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An abundant female population of a criconematid species identified as Mesocriconema kirjanovae (Andr ssy, 1962) Loof &De Grisse, 1989 is reported from a natural habitat in southeastern Spain. Measurements and morpho-anatomy obtained with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy are included and compared with previous data on this species.  相似文献   

Mesocriconema ornicauda n. sp. and Ogma floridense n. sp. are described from two native habitats of central and northwestern Florida. Mesocriconema ornicauda is closest to M. annulatiforme (De Grisse &Loof, 1967) Loof &De Grisse, 1989, but differs by the shorter stylet of the female (43-50 vs. 54-65 μm) and the moderately conoid tail of the male, which is pointed in M. annulatiforme. Ogma floridense is closest to O. hungaricum (Andrassy, 1972) Siddiqi, 1986. Females differ from those of O. hungaricum by the first of two labial annuli being wider, whereas they are subequal in O. hungaricum. Ogma floridense females differ also by entire or bifid cuticular scales, which are consistently divided into two or four projections in O. hungaricum, the shorter body (360-471 vs. 480-550 μm), the shorter stylet (87-98 vs. 95-100 μm), and the more anteriorly located excretory pore (Rex = 17-19 vs. 21-23).  相似文献   

A new genus (Cerchnotocriconenta) and three new species (C. psephinum, Hemicycliophora amchitkaensis, and Paratylenchns amundseni) are described from Adak and Amchitka Islands in the Aleutian chain. The new genus differs from all other criconematid genera in having irregular, convex sculpturing consisting of small, oval plates on the anterior and posterior regions of each annule, with the mid-annular region minutely punctate or dentate. H. arnchitkaensis n. sp. resembles H. similis Thorne and H. zuckermani Brzeski, but has only one head annule, instead of two. P. antundseni n. sp., which has a stylet 17-19 μm long, is similar to P. tateae Wu &Townshend and P. labiosus Anderson &Kimpinski, but differs by the presence of males and the possession of conoid-truncate lip region, functional spermatheca, and long male tail (c = 8.5-9.5). Seriespinula seymouri Wu (Mehta &Raski), Nothocrieonema longulum (Gunhold) De Grisse &Loof, and Macroposthonia xenoplax (Raski) De Grisse &Loof are also reported from the islands.  相似文献   

Summary The form of the head disc and its taxonomic significance in the genus Discocriconemella De Grisse & Loof, 1965 is discussed. A new genus, Acrozostron, is proposed for the former macramphidia group of Discocriconemella species distinguished primarily by the distinctive cephalic region. The following new combinations are made: A. caudaventer, A. hensungicum, A. macramphidia, A. pannosum and A. retroversum. Discocriconemella sensu stricto is rediagnosed D. sphaerocephaloides is transferred to Macroposthonia. The type species of Madinema Khan, Chawla & Saha, 1976 is synonymized with Macroposthonia citricola and the other species of this genus reassigned or synonymized.  相似文献   

Two new parthenogenetic species of Longidorus were found in Arkansas. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is characterized by its body (5.80-8.24 mm), slightly offset head, head width 20-27 µm, odontostyle 86-100 µm, guide ring 26-35 µm posterior to the anterior end, short conoid to mammiliform tail. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is similar to L. vineacola Sturhan &Weischer, 1964; L. lusitanicus Macara, 1985; L. edmundsi Hunt &Siddiqi, 1977; L. kuiperi Brinkman, Loof &Barbez, 1987; L. balticus Brzeski, Peneva &Brown, 2000; L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964; and L. seinhorsti Peneva, Loof &Brown, 1998. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. is characterized by its body length (2.60-5.00 µm), anteriorly flattened and offset head region 13-18 µm wide, odontostyle length 92-127 µm, guide ring 21-30 µm posterior to the anterior end, tail elongate-conical, and c'' = 1.2-2.6. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. most closely resembles L. longicaudatus Siddiqi, 1962; L. socialis Singh &Khan, 1996; L. juvenilis Dalmasso, 1969; and L. curvatus Khan, 1986.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Amphinemura Ris from China are described and illustrated, i.e. A. annulata Du & Ji, sp. n. from Zhejiang, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Guizhou Province, and A. lingulata Du & Wang, sp. n. from Shaanxi and Sichuan Province. A. annulata is similar to A. tricintusidens Wang & Zhu in having an apical cavity of the epiproct, but the epiproct ventral sclerite and the median paraproct lobe of the two species are different. A. lingulata is related to A. didyma Zhu & Yang in having the similar epiproct, but they differ mostly in paraproct median and outer lobes.  相似文献   

Longidorus paravineacola n. sp., described herein, was found in a survey of longidorids of Arkansas. It is a parthenogeneticspecies characterized by its long body (6.68-9.85 mm); slightly expanded and rounded head, head width 21-27 µm; odontostyle length 95-114 µm; guide ring 28-37 µm posterior to the head end; short rounded tail, and c'' = 0.6-1.0. Longidorus paravineacola n. sp. is similar to the amphimictic species L. vineacola Sturhan &Weischer, 1964; L. balticus Brzeski, Peneva &Brown, 2000; L. kuiperi Brinkman, Loof &Barbez, 1987; and parthenogenetic species L. crassus Thorne, 1974, which also occurred in the type locality.  相似文献   

The Chinese species of the silphaeformis group of the genus Tachinus Gravenhorst are revised with fifteen species being treated. Thirteen of them are described as new: T. armatus Feng & Li, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. cavazzutii Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. coronatus Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Ningxia, Qinghai), T. hercules Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. hujiayaoi Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Shaanxi), T. jiuzhaigouensis Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. linzhiensis Feng & Li, sp. n. (Tibet), T. maderianus Feng & Li, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. mengdaensis Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Qinghai), T. oblongoelytratus Feng & Li, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. parahercules Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Sichuan), T. paralinzhiensis Feng & Li, sp. n. (Tibet), and T. yini Feng, Li & Schülke, sp. n. (Sichuan). The two known species are redescribed based on the holotypes and additional material. Illustrations of the habitus and major diagnostic characters, distributional maps, and identification keys of all species are included.  相似文献   

Seven new species of the genus Lobrathium Mulsant & Rey from China are described and illustrated: Lobrathium anatinum Li & Li, sp. n. (Guangxi), Lobrathium diaoluoense Li & Li, sp. n. (Hainan), Lobrathium dufui Li & Li, sp. n. (Hubei), Lobrathium lirunyui Li & Li, sp. n. (Guizhou), Lobrathium pengi Li & Li, sp. n. (Guangxi), Lobrathium quyuani Li & Li, sp. n. (Hubei) and Lobrathium uncinatum Li & Li, sp. n. (Qinghai). A recent key to the species of mainland China is modified to accommodate the new species. New locality data are provided for eleven species.  相似文献   

A review of the subgenera of the South American genus Praocis Eschscholtz (Pimeliinae: Praociini) is presented. Praocis comprises 77 species and 8 subspecies arranged in nine subgenera distributed in arid lands from Central Peru and Bolivia to the Southern part of Patagonia in Chile and Argentina. For each subgenus of Praocis: Praocis Eschscholtz, Mesopraocis Flores & Pizarro-Araya, subgen. n., Anthrasomus Guérin-Méneville, Filotarsus Gay & Solier, Postpraocis Flores & Pizarro-Araya, subgen. n., Hemipraocis Flores & Pizarro-Araya, subgen. n., Orthogonoderes Gay & Solier, Praonoda Flores & Pizarro-Araya, subgen. n., and Praocida Flores & Pizarro-Araya, subgen. n., we present a diagnosis using new and constant characters of adult morphology such as clypeal configuration, length and proportion of antennomeres 9, 10 and 11, arrangement of apical tomentose sensory patches on antennomeres 10 and 11, anterior margin of prosternum, lateral margin of elytron, ventral surface of profemora, and shape of protibiae. An identification key for the nine subgenera of Praocis is presented. Type species are designated for the five new subgenera; for Mesopraocis: Praocis calderana Kulzer, for Postpraocis: Praocis pentachorda Burmeister, for Hemipraocis: Praocis sellata Berg, for Praonoda: Praocis bicarinata Burmeister, for Praocida: Praocis zischkai Kulzer, and for the previously described subgenus Orthogonoderes: Praocis subreticulata Gay & Solier. The current number of species and the estimated number of species to be described are presented. The distribution ranges of the subgenera, including new records from collections and recent expeditions, are given. Habitat preferences and a discussion of the biogeography of the genus are also presented.  相似文献   

Based on a new record of the rare species Robustodorus megadorus from Utah, the generic diagnosis was amended to include the following characters: a labial disc surrounded by six pore-like sensilla; the absence of a cephalic disc; a lobed cephalic region devoid of annulation; a hexagonal inner cuticular structure of the pouch surrounding the stylet cone; large stylet knobs, rounded in outline and somewhat flattened on their lateral margins; a large spermatheca with an occluded lumen and lacking sperm; the excretory pore located between the median bulb and nerve ring. The stylet orifice consists of an open, ventral, elongate slit or groove. These characters distinguish the genus from the closely related genus Aphelenchoides. A lectotype and paralectotypes were designated. Results of phylogenetic analyses of the 18S and D2-D3 of 28S rRNA gene sequences revealed that R. megadorus occupies a basal position within one of the two main clades of the subfamily Aphelenchoidinae and shares close relationships with a species group of the genus Aphelenchoides that includes A. blastophthorus, A. fragariae, A. saprophilus, A. xylocopae, and A. subtenuis. Several specimens in our collection of R. megadorus were infected with Pasteuria sp. as were some of the paralectotypes.  相似文献   

A new species of Trichodoridae, Trichodorus elefjohnsoni, is described from undisturbed regions of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, United States. It resembles T. orientalis De Waele &Hashim, 1984, T. persicus De Waele &Sturhan, 1987, and T. taylori De Waele, Mancini, Roca, '' Lamberti, 1982 in arrangement of ventromedian cervical papillae and posterior preanal supplements, but differs by combinations of the following characteristics: body length 516-731 μm; spicule length 33-50 μm, spicules densely striated, constricted medially; vaginal sclerotizations ovate; one pair of lateral body pores near vulva.  相似文献   

Eight apterous species of the paederine genus Lathrobium Gravenhorst, 1802 from the Chinese province Sichuan are described, illustrated, and distinguished from closely related and/or geographically close congeners: Lathrobium erlangense Peng & Li sp. n. (Erlang Shan), Lathrobium blandum Peng & Li sp. n. (Labahe N. R.), Lathrobium yelense Peng & Li sp. n. (Yele), Lathrobium obscurum Peng & Li sp. n. (Yele), Lathrobium yinziweii Peng & Li sp. n. (Yele), Lathrobium illustre Peng & Li sp. n. (Yele), Lathrobium micangense Peng & Li sp. n. (Micang Shan) and Lathrobium agglutinatum Assing & Peng sp. n. (Qingcheng Shan). The total number of described Lathrobium species from Sichuan now stands at 39, that of mainland China at 165.  相似文献   

Ophioderma peruana sp. n. is a new species of Ophiodermatidae, extending the distribution of the genus Ophioderma to Lobos de Afuera Island, Peru, easily distinguishable from its congeners by its peculiarly fragmented dorsal arm plates. Dense granules, rounded or polygonal cover the disc, the radial shields may be naked or completely covered by granules. A good character for recognizing this species in the field is the dorsal side of the disc which is brown with disc granules lighter cream and brown, the arms are mottled with whitish spots and the ventral part of the disc on the interradial part is brown and the radial part bright yellow.  相似文献   

Zi-Wei Yin  Li-Zhen Li 《ZooKeys》2013,(301):107-112
Two new species of the tyrine genus Megatyrus Hlaváč & Nomura, Megatyrus schuelkei Yin & Li, sp. n. (based on two males) and Megatyrus tengchongensis Yin & Li, sp. n. (based on one female), from Yunnan, Southwest China are described, illustrated and distinguished from allied species. The body size, form of maxillary palpi, male and female genital structures, and distributional patterns are used to separate the new species.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Scaphicoma Motschulsky, 1863 from Sulawesi, Indonesia are illustrated and described: Scaphicoma subflava Ogawa & Löbl, sp. n., S. bidentia Ogawa & Löbl, sp. n., and S. quadrifasciata Ogawa & Löbl, sp. n. Lepteroscapha pallens Achard, 1921 is designated as the type species of the genus Lepteroscapha Achard, 1921.  相似文献   

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