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As proposed by Darwin, climbers have been assumed to allocate a smaller fraction of biomass to support organs in comparison with self-supporting plants. They have also been hypothesized to possess a set of traits associated with fast growth, resource uptake and high productivity.


In this review, these hypotheses are evaluated by assembling and synthesizing published and unpublished data sets from across the globe concerning resource allocation, growth rates and traits of leaves, stems and roots of climbers and self-supporting species.


The majority of studies offer little support for the smaller allocation of biomass to stems or greater relative growth rates in climbers; however, these results are based on small sized (<1 kg) plants. Simulations based on allometric biomass equations demonstrate, however, that larger lianas allocate a greater fraction of above-ground biomass to leaves (and therefore less biomass to stems) compared with similar sized trees. A survey of leaf traits of lianas revealed their lower average leaf mass per area (LMA), higher N and P concentration and a slightly higher mass-based photosynthetic rate, as well as a lower concentration of phenolic-based compounds than in woody self-supporting species, consistent with the specialization of lianas towards the fast metabolism/rapid turnover end of the global trait spectra. Liana stems have an efficient hydraulic design and unique mechanical features, while roots appear to penetrate deeper soil levels than in trees and are often able to generate hydraulic pressure. Much remains to be learned, however, about these and other functional specializations of their axial organs and the associated trade-offs. Developmental switches between self-supporting, searcher and climbing shoots within the same individual are a promising field of comparative studies on trait association in lianas. Finally, some of the vast trait variability within lianas may be reduced when species with different climbing mechanisms are considered separately, and when phylogenetic conservatism is accounted for.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties are investigated in Desmoncus orthacanthos and D. polyacanthos from French Guiana, South America. Differences in size and axis stiffness are related to different trellis requirements and habitats. The leaf sheath surrounds the stem, increasing stiffness of young self-supporting stages and apical parts of older climbing plants. Senescence of the leaf sheath reduces stiffness of older climbing axes of both species. Its eventual loss in D. orthacanthos facilitates deformation into coils and loops when plants slip from their supports following senescence of leaves bearing attachment organs. In smaller climbing axes of D. polyacanthos, the senescent leaf sheath remains attached and axes rarely form loops and coils below attachment. An increase in stiff mechanical properties toward the base of both species is radically different from that of many dicotyledonous lianas. Besides the presence of attachment organs, stem mechanical properties of Desmoncus are similar to those of erect though not fully self-supporting stems of Bactris major, a sympatric species of the sister group genus to Desmoncus. The climbing habit in Desmoncus may have evolved via (1) heterochronic processes including early elongation of internodes relative to increase in stem diameter (reduction of the establishment phase) and (2) increased persistence of leaf sheaths.  相似文献   

Summary Vessel dimensions (total diameter and length) were determined in tropical and subtropical plants of different growth forms with an emphasis upon lianas (woody vines). The paint infusion and compressed air methods were used on 38 species from 26 genera and 16 families in the most extensive survey of vessel length made to date. Within most stems there was a skewed frequency distribution of vessel lengths and diameter, with many short and narrow vessels and few long and wide ones. The longest vessel found (7.73 m) was in a stem of the liana (woody vine) Pithecoctenium crucigerum. Mean vessel length for 33 species of lianas was 0.38 m, average maximum length was 1.45 m. There was a statistically significant inter-species correlation between maximum vessel length and maximum vessel diameter. Among liana stems and among tree+shrub stems there were statistically significant correlations between stem xylem diameter and vessel dimensions. Lianas with different adaptations for climbing (tendril climbers, twiners, scramblers) were similar in their vessel dimensions except that scramblers tended to have shorter (but not narrower) vessels. Within one genus, Bauhinia, tendril climbing species had greater maximum vessel lengths and diameters than tree and shrub species. The few long and wide vessels of lianas are thought to hydraulically compensate for their narrow stem diameters. The many narrow and short vessels, which are present in the same liana stems, may provide a high resistance auxiliary transport system.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cold neutron radiography was applied to directly observe embolism in conduits of liana stems with the aim to evaluate the suitability of this method for studying embolism formation and repair. Potential advantages of this method are a principally non-invasive imaging approach with low energy dose compared with synchrotron X-ray radiation, a good spatial and temporal resolution, and the possibility to observe the entire volume of stem portions with a length of several centimetres at one time.


Complete and cut stems of Adenia lobata, Aristolochia macrophylla and Parthenocissus tricuspidata were radiographed at the neutron imaging facility CONRAD at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, with each measurement cycle lasting several hours. Low attenuation gas spaces were separated from the high attenuation (water-containing) plant tissue using image processing.

Key results

Severe cuts into the stem were necessary to induce embolism. The formation and temporal course of an embolism event could then be successfully observed in individual conduits. It was found that complete emptying of a vessel with a diameter of 100 µm required a time interval of 4 min. Furthermore, dehydration of the whole stem section could be monitored via decreasing attenuation of the neutrons.


The results suggest that cold neutron radiography represents a useful tool for studying water relations in plant stems that has the potential to complement other non-invasive methods.  相似文献   

Lianas are a key component of tropical forests; however, most surveys are too small to accurately quantify liana community composition, diversity, abundance, and spatial distribution – critical components for measuring the contribution of lianas to forest processes. In 2007, we tagged, mapped, measured the diameter, and identified all lianas ≥1 cm rooted in a 50-ha plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (BCI). We calculated liana density, basal area, and species richness for both independently rooted lianas and all rooted liana stems (genets plus clones). We compared spatial aggregation patterns of liana and tree species, and among liana species that varied in the amount of clonal reproduction. We also tested whether liana and tree densities have increased on BCI compared to surveys conducted 30-years earlier. This study represents the most comprehensive spatially contiguous sampling of lianas ever conducted and, over the 50 ha area, we found 67,447 rooted liana stems comprising 162 species. Rooted lianas composed nearly 25% of the woody stems (trees and lianas), 35% of woody species richness, and 3% of woody basal area. Lianas were spatially aggregated within the 50-ha plot and the liana species with the highest proportion of clonal stems more spatially aggregated than the least clonal species, possibly indicating clonal stem recruitment following canopy disturbance. Over the past 30 years, liana density increased by 75% for stems ≥1 cm diameter and nearly 140% for stems ≥5 cm diameter, while tree density on BCI decreased 11.5%; a finding consistent with other neotropical forests. Our data confirm that lianas contribute substantially to tropical forest stem density and diversity, they have highly clumped distributions that appear to be driven by clonal stem recruitment into treefall gaps, and they are increasing relative to trees, thus indicating that lianas will play a greater role in the future dynamics of BCI and other neotropical forests.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants in open, uncrowded habitats typically have relatively short stems with many branches, whereas plants in crowded habitats grow taller and more slender at the expense of mechanical stability. There seems to be a trade-off between height growth and mechanical stability, and this study addresses how stand density influences stem extension and consequently plant safety margins against mechanical failure.


Xanthium canadense plants were grown either solitarily (S-plants) or in a dense stand (D-plants) until flowering. Internode dimensions and mechanical properties were measured at the metamer level, and the critical buckling height beyond which the plant elastically buckles under its own weight and the maximum lateral wind force the plant can withstand were calculated.

Key Results

Internodes were longer in D- than S-plants, but basal diameter did not differ significantly. Relative growth rates of internode length and diameter were negatively correlated to the volumetric solid fraction of the internode. Internode dry mass density was higher in S- than D-plants. Young''s modulus of elasticity and the breaking stress were higher in lower metamers, and in D- than in S-plants. Within a stand, however, both moduli were positively related to dry mass density. The buckling safety factor, a ratio of critical buckling height to actual height, was higher in S- than in D-plants. D-plants were found to be approaching the limiting value 1. Lateral wind force resistance was higher in S- than in D-plants, and increased with growth in S-plants.


Critical buckling height increased with height growth due mainly to an increase in stem stiffness and diameter and a reduction in crown/stem mass ratio. Lateral wind force resistance was enhanced due to increased tissue strength and diameter. The increase in tissue stiffness and strength with height growth plays a crucial role in maintaining a safety margin against mechanical failure in herbaceous species that lack the capacity for secondary growth.  相似文献   

Recent studies have highlighted the role of lianas in shaping stand dynamics both in tropical and temperate forests. However, English ivy (Hedera helix L.), one of the most widespread lianas in Europe, has received little attention. We conducted a study in the Siro Negri alluvial forest (NW Italy) to determine what factors most affected ivy distribution and investigate its interactions with the trees in the stand. We evaluated the influence of tree size, age, species, and neighborhood crowding on ivy occurrence. In addition, growth ring widths were used to explore the development pattern of climbing stems. Fifty-two percent of trees in our study plots carried ivy, a value comparable to liana incidence found in mature tropical forests. Tree characteristics and their spatial pattern significantly influenced ivy distribution. Preferred hosts were large, isolated trees, while the effect of tree age and species on ivy occurrence was marginal. Growth pattern analysis revealed that radial growth was positively related to the available space on the tree trunk for each ivy stem. We conclude that neighborhood crowding around trees and competition among climbing stems relying on the same trunk may reduce the colonization rate of ivy.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In rain forests, sapling survival is highly dependent on the regulation of trunk slenderness (height/diameter ratio): shade-intolerant species have to grow in height as fast as possible to reach the canopy but also have to withstand mechanical loadings (wind and their own weight) to avoid buckling. Recent studies suggest that mechanosensing is essential to control tree dimensions and stability-related morphogenesis. Differences in species slenderness have been observed among rainforest trees; the present study thus investigates whether species with different slenderness and growth habits exhibit differences in mechanosensitivity.


Recent studies have led to a model of mechanosensing (sum-of-strains model) that predicts a quantitative relationship between the applied sum of longitudinal strains and the plant''s responses in the case of a single bending. Saplings of five different neotropical species (Eperua falcata, E. grandiflora, Tachigali melinonii, Symphonia globulifera and Bauhinia guianensis) were subjected to a regimen of controlled mechanical loading phases (bending) alternating with still phases over a period of 2 months. Mechanical loading was controlled in terms of strains and the five species were subjected to the same range of sum of strains. The application of the sum-of-strain model led to a dose–response curve for each species. Dose–response curves were then compared between tested species.

Key Results

The model of mechanosensing (sum-of-strain model) applied in the case of multiple bending as long as the bending frequency was low. A comparison of dose–response curves for each species demonstrated differences in the stimulus threshold, suggesting two groups of responses among the species. Interestingly, the liana species B. guianensis exhibited a higher threshold than other Leguminosae species tested.


This study provides a conceptual framework to study variability in plant mechanosensing and demonstrated interspecific variability in mechanosensing.Key words: Mechanosensing, interspecific variability, trees, lianas, rain forest, neotropical species, bending, biomechanics, Bauhinia, Eperua, Symphonia, Tachigali  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The order Piperales has the highest diversity of growth forms among the earliest angiosperm lineages, including trees, shrubs, climbers and herbs. However, within the perianth-bearing Piperales (Asarum, Saruma, Lactoris, Hydnora, Prosopanche, Thottea and Aristolochia), climbing species only occur in the most species-rich genus Aristolochia. This study traces anatomical and morphological traits among these lineages, to detect trends in growth form evolution and developmental processes.


Transverse stem sections of different developmental stages of representatives of Asarum, Saruma, Lactoris, Hydnora, Thottea and Aristolochia were compared and anatomical traits were linked to growth form evolution. Biomechanical properties of representative climbers were determined in three-point bending tests and are discussed based on the anatomical observations. Growth form evolution of the perianth-bearing Piperales was reconstructed by ancestral character state reconstruction using Mesquite.

Key Results

While species of Asarum and Saruma are exclusively herbaceous, species of the remaining genera show a higher diversity of growth habit and anatomy. This growth form diversity is accompanied by a more complex stem anatomy and appropriate biomechanical properties. The ancestral growth form of the perianth-bearing Piperales is reconstructed with either a shrub-like or herbaceous character state, while the following three backbone nodes in the reconstruction show a shrub-like character state. Accordingly, the climbing habit most probably evolved in the ancestor of Aristolochia.


Since the ancestor of the perianth-bearing Piperales has been reconstructed with a herb- or shrub-like habit, it is proposed that the climbing habit is a derived growth form, which evolved with the diversification of Aristolochia, and might have been a key feature for its diversification. Observed anatomical synapomorphies, such as the perivascular fibres in Lactoris, Thottea and Aristolochia, support the phylogenetic relationship of several lineages within the perianth-bearing Piperales. In addition, the hypothesis that the vegetative organs of the holoparasitic Hydnoraceae are most probably rhizomes is confirmed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The tribe Spermacoceae is essentially a herbaceous Rubiaceae lineage, except for some species that can be described as ‘woody’ herbs, small shrubs to treelets, or lianas. Its sister tribe Knoxieae contains a large number of herbaceous taxa, but the number of woody taxa is higher compared to Spermacoceae. The occurrence of herbaceous and woody species within the same group raises the question whether the woody taxa are derived from herbaceous taxa (i.e. secondary woodiness), or whether woodiness represents the ancestral state (i.e. primary woodiness). Microscopic observations of wood anatomy are combined with an independent molecular phylogeny to answer this question.


Observations of wood anatomy of 21 woody Spermacoceae and eight woody Knoxieae species, most of them included in a multi-gene molecular phylogeny, are carried out using light microscopy.

Key Results

Observations of wood anatomy in Spermacoceae support the molecular hypothesis that all the woody species examined are secondary derived. Well-known wood anatomical characters that demonstrate this shift from the herbaceous to the woody habit are the typically flat or decreasing length vs. age curves for vessel elements, the abundance of square and upright ray cells, or even the (near-) absence of rays. These so-called paedomorphic wood features are also present in the Knoxieae genera Otiophora, Otomeria, Pentas, Pentanisia and Phyllopentas. However, the wood structure of the other Knoxieae genera observed (Carphalea, Dirichletia and Triainolepis) is typical of primarily woody taxa.


In Spermacoceae, secondary woodiness has evolved numerous times in strikingly different habitats. In Knoxieae, there is a general trend from primary woodiness towards herbaceousness and back to (secondary) woodiness.Key words: Knoxieae, LM, primary woodiness, Rubiaceae, Rubioideae, secondary woodiness, Spermacoceae, wood anatomy  相似文献   

Liana species have a variety of habitat preferences. Although morphological traits connected to resource acquisition may vary by habitat preference, few studies have investigated such associations in lianas. In previous work on temperate lianas, we observed (1) free standing leafy shoots and (2) climbing shoots that clung to host plants; we examined relationships between habitat preference and shoot production patterns in five liana species. Among the five species, two were more frequent at the forest edges (forest-edge species), and two were more common within the forests (forest-interior species). The proportion of climbing shoots in current-year shoot mass of young plants (3–8 m in height) was greater in the forest-edge species (45–60%) than in the forest-interior species (6–30%). In consequence, there was a greater leaf mass ratio in the total current-year shoots of forest-interior species. This, combined with a greater specific leaf area, endows forest-interior species with a leaf area per unit shoot mass double that of forest-edge species. Forest-edge species had longer individual climbing shoots whose length per unit stem mass was smaller than in forest-interior lianas. Extension efficiency, measured as the sum of the climbing stem length per unit current-year shoot mass, was thus similar between forest-edge and interior species. In conclusion, liana shoot production patterns were related to species habitat preferences. A trade-off between current potential productivity (leaves) and the ability to search for hosts and/or well-lit environments (climbing stems) may underpin these relationships.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Forest tree saplings that grow in the understorey undergo frequent changes in their light environment to which they must adapt to ensure their survival and growth. Crown architecture, which plays a critical role in light capture and mechanical stability, is a major component of sapling adaptation to canopy disturbance. Shade-adapted saplings typically have plagiotropic stems and branches. After canopy opening, they need to develop more erect shoots in order to exploit the new light conditions. The objective of this study was to test whether changes in sapling stem inclination occur after canopy opening, and to analyse the morphological changes associated with stem reorientation.


A 4-year canopy-opening field experiment with naturally regenerated Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus saplings was conducted. The appearance of new stem axes, stem basal diameter and inclination along the stem were recorded every year after canopy opening.

Key Results

Both species showed considerable stem reorientation resulting primarily from uprighting (more erect) shoot movements in Fagus, and from uprighting movements, shoot elongation and formation of relay shoots in Acer. In both species, the magnitude of shoot uprighting movements was primarily related to initial stem inclination. Both the basal part and the apical part of the stem contributed to uprighting movements. Stem movements did not appear to be limited by stem size or by stem growth.


Stem uprighting movements in shade-adapted Fagus and Acer saplings following canopy disturbance were considerable and rapid, suggesting that stem reorientation processes play a significant role in the growth strategy of the species.  相似文献   

Yi Ding  Runguo Zang 《Biotropica》2009,41(5):618-624
Lianas are an integral part of tropical forest ecosystems, which usually respond strongly to severe disturbances, such as logging. To compare the effect of different logging systems on the lianas diversity in tropical rain forest, we recorded all lianas and trees ≥1 cm dbh in two 40-year-old forest sites after clear cutting (CC) and selective cutting (SC) as well as in an old-growth (OG) lowland tropical rain forest on Hainan Island in south China. Results showed that OG contained fewer liana stems and lower species richness (stems: 261, richness: 42 in 1 ha) than CC (606, 52) and SC (727, 50). However, OG had the highest Fisher's α diversity index (17.3) and species richness per stem (0.184). Species composition and dbh class distribution of lianas varied significantly with different logging systems. The mean liana dbh in OG (22.1 cm) were higher than those in CC (7.0 cm) and SC (10.4 cm). Stem twining was the most frequent climbing mechanism represented in the forest, as shown by the greatest species richness, abundance, basal area, and host tree number with this mechanism. The percent of host tree stems ≥4 cm dbh hosting at least one liana individual in SC (39%) was higher than CC (23%) and OG (19.5%). Large host trees (dbh≥60 cm) were more likely to be infested by lianas in SC and OG. Our study demonstrated that logging disturbance could significantly change the composition and structure of liana communities in the lowland tropical rain forest of south China.


Background and Aims

Carbohydrate temporarily accumulates in wheat stems during the early reproductive growth phase, predominantly as water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), and is subsequently remobilized during grain filling. Starch has also been reported as a minor storage carbohydrate component in wheat stems, but the details are lacking.


The accumulation and localization of starch in wheat stem and leaf sheath tissue over a developmental period from 6 d before anthesis to 35 d after anthesis was investigated.

Key Results

The region of the peduncle enclosed by the flag-leaf sheath, and the penultimate internode were the main tissues identified as containing starch, in which the starch grains localized to the storage parenchyma cells. In contrast, the exposed peduncle lacked starch grains. Starch grains were also found in the flag-leaf and second-leaf sheath. Plants grown in low-nitrogen conditions exhibited increased storage of both starch and WSC compared with plants grown in high-nitrogen supply.


The major accumulation and decrease of starch occurred temporally independently to that for WSC, suggesting a different functional role for starch in wheat stems. Starch reutilization concomitant with peduncle growth, and the early development of the reproductive structures, suggested a role in provision of energy and/or carbon scaffolds for these growth processes.Key words: Carbohydrate partitioning, peduncle, starch, wheat stem, storage parenchyma, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

Morphological variation in current-year shoots within plants was examined in five deciduous and four evergreen liana species from temperate forests in Japan to elucidate the role differentiation in shoots. All lianas had both shoots that twined or developed adventitious roots to gain support on host materials (searcher shoots) and self-supporting shoots with no climbing structures (ordinary shoots). Searcher shoots were 20–295 times longer than ordinary shoots. The allometric relationships between stem length and leaf area differed between searcher and ordinary shoots, and the stem length for a given leaf area was greater in searcher shoots. Leaf area per shoot mass was 1.4–4.3 times higher in ordinary shoots because of the greater allocation to leaf biomass. Searcher shoots comprised only 1–6% of total shoots but 30–85% of total shoot length in deciduous lianas. Ordinary shoots accounted for 70–95% of the total leaf area in these liana species. These results suggest that the exploration of new space was primarily achieved by searcher shoots, whereas a large proportion of current photosynthetic production was achieved by ordinary shoots. The range of stem length and leaf mass ratio of ordinary shoots was similar to that in shoots of tree species. Specialization of shoots in lianas is discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Successive vascular cambia are involved in the secondary growth of at least 200 woody species from >30 plant families. In the mangrove Avicennia these successive cambia are organized in patches, creating stems with non-concentric xylem tissue surrounded by internal phloem tissue. Little is known about radial growth and tree stem dynamics in trees with this type of anatomy. This study aims to (1) clarify the process of secondary growth of Avicennia trees by studying its patchiness; and (2) study the radial increment of Avicennia stems, both temporary and permanent, in relation to local climatic and environmental conditions. A test is made of the hypothesis that patchy radial growth and stem dynamics enable Avicennia trees to better survive conditions of extreme physiological drought.


Stem variations were monitored by automatic point dendrometers at four different positions around and along the stem of two Avicennia marina trees in the mangrove forest of Gazi Bay (Kenya) during 1 year.

Key Results

Patchiness was found in the radial growth and shrinkage and swelling patterns of Avicennia stems. It was, however, potentially rather than systematically present, i.e. stems reacted either concentrically or patchily to environment triggers, and it was fresh water availability and not tidal inundation that affected radial increment.


It is concluded that the ability to develop successive cambia in a patchy way enables Avicennia trees to adapt to changes in the prevailing environmental conditions, enhancing its survival in the highly dynamic mangrove environment. Limited water could be used in a more directive way, investing all the attainable resources in only some locations of the tree stem so that at least at these locations there is enough water to, for example, overcome vessel embolisms or create new cells. As these locations change with time, the overall functioning of the tree can be maintained.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cambial reactivation in trees occurs from late winter to early spring when photosynthesis is minimal or almost non-existent. Reserve materials might be important for wood formation in trees. The localization and approximate levels of starch and lipids (as droplets) and number of starch granules in cambium and phloem were examined from cambial dormancy to the start of xylem differentiation in locally heated stems of Cryptomeria japonica trees in winter.


Electric heating tape was wrapped on one side of the stem of Cryptomeria japonica trees at breast height in winter. The localization and approximate levels of starch and lipids (as droplets) and number of starch granules were determined by image analysis of optical digital images obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy.

Key Results

Localized heating induced earlier cambial reactivation and xylem differentiation in stems of Cryptomeria japonica, as compared with non-heated stems. There were clear changes in the respective localizations and levels of starch and lipids (as droplets) determined in terms of relative areas on images, from cambial dormancy to the start of xylem differentiation in heated stems. In heated stems, the levels and number of starch granules fell from cambial reactivation to the start of xylem differentiation. There was a significant decrease in the relative area occupied by lipid droplets in the cambium from cambial reactivation to the start of xylem differentiation in heated stems.


The results showed clearly that the levels and number of storage starch granules in cambium and phloem cells and levels of lipids (as droplets) in the cambium decreased from cambial reactivation to the start of xylem differentiation in heated stems during the winter. The observations suggest that starch and lipid droplets might be needed as sources of energy for the initiation of cambial cell division and the differentiation of xylem in Cryptomeria japonica.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Casparian bands are characteristic of the endodermis and exodermis of roots, but also occur infrequently in other plant organs, for example stems and leaves. To date, these structures have not been detected in phellem cells of a periderm. The aim of this study was to determine whether Casparian bands occur in phellem cells using tests that are known to detect Casparian bands in cells that also contain suberin lamellae. Both natural periderm and wound-induced structures were examined in shoots and roots.


Using Pelargonium hortorum as a candidate species, the following tests were conducted: (1) staining with berberine and counterstaining with aniline blue, (2) mounting sections in concentrated sulphuric acid and (3) investigating the permeability of the walls with berberine as an apoplastic, fluorescent tracer.

Key Results

(1) Berberine–aniline blue staining revealed a modification in the radial and transverse walls of mature phellem cells in both stems and roots. Three days after wounding through to the cortex of stems, the boundary zone cells (pre-existing, living cells nearest the wound) had developed vividly stained primary walls. By 17 d, staining of mature phellem cells of wound-induced periderm was similar to that of natural periderm. (2) Mature native phellem cells of stems resisted acid digestion. (3) Berberine was excluded from the anticlinal (radial and transverse) walls of mature phellem cells in stems and roots, and from the wound-induced boundary zone.


Casparian bands are present in mature phellem cells in both stems and roots of P. hortorum. It is proposed that Casparian bands act to retard water loss and pathogen entry through the primary cell walls of the phellem cells, thus contributing to the main functions of the periderm.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plant defence traits against herbivores incur production costs that are usually difficult to measure. However, estimating these costs is a prerequisite for characterizing the plant defence strategy as a whole. Myrmecophytes are plants that provide symbiotic ants with specialized nesting cavities, called domatia, in exchange for protection against herbivores. In the particular case of stem domatia, production of extra wood seems to be the only associated cost, making this indirect defence trait a particularly suitable model for estimating the cost of defence.


Measurements were made of growth pattern and cumulative production cost of domatia over secondary growth in the myrmecophyte Leonardoxa africana subsp. africana, whose internodes display both a solid basal segment and a hollow distal part (the domatium), thus allowing paired comparison of investment in wood.

Key Results

Previous studies showed that ‘overconstruction’ of the hollow part of internodes during primary growth is needed for mechanical support. In this study, it is shown that the relationship between the woody cross-sectional area of the solid and hollow parts of internodes is negatively allometric at the beginning of secondary growth and nearly isometric later on. Thus, in hollow stems, the first phase of slow secondary growth compensates for the ‘overconstruction’ of the ring of wood during primary growth. Moreover, the cumulative production cost of a domatium (estimated as the additional volume of wood required for a hollow stem compared with a solid one) is very high at the beginning of secondary growth and then quickly tends to zero.


Making domatia incurs high costs early in ontogeny, costs that are then amortized later in development of stems and of individual plants. Characterizing ontogenetic variation of the net cost of this peculiar defence mechanism will help us build more accurate theoretical models of resource allocation in myrmecophytes.  相似文献   

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