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The color-mediated thermoregulation hypothesis predicts that dark body color (low reflectance) allows organisms to gain heat more efficiently than does pale coloration (high reflectance). This prediction is intuitive and widely assumed to be true, but has poor empirical support. We used rare, captive-bred, mutant melanistic, albino and wild-type Australian bluetongue lizards, Tiliqua scincoides to measure the effects of skin reflectance on the heating and cooling rates. We measured heating under an artificial radiant heat source and cooling rates in an ice-cooled box using live lizards in a room with still air. The effect of skin reflectance on heat transfer was clear, despite the substantial influence of body size. Melanistic T. scincoides showed low reflectance and gained heat faster than highly reflective albinos. Melanistic lizards also lost heat faster than albinos. Wild-type lizards were intermediate in reflectance, gained heat at rates indistinguishable from melanistic lizards, and lost heat at rates indistinguishable from albino lizards. This study system allowed us to control for variables that were confounded in other studies and may explain the inconsistent support for the color-mediated thermoregulation hypothesis. Our results provide clear evidence that skin reflectance influences the rate of heating and cooling in ectotherms.  相似文献   

Thermally-induced changes in heart rate and blood flow in reptiles are believed to be of selective advantage by allowing animal to exert some control over rates of heating and cooling. This notion has become one of the principal paradigms in reptilian thermal physiology. However, the functional significance of changes in heart rate is unclear, because the effect of heart rate and blood flow on total animal heat transfer is not known. I used heat transfer theory to determine the importance of heat transfer by blood flow relative to conduction. I validated theoretical predictions by comparing them with field data from two species of lizard, bearded dragons (Pogona barbata) and lace monitors (Varanus varius). Heart rates measured in free-ranging lizards in the field were significantly higher during heating than during cooling, and heart rates decreased with body mass. Convective heat transfer by blood flow increased with heart rate. Rates of heat transfer by both blood flow and conduction decreased with mass, but the mass scaling exponents were different. Hence, rate of conductive heat transfer decreased more rapidly with increasing mass than did heat transfer by blood flow, so that the relative importance of blood flow in total animal heat transfer increased with mass. The functional significance of changes in heart rate and, hence, rates of heat transfer, in response to heating and cooling in lizards was quantified. For example, by increasing heart rate when entering a heating environment in the morning, and decreasing heart rate when the environment cools in the evening a Pogona can spend up to 44 min longer per day with body temperature within its preferred range. It was concluded that changes in heart rate in response to heating and cooling confer a selective advantage at least on reptiles of mass similar to that of the study animals (0. 21-5.6 kg).  相似文献   

A model of heat exchange in reptiles is used to investigate the role of blood flow in controlling rates of heating/cooling in animals in complex thermal environments. The model suggests an allometry of heating and cooling time constants and of the effects of blood flow on those time constants that accords with published data. The model suggests a simple physical reason for the increased effect of blood flow on time constants in large animals. Two tools (the model and an impulse response method) are presented to allow projection of body temperatures in complex thermal habitats. Application of the model to ecologically important situations suggest that mass, blood flow, and shuttling schedules affect the rate of heating and cooling and the effect of blood flow on the range of body temperatures experienced.  相似文献   

Changes in blood flow are a principal mechanism of thermoregulation in vertebrates. Changes in heart rate will alter blood flow, although multiple demands for limited cardiac output may compromise effective thermoregulation. We tested the hypothesis that regional differences in blood flow during heating and cooling can occur independently from changes in heart rate. We measured heart rate and blood pressure concurrently with blood flow in the crocodile, Crocodylus porosus. We measured changes in blood flow by laser Doppler flowmetry, and by injecting coloured microspheres. All measurements were made under different heat loads, with and without blocking cholinergic and β-adrenergic receptors (autonomic blockade). Heart rates were significantly faster during heating than cooling in the control animals, but not when autonomic receptors were blocked. There were no significant differences in blood flow distribution between the control and autonomic blockade treatments. In both treatments, blood flow was directed to the dorsal skin and muscle and away from the tail and duodenum during heating. When the heat source was switched off, there was a redistribution of blood from the dorsal surface to the duodenum. Blood flow to the leg skin and muscle, and to the liver did not change significantly with thermal state. Blood pressure was significantly higher during the autonomic blockade than during the control. Thermal time constants of heating and cooling were unaffected by the blockade of autonomic receptors. We concluded that animals partially compensated for a lack of differential heart rates during heating and cooling by redistributing blood within the body, and by increasing blood pressure to increase flow. Hence, measures of heart rate alone are insufficient to assess physiological thermoregulation in reptiles.  相似文献   

Bergmann's Rule predicts larger body sizes in colder habitats, increasing organisms' ability to conserve heat. Originally formulated for endotherms, it is controversial whether Bergmann's Rule may be applicable to ectotherms, given that larger ectotherms show diminished capacity for heating up. We predict that Bergmann's Rule will be applicable to ectotherms when the benefits of a higher conservation of heat due to a larger body size overcompensate for decreased capacity to heating up. We test this hypothesis in the lizard Psammodromus algirus, which shows increased body size with elevation in Sierra Nevada (SE Spain). We measured heating and cooling rates of lizards from different elevations (from 300 to 2500 m above sea level) under controlled conditions. We found no significant differences in the heating rate along an elevational gradient. However, the cooling rate diminished with elevation and body size: highland lizards, with larger masses, have a higher thermal inertia for cooling, which allows them to maintain heat for more time and keep a high body temperature despite the lower thermal availability. Consequently, the net gaining of heat increased with elevation and body size. This study highlights that the heat conservation mechanism for explaining Bergmann's Rule works and is applicable to ectotherms, depending on the thermal benefits and costs associated with larger body sizes.  相似文献   

A major requirement to design an implant is to develop our understanding of the applied internal forces during everyday activities. In the absence of any basic apparatus for measuring forces directly, it is essential to rely on modelling. The major aim of this study was therefore to understand the biomechanical function of subjects with the reversed anatomy Bayley?Walker prosthesis, using an inverse dynamic shoulder model. In this context, the muscle and joint forces of 12 Bayley–Walker subjects were compared to those of 12 normal subjects during 12 activities of daily living.Maximum glenohumeral contact forces for normal and Bayley–Walker subjects were found to be 77% (±15) and 137% (±21) body weight for lifting a 2 kg shopping bag, and the least forces 29% (±4) and 67% (±8) body weight for reaching to opposite axilla, respectively. For normal subjects, middle deltoid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus were found to be the most active muscles across the subjects and tasks. On the other hand, for implanted subjects with a lack of rotator cuff muscles, the middle deltoid and coracobrachialis muscles were found to be the most active. The biomechanical model can therefore be used in order to gain knowledge about the pathology as well as possible post surgical rehab for subjects with reversed shoulder replacement.  相似文献   

1. A heat transfer model was used to examine the possible sites for the cardiovascular control of heat exchange in ectothermic reptiles. 2. Predicted effects of changes in blood flow on heating and cooling remained constant or increased with mass. 3. Predicted sites at which changes in blood flow strongly affect heating and cooling rates differed between small (⩽1 kg) and large (⩾10 kg) reptiles. 4. In small reptiles (⩽1 kg) blood flow to appendages affected heating and cooling rates but blood flow to the torso had little effect on heat exchange. 5. In large animals (⩾10 kg) changing blood flow to either appendages or torso affected heat exchange; small changes in cardiac output have maximum effects when they occur at the appendages, but larger changes in cardiac output can achieve even larger effects by changing torso blood flow.  相似文献   

The deltoid and gluteus maximus of the desert rat and the albino rat were examined histochemically for the distribution of succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) and cholinesterase (ChE). SDH activity showed that the deltoid and gluteus maximus muscles of the two animals consisted of three types of muscle fibres, with a predominance of muscle fibres that have higher SDH activity in both the deltoid and gluteus maximus muscles of the desert rat than in the albino rat. The mean diameter of all muscle fibres in the deltoid and gluteus maximus muscles and their ratios to the average body weight were determined in both animals. The desert rat showed a statistically significant increase in those ratios compared with the corresponding ratios for the albino rat. ChE activity showed that the deltoid and gluteus maximus muscles are richly innervated by intensely positive ChE motor end-plates with a predominance of plaque-like terminals. The mean diameters of the end-plates and the ratios of these diameters to the diameter of the muscle fibres together with their ratios to the body weight were determined. A correlation between these values and the histological findings is proposed.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies and a single field study have shown that heart rate in some reptiles is faster during heating than during cooling at any given body temperature. This phenomenon, which has been shown to reflect changes in peripheral blood flow, is shown here to occur in the lizard Varanus varius (lace monitor) in the wild. On a typical clear day, lizards emerged from their shelters in the morning to warm in the sun. Following this, animals were active, moving until they again entered a shelter in the evening. During their period of activity, body temperature was 34-36 degrees C in all six study animals (4.0-5.6 kg), but the animals rarely shuttled between sun and shade exposure. Heart rate during the morning heating period was significantly faster than during the evening cooling period. However, the ratio of heating to cooling heart rate decreased with increasing body temperature, being close to 2 at body temperatures of 22-24 degrees C and decreasing to 1.2-1.3 at body temperatures of 34-36 degrees C. There was a significant decrease in thermal time constants with increasing heart rate during heating and cooling confirming that changes in heart rate are linked to rates of heat exchange.  相似文献   

The preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POAH) thermoregulatory controller can be characterized by two types of control, an adjustable setpoint temperature and changing POAH thermal sensitivity. Setpoint temperatures for shivering (Tshiver) and panting (Tpant) both increased with decreasing ambient temperature (Ta), and decreased with increasing Ta. The POAH controller is twice as sensitive to heating as to cooling. Metabolic rate (MR) increased during both heating and cooling of the POAH. Resting temperature of the POAH was lower than internal body temperature (Tb) at all temperatures. This indicates the presence of some form of brain cooling mechanism. Decreased Tb during POAH heating was a result of increased heat dissipation, while higher Tb during POAH cooling was a result of increased heat production and reduced heat dissipation. The surface temperature responses indicated that foxes can actively control heat flow from body surface. Such control can be achieved by increased peripheral blood flow and vasodilation during POAH heating, and reduced peripheral blood flow and vasoconstriction during POAH cooling. The observed surface temperature changes indicated that the thermoregulatory vasomotor responses can occur within l min following POAH heating or cooling. Such a degree of regulation can be achieved only by central neural control. Only surface regions covered with relatively short fur are used for heat dissipation. These thermoregulatory effective surface areas account for approximately 33% of the total body surface area, and include the area of the face, dorsal head, nose, pinna, lower legs, and paws.  相似文献   

Experiments in which the whole human body was heated or cooled are compared with others in which one extremity (arm or leg) was simultaneously cooled or heated. With a warm load on the rest of the body resulting in general sweating, a cold load on one extremity did not evoke local shivering; with general body cooling, heating one limb did not stop the shivering. Skin temperatures of the other parts of the body were not influenced by warming or cooling one extremity. Evaporative heat loss was influenced by local, mean skin and core temperature, whereas shivering did not depend on local temperature, and vasomotor control seemed to be controlled predominantly by central temperatures. A cold load on an extremity during whole body heating in most cases induced an oscillatory behaviour of core temperature and of the evaporative heat loss from the body and the extremity. It is assumed that local, mean skin and core temperatures influence the three autonomous effector systems to very different degree.  相似文献   

Observations on extant mammals suggest that large body mass is selectively advantageous for a terrestrial predator on large herbivores. Yet, throughout the Cenozoic, some lineages of terrestrial mammalian predators attained greater maximal body masses than others. In order to explain this evolutionary pattern, the following biomechanical constraint on body mass is hypothesized. The stress, set up in the humerus by the bending moment of the peak ground reaction force at maximal running speed, increased with increasing body mass within a given lineage of terrestrial mammalian predators, resulting in a decreasing safety factor for the bone, until a predator could no longer attain the maximal running speed of its smaller relatives. The selective disadvantage of reduced maximal running speed prevented further increase of body mass within the lineage. This hypothesis is tested by examining the scaling of humeral dimensions and estimating maximal body masses in several lineages of terrestrial mammalian predators. Among lineages with otherwise similar postcranial skeletons, those with the more robust humeri at a given body mass attained the greater maximal body masses. Lineages with the longer deltoid ridges/deltopectoral crests of the humeri and/or the more distally located deltoid scars (suggesting the more distal insertions of the humeral flexors) at a given body mass also attained the greater maximal body masses. These results support the existence of the proposed biomechanical constraint, although paleoecological data suggest that some lineages of terrestrial mammalian predators failed to reach the limits, imposed by this constraint, because of the small size of available prey.  相似文献   

For decades it was believed that direct and indirect heating (the latter of which elevates blood and core temperatures without directly heating the area being evaluated) increases skin but not skeletal muscle blood flow. Recent results, however, suggest that passive heating of the leg may increase muscle blood flow. Using the technique of positron-emission tomography, the present study tested the hypothesis that both direct and indirect heating increases muscle blood flow. Calf muscle and skin blood flows were evaluated from eight subjects during normothermic baseline, during local heating of the right calf [only the right calf was exposed to the heating source (water-perfused suit)], and during indirect whole body heat stress in which the left calf was not exposed to the heating source. Local heating increased intramuscular temperature of the right calf from 33.4 ± 1.0°C to 37.4 ± 0.8°C, without changing intestinal temperature. This stimulus increased muscle blood flow from 1.4 ± 0.5 to 2.3 ± 1.2 ml·100 g?1·min?1 (P < 0.05), whereas skin blood flow under the heating source increased from 0.7 ± 0.3 to 5.5 ± 1.5 ml·100 g?1·min?1 (P < 0.01). While whole body heat stress increased intestinal temperature by ~1°C, muscle blood flow in the calf that was not directly exposed to the water-perfused suit (i.e., indirect heating) did not increase during the whole body heat stress (normothermia: 1.6 ± 0.5 ml·100 g?1·min?1; heat stress: 1.7 ± 0.3 ml·100 g?1·min?1; P = 0.87). Whole body heating, however, reflexively increased calf skin blood flow (to 4.0 ± 1.5 ml·100 g?1·min?1) in the area not exposed to the water-perfused suit. These data show that local, but not indirect, heating increases calf skeletal muscle blood flow in humans. These results have important implications toward the reconsideration of previously accepted blood flow distribution during whole body heat stress.  相似文献   

Modern shoulder prostheses permit an anatomic reconstruction of the joint, although the biomechanical advantages are not proven. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between position of the humeral head and function of the shoulder prosthesis (muscle efficiency). Shoulder elevation-motion and rotator cuff defects were simulated in vitro in a robot-assisted shoulder simulator. The EPOCA Custom Offset shoulder prosthesis (Argomedical AG, Cham, CH) was implanted in seven normal shoulders (77 +/- 20 kg, 55 +/- 14 years). Active elevation was simulated by hydraulic cylinders, and scapulothoratic motion by a specially programmed industrial robot. Muscle efficiency (elevation-angle/muscle-force of the deltoid muscle) was measured in anatomic (ANA), medialised (MED) and lateralised (LAT) positions of the humeral head, with or without rotator cuff muscle deficiency. Medialisation increased efficiency by 0.03 +/- 0.04 deg/N (p = 0.022), lateralisation decreased it by 0.04 +/- 0.06 deg/N (p = 0.009). Supraspinatus muscle deficiency increased the deltoid force required to elevate the arm, and thus decreased efficiency (ANA p = 0.091, MED p = 0.018, LAT p = 0.028). The data confirm that the position of the humeral head affects the mechanics of total shoulder arthroplasty. Medialisation increases efficiency of the deltoid muscle and may prove useful in compensating isolated supraspinatus muscle deficiency. Lateralisation, in contrast, leads to an unfavorable situation.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the neural and local mechanisms that have been demonstrated to effect cutaneous vasodilation and vasoconstriction in response to heat and cold stress in vivo in humans. First, our present understanding of the mechanisms by which sympathetic cholinergic nerves mediate cutaneous active vasodilation during reflex responses to whole body heating is discussed. These mechanisms include roles for cotransmission as well as nitric oxide (NO). Next, the mechanisms by which sympathetic noradrenergic nerves mediate cutaneous active vasoconstriction during whole body cooling are reviewed, including cotransmission by neuropeptide Y (NPY) acting through NPY Y1 receptors. Subsequently, current concepts for the mechanisms that effect local cutaneous vascular responses to direct skin warming are examined. These mechanisms include the roles of temperature-sensitive afferent neurons as well as NO in causing vasodilation during local heating of skin. This section is followed by a review of the mechanisms that cause local cutaneous vasoconstriction in response to direct cooling of the skin, including the dependence of these responses on intact sensory and sympathetic, noradrenergic innervation as well as roles for nonneural mechanisms. Finally, unresolved issues that warrant further research on mechanisms that control cutaneous vascular responses to heating and cooling are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared the standing cable press (SCP) and the traditional bench press (BP) to better understand the biomechanical limitations of pushing from a standing position together with the activation amplitudes of trunk and shoulder muscles. A static biomechanical model (4D Watbak) was used to assess the forces that can be pushed with 2 arms in a standing position. Then, 14 recreationally trained men performed 1 repetition maximum (1RM) BP and 1RM single-arm SP exercises while superficial electromyography (EMG) of various shoulder and torso muscles was measured. The 1RM BP performance resulted in an average load (74.2 +/- 17.6 kg) significantly higher than 1RM single-arm SP (26.0 +/- 4.4 kg). In addition, the model predicted that pushing forces from a standing position under ideal mechanical conditions are limited to 40.8% of the subject's body weight. For the 1RM BP, anterior deltoid and pectoralis major were more activated than most of the trunk muscles. In contrast, for the 1RM single-arm SP, the left internal oblique and left latissimus dorsi activities were similar to those of the anterior deltoid and pectoralis major. The EMG amplitudes of pectoralis major and the erector muscles were larger for 1RM BP. Conversely, the activation levels of left abdominal muscles and left latissimus dorsi were higher for 1RM right-arm SP. The BP emphasizes the activation of the shoulder and chest muscles and challenges the capability to develop great shoulder torques. The SCP performance also relies on the strength of shoulder and chest musculature; however, it is whole-body stability and equilibrium together with joint stability that present the major limitation in force generation. Our EMG findings show that SCP performance is limited by the activation and neuromuscular coordination of torso muscles, not maximal muscle activation of the chest and shoulder muscles. This has implications for the utility of these exercise approaches to achieve different training goals.  相似文献   

This study isolated the effect of whole head submersion in cold water, on surface heat loss and body core cooling, when the confounding effect of shivering heat production was pharmacologically eliminated. Eight healthy male subjects were studied in 17 degrees C water under four conditions: the body was either insulated or uninsulated, with the head either above the water or completely submersed in each body-insulation subcondition. Shivering was abolished with buspirone (30 mg) and meperidine (2.5 mg/kg), and subjects breathed compressed air throughout all trials. Over the first 30 min of immersion, exposure of the head increased core cooling both in the body-insulated conditions (head out: 0.47 +/- 0.2 degrees C, head in: 0.77 +/- 0.2 degrees C; P < 0.05) and the body-exposed conditions (head out: 0.84 +/- 0.2 degrees C and head in: 1.17 +/- 0.5 degrees C; P < 0.02). Submersion of the head (7% of the body surface area) in the body-exposed conditions increased total heat loss by only 10%. In both body-exposed and body-insulated conditions, head submersion increased core cooling rate much more (average of 42%) than it increased total heat loss. This may be explained by a redistribution of blood flow in response to stimulation of thermosensitive and/or trigeminal receptors in the scalp, neck and face, where a given amount of heat loss would have a greater cooling effect on a smaller perfused body mass. In 17 degrees C water, the head does not contribute relatively more than the rest of the body to surface heat loss; however, a cold-induced reduction of perfused body mass may allow this small increase in heat loss to cause a relatively larger cooling of the body core.  相似文献   

Whole body heating increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA); however, the effect of heat stress on spectral characteristics of MSNA is unknown. Such information may provide insight into mechanisms of heat stress-induced MSNA activation. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that heat stress-induced changes in systolic blood pressure variability parallel changes in MSNA variability. In 13 healthy subjects, MSNA, electrocardiogram, arterial blood pressure (via Finapres), and respiratory activity were recorded under both normothermic and heat stress conditions. Spectral characteristics of integrated MSNA, R-R interval, systolic blood pressure, and respiratory excursions were assessed in the low (LF; 0.03-0.15 Hz) and high (HF; 0.15-0.45 Hz) frequency components. Whole body heating significantly increased skin and core body temperature, MSNA burst rate, and heart rate, but not mean arterial blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure and R-R interval variability were significantly reduced in both the LF and HF ranges. Compared with normothermic conditions, heat stress significantly increased the HF component of MSNA, while the LF component of MSNA was not altered. Thus the LF-to-HF ratio of MSNA oscillatory components was significantly reduced. These data indicate that the spectral characteristics of MSNA are altered by whole body heating; however, heat stress-induced changes in MSNA do not parallel changes in systolic blood pressure variability. Moreover, the reduction in LF component of systolic blood pressure during heat stress is unlikely related to spectral changes in MSNA.  相似文献   

Heliothermy (heat gain by radiation) has been given a prominent role in basking lizards. However, thigmothermy (heat gain by conduction) could be relevant for heating in small lizards. To ascertain the importance of the different heat transmission modes to the thermoregulatory processes, we conducted an experimental study where we analyzed the role of heat transmission modes on heating rates and on the selection of sites for heating in the Mediterranean lizard Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Lacertidae). The study was conducted under laboratory conditions, where two situations of different operative temperatures (38 degrees and 50 degrees C) were simulated in a terrarium. In a first experiment, individuals were allowed to heat up during 2 min at both temperatures and under both heat transmission modes. In a second experiment, individuals were allowed to select between patches differing in the main transmission mode, at both temperatures, to heat up. Experiences were conducted with live, nontethered lizards with a starting body temperature of 27 degrees C. Temperature had a significant effect on the heating rate, with heat gain per unit of time being faster at the higher operative temperature (50 degrees C). The effect of the mode of heat transmission on the heating rate was also significant: at 50 degrees C, heating rate was greater when the main heat transmission mode was conduction from the substrate (thigmothermy) than when heating was mainly due to heat gain by radiation (heliothermy); at 38 degrees C, heating rates did not significantly differ between transmission modes. At 38 degrees C, selection of the site for heating was not significantly different from that expected by chance. However, at 50 degrees C, the heating site offering the slowest heating rate (heliothermic patch) was selected. These results show that heating rates vary not only with environmental temperature but also with different predominant heat transmission modes. Lizards are able to identify and exploit this heterogeneity, selecting the source of heat gain (radiation) that minimizes the risk of overheating when temperature is high.  相似文献   

Typically, small lizards rely heavily on behavioral thermoregulation rather than physiological mechanisms to control their rates of warming and cooling. We tested the hypothesis that prostaglandins participate in mediating the cardiovascular response to heating and cooling and temperature regulating neurons in the hypothalamus of the small lizard Phrynocephalus przewalskii. In vivo and in vitro treatments, heart rates (HRs) were all found to be higher during heating than during cooling, hysteresis was distinct below 30 and 26°C, respectively. In vivo, as administration of COX inhibitor, there were no differences in HR between heating and cooling at any body temperature and administration of agonist prostaglandins only produced a significant effect on HR below 25°C. Single-unit activity was recorded extracellularly in vitro with microelectrodes, found the firing rate of the continuous unit increased 23% when the temperature of the artificial cerebrospinal fluid dropped from 30–20°C. We conclude that prostaglandins appear to play only a limited role in modulating heart activity in Phrynocephalus przewalskii and suggest that cold-sensitive neurons in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus (PO/AH) are involved in thermoregulatory control during heating or cooling.  相似文献   

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