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The transfer numbers of the ions of electrolytes in the dried collodion membrane, as determined in a previous paper indirectly from the E.M.F. of concentration chains, can also be determined directly by electrical transfer experiments. It is shown that the difficulties involved in such experiments can be overcome. The transfer numbers obtained by the two methods are in satisfactory agreement. The experimental results obtained in the transfer experiments furnish an additional argument in favor of maintaining the theory that the electromotive effects observed in varying concentrations of different electrolytes with the dried collodion membrane may be referred to differences in the mobilities of the anions and cations within the membrane. As was shown by the method of the previous paper, the transfer number depends largely on concentration. There are some minor discrepancies between the values of the transfer numbers obtained by the two methods which, as yet, cannot be completely explained.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the relative rates at which various organic non-electrolytes diffuse through the dried collodion membrane. It was found that acetone and urea pass through the membrane many times more rapidly than glycerine and that glycerine in its turn diffuses much faster than glucose. It was also demonstrated that the rate of diffusion varies directly with the difference in concentration between the solutions on the two sides of the membrane. It was shown that the presence of glycerine on the two sides of the membrane did not appreciably affect the rate of diffusion of acetone. In a study of the changes going on during the establishment of the stationary diffusion gradient with glucose experiments were described which strongly suggested that many of the membrane channels may gradually become clogged up with glucose molecules so that the diffusion rate decreases from day to day until the stationary gradient is finally reached. In explaining the various experimental data the conception of the collodion membrane as a sieve with pores approximating in smallness the size of individual molecules was utilized. The large differences in the diffusion rates between different substances were then referred to differences in molecular size, the relatively large molecules of glycerine and glucose being unable to pass through many of the smaller pores available for urea and acetone. From the data available it was possible to estimate that 98 per cent of the pore area distributed among holes large enough for the diffusion of acetone was unavailable for the passage of glycerine and that only 0.3 per cent of the pore area available for acetone could be utilized by glucose. In trying to correlate the ratio between the diffusion rates of two different substances with the characteristic concentration potential (Co P) given by the same membrane it was found (1) that with the acetone-glycerine ratio there is no correspondence (2) that with the acetone-glucose ratio a suggestive relation exists and (3) that with the glycerine-glucose ratio a definite correspondence can be shown, the higher ratios being obtained only with membranes giving high CO P values. A rational explanation for these facts was proposed.  相似文献   

A study of the behavior of the dried collodion membrane toward the bivalent calcium ion showed that: 1. There is almost no potential difference established across a membrane separating two calcium chloride solutions of 0.1 and 0.01 N concentrations. 2. The transfer numbers of chlorine and calcium, as measured in electrical transfer experiments, are both close to 0.5. 3. A sample of membrane in equilibrium with a solution of calcium chloride has an extremely high electrical resistance, greater than is observed with solutions of the chlorides of any of the monovalent cations. 4. The total electrolyte content of a membrane in equilibrium with a solution of calcium chloride was only 20 per cent of that observed when the solution was lithium chloride and 10 per cent of that found when the solution was potassium chloride. In explaining these various results it is supposed that (1), (2) and (3) are all the result of (4), that is, of the inability of the calcium ion to penetrate any but the largest of the membrane pores. As the total quantity of electrolyte able to penetrate the membrane is very small the electrical conductivity must also be very small. Moreover, the few larger pores that are large enough to transport the hydrated calcium ion are too large to exert any appreciable effect in decreasing the mobility of the anion. Thus the membrane has no effect in modifying the potentials established across concentration chains with CaCl2 and the transfer numbers determined experimentally are what one would expect if no membrane were present.  相似文献   

The theoretical aspects of the problem of sieve-like membranes are developed. The method of preparing the dried collodion membrane is described, and the method of defining the property of a particular membrane is given. It consists of the measurement of the Co P, that is the P.D. between an 0.1 and an 0.01 M KCl solution separated by the membrane. Co P is in the best dried membranes 50 to 53 millvolts, the theoretically possible maximum value being 55 millivolts. Diffusion experiments have been carried out with several arrangements, one of which is, for example, the diffusion of 0.1 M KNO3 against 0.1 M NaCl across the membrane. The amount of K+ diffusing after a certain period was in membranes with a sufficiently high Co P (about 50 millivolts or more) on the average ten times as much as the amount of diffused Cl-. In membranes with a lower Co P the ratio was much smaller, down almost to the proportion of 1:1 which holds for the mobility of these two ions in a free aqueous solution. When higher concentrations were used, e.g. 0.5 M solution, the difference of the rate of diffusion for K+ and Cl- was much smaller even in the best membranes, corresponding to the fact that the P.D. of two KCl solutions whose concentrations are 10:1 is much smaller in higher ranges of concentration than in lower ones. These observations are confirmed by experiments arranged in other ways. It has been shown that, in general, the diffusion of an anion is much slower than the one of a cation across the dried collodion membrane. The ratio of the two diffusion coefficients would be expected to be calculable in connection with the potential difference of such a membrane when interposed between these solutions. The next problem is to show in how far this can be confirmed quantitatively.  相似文献   

The flat type of dried collodion membrane used by Michaelis and his associates in numerous investigations has been subjected to mensuration in order that the dimensions of these membranes may be placed on record. The membranes had a functioning area of about 30 cm., were approximately 0.1 mm. in thickness and were composed on the average of 87 per cent by volume of collodion and 13 per cent by volume of pores. In reviewing some of the previously reported results of diffusion experiments with non-electrolytes in the light of the calculated values for the total pore area for the same membranes additional evidence was presented to show that a smaller molecule (acetone) probably utilizes a much larger percentage of the total pore area for its diffusion than is available for a larger molecule (glycerol). By using the figures of Fricke and McClendon for the thickness of the membrane of the red blood cell some comparisons were drawn between the dried collodion membrane as a model for certain biological membranes and the red blood cell membrane. In these comparisons emphasis was placed on the exaggerated importance of small electromotive forces and very slight permeabilities when these were associated with membranes of such extreme thinness as the red blood cell membrane.  相似文献   

The ionic transfer number in an electrolyte solution in the pores of a narrow pored collodion membrane depends much more on the concentration than it does in a free aqueous solution. The potential difference of two solutions of the same electrolyte in different concentration depends largely on the concentration range. The ratio of the concentrations on the two sides was always 1:2 in the experiments; the concentration range was varied. It is shown that the transfer number of Cl, calculated from the P.D. measured, is very small in dilute solution (down to .02 and less in some cases), whereas it approaches the value .5 holding for free aqueous solutions when the concentration range is raised. The differences for the transfer number of Cl, according to the cation (H, K, Na, Li), can be recognized and show the same order as in free aqueous solution. But even in LiCl, where in an ordinary aqueous solution the transfer number of Cl is always > .5, this number is very low in the case of the membrane (e.g. < .05 in .01 M solution).  相似文献   

The permeability of gelatin-coated collodion membranes, as measured by the flow of water or of dilute solutions through the membranes, has been found to vary with the pH of the solutions. The permeability is greatest near the isoelectric point of the protein; with increasing concentration of either acid or alkali it decreases, passes through a minimum, and then increases. These variations with pH are qualitatively in accord with the assumption that they are due to swelling of the gelatin in the pores of the membrane, the effects of pH being similar to those observed by Loeb on the swelling of gelatin granules. Indications have been found of a similar variable permeability in the case of membranes coated with egg albumin, edestin, serum euglobulin, and serum albumin.  相似文献   

The rate of penetration and the solubility of H, O, N, NH3, H2O, HCl gas, CO2, formic, acetic, chloracetic, dichloracetic acid, glycerol, phenol and mercury bichloride in dry collodion membranes have been measured. The rate of penetration of H and CO2 is the same whether the membrane and gas are dry or whether the membrane is immersed in water. The solubility of CO2, acetic acid, phenol and water in collodion is completely reversible and is proportional to the concentration (or vapor pressure) in low concentrations and independent of the surface of the collodion. The size of the pores has been calculated from the vapor pressure of water in the collodion and from the rate of flow of water through the membrane. The results do not agree and are not consistent with the observed rates of penetration. The relative rates of penetration of the gases bear no relation to the density of the gas. When the results are corrected for the solubility of the substances in the collodion and expressed as the diffusion coefficient in collodion they show that the diffusion coefficient increases rapidly as the molecular weight decreases.  相似文献   

Two methods of measuring the electrical conductivity of the dried collodion membrane in contact with an electrolyte solution are described and the results of such measurements with different electrolytes in different ranges of concentration recorded. Some of the difficulties encountered in making these measurements are outlined. Of special interest was the fact that each membrane with each electrolyte showed a maximum level of resistance at a certain point in the dilution scale, a level which was not surpassed by further dilution. It is believed that this level was fixed by the collodion itself rather than by the contiguous electrolyte solution. Its existence limited the results available for reasonable interpretation. In relatively concentrated solutions the conductivity was shown to be approximately proportional to the concentration. With different electrolytes in the same concentration it was shown that the conductivities varied much more than in simple solutions without a membrane and that they fell in the order HCl > KCl > NaCl > LiCl. A method was described whereby the electrolyte content of a membrane in contact with different chloride solutions could be determined. It was shown that a membrane saturated with either 0.5 N HCl or 0.5 N KCl had practically the same total electrolyte content whereas the same membrane in contact with 0.5 N LiCl contained only half the quantity. These results were used in interpreting the conductivity data, the evidence presented strongly suggesting that two factors are operative in causing the widely divergent conductivities recorded with different electrolytes. The first factor depended on the quantity of electrolyte which can enter the membrane pores, a quantity dependent on the size of the pores and the volume of the larger of the two hydrated ions of the electrolyte. This factor was the chief one in determining the difference in conductivity between KCl and LiCl. The second factor was concerned with differences in the mobility of the various cations within the membrane brought about by friction between the moving ions and the pore walls. With KCl and HCl the quantity of electrolytes entering the membrane was in each case the same, being determined by the size of the larger Cl- ion. The widely different conductivity values were explained as due to the changes in the mobility of the two cations within the membrane pores.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were carried out to decide whether or not the electromotive properties of dried collodion membranes depend upon their thickness. 2. A number of dried collodion membranes of varying thickness, 3–160 µ, were prepared from collodion preparations of different electrochemical activity. The characteristic concentration potentials across them were measured and the means of these values determined for each thickness. 3. The characteristic concentration potentials across dried collodion membranes are a function of their thickness. The thinnest membranes yield in all cases the lowest concentration potentials; increasingly thicker membranes give increasingly higher potential values, until a constant value is reached which is characteristic of the particular collodion preparation used. With electrochemically active collodion, characteristic concentration potentials approaching the thermodynamically possible maximum are obtained with membranes of only 10 µ thickness, thinner membranes giving appreciably lower values. With two rather inactive commercial collodion preparations the characteristic concentration potential increases from about 30 mv. for membranes 3 µ thick to about 42 mv. for 20 µ membranes; still thicker membranes do not show a significant increase in the potential values. With a highly purified collodion preparation the constant maximum value was found to be about 32 mv., 4 µ thick membranes giving only about 22 mv. 4. These results do not support the homogeneous phase theory as applied to the dried collodion membrane. They are readily compatible with the micellar-structural theory. Several special possible cases of the latter as applied to the dried collodion membrane are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The electronegative membranes described in the literature which show a high degree of ionic selectivity (permitting cations to pass and restricting the anions) have serious shortcomings: their absolute permeability is extremely low, much too small for convenient experimentation; their ionic selectivity in most cases is not as perfect as would be desirable, and is moreover adversely affected by prolonged contact with electrolyte solutions. 2. A method has been worked out to prepare membranes substantially free from these defects. Porous collodion membranes were cast on the outside of rotating tubes and then oxidized with 1 M NaOH. By allowing the oxidized porous membranes to dry in air on the tubes membranes of desirable properties are obtained. These membranes are smooth, have a well defined shape, and allow considerable handling without breaking. 3. This new type membrane when tested for ionic selectivity by the measurement of the "characteristic concentration potential," consistently gives potentials of 54 to 55 mv., the maximum thermodynamically possible value (at 25°C.) being 55.1 mv. This high degree of ionic selectivity is not lost on prolonged contact with water, and is only very slowly affected by electrolyte solutions. 4. The absolute permeability of the new type membranes can be varied over a very wide range by changing the time of oxidation. Under optimum conditions membranes can be obtained with a resistance in 0.1 N KCl solution of only 0.5 ohms per 50 cm.2 membrane area. The absolute rate of cation exchange through these membranes between solutions of different uni-univalent electrolytes is very high, in one case, e.g. 0.9 m.eq. cations per 4 hours, the anion leak being 0.02 m.eq. Thus, the absolute permeability of the new type membranes is two to four orders of magnitude greater than the permeability of the dried collodion membranes and the oxidized ("activated") dried collodion membranes used heretofore. Because of the characteristic properties of the new type membranes the term "megapermselective" (or "permselective") collodion membranes is proposed for them.  相似文献   

The technique of Abrams and Sollner for the preparation of electropositive dried protamine collodion membranes has been improved. Porous collodion membranes cast on the outside of rotating tubes are treated for 48 hours with a solution of 2 per cent protamine sulfate buffered at pH 11. After being washed thoroughly the membranes are dried in air for several hours, soaked in water for several hours, and removed from the tubes. Further drying in air but without support shrinks the membranes slightly. The resulting membranes are designated "permselective" or "megapermselective" protamine collodion membranes. These membranes regularly give characteristic concentration potentials of –52 to –53 mv. and (in 0.1 M KCl) resistance of 0.5 to 15 ohms per membrane of 50 cm.2 area. This resistance is several orders of magnitude smaller than that of the conventional dyestuff- and alkaloid-impregnated positive membranes. The megapermselective protamine collodion membranes can be kept either dry or in water for prolonged periods without detectable deterioration. They are quite smooth, have a regular shape, and stand considerable handling without breakage. The megapermselective protamine collodion membranes are the electropositive analogues of the electronegative megapermselective collodion membranes described by Carr and Sollner.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were carried out to decide whether a homogeneous phase (solubility) theory or a micellar-structural theory more adequately describes the behavior of dried collodion membranes with solutions of strong electrolytes. 2. A number of dried collodion membranes were prepared from an electrochemically inactive collodion preparation (state I); the characteristic concentration potentials across them were low, about 30 mv. The membranes were activated by oxidation (state II) to give maximum or nearly maximum concentration potentials (about 50 mv.). The oxidized membranes are dried, dissolved in alcohol-ether, and a new set of dry collodion membranes prepared from this solution (state III). The concentration potentials across these membranes are low. 3. Since the properties of a homogeneous phase should not be influenced by a rearrangement of its constituent particles, the experimental results do not support a homogeneous phase (solubility) theory, but they agree with the predictions of the micellar-structural theory. The characteristic behavior of dried collodion membranes in solutions of strong inorganic electrolytes is therefore due to the micellar character of its interstices.  相似文献   

1. The electrochemical behavior ("activity") of collodion membranes depends upon acidic, dissociable groups located in the interstices of the membranes. The active groups can be determined by base exchange measurements. High base exchange capacity is always found with preparations of great "electrochemical activity;" medium and low base exchange capacities occur with electrochemically active as well as with inactive preparations. The observed base exchange capacity is determined by two factors: the inherent acidity of the collodion (its mean equivalent weight) and the submicroscopic micellar structure of the collodion. A comparison of the base exchange capacity of various collodion preparations and their inherent acidities therefore allows certain conclusions to be drawn concerning the relative availability of the micellar surfaces in the different preparations. 2. The inherent acidity of various collodion preparations, their "acid number," was determined by electrometric titration. Collodion in the acidic state, i.e. after exchange of all other cations for H+ ions, was titrated in an organic solvent mixture with alcoholic KOH using a quinhydrone electrode. Details of the experimental procedure are given in the paper. The acid numbers, expressed in milliliters of 0.01 N KOH per gram dry collodion, vary from 1.0 for a highly purified collodion preparation of very low electrochemical activity to 3.3 for a highly oxidized sample of very high activity. Acid numbers of about 1.5 (corresponding to an equivalent weight of about 67,000) are found both with inactive commercial and with fairly active oxidized preparations. The base exchange capacity of the same preparations in the fibrous state as measured after 48 hours of exchange time varies from 0.0013 ml. 0.01 N NaOH per gm. dry collodion for the most inactive preparation up to 0.26 ml. 0.01 N NaOH per gm. for the most active preparation. Thus the acid numbers over the whole range investigated differ only in the ratio of 1:3.3, whereas the base exchange values differ in the range of 1:200. 3. In the inactive preparation only one in 770 acid groups is available for base exchange, in the most active collodion one group in 13; values between these extremes are found with commercial and alcohol purified oxidized preparations. 4. The high base exchange capacity of the electrochemically active preparations is not so much due to their higher acid number as to their more open structure. This difference in structure is ascribed to the presence of a small fraction of low molecular weight material which inhibits normal formation and arrangement of the micelles. 5. Short time base exchange experiments with fibrous collodion indicate that the number of acid groups available for the typical electrochemical membrane functions may be estimated to be about 50 to 1000 times less numerous than those found in the 48 hour base exchange experiments. It is estimated that in membranes prepared even from the most active collodion not more than one in 500 acid groups may be available for the typical membrane functions; with the less active preparations this ratio is estimated to be as high as one in 1,000,000 or more.  相似文献   

多变鱼腥藻(Anabaena variabilis)藻胆体一类囊体膜的吸收峰位于678,624,490,438和418nm.当用580nm波长光激发藻胆体一类囊体膜中藻胆蛋白时,室温荧光峰位于662nm,在680nm附近有一肩;液氮温度荧光峰位于655,666,695和730nm.这说明藻胆蛋白捕获的光能能有效地传给叶绿素a.当用436nm波长光激发藻胆体一类囊性膜中叶绿素a时,室温荧光峰(?)于683nm;液氮温室荧光峰在730nm,另一小峰在695nm.表明叶绿素a捕获的光能不能传递给藻胆蛋白.藻胆体一类囊体膜放氧速率为245μmoleO_2/小时,毫克叶绿素,电境照片显示在类囊体膜上有大量藻胆体.用0.3M蔗糖,O.05M磷酸缓冲溶液洗藻胆体一类囊体膜,能使藻胆体与类囊体膜分开.对藻胆体与类囊体之间的光能传递进行了讨论.  相似文献   

1. Data from the results of transference experiments on solutions of the alkaline earth caseinates are given. 2. The data support the idea that part of the alkaline earth element is held by the casein in the form of complex ions. 3. Grounds are given for believing that the complex anions have a definite composition.  相似文献   

1. Dried collodion membranes are known to swell in water and to the same limited extent also in solutions of strong inorganic electrolytes (Carr and Sollner). The present investigation shows that in solutions of organic electrolytes and non-electrolytes, the swelling of dried collodion membranes is not as uniform, but depends on the nature of the solute. 2. The solutions of typically "hydrophilic" substances, e.g., glycerine, glucose, and citric acid, swell collodion membranes only to the same extent as water and solutions of strong electrolytes. In solutions of typically carbophilic substances (e.g., butyric acid, valeric acid, isobutyl alcohol, valeramide, phenol, and m-nitrophenol) the swelling of the membranes is much stronger than in water, according to the concentration used. For the brand of collodion used the swelling in 0.5 M solution was in some cases as high as 26 per cent of the original volume, as compared to 6 to 7 per cent in water. Therefore, in these solutions the "water-wetted dried" collodion membrane is not rigid, inert, and non-swelling, but behaves as a swelling membrane. 3. The solutes which cause an increased swelling of the membranes are accumulated in the latter, the degree of accumulation being markedly parallel with the degree of their specific swelling action. 4. The anomalously high permeabilities of certain carbophilic organic solutes reported by Michaelis, Collander, and Höber find an explanation in the specific interaction of these substances with collodion. 5. The use of the collodion membrane as a model of the ideal porous membrane is restricted to those instances in which no specific interaction occurs between the solute and the collodion.  相似文献   

1. It had been shown in previous publications that when pure water is separated from a solution of an electrolyte by a collodion membrane the ion with the same sign of charge as the membrane increases and the ion with the opposite sign of charge as the membrane diminishes the rate of diffusion of water into the solution; but that the relative influence of the oppositely charged ions upon the rate of diffusion of water through the membrane is not the same for different concentrations. Beginning with the lowest concentrations of electrolytes the attractive influence of that ion which has the same sign of charge as the collodion membrane upon the oppositely charged water increases more rapidly with increasing concentration of the electrolyte than the repelling effect of the ion possessing the opposite sign of charge as the membrane. When the concentration exceeds a certain critical value the repelling influence of the latter ion upon the water increases more rapidly with a further increase in the concentration of the electrolyte than the attractive influence of the ion having the same sign of charge as the membrane. 2. It is shown in this paper that the influence of the concentration of electrolytes on the rate of transport of water through collodion membranes in electrical endosmose is similar to that in the case of free osmosis. 3. On the basis of the Helmholtz theory of electrical double layers this seems to indicate that the influence of an electrolyte on the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane in the case of free osmosis is due to the fact that the ion possessing the same sign of charge as the membrane increases the density of charge of the latter while the ion with the opposite sign diminishes the density of charge of the membrane. The relative influence of the oppositely charged ions on the density of charge of the membrane is not the same in all concentrations. The influence of the ion with the same sign of charge increases in the lowest concentrations more rapidly with increasing concentration than the influence of the ion with the opposite sign of charge, while for somewhat higher concentrations the reverse is true.  相似文献   

1. In three previous publications it had been shown that electrolytes influence the rate of diffusion of pure water through a collodion membrane into a solution in three different ways, which can be understood on the assumption of an electrification of the water or the watery phase at the boundary of the membrane; namely, (a) While the watery phase in contact with collodion is generally positively electrified, it happens that, when the membrane has received a treatment with a protein, the presence of hydrogen ions and of simple cations with a valency of three or above (beyond a certain concentration) causes the watery phase of the double layer at the boundary of membrane and solution to be negatively charged. (b) When pure water is separated from a solution by a collodion membrane, the initial rate of diffusion of water into a solution is accelerated by the ion with the opposite sign of charge and retarded by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the water, both effects increasing with the valency of the ion and a second constitutional quantity of the ion which is still to be defined. (c) The relative influence of the oppositely charged ions, mentioned in (b), is not the same for all concentrations of electrolytes. For lower concentrations the influence of that ion usually prevails which has the opposite sign of charge from that of the watery phase of the double layer; while in higher concentrations the influence of that ion begins to prevail which has the same sign of charge as that of the watery phase of the double layer. For a number of solutions the turning point lies at a molecular concentration of about M/256 or M/512. In concentrations of M/8 or above the influence of the electrical charges of ions mentioned in (b) or (c) seems to become less noticeable or to disappear entirely. 2. It is shown in this paper that in electrical endosmose through a collodion membrane the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport of liquids is the same as in free osmosis. Since the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport in electrical endosmose must be ascribed to their influence on the quantity of electrical charge on the unit area of the membrane, we must conclude that the same explanation holds for the influence of electrolytes on the rate of transport of water into a solution through a collodion membrane in the case of free osmosis. 3. We may, therefore, conclude, that when pure water is separated from a solution of an electrolyte by a collodion membrane, the rate of diffusion of water into the solution by free osmosis is accelerated by the ion with the opposite sign of charge as that of the watery phase of the double layer, because this ion increases the quantity of charge on the unit area on the solution side of the membrane; and that the rate of diffusion of water is retarded by the ion with the same sign of charge as that of the watery phase for the reason that this ion diminishes the charge on the solution side of the membrane. When, therefore, the ions of an electrolyte raise the charge on the unit area of the membrane on the solution side above that on the side of pure water, a flow of the oppositely charged liquid must occur through the interstices of the membrane from the side of the water to the side of the solution (positive osmosis). When, however, the ions of an electrolyte lower the charge on the unit area of the solution side of the membrane below that on the pure water side of the membrane, liquid will diffuse from the solution into the pure water (negative osmosis). 4. We must, furthermore, conclude that in lower concentrations of many electrolytes the density of electrification of the double layer increases with an increase in concentration, while in higher concentrations of the same electrolytes it decreases with an increase in concentration. The turning point lies for a number of electrolytes at a molecular concentration of about M/512 or M/256. This explains why in lower concentrations of electrolytes the rate of diffusion of water through a collodion membrane from pure water into solution rises at first rapidly with an increase in concentration while beyond a certain concentration (which in a number of electrolytes is M/512 or M/256) the rate of diffusion of water diminishes with a further increase in concentration.  相似文献   

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