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Effects of yolk androgens on postnatal growth of offspring have been widely studied but their physiological role in the growth control is not fully understood due to an inconsistency in obtained results. We investigated androgen-mediated maternal effects on postnatal growth in relation to endocrine control mechanisms using two lines of Japanese quail divergently selected for high (HET) and low (LET) egg testosterone (T) content. Embryonic growth did not differ between the lines. During the growth period HET quail were heavier and displayed longer tarsi as compared with LET quail, with more pronounced line differences in males than females. HET males were heavier than LET males from the age of 2 weeks, reached the age of maximum growth rate earlier, and displayed higher asymptotic body weight than LET males. Accelerated growth in HET males was not accompanied by increased postembryonic plasma T concentrations. Plasma triiodothyronine levels did not differ between lines while plasma thyroxine levels were decreased in HET as compared with LET female chicks. Line differences in body weight disappeared in adult quail suggesting that yolk androgens, increased in a physiological way, resulted in stimulation of juvenile growth rate in precocial Japanese quail under stable social and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Inheritance of melanocytic tumors in Duroc swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phenotypes, with respect to cutaneous melanocytic lesions, of 37 Duroc swine from five matings were analyzed prospectively. No evidence for a recessive or X-linked trait was found. Larger numbers of animals will have to be studied to determine whether the presence of these tumors is a multifactorial or autosomal dominantly transmitted trait.  相似文献   

The subjects of this study (n = 20; 16 women, 4 men) performed 10 weeks of leg press training using one of two exercise modes (isoload or isotonic) with no crossover. Their workouts, which were performed 3 times per week, involved 4 sets of 8 repetitions with maximal voluntary effort. Testing was performed pre- and posttraining to examine bone and muscle changes. Posttraining, both groups incurred significant concentric knee extensor strength and leg muscle mass gains, while the percentage of body fat and total body fat mass each decreased. Leg and total body bone mineral densities showed group-by-time interactions, as isoload exercise caused posttraining gains, while isoinertial values were unchanged. Bone resorption assays showed insignificant changes. Isoload training likely involved greater strain magnitudes and rates to evoke higher peak forces and osteogenesis. Transduction of the training stimulus may have involved (a) formation in response to microdamage, and (b) piezoelectric-induced potentials that stimulated site-specific osteoblast activity and osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Interval mapping of growth in divergent swine cross   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A genomic scan of 18 swine autosomal chromosomes was constructed with 119 polymorphic microsatellite (ms) markers to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for 11 growth traits in the University of Illinois Meishan × Yorkshire Swine Resource Family. A significant QTL effect was found for post-weaning average daily gain (ADG) between 5.5 and 56 kg of body weight that mapped between markers SW373 and SW1301 near the telomere of Chromosome (Chr) 1 q (SSC1). This QTL effect had a nominal (pointwise) p-value of 0.000007, a genome wide p-value of 0.012, and accounted for 26% of the F2 phenotypic variance. The same chromosome region also had significant effects on ADG between birth and 56 kg body weight (p-value = .000227), and on ADG between 35 and 56 kg (p-value = .00077). These observations suggest that a significant QTL for post-weaning growth resides on SSC1. Received: 18 May 1998 / Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

Migratory birds are assumed to be under stronger sexual selection pressure than sedentary populations, and the fact that their song is more complex has been taken as confirmation of this fact. However, this assumes that sexual selection pressure due to both male competition and female choice increase together. A further issue is that, in many species, songs become less complex during competitive encounters; in contrast, female choice selects for more complex song, so the two selection pressures may drive song evolution in different directions. We analysed song in two sedentary and two migratory populations of blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla), a species in which different song parts are directed to males and females. We found that migratory populations produce longer, female-directed warbles, indicating sexual selection through female choice is the strongest in these populations. However, the part of the song directed towards males is shorter and more repetitive (as observed in individual competitive encounters between males) in non-migratory populations, indicating sedentary populations, are under stronger selection due to male competition. We show for the first time that the intensity of selection pressure from male competition and female choice varies independently between populations with different migratory behaviours. Rapid alterations in the migration patterns of species are thus likely to lead to unexpected consequences for the costs and benefits of sexual signals.  相似文献   

A competing risk approach was used to evaluate the influence of several factors on culling risk for 587 Duroc sows. Three different analyses were performed according to whether sow failure was due to death during productive life (DE) or to one of two causes for voluntary culling: low productivity (LP) and low fertility (LF). Sow survival was analyzed by the Cox model. Year at first farrowing (batch effect) significantly affected sow survival in all three analyses (P < 0.05 for DE and P < 0.001 for LP and LF) whereas farm of origin accounted for relevant variation in the LP and LF analyses. LP culling increased with backfat thickness of more than 19 mm at the end of the growth period (P < 0.05), bad teat condition (P < 0.05) and reduced piglets born alive (P < 0.001). For the LF competing risk analysis, culling increased with age at first farrowing (P < 0.1). Special emphasis was placed on the influence of leg and teat conformation on sow survivability, although they did not affect sow failure due to DE (P > 0.1). The overall leg-conformation score significantly influenced sow longevity in LP (P < 0.001) and LF competing risk analyses (P < 0.001), showing a higher hazard ratio (HR) for poorly conformed sows (1.013 and 4.366, respectively) than for well-conformed sows (0.342 and 0.246, respectively). Survival decreased with the presence of abnormal hoof growth in LP and LF analyses (HR = 3.372 and 6.002, respectively; P < 0.001) and bumps or injuries to legs (HR = 4.172 and 5.839, respectively; P < 0.01). Plantigradism reduced sow survival in the LP analysis (P < 0.05), while sickle-hooked leg (P < 0.05) impaired sow survival in the fertility-specific analysis. Estimates of heritability for longevity related to LP culling ranged from 0.008 to 0.024 depending on the estimation procedure, whereas heritability values increased to between 0.017 and 0.083 in LF analysis. These analyses highlighted substantial discrepancies in the sources of variation and genetic background of sow longevity depending on the cause of failure. The estimated heritabilities suggested that direct genetic improvement for sow longevity seemed feasible, although only a small genetic progress was expected.  相似文献   

Eight exercise-trained miniature swine were studied during prolonged treadmill runs (100 min) under fasting and preexercise feeding conditions. Each animal ran at identical external work loads that corresponded to 65% of the heart rate reserve (210-220 beats/min) for the two exercise bouts. Cardiac outputs and stroke volumes were higher and heart rates lower for fed than for fasting runs (P less than 0.05). Preexercise feeding did not alter oxygen consumption, core temperature, mean arterial pressure, and arterial-mixed venous oxygen difference during prolonged exercise; however, mixed venous lactate concentration was lower at end exercise than during fasting conditions (1.2 vs. 2.6 mM, P less than 0.05). Microsphere measurements of regional blood flow revealed significantly higher total gastrointestinal flow (23%) for fed than for fasting conditions. Throughout the exercise bout, blood flow to the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and tibialis anterior muscles was lower in fed than in fasted animals (P less than 0.05). Combined hindlimb muscle blood flow averaged 15 ml.min-1.100 g-1 (18%, P less than 0.05) lower under feeding than fasting run conditions. These findings provide further evidence that cardiovascular reflexes originate in the gut after feeding to increase cardiac output and redistribute a portion of the blood flow away from active muscle to the gastrointestinal tract during prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

Blood flow requirements of the respiratory muscles (RM) increase markedly during exercise in chronic heart failure (CHF). We reasoned that if the RM could subtract a fraction of the limited cardiac output (QT) from the peripheral muscles, RM unloading would improve locomotor muscle perfusion. Nine patients with CHF (left ventricle ejection fraction = 26 +/- 7%) undertook constant-work rate tests (70-80% peak) receiving proportional assisted ventilation (PAV) or sham ventilation. Relative changes (Delta%) in deoxy-hemoglobyn, oxi-Hb ([O2Hb]), tissue oxygenation index, and total Hb ([HbTOT], an index of local blood volume) in the vastus lateralis were measured by near infrared spectroscopy. In addition, QT was monitored by impedance cardiography and arterial O2 saturation by pulse oximetry (SpO2). There were significant improvements in exercise tolerance (Tlim) with PAV. Blood lactate, leg effort/Tlim and dyspnea/Tlim were lower with PAV compared with sham ventilation (P < 0.05). There were no significant effects of RM unloading on systemic O2 delivery as QT and SpO2 at submaximal exercise and at Tlim did not differ between PAV and sham ventilation (P > 0.05). Unloaded breathing, however, was related to enhanced leg muscle oxygenation and local blood volume compared with sham, i.e., higher Delta[O2Hb]% and Delta[HbTOT]%, respectively (P < 0.05). We conclude that RM unloading had beneficial effects on the oxygenation status and blood volume of the exercising muscles at similar systemic O2 delivery in patients with advanced CHF. These data suggest that blood flow was redistributed from respiratory to locomotor muscles during unloaded breathing.  相似文献   

Responses to changes in dietary Lys and other essential amino acid (AA) concentrations were evaluated in 480 male and female broilers originating from two lines divergently selected for high (pHu+) or low (pHu−) ultimate pH (pHu) of breast muscle. The two genetic lines were fed with two grower isoenergetic diets differing in both true digestible Lys (control=10.2 g/kg and experimental=7.0 g/kg) and amounts of other essential AA calculated in relation to Lys, which were sufficient for the control diet or in excess for the experimental diet. There were six repetitions per treatment. Birds were weighed individually at days 0, 21, 28 and 43. Feed consumption was recorded per pen and feed conversion was calculated over the growing period. The physical activity and walking ability of broilers were recorded during the whole rearing period. Breast and leg yield, and abdominal fat percentage were measured at 43 days of age, as were pHu, color, drip and cooking loss, Warner–Bratzler shear force, and curing-cooking yield of the breast Pectoralis major and pHu of the thigh Sartorius muscle. Divergent selection greatly affected most breast meat quality traits without significantly changing growth rate or feed efficiency. When subjected to a variation in dietary intake of AA, birds from the two genotypes responded in a similar way in terms of animal’s growth, feed efficiency, body composition and meat quality traits. Although line and diet did not affect physical or feeding activities of the broilers, a significant effect of line-by-diet interaction was observed on gait score. Contrary to the pHu− birds, the walking ability of pHu+ birds was impaired when fed the control diet that favored growth and breast muscle development and limited storage of carbohydrate in muscle.  相似文献   

Leaf trichomes may serve several biological functions including protection against herbivores, drought, and UV radiation; and their adaptive value can be expected to vary among environments. The perennial, self-incompatible herb Arabidopsis lyrata is polymorphic for trichome production, and occurs in a glabrous and a trichome-producing form. Controlled crosses indicate that the polymorphism is governed by a single gene, with trichome production being dominant. We examined the hypothesis that trichome production is subject to divergent selection (i.e., directional selection favoring different phenotypes in different populations) by comparing patterns of variation at the locus coding for glabrousness and at eight putatively neutral isozyme loci in Swedish populations of A. lyrata. The genetic diversity (He) and allele number at isozyme loci tended to increase with population size and decreased with latitude of origin, whereas genetic diversity at the locus coding for glabrousness did not vary with population size and increased with latitude of origin. The degree of genetic differentiation at the glabrousness locus was much higher than that at isozyme loci. Genetic identity at isozyme loci was negatively related to geographic distance, suggesting isolation by distance. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between genetic identity at the glabrousness locus and at isozyme loci. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that divergent selection contributes to population differentiation in trichome production in A. lyrata.  相似文献   

Ventilatory, cardiovascular and metabolic functions and work performance were studied in men performing incremental-load dynamic leg exercise until exhaustion. Part I: Responses to supine exercise were investigated in 8 subjects during exposure of the lower body to subatmospheric pressure at -6.67 kPa (-50 mm Hg) (Lower Body Negative Pressure, LBNP). Due to curtailment of stroke volume, cardiac output was reduced by LBNP over a wide range of work intensities, including heavy loads: ventilation, oxygen uptake and blood lactate concentrations increased with work load, but at lower rates than in the control condition. Part II: In 9 subjects, work performance was compared in three conditions: supine exercise with and without LBNP, and upright exercise. Performance in supine exercise was enhanced by LBNP, and was further improved in upright exercise. In supine exercise, the LBNP-induced reduction in blood lactate and enhancement of work performance are attributed to a more efficient muscle blood flow resulting from increased local perfusion pressure. This strongly suggests that the primary limitation of work performance was set by the peripheral circulation in working muscles rather than by cardiac performance. A similar mechanism may, in part, explain why work performance in dynamic leg exercise was greater in the upright than in the supine posture. It is also concluded that supine leg exercise during LBNP is a useful model of upright exercise, with regard to the central circulation and the circulation in working muscles.  相似文献   

A series of promoter-probe plasmid vectors has been constructed which allows for the selection of DNA sequences containing divergent control elements. Each vector contains a pair of promoterless genes [encoding beta-galactosidase (lacZ), alkaline phosphatase (phoA), and bacterial luciferase (luxAB)] arranged in an antiparallel fashion and separated by a large intervening multiple cloning site. The vectors permit direct detection of promoter activity on indicator plates after transformation. Cloned promoters are selected based on production of coloured products in the case of lacZ and phoA, and by the emission of light in the case of luxAB. These vectors have been tested using known divergent promoter elements from pBR322 and Pseudomonas phage D3.  相似文献   

Increased intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) is required for smooth muscle contraction. In tracheal and other tonic smooth muscles, contraction and elevated [Ca2+]i are maintained as long as an agonist is present. To evaluate the physiological role of steady-state increases in Ca2+ on tension maintenance, [Ca2+]i was elevated using ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore or charybdotoxin, a large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (KCa) blocker prior to or during exposure of tracheal smooth muscle strips to Ach (10–9 to 10–4 M). Ionomycin (5 µM) in resting muscles induced increases in [Ca2+]i to 500±230 nM and small increases in force of 2.6±2.3 N/cm2. This tension is only 10% of the maximal tension induced by ACh. Charybdotoxin had no effect on [Ca2+]i or tension in resting muscle. After pretreatment of muscle with ionomycin, the concentration-response relationship for ACh-induced changes in tension shifted to the left (EC50=0.07±0.05 µM ionomycin; 0.17±0.07 µM, control, p<0.05). When applied to the muscles during steady-state responses to submaximal concentrations of ACh, both ionomycin and charybdotoxin induced further increases in tension. The same magnitude increase in tension occurs after ionomycin and charybdotoxin treatment, even though the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by charybdotoxin is much smaller than that induced by ionomycin. We conclude that the resting muscle is much less sensitive to elevation of [Ca2+]i when compared to muscles stimulated with ACh. Steady-state [Ca2+]i limits tension development induced by submaximal concentrations of ACh. The activity of KCa moderates the response of the muscle to ACh at concentrations less than 1 µM.  相似文献   

This study aimed to use RNA-Seq to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in muscle of uncastrated Nelore males phenotypically divergent for ribeye muscle area (REA). A total of 80 animals were phenotyped for REA, and 15 animals each with the highest REA and the lowest REA were selected for analyses. DEGs found (N = 288) belonging to families related to muscle cell growth, development, motility and proteolysis, such as actin, myosin, collagen, integrin, solute carrier, ubiquitin and kelch-like. Functional analysis showed that many of the significantly enriched gene ontology terms were closely associated with muscle development, growth, and degradation. Through co-expression network analysis, we predicted three hub genes (PPP3R1, FAM129B and UBE2G1), these genes are involved in muscle growth, proteolysis and immune system. The genes expression levels and its biological process found this study may result in differences in muscle deposition, and therefore, Nelore animals with different REA proportions.  相似文献   

Greater force produced with eccentric (ECC) compared to concentric (CONC) contractions, may comprise a stronger driver of muscle growth, which may be further augmented by protein supplementation. We investigated the effect of differentiated contraction mode with either whey protein hydrolysate and carbohydrate (WPH + CHO) or isocaloric carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on regulation of anabolic signalling, muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle hypertrophy. Twenty-four human participants performed unilateral isolated maximal ECC versus CONC contractions during exercise habituation, single-bout exercise and 12 weeks of training combined with WPH + CHO or CHO supplements. In the exercise-habituated state, p-mTOR, p-p70S6K, p-rpS6 increased by approximately 42, 206 and 213 %, respectively, at 1 h post-exercise, with resistance exercise per se; whereas, the phosphorylation was exclusively maintained with ECC at 3 and 5 h post-exercise. This acute anabolic signalling response did not differ between the isocaloric supplement types, neither did protein fractional synthesis rate differ between interventions. Twelve weeks of ECC as well as CONC resistance training augmented hypertrophy with WPH + CHO group compared to the CHO group (7.3 ± 1.0 versus 3.4 ± 0.8 %), independently of exercise contraction type. Training did not produce major changes in basal levels of Akt-mTOR pathway components. In conclusion, maximal ECC contraction mode may constitute a superior driver of acute anabolic signalling that may not be mirrored in the muscle protein synthesis rate. Furthermore, with prolonged high-volume resistance training, contraction mode seems less influential on the magnitude of muscle hypertrophy, whereas protein and carbohydrate supplementation augments muscle hypertrophy as compared to isocaloric carbohydrate supplementation .  相似文献   

Short-term temporal cycles in ecological pressures, such as shifts in predation regime, are widespread in nature yet estimates of temporal variation in the direction and intensity of natural selection are few. Previous work on threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) has revealed that dorsal and pelvic spines are a defense against gape-limited predators but may be detrimental against grappling insect predators. In this study, we examined a 15-year database from an endemic population of threespine stickleback to look for evidence of temporal shifts in exposure to these divergent predation regimes and correlated shifts in selection on spine number. For juveniles, we detected selection for increased spine number during winter when gape-limited avian piscivores were most common but selection for decreased spine number during summer when odonate predation was more common. For subadults and adults, which are taken primarily by avian piscivores, we predicted selection should generally be for increased spine number in all seasons. Among 59 comparisons, four selection differentials were significant (Bonferroni corrected) and in the predicted direction. However, there was also substantial variability in remaining differentials, including two examples with strong selection for spine reduction. These reversals were associated with increased tendency of the fish to shift to a benthic niche, as determined from examination of stomach contents. These dietary data suggest that increased encounter rates with odonate predation select for spine reduction. Strong selection on spine number was followed by changes in mean spine number during subsequent years and a standard quantitative genetic formula revealed that spine number has a heritable component. Our results provide evidence of rapid morphological responses to selection from predators and suggest that temporal variation in selection may help maintain variation within populations. Furthermore, our findings indicate that variable selection can be predicted if the agents of selection are known.  相似文献   

Pigs have undergone long-term selection in commercial conditions for improved rate and efficiency of lean gain. Interestingly, it has been observed in both experimental and field conditions that leg weakness has increased over time, concurrent with the selection for improved rate of lean gain, while fatter animals tend to have better leg action, and foot and leg (FL) structure. The exact molecular mechanisms or individual genes responsible for this apparent genetic correlation between fatness and leg weakness and other physical adaptability traits have been less well reported. Based on our recent studies involving candidate genes and leg weakness traits, the present investigation has identified 30 SNPs from 26 genes that were found to be associated with 10th rib backfat in a sow population consisting of 2066 animals. The specific alleles associated with increased backfat tended to be associated with better overall leg action, as shown for the genes including MTHFR, WNT2, APOE, BMP8, GNRHR and OXTR , while inconsistent associations with the single FL structure trait and backfat were observed for other genes. This study suggests that in some cases there may be a common genetic mechanism or linked genes regulating fatness and leg weakness. Such relationships are clearly complex, and the utilization of genetic markers associated with both traits should be treated cautiously.  相似文献   

An experiment of divergent selection for intramuscular fat was carried out at Universitat Politècnica de València. The high response of selection in intramuscular fat content, after nine generations of selection, and a multidimensional scaling analysis showed a high degree of genomic differentiation between the two divergent populations. Therefore, local genomic differences could link genomic regions, encompassing selective sweeps, to the trait used as selection criterion. In this sense, the aim of this study was to identify genomic regions related to intramuscular fat through three methods for detection of selection signatures and to generate a list of candidate genes. The methods implemented in this study were Wright’s fixation index, cross population composite likelihood ratio and cross population – extended haplotype homozygosity. Genomic data came from the 9th generation of the two populations divergently selected, 237 from Low line and 240 from High line. A high single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) density array, Affymetrix Axiom OrcunSNP Array (around 200k SNPs), was used for genotyping samples. Several genomic regions distributed along rabbit chromosomes (OCU) were identified as signatures of selection (SNPs having a value above cut-off of 1%) within each method. In contrast, 8 genomic regions, harbouring 80 SNPs (OCU1, OCU3, OCU6, OCU7, OCU16 and OCU17), were identified by at least 2 methods and none by the 3 methods. In general, our results suggest that intramuscular fat selection influenced multiple genomic regions which can be a consequence of either only selection effect or the combined effect of selection and genetic drift. In addition, 73 genes were retrieved from the 8 selection signatures. After functional and enrichment analyses, the main genes into the selection signatures linked to energy, fatty acids, carbohydrates and lipid metabolic processes were ACER2, PLIN2, DENND4C, RPS6, RRAGA (OCU1), ST8SIA6, VIM (OCU16), RORA, GANC and PLA2G4B (OCU17). This genomic scan is the first study using rabbits from a divergent selection experiment. Our results pointed out a large polygenic component of the intramuscular fat content. Besides, promising positional candidate genes would be analysed in further studies in order to bear out their contributions to this trait and their feasible implications for rabbit breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The aerobic capacity model postulates that high basal metabolic rates (BMR) associated with endothermy evolved as a correlated response to the selection on maximum, peak metabolic rate Vo2max. Furthermore, the model assumes that BMR and Vo2max are causally linked, and therefore, evolutionary changes in their levels cannot occur independently. To test this, we compared metabolic and anatomical correlates of selection for high and low body mass-corrected BMR in males of laboratory mice of F18 and F19 selected generations. Divergent selection resulted in between-line difference in BMR equivalent to 2.3 phenotypic standard deviation units. Vo2max elicited by forced swimming in 20 degrees C water was higher in the low BMR than high BMR line and did not differ between the lines when elicited by exposure to heliox at -2.5 degrees C. Moreover, the magnitude of swim- and heliox-induced hypothermia was significantly smaller in low BMR mice, whereas their interscapular brown adipose tissue was larger than in high BMR mice. Our results are therefore at variance with the predictions of aerobic capacity model. The selection also resulted in correlated response in food consumption (C) and masses of metabolically active internal organs: kidneys, liver, small intestine, and heart, which fuel maximum, sustained metabolic rate (SusMR) rather than Vo2max. These correlated responses were strong enough to claim the existence of positive, genetic correlations between BMR and the mass of viscera as well as C. Thus, our findings support the suggestion that BMR evolved as a correlated response to selection for SusMR, not Vo2max. In functional terms BMR should therefore be interpreted as a measure of energetic costs of maintenance of metabolic machinery necessary to sustain high levels of energy assimilation rate.  相似文献   

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