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Population densities of Meloidogyne incognita and the nematophagous fungi, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Verticillium chlamydosporium, were determined in 20 northern California tomato fields over two growing seasons. Paecilomyces lilacinus was isolated from three fields, V. chlamydosporium was isolated from one field, and both fungi were isolated from 12 fields. Verticillium chlamydosporium numbers were positively correlated with numbers of M. incognita and P. lilacinus. Paecilomyces lilacinus numbers were positively correlated with V. chlamydosporium numbers, but they did not correlate with M. incognita numbers. The correlation coefficients were low (R < 0.5) but significant (P < 0.05). All P. lilacinus and V. chlamydosporium field isolates parasitized M. incognita eggs in vitro. In a greenhouse study, numbers of V. chlamydosporium and P. lilacinus increased more in soils with M. incognita-infected tomato plants than in soil with uninfected tomato plants. After 10 weeks, the Pf/ Pi of second-stage juveniles in soils infested with P. lilacinus, V. chlamydosporium, and M. incognita was 47.1 to 295.6. The results suggest V. chlamydosporium and P. lilacinus are not effectively suppressing populations of M. incognita in California tomato fields.  相似文献   

Laboratory and microplot experiments were conducted to determine the influence of carrier and storage of Paecilomyces lilacinus on its survival and related protection of tomato against Meloidogyne incognita. Spores of P. lilacinus were prepared in five formulations: alginate pellets (pellets), diatomaceous earth granules (granules), wheat grain, soil, and soil plus chitin. Fungal viability was high in wheat and granules, intermediate in pellets, and low in soil and chitin-amended soil stored at 25 ± 2 C. In 1985 P. lilacinus in field microplots resulted in about a 25% increase in tomato yield and 25% gall suppression, compared with nematodes alone. Greatest suppression of egg development occurred in plots treated with P. lilacinus in pellets, wheat grain, and granules. In 1986 carryover protection of tomato against M. incognita resulted in about a threefold increase in tomato fruit yield and 25% suppression of gall development, compared with plants treated with nematodes alone. Higher numbers of fungus-infected egg masses occurred in plots treated with pellets (32%) than in those treated with chitin-amended soil (24%), wheat (16%), granules (12%), or soil (7%). Numbers of fungal colony-forming units per gram of soil in plots treated with pellets were 10-fold greater than initial levels estimated at planting time in 1986.  相似文献   

The potential of 13 Paecilomyces lilacinus isolates from various geographic regions as biocontrol agents against Meloidogyne incognita, the effects of temperature on their growth, and the characterization of the impact of soil temperature on their efficacy for controlling this nematode were investigated. Maximum fungal growth, as determined by dry weight of the mycelium, occurred from 24 to 30 C; least growth was at 12 and 36 C. The best control of M. incognita was provided by an isolate from Peru or a mixture of isolates of P. lilacinus. As soil temperatures increased from 16 to 28 C, both root-knot damage caused by M. incognita and percentage of egg masses infected by P. lilacinus increased. The greatest residual P. lilacinus activity on M. incognita was attained with a mixture of fungal isolates. These isolates effected lower root-galling and necrosis, egg development, and enhanced shoot growth compared with plants inoculated with M. incognita alone.  相似文献   

Excised tomato roots were examined histologically for interactions of the fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus and Meloidogyne incognita race 1. Root galling and giant-cell formation were absent in tomato roots inoculated with nematode eggs infected with P. lilacinus. Few to no galls and no giant-cell formation were found in roots dipped in a spore suspension of P. lilacinus and inoculated with M. incognita. Numerous large galls and giant cells were present in roots inoculated only with M. incognita. P. lilacinus colonized the surface of epidermal cells as well as the internal cells of epidermis and cortex. The possibility of biological protection of plant surfaces with P. lilacinus against root-knot nematodes is discussed.  相似文献   

Microplot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of inoculum level and time of application of Paecilomyces lilacinus on the protection of tomato against MeIoidogyne incognita. The best protection against M. incognita was attained with 10 and 20 g of fungus-infested wheat kernels per microplot which resulted in a threefold and fourfold increase in tomato yield, respectively, compared with tomato plants treated with this nematode alone. Greatest protection against this pathogen was attained when P. lilacinus was delivered into soil 10 days before planting and again at planting. Yield was increased twofold compared with yield in nematode-alone plots and plots with M. incognita plus the fungus. Percentages of P. lilacinus-infected egg masses were greatest in plots treated at midseason or at midseason plus an early application, compared with plots treated with the fungus 10 days before planting and (or) at planting time.  相似文献   

The root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita was controlled more effectively and yields of host plants were greater when Paecilomyces lilacinus and Pasteuria penetrans were applied together in field microplots than when either was applied alone. Yields of winter vetch from microplots inoculated with the nematode and with both organisms were not statistically different from yields from uninoculated control plots.  相似文献   

Hirsutella rhossiliensis and Verticillium chlamydosporium infected second-stage juveniles (J2) and eggs of Meloidogyne hapla, respectively, in petri dishes and in organic soil in pots planted to lettuce in the greenhouse. In vitro, H. rhossiliensis produced 78 to 124 spores/infected J2 of M. hapla. The number of J2 in roots of lettuce seedlings decreased exponentially with increasing numbers of vegetative colonies of H. rhossiliensis in the soil. At an infestation of 8 M. hapla eggs/cm³ soil, 1.9 colonies of H. rhossiliensis/cm³ soil were needed for a 50% decrease in J2 penetration of lettuce roots. Egg-mass colonization with V. chlamydosporium varied from 16% to 43% when soil was infested with 8 M. hapla eggs and treated with 5,000 or 10,000 chlamydospores of V. chlamydosporium/cm³ soil. This treatment resulted in fewer J2 entering roots of bioassay lettuce seedlings planted in the infested soils after harvesting the first lettuce plants 7 weeks after infestation with M. hapla. Hirsutella rhossiliensis (0 to 4.3 colonies/cm3 soil), V. chlamydosporium (500 to 10,000 chlamydospores/cm3 soil), or their combination, added to organic soils with 8 M. hapla eggs/cm³ soil, generally did not affect lettuce weight, root galling, or egg production of M. hapla. However, when lettuce was replanted in a mix of infested and uninfested soil (1:3 and 1:7, v:v), egg production was lower in soils with V. chlamydosporium than in soils without the fungus. Both fungi have potential to reduce the M. hapla population, but at densities below 8 eggs/cm³ soil.  相似文献   

The effects of chicken litter on Meloidogyne incognita in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum cv. DPL50 were determined in field microplots. Litters (manure and pine-shaving bedding) from a research facility and a commercial broiler house were used. Treatments consisted of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1% litter by dry weight of soil for each kind of litter. Three control treatments consisted of soil not amended with litter, with and without nematodes, and one treatment to which mineral fertilizer was added at a nitrogen rate equivalent to that of the 0.5% litter rate, with nematodes. Microplots were inoculated at planting with 900 eggs/100 cm³ soil in 1993 and 1,000 eggs/100 cm³ soil in 1994. At 92 and 184 days after planting, nematode population densities decreased linearly with increasing rates of litter. Nematode numbers at midseason were larger in plots treated with mineral fertilizer than in plots treated with a rate of litter equivalent to the 0.5% rate. Fungal and bacterial population densities fluctuated throughout the growing season. Bacterial numbers had a positive linear relationship, with increasing rates of litter only in October 1993; however, significant positive relationships were observed throughout the 1994 growing season. In 1994, nematode population density at 92 days after planting decreased linearly with increasing bacterial numbers 30 days after planting. No other significant relationships between nematode densities and microbial densities were observed. Fungi and bacteria isolated from the litter and litter-amended soil were identified. Fungal genera isolated included Acremonium, Aspergillus, Eurotium, Paecilomyces, Petriella, and Scopulariopsis, whereas bacteria genera included Arthrobacter, Bacillus, and Pseudomonus.  相似文献   

Winter survival of Meloidogyne incognita in six soil types (Fuquay sand, Norfolk loamy sand, Portsmouth loamy sand, muck, Cecil sandy clay loam, and Cecil sandy clay) was determined in microplots at one location from November 1981 to May 1982 and from November 1982 to March 1983. Survival, based on second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. incognita, from November 1981 until May 1982 ranged from 1% in the muck soil to 6% in a Cecil sandy clay loam, but survival rates were much higher the next year following a winter with higher average temperatures. Survival rates of J2 from November to March ranged from 20 to 40% the first winter and from 38 to 87% the second. Soil type did not have a striking effect on the overwintering capabilities ofM. incognita. There were no differences between clay and sand soils, whereas survival of J2 in the muck tended to be lower than in the mineral soils.  相似文献   

Belonolaimus longicaudatus is an important parasite of both warm-season bermudagrass and winter overseed grasses used on golf courses in the southeastern United States. Field trials were conducted to study the effects of a commercial formulation of Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251 applied to overseed grasses during the winter and early spring on population density of B. longicaudatus and bermudagrass health in late spring after bermudagrass broke dormancy. These studies found that P. lilacinus reduced numbers of B. longicaudatus in most cases, but not below damaging levels. Multiple applications of 1 × 1010 spores/m2 were generally more effective than 2 × 1010 spores/m2 in reducing nematode numbers and improving turf roots. These results indicate that application of this formulation of P. lilacinus strain 251 to overseeded turf in the spring may be a useful integrated pest management tool for B. longicaudatus on bermudagrass, but is not sufficient as a stand-alone nematode management tactic.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments with two susceptible hosts of Meloidogyne incognita, a dwarf tomato and wheat, led to the identification of a soil in which the root-knot nematode population was reduced 5- to 16-fold compared to identical but pasteurized soil two months after infestation with 280 M. incognita J2/100 cm3 soil. This suppressive soil was subjected to various temperature, fumigation and dilution treatments, planted with tomato, and infested with 1,000 eggs of M. incognita/100 cm3 soil. Eight weeks after nematode infestation, distinct differences in nematode population densities were observed among the soil treatments, suggesting the suppressiveness had a biological nature. A fungal rRNA gene analysis (OFRG) performed on M. incognita egg masses collected at the end of the greenhouse experiments identified 11 fungal phylotypes, several of which exhibited associations with one or more of the nematode population density measurements (egg masses, eggs or J2). The phylotype containing rRNA genes with high sequence identity to Pochonia chlamydosporia exhibited the strongest negative associations. The negative correlation between the densities of the P. chlamydosporia genes and the nematodes was corroborated by an analysis using a P. chlamydosporia-selective qPCR assay.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the nematode parasite Paecilomyces lilacinus, alone and in combination with phenamiphos and ethoprop, for controlling the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica on tobacco and the ability of this fungus to colonize in soil under field conditions were evaluated for 2 years in microplots. Combinations and individual treatments of the fungus grown on autoclaved wheat seed, M. javanica eggs (76,000 per plot), and nematicides were applied to specified microplots at the time of transplanting tobacco the first year. Vetch was planted as a winter cover crop, and the fungus and nematicides were applied again the second year to specified plots at transplanting time. The fungus did not control the nematode in either year of these experiments. The average root-gall index (0 = no visible galls and 5 = > 100 galls per root system) ranged from 2.7 to 3.9 the first year and from 4.3 to 5.0 the second in nematode-infested plots treated with nematicides. Plants with M. javanica alone or in combination with P. lilacinus had galling indices of 5.0 both years; the latter produced lower yields than all other treatments during both years of the study. Nevertheless, the average soil population densities of P. lilacinus remained high, ranging from 1.2 to 1.3 × 106 propagules/g soil 1 week after the initial inoculation and from 1.6 to 2.3 × 104 propagules/g soil at harvest the second year. At harvest the second year the density of fungal propagules was greatest at the depth of inoculation, 15 cm, and rapidly decreased below this level.  相似文献   

N-Viro Soil (NVS) is an alkaline-stabilized municipal biosolid that has been shown to lower population densities and reduce egg hatch of Heterodera glycines and other plant-parasitic nematodes; but the mechanism(s) of nematode suppression of this soil amendment are unknown. This study sought to identify NVS-mediated changes in soil chemical properties and their impact upon H. glycines and Meloidogyne incognita mortality. N-Viro Soil was applied to sand in laboratory assays at 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, and 3.0% dry w/w with a nonamended treatment as a control. Nematode mortality and changes in sand-assay chemical properties were determined 24 hours after incubation. Calculated lethal concentration (LC90) values were 1.4% w/w NVS for second-stage juveniles of both nematode species and 2.6 and >3.0% w/w NVS for eggs of M. incognita and H. glycines, respectively. Increasing rates of NVS were strongly correlated (r² = 0.84) with higher sand solution pH levels. Sand solution pH levels and, to a lesser extent, the production of ammonia appeared to be the inorganic chemical-mediated factors responsible for killing plant-parasitic nematodes following amendment with NVS.  相似文献   

The interspecific interactions of Meloidogyne javanica with races 1, 2, 3, and 4 of M. incognita on tomato were determined. Impacts of the interactions on fecundity and morphometrics of females were also examined. Mutually inhibitory interactions occurred between M. javanica and the races of M. incognita, but the negative interactions did not reflect in plant growth. Numbers of root galls, egg masses, mature females, total population, fecundity, and reproduction factor declined in concomitant treatments, but the morphometrics of the females remained unaltered. In general, mutual suppressive effects in all parameters were smaller for M. javanica than M. incognita, but some variations occurred among the races of M. incognita. Race 2 appeared to be more competitive than other races. The interaction between the species was not intense; therefore, the species coexist in mixed populations in agricultural fields.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple PCR assay protocol for detection of the root-knot nematode (RKN) species Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica extracted from soil. Nematodes are extracted from soil using Baermann funnels and centrifugal flotation. The nematode-containing fraction is then digested with proteinase K, and a PCR assay is carried out with primers specific for this group of RKN and with universal primers spanning the ITS of rRNA genes. The presence of RKN J2 can be detected among large numbers of other plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes. The procedure was tested with several soil types and crops from different locations and was found to be sensitive and accurate. Analysis of unknowns and spiked soil samples indicated that detection sensitivity was the same as or higher than by microscopic examination.  相似文献   

The role of Pasteuria penetrans in suppressing numbers of root-knot nematodes was investigated in a 7-year monocuhure of tobacco in a field naturally infested with a mixed population of Meloidogyne incognita race 1 and M. javanica. The suppressiveness of the soil was tested using four treatments: autoclaving (AC), microwaving (MW), air drying (DR), and untreated. The treated soil bioassays consisted of tobacco cv. Northrup King 326 (resistant to M. incognita but susceptible to M. javanica) and cv. Coker 371 Gold (susceptible to M. incognita and M. javanica) in pots inoculated with 0 or 2,000 second-stage juveniles of M. incognita race 1. Endospores of P. penetrans were killed by AC but were only slightly affected by MW, whereas most fungal propagules were destroyed or inhibited in both treatments. Root galls, egg masses, and numbers of eggs were fewer on Coker 371 Gold in MW, DR, and untreated soil than in AC-treated soil. There were fewer egg masses than root galls on both tobacco cultivars in MW, DR, and untreated soil than in the AC treatment. Because both Meloidogyne spp. were suppressed in MW soil (with few fungi present) as well as in DR and untreated soil, the reduction in root galling, as well as numbers of egg masses and eggs appeared to have resulted from infection of both nematode species by P. penetrans.  相似文献   

Tomato plants were inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita at initial populations (Pi) of 0, 1, 10, 50, 100, and 200 (x 1,000) eggs per plant and maintained in a growth chamber for 40 days. Total fresh biomass (roots + shoots) at harvest was unchanged by nematode inoculation with Pi of 1 x 10⁵ eggs or less. Reductions in fresh shoot weight with increasing Pi coincided with increases in root weight. Total fresh biomass declined with Pi above 1 x 10⁵ eggs, whereas total dry biomass declined at Pi above 1 x 10⁴ eggs. The greatest reduction percentages in fresh shoot biomass induced by root-knot nematodes occurred in the stem tissue, followed by the petiole + rachis; the least weight loss occurred in the leaflets. Although biomass varied among shoot tissues, the relationship between biomass of various shoot tissues and Pi was described by quadratic equations. The linear and quadratic coefficients of the equations (stem, petiole + rachis, or leaflets on Pi) did not differ among tissues when calculations were based on standardized values. Meloidogyne incognita-infected plants had thinner leaves (leaf area/leaf weight) than did uninfected plants. Reductions in leaf weight and leaf area with nematode inoculation occurred at nodes 5-15 and 4, 6-14, respectively. Losses in plant height and mass due to nematodes reflected shorter internodes with less plant mass at each node.  相似文献   

Seven-day-old seedlings of two cultivars (Cristalina and UFV ITM1) of Glycine max were inoculated with 0, 3,000, 9,000, or 27,000 eggs of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 or M. javanica and maintained in a greenhouse. Thirty days later, plants were exposed to ¹⁴CO₂ for 4 hours. Twenty hours after ¹⁴CO₂ exposure, the root fresh weight, leaf dry weight, nematode eggs per gram of root, total and specific radioactivity of carbohydrates in roots, and root carbohydrate content were evaluated. Meloidogyne javanica produced more eggs than M. incognita on both varieties. A general increase in root weight and a decrease in leaf weight with increased inoculum levels were observed. Gall tissue appeared to account for most of the root mass increase in seedlings infected with M. javanica. For both nematodes there was an increase of total radioactivity in the root system with increased levels of nematodes, and this was positively related to the number of eggs per gram fresh weight and to the root fresh weight, but negatively related to leaf dry weight. In most cases, specific radioactivities of sucrose and reducing sugars were also increased with increased inoculum levels. Highest specific radioactivities were observed with reducing sugars. Although significant changes were not observed in endogenous levels of carbohydrates, sucrose content was higher than reducing sugars. The data show that nematodes are strong metabolic sinks and significantly change the carbon distribution pattern in infected soybean plants. Carbon partitioning in plants infected with nematodes may vary with the nematode genotype.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the reaction of susceptible (Canario Divex) and resistant (A 211) bean pure lines to Meloidogyne incognita was studied with soil temperature tanks housed in a growth chamber at 22 or 24 C. Soil temperature remained constant at 16, 22, 24, 26, 30, or 32 C in several trials. Bean line A 211 was resistant at 16 and 22 C but was susceptible at 24 C and above. Resistance to root-knot nematode reproduction was affected by a lower temperature (24 C) than was resistance to root galling (26 C) in A 211. Incubation of A 211 at 30 C for 3 and 16 days after inoculation with M. incognita resulted in a significant increase in nematode reproduction and root galling, respectively. The resistant reactions of A 211 to nematode reproduction and root galling were retained when inoculated plants were incubated at 21 C for a minimum of 16 and 23 days, respectively, prior to high temperature treatment.  相似文献   

The interaction among Glomus intraradices, Meloidogyne incognita, and cantaloupe was studied at three soil phosphorus (P) levels in a greenhouse. All plants grew poorly in soil not amended with P, regardless of mycorrhizal or nematode status. In soil amended with 50 μg P /g soil, M. incognita suppressed the growth of nonmycorrhizal plants by 84%. In contrast, growth of mycorrhizal plants inoculated with M. incognita was retarded by only 21%. A similar trend occurred in plants grown in soil with 100 μg P /g soil. Mycorrhizal infection had no effect on the degree of root-knot gall formation and did not affect the number of nematode eggs per egg mass. Mineral levels in plant shoots generally declined as soil P levels increased and were not significantly influenced by G. intraradices or M. incognita.  相似文献   

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