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Most clinically used magnetotherapies are supported by “black box” experimental and clinical data. On May 19, 2000, a meeting of the Working Group ‘Electrophysiology of Bone’ of the German Society of Osteology was held in Berlin to discuss the basic mechanisms of pathophysiological regulation to explain the therapeutic significance of various modes of clinical magnetotherapies.

This short paper outlines the discussion held at that meeting, which searched for a rational scientific understanding or basis for the use of various clinical magnetotherapies.  相似文献   

The basic histologic reactions of the classic allergic diseases and of several systemic diseases in which allergic mechanisms appear to operate are described and illustrated. Particular attention is drawn to the ground substances—mucopolysaccharides—which constitute important elements of connective tissue and vascular structure. The intimate locus of the allergic reaction appears to be in and to involve a swelling of such substances. It is suggested that antibodies (and possibly antigens) may be attached to these mucinous ground substances of the connective tissues.  相似文献   

A technique is described which combines silver impregnation and ultrathin sectioning for the electron microscopic demonstration of fibrils in the connective tissue of the chick embryo. The electron micrographs presented in this paper provide evidence for the specificity and completeness of the silver-impregnation technique. It has been shown that, in this particular tissue after fixation in neutral formalin and at the stage of development represented by our material, the argyrophil fibers are embedded in a material which is continuous with the body of the fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Present knowledge of the properties of the myoneural systemsof the Platyhelminthes and Echinodermata is reviewed. Thereis, as yet, no compelling evidence for the presence of a non-polarizednerve network in the members of either phylum. Attention isdrawn to similarities between the spontaneous activity patternsshown by preparations representative of these two phyla andof sea anemones. The possibility is considered that in all thesecases the controlling physiological machinery may be the same.  相似文献   

The anther connective tissue and hypodermal stomium between adjacent locules in the anthers of Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae) are the sites of formation of calcium salt crystals with four different habits. The spatial and temporal associations of these crystals and the idioblastic cells in which they form indicate that crystal sand occurs earliest in anther development near the single vascular strand, followed by spherulites and prismatic crystals farther out in the connective tissue, and finally druses occur in the hypodermal stomium. Both the druses and the crystal sand crystals are encased in crystal chambers and are associated with distinct membranes, whereas the spherulites and prismatic crystals are not bounded by any apparent membranes but they are surrounded by dense material that is rich in calcium and stains positively for polysaccharides and proteins. Quite often spherulites and prismatic crystals are observed within a single cell in contact with each other. X-ray diffraction of crystal preparations containing all four crystal habits and X-ray elemental analyses of single crystals, as well as visual observations and acid treatments, suggest that all four crystal habits consist of calcium oxalate. The hypodermal stomium and adjacent connective tissue degenerate at the pollen stage causing adjacent locules to fuse. Shortly afterward, each stomium epidermis splits open along the length of the anther releasing the pollen. It is suggested that the crystal idioblasts are involved in this process, possibly by a temporally orchestrated sequestration of calcium from both the cell cytoplasm and cell wall.  相似文献   

The incidental catch of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) in gillnets in Pegasus Bay and Canterbury Bight, New Zealand is assessed. From 1984 to 1988, at least 230 Hector's dolphins were killed in groundfish gillnets by commercial and amateur fishermen. Approximately 91% of entanglements occurred from November to February. Seasonality of catch corresponded to increased commercial gillnetting inshore in spring and summer. Most entanglements (89%) occurred within 4 nautical miles (7.4 km) of the shore, and most dolphins (86%) were caught in water less than 20 m deep. The dolphin's summer inshore movement also coincided with high levels of inshore gillnetting by amateur fishermen. The age-frequency of net-caught dolphins suggested that young animals were particularly vulnerable to entanglement.  相似文献   

1. A method of mass tissue culture has been devised by which, in a relatively short period of time, samples large enough for chemical isolation of mucopolysaccharides can be obtained. 2. Chemical isolation of acid mucopolysaccharides from mass cultures of human fetal skin, human fetal bone, bovine fetal skin, and rat subcutaneous tissue has been carried out. It has been found that the fibroblasts of each of these tissues produce in tissue culture more than one mucopolysaccharide, namely, hyaluronic acid, and a chondroitin sulfate. 3. The chondroitin sulfate produced by fibroblasts of the above tissues in tissue culture was not fully sulfated. The possible significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

The lymphatic tissue of the rabbit contains a labile peptidase as measured by the hydrolysis of alanylglycine. Some characteristics of the enzyme were determined. This enzyme increases in amount when the numbers of macrophages in the tissue are increased and it is also present in the extracellular fluid in high concentration. The extracellular fluid value for this activity is calculated to be about 8 times the value for serum. Based on a correlation between the types of cells present and the amount of peptidase found in the tissue the following relative activities are assigned to the tissue components per unit volume: lymphocytes 1.0, tissue fluid 11.0, serum 1.4, phagocytes (macrophages) 30.0, reticular cells 12.0. The amount of chloride space varied from 35 to 55 per cent. The relative amounts of acid phosphatase per unit volume in the same elements were calculated to be: lymphocytes 1.0, tissue fluid 0, phagocytes 20.0, and reticular cells 4.0. Analysis of the distribution of peptidase was facilitated by simultaneous determination of acid phosphatase whose primary localization in one cell type was known. The over-all contribution of lymphocytes to the labile peptidase content of lymphatic tissue is relatively minor and was not found to exceed 5 per cent of the average value for the entire nodular tissue. In the absence of large numbers of macrophages the intercellular fluid of the nodule accounts for half or more of the peptidase content of the nodules.  相似文献   

1. Living echinoderms are characterized by an extensive water vascular system developed from the larval left hydrocoel, a complex, multi-plated endoskeleton with stereom structure, and pentamery. Fossil evidence shows that stereom evolved before pentamery, but both were acquired during the Lower Cambrian. 2. Cladistic analysis of Lower Cambrian genera reveals very few characters in common between carpoids and true echinoderms, and that the split between them was the first fundamental evolutionary dichotomy within the Dexiothetica. 3. Helicoplacoids are stem group echinoderms with spiral plating and three ambulacra arranged radially around a lateral mouth. They are the most primitive echinoderms and the first to show a radial arrangement of the water vascular and ambulacral systems. Unlike later echinoderms, their skeleton shows no dorsal/ventral (aboral/oral) differentiation. They were probably sedentary suspension feeders. 4. Camptostroma is the most primitive known pentaradiate echinoderm and, in our view, possibly a common ancestor of all living groups. It had a short conical dorsal (aboral) surface with imbricate plating, a ridged lateral wall and a slightly domed ventral (oral) surface with five curved ambulacra in a 2-1-2 arrangement inherited from the triradiate pattern of the helicoplacoids. Interambulacral areas bore epispires and the CD interambulacrum contained the anus, hydropore and/or gonopore. All parts of the theca had plates in at least two layers. 5. All other echinoderms belong to one of two monophyletic subphyla, the Pelmatozoa and the Eleutherozoa. 6. Stromatocystites is the earliest known eleutherozoan and differs from Camptostroma in having a test with only one layer of plates and having lost the dorsal elongation. In Stromatocystites the dorsal surface is flat and the plating tesselate. Stromatocystites was an unattached, low-level suspension feeder. 7. The lepidocystoids are the earliest known pelmatozoans. They differ from Camptostroma in having an attached dorsal stalk which retained the primitive imbricate plating, and by developing erect feeding structures along the ambulacra. In Kinzercystis, the ambulacra are confined to the thecal surface and erect, biserial brachioles arise alternately on either side. Lepidocystis has a similar arrangement except that, the distal part of each ambulacrum extends beyond the edge of the theca as a free arm. 8. Pelmatozoans diverged more or less immediately into crinoids, with multiple free arms composed of uniserial plates, and cystoids sensu lato, which retained brachioles. Gogia (Lower to Middle Cambrian) is the most primitive known cystoid and differs from Kinzercystis principally in having all plating tesselate, while Echmatocrinus (Middle Cambrian) is the most primitive known crinoid and differs from Lepidocystis in lacking brachioles and in having more than five free arms with uniserial plates. 9. Post Lower Cambrian differentiation of pelmatozoan groups proceeded rapidly, exploiting the primitive suspension-feeding mode of life. Maximum morphological diversity was reached in the Ordovician, but thereafter crinoids progressively displaced cystoid groups and reached their peak diversity during the Carboniferous. The eleutherozoans were slower to diversify, but by the Arenig the earliest ‘sea-stars’ (in reality, advanced members of the eleutherozoan stem group) had reversed their living orientation and had begun to exploit a deposit-feeding mode of life. These in turn led to the ophiuroids, echinoids and holothuroids. 10. The basic echinoderm ambulacrum was already present in the helicoplacoids. It had biserial, alternate flooring plates and complexly plated sheets of cover plates on either side. The radial water vessel lay in the floor of the ambulacrum, external to the body cavity, and gave rise ventrally to short, lateral branches (fore-runners of tube feet) that were used to open the cover plate sheets, and dorsally was connected to internal compensation sacs which acted as fluid reservoirs (and were preadapted for a role in gaseous exchange). Plating on the cover plate sheets was organized and reflected the positions of the lateral branches from the radial water vessel. In Camptostroma, the cover plate sheets had biserially aligned rows of cover plates associated with the lateral branches. 11. Brachioles arose by extension of the lateral branches of the radial water vessel and associated serially aligned cover plates found in Camptostroma. They bear a single alternate series of cover plates. In Lepidocystis the ambulacra extended beyond the edge of the oral surface as true arms. Brachial plates of arms are homologues of primary ambulacral flooring plates, and arms bear multiple series of cover plates. Uniserial ambulacral plating is a derived condition and evolved independently in crinoids, paracrinoids and isorophid edrioasteroids. Pinnules in crinoids arose independently in inadunates and camerates by a progressively more unequal branching of the arms. Thus all parts of the subvective system in crinoids are internally homologous, whereas in cystoids, brachioles and arms (or ambulacra) are not homologous structures. 12. The position of the hydropore is the best reference point in orientating echinoderms. Carpenter's system of identifying ambulacra by letters, arranged clock-wise in oral view with the A ambulacrum opposite the hydropore, is consistent in all echinoderm classes. In all Lower Cambrian pentaradiate echinoderms the anus, gonopore and hydropore lie in the CD interambulacrum and this is accepted as the primitive arrangement. In helicoplacoids we tentatively suggest that the A ambulacrum spiralled down from the mouth while the two ambulacra that spiralled up represent the B + C and D + E ambulacra combined. 13. The pelmatozoan stem arose from a polyplated stalk, via a meric stem to a true column with holomeric (single piece) columnals. This happened independently in the crinoids and the cystoids. 14. Our analysis of echinoderm phylogeny leads us to recommend the following changes to the higher level classification of echinoderms: The phylum Echinodermata includes only those groups with radial symmetry superimposed upon a fundamental larval asymmetry. It has a stem group that contains the triradiate helicoplacoids and a crown group to which all other (pentaradiate) echinoderms belong. The crown group contains two monophyletic subphyla, the Pelmatozoa and the Eleutherozoa, and the Pelmatozoa contains two superclasses, the Crinoidea which are extant and the Cystoidea, which are extinct.  相似文献   


Lipid composition was determined for different regions of rabbit nervous tissue. In the white matter of adult rabbit, the ratio between cholesterol, phospholipids and sphingolipids was quite constant. Among the subclasses of phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin tended to compensate for each other as constituents of myelin, as did galactosphingolipids and sphingomyelin amongst the sphingolipids. The brain was rich in phosphatidylcholine and gakactosphingolipids, while peripheral nerves (PN) were rich in sphingomyelin. The spinal cord showed a composition intermediate between the brain and PN. The sphingolipid to phosphatidylcholine ratio seems to be useful as a myelin maturation index applicable to both CNS and PN. The rostral part of the CNS showed a high ratio of molecular species of cerebroside with α-hydroxy fatty acids to those with unsubstituted fatty acids (CH/CN). The caudal part of the CNS had a high concentration of cerebrosides with C24-monoenoic fatty acids, so that there was an inverse relationship between CH/CN and C24:1/C24:0 for different regions of CNS. The present data show that the lipid composition as well as the fatty acid composition of myelin-specific lipids are influenced by neural differentiation and development or by neuroglial relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract— Polysomes were isolated from several different fractions of mouse brain tissue. After homogenization, the extract was centrifuged to yield a post-mitochondrial supernatant fraction and a pellet fraction. Sucrose gradient analysis of the material in the post-mitochondrial supernatant fraction indicated that 80 per cent of the ribosomes were present in polysomes and that little, if any, of the pellet fraction was present. Sucrose gradient analysis of the solution obtained after washing the pellet showed that very little polysomal material was present. The remaining pellet fraction was resuspended in a detergent mixture of deoxycholate-Tween 40. Sucrose gradient analysis of the resulting detergent-soluble solution indicated that large amounts of ribosomal material, in which 60–70 per cent of the ribosomes were associated in polysomes, were present.
In brain tissue from young animals, 20 per cent of the polysomes were found in the post-mitochondrial supernatant fraction whereas 80 per cent of the polysomes were released from the pellet fraction by detergent treatment. In contrast, in brain tissue from adult animals, 40 per cent of the polysomes were found in the post-mitochondrial supernatant fraction, whereas 60 per cent of the polysomes were released from the pellet fraction by detergent treatment.  相似文献   

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