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Ditylenchus dipsaci and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis synergistically affected the mortality and plant growth of Ranger alfalfa, a cultivar susceptible to stem nematode and Fusarium wilt. The nematode-fungus relationship had an additive effect on mortality and plant growth of Lahontan (nematode resistant and Fusarium wilt susceptible) and of Moapa 69 (nematode susceptible and Fusarium wilt resistant). Mortality rates were 13, 16, 46, and 49% for Ranger; 4, 18, 26, and 28% for Lahontan; and 19, 10, 32, and 30% for Moapa 69 inoculated with D. dipsaci, F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis, and simultaneously and sequentially with D. dipsaci and F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis, respectively. Shoot weights as a percentage of uninoculated controls for the same treatments were 52, 84, 26, and 28%, for Ranger; 74, 86, 64, and 64% for Lahontan; and 50, 95, 44, and 39% for Moapa 69. Plant growth suppression was related to vascular bundle infection and discoloration of alfalfa root tissue. Disease severity and plant growth of alfalfa did not differ with simultaneous or sequential inoculations of the two pathogens. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis affected alfalfa growth but not nematode reproduction.  相似文献   

Persistence of dormant Ranger and nondormant Moapa alfalfas, both susceptible to Ditylenchus dipsaci, varied with stand age and cutting frequency. Stand reduction increased with cutting frequency. In D. dipsaci-infested soil, stand reductions in Ranger 1, 4, and 5 years old exceeded reductions in stands 2 and 3 years old; persistence was greatest in 2-year-old stands. In Moapa alfalfa, D. dipsaci reduced stands the most in years 2 and 3; whereas persistence was greatest in 1-year-old stands. Harvesting Ranger alfalfa one, two, three, and four times during the growing season reduced 2-year-old stands by 10, 14, 19, and 29% in D. dipsaci-infested soil and by 2, 4, 4, and 7% in uninfested soil, respectively. Comparable reductions in Moapa alfalfa were 13, 16, 18, and 38% in infested soil and 0, 2, 4, and 6% in uninfested soil. Cutting frequency had less effect on persistence of resistant semidormant Lahontan grown in D. dipsaci-infested soil relative to susceptible cultivars. Increasing the number of cuttings per year decreased storage of total nonstructural carbohydrate and adversely affected persistence of alfalfa stands and yields; the greatest negative effects occurred on both resistant and susceptible alfalfa in D. dipsaci-infested soil.  相似文献   

Cool humid weather enhanced development and reproduction of Ditylenchus dipsaci in alfalfa in laboratory and field studies in Utah. Relative humidity and nematode reproduction were positively correlated (P < 0.05), whereas air temperature and nematode reproduction were negatively correlated (P < 0.05). The greatest number of nematodes per gram of alfalfa tissue was found in nondormant Moapa alfalfa tissue at St. George during April, whereas the greatest numbers of nematodes were found in dormant Ranger alfalfa in June at West Jordan and Smithfield. There was 100% invasion of both resistant Lahontan and susceptible Ranger alfalfa plants at soil moisture levels of 61-94% field capacity. Fall burning of alfalfa to control weeds reduced, and spring burning increased, the incidence of invaded plants, nematodes per gram of plant tissue, and the mortality of susceptible Ranger (P < 0.01) and Moapa (P < 0.01) alfalfa plants over that of plants in nonburned control plots. Fall burning also reduced and spring burning increased the incidence of invaded plants (P < 0.05), but had no influence on nematodes per gram of plant tissue or the mortality of resistant Lahontan and Nevada Synthetic XX alfalfa over those of plants in control plots.  相似文献   

Growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Vernal) seedlings was compared after inoculation with combinations of either Pratylenchus penetrans and Fusarium soloni or P. penetrans and F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis. A synergistic disease interaction occurred in alfalfa when F. oxysporum and P. penetrans were added simultaneously to the soil. Alfalfa growth was suppressed at all inoculum levels of P. penetrans and F. oxysporum, but not with F. solani. Seedlings inoculated with the nematode alone gave lower yields than when inoculated with either Fusarium species alone. Fusarium oxysporum, but not F. solani, was pathogenic to alfalfa under similar experimental conditions. Fusarium oxysporum did not alter the populations of P. penetrans in alfalfa roots, whereas the presence of F. solani was associated with a diminished number of P. penetrans in the roots.  相似文献   

Three nematicides were evaluated as seed treatments to control the alfalfa stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) on seedling alfalfa. Alfalfa seeds were soaked for 10 hours in a 0.5% (formulated by weight) concentration of either carbofuran, phenamiphos or oxamyl in acetone with no adverse effect on seed germination. All three treatments decreased nematode damage and increased survival of ''Ranger'' (susceptible) and ''Lahontan'' (resistant) alfalfa plants, when seeds were planted in soil infested with D. dipsaci. Mean live plant counts after 6 weeks in the untreated control, acetone alone, carbofuran, phenamiphos, and oxamyl treatments, respectively, were 4.3, 6.3, 19.0, 19.8, and 19.0 for Lahontan and 4.5, 1.5, 18.5, 19.3, and 18.0 for Ranger from 20 seeds/pot. Nematicide seed treatments resulted in significantly healthier Ranger alfalfa plants 4 months after planting. The combination of seed treatment and host resistance may provide a means of establishing alfalfa in an alfalfa monocropped system where soil populations of D. dipsaci are high.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of A. ritzemabosi and D. dipsaci were studied in two alfalfa fields in Wyoming. Symptomatic stem-bud tissue and root-zone soil from alfalfa plants exhibiting symptoms of D. dipsaci infection were collected at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks. Both nematodes were extracted from stem tissue with the Baermann funnel method and from soil with the sieving and Baermann funnel method. Soil moisture and soil temperature at 5 cm accounted for 64.8% and 61.0%, respectively, of the variability in numbers of both nematodes in soil at the Big Horn field. Also at the Big Horn field, A. ritzemabosi was found in soil on only three of the 14 collection dates, whereas D. dipsaci was found in soil on 12 dates. Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi was found in stem tissue samples on 9 of the 14 sampling dates whereas D. dipsaci was found on all dates. Populations of both nematodes in stem tissue peaked in October, and soil populations of both peaked in January, when soil moisture was greatest. Numbers of D. dipsaci in stem tissue were related to mean air temperature 3 weeks prior to tissue collection, while none of the climatic factors measured were associated with numbers of A. ritzemabosi. At the Dayton field, soil moisture plus soil temperature at 5 cm accounted for 98.2% and 91.4% of the variability in the soil populations of A. ritzemabosi and D. dipsaci, respectively. Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi was extracted from soil at two of the five collection dates, compared to extraction of D. dipsaci at three dates. Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi was collected from stem tissue at six of the seven sampling dates while D. dipsaci was found at all sampling dates. The only environmental factor that was associated with an increase in the numbers of both nematodes in alfalfa stem tissue was total precipitation 1 week prior to sampling, and this occurred only at the Dayton field. Numbers of A. ritzemabosi in stem tissue appeared to be not affected by any of the environmental factors studied, while numbers of D. dipsaci in stem tissue were associated with cumulative monthly precipitation, snow cover at time of sampling, and the mean weekly temperature 3 weeks prior to sampling. Harvesting alfalfa reduced the numbers of A. ritzemabosi at the Big Horn field and both nematodes at the Dayton field.  相似文献   

Numbers ofDitylenchus dipsaci or Meloidogyne hapla invading Ranger alfalfa, Tender crop bean, Stone Improved tomato, AH-14 sugarbeet, Yellow sweet clover, and Wasatch wheat from single inoculations were not significantly different from numbers by invasion of combined inoculations. D. dipsaci was recovered only from shoot and M. hapla only from root tissue. Combined inoculations did not affect reproduction of either D. dipsaci or M. hapla. D. dipsaci suppressed shoot growth of all species at 15-30 C, and M. hapla suppressed shoot growth of tomato, sugarbeet, and sweet clover at 20, 25, and 30 C. There was a positive correlation (P < 0.05) between shoot and root growth suppression by D. dipsaci on all cultivars except wheat at 20 C and tomato at 30 C. M. hapla suppressed (P < 0.05) root growth of sugarbeet at 20-50 C and wheat at 30 C. Growth suppression was synergistic in combined inoculations of sweet clover shoot growth at 15 C and root growth at 20-30 C, wheat root growth at 15 and 20 C, and tomato root growth at 15-30 C (P < 0.05) D. dipsaci invasions caused mortality of alfalfa and sweet clover at 15-30 C and sugarbeet at 20-30 C. Mortality rates of alfalfa and sweet clover increased synergistically (P < 0.05) from combined inoculations.  相似文献   

''Vernal'' alfalfa was grown for 30 weeks in nematode-free soil and in soil infested with Pratylenchus penetrans. Charlottetown fine sandy loam soil was used at its pH of 4.4 and at adjusted reactions of 5.2, 6.4 and 7.3. Nematode reproduction was significantly greater at pit 5.2 and 6.4 and was not related to alfalfa root production over the full pH range studied. A significant nematode infestation X soil pit interaction on forage yield was recorded. Nematode infestation significantly decreased forage yields at ptt 5.2 and 6.4 but not at pH 4.4 and 7.3.  相似文献   

Stem nematode-susceptible ''Atlantic'' and resistant ''Lahontan'' alfalfa seedlings, grown in sand and watered with complete nutrient solutions containing 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, or 12.0 mM Ca⁺⁺/liter, were inoculated with Ditylenchus dipsaci (the stem nematode) 5-6 days after emergence. Approximately equal numbers of nematodes entered the tissues of each variety/Ca⁺⁺ concentration within 2 days. Penetration was reduced at 12 mM Ca⁺⁺/liter. Reproduction during 21 days following inoculation yielded 3-fold, or greater, nematode increases in ''Atlantic'' buds at all Ca⁺⁺ concentrations, in ''Atlantic'' cotyledons at the four lower concentrations, in ''Lahontan'' buds at the lowest concentration and in ''Lahontan'' cotyledons at the two lowest concentrations. Reproduction was lower at the higher Ca⁺⁺ concentrations.Increased nutrient Ca⁺⁺ concentrations resulted in increased Ca⁺⁺ content, decreased Na⁺ and K⁺ content, and unchanged Mg⁺⁺ content of buds and cotyledons. Accordingly, increased nutrient Ca⁺⁺ resulted in increased divalent/monovalent cation ratios (Ca⁺⁺ + Mg⁺⁺/Na⁺ + K⁺ ). Resistance to reproduction was correlated more closely with the divalent/monovalent cation ratio than with Ca⁺⁺ content of tissue, At the four higher nutrient Ca⁺⁺ concentrations, ''Lahontan'' buds had higher ratios than ''Atlantic,'' and infected buds had higher ratios than noninfected buds. Although cation balance modifies disease expression, the basic resistance mechanism remains unknown.  相似文献   

Cortical parenchyma cells penetrated and fed upon by Pratylenchus penetrans for 48 hours contained only cytoplasmic debris. Proximal cells had an increase in tannin deposits, degenerated mitochondria, increased numbers of ribosomes, and no internal membrane structure. Often the endodermis was collapsed and contained massive tannin deposits on the inner cell wall and cell lumen. Similar observations were made in the stele, except tannin deposits were not as prominent. Multivesicnlate structures were observed both in the endodermis and in the stele.  相似文献   

Fifty-two alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) clones, randomly selected from the cultivar Baker and the experimental line MNGRN-4, were evaluated for resistance (based on nematode reproduction) to Pratylenchus penetrans in growth chamber tests (25 C). Twenty-five clones, representing the range of nematodes and eggs per plant, were selected and retested. Four moderately resistant and two susceptible alfalfa clones were identified. Inheritance of resistance to P. penetrans was studied in these six clones using a diallel mating design. The S₁, Fl, and reciprocal progenies differed for numbers of nematodes and eggs per g dry root and for shoot and root weights (P < 0.05). Resistance, measured as numbers of nematodes in roots, was correlated between parental clones and their S₁ families (r = 0.94), parental clones and their half-sib families (r = 0.81), and S₁ and half-sib families (r = 0.88). General combining ability (GCA) effects were significant for nematode resistance traits. Both GCA and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were significant for plant size traits, but SCA was more important than GCA in predicting progeny plant size. Reciprocal effects were significant for both nematode resistance and plant size traits, which may slow selection progress in long-term selection programs. However, the GCA effects are large enough that breeding procedures that capitalize on additive effects should be effective in developing alfalfa cultivars with resistance to P. penetrans.  相似文献   

''Bonny Best'' tomato plants were grown at 16, 21, or 24 C for 28 d in soil infested with either of two isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 and Meloidogyne incognita. Significant levels of fusarium wilt occurred at all temperatures including 16 C, which has not been reported previously. One Fusarium isolate resulted in the highest levels of disease incidence at 21 and 24 C in the presence of root-knot nematodes, and at 24 C when the nematodes were not present. At 16 C there was no significant difference in the number of plants infected by the second Fusarium isolate alone or in combination with root knot nematodes, although the presence of nematodes resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of disease occurrence and vessel infection at 21 C.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Saranac) seed were soaked for 20 minutes in water, acetone, or methanol containing 10 or 50 mg/ml of oxamyl (Vydate L) or coated with a 2% aqueous cellulose solution containing the same amounts of oxamyl. Seed were analyzed for oxamyl by HPLC immediately after treatment and after 9 and 26 months of storage. Oxamyl content of alfalfa seed did not decline after 26 months of storage. The effects of seed treatment on growth of alfalfa and nematode control were examined using soils infested with Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. Germination was not affected by any of the seed treatments. Twenty-one days after sowing, the total growth of alfalfa seedlings grown from seed treated with 50 mg/ml of oxamyl in P. penetrans-infested soils had increased by 62% over controls. Nodulation per pot increased by as much as 267%, and the densities of P. penetrans per gram of root were reduced by as much as 73% compared to control plants. In M. hapla-infested soils, increases in plant growth (32%) and nodulation (71%) also occurred with oxamyl-treated seeds. Root gall reduction (86%) was also substantial due to oxamyl seed treatment.  相似文献   

Ditylenchus dipsaci showed an affinity, in relation to infection, for the temp at which it had been acclimated. The optimum infective temp was also correlated with field temp when collections were made during different seasons and from climatically different geographical areas. Nematode developmental stage did not influence infectivity.  相似文献   

A Pratylenchus neglectus population from lltah (UT3) was more virulent to Lahontan alfalfa than other P. neglectus populations from Utah (UT1, UT2) and Wyoming (WY). All alfalfa plants survived at 24 ± 3 C when inoculated with WY, UT1, or UT2 at initial populations (Pi) of 500, 1,000, and 5,000 nematodes per plant. At Pi 10,000 with WY, UT1, or UT2, plant mortality was 15, 15, and 20%, respectively; at Pi 5,000 and 10,000 with UT3, plant mortality was 10 and 40%. The WY, UT1, and UT2 populations reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root growth at Pi 10,000 only, and UT3 reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root growth at Pi 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000. At Pi 5,000, shoot dry weights were reduced by 10-23% by WY, 14-29% by UT1, 12-25% by UT2, and 20-48% by UT3 at 15-30 C. The UT3 population reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root dry weight at 20-30 C at Pi 1,000 and 5,000. The WY, UT1, and UT-2 populations did not reduce (P ≥ 0.05) root growth at any temperature or Pi. The UT3 nematode reproductive indices were greater than those of the other nematode populations at all Pi and increased with temperature.  相似文献   

For control of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, and the pathogenic wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, on cotton, soil fumigants were applied in the field at conventional and higher rates. Conventional rates suppressed Fusarium wilt but higher rates gave quicker early growth, better stands, less stand loss over the season, a lower percentage of plants infected with wilt, fewer plants with vascular discoloration, and fewer nematodes. The best treatment about doubled the yields of untreated controls in one experiment and quadrupled them in another.  相似文献   

In greenhouse experiments, broadleaf tobacco plants were inoculated with tobacco cyst (Globodera tabacum tabacum) or root-knot (Meloidogyne hapla) nematodes 3, 2, or 1 week before or at the same time as Fusarium oxysporum. Plants infected with nematodes prior to fungal inoculation had greater Fusarium wilt incidence and severity than those simultaneously inoculated. G. t. tabacum increased wilt incidence and severity more than did M. hapla. Mechanical root wounding within 1 week of F. oxysporum inoculation increased wilt severity. In field experiments, early-season G. t. tabacum control by preplant soil application of oxamyl indirectly limited the incidence and severity of wilt. Wilt incidence was 48%, 23%, and 8% in 1989 and 64%, 60%, and 19% in 1990 for 0.0, 2.2, and 6.7 kg oxamyl/ha, respectively. Early infection of tobacco by G. t. tabacum predisposed broadleaf tobacco to wilt by F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

Nematode and disease problems of irrigated, double-cropped soybean and corn, and zinc deficiency of corn were investigated. Ethylene dibromide, phenamiphos, and aldicarb were equally effective for controlling nematodes and increasing yields of corn planted minimum-till and soybean planted in a moldboard plow prepared seedbed. The residual effects on yields of nematicides applied to the preceeding crop occurred during 3 years for soybean and 1 year for corn. Fusarium wilt symptoms of soybean that developed during 2 years of the study were less severe in all nematicide-treated plots than in control plots. Typical zinc deficiency symptoms on 30-day-old corn plants were observed during 1 year of the study in certain plots. Symptoms were not evident on plants grown on plots treated with ethylene dibromide, and only occasional plants had symptoms on plots treated with phenamiphos and aldicarb. The amount of yield response directly related to nematode control could not be determined because of the apparent interaction of nematodes on the expression of Fusarium wilt of soybean. Our study strongly indicates that the expression of Fusarium wilt of soybean and zinc deficiency in corn are influenced by nematodes and that nematicides will reduce their severity.  相似文献   

The early events of Meloidogyne incognita behavior and associated host responses following root penetration were studied in resistant (cv. Moapa 69) and susceptible (cv. Lahontan) alfalfa. Ten-day-old seedlings of alfalfa cultivars were inoculated with second-stage juveniles (J2) and harvested 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours and 7, 14, and 21 days later. Both cultivars supported similar root penetration and initial J2 migration. By 72 hours after inoculation the majority of J2 were amassed inside the vascular cylinder in roots of susceptible Lahontan, while J2 had not entered the vascular cylinder of resistant Moapa 69 and remained clumped at the root apex. Nematode development progressed normally in Lahontan, but J2 were not observed in Moapa 69 after day 7. The greatest differences between RNA translation products isolated from inoculated and uninoculated roots of Lahanton occurred 72 hours after inoculation. Only minor differences in gene expression were observed between inoculated and uninoculated Moapa 69 roots at 72 hours. Comparison of translation products from inoculated versus mechanically wounded Lahontan roots revealed products that were specific to or enhanced in nematode-infected plants. Moapa 69 appears to possess a type of resistance to M. incognita that does not depend on a conventional hypersensitive response.  相似文献   

A polymer sticker was used as a coating in which oxamyl was applied to seeds of alfalfa cultivar Saranac for the control of Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. The sticker, diluted 1:1 (sticker:water) to 1:5, delayed seedling emergence during the first 4 days after planting. By day 13, however, emergence from all sticker treatments was comparable to the control. Shoot growth of seedlings at day 21 was less than that of the control only from seeds coated with a 1:1 dilution; root growth and nodulation were not affected. Sticker-coated seeds absorbed 30-58% as much water in 3.5 hours as was absorbed by uncoated seeds. Oxamyl concentrations of 40-160 mg/ml in a 1:5 sticker : water mixture had no adverse affect on seedling emergence, growth, and nodulation over 3 weeks. Oxamyl at 160 mg/ml was more effective against P. penetrans than M. hapla. Growth of alfalfa in P. penetrans-infested soil was greater than that of the control in each sampling for 11 weeks. The reduction of number of P. penetrans in soil and roots moderated slowly over 11 weeks from 90% to 60%. Shoot and root growth of alfalfa from oxamyl-coated seed in M. hapla-infested soil were greater than those of the control for 7 and 11 weeks, respectively. The reduction in the number of M. hapla in the soil and roots changed from 80% at 7 weeks to 15% at 11 weeks.  相似文献   

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