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The palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum (L.), was collected in cocoons from red ring-diseased coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) in Trinidad and Tobago. Juveniles of five species of nematodes were extracted from the genitalia and macerated bodies of newly emerged adults of the palm weevil: Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Cobb) Goodey (the red ring nematode), Teratorhabditis sp., Diplogasteritus sp., Mononchoides sp., and Bursaphelenchus sp. Over 90% of newly emerged weevil females and males were infested internally with red ring nematode juveniles, and over 47% of the weevils contained more than 1,000 red ring nematodes each. There was no significant correlation between weevil body length and the number of red ring nematodes carried internally by each weevil. Teratorhabditis sp. and Diplogasteritus sp. were extracted from over 50% of the palm weevils, and Monochoides sp. and Bursaphelenchus sp. were found in a small proportion of the weevils. Field-collected adult weevils were also internally and externally infested with a Rhabditis sp., which was not observed in or on weevils allowed to emerge from field-collected cocoons.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the stoma, including the cheilostom, gymnostom, and stegostom of Bunonema sp. and Teratorhabditis palmarum was compared with Caenorhabditis elegans to consider fine structural characters that may be phylogenetically informative. The stegostom, enclosed by the anterior end of the pharynx, includes a triradiate lumen surrounded by radial cells (interradial or pairs of adradial cells) repeated in the dorsal and subventral sectors; in Rhabditina, typically the stegostom includes anteriorly two sets of epithelial and posteriorly two sets of muscular radial cells. These muscle cells are anteriorly m1 and posteriorly m2. In Bunonema sp., unlike T. palmarum and C. elegans, the stegostom has a third set of interradial epithelial cells. In Bunonema sp., m1 is expressed by three interradial cells, whereas in T. palmarum and C. elegans m1 is three pairs of adradial muscle cells (i.e., six cells). In all three taxa m2 is expressed as three pairs of adradial muscle cells. Posterior processes of adjacent adradial cells fuse, and closely apposed nuclei may present a figure-eight shape. However, in Bunonema the three interradial m1 cells each have a long posterior process enclosing two separate round nuclei. In combination with additional characters, these diverse stoma features may prove phylogenetically informative. Specifically, the radial epithelial cells of the stegostom appear to be a synapomorphy consistent with a bunonemid-diplogastrid-rhabditid clade, whereas a thickening in the dorsal sector of the stoma cuticle lining is interpreted as a synapomorphy supporting a bunonemid-diplogastrid clade.  相似文献   

A novel entomopathogenic nematode species, Heterorhabditidoides rugaoensis n. sp. RG081015, collected from Rugao, China, is described. The new species is morphologically very similar to H. chongmingensis but can be distinguished from it on the basis of some morphological characteristics, combined with molecular data and a cross-hybridization test. Males of the new species can be recognized on the basis of body length averaging 1396.2 μm; lateral field with one ridge; metastome isoglottoid with one hemispherical swellings comprised of two to three well-developed warts; asymmetric spicules; peloderan bursa. In IJs, EP = 134.5 μm; ES = 149.3 μm; tail length = 82.5 μm; and a = 20.5. Hermaphroditic females have four to five lateral ridges. The 18S rDNA and ITS sequences of the two nematodes share 99% and 98% identity, respectively. Phylogenetic trees of 18S rDNA and ITS indicate that the new species is most closely related to H. chongmingensis; thus, the two nematodes belong to the same genus. Failure of cross-hybridization between them indicates that nematode strain RG081015 is a novel species and is described herein as H. rugaoensis n. sp. The LC50 of the novel species against Galleria mellonella were 24.35 IJs / ml within 48 hours of infection. Morphological characteristics, genetic similarity analyses, and phylogenetic relationships provide strong evidence that some species of Oscheius/Insectivora-group should be reassigned to the genus Heterorhabditidoides.  相似文献   

Rhabditis (Oscheius) pheropsophi n. sp., associated with cadavers of the bombardier beetle, Pheropsophus aequinoctialis, is described from material collected in Brazil. Mean body length of the female is 1,217 μm, of the male 872 μm, and of the dauer juvenile 568 μm. The female has six lips with one papilla on each lateral lip and two on each sublateral lip; stoma wall thickened dorsally, metarhabdions with warts, excretory pore near base of esophagus, tail long (c = 8), and phasmids prominent, protruding on scanning electron microscope preparations. The male has 10 pairs of bursal ribs, with the terminal pair considerably smaller than the others; spicules fused distally two-thirds of their length. The new species can be distinguished from other members of the Dolichura-group by its fused spicules.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides microstylus n. sp. and Seinura onondagensis n. sp., a nematode predator, are described from dead Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Onondaga County, New York. Females of A. microstylus are 370 to 485 µm long. The body is slender and tapers posteriorly to an amucronate, pointed terminus. The head is continuous with the body, and lips bear a stylet guide. Diagnostic characters of females are three incisures in the lateral field, a short stylet (6-7.5 µm) with small basal knobs, a single row of oocytes, and a long postuterine sac (25-50 µm). Males are characterized by small spicules (10-11µm); two pairs of post-anal, subventral papillae; and a single row of spermatocytes. A bursa and gubernaculum are absent. Seinura onondagensis females are characterized by a body of moderate length (475-595 µm), finely annulated cuticle, and a slightly set-off head. Diagnostic characters are four incisures in the lateral field, long stylet without basal knobs (17-22 µm), single row of oocytes, and presence of a postuterine sac (14-38 µm). Males are unknown. The monospecific genus Indaphelenchus is proposed as a synonym of Seinura, and S. siddiqii n. comb. is proposed for the only species, I. siddiqii.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne trifoliophila n. sp. is described from white clover collected at Ames Plantation, Fayette County, Tennessee. The perineal pattern is rounded, with long, smooth striae and rounded arch, and without distinct lateral lines or perivulval striae. The female stylet is 12.6-15.5 μm long, the excretory pore is level with or up to one stylet length posterior to the stylet knobs, and the vulva is subterminal. The posterior terminus is weakly protuberant. The male lateral field is composed of approximately eight repeatedly broken or forked incisures. The male stylet is 17.0-18.9 μm long, the stylet knobs are rounded and sloping, gradually merging with the shaft, and the head region consists of one large annule. Second-stage juveniles are 357-400 μm long, with a stylet length of 11.9-13.6 μm and one head annule. The tail tapers to a slender tip. This new species is similar to M. graminicola and M. triticoryzae but differs from them in perineal pattern and lateral field morphology, and numerous morphometric characters.  相似文献   

Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. (Nemata: Criconematidae) was found in soil from a fallow field plot within the Biosphere 2 Center, Oracle, Arizona. The nematode species is characterized by continuous and irregular breaks in transverse striae in the lateral field, smooth annules, a rounded-truncate lip region with rounded anterior margins, three lip annules, first labial annule elevated and widened laterally, dome-shaped and elevated labial disc, stylet length (76-97 (μm), VA%T value (30-59), 234-273 body annules, and tail with a terminus offset, cylindrical to slightly conoid digit. Hemicycliophora biosphaera n. sp. most closely resembles H. armandae but differs from it in body width (30-39 vs. 38-54 μm), stylet length (76-97 vs. 95-119 μm), greater number of annules between the excretory pore and esophagus base (4-16 vs. 2), length of the tail terminal spike (16-28 vs. 32 μm), lower Rvan value (9-15 vs. 16), and indistinct spetanatheca vs. distinct spermatheca.  相似文献   

Filenchus flagellicaudatus n. sp. and Lelenchus schmitti n. sp. are described from Pepe''opae bog on Molokai, Hawaii. Filenchus flagellicaudatus n. sp. is distinguished from all other Filenchus spp. by stylet length (10 µm), robust metacorpus, elongated basal bulb, and extraordinarily long, whip-like tail (c = 2.6, c'' = 31.8). Lelenchus schmitti n. sp. differs from other Lelenchus spp. by its shorter body length, weak dorso-ventral compression of the head region, and a more posterior vulva (V = 49-52). The spacious amphid pocket is introduced as a useful character for the differentiation of Lelenchus spp. from other Tylenchidae.  相似文献   

Steinernema scapterisci n. sp., isolated in Uruguay from the mole cricket Scapteriscus vicinus, can be distinguished from other members in the genus by the presence of prominent cheilorhabdions, an elliptically shaped structure associated with the excretory duct, and a double-flapped epitygma in the first-generation female. The spicules of the male are pointed, tapering smoothly to a small terminus, and the shaft (calomus) is long, bearing a sheath. The gubernaculum has a long, upward-bent anterior part. The ratio of head to excretory pore divided by tail length of the third-stage juvenile is greater for S. scapterisci n. sp. than for S. carpocapsae. Steinernema scapterisci n. sp. did not hybridize with S. carpocapsae strain Breton. In laboratory tests, S. scapterisci n. sp. killed 10% or less of non-orthopteran insects, including the wax moth larva, a universal host for other species of Steinernema.  相似文献   

Hemicycliophora hellenica n. sp. is described and illustrated from a bisexual population found in Filippias, Epirus, Greece, in the rhizosphere of giant reed (Arundo donax) and unidentified aquatic plants along the edge of irrigation canals. Hemicycliophora hellenica n. sp. is characterized by a long stylet (more than 120 µm), body length (L = 1,078-1,634 µm; R = 303-362), and lateral field marked by three lateral lines in females and four in males. The lip region is distinctive in that the female labial disc is oval and offset from the first lip region annule, and protrudes markedly; the male labial disc is very large, offset and rectangular, and protrudes distinctly. Hemicycliophora hellenica n. sp. resembles H. megalodiscus Loof by possession of a strongly protruding labial disc, but differs in having a longer female body, more body annules, longer stylet, and dorsally and ventrally indented head annules. The male labial plate is larger than in H. megalodiscus, and the male has four incisures in the lateral field vs. three in H. megalodiscus.  相似文献   

Bursaphelenchus platzeri n. sp., an associate of nitidulid beetles in southern California, is described and illustrated. Adult males and females of B. platzeri n. sp. were examined by scanning electron microscopy for ultrastructural comparisons with other members of the genus. Bursaphelenchus cocophilus (red ring nematode) appears to be the closest related taxon to B. platzeri n. sp. based upon shared morphological features of the fused spicules, female tail shape, phoresy with non-scolytid beetles, and molecular analysis of the near full-length small subunit (SSU) rDNA. Unfortunately, sequence data from the D2D3 expansion segments of the large subunit (LSU) rDNA and partial mitochondrial DNA COI did not help resolve the relationship of nearest relative. In addition to significant molecular sequence differences in SSU, LSU, and COI, B. platzeri n. sp., which is an obligate fungal feeder, can be differentiated from B. cocophilus because it is an obligate parasite of palms. Bursaphelenchus platzeri n. sp. can be differentiated from all other species of Bursaphelenchus by the length and shape of the female tail and spicule morphology. The spicules are fused along the ventral midline and possess unfused cucullae; the fused unit appears to function as a conduit for sperm. Population growth of B. platzeri n. sp. was measured in a time-course experiment at 25°C in the laboratory on cultures of the fungus Monilinia fructicola grown on 5% glycerol-supplemented potato dextrose agar (GPDA). Nematode population densities rapidly increased from 25 to approximately 200,000/culture within 14 d and then plateaued for up to 28 d.  相似文献   

A root-knot nematode parasitizing coffee in Paran  State, Brazil, is described as Meloidogyne paranaensis n. sp. The suggested common name is Paraná coffee root-knot nematode. The perineal pattern is similar to that of M. incognita; the labial disc and medial lips of the female are fused and asymmetric and rectangular; the lateral lips are small, triangular, and fused laterally with the head region. The female stylet is 15.0-17.5 μm long, with broad, distinctly set-off knobs; the distance from the dorsal esophageal gland orifice (DGO) to the stylet base is 4.2-5.5 μm. Males have a high, round head cap continuous with the body contour. The labial disc is fused with the medial lips to form an elongate lip structure. The head region is frequently marked by an incomplete annulation. The stylet is robust, 20-27 μm long, usually with round to transversely elongate knobs, sometimes with one or two projections protruding from the shaft. The stylet length of second-stage juveniles is 13-14 μm, the distance of the DGO to the stylet base is 4.0-4.5 μm, and the tail length is 48-51 μm. Biochemically, the esterase (F₁) and malate dehydrogenase (N₁) phenotypes are the most useful characters to differentiate M. paranaensis from other species. However, the esterase phenotype appears similar to that of M. konaensis. Reproduction is by mitotic parthenogenesis, 3n = 50-52. In differential host tests, tobacco, watermelon, and tomato were good hosts, whereas cotton, pepper, and peanut were nonhosts.  相似文献   

Pratylenchoides hispaniensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from a bisexual population found in a natural habitat at Santa Elena, Jaen, central Spain. Its main distinctive characters are very long esophageal gland lobe (81-117 μm; N'' = 51-71) overlapping the intestine 3 to 5 times the body width; lateral field with six incisures; stylet knobs sloping posteriorly; labial disc encircled by the irregular sectors of the first annule; tail cylindrical, extremity annulated, and frequently with a slight dorsal indentation of the hyaline portion at the end of the lateral field. Pratylcnchoides hispaniensis n. sp. appears closely related to P. megalobatus and P. nevadensis. It differs from the former primarily by its longer body length (761-998 vs. 430-621 μm), longer stylet length (20.5-24.4 vs. 18-21 μm), six incisures in the lateral field vs. four for P. megalobatus, and posteriorly sloping stylet knobs vs. rounded or anteriorly flattened knobs in P. megalobatus. It differs from P. nevadensis mainly by the shape of the stylet knobs (sloping in P. hispaniensis vs. rounded in P. nevadensis), length of esophageal lobe (81-117 vs. 34-82 μm), and position of esophageal gland nuclei (all posterior to esophago-intestinal junction in P. hispaniensis vs. at least one nucleus anterior to junction in P. nevadensis).  相似文献   

A new species of Trichodoridae, Trichodorus elefjohnsoni, is described from undisturbed regions of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, United States. It resembles T. orientalis De Waele &Hashim, 1984, T. persicus De Waele &Sturhan, 1987, and T. taylori De Waele, Mancini, Roca, '' Lamberti, 1982 in arrangement of ventromedian cervical papillae and posterior preanal supplements, but differs by combinations of the following characteristics: body length 516-731 μm; spicule length 33-50 μm, spicules densely striated, constricted medially; vaginal sclerotizations ovate; one pair of lateral body pores near vulva.  相似文献   

Noctuidonema dibolia n. sp., an ectoparasite of adults of the noctuid moth Mocis latipes (Guenée) is described. The differentiating characters are a club-shaped body with a subterminal vulva in the female, spicules with a reduced matrix and sheath and closely apposed dorsal and ventral arms in the male, very long stylet and conus, moderately prominent stylet knobs, a bluntly rounded head, and a large renette cell in both sexes. Lateral fields, rectum, anus, bursa, and gubernaculum are absent. Noctuidonema dibolia differs from the other species of the subfamily Noctuidonematinae in the size and robustness of the body, the length of the stylet and conus, the length of the tail, and the shape of the spicules.  相似文献   

Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. from Bothnian Bay, northern Baltic Sea, is described and illustrated. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. has a strongly sclerotized luminal lining of the terminal esophageal bulb and esophagus. The most characteristic feature is a lateral series of large concentric, sclerotized rings with a fine, internal longitudinal oval sclerotization. In addition, E. hailuotoensis n. sp. is distinguished from other Ethmolaimus species by its smaller body size, fewer number of precloacal supplements (7-8), conical tail, and the position of amphid posterior to the buccal cavity. Females of E. hailuotoensis n. sp. studied were hermaphroditic. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. coexisted with E. pratensis. Ethmolaimus pratensis from Bothnian Bay has a characteristic row of sublateral hypodermal glands, a character not before seen in Ethmolaimidae.  相似文献   

Two new parthenogenetic species of Longidorus were found in Arkansas. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is characterized by its body (5.80-8.24 mm), slightly offset head, head width 20-27 µm, odontostyle 86-100 µm, guide ring 26-35 µm posterior to the anterior end, short conoid to mammiliform tail. Longidorus grandis n. sp. is similar to L. vineacola Sturhan &Weischer, 1964; L. lusitanicus Macara, 1985; L. edmundsi Hunt &Siddiqi, 1977; L. kuiperi Brinkman, Loof &Barbez, 1987; L. balticus Brzeski, Peneva &Brown, 2000; L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964; and L. seinhorsti Peneva, Loof &Brown, 1998. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. is characterized by its body length (2.60-5.00 µm), anteriorly flattened and offset head region 13-18 µm wide, odontostyle length 92-127 µm, guide ring 21-30 µm posterior to the anterior end, tail elongate-conical, and c'' = 1.2-2.6. Longidorus paralongicaudatus n. sp. most closely resembles L. longicaudatus Siddiqi, 1962; L. socialis Singh &Khan, 1996; L. juvenilis Dalmasso, 1969; and L. curvatus Khan, 1986.  相似文献   

Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nemata) was extracted from sediment collected off the coast of Brazil at a depth of approximately 1,000 m. Although the food of this new nematode is unknown, the reduction of the stoma and esophagus and presence of a trophosome indicate that it is parasitic in its juvenile stages. Thalassomermis megaraphis n. gen., n. sp. is assigned to Mermithidae because of its similarity to that family in the appearance of the cephalic sensory receptors, the long and tubular vagina, and copulatory muscles of the male extending posteriorly throughout most of the length of the tail. Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. differs from all other members of Mermithidae by the large, lenticular, intracuticular amphidial fovea with coiled, emergent terminal filaments as well as the small amphidial aperture situated over the center of the fovea.  相似文献   

Mesocriconema ornicauda n. sp. and Ogma floridense n. sp. are described from two native habitats of central and northwestern Florida. Mesocriconema ornicauda is closest to M. annulatiforme (De Grisse &Loof, 1967) Loof &De Grisse, 1989, but differs by the shorter stylet of the female (43-50 vs. 54-65 μm) and the moderately conoid tail of the male, which is pointed in M. annulatiforme. Ogma floridense is closest to O. hungaricum (Andrassy, 1972) Siddiqi, 1986. Females differ from those of O. hungaricum by the first of two labial annuli being wider, whereas they are subequal in O. hungaricum. Ogma floridense females differ also by entire or bifid cuticular scales, which are consistently divided into two or four projections in O. hungaricum, the shorter body (360-471 vs. 480-550 μm), the shorter stylet (87-98 vs. 95-100 μm), and the more anteriorly located excretory pore (Rex = 17-19 vs. 21-23).  相似文献   

A lesion nematode, Pratylenchus gutierrezi n. sp., collected from the roots of coffee in the Central Plateau of Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. Its relationships to Pratylenchus flakkensis, P. similis, and P. gibbicaudatus, the only other species of the genus having two head annules, males, or spermatheca with sperm, and an annulated tail terminus, is discussed. Other distinctive characters are its posterior vulva (mean of 80%); its prominently rounded stylet knobs, low head, and subcylindrical tail. SEM observations provide additional details of females and males, especially face views, which show for the first time sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

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