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Six strains of denitrifying bacteria isolated from various oxic and anoxic habitats on different monocyclic aromatic substrates were characterized by sequencing 16S rRNA genes, determining physiological and morphological traits, and DNA-DNA hybridization. According to these criteria, strains S100, SP and LG356 were identified as members of Thauera aromatica. Strains B5-1 and B5-2 were tentatively affiliated to the species Azoarcus tolulyticus. Strains B4P and S2 were only distantly related to each other and to other described Thauera species. These two strains are proposed as the type strains of two new species, Thauera phenylacetica sp. nov. and Thauera aminoaromaticasp. nov., respectively. By 16S rRNA gene analysis, strain U120 was highly related to the type strains of Azoarcus evansii and Azoarcus anaerobius, whereas corresponding DNA-DNA reassociation values indicated only a low degree of genomic relatedness. Based upon a low DNA similarity value and the presence of distinguishing physiological properties, strain U120 is proposed as the type strain of a new species, Azoarcus buckelii sp. nov. Almost all of the new isolates were obtained with different substrates. The highly varied substrate spectra of the isolates indicates that an even higher diversity of denitrifying bacteria degrading aromatic compounds would be discovered in the different habitats by using a larger spectrum of aromatic substrates for enrichment and isolation.  相似文献   

The capacity of mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria to grow lithoautotrophically with H2, sulfate and CO2 was investigated with enrichment cultures and isolated species. (a) Enrichments in liquid mineral media with H2, sulfate and CO2 consistently yielded mixed cultures of nonautotrophic, acetate-requiring Desulfovibrio species and autotrophic, acetate-producing Acetobacterium species (cell ratio approx. 20:1). (b) By direct dilution of mud samples in agar, various non-sporing sulfate reducers were isolated in pure cultures that did grow autotrophically. Two oval cell types (strains HRM2, HRM4) and one curved cell type (strain HRM6) from marine sediment were studied in detail. The strains grew in mineral medium supplemented only with vitamins (biotin, p-aminobenzoate, nicotinate). Carbon autotrophy was evident (i) from comparative growth experiments with non-autotrophic, acetate-requiring species, (ii) from high cell densities ruling out a cell synthesis from organic impurities in the mineral media, and (iii) by demonstrating that 96–99% of the cell carbon was derived from 14C-labelled CO2. Autotrophic growth occurred with a doubling time of 16–20 h at 24–28°C. Formate, fatty acids up to palmitate, ethanol, lactate, succinate, fumarate, malate and other organic acids were also used and completely oxidized. The three strains possessed cytochromes of the b-and c-type, but no desulfoviridin. Strain HRM2 is described as a new species of a new genus, Desulfobacterium autotrophicum. (c) The capacity for autotrophic growth was also tested with sulfate-reducing bacteria that originally had been isolated on organic substrates. The incompletely oxidizing, non-sporing types such as Desulfovibrio and Desulfobulbus species and Desulfomonas pigra were confirmed to be obligate heterotrophs that required acetate for growth with H2 and sulfate. In contrast, several of the completely oxidizing sulfate reducers were facultative autotrophs, such as Desulfosarcina variabilis, Desulfonema limicola, Desulfococcus niacini, and the newly isolated Desulfobacterium vacuolatum and Desulfobacter hydrogenophilus. The only incompletely oxidizing sulfate reducer that could grow autotrophically was the sporing Desulfotomaculum orientis, which obtained 96% of its cell carbon from 14C-labelled CO2. Desulfovibrio baarsii and Desulfococcus multivorans may also be regarded as types of facultative autotrophs; they could not oxidize H2, but grew on sulfate with formate as the only organic substrate.  相似文献   

Monoaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) are widespread contaminants in groundwater. We examined the anaerobic degradation of BTEX compounds with amorphous ferric oxide as electron acceptor. Successful enrichment cultures were obtained for all BTEX substrates both in the presence and absence of AQDS (9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). The electron balances showed a complete anaerobic oxidation of the aromatic compounds to CO2. This is the first report on the anaerobic degradation of o-xylene and ethylbenzene in sediment-free iron-reducing enrichment cultures.  相似文献   

Soda lake sediments usually contain high concentrations of sulfide indicating active sulfate reduction. Monitoring of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in soda lakes demonstrated a dominance of two groups of culturable SRB belonging to the order Desulfovibrionales specialized in utilization of inorganic electron donors, such as formate, H2 and thiosulfate. The most interesting physiological trait of the novel haloalkaliphilic SRB isolates was their ability to grow lithotrophically by dismutation of thiosulfate and sulfite. All isolates were obligately alkaliphilic with a pH optimum at 9.5–10 and moderately salt tolerant. Among the fifteen newly isolated strains, four belonged to the genus Desulfonatronum and the others to the genus Desulfonatronovibrio. None of the isolates were closely related to previously described species of these genera. On the basis of phylogenetic, genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the novel soda lake SRB isolates, two novel species each in the genera Desulfonatronum and Desulfonatronovibrio are proposed.  相似文献   

Three strains of " Agrobacterium sanguineum", an aerobic marine bacterial species described previously, were re-characterized from phylogenetic and taxonomic viewpoints. 16S rDNA sequence comparisons showed that the " A. sanguineum" strains belong to the alpha-4 subgroup of alpha-Proteobacteria, with members of the genera Erythromicrobium and Porphyrobacter as their closest relatives. DNA-DNA hybridization studies indicated that the " A. sanguineum" strains were distinguishable from any previously known species of these genera. Bacteriochlorophyll a, monosaccharide-type glycosphingolipids, 2-OH fatty acids of C14:0, C15:0, C16:0, and C16:1, and ubiquinone-10 were detected in the " A. sanguineum" strains. The G+C of the DNA was 63.8-64.0 mol%. Two of the " A. sanguineum" strains, IAM 12620 (=ATCC 25659) and ATCC 25661, were able to grow with biphenyl and dibenzofuran as sole carbon source in the presence of 0.05% yeast extract. The medium in these cultures turned yellowish-orange at the exponential phase of growth due to the release of soluble chromogenic metabolites. The remaining " A. sanguineum" strain, ATCC 25660, and all test strains of Erythromicrobium and Porphyrobacter neither grew nor produced yellow-orange pigment with biphenyl or dibenzofuran. In PCR experiments, bphA1 gene, coding for the large subunit protein of biphenyl dioxygenase, was detected in " A. sanguineum" IAM 12620 and ATCC 25661. Based on these results, we propose classifying " A. sanguineum" IAM 12620 and ATCC 25661 as a new species of the genus Porphyrobacter with the name Porphyrobacter sanguineus sp. nov.  相似文献   

Indole (1.5 mmol/l) added to suflate-rich marine mud or sulfate-free sewage digestor sludge was anaerobically degraded within one week. Enrichments from sludge samples in defined indole-containing media with or without sulfate were selective for sulfate-reducing bacteria or mixed methanogenic associations, respectively. Other enrichments of sulfate-reducing bacteria were obtained with skatole, indoleacetate, indolepropionate, quinoline, and pyridine. From a marine enrichment with indole as sole electron donor and carbon source, an oval to rod-shaped, Gram-negative, nonsporing sulfate-reducing bacterium (strain In04) was isolated. Growth occurred in defined bicarbonate-buffered, sulfide-reduced media supplemented with vitamin B12. Furthen aromatic compounds utilized as electron donors and carbon sources were anthranilic acid and quinoline. Nonaromatic compounds used as substrates were formate, acetate, propionate, ethanol, propanol, butanol, pyruvate, malate, fumarate, and succinate. However, growth with substrates other than indole was rather slow. Thiosulfate served as an alternative electron acceptor. Complete oxidation of indole to CO2 was shown by stoichiometric measurements in batch culture with sulfate as electron acceptor. An average growth yield of 31.3 g cell dry weight was obtained per mol of indole oxidized. Pigment analysis revealed that cytochromes and menaquinone MK-7 (H2) were present. Desulfoviridin could not be detected. Strain In04 is described as new species of the new genus Desulfobacterium indolicum.  相似文献   

A polyphasic approach was used in which genotypic and phenotypic properties of a gram-negative, obligately anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium isolated from a black anoxic freshwater mud sample were determined. Based on these results, the name Holophaga foetida gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. This microorganism produced dimethylsulfide and methanethiol during growth on trimethoxybenzoate or syringate. The only other compounds utilized were pyruvate and trihydroxybenzenes such as gallate, phloroglucinol, or pyrogallol. The aromatic compounds were degraded to acetate. Although comparison of the signature nucleotide pattern of the five established subclasses of Proteobacteria with the 16S rDNA sequence of Holophaga foetida revealed a relationship to members of the -subclass, the phylogenetic position within the radiation of this class is so deep and dependent upon the number and selection of reference sequences that its affiliation to the Proteobacteria must be considered tentative. The type strain is H. foetida strain TMBS4 (DSM 6591).F. Bak died on 27 December 1992. A very promising and productive career thus ended much too early  相似文献   

Two new polyaromatic hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacteria have been isolated from burrow wall sediments of benthic macrofauna by using enrichments on phenanthrene. Strain LC8 (from a polychaete) and strain M4-6 (from a mollusc) are aerobic and gram negative and require sodium chloride (>1%) for growth. Both strains can use 2- and 3-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as their sole carbon and energy sources, but they are nutritionally versatile. Physiological and phylogenetic analyses based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequences suggest that strain M4-6 belongs to the genus Cycloclasticus and represents a new species, Cycloclasticus spirillensus sp. nov. Strain LC8 appears to represent a new genus and species, Lutibacterium anuloederans gen. nov., sp. nov., within the Sphingomonadaceae. However, when inoculated into sediment slurries with or without exogenous phenanthrene, only L. anuloederans appeared to sustain a significant phenanthrene uptake potential throughout a 35-day incubation. In addition, only L. anuloederans appeared to enhance phenanthrene degradation in heavily contaminated sediment from Little Mystic Cove, Boston Harbor, Boston, Mass.  相似文献   

Several aerobic metabolic pathways for the degradation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX), which are provided by two enzymic systems (dioxygenases and monooxygenases), have been identified. The monooxygenase attacks methyl or ethyl substituents of the aromatic ring, which are subsequently transformed by several oxidations to corresponding substituted pyrocatechols or phenylglyoxal, respectively. Alternatively, one oxygen atom may be first incorporated into aromatic ring while the second atom of the oxygen molecule is used for oxidation of either aromatic ring or a methyl group to corresponding pyrocatechols or protocatechuic acid, respectively. The dioxygenase attacks aromatic ring with the formation of 2-hydroxy-substituted compounds. Intermediates of the “upper” pathway are then mineralized by eitherortho-ormeta-ring cleavage (“lower” pathway). BTEX are relatively water-soluble and there-fore they are often mineralized by indigenous microflora. Therefore, natural attenuation may be considered as a suitable way for the clean-up of BTEX contaminants from gasoline-contaminated soil and groundwater.  相似文献   

Isolations from oak symptomatic of Acute Oak Decline, alder and walnut log tissue, and buprestid beetles in 2009–2012 yielded 32 Gram-negative bacterial strains showing highest gyrB sequence similarity to Rahnella aquatilis and Ewingella americana. Multilocus sequence analysis (using partial gyrB, rpoB, infB and atpD gene sequences) delineated the strains into six MLSA groups. Two MLSA groups contained reference strains of Rahnella genomospecies 2 and 3, three groups clustered within the Rahnella clade with no known type or reference strains and the last group contained the type strain of E. americana. DNA–DNA relatedness assays using both the microplate and fluorometric methods, confirmed that each of the five Rahnella MLSA groups formed separate taxa. Rahnella genomospecies 2 and 3 were previously not formally described due to a lack of distinguishing phenotypic characteristics. In the present study, all five Rahnella MLSA groups were phenotypically differentiated from each other and from R. aquatilis. Therefore we propose to classify the strains from symptomatic oak, alder and walnut and buprestid beetles as: Rahnella victoriana sp. nov. (type strain FRB 225T = LMG 27717T = DSM 27397T), Rahnella variigena sp. nov. (previously Rahnella genomosp. 2, type strain CIP 105588T = LMG 27711T), Rahnella inusitata sp. nov. (previously Rahnella genomosp. 3, type strain DSM 30078T = LMG 2640T), Rahnella bruchi sp. nov. (type strain FRB 226T = LMG 27718T = DSM 27398T) and Rahnella woolbedingensis sp. nov. (type strain FRB 227T = LMG 27719T = DSM 27399T).  相似文献   

A previous phylogenetic study on type strains of the genus Micromonospora and Micromonospora species bearing non-validly published names has pointed towards the species status of several of latter strains. Subsequent studies on morphological, cultural, chemotaxonomic, metabolic, and genomic properties, and on whole cell mass spectrometric analyses by matrix adsorbed laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) confirmed the species status, leading to the proposal of eight new Micromonospora species: Micromonospora citrea sp. nov., type strain DSM 43903T, Micromonospora echinaurantiaca sp. nov., type strain DSM 43904T, Micromonospora echinofusca sp. nov., type strain DSM 43913T, Micromonospora fulviviridis sp. nov., type strain DSM 43906T, Micromonospora inyonensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 46123T, Micromonospora peucetia sp. nov., type strain DSM 43363T, Micromonospora sagamiensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 43912T and Micromonospora viridifaciens sp. nov., type strain DSM 43909T.  相似文献   

Phenol degradation under methanogenic conditions has long been studied, but the anaerobes responsible for the degradation reaction are still largely unknown. An anaerobe, designated strain UI(T), was isolated in a pure syntrophic culture. This isolate is the first tangible, obligately anaerobic, syntrophic substrate-degrading organism capable of oxidizing phenol in association with an H(2)-scavenging methanogen partner. Besides phenol, it could metabolize p-cresol, 4-hydroxybenzoate, isophthalate, and benzoate. During the degradation of phenol, a small amount of 4-hydroxybenzoate (a maximum of 4 microM) and benzoate (a maximum of 11 microM) were formed as transient intermediates. When 4-hydroxybenzoate was used as the substrate, phenol (maximum, 20 microM) and benzoate (maximum, 92 microM) were detected as intermediates, which were then further degraded to acetate and methane by the coculture. No substrates were found to support the fermentative growth of strain UI(T) in pure culture, although 88 different substrates were tested for growth. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that strain UI(T) belongs to an uncultured clone cluster (group TA) at the family (or order) level in the class Deltaproteobacteria. Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., is proposed for strain UI(T), and the novel family Syntrophorhabdaceae fam. nov. is described. Peripheral 16S rRNA gene sequences in the databases indicated that the proposed new family Syntrophorhabdaceae is largely represented by abundant bacteria within anaerobic ecosystems mainly decomposing aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Isoquinoline-degrading microbial cultures were isolated from oil- and creosote-contaminated soils. The establishment of initial enrichment cultures required the use of emulsified isoquinoline. Once growth on isoquinoline was established, isoquinoline emulsification was no longer required for utilization of isoquinoline as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen by these cultures. An isoquinoline-degrading Acinetobacter strain was isolated from one of the enrichment cultures. The degradation of isoquinoline was accompanied by the accumulation of a red cell-associated pigment and of 1-hydroxyisoquinoline, which was further degraded to unknown intermediary ring-cleavage products and carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Novel dissimilatory perchlorate-reducing bacteria (DPRB) were isolated from enrichments conducted under conditions different from those of all previously described DPRB. Strain LT-1T was enriched using medium buffered at pH 6.6 with 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES) and had only 95% 16S rRNA gene identity with its closest relative, Azonexus caeni. Strain MPT was enriched in the cathodic chamber of a perchlorate-reducing bioelectrical reactor (BER) and together with an additional strain, CR (99% 16S rRNA gene identity), had 97% 16S rRNA gene identity with Propionivibrio limicola. The use of perchlorate and other electron acceptors distinguished strains MPT and CR from P. limicola physiologically. Strain LT-1T had differences in electron donor utilization and optimum growth temperatures from A. caeni. Strains LT-1T and MPT are the first DPRB to be described in the Betaproteobacteria outside of the Dechloromonas and Azospira genera. On the basis of phylogenetic and physiological features, strain LT-1T represents a novel genus in the Rhodocyclaceae; strain MPT represents a novel species within the genus Propionivibrio. The names Dechlorobacter hydrogenophilus gen. nov., sp. nov and Propionivibrio militaris sp. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

Three strains of aerobic, Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, yellow-pigmented bacteria (OD1T, YOxT and NS13), which were isolated in previous studies by enrichment in a mineral medium with potassium oxalate as the sole carbon source, were characterized. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, strains OD1T, YOxT and NS13 belong to the Betaproteobacteria , most closely related to Oxalicibacterium flavum TA17T (97.2–99.7% sequence similarity). The major whole-cell fatty acids were C16:0, C16:1ω7c and C17:0 cyclo. The results of DNA–DNA hybridization and physiological and biochemical tests allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation of strains OD1T and YOxT from O. flavum TA17T and from each other. Therefore, it is concluded that the strains OD1T and YOxT represent novel species within the genus Oxalicibacterium , for which the names Oxalicibacterium horti sp. nov. (type strain OD1T=DSM 21640T=NBRC 13594T) and Oxalicibacterium faecigallinarum sp. nov. (type strain YOxT=DSM 21641T=CCM 2767T) are proposed.  相似文献   

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