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Myrmecochorous plants produce seeds with lipid-rich appendages (elaiosomes) which act as a reward for seed-dispersing ants. Seed dispersal is important for exotic species, which often need to establish new mutualistic interactions in order to colonize new non-native habitats. However, little is known about the importance of elaiosomes for seed removal in many of their non-native ranges. We studied ant–seed interactions of elaiosome-bearing and elaiosome-removed seeds of the Australian trees Acacia dealbata and Acacia longifolia in order to assess the relative importance of elaiosomes for seed removal between their native (Australia) and non-native (Portugal) ranges. In Portugal, we also studied the co-occurring native plant species with myrmecochorous seeds, Pterospartum tridentatum and Ulex europaeus, across three contiguous levels of acacia invasion: control (i.e. no acacia), low, and high acacia tree density. Acacia seeds were successfully removed by ants in their non-native region by a diversified assemblage of ant species, even in sites where native plants interacted with only one specialized ant species. In the invaded range, diminishing relative importance of elaiosomes was associated with changes in the ant community due to acacia invasion, and for A. dealbata, ant species richness decreased with increasing acacia tree density. Although seed removal was high for both acacia species, the importance of elaiosomes was proportionally lower for A. dealbata in the non-native region. Native plant species experienced significant reductions in seed removal in areas highly invaded by acacia, identifying another mechanism of displacement of native plants by acacias.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by vertebrate animals is important for the establishment of many fleshy-fruited plant species. Different frugivorous species can provide different seed dispersal services according to their specific dietary preferences as well as behaviour and body traits (e.g. body size and beak size of birds). Our aim was to study redundancies and complementarities in seed dispersal and germination between the two main native seed disperser birds and the introduced silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera in the temperate Patagonian forests. For this, we collected fresh droppings from the studied species and analyzed seed content. We conducted germination trials for four plant species common in bird droppings; two native species (Aristotelia chilensis and Rhaphithamnus spinosus) and two invasive non-native species (Rubus ulmifolius and Rosa rubiginosa). Both native frugivorous birds and the silver pheasant dispersed fruits of non- native fleshy-fruited plants, but their roles were non-redundant in terms of species dispersed and effect on seed germination. The silver pheasant dispersed a proportionally high number of non-native seeds, while native birds dispersed a high number of native seeds. In addition, the effect of gut treatment in seed germination differed between seed dispersers. Native birds promoted the germination for the two native plant species studied, while the silver pheasant promoted the germination of one non-native plant. This suggests that seed dispersal by the silver pheasant may contribute to the spread of some invasive fleshy-fruited plants in the ecosystems that otherwise would not be dispersed by any other bird. The understanding of redundancies and complementarities on seed dispersal and germination between native and introduced birds will allow improving the management of fleshy-fruited non-native plants.  相似文献   

Soil-borne seed pathogens are omnipresent but are often overlooked components of a community’s biotic resistance to plant naturalization and invasion. Using multi-year greenhouse experiments, we compared the seed mortality of single invasive, naturalized, and native grass species in sterilized and unsterilized soils collected from Pacific Northwest (USA) steppe and forest communities. Native Pseudoroegneria spicata displayed the greatest seed mortality, naturalized Secale cereale displayed intermediate seed mortality, and invasive Bromus tectorum was least affected by soil pathogens. Seed mortality across all three species was consistently greater in soils collected from steppe than soils collected from forest; seeds sown into sterilized steppe soil experienced half the overall seed mortality compared to seeds sown into unsterilized steppe soil. Soil sterilization did not affect grass seed mortality in forest soils. We conclude that (1) removing soil-borne pathogens with sterilization does increase native and non-native grass seed survival, and (2) soil-borne pathogens may influence whether an introduced species becomes invasive or naturalized within these Pacific Northwest communities as a result of differential seed survival. Soil-borne pathogens in these communities, however, have the greatest negative effect on the survival of native grass seeds, suggesting that the native microbial soil flora more effectively attack seeds of native plants than seeds of non-native species.  相似文献   

Seed predation can structure plant communities by imposing strong population controls on some species but not others. In this context, studies from various ecosystems report that native granivores selectively forage for seeds from native species over seeds from exotic invaders, which could disproportionately favor the establishment of invaders and facilitate their dominance in communities. However, few studies have connected selective foraging for native seeds to differential patterns of establishment among native and invasive species. Thus, the extent to which preferential foraging for native seeds favors the establishment of invasive plants is unclear. Here, we used experimental seed additions and exclosure treatments at five field sites distributed across?≈?80,000 km2 of the Great Basin Desert, USA to compare the effects of rodent foraging on the establishment of less-preferred cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum—an annual species native to Eurasia that is exotic and highly invasive across the Great Basin) and four species of more-preferred native grasses that commonly co-occur with cheatgrass. Rodent foraging reduced the establishment of each native species by at least 80% but had no effect on the establishment of cheatgrass, and this finding was consistent across study sites. Our results suggest that selective foraging for native species may favor the establishment of cheatgrass over native grasses, potentially exacerbating one of the most extensive plant invasions in North America.  相似文献   

Invasive non-native plants are a major driver of native biodiversity loss, yet native biodiversity can sometimes benefit from non-native species. Depending on habitat context, even the same non-native species can have positive and negative effects on biodiversity. Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus aggregate) is a useful model organism to better understand a non-native plant with conflicting impacts on biodiversity. We used a replicated capture-mark-recapture study across 11 consecutive seasons to examine the response of small mammal diversity and abundance to vegetation structure and density associated with non-native blackberry (R. anglocandicans) in native, hybrid and blackberry-dominated novel ecosystems in Australia. Across the three habitat types, increasing blackberry dominance had a positive influence on mammal diversity, while the strength and direction of this influence varied for abundance. At a microhabitat scale within hybrid and native habitat there were no significant differences in diversity, or the abundance of most species, between microhabitats where blackberry was absent versus dominant. In contrast, in novel ecosystems diversity and abundances were very low without blackberry, yet high (comparable to native ecosystems) within blackberry as it provided functionally-analogous vegetation structure and density to the lost native understory. Our results indicate the ecological functions of non-native plant species vary depending on habitat and need to be considered for management. Comparative studies such as ours that apply a standardized approach across a broad range of conditions at the landscape and habitat scale are crucial for guiding land managers on control options for non-native species (remove, reduce or retain and contain) that are context-sensitive and scale-dependent.  相似文献   

In part, the enemy release hypothesis of plant invasion posits that generalist herbivores in the non-native ranges of invasive plants will prefer native plants to exotic invaders. However, the extent to which this occurs in natural communities is unclear. Here, I examined the foraging preferences of an important guild of generalist herbivores—granivorous rodents—with respect to seeds from a suite of native and invasive Bromus (“brome”) species at five study sites distributed across?≈?80,000 km2 of the Great Basin Desert, USA. By examining only congeners, I accounted for a potentially large source of interspecific variation (phylogenetic relatedness). In general, granivorous rodents removed seeds from native bromes at a 23% higher rate than seeds from invasive bromes, suggesting a preference for native species. This preference was not entirely explained by seed size, and patterns of seed removal were consistent across study sites. These findings suggest that invasive bromes in the Great Basin might experience less rodent granivory than native congeners, which is consistent with a key prediction derived from the enemy release hypothesis.  相似文献   

Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana) are invasive in Puerto Rico due to a variety of negative economic effects, yet we know very little about their ecological impacts. Because they are herbivorous, defecate intact seeds, move through the forest, and have long gut-passage times, Green Iguanas may affect seed germination and seed dispersal. In summer 2013, a total of 258 Green Iguana scat samples were collected at the Humacao Natural Reserve in southeastern Puerto Rico. Seeds extracted from scat and collected from fruit were planted under common garden conditions using experimental treatments designed to tease apart the effects of feces, fruit, and ingestion on seed germination. Green Iguanas decreased the time for seeds to germinate in Ficus spp. by removing fruit pulp, but had no effect on germination of native Annona glabra seeds. For non-native P. pterocarpus and Pterocarpus spp., Green Iguanas produced conflicting results, decreasing the percentage of seeds germinating, but at the same time, reducing the time for seeds to germinate. Green Iguanas likely disperse most seeds beyond the canopies of parental tree at our site. Government and economic resources are being used to eradicate Green Iguana populations in Puerto Rico, but the lack of consistent effects of Green Iguanas on seed germination for the plant species consumed at our site complicates generalizing about their ecological effects and developing management plans that minimize negative effects for native plant communities. We recommend additional studies that target both species of particular concern, such as threatened native or invasive species, as well as studies of sensitive habitats in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal mutualisms are essential to ensure the survival of diverse plant species and communities worldwide. Here, we investigated whether the invasive Argentine ant can replace native ants by fulfilling their functional role in the seed dispersal of the rare and threatened endemic myrmecochorous plant, Anchusa crispa, in Corsica (France). Our study addressed the potential of Linepithema humile to disperse elaiosome-bearing seeds of A. crispa, examining L. humile’s effects on (1) the composition of communities of ants removing seeds, (2) the number of seed removals, (3) seed preference, (4) the distance of seed dispersion, and (5) seed germination. We caught seven native species at the control site, but only the Argentine ant at invaded sites. L humile removed A. crispa seeds in greater numbers than did native ants, respectively 66 and 23%, probably due to their higher worker density. The invader was similar to native ants with respect to distance of seed transport. Finally, rates of seed germination were not significantly different between seeds previously in contact with either Argentine ants or not. Taken all together, these results suggest that the Argentine ant is unlikely to pose a threat to A. crispa population. These results have important implications for the management of this rare and threatened endemic plant and provide an example of non-negative interactions between invasive and native species.  相似文献   

Many systems are prone to both exotic plant invasion and frequent natural disturbances. Native species richness can buffer the effects of invasion or disturbance when imposed in isolation, but it is largely unknown whether richness provides substantial resistance against invader impact in the face of disturbance. We experimentally examined how disturbance (drought/burning) influenced the impact of three exotic invaders (Centaurea stoebe, Linaria dalmatica, or Potentilla recta) on native abundance across a gradient of species richness, using previously constructed grassland assemblages. We found that invaders had higher cover in experimentally disturbed plots than in undisturbed plots across all levels of native species richness. Although exotic species varied in cover, all three invaders had significant impacts on native cover in disturbed plots. Regardless of disturbance, however, invader cover diminished with increasing richness. Invader impacts on native cover also diminished at higher richness levels, but only in undisturbed plots. In disturbed plots, invaders strongly impacted native cover across all richness levels, as disturbance favoured invaders over native species. By examining these ecological processes concurrently, we found that disturbance exacerbated invader impacts on native abundance. Although diversity provided a buffering effect against invader impact without disturbance, the combination of invasion and disturbance markedly depressed native abundance, even in high richness assemblages.  相似文献   

In the state of São Paulo in southeastern Brazil, a dangerous decree allows the culture of hybrids and non-native extralimital fish species in the Paraná and East Atlantic River basins. We recorded the illegal importation and sale of the non-native striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in northeastern, central-western, southeastern, and southern areas of the country. This species is already consumed across Brazil and is cultivated for ornamental purposes. Besides escapes from fish farms and ‘fish and pays’, P. hypophthalmus can reach natural environments through aquarium dumping and ornamental ponds, motivated by its large size that reach after being sold at small size. The species has been introduced in many countries, and if established in Brazil, could put native Brazilian biodiversity and ecosystems at risk. Although importing specimens of P. hypophthalmus is prohibited by law, Decree 62.243/2016 in the state of São Paulo creates a new opportunity for invasion. In fact, once a novel fish species is moved to a new continent, it is irrational to supposed that it will stay static just in the area for which it was intended. In general, the fish disperse in the novel area on their own, by escapes from captivity or deliberate and illicit releases by persons or associations. The unwise attitude of Brazilian decision-makers and lay people in their attempt to develop aquaculture with non-native species goes against the objectives of responsible aquaculture based in native species.  相似文献   

An invasion of non-native plant species represents the most serious environmental problem threatening the biodiversity and changing the nature of the landscape. A chemical elimination is one of the methods used to fight neophytes. It was carried out in the study area of the Morávka River flowing beneath the Beskydy Mountains between 2007 and 2010. The elimination of Reynoutria spp. was implemented as a part of the ‘Preservation of alluvial forest habitats in the Morávka River basin’ project. The population of the invasive neophyte Reynoutria spp. was eliminated by using a combination of mechanical and chemical treatment. Roundup Biaktiv herbicide was used for the chemical elimination. We investigated the consequences of the areal chemical elimination of Reynoutria spp. on the herbaceous undergrowth of the forest of the alluvium of the Morávka River. A multivariate analysis was employed to examine responses of the spring herbaceous plant species and native and non-native summer plant species composition to the chemical treatment. The hypothesis that consequences of the chemical elimination are not reflected in the spring plant species composition, whereas the applications of the herbicide and their frequency is one of crucial factors for the variability of the summer plant species composition was confirmed. The chemical elimination affected plant species composition of the non-native plant species more significantly than the plant species composition of the native plant species. A higher frequency of herbicide application caused increased diversity of both native and non-native plant species, although more noticeably in the case of the latter ones.  相似文献   

The extreme species richness of native shrubland vegetation (kwongan) near Eneabba, Western Australia, presents a major problem in the restoration of sites following mineral sand mining. Seed sources available for post-mining restoration and those present in the native kwongan vegetation were quantified and compared. Canopy-borne seeds held in persistent woody fruits were the largest seed source of perennial species in the undisturbed native vegetation and also provided the most seeds for restoration. In undisturbed vegetation, the germinable soil seed store (140–174 seeds · m?2) was only slightly less than the canopy-borne seed store (234–494 seeds · m?2), but stockpiled topsoil provided only 9% of the germinable seeds applied to the post-mining habitat. The age of stockpiled soil was also important. In the three-year-old stockpiled topsoil, the seed bank was only 10.5 seeds · m?2 in the surface 2.5 cm, compared to 56.1 to 127.6 seeds · m?2 in fresh topsoil from undisturbed vegetation sites. In the stockpiled topsoil, most seeds were of annual species and 15–40% of the seeds were of non-native species. In the topsoil from undisturbed vegetation, over 80% of the seeds were of perennial species, and non-native species comprised only 2.7% of the seed bank. Additional seeds of native species were broadcast on restoration areas, and although this represented only 1% of the seed resources applied, the broadcast seed mix was an important resource for increasing post-mining species richness. Knowledge of the life-history characteristics of plant species may relate to seed germination patterns and assist in more accurate restoration where information on germination percentages of all species is not available.  相似文献   

Rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) are the world’s most successful introduced parrots, and > 2000 individuals reside on Kauai, Hawaii. These birds destroy crops, but impacts to other native and non-native species are largely unknown. Our study objectives on Kauai were to determine: (1) diets of rose-ringed parakeets at five sites (n = 9–25 per site), by sex, through crop and gizzard analysis and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis, and (2) whether birds are dispersing or depredating seeds. We found 100% of birds (n = 64) were eating plant material and 80% of their diet was seed; males had more food in their crops and gizzards than did females. Corn (Zea mays) was eaten by 67% of birds and averaged 31% of mass in crops and gizzards. Invasive yellow guava (Psidium guajava) was eaten by 97% of birds and averaged 30% of their diet. Parakeets are potentially dispersing yellow guava seeds, as 66% of birds had intact guava seeds, and each bird had an average of three intact seeds. Diets differed statistically among sites. Parakeets from Lihue Airport did not have any corn, and isotopic carbon values also supported low feeding on corn by birds at Lihue Airport. No seeds of native plants were identified in rose-ringed parakeet diets. Our findings of a diverse plant diet, frequent seed predation, and potential to disperse invasive species’ seeds implies that land managers in agricultural, urban, and natural areas should be concerned with the current expansion of these invasive birds on Kauai and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Upper River Paraná Floodplain System comprises the rivers Ivinheima, Baía and Paraná, which with their associated waterbodies form three subsystems, each showing individual characteristics. Hydrilla verticillata recently invaded the Upper Paraná Floodplain, while Egeria najas is the native most abundant submersed macrophyte. A large flood-pulse, during January–March 2007, abruptly reduced macrophyte stands in many areas to near-zero and dispersed propagules over the entire floodplain. From April 2007 to April 2008, we conducted three surveys sampling for the presence–absence of H. verticillata and E. najas and environmental variables aiming to answer: (1) How rapid is the colonization–regeneration process for both species? (2) Which habitats seem to be more susceptible to their colonization? (3) Which environmental factors can best predict their occurrence? Neither H. verticillata nor E. najas colonized the Ivinheima subsystem. In the Baía subsystem, E. najas had only two occurrences while H. verticillata was not present. In the Paraná subsystem, E. najas predominantly occurred in river channels, but it was also common in floodplain lakes. In April 2007, it was found in 13% of the sites in the Paraná subsystem, increasing to 30% in November 2007 and reaching 34% in April 2008. H. verticillata did not successfully colonize floodplain lakes of the Paraná subsystem. In channels, it had 34% occurrence in April 2007, increasing to 62% in November 2007 and remaining at 62% in April 2008. The role of environmental variables in predicting species occurrence changed depending upon the scale of the analysis. Considering the whole Upper Paraná floodplain, water transparency followed by electrical conductivity were the strongest predictors for both species. Colonization by submersed plants seems improbable in the Ivinheima subsystem owing to its low water transparency besides frequent localized floods; in the Baía subsystem, it seems inhibited by transparency and low alkalinity. Considering just the Paraná subsystem, the proportion of organic matter in sediment, ten times higher in floodplain lakes than in channels, was the best predictor for H. verticillata occurrence (also related to water pH and transparency), while E. najas was only significantly explained by transparency.  相似文献   

The dispersal and germination unit of some Brassicaceae species is the fruit, and we hypothesized that it could affect germination phenology and promote formation of a soil seed bank. We determined the effects of the indehiscent pericarp on germination and longevity of buried seeds of five Brassicaceae species native to cold deserts of central Asia. Germination phenology (seedling emergence) was monitored for intact dispersal units and isolated seeds of Chorispora sibirica, Goldbachia laevigata, Spirorrhynchus sabulosus, Tauscheria lasiocarpa (annuals), and Sterigmostemum fuhaiense (perennial) at natural temperatures in watered and non-watered (natural precipitation) soil. Intact dispersal units and isolated seeds were buried under natural conditions and exhumed at regular intervals for 35 months to monitor germination, viability and moisture content of isolated seeds, seeds in dispersal units, and seeds removed from dispersal units after burial. Isolated seeds of Goldbachia, Spirorrhynchus, and Tauscheria germinated only the first autumn and those of Chorispora and Sterigmostemum the first autumn and first spring, with higher germination percentages in all species in watered than in non-watered soil. A high percentage of seeds in buried dispersal units of Chorispora, Goldbachia, and Sterigmostemum was viable after 35 months, and seeds exhibited a 6-month dormancy cycle, being non-dormant only in autumn and spring. Seeds in buried dispersal units of Spirorrhynchus and Tauscheria germinated when exhumed in the first spring, but all non-germinated seeds were dead after 1 year. Thus, the presence of the pericarp allows Chorispora, Goldbachia, and Sterigmostemum to form a persistent seed bank but not Spirorrhynchus and Tauscheria.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that by focusing on traits linked to fundamental plant life‐history trade‐offs, ecologists can begin to predict plant community structure at global scales. Yet, consumers can strongly affect plant communities, and means for linking consumer effects to key plant traits and community assembly processes are lacking. We conducted a global literature review and meta‐analysis to evaluate whether seed size, a trait representing fundamental life‐history trade‐offs in plant offspring investment, could predict post‐dispersal seed predator effects on seed removal and plant recruitment. Seed size predicted small mammal seed removal rates and their impacts on plant recruitment consistent with optimal foraging theory, with intermediate seed sizes most strongly impacted globally – for both native and exotic plants. However, differences in seed size distributions among ecosystems conditioned seed predation patterns, with relatively large‐seeded species most strongly affected in grasslands (smallest seeds), and relatively small‐seeded species most strongly affected in tropical forests (largest seeds). Such size‐dependent seed predation has profound implications for coexistence among plants because it may enhance or weaken opposing life‐history trade‐offs in an ecosystem‐specific manner. Our results suggest that seed size may serve as a key life‐history trait that can integrate consumer effects to improve understandings of plant coexistence.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the severity of the ecological impact of non-native species does not necessarily scale linearly with their abundance in the introduced range. Nonetheless, the potential of low abundance invaders to alter the resilience of native communities to disturbance has been poorly explored. On Mediterranean rocky reefs, we tested the hypothesis that (1) a pulse disturbance opening gaps within canopy stands formed by the fucoid seaweed Cystoseira brachycarpa facilitates the establishment of the non-native seaweed Caulerpa cylindracea and that (2), once established, the seaweed can reduce the recovery of macroalgal canopies. In July 2011, C. cylindracea was experimentally transplanted in small and large plots that were either cleared of the canopy or left untouched. After 45 months, the cover of C. cylindracea was greatest in small canopy-removal plots, without, however, achieving values exceeding ~10%. Nonetheless, such a low abundance of C. cylindracea caused a threefold reduction in canopy recovery. The establishment of C. cylindracea in canopy-removal plots did not alter the structure of the understory assemblages or the cover of turf-forming, erect and encrusting algae and sessile invertebrates. Our results suggest that some non-native species may be stronger competitors than natives, despite their low abundance. This property has important implications for control programs since not achieving the total eradication of the targeted invader would make little progress towards the mitigation of its impacts. Finally, our results show that non-native species acting as passengers of change can ultimately promote the persistence of alternative degraded states.  相似文献   

Biogeographical comparisons of native and non-native populations allow researchers to understand the degree to which traits contributing to invasion success are intrinsic or change during the invasion process. Here, we investigate whether traits underlying interspecific competition change following invasion and whether these alter the impacts of two crayfish congeners that have invaded into each other’s native ranges. Specifically, we compared native and non-native populations of rusty (Faxonius rusticus) and virile crayfish (F. virilis). We compared native and non-native populations of each species using laboratory assays to examine aggression and large mesocosms with the congeners in sympatry to examine growth and survival as well as impacts on lower trophic levels. We found that non-native virile crayfish were more aggressive in response to a threat than native virile crayfish and exhibited greater growth and survival in sympatry with rusty crayfish. These intraspecific differences were large enough to alter coexistence between species in the mesocosm experiment, which is consistent with patterns of coexistence between these species in the field. We did not observe differences in traits between native and non-native rusty crayfish, but rusty crayfish were consistently competitively dominant over virile crayfish in paired laboratory assays. Non-native populations of both species had greater impacts on lower trophic levels than native populations. Taken together, these findings provide new evidence that trait changes during invasions may enhance ecological impacts of invasive animals and their ability to compete with closely related native species.  相似文献   

The invasion process comprises not only the characteristics of nonindigenous species but also the attributes of the invaded environment which make it susceptible to the establishment of nonindigenous species. Habitat attributes operate like filters in determining the establishment of introduced species and the invasibility of a region. In the Upper Paraná River Basin, Brazil, the practice of introducing species was quite common and frequently carried out by hydroelectric companies. The target species of the present study, the peacock-bass Cichla kelberi, is native to the Amazon Basin. This species was introduced into several reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River Basin and is dispersing rapidly throughout the system. This study shows which characteristics of the reservoirs facilitate their invasibility after testing for the effect of propagule pressure. We conclude that a set of abiotic factors favors the invasibility of these reservoirs. To be more precise, the largest, deepest, most transparent and warmest reservoirs are the most likely to be colonized by Cichla kelberi. It is possible that other environments with similar characteristics to these reservoirs, such as the lagoons from the Upper Paraná River Basin floodplain, can also be colonized by Cichla kelberi.  相似文献   

Untangling the causes of native species loss in human-modified systems is difficult and often controversial. Evaluating the impact of non-native species in these systems is particularly challenging, as additional human perturbations often precede or accompany introductions. One example is the ongoing debate over whether mammal declines within Everglades National Park (ENP) were caused by either the establishment of non-native Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) or the effects of other anthropogenic stressors. We examined the influence of both pythons and a host of alternative stressors—altered hydrology and habitat characteristics, mercury contamination and development—on the distribution of the marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris), a once common mammal in ENP. Distance from the epicenter of the python invasion best explained marsh rabbit occurrence in suitable habitat patches, whereas none of the alternative stressors considered could explain marsh rabbit distribution. Estimates of the probability of marsh rabbit occurrence ranged from 0 at the python invasion epicenter to nearly 1.0 150 km from the invasion epicenter. These results support the hypothesis that invasive pythons shape the distribution of marsh rabbits in southern Florida. The loss of marsh rabbits and similar species will likely alter trophic interactions and ecosystem function within the Everglades, an internationally important hotspot of biodiversity. Further, our results suggest that non-native species can have profound impacts on mainland biodiversity.  相似文献   

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