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Targeted chemotherapy for cancer treatment offers a great potential advantage in tumour treatment due to greater specificity of delivery which leads to increased dose of the cytotoxin delivered to the tumour relative to the rest of the body. In order to achieve such selective targeted delivery one needs to identify generic markers that are over-expressed on the surface of tumour cells but are not over-expressed on normal tissue. Work of several authors has shown that some cells, such as those of rapidly dividing, aggressive tumours, over-express surface receptors involved in the uptake of vitamin B(12) [B. Rachmilewitz, M. Rachmilewitz, B. Moshkowitz, J. Gross, J. Lab. Clin. Med. 78 (1971) 275-279; B. Rachmilewitz, A. Sulkes, M. Rachmilewitz, A. Fuks, Israel J. Med. Sci. 17 (1981) 874-879] or folate [P. Garin-Chesa, I. Campbell, P.E. Saigo, J.L. Lewis Jr., L.J. Old, W.J. Rettig, Am. J. Pathol. 142 (1993) 557-567; O.C. Boerman, C.C. van Niekerk, K. Makkink, T.G.J.M. Hanselaar, P. Kenemans, L.G. Poels, Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol. 10 (1991) 15-25; G. Toffoli, C. Cernigoi, A. Russo, A. Gallo, M. Bagnoli, M. Boiocchi, Int. J. Cancer 74 (1997) 193-194; J.A. Reddy, D. Dean, M.D. Kennedy, P.S. Low, J. Pharm. Sci. 88 (1999) 1112-1118; J.A. Reddy, P.S. Low, Crit. Rev. Ther. Drug Carrier Syst. 15 (1998) 587-627; G.J. Russell-Jones, K. McTavish, J.F. McEwan, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Tumor Targeted Delivery Systems, 2002]. Furthermore the degree of over-expression has been found to correlate with the stage of tumour growth, with the highest levels found on stage IV carcinomas. Using fluorescently-labelled polymers to which are linked the targeting agents, vitamin B(12), folate or biotin, the relative uptake of these polymers into various types of tumour cell lines grown both in vitro and in vivo has been examined. These studies have shown that while some tumour types do NOT over-express receptors involved in vitamin uptake, most tumour types over-express receptors for folate, or vitamin B(12). In either case there is also a greatly increased expression of a yet to be identified biotin receptor. In cases of receptor over-expression, binding of the targeted fluorochrome leads to rapid internalization of these molecules within the cells to levels that are two to thirty times higher than with non-targeted polymers. Using a number of cancer models, these studies were extended further and it was found that the increased expression of receptors also leads to increased levels of killing with targeted cytotoxins. Thus the preliminary data described suggests that the use of vitamins as targeting agents has enormous potential for use in cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides produces one pectate lyase (PL) that is a key virulence factor in disease development. During growth of C. gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum acutatum, and Colletotrichum coccodes in acidified yeast extract medium, the fungus secreted ammonia and increased the medium pH. Ammonia accumulation and the consequent pH change increased as a function of initial pH and buffer capacity of the medium. PL secretion by C. gloeosporioides correspondingly increased as the pH of the medium increased. The C. gloeosporioides pelB gene-disrupted mutant was able to increase ammonia accumulation and pH of the media similarly to the wild-type isolate. C. gloeosporioides in avocado, C. coccodes in tomato, and C. acutatum in apple showed ammonia accumulation in the infected area where pH increased to 7.5 to 8 and PL activity is optima. In nonhost interactions where C. gloeosporioides was inoculated in apples, the addition of ammonia-releasing compounds significantly enhanced pathogenicity to levels similar to those caused by the compatible C. acutatum-apple interaction. The results therefore suggest the importance of ammonia secretion as a virulence factor, enhancing environmental pH and pathogenicity of the Colletotrichum species.  相似文献   

The capacity of species to respond adaptively to warming temperatures will be key to their survival in the Anthropocene. The embryos of egg-laying species such as sea turtles have limited behavioural means for avoiding high nest temperatures, and responses at the physiological level may be critical to coping with predicted global temperature increases. Using the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) as a model, we used quantitative PCR to characterise variation in the expression response of heat-shock genes (hsp60, hsp70 and hsp90; molecular chaperones involved in cellular stress response) to an acute non-lethal heat shock. We show significant variation in gene expression at the clutch and population levels for some, but not all hsp genes. Using pedigree information, we estimated heritabilities of the expression response of hsp genes to heat shock and demonstrated both maternal and additive genetic effects. This is the first evidence that the heat-shock response is heritable in sea turtles and operates at the embryonic stage in any reptile. The presence of heritable variation in the expression of key thermotolerance genes is necessary for sea turtles to adapt at a molecular level to warming incubation environments.  相似文献   

The in vitro micronucleus test with Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells assays the induction of micronuclei by chemical agents. Both chromosome fragments and lagging chromosomes can give rise to micronuclei. Nevertheless, only limited information is available on the ultrastructure of micronuclei and the mechanisms of their formation. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a non-mutagenic carcinogen, as well as its analogue 3.3'-DES induce micronuclei in SHE cells. A comparison of the dose response of DES-induced micronucleus formation with the previously published ones for aneuploidy and transformation shows that all 3 run in parallel. Thus, a functional relationship between these endpoints, in the SHE system, may be implied. The present study is designed to address the formation of micronuclei using supravital UV microscopy, to test for the presence of defined chromosome domains within micronuclei using immunocytochemistry, and to define aspects of their ultrastructure by electron microscopy. Supravital UV microscopy showed that 3.3'-DES induces displacement of chromosomes/chromatids during prophase/anaphase and formation of micronuclei during cytokinesis. Immunocytochemistry revealed that micronuclei contain, at high frequencies, CREST antibody-reactive kinetochores, indicating the presence of whole chromosomes or centric fragments in these structures. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy showed that micronuclei exhibit ultrastructural details typical of interphase nuclei. Specifically, micronuclei exhibited morphological evidence of a nuclear lamina and segregation of karyoplasm into euchromatic and heterochromatic regions. All micronuclei examined were enclosed by a nuclear envelope of normal morphology and showed nuclear pore complexes. Together the findings provide evidence that DES interferes with the mitotic apparatus as early as prophase, resulting in the formation of micronuclei and, as a consequence, in the loss of chromatids or chromosomes.  相似文献   

荫蔽和微生物可在分子水平上调控植物激素以增强植物的耐旱性 植物在其生命周期内会受到一系列不利环境的影响。其中,干旱胁迫是限制农业生产力的重要因素之一。为了在逆境的环境中得以生存,植物进化出了识别环境胁迫严重性的机制。植物可通过多种方式调节激素活性,以减轻干旱带来的不良影响。受荫蔽和微生物调控,植株的抗旱性提高,产量损失减少。脱落酸、生长素和乙烯等植物激素,可调控多种代谢途径,在荫蔽和微生物介导的植株抗旱性增强过程中起着重要作用。如我们的调控模型所示,CLAVATA3/EMBRYOSURROUNDING REGION-RELATED 25多肽因其可影响ABA合成而在此过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Although much progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms underlying the physiological regulation of fever, there is little understanding of the biological utility of fever's thermal component. Considering the evolutionary co-conservation of fever and innate immunity, we hypothesize that fever's thermal component might in general augment innate immune function and, in particular, neutrophil activation. Accordingly, we have evaluated the effect of febrile temperatures on neutrophil function at the single-cell level. We find that reactive oxygen intermediates and NO release are greatly enhanced at febrile temperatures for unstimulated as well as LPS-stimulated adherent human neutrophils. Furthermore, our studies suggest that these changes in oxidant release are linked to upstream changes in NADPH dynamics. Inasmuch as reactive oxygen intermediates and NO production are important elements in innate immune responses to bacterial pathogens, we suggest that the febrile rise in core temperature is a broad-based systemic signaling mechanism to enhance innate immunity.  相似文献   

Organisms are constantly subjected to factors that can alter the cellular redox balance and result in the formation of a series of highly reactive molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS). As ROS can be damaging to biological structures, cells evolved a series of mechanisms (e.g. cell-cycle arrest, programmed cell death) to respond to high levels of ROS (i.e. oxidative stress). Recently, we presented evidence that in a facultatively sexual lineage--the multicellular green alga Volvox carteri--sex is an additional response to increased levels of stress, and probably ROS and DNA damage. Here we show that, in V. carteri, (i) sex is triggered by an approximately twofold increase in the level of cellular ROS (induced either by the natural sex-inducing stress, namely heat, or by blocking the mitochondrial electron transport chain with antimycin A), and (ii) ROS are responsible for the activation of sex genes. As most types of stress result in the overproduction of ROS, we believe that our findings will prove to extend to other facultatively sexual lineages, which could be indicative of the ancestral role of sex as an adaptive response to stress and ROS-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

The fluorescence intensity of Rhodamine 6G in synaptosomal suspensions has been measured to monitor the membrane potential changes in pre-synaptic nerve terminals. The fluorescence response of the dye was seen to be a function of potential-dependent partitioning of dye molecules between the synaptosomes and the extracellular medium. Binding of dye molecules to the hydrophobic regions of membranes results in the quenching of fluorescence. Upon depolarization of the synaptosomal membrane, the dye molecules are released from the cells. The effect of changing extracellular ionic composition was also studied. The membrane potential increased linearly with log of [K]0. The resting membrane potential in buffer containing 5 mM K+ was calculated to be -60 mV. Raising the extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ from 1.2 mM to 10 mM did not change the membrane potential. Ca2+ ionophore A23187, in the presence of Ca2+ was found to depolarize the membranes.  相似文献   

Sucrose non-fermenting-1 (SNF1)-related protein kinases (SnRKs) take their name from their fungal homologue, SNF1, a global regulator of carbon metabolism. The plant family has burgeoned to comprise 38 members which can be subdivided into three sub-families: SnRK1, SnRK2, and SnRK3. There is now good evidence that this has occurred to allow plants to link metabolic and stress signalling in a way that does not occur in other organisms. The role of SnRKs, focusing in particular on abscisic acid-induced signalling pathways, salinity tolerance, responses to nutritional stress and disease, and the regulation of carbon metabolism and, therefore, yield, is reviewed here. The key role that SnRKs play at the interface between metabolic and stress signalling make them potential candidates for manipulation to improve crop performance in extreme environments.  相似文献   

A dramatic change in agricultural crops is needed in order to keep pace with the demands of an increasing human population, exponential need for renewable fuels, and uncertain climatic changes. Grasses make up the vast majority of agricultural commodities. How these grasses capture, transport, and store carbohydrates underpins all aspects of crop productivity. Sink-source dynamics within the plant direct how much, where, and when carbohydrates are allocated, as well as determine the harvestable tissue. Carbohydrate partitioning can limit the yield capacity of these plants, thus offering a potential target for crop improvement. Grasses have the ability to buffer this sink-source interaction by transiently storing carbohydrates in stem tissue when production from the source is greater than whole-plant demand. These reserves improve yield stability in grain crops by providing an alternative source when photosynthetic capacity is reduced during the later phases of grain filling, or during periods of environmental and biotic stresses. Domesticated grasses such as sugarcane and sweet sorghum have undergone selection for high accumulation of stem carbohydrates, which serve as the primary sources of sugars for human and animal consumption, as well as ethanol production for fuel. With the enormous expectations placed on agricultural production in the near future, research into carbohydrate partitioning in grasses is essential for maintaining and increasing yields in grass crops. This review highlights the current knowledge of non-structural carbohydrate dynamics in grass stems and discusses the impacts of stem reserves in essential agronomic grasses.  相似文献   

Oncogene overexpression activates p53 by a mechanism posited to involve uncharacterized hyperproliferative signals. We determined whether such signals produce metabolic perturbations that generate DNA damage, a known p53 inducer. Biochemical, cytological, cell cycle, and global gene expression analyses revealed that brief c-Myc activation can induce DNA damage prior to S phase in normal human fibroblasts. Damage correlated with induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) without induction of apoptosis. Deregulated c-Myc partially disabled the p53-mediated DNA damage response, enabling cells with damaged genomes to enter the cycle, resulting in poor clonogenic survival. An antioxidant reduced ROS, decreased DNA damage and p53 activation, and improved survival. We propose that oncogene activation can induce DNA damage and override damage controls, thereby accelerating tumor progression via genetic instability.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Tradeoffs in performance or fitness across environments have important implications regarding the nature of evolutionary constraints. It remains controversial whether tradeoffs such as these reflect genetic correlations that are genuine evolutionary constraints. However, if such long-term genetic constraints do exist, they must be due to underlying pleiotropy such that alleles that confer high performance in one environment invariably confer low performance in another. The distribution of genetic correlations within and among populations can provide insight about the existence of such pleiotropic tradeoffs. The long-term association of certain teleost fish taxa with particular abiotic environments suggests that tradeoffs in performance across environments have constrained the geographic distribution of those taxa. Here we report the results of an experiment in which we artificially selected on acute heat- and cold-stress tolerance in two stocks of the poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa from source populations with different thermal histories. Unexpectedly, we observed no direct responses to selection. Under certain conditions, fish from the different source populations differed significantly in cold tolerance, but not in heat tolerance. The results suggest there are no strong pleiotropic tradeoffs between heat- and cold-stress tolerance in these populations.  相似文献   



Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) mobilization in bacteria has been proposed as a mechanism that can benefit their host for survival under stress conditions. Here we reported for the first time that a stress-induced system enabled E. coli, a non-PHB producer, to mobilize PHB in vivo by mimicking natural PHB accumulation bacteria.  相似文献   

[PSI+] is a protein-based heritable phenotype of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae which reflects the prion-like behaviour of the endogenous Sup35p protein release factor. [PSI+] strains exhibit a marked decrease in translation termination efficiency, which permits decoding of translation termination signals and, presumably, the production of abnormally extended polypeptides. We have examined whether the [PSI+]-induced expression of such an altered proteome might confer some selective growth advantage over [psi-] strains. Although otherwise isogenic [PSI+] and [psi-] strains show no difference in growth rates under normal laboratory conditions, we demonstrate that [PSI+] strains do exhibit enhanced tolerance to heat and chemical stress, compared with [psi-] strains. Moreover, we also show that the prion-like determinant [PSI+] is able to regulate translation termination efficiency in response to environmental stress, since growth in the presence of ethanol results in a transient increase in the efficiency of translation termination and a loss of the [PSI+] phenotype. We present a model to describe the prion-mediated regulation of translation termination efficiency and discuss its implications in relation to the potential physiological role of prions in S.cerevisiae and other fungi.  相似文献   

Although a relationship between obesity and hyperthyrotropinemia has been hypothesized in obese children, the underlying pathogenesis is not completely known. In the current cross-sectional study, we evaluated the thyroid function in a group of 80 obese pre-pubertal children compared to 41 healthy normal weight peers, exploring the possible association between hyperthyrotropinemia and oxidative stress. In all children, thyrotropin (TSH), free T4 (fT4), free T3 (fT3) and anti-thyroid antibodies were evaluated. Homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) level was evaluated as index of insulin resistance. We measured the endogenous secretory receptor for advanced glycation end products (esRAGE) and soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and the urinary prostaglandin F2α (PGF-2α) as markers of oxidative stress. We found that TSH levels were significantly higher in obese children than controls. TSH significantly correlated with body mass index-standard deviation score (BMI-SDS), HOMA-IR, PGF-2α, esRAGE and sRAGE. The multiple linear regression showed that in obese children HOMA-IR, PGF-2α, esRAGE and sRAGE were significantly related to TSH, independently of BMI-SDS, age and gender. In obese children, hyperthyrotropinemia could be detected already in pre-pubertal age. The increased oxidative stress might represent one of the key regulators of TSH levels, early in life.  相似文献   

Aquatic biodiversity continues to decline as humans modify the landscape, mainly because of stream habitat alterations and loss caused by urban development. Bluehead chubs may mitigate some effects of instream habitat degradation by providing clean gravel substrate via their spawning nests. We used path analysis, an extension of multiple linear regression, to explore the relationships among instream habitat degradation, adult chub abundance, chub nesting activity, and chub reproductive performance. Age-0 chub abundance was best explained by small adult abundance and nest abundance. Habitat disturbance indirectly and negatively influenced age-0 chub abundance through adult chubs and nest abundance. Percentages of pool and run habitat also had indirect negative effects on age-0 chub abundance. Several metrics of chub nesting activity (nest density [proportion of substrate occupied by nests], average nest size, and number of nests) were explained by both adult chub abundance and nesting site conditions. Variability among stream systems described significant variation in adult chub abundance and nesting characteristics and, if unaccounted for, would have resulted in large unexplained variability. Chub nesting activity served as a link between habitat degradation, adult chub abundance, and their reproductive performance. Our study provides preliminary evidence that bluehead chubs’ nesting activity may be a mechanism of their persistence in degraded stream reaches. We recommend confirmatory studies through in-stream manipulative experiments.  相似文献   

When cytochrome c oxidase is isolated from mitochondria, the purified enzyme requires both cytochrome c and O2 to achieve its maximum rate of internal electron transfer from cytochrome a to cytochrome a3. When reductants other than cytochrome c are used, the rate of internal electron transfer is very slow. In this paper we offer an explanation for the slow reduction of cytochrome a3 when reductants other than cytochrome c are used and for the apparent allosteric effects of cytochrome c and O2. Our model is based on the conventional understanding of cytochrome oxidase mechanism (i.e. electron transfer from cytochrome a/CuA to cytochrome a3/CuB), but assumes a relatively rapid two-electron transfer between cytochrome a/CuA and cytochrome a3/CuB and a thermodynamic equilibrium in the "resting" enzyme (the enzyme as isolated) which favors reduced cytochrome a and oxidized cytochrome a3. Using the kinetic constants that are known for this reaction, we find that the activating effects of O2 and cytochrome c on the rate of electron transfer from cytochrome a to cytochrome a3 conform to the predictions of the model and so provide no evidence of any allosteric effects or control of cytochrome c oxidase by O2 or cytochrome c.  相似文献   

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