal housekeeping genes (30, 48).  相似文献   

An intracellular multiplication F (IcmF) family protein is a conserved component of a newly identified type VI secretion system (T6SS) encoded in many animal and plant-associated Proteobacteria. We have previously identified ImpLM, an IcmF family protein that is required for the secretion of the T6SS substrate hemolysin-coregulated protein (Hcp) from the plant-pathogenic bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. In this study, we characterized the topology of ImpLM and the importance of its nucleotide-binding Walker A motif involved in Hcp secretion from A. tumefaciens. A combination of β-lactamase-green fluorescent protein fusion and biochemical fractionation analyses revealed that ImpLM is an integral polytopic inner membrane protein comprising three transmembrane domains bordered by an N-terminal domain facing the cytoplasm and a C-terminal domain exposed to the periplasm. impLM mutants with substitutions or deletions in the Walker A motif failed to complement the impLM deletion mutant for Hcp secretion, which provided evidence that ImpLM may bind and/or hydrolyze nucleoside triphosphates to mediate T6SS machine assembly and/or substrate secretion. Protein-protein interaction and protein stability analyses indicated that there is a physical interaction between ImpLM and another essential T6SS component, ImpKL. Topology and biochemical fractionation analyses suggested that ImpKL is an integral bitopic inner membrane protein with an N-terminal domain facing the cytoplasm and a C-terminal OmpA-like domain exposed to the periplasm. Further comprehensive yeast two-hybrid assays dissecting ImpLM-ImpKL interaction domains suggested that ImpLM interacts with ImpKL via the N-terminal cytoplasmic domains of the proteins. In conclusion, ImpLM interacts with ImpKL, and its Walker A motif is required for its function in mediation of Hcp secretion from A. tumefaciens.Many pathogenic gram-negative bacteria employ protein secretion systems formed by macromolecular complexes to deliver proteins or protein-DNA complexes across the bacterial membrane. In addition to the general secretory (Sec) pathway (18, 52) and twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway (7, 34), which transport proteins across the inner membrane into the periplasm, at least six distinct protein secretion systems occur in gram-negative bacteria (28, 46, 66). These systems are able to secrete proteins from the cytoplasm or periplasm to the external environment or the host cell and include the well-documented type I to type V secretion systems (T1SS to T5SS) (10, 15, 23, 26, 30) and a recently discovered type VI secretion system (T6SS) (4, 8, 22, 41, 48, 49). These systems use ATPase or a proton motive force to energize assembly of the protein secretion machinery and/or substrate translocation (2, 6, 41, 44, 60).Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soilborne pathogenic gram-negative bacterium that causes crown gall disease in a wide range of plants. Using an archetypal T4SS (9), A. tumefaciens translocates oncogenic transferred DNA and effector proteins to the host and ultimately integrates transferred DNA into the host genome. Because of its unique interkingdom DNA transfer, this bacterium has been extensively studied and used to transform foreign DNA into plants and fungi (11, 24, 40, 67). In addition to the T4SS, A. tumefaciens encodes several other secretion systems, including the Sec pathway, the Tat pathway, T1SS, T5SS, and the recently identified T6SS (72). T6SS is highly conserved and widely distributed in animal- and plant-associated Proteobacteria and plays an important role in the virulence of several human and animal pathogens (14, 19, 41, 48, 56, 63, 74). However, T6SS seems to play only a minor role or even a negative role in infection or virulence of the plant-associated pathogens or symbionts studied to date (5, 37-39, 72).T6SS was initially designated IAHP (IcmF-associated homologous protein) clusters (13). Before T6SS was documented by Pukatzki et al. in Vibrio cholerae (48), mutations in this gene cluster in the plant symbiont Rhizobium leguminosarum (5) and the fish pathogen Edwardsiella tarda (51) caused defects in protein secretion. In V. cholerae, T6SS was responsible for the loss of cytotoxicity for amoebae and for secretion of two proteins lacking a signal peptide, hemolysin-coregulated protein (Hcp) and valine-glycine repeat protein (VgrG). Secretion of Hcp is the hallmark of T6SS. Interestingly, mutation of hcp blocks the secretion of VgrG proteins (VgrG-1, VgrG-2, and VgrG-3), and, conversely, vgrG-1 and vgrG-2 are both required for secretion of the Hcp and VgrG proteins from V. cholerae (47, 48). Similarly, a requirement of Hcp for VgrG secretion and a requirement of VgrG for Hcp secretion have also been shown for E. tarda (74). Because Hcp forms a hexameric ring (41) stacked in a tube-like structure in vitro (3, 35) and VgrG has a predicted trimeric phage tail spike-like structure similar to that of the T4 phage gp5-gp27 complex (47), Hcp and VgrG have been postulated to form an extracellular translocon. This model is further supported by two recent crystallography studies showing that Hcp, VgrG, and a T4 phage gp25-like protein resembled membrane penetration tails of bacteriophages (35, 45).Little is known about the topology and structure of T6SS machinery subunits and the distinction between genes encoding machinery subunits and genes encoding regulatory proteins. Posttranslational regulation via the phosphorylation of Fha1 by a serine-threonine kinase (PpkA) is required for Hcp secretion from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (42). Genetic evidence for P. aeruginosa suggested that the T6SS may utilize a ClpV-like AAA+ ATPase to provide the energy for machinery assembly or substrate translocation (41). A recent study of V. cholerae suggested that ClpV ATPase activity is responsible for remodeling the VipA/VipB tubules which are crucial for type VI substrate secretion (6). An outer membrane lipoprotein, SciN, is an essential T6SS component for mediating Hcp secretion from enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (1). A systematic study of the T6SS machinery in E. tarda revealed that 13 of 16 genes in the evp gene cluster are essential for secretion of T6S substrates (74), which suggests the core components of the T6SS. Interestingly, most of the core components conserved in T6SS are predicted soluble proteins without recognizable signal peptide and transmembrane (TM) domains.The intracellular multiplication F (IcmF) and H (IcmH) proteins are among the few core components with obvious TM domains (8). In Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm T4SSb, IcmF and IcmH are both membrane localized and partially required for L. pneumophila replication in macrophages (58, 70, 75). IcmF and IcmH are thought to interact with each other in stabilizing the T4SS complex in L. pneumophila (58). In T6SS, IcmF is one of the essential components required for secretion of Hcp from several animal pathogens, including V. cholerae (48), Aeromonas hydrophila (63), E. tarda (74), and P. aeruginosa (41), as well as the plant pathogens A. tumefaciens (72) and Pectobacterium atrosepticum (39). In E. tarda, IcmF (EvpO) interacted with IcmH (EvpN), EvpL, and EvpA in a yeast two-hybrid assay, and its putative nucleotide-binding site (Walker A motif) was not essential for secretion of T6SS substrates (74).In this study, we characterized the topology and interactions of the IcmF and IcmH family proteins ImpLM and ImpKL, which are two essential components of the T6SS of A. tumefaciens. We adapted the nomenclature proposed by Cascales (8), using the annotated gene designation followed by the letter indicated by Shalom et al. (59). Our data indicate that ImpLM and ImpKL are both integral inner membrane proteins and interact with each other via their N-terminal domains residing in the cytoplasm. We also provide genetic evidence showing that ImpLM may function as a nucleoside triphosphate (NTP)-binding protein or nucleoside triphosphatase to mediate T6S machinery assembly and/or substrate secretion.  相似文献   

Adhesive pili on the surface of the serotype M1 Streptococcus pyogenes strain SF370 are composed of a major backbone subunit (Spy0128) and two minor subunits (Spy0125 and Spy0130), joined covalently by a pilin polymerase (Spy0129). Previous studies using recombinant proteins showed that both minor subunits bind to human pharyngeal (Detroit) cells (A. G. Manetti et al., Mol. Microbiol. 64:968-983, 2007), suggesting both may act as pilus-presented adhesins. While confirming these binding properties, studies described here indicate that Spy0125 is the pilus-presented adhesin and that Spy0130 has a distinct role as a wall linker. Pili were localized predominantly to cell wall fractions of the wild-type S. pyogenes parent strain and a spy0125 deletion mutant. In contrast, they were found almost exclusively in culture supernatants in both spy0130 and srtA deletion mutants, indicating that the housekeeping sortase (SrtA) attaches pili to the cell wall by using Spy0130 as a linker protein. Adhesion assays with antisera specific for individual subunits showed that only anti-rSpy0125 serum inhibited adhesion of wild-type S. pyogenes to human keratinocytes and tonsil epithelium to a significant extent. Spy0125 was localized to the tip of pili, based on a combination of mutant analysis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of purified pili. Assays comparing parent and mutant strains confirmed its role as the adhesin. Unexpectedly, apparent spontaneous cleavage of a labile, proline-rich (8 of 14 residues) sequence separating the N-terminal ∼1/3 and C-terminal ∼2/3 of Spy0125 leads to loss of the N-terminal region, but analysis of internal spy0125 deletion mutants confirmed that this has no significant effect on adhesion.The group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes) is an exclusively human pathogen that commonly colonizes either the pharynx or skin, where local spread can give rise to various inflammatory conditions such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, or erysipelas. Although often mild and self-limiting, GAS infections are occasionally very severe and sometimes lead to life-threatening diseases, such as necrotizing fasciitis or streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. A wide variety of cell surface components and extracellular products have been shown or suggested to play important roles in S. pyogenes virulence, including cell surface pili (1, 6, 32). Pili expressed by the serotype M1 S. pyogenes strain SF370 mediate specific adhesion to intact human tonsil epithelia and to primary human keratinocytes, as well as cultured keratinocyte-derived HaCaT cells, but not to Hep-2 or A549 cells (1). They also contribute to adhesion to a human pharyngeal cell line (Detroit cells) and to biofilm formation (29).Over the past 5 years, pili have been discovered on an increasing number of important Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, including Bacillus cereus (4), Bacillus anthracis (4, 5), Corynebacterium diphtheriae (13, 14, 19, 26, 27, 44, 46, 47), Streptococcus agalactiae (7, 23, 38), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (2, 3, 24, 25, 34), as well as S. pyogenes (1, 29, 32). All these species produce pili that are composed of a single major subunit plus either one or two minor subunits. During assembly, the individual subunits are covalently linked to each other via intermolecular isopeptide bonds, catalyzed by specialized membrane-associated transpeptidases that may be described as pilin polymerases (4, 7, 25, 41, 44, 46). These are related to the classical housekeeping sortase (usually, but not always, designated SrtA) that is responsible for anchoring many proteins to Gram-positive bacterial cell walls (30, 31, 33). The C-terminal ends of sortase target proteins include a cell wall sorting (CWS) motif consisting, in most cases, of Leu-Pro-X-Thr-Gly (LPXTG, where X can be any amino acid) (11, 40). Sortases cleave this substrate between the Thr and Gly residues and produce an intermolecular isopeptide bond linking the Thr to a free amino group provided by a specific target. In attaching proteins to the cell wall, the target amino group is provided by the lipid II peptidoglycan precursor (30, 36, 40). In joining pilus subunits, the target is the ɛ-amino group in the side chain of a specific Lys residue in the second subunit (14, 18, 19). Current models of pilus biogenesis envisage repeated transpeptidation reactions adding additional subunits to the base of the growing pilus, until the terminal subunit is eventually linked covalently via an intermolecular isopeptide bond to the cell wall (28, 41, 45).The major subunit (sometimes called the backbone or shaft subunit) extends along the length of the pilus and appears to play a structural role, while minor subunits have been detected either at the tip, the base, and/or at occasional intervals along the shaft, depending on the species (4, 23, 24, 32, 47). In S. pneumoniae and S. agalactiae one of the minor subunits acts as an adhesin, while the second appears to act as a linker between the base of the assembled pilus and the cell wall (7, 15, 22, 34, 35). It was originally suggested that both minor subunits of C. diphtheriae pili could act as adhesins (27). However, recent data showed one of these has a wall linker role (26, 44) and may therefore not function as an adhesin.S. pyogenes strain SF370 pili are composed of a major (backbone) subunit, termed Spy0128, plus two minor subunits, called Spy0125 and Spy0130 (1, 32). All three are required for efficient adhesion to target cells (1). Studies employing purified recombinant proteins have shown that both of the minor subunits, but not the major subunit, bind to Detroit cells (29), suggesting both might act as pilus-presented adhesins. Here we report studies employing a combination of recombinant proteins, specific antisera, and allelic replacement mutants which show that only Spy0125 is the pilus-presented adhesin and that Spy0130 has a distinct role in linking pili to the cell wall.  相似文献   

Mature glycoprotein spikes are inserted in the Lassa virus envelope and consist of the distal subunit GP-1, the transmembrane-spanning subunit GP-2, and the signal peptide, which originate from the precursor glycoprotein pre-GP-C by proteolytic processing. In this study, we analyzed the oligomeric structure of the viral surface glycoprotein. Chemical cross-linking studies of mature glycoprotein spikes from purified virus revealed the formation of trimers. Interestingly, sucrose density gradient analysis of cellularly expressed glycoprotein showed that in contrast to trimeric mature glycoprotein complexes, the noncleaved glycoprotein forms monomers and oligomers spanning a wide size range, indicating that maturation cleavage of GP by the cellular subtilase SKI-1/S1P is critical for formation of the correct oligomeric state. To shed light on a potential relation between cholesterol and GP trimer stability, we performed cholesterol depletion experiments. Although depletion of cholesterol had no effect on trimerization of the glycoprotein spike complex, our studies revealed that the cholesterol content of the viral envelope is important for the infectivity of Lassa virus. Analyses of the distribution of viral proteins in cholesterol-rich detergent-resistant membrane areas showed that Lassa virus buds from membrane areas other than those responsible for impaired infectivity due to cholesterol depletion of lipid rafts. Thus, derivation of the viral envelope from cholesterol-rich membrane areas is not a prerequisite for the impact of cholesterol on virus infectivity.Lassa virus (LASV) is a member of the family Arenaviridae, of which Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is the prototype. Arenaviruses comprise more than 20 species, divided into the Old World and New World virus complexes (19). The Old World arenaviruses include the human pathogenic LASV strains, Lujo virus, which was first identified in late 2008 and is associated with an unprecedented high case fatality rate in humans, the nonhuman pathogenic Ippy, Mobala, and Mopeia viruses, and the recently described Kodoko virus (10, 30, 49). The New World virus complex contains, among others, the South American hemorrhagic fever-causing viruses Junín virus, Machupo virus, Guanarito virus, Sabiá virus, and the recently discovered Chapare virus (22).Arenaviruses contain a bisegmented single-stranded RNA genome encoding the polymerase L, matrix protein Z, nucleoprotein NP, and glycoprotein GP. The bipartite ribonucleoprotein of LASV is surrounded by a lipid envelope derived from the plasma membrane of the host cell. The matrix protein Z has been identified as a major budding factor, which lines the interior of the viral lipid membrane, in which GP spikes are inserted (61, 75). The glycoprotein is synthesized as precursor protein pre-GP-C and is cotranslationally cleaved by signal peptidase into GP-C and the signal peptide, which exhibits unusual length, stability, and topology (3, 27, 28, 33, 70, 87). Moreover, the arenaviral signal peptide functions as trans-acting maturation factor (2, 26, 33). After processing by signal peptidase, GP-C of both New World and Old World arenaviruses is cleaved by the cellular subtilase subtilisin kexin isozyme-1/site-1 protease (SKI-1/S1P) into the distal subunit GP-1 and the membrane-anchored subunit GP-2 within the secretory pathway (5, 52, 63). For LCMV, it has been shown that GP-1 subunits are linked to each other by disulfide bonds and are noncovalently connected to GP-2 subunits (14, 24, 31). GP-1 is responsible for binding to the host cell receptor, while GP-2 mediates fusion between the virus envelope and the endosomal membrane at low pH due to a bipartite fusion peptide near the amino terminus (24, 36, 44). Sequence analysis of the LCMV GP-2 ectodomain revealed two heptad repeats that most likely form amphipathic helices important for this process (34, 86).In general, viral class I fusion proteins have triplets of α-helical structures in common, which contain heptad repeats (47, 73). In contrast, class II fusion proteins are characterized by β-sheets that form dimers in the prefusion status and trimers in the postfusion status (43). The class III fusion proteins are trimers that, unlike class I fusion proteins, were not proteolytically processed N-terminally of the fusion peptide, resulting in a fusion-active membrane-anchored subunit (39, 62). Previous studies with LCMV described a tetrameric organization of the glycoprotein spikes (14), while more recent data using a bacterially expressed truncated ectodomain of the LCMV GP-2 subunit pointed toward a trimeric spike structure (31). Due to these conflicting data regarding the oligomerization status of LCMV GP, it remains unclear to which class of fusion proteins the arenaviral glycoproteins belong.The state of oligomerization and the correct conformation of viral glycoproteins are crucial for membrane fusion during virus entry. The early steps of infection have been shown for several viruses to be dependent on the cholesterol content of the participating membranes (i.e., either the virus envelope or the host cell membrane) (4, 9, 15, 20, 21, 23, 40, 42, 53, 56, 76, 78, 79). In fact, it has been shown previously that entry of both LASV and LCMV is susceptible to cholesterol depletion of the target host cell membrane using methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) treatment (64, 71). Moreover, cholesterol not only plays an important role in the early steps during entry in the viral life cycle but also is critical in the virus assembly and release process. Several viruses of various families, including influenza virus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), measles virus, and Ebola virus, use the ordered environment of lipid raft microdomains. Due to their high levels of glycosphingolipids and cholesterol, these domains are characterized by insolubility in nonionic detergents under cold conditions (60, 72). Recent observations have suggested that budding of the New World arenavirus Junin virus occurs from detergent-soluble membrane areas (1). Assembly and release from distinct membrane microdomains that are detergent soluble have also been described for vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (12, 38, 68). At present, however, it is not known whether LASV requires cholesterol in its viral envelope for successful virus entry or whether specific membrane microdomains are important for LASV assembly and release.In this study, we first investigated the oligomeric state of the premature and mature LASV glycoprotein complexes. Since it has been shown for several membrane proteins that the oligomerization and conformation are dependent on cholesterol (58, 59, 76, 78), we further analyzed the dependence of the cholesterol content of the virus envelope on glycoprotein oligomerization and virus infectivity. Finally, we characterized the lipid membrane areas from which LASV is released.  相似文献   

For recognition of infected cells by CD8 T cells, antigenic peptides are presented at the cell surface, bound to major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. Downmodulation of cell surface MHC-I molecules is regarded as a hallmark function of cytomegalovirus-encoded immunoevasins. The molecular mechanisms by which immunoevasins interfere with the MHC-I pathway suggest, however, that this downmodulation may be secondary to an interruption of turnover replenishment and that hindrance of the vesicular transport of recently generated peptide-MHC (pMHC) complexes to the cell surface is the actual function of immunoevasins. Here we have used the model of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV) infection to provide experimental evidence for this hypothesis. To quantitate pMHC complexes at the cell surface after infection in the presence and absence of immunoevasins, we generated the recombinant viruses mCMV-SIINFEKL and mCMV-Δm06m152-SIINFEKL, respectively, expressing the Kb-presented peptide SIINFEKL with early-phase kinetics in place of an immunodominant peptide of the viral carrier protein gp36.5/m164. The data revealed ∼10,000 Kb molecules presenting SIINFEKL in the absence of immunoevasins, which is an occupancy of ∼10% of all cell surface Kb molecules, whereas immunoevasins reduced this number to almost the detection limit. To selectively evaluate their effect on preexisting pMHC complexes, cells were exogenously loaded with SIINFEKL peptide shortly after infection with mCMV-SIINFEKA, in which endogenous presentation is prevented by an L174A mutation of the C-terminal MHC-I anchor residue. The data suggest that pMHC complexes present at the cell surface in advance of immunoevasin gene expression are downmodulated due to constitutive turnover in the absence of resupply.CD8 T cells recognize infected cells by interaction of their T-cell receptor (TCR) with a cell surface presentation complex composed of a cognate antigenic peptide bound to a presenting allelic form of a major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) glycoprotein (77, 85, 97, 98). The number of such “peptide receptors” per cell has been estimated to be on the order of 105 to 106 for each MHC-I allomorph (for a review, see reference 82). Viral antigenic peptides are generated within infected cells by proteolytic processing of viral proteins, usually in the proteasome, and associate with nascent MHC-I proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) before the peptide-MHC (pMHC) complexes travel to the cell surface with the cellular vesicular flow (for reviews, see references 13, 87, 92, and 93). CD8 T cells have long been known to protect against cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and disease in animal models (60, 72; reviewed in references 33 and 36) and in humans (9, 61, 67, 75, 76). As shown only recently in the murine CMV (mCMV) model of infection of immunocompromised mice by adoptive transfer of epitope-specific CD8 T cells, antiviral protection against CMV is indeed TCR mediated and epitope dependent. Specifically, memory cells purified by TCR-based epitope-specific cell sorting, as well as cells of a peptide-selected cytolytic T-lymphocyte line, protected against mCMV expressing the cognate antigenic peptide, the IE1 peptide 168-YPHFMPTNL-176 in this example, but failed to control infection with a recombinant mCMV expressing a peptide analogue in which the C-terminal MHC-I anchor residue leucine was replaced with alanine (3).Interference with the MHC-I pathway of antigen presentation has evolved as a viral immune evasion mechanism of CMVs and other viruses, mediated by virally encoded proteins that inhibit MHC-I trafficking to the cell surface (for reviews, see references 1, 24, 27, 29, 63, 70, 71, 84, and 95). These molecules are known as immunoevasins (50, 70, 89), as “viral proteins interfering with antigen presentation” (VIPRs) (95), or as negative “viral regulators of antigen presentation” (vRAPs) (34). Although the detailed molecular mechanisms differ between different CMV species in their respective hosts, the common biological outcome is the inhibition of antigen presentation. Accordingly, downmodulation of MHC-I cell surface expression is a hallmark of molecular immune evasion and actually led to the discovery of this class of molecules. Since CD8 T cells apparently protect against infection with wild-type CMV strains despite the expression of immunoevasins, the in vivo relevance of these molecules is an issue of current interest and investigation (for a review, see reference 14). As shown recently with the murine model, antigen presentation in infected host cells is not completely blocked for all epitopes, because pMHC complexes that are constitutively formed in sufficiently large amounts can exhaust the inhibitory capacity of the immunoevasins (40). Likewise, enhancing antigen processing conditionally with gamma interferon (IFN-γ) aids in peptide presentation in the presence of immunoevasins (18, 28). Thus, by raising the threshold of the amount of peptide required for presentation, immunoevasins determine whether a particular viral peptide can function as a protective epitope—an issue of relevance for rational vaccine design as well (94). Whereas deletion of immunoevasin genes gives only incremental improvement to the control of infection in immunocompetent mice (22, 51), expression of immunoevasins reduces the protective effect of adoptively transferred CD8 T cells in immunocompromised recipients (37, 40, 47, 48). In a bone marrow transplantation model, immunoevasins were recently found to contribute to enhanced and prolonged virus replication during hematopoietic reconstitution and, consequently, also to higher latent viral genome loads in the lungs and a higher incidence of virus recurrence (4). Notably, however, immunoevasins do not inhibit but, rather, enhance CD8 T-cell priming (5, 21, 22, 56), due to higher viral replication levels in draining lymph nodes associated with sustained antigen supply for the cross-priming of CD8 T cells by uninfected antigen-presenting cells (5).For mCMV, three molecules are proposed to function as vRAPs, only two of which are confirmed negative regulators that downmodulate cell surface MHC-I (34, 62, 89) and inhibit the presentation of antigenic peptides to CD8 T cells (34, 62). Immunoevasin gp40/m152 transiently interacts with MHC-I molecules and mediates their retention in a cis-Golgi compartment (96), whereas gp48/m06 stably binds to MHC-I molecules in the ER and mediates sorting of the complexes for lysosomal degradation by a mechanism that involves the cellular cargo sorting adaptor proteins AP1-A and AP3-A (73, 74). The third proposed immunoevasin of mCMV, gp34/m04 (46), also binds stably to MHC-I molecules. A function as a CD8 T-cell immunoevasin was predicted from some alleviation of immune evasion for certain epitopes and MHC-I molecules in cells infected with the deletion mutant mCMV-Δm04 (34, 42, 89), but gp34/m04 does not reduce the steady-state level of cell surface class I molecules and does not inhibit peptide presentation when expressed selectively after infection with mCMV-Δm06m152 (34, 62). The m04-MHC-I complexes are expressed on the cell surface (46) and appear to be involved in the modulation of natural killer cell activity (45).Here we give the first report on quantitating the efficacy of immunoevasins in terms of absolute numbers of pMHC complexes displayed at the cell surface. By comparing the fate of pMHC complexes already present at the cell surface in advance of immunoevasin gene expression with that of newly formed pMHC complexes, our data provide direct evidence to conclude that downmodulation of cell surface MHC-I molecules is secondary to an interruption of the flow of newly formed pMHC complexes to the cell surface.(Part of this work was presented at the 12th International CMV/Betaherpesvirus Workshop, 10 to 14 May 2009, Boston, MA.)  相似文献   

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