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Background and aims

Morphological and biochemical traits of four halophytes of the genus Limonium were analysed in plants sampled from salt marshes in SE Spain. This work aimed to explore the mechanism(s) behind the adaptation of these species to stressful habitats, with particular emphasis on responses to drought.


Plants of each species together with soil samples were collected in summer, which is the most stressful season in the Mediterranean. Soil parameters and plant morphological traits were determined, and the levels of several biochemical stress markers in plants were measured using spectrophotometric assays. A multivariate analysis was performed to correlate soil and plant data.


Morphological characteristics regarding the underground system topology and several biochemical traits (higher foliar Ca2+, sucrose and glucose, and lower proline, glycine-betaine and fructose) clearly separate L. santapolense individuals from plants of the other three species.


Drought tolerance of L. santapolense in the field is mostly dependent on morphological adaptations: when growing in an arid location, plants of this species develop long taproots that can extract water from the deep, moist layers of the soil.


Question: What are the differences in trait compositions that enable native plants to colonise comparable natural and man‐made habitats? Are these traits independent of phylogenetic relationships between species? Location: Czech Republic. Methods: The relative importance of biological, ecological and distributional traits of native species was studied, using a dataset of 75 species growing in rock and wall habitats in the Czech Republic. Species preferences for individual habitats due to climatic conditions and proportions of different vegetation types in their surroundings were partialled out using partial canonical correspondence analysis. The pattern of plant traits along a gradient from natural rock habitats to secondary wall habitats was analysed using regression trees and generalized linear models with and without phylogenetic correction. Results: The most common native species colonising rock habitats are phanerophytes, mostly woody juveniles, with a CSR life strategy and most are adapted to epizoochory. Summer green leaves, annual life span, CR life strategy, reproduction mostly by seeds and dispersal by ants are all traits positively associated with the ability of species to colonise wall habitats. These species are also characterised by their high demand for nutrients, temperature, base‐rich substrates and light. Biological and ecological traits are more important for colonising new habitats than traits related to species dispersal ability or phylogenetic relationships between species. Biological and ecological traits alone explained 29.3% of variability in the species dataset, while dispersal characteristics and phylogeny alone explained 9.1% and 4.8%, respectively. Conclusions: We outline how the process of environmental filtering determines native species assemblages and identify a set of species traits that enable them to persist in particular habitats. We conclude that although urbanisation generally results in loss of natural habitats, there are new, man‐made habitats potentially suitable for native species.  相似文献   

Several thermophilic Bacillus Strains were isolated from natural as well as artificial habitats. They grow optimally on a carbohydrate-containing medium at a temperature of 65 to 68°C and a pH value of 6 to 7 under aerobic conditions. They utilize glucose, sucrose and sodium acetate as carbon and energy sources. They can be differentiated by acid formation and composition of intracellular fatty acid fraction as well as growth on xylose, lactose, starch, cellobiose, ribose and galactose.  相似文献   

A total of 39 fish species has been introduced into European waters, mainly during the 19th and 20th centuries: 20 European species (12 successful), 3 Asian species (1 successful), 16 North American species (13 successful). Several successful introductions have produced unexpected and detrimental side-effects; especially introductions of piscivorous species have created problems. Introductions of the latter type of fishes should be most carefully considered. The aim of fish introductions should preferably be to create temporary populations of non-reproducing fishes whose numbers can be completely controlled by man.  相似文献   

The relative advantages of sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction have long interested biologists and remain a central issue in ecological and evolutionary studies. Recent data on brine shrimp (Artemia) indicate that extensive ecological and genetic divergence occurs in an obligately parthenogenetic lineage. This challenges the belief that parthenogenetic lineages are evolutionary 'dead ends' and that extensive divergence is necessarily linked to recent recruitment from sexual ancestors. The molecular evidence suggests that parthenogenesis in Artemia is relatively ancient, with a single asexual lineage branching from an Old World sexual ancestor approximately five million years ago. Automictic recombination (which can occur in diploid but not polyploid parthenogenetic brine shrimp) appears to play a central role in the long-term maintenance of the parthenogenetic lineage.  相似文献   

The recent development of metaproteomics has enabled the direct identification and quantification of expressed proteins from microbial communities in situ, without the need for microbial enrichment. This became possible by (1) significant increases in quality and quantity of metagenome data and by improvements of (2) accuracy and (3) sensitivity of modern mass spectrometers (MS). The identification of physiologically relevant enzymes can help to understand the role of specific species within a community or an ecological niche. Beside identification, relative and absolute quantitation is also crucial. We will review label-free and label-based methods of quantitation in MS-based proteome analysis and the contribution of quantitative proteome data to microbial ecology. Additionally, approaches of protein-based stable isotope probing (protein-SIP) for deciphering community structures are reviewed. Information on the species-specific metabolic activity can be obtained when substrates or nutrients are labeled with stable isotopes in a protein-SIP approach. The stable isotopes (13C, 15N, 36S) are incorporated into proteins and the rate of incorporation can be used for assessing the metabolic activity of the corresponding species. We will focus on the relevance of the metabolic and phylogenetic information retrieved with protein-SIP studies and for detecting and quantifying the carbon flux within microbial consortia. Furthermore, the combination of protein-SIP with established tools in microbial ecology such as other stable isotope probing techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

A shift from large to small average sizes was observed in Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius domesticus between field and domestic (or laboratory) conditions of life. It was more pronounced in the female specimens, leading to a subsequent reduction of sexual size dimorphism. This feature is discussed in terms of genetic and populational changes occurring from natural to artificial habitats, in particular those related to population densities. Sexual size dimorphism is then recommended as a new character to be used in the study of species of Triatominae adapting to domestic ecotopes.  相似文献   

To explore whether the endangered White's seahorse Hippocampus whitei would choose to inhabit artificial over natural habitats, 10 adult H. whitei individuals were put through a series of binary choice trials in aquaria, during which they were offered different paired combinations of natural (different types of macroalga and seagrass) and artificial habitat (panels of swimming-net material). It was found that H. whitei displayed a significant choice for swimming-net material over all other available natural habitats and chose habitats according to the following rankings: (a) Net; (b) Sargassum sp.; (c) Posidonia australis; (d) Zostera muelleri. Hippocampus whitei’s choice of swimming net material over natural habitat suggests that these artificial structures could be a useful conservation measure for seahorses in areas where natural habitat is becoming less favourable due to declines in abundance or quality.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The use of artificial habitats as tool for management and conservation of lentic freshwater ecosystems has been most studied in North America, with dominance of Centrarchidae fish....  相似文献   

Changes in phenology and in body size are two of the three main consequences of global warming on organisms. We investigated whether living in a warm artificial habitat would induce changes in the phenology and body size of dragonflies. We monitored in natura the emergence pattern of three protected and red-listed dragonfly species in three geographically close systems which differ in thermal profiles: a medium-sized river, one of its tributaries and an artificial lake fed by the water of the tributary. We also investigated the morphological variability of one of the species between the three systems. We showed an asynchrony of emergence for the three species, as well as morphological variability between the lake and the two rivers. Individuals from the lake emerged earlier and were smaller than those from the two rivers. These results are in agreement with a temperature-induced response hypothesis as the lake is warmer than the two rivers. Asynchrony of emergence between neighbouring populations triggers questions related to metapopulation functioning and about the fitness and the fate of the early-emerging individuals. Understanding the response of these species to local thermal conditions will help to improve population monitoring and conservation.  相似文献   

Summary Six mantid species (Sphodromantis viridis, Polyspilota aeruginosa, Hierodula unimaculata, Parasphendale agrionia, Mantis religiosa and Empusa pennata) were studied in laboratory feeding experiments. Mantids stalk their prey and pounce on it, grasping it with their forelegs. Only living prey is selected and it is consumed directly after the catch. The predator orients itself optically, and therefore only takes notice of moving prey. The maximum size of prey which mantids can overwhelm is species-specific and depends on the prey type. On average mantids eat crickets of 50% their own body-weight while cockroaches can weigh up to 110%. Feeding experiments with 101 species of potential prey of 21 invertebrate orders showed an average feeding rate of 70% and marked differences among the predators. Polyspilota proved to be the least specialized mantid and Empusa caught the smallest amount of prey. Most of the defence mechanisms which arthropods have developed against their enemies proved to be ineffective against mantids. Neither a hard chitinous exoskeleton nor poisonous substances prevented the mantids from attacking their prey successfully. The protective secretion of the cotton stainer Dysdercus intermedius proved to be effective at least in a few instances. Even though these bugs were killed, the mantids usually refused to eat the abdomen, where the glands that produce the protective secretion are to be found. Thanatosis, as exhibited by the chrysomelid Cassida viridis and by the phasmid Carausius morosus, proved to be the best protection against mantids.  相似文献   

Questions: Do invasions of P. halepensis (Aleppo pine) from plantations into adjacent natural communities occur in the Mediterranean region, where the species is native? What are the spatio‐temporal processes involved in pine invasions in contrasting Mediterranean and semi‐arid climatic regions? Location: Mediterranean and semi‐arid regions of Israel. Methods: The density of invading Pinus was measured in relation to the distance from the plantation edge. Plants were categorized by age, height, basal stem girth and developmental stage, their spatial distribution was also recorded. Results: Analysis of plant age distribution indicates that the invasion process started when the plantations were 20–25 years old. Most invading plants were found within 20 m from the plantation edge, but a few individuals reached distances up to 100 m and became new invasion foci. Plant density declined sharply with distance from adult trees, data showing a better fit to a power model than to a negative exponential model. Invading Pinus began to produce cones earlier in the semi‐arid than in the Mediterranean region (9 vs 12 years to 50% reproductive plants). In both regions, higher densities of invading plants were found on the west side of the plantation, the opposite direction to the hot winds that prevail during seed release. Conclusion: The frontal advance of P. halepensis from plantations is relatively slow, but the populations also expand by a saltation process, creating spreading ‘islands’ of pine trees in the natural vegetation. Spatial pattern of recruits with distance from the source population was remarkably similar to the pattern of seed dispersal in the same region (Nathan et al. 1999). This implies that the probability of a dispersed seed developing into a plant is independent of the distance from the forest edge.  相似文献   



Crocodilians have dominated predatory niches at the water-land interface for over 85 million years. Like their ancestors, living species show substantial variation in their jaw proportions, dental form and body size. These differences are often assumed to reflect anatomical specialization related to feeding and niche occupation, but quantified data are scant. How these factors relate to biomechanical performance during feeding and their relevance to crocodilian evolutionary success are not known.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We measured adult bite forces and tooth pressures in all 23 extant crocodilian species and analyzed the results in ecological and phylogenetic contexts. We demonstrate that these reptiles generate the highest bite forces and tooth pressures known for any living animals. Bite forces strongly correlate with body size, and size changes are a major mechanism of feeding evolution in this group. Jaw shape demonstrates surprisingly little correlation to bite force and pressures. Bite forces can now be predicted in fossil crocodilians using the regression equations generated in this research.


Critical to crocodilian long-term success was the evolution of a high bite-force generating musculo-skeletal architecture. Once achieved, the relative force capacities of this system went essentially unmodified throughout subsequent diversification. Rampant changes in body size and concurrent changes in bite force served as a mechanism to allow access to differing prey types and sizes. Further access to the diversity of near-shore prey was gained primarily through changes in tooth pressure via the evolution of dental form and distributions of the teeth within the jaws. Rostral proportions changed substantially throughout crocodilian evolution, but not in correspondence with bite forces. The biomechanical and ecological ramifications of such changes need further examination.  相似文献   

Hypervariable genetic markers have revolutionized studies of kinship, behavioral ecology, and population biology in vertebrate groups such as birds, but their use in snakes remains limited. To illustrate the value of such markers in snakes, we review studies that have used microsatellite DNA loci to analyze local population differentiation and parentage in snakes. Four ecologically distinct species of snakes all show evidence for differentiation at small spatial scales (2-15 km), but with substantial differences among species. This result highlights how genetic analysis can reveal hidden aspects of the natural history of difficult-to-observe taxa, and it raises important questions about the ecological factors that may contribute to restricted gene flow. A 3-year study of genetic parentage in marked populations of the northern water snake showed that (1) participation in mating aggregations was a poor predictor of genetic-based measures of reproductive success; (2) multiple paternity was high, yet there was no detectable fitness advantage to multiple mating by females; and (3) the opportunity for selection was far higher in males than in females due to a larger variance in male reproductive success, and yet this resulted in no detectable selection on morphological variation in males. Thus genetic markers have provided accurate measures of individual reproductive success in this species, an important step toward resolving the adaptive significance of key features including multiple paternity and reversed sexual size dimorphism. Overall these studies illustrate how genetic analyses of snakes provide previously unobtainable information of long-standing interest to behavioral ecologists.  相似文献   

The cross-edge spillover of subsidized predators from anthropogenic to natural habitats is an important process affecting wildlife, especially bird, populations in fragmented landscapes. However, the importance of the spillover of insect natural enemies from agricultural to natural habitats is unknown, despite the abundance of studies examining movement in the opposite direction. Here, we synthesize studies from various ecological sub-disciplines to suggest that spillover of agriculturally subsidized insect natural enemies may be an important process affecting prey populations in natural habitat fragments. This contention is based on (1) the ubiquity of agricultural-natural edges in human dominated landscapes; (2) the substantial literature illustrating that crop and natural habitats share important insect predators; and (3) the clear importance of the landscape matrix, specifically distance to ecological edges, in influencing predator impacts in agroecosystems. Further support emerges from theory on the importance of cross-boundary subsidies for within site consumer-resource dynamics. In particular, high productivity and temporally variable resource abundance in agricultural systems are predicted to result in strong spillover effects. More empirical work examining the prevalence and significance of such natural enemy spillover will be critical to a broader understanding of fragmentation impacts on insect predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Nocardia are known to be a facultative human pathogen and can cause infection in immune compromised patients. Though the details research on the virulence factors of Nocardia are scanty but numerous genes that code such factors were reported from different species of Nocardia. Despite of the presence of several virulence factors, species of this genus have been shown to have role in remediation of many toxic and hazardous materials from the environment. In this study, genome sequences of rubber degrading Nocardia sp. BSTN01 and N.nova SH22a have been analyzed to locate the potential virulence genes. Also, the genomes of facultative pathogenic Nocardia like, N.africana, N. brasiliensis, N. kruczakiae, N. transvalensis and N. veterana have been analyzed to find the gene encoding latex clearing protein (Lcp), a rubber oxygenase enzyme of Gram-positive action bacteria. The study provides an insight about the potentiality of rubberdegrading Nocardia species to emerge as future human pathogens and also the probability of a serious concern if the studied facultative pathogens of Nocardia like N. africana, N. brasiliensis, N. kruczakiae, N. transvalensis and N. veterana are capable of degrading rubber, a regularly used material in clinics. Moreover, use of such possible pathogenic strains for their known role in bioremediation of rubber waste from the environment might be deleterious.  相似文献   

Inhospitable lava flows, high altitude stone deserts and subterranean habitats in the Hawaiian islands are now known to support a considerable variety of endemic arthropod species. Current studies of these organisms are revealing a remarkable range of morphological, behavioral and physiological adaptations to the physically extreme environments they inhabit.  相似文献   

The success or failure of interspecific crosses is vital to evolution and to agriculture, but much remains to be learned about the nature of hybridization barriers. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain postzygotic barriers, including negative interactions between diverged sequences, global genome rearrangements, and widespread epigenetic reprogramming. Another explanation is imbalance of paternally and maternally imprinted genes in the endosperm. Interspecific crosses between diploid Arabidopsis thaliana as the seed parent and tetraploid Arabidopsis arenosa as the pollen parent produced seeds that aborted with the same paternal excess endosperm phenotype seen in crosses between diploid and hexaploid A. thaliana. Doubling maternal ploidy restored seed viability and normal endosperm morphology. However, substituting a hypomethylated tetraploid A. thaliana seed parent reestablished the hybridization barrier by causing seed abortion and a lethal paternal excess phenotype. We conclude from these findings that the dominant cause of seed abortion in the diploid A. thaliana x tetraploid A. arenosa cross is parental genomic imbalance. Our results also demonstrate that manipulation of DNA methylation can be sufficient to erect hybridization barriers, offering a potential mechanism for speciation and a means of controlling gene flow between species.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) constitute a group of microbial biopolyesters with important ecosystem functions and a high biotechnological potential. During the past decade, the rapid development of new molecular and microscopic techniques resulted in novel insights into the ecology of PHA‐producing bacteria in aquatic and terrestrial microenvironments. Ecosystems showing fluctuating availability of carbon or transient limitation of essential nutrients, e.g. the rhizosphere of plants or estuarine sediments, contain a broad number of various PHA producers. PHA‐producing microorganisms show a widespread phylogenetic diversity and are often characterized by a symbiotic or syntrophic life style. PHA are already produced commercially in large‐scale fermentation. However, they have to compete economically with petrol‐based polymers. Hence, the development of low‐cost production strategies on the basis of diverse renewable materials is a crucial challenge. Ecological knowledge is required for these developments, which links both parts of the review together. The article highlights how a better understanding of the ecology of PHA‐producing microorganisms can lead to a broader application of microbial biopolymers on the basis of sustainable production processes. These processes have to be evaluated by means of life cycle assessment and Cleaner Production studies prior to their industrial implementation.  相似文献   

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