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Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. (Nemata: Criconematidae) was found in soil from a fallow field plot within the Biosphere 2 Center, Oracle, Arizona. The nematode species is characterized by continuous and irregular breaks in transverse striae in the lateral field, smooth annules, a rounded-truncate lip region with rounded anterior margins, three lip annules, first labial annule elevated and widened laterally, dome-shaped and elevated labial disc, stylet length (76-97 (μm), VA%T value (30-59), 234-273 body annules, and tail with a terminus offset, cylindrical to slightly conoid digit. Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. most closely resembles H. armandae but differs from it in body width (30-39 vs. 38-54 μm), stylet length (76-97 vs. 95-119 μm), greater number of annules between the excretory pore and esophagus base (4-16 vs. 2), length of the tail terminal spike (16-28 vs. 32 μm), lower Rvan value (9-15 vs. 16), and indistinct spetanatheca vs. distinct spermatheca.  相似文献   

Two new species of plant parasitic nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus quaidi n. sp. and T. tritici n. sp.) from Pakistan are described and illustrated. Tylenchorhynchus quaidi n. sp., from soil around roots of potato (Solanum tuberosum) from an experimental field of NNRC, Karachi, Pakistan, is distinguishable from other species by its peculiar sunken dome-shaped head. Although similar to T. goffarti, it differs by head shape, areolation of lateral field, ratios a (23-28 vs. 29-37) and c (11-14 vs. 13-20), and a vagina that is half sclerotized and half unsclerotized. Tylenchorhynchus tritici n. sp., from soil around roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum) from Campbellpur, Pakistan, is similar to T. ventrosignatus and T. nordiensis. It differs from T. ventrosignatus by a continuous lip region, number of head annules (2-3 vs. 4), coarse body annulation, absence of a wave-like structure near the vulva, and by tail shape and number of tail annules (15-23 vs. 28-32). It differs from T. nordiensis by stylet length (12.4-14.6 vs. 11-13 μm), shape of stylet knobs, number of head annules (2-3 vs. 4), non-areolated lateral field in region of phasmids, and not fusing in posterior third of tail. Morphometrics of Tylenchorhynchus claytoni from soil around stunted maize (Zea mays L.), in Muscatine County, Iowa, and several other populations are given. Detailed morphometric data on T. claytoni based on topotypes collected from type locality and several other populations revealed that this species shows variations in the shape of tail in females, number of tail annules (and sometimes annules extending further back on the terminus, almost being an annulated terminus), position of phasmid, and shape of lip region. The subgenus Bitylenchus is proposed as a new synonym of Tylenchorhynchus and its species referred to the latter genus.  相似文献   

A stunt nematode, Tylenchorhynchus thermophilus n. sp., is described and illustrated from soil collected around roots of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) in Death Valley, California. It is distinguished from the similar species, T. ewingi, T. mexicanus, and T. mashoodi, in having a longer female body, longer tail with more annules, and larger phasmids. Physical and chemical analysis of soil from saltgrass roots showed it to consist of 71% sand and possess high salinity (salt content of 0.51%) and a pH of 9.3.  相似文献   

A lesion nematode, Pratylenchus gutierrezi n. sp., collected from the roots of coffee in the Central Plateau of Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. Its relationships to Pratylenchus flakkensis, P. similis, and P. gibbicaudatus, the only other species of the genus having two head annules, males, or spermatheca with sperm, and an annulated tail terminus, is discussed. Other distinctive characters are its posterior vulva (mean of 80%); its prominently rounded stylet knobs, low head, and subcylindrical tail. SEM observations provide additional details of females and males, especially face views, which show for the first time sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Thecavermiculatus andinus n.sp. is described and illustrated from Oxalis tuberosa originally collected in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca high in the Andes mountains of southern Peru. This new species differs markedly front the other two species in the genus, especially in having a much greater female vulval-anal distance and annules with lined punctation on most of the female body with a lacelike pattern restricted to the posterior portion, particularly at the vulva and anus which do not protrude. Females are essentially spherical with protruding neck, white to yellowish in color, and can easily be mistaken for potato cyst nematodes. Among the dozen or more known weed and crop host plants are potato and eggplant. In order to accommodate this new species, the genus Thecavermieulatus is emended. A key to the species of this genus is presented.  相似文献   

Criconema proclivis n. sp. from soil around roots of woodland trees in the northeastern USA is described and illustrated. It is characterized by a total of 67-74 annules, two naked offset head annules, a stylet length of 68.7 -80.7 μ, a sculpted vulval flap, and forward-projecting body annules. The annules at midbody are covered with a continuous fringe of 60-70 spines.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne camelliae n.sp. on camellia (Camellia japonica) from Japan and M. querciana n.sp. on pin oak (Quercus palustris) from Virginia, USA, are described and illustrated. M. camelliae n.sp. is distingnishable from other species of the genus especially by its striking perineal pattern having heavy ropelike striae forming a squarish to rectangular outline with shoulders or projections, appearing sometimes ahnost starlike. M. querciana differs from other species by its characteristic perineal pattern round to oval in outline, sometimes with a low arch, and sunken vulva surrounded by a prominent obovate area devoid of striae. M. querciana shows some relationship to M. ovalis, but differs further fxom the latter by longer larvae, absence of annules on head of larvae, and rarity of males. Examination of specimens of M. camelliae n.sp. and M. querciana n.sp. with the scanning electron microscope confirmed observations made by optical microscopy and revealed diagnostic and other structures in greater detail. In greenhouse host tests, M. camelliae infected camellia heavily, showed moderate infection on oxalis, only a trace infection on tomato, and no infection on five other plants tested; and M. querciana attacked pin oak, red oak, and American chestnut heavily, but did not infect nine other test plants. In another test, pin oak seedlings did not become infected when heavily inoculated with and grown in the presence of two populations of M. incognita incognita and one of M. incognita acrita. The common names "camellia root-knot nematode" and "oak root-knot nematode" are respectively proposed for M. camelliae and M. querciana.  相似文献   

TrilineeIlus clathrocutis n.g., n.sp. is described and illustrated. It was found as an associate of corn (Zea mays) in Stockton, Georgia, USA, and is related to a group of Tylenchorhynchus sensu lato species having three lines in nonareolated lateral fields. This new species is closely related to Tylenehorhynehus divittatus Siddiqi 1961, T. sculptus Seinhorst 1963, and T. triglyphus Seinhorst 1963 (syn. T. chonai Sethi & Swarup 1968) Tarjan 1973. It differs from these species primarily by having longitudinal striae on the body. These four species are differentiated from Tylenchorhynchus sensu stricto by having three lateral lines instead of four. They differ from Uliginotylenchus Siddiqi 1971 by having nonareolated lateral fields, fewer than 25 annules on conoid rounded tails, differently shaped gubernacula, nonattenuated stylets, and other distinctive characters. They differ from Triversus Sher 1973 by having the male tail enclosed by the bursa and by having rounded female tails. SEM observations of T. clathrocutis reveal a cuticle deeply cut by longitudinal and horizontal striae and bearing wide (> 2.0 μm) annules. Trilineellus is proposed to accommodate the new species and the three-incisured species still within Tylenchorhynchus. Tylenchorhynchus is thereby the repository for species within Tylenchorhynchinae having four lines in the lateral field, no conspicuous labial disc, and bursa enclosing the male tail.  相似文献   

Hemicycliophora hellenica n. sp. is described and illustrated from a bisexual population found in Filippias, Epirus, Greece, in the rhizosphere of giant reed (Arundo donax) and unidentified aquatic plants along the edge of irrigation canals. Hemicycliophora hellenica n. sp. is characterized by a long stylet (more than 120 µm), body length (L = 1,078-1,634 µm; R = 303-362), and lateral field marked by three lateral lines in females and four in males. The lip region is distinctive in that the female labial disc is oval and offset from the first lip region annule, and protrudes markedly; the male labial disc is very large, offset and rectangular, and protrudes distinctly. Hemicycliophora hellenica n. sp. resembles H. megalodiscus Loof by possession of a strongly protruding labial disc, but differs in having a longer female body, more body annules, longer stylet, and dorsally and ventrally indented head annules. The male labial plate is larger than in H. megalodiscus, and the male has four incisures in the lateral field vs. three in H. megalodiscus.  相似文献   

Two new species of Epsilonema are described from coral sand from Polynesia and New Caledonia. Epsilonema exoticum, with ca. 131 annules, is characterized by heterogeneous vacuolar ornamentation, small amphid, and male with small field of tiny copulatory thorns. Epsilonema enigmaticum, with ca. 168 annules and small vacuoles and ridges on the cuticle, differs from all other species of the genus by the number (10-16) of subcephalic setae.  相似文献   

Populations of Bakernema inaequale, C. petasum, C. sphagni, C. mutabile, Ogma octangulare, Xenocriconemella macrodora and Hemicriconemoides chitwoodi were identified and re-described from different geographical areas in the continental United States and molecularly characterized. Two new species of spine nematodes Criconema arkaense n. sp. from Washington County and Lee County, Arkansas and Criconema warrenense n. sp from Warren, Bradley County, Arkansas are also described and named. Criconema arkaense is characterize by having a conspicuous lip region offset from the body with two annuli, short rounded tail with a thin cuticular sheath and subterminal anus. Criconema warrenense n. sp. has two lip region annuli about the same width, first annulus directed posteriorly, separated by a narrow neck annulus and a short conoid tail, unilobed non-folded annulus. The molecular characterization of Criconema arkaense and Criconema warrenense using ITS1 rDNA gene sequence and the molecular phylogenetic relationships of these new species along with the known spines nematodes are provided.  相似文献   

Two new monosexual and one bisexual species Pratylenchus Filipjev, 1936 collected from Haryana state of India are described and illustrated. The primary distinguishing features of these species are Pratylenchus microstylus n. sp.: L = 331-458 μm, spear = 11 or 12 μm; Pratylenchus cruciferus n. sp.: L = 648-793 μm, central core of lateral fields with oblique lines, hemizonid 2-8 annules anterior to excretory pore; Pratylenchus ekrami n. sp.: spear = 11-13 μm, spermatheca oblong, post vulval uterine sac with differentiated cells, tail with 26-40 annules, males abundant. Studies on intraspecific variations of P. cruciferus, P. ekrami, and P. coffeae (Zimmermann, 1898) Goodey, 1951 revealed that spear length and value of ''V'' are the least variable characters. Body length and size of post vulval uterine sac varies to varying degrees in different species. Shape of median bulb in P. ekrami, number of incisures in P. coffeae, and tail shape in P. ekrami and P. coffeae exhibit the greatest amount of intraspecific variations. P. zeae Graham, 1936 and P. thornei Sher & Allen, 1953 are the other species collected during the present studies.  相似文献   

SEM observations of the external morphology of populations of Radopholus citrophilus and R. similis revealed several diagnostic differences. The cloaco-spicular orifice on males of R. citrophilus had three to seven genital papillae (anterior hypoptygmata), whereas males of R. similis were either smooth or had one or two shorter genital papillae (anterior hypoptygmata). Females of R. citrophilus had four annules in the region of the vulval opening, but R. similis had five annules in the same region. The labial disc and lateral lips appeared to be of diagnostic significance, but these areas were more susceptible to artifacts due to fixation. An unknown population of Radopholus from Puerto Rico with a chromosome number of n = 4 was morphologically similar to R. similis. These morphological differences provide additional support that R. citrophilus and R. similis are distinct species.  相似文献   

A new stunt nematode, from soil around the roots of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) from Karachi, Pakistan, is described and illustrated as Tylenchorhynchus qasimii n. sp. This new species is characterized by having females with 3–4 head annules, anteriorly directed stylet knobs, absence of post anal extension, presence of rounded sperm filled spermatheca and conoid to bluntly rounded hemispherical tail terminus. Males are common. Also included is the record of T. kegasawai from around the roots of rice (O. sativa L.), a new report from Sindh, Pakistan.  相似文献   

Heterodera achilleae n. sp., a member of the H. rostochiensis group, is described and illustrated from roots of yarrow, Achillea millefolium L. in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. This new, round-cyst species differs from closely related species especially as follows: (1) from H. leptonepia, by having stouter larvae (a = 21), with longer styler (25 μ), and with outlet of dorsal esophageal gland averaging 5.7 μ from base o f styler; (2) from H. millefolii, in having excretory pore at base of neck and small, straight vulval slit of 5 μ; (3) from H. rostochiensis, in having a B/A ratio (Granek''s ratio) of 1.6 ; (4) from H. tabacum, by longer female stylet, two annules on female head, and males with outlet of dorsal esophageal gland further back (5.7 μ). In addition, H. achilleae n. sp. differs from the latter three species in having prominent longitudinal striae on the anterior half, or more, of cysts and females.  相似文献   

Three new species in the super family Neotylenchoidea collected in Pakistan during 1979-80 are described. New species Nothotylenchus gohleni is related to N. affinis Thorne, 1941 but is differentiated by its longer, more robust body with tine cuticular annules, a more posterior vulva, inconspicuous basal knobs of the stylet, and poorly developed metacorpal area. N. geraerti and N. tuberosus are also close to this undescribed species, hut they have a more developed metacorpal area and a larger post uterine sac. Boleodorus zaini n.sp. is distinguished by its excretory pore open at a level with the base of the posterior esophageal bulb and by six distinct lines in the lateral field. Paurodontella sohailai n.sp. is closely related to P. densa (Thorne, 1941) Hussain &Khan, 1967 and P. minuta Hussain &Khan, 1967 but differs from them by its larger body, shape of tail, and seven incisures in the lateral field.  相似文献   

Three new species of Nothacrobeles are described from localities in the Mojave Desert, southern California. Nothacrobeles triniglarus n. sp. is characterized by the presence of a long post-vulval sac and three tubular adoral projections. Both N. spatulatus n. sp. and N. nanocorpus n. sp. are smaller than any other known species within the genus. Nothacrobeles spatulatus n. sp. has labial probolae that are short and spatulate without a basal ridge, whereas those of N. nanocorpus n. sp. are flattened and plate-like. Furthermore, N. nanocorpus n. sp. is unique by its extremely short esophageal corpus (less than 25 µm long in adult females) and the small size of its guard processes. An emended diagnosis of the genus is given to accommodate distinctive characteristics of these new species. A table comparing the 11 valid species of Nothacrobeles is presented.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne morocciensis n. sp. is described from specimens parasitic on peach rootstock from Morocco. This species exhibits a combination of morphological characters similar to M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica. The perineal pattern of females is oval to squarish with a moderately high to high dorsal arch, and widely spaced, smooth striae; lateral lines are absent. The stylet, 16.5 μm long, has transversely ovoid, set-off knobs. Males have a set-off, annulated head region. The large, rounded labial disc is distinctly demarcated from the crescent-shaped medial lips; lateral lips are absent. The robust stylet, 24.6 μm long, has large, rounded knobs that taper slightly posteriorly. Mean second-stage juvenile (J2) length is 401 μm. The set-offhead region has incomplete annulations; the lip structures are dumbbell shaped. The stylet, 12.3 μm long, has rounded knobs that slope posteriorly. The J2 tail, 52.6 μm long, has irregularly sized annules in the posterior region and ends in a bluntly rounded tip. Tomato, tobacco, pepper, and watermelon are good hosts; cotton and peanut are not hosts. Meloidogyne morocciensis n. sp. reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis and has a somatic chromosome number of 47-49. Its esterase phenotype is identical with the three-banded phenotype (A3) of M. arenaria.  相似文献   

Four species of Trichodoridae, two of them new and belonging to the T. aequalis complex, are reported from Alaska. Trichodorus carlingi n. sp. differs from all other species of the genus in having conspicuously hamate spicules. Vaginal sclerotizations are trapezoidal to rectangular. Trichodorus paucisetosus n. sp., which resembles T. sparsus Szczygiel, 1968 and T. nanjingensis Liu & Cheng, 1990, has sparsely setose, noncephalated spicules partially striated in one or two zones, oval to round vaginal sclerotizations, sperm in discrete spermathecae, and onchiostyle 57-72 μm long. Trichodorus californicus Alien, 1957 is reported from many sites in Alaska, and T. aequalis Allen, 1957 is reported from one site. Trichodorus californicus was collected almost exclusively from glacial refugial regions north of the Alaska Range.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species parasitizing passalid beetles from the Democratic Republic of Congo are described. Batwanema congo gen. n. et sp. n. is characterized by having females with the cervical cuticle armed with scale-like projections, arranged initially in rows of eight elements that gradually divide and form pointed spines toward the end of the spiny region, two cephalic annuli, clavate procorpus and genital tract monodelphic-prodelphic. Two Malagasian species of Artigasia Christie, 1934 were placed in this genus as B. latum (Van Waerebeke, 1973) comb. n. and B. annulatum (Van Waerebeke, 1973) comb. n. Chokwenema lepidophorum gen. n. et sp. n. is characterized by having females with the cervical cuticle armed with scale-like projections, arranged initially in rows of eight elements (similar to Batwanema) that divide gradually, forming spines; a single cephalic annule cone-like, truncated, moderately inflated; procorpus sub-cylindrical and genital tract didelphic-amphidelphic.  相似文献   

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