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Vermiform Rotylenchulus reniformis were anesthetized in water by 10-40% CO₂ but were fully motile for 24 hours in water below 5% CO₂. When air containing 2.5% CO₂ was blown onto agar, nematodes accumulated at the point of highest CO₂ concentration. Nematodes also accumulated when chilling (0.2-1 C) of agar by the gas flow at the accumulation point was offset with heat from a fiber optic. In Baermann funnels containing R. reniformis in silt loam and sandy clay loam soils, CO₂ in funnel water increased during 24 hours from 0 to ca. 1%; more CO₂ accumulated below the soil layer than above. Bubbling air with 2.5% CO₂ into water below soil in covered funnels increased the CO₂ gradient and increased nematode extraction, whereas bubbling air without CO₂ below soil purged CO₂ from the water and decreased nematode extraction. Manipulation of CO₂ within funnels usually increased extraction by only 30% and never by more than 3-fold. Controlling temperature gradients consistently increased extraction by 2-30-fold.  相似文献   

Temperature gradient fluctuations that occur naturally as a result of heating and cooling of the soil surface were reproduced within 15-cm-d, 15-cm-long acrylic tubes filled with moist sand. Sunny and rainy periods during the late summer in eastern Texas were simulated. Five ecologically different nematode species were adapted to fluctuating temperatures for 20-36 hours at a simulated depth of 12.5 cm before being injected simultaneously into the centers of tubes at that depth. When heat waves were propagated horizontally to eliminate gravitational effects, the movement of Ditylenchus phyllobius, Steinernema glaseri, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora relative to the thermal surface was rapid and largely random. However, Rotylenchulus reniformis moved away from and Meloidogyne incognita moved toward the thermal surface. When heat waves were propagated upward or downward, responses to temperature were the same as when propagated horizontally, irrespective of gravity. The initial direction of movement 1.5 hours after introduction to 20-era-long tubes at five depths at five intervals within a 24-hour cycle indicated that M. incognita moved away from and R. reniformis moved toward the temperature to which last exposed. Differences in movement of the five species tested relative to gravity appeared related to body length, with the smallest nematodes moving downward and the largest moving upward.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were established in a loamy sand soil in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina to determine downward movement of aldicarb and fenamiphos with a nematode bioassay. Penetration of bioassay plant roots by Meloidogyne incognita was measured at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after treatment in the greenhouse as a means of determining nematicide effectiveness. Chemical movement was similar in planted and fallow soil. Nematicidal activity was greater in soil collected from the 0 to 10 cm depth than from the 10 to 20 cm depth. Fenamiphos suppressed host penetration by the nematode more than aldicarb under the high rainfall (19 cm) and low soil temperatures that occurred soon after application in the spring. During the summer, which had 13 cm precipitation and warmer soil temperatures, both chemicals performed equally well at the 0 to 10 cm depth. At the lower soil level (10 to 20 cm), aldicarb limited nematode penetration of host roots more quickly than fenamiphos. Both of these chemicals moved readily in the sandy soil in concentrations sufficient to control M. incognita. Although some variability was encountered in similar experiments, nematodes such as M. incognita have considerable potential as biomonitors of nematicide movement in soil.  相似文献   

The feasibility of counting plant-parasitic nematodes in aqueous suspensions by measuring light transmittance through aqueous suspensions with an ELISA microplate reader was explored. Absorbance readings for eggs or vermiform stages of three species were linearly related (R² > 0.99) to concentrations between 0 and 10,000 nematodes/ml. Coefficients of variation ranged from 12-23%, depending on the species and developmental stage used. The method, therefore, was at least as accurate as direct counts of nematodes in aliquots on a microscope and more than 100 times as fast. The method should have direct application in research programs on plant resistance to nematodes, nematode population dynamics, and nematode behavior.  相似文献   

Abamectin is nematicidal to Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis, but the duration and length of cotton taproot protection from nematode infection by abamectin-treated seed is unknown. Based on the position of initial root-gall formation along the developing taproot from 21 to 35 d after planting, infection by M. incognita was reduced by abamectin seed treatment. Penetration of developing taproots by both nematode species was suppressed at taproot length of 5 cm by abamectin-treated seed, but root penetration increased rapidly with taproot development. Based on an assay of nematode mobility to measure abamectin toxicity, the mortality of M. incognita associated with a 2-d-old emerging cotton radicle was lower than mortality associated with the seed coat, indicating that more abamectin was on the seed coat than on the radicle. Thus, the limited protection of early stage root development suggested that only a small portion of abamectin applied to the seed was transferred to the developing root system.  相似文献   

Field experiments in 1992 and 1994 were conducted to determine the effect of Rotylenchulus reniformis, reniform nematode, on lint yield and fiber quality of 10 experimental breeding lines of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in untreated plots or plots fumigated with 1,3-dichloropropene. Controls were La. RN 1032, a germplasm line possessing some resistance to R. reniformis, and Stoneville 453, a cultivar that is susceptible to reniform nematode. Several breeding lines produced greater lint yields than Stoneville 453 or La. RN 1032 in both fumigated and untreated plots. Average lint yield suppression due to R. reniformis for six of the 10 breeding lines was less than half of the 52% yield reduction sustained by Stoneville 453. In growth chamber experiments, R. reniformis multiplication factors for La. RN 1032 and breeding lines N222-1-91, N320-2-91, and N419-1-91 were significantly lower than on Deltapine 16 and Stoneville 453 at 6 weeks after inoculation. R. reniformis populations increased by more than 50-fold on all entries within 10 weeks. In growth chambers, the breeding lines N220-1-92, N222-1-91, and N320-2-91 were resistant to Meloidoglyne incognita race 3; multiplication factors were ≤1.0 at both 6 weeks and 10 weeks after inoculation compared with 25.8 and 26.5 for Deltapine 16 at 6 and 10 weeks after inoculation, respectively, and 9.1 and 2.6 for Stoneville 453. Thus, the results indicate that significant advances have been made in developing improved cotton germplasm lines with the potential to produce higher yields in soils infested with R. reniformis or M. incogaita. In addition to good yield potential, germplasm lines N222-1-91 and N320-2-91 appear to possess low levels of resistance to R. reniformis and a high level of resistance to M. incognita. This germplasm combines high yield potential with significant levels of resistance to both R. reniformis and M. incognita.  相似文献   

The effects of soil type and initial inoculum density (Pi) on the reproductive and damage potentials of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton were evaluated in microplot experiments from 1991 to 1993. The equilibrium nematode population density for R. reniformis on cotton was much greater than that of M. incognita, indicating that cotton is a better host for R. reniformis than M. incognita. Reproduction of M. incognita was greater in coarse-textured soils than in fine-textured soils, whereas R. reniformis reproduction was greatest in a Portsmouth loamy sand with intermediate percentages of clay plus silt. Population densities of M. incognita were inversely related to the percentage of silt and clay, but R. reniformis was favored by moderate levels of clay plus silt (ca. 28%). Both M. incognita races 3 and 4 and R. reniformis effected suppression of seed-cotton yield in all soil types evaluated. Cotton-yield suppression was greatest in response to R. reniformis at high Pi. Cotton maturity, measured as percentage of open bolls at different dates, was affected by the presence of nematodes in all 3 years.  相似文献   

Field plots of Tifton loamy sand were treated with phenamiphos for control of root-knot nematodes in a multiple-crop system of turnips, field corn, and southern peas. Preplant applications of phenamiphos protected roots of turnips and corn from damage by root-knot nematodes. Concentrations of phenamiphos at application in the 0-15-cm soil layer were near 6 μg/g on turnips and near 4 μg/g on corn and southern peas. After 30 d, concentrations were approximately 1 μg phenamiphos/g of soil for all crops. Concentrations of 2.0-3.8 μg phenamiphos/g of soil for 9-d duration appeared to be adequate for control of root-knot nematodes on field corn and southern peas in this multiple-crop system. Stepwise regression analyses indicated that 31%, 62%, and 22% of the variations in concentration of phenamiphos in the soil planted to turnips, corn, and southern peas, respectively, were attributable to the amount of water that the plots received. Soil temperature had no effect on concentrations of phenamiphos.  相似文献   

Eggs of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita were acclimated to 23 C. Newly hatched second-stage juveniles migrated toward higher temperatures when placed in shallow thermal gradients averaging 23 C. The threshold gradient for this response was below 0.001 C/cm, with a best estimate of 4 x 10⁻⁴ C/cm. Calculations of physical limitations on thermotaxis indicate that this sensitivity is well within the limits of what is physically possible.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted for 2 years in an Arredondo fine sand containing a tillage pan at 15-20 cm deep to determine the influence of subsoiling on the distribution of corn roots and plant-parasitic nematodes. Soil samples were taken at various depths and row positions at 30, 60, and 90 days after planting in field corn subsoiled under the row with two chisels and in non-subsoiled corn. At 30 and 60 days, in-row nematode population densities to 60 cm deep were not affected by subsoiling compared with population densities in nonsubsoiled plots. After 90 days, subsoiling had not affected total root length or root weight at the 20 depth-row position sampling combinations, but population densities of Meloidogyne incognita and Criconemella spp. had increased in subsoiled corn. Numbers of Pratylenchus zeae were not affected. Subsoiling generally resulted in a change in distribution of corn roots and nematodes in the soil profile but caused little total increase in either roots or numbers of nematodes. Corn yield was increased by subsoiling.  相似文献   

The effect of soybean genotype on competition between Meloidogyne incognita race 2 (Mi) and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr) was evaluated in greenhouse and microplot replacement series experiments. Soil in pots containing seedlings of ''Davis'' (susceptible to Mi) or ''Buckshot 66'' (resistant to Mi) was infested with 1,000 vermiform individuals in the following Mi:Rr ratios: 0:0, 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, or 0:100. After 91 days, the relative nematode yields (number of nematodes in mixed culture divided by the number in nonmixed culture) of each species were calculated based on soil and root nematode populations expressed as nematodes per gram of dry root tissue. To define the relationship between the two species, calculated relative nematode yields were compared with a theoretical noncompetition model using lack-of-fit regression. In the greenhouse, Mi populations on ''Davis'' were stimulated in the presence of Rr. In microplots, low Mi and Rr population densities likely resulted from severe galling and destruction of feeder roots that probably occurred early in the season. Enhanced susceptibility to Mi was not observed on ''Buckshot 66'', which remained resistant to Mi even when colonized by Rr. Host resistance is a key factor in determining the nature of the relationship between Mi and Rr.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of several species of plant-parasitic nematodes were determined in each of three fallow vegetable fields and in smaller subunits of those fields. Goodness of fit to each of several theoretical distributions was tested hy means of a X² test. Distributions for most species showed good agreement with a negative binomial model. An exception occurred with Crictmemella sp., which showed a better fit to the Neyman Type A distribution. For nematodes distributed according to the negative binomial model, the number of cores per composite sample needed to achieve specified relative errors was calculated. For a given nematode species, such as Quinisulcius actus (Allen) Siddiqi or Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid &White) Chitwood, the k values for the negative binomial distribution increased as field size decreased, with the result that fewer cores were needed to achieve the same level of precision in a smaller field. Best results were achieved when the single sample was used to estimate populations in fields of 0.25-0.45 ha in size. When using only a single composite sample to estimate mixed populations of the nematodes studied here in a field of that size, approximately 22 cores per composite sample would be needed to estimate all population means within a standard error to mean ratio of 25%. Considerably, more cores were needed to maintain a given level of precision in fields of 1.0 ha or greater, and it may be necessary to subdivide larger unils (ca. 1.5 ha and up) for accurate sampling.  相似文献   

Soil solarization was evaluated for control of Rotylenchulus reniformis in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. In field experiments, solarization significantly reduced soil nematode population densities 0-15 cm deep and increased yields of lettuce and cowpea. The length of time required for 90% mortality of nematodes in soil heated under controlled conditions in the laboratory varied from 25 hours to less than 1 hour between 41 and 47 C. Daily exposures of nematode-infested soil to lethal temperatures for sublethal time periods had a cumulative lethal effect. In water, vermiform stages required up to 10 days to recover from sublethal thermal stress. Eggs were similar to juveniles in their sensitivity to high temperatures. Lethal time-temperatures under controlled conditions were in general agreement with field results.  相似文献   

A technique based on physical maceration of root tissue was developed to extract vermiform and swollen stages of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis. Experiments conducted on soybean and tomato evaluated the efficiency of method (stir, grind), NaOC1 concentration (0%, 0.5%), and duration (lx, 2x) on extraction of nematodes and eggs from 60-day-old populations. Root-associated populations of R. reniformis were considerably lower than those of M. incognita, so development of the method focused on the latter. Grinding liberated more nematodes than stirring, but the reverse was true for egg extraction. Among grinding treatments, a duration of 10 seconds in 0.5% NaOCl provided the most efficient extraction of nematodes and eggs. Among stirring treatments, a duration of 10 minutes in 0.5% NaOCl provided the most efficient extraction of eggs. These techniques were compared on soybean roots 30 days older than those on which the procedures were first evaluated, with consistent results.  相似文献   

The significance of double crop (intercrop and sequential crop), single crop (rainy season crop fallow from June to September), and rotations on densities of Heterodera cajani, Helicotylenchus retusus, and Rotylenchulus reniformis was studied on Vertisol (Typic Pellusterts) between 1987 and 1993. Cowpea (Vigna sinensis), mungbean (Phaseolus aureus), and pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) greatly increased the population densities of H. cajani and suppressed the population densities of other plant-parasitic nematodes. Mean population densities of H. cajani were about 8 times lower in single crop systems than in double crop systems, with pigeonpea as a component intercrop. Plots planted to sorghum, safflower, and chickpea in the preceding year contained fewer H. cajani eggs and juveniles than did plots previously planted to pigeonpea, cowpea, or mungbean. Continuous cropping of sorghum in the rainy season and safflower in the post-rainy season markedly reduced the population density of H. cajani. Sorghum, safflower, and chickpea favored increased population densities of H. retusus. Adding cowpea to the system resulted in a significant increase in the densities of R. reniformis. Mean densities of total plant-parasitic nematodes were three times greater in double crop systems, with pigeonpea as a component intercrop than in single crop systems with rainy season fallow component. Cropping systems had a regulatory effect on the nematode populations and could be an effective nematode management tactic. Intercropping of sorghum with H. cajani tolerant pigeonpea could be effective in increasing the productivity of traditional production systems in H. cajani infested regions.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic nematophagous fungus Meria coniospora reduced root-knot nematode galling on tomatoes in greenhouse pot trials. The fungus was introduced to pots by addition of conidia at several inoculum levels directly to the soil or addition of nematodes infected with M. coniospora to the soil; both methods reduced root galling by root-knot nematodes. These studies represent a part of a recently initiated effort to evaluate the potential of endoparasitic nematophagous fungi for biocontrol of nematodes.  相似文献   

Movement of vermiform stages of Meloidogyne incognita, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Ditylenchus phyllobius, Steinernema glaseri, and Caenorhabditis elegans in response to carbon dioxide was studied in 40- and 72-mm-long cylinders of moist sand inside 38-mm-d acrylic tubes. Meloidogyne incognita, R. reniformis, and S. glaseri were attracted to CO₂ when placed on a linear gradient of 0.2%/cm at a mean CO₂ concentration of 1.2%. When CO₂ was delivered into the sand through a syringe needle at flow rates between 2 and 130 μl/minute, the optimal flow rate for attracting M. incognita and R. reniformis was 15 μl/minute, and maximal attraction of the two species from a distance of 52 mm was achieved after 29 and 40 hours, respectively. After 24 hours, a total CO₂ volume of 20 cm³ was sufficient to induce 96% of all M. incognita introduced to move into the half of the cylinder into which CO₂ was delivered and more than 75 % to accumulate in the 9 cm³ of sand volume nearest the source. Results indicate it may be possible to use a chemical or biological source of CO₂ to attract nematodes to nematicide granules or biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

The replacement series approach was used to detect and define competition between Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) and Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr) on soybean. In three greenhouse tests, soybean cv. Davis seedlings were inoculated with 1,000 vermiform nematodes in the following Mi:Rr ratios: 0:0, 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100. After 86 days, relative nematode-yield values (number of each species in mixed culture divided by number in nonmixed culture) were calculated based on nematodes in soil per gram of dry root tissue. Calculated values were plotted and the resulting line compared with a reference line representing equal inter- and intraspecific competition predicted by the replacement series. Relative yields for Mi were higher than predicted at all ratios where Mi and Rr occurred together (lack-of-fit regression, F= 5.9401, P = 0.0008), indicating increased reproduction in the presence of Rr. Relative yields for Rr did not differ from predicted yields (lack-of-fit regression, F= 0.7565, P = 0.5203), indicating no effect of Mi on Rr. These relationships were not detected using analysis of variance. The relationship between Mi and Rr was independent of host colonization by Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora, the stem canker fungus.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of five plant-parasitic nematodes was examined in two north Florida soybean fields in 1987 and 1988. Soil samples were collected from 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, and 30-45 cm deep at each site. Soil at the three depths consisted of approximately 96% sand. More than 50% of Belonolaimus longicaudatus population densities occurred in the upper 15-cm soil layer at planting, but the species became more evenly distributed through the other depths as the season progressed. Criconemella sphaerocephala was evenly distributed among the three depths in one field but was low (< 20% of the total density) in the upper 15 cm at a second site. Maximum population densities of Pratylenchus brachyurus were observed at 15-30 cm on most sampling dates. Vertical distributions of Meloidogyne incognita and Paratrichodorus minor were erratic and showed seasonal variation. A diagnostic sample from the upper 0-15 cm of these soybean fields revealed only a minority of the populations of most of the phytoparasitic species present.  相似文献   

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