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The behavior of a California isolate of the predaceous nematode, Odontopharynx longicaudata de Man, was studied in water agar culture. When feeding on an Acrobeloides sp. the predator completed its life cycle in 13 to 14 days at 25 C. Optimum temperature for reproduction of the predator was 25 C, few individuals survived at 10 C, and 30 C was lethal. Males were necessary for reproduction, and at 25 C the sex ratio was about 1:1. All postembryonic stages were voracious feeders. A single female predator consumed 30 individuals of another Acrobeloides sp. in 1.5 days. Juveniles must feed in order to complete their development. Three modes of feeding were observed depending on the prey selected. A high degree of prey selectivity occurred; 6 of 17 nematode prey species were readily consumed by the predator, but there was little or no feeding on the remaining 11 species. Predation percentage varied with prey species. Consumption of Anguina pacificae and the two Acrobeloides spp. was almost 100%, consumption of A. amsinckiae, Pratylenchus vulnus, and Trichodorus sp. was 70-78%. Difference in final predator population densities was obtained after feeding on the two species of Acrobeloides. Final predator population densities increased linearly with increasing inoculum levels of the first Acrobeloides sp.  相似文献   

A new nematode species of the family Cylindrocorporidae and the genus Myctolaimellus from subcortical cavities made by the locust borer (Megacyllene robiniae Forster) in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is described. Males of the new species have a length of 700 to 1,050 µm; a bursate tail, peloderan with nine pairs of rays; and knobbed, curved spicules with tips bending gently into a hook. The distinctive gubernaculum is half the length of the spicules, deeply grooved longitudinally along both its dorsal and ventral surfaces, and has a spoon-shaped end. Females have a length of 830 to 1,340 µm, an amphidelphic reproductive tract with long ovaries crossing each other to extend beyond the equatorial vulva, and a gradually tapering tail.  相似文献   

Two new species of Prismatolaimus are described from Orange Bay, Hoste Island, Chile. Prismatolaimus novoporus sp. n. is distinguished by its females being 1.08-1.28 mm long and monovarial with a long postvulvar sac, and having a long tail (c'' = 21.5-32.2); males have 11-20 supplements confined to the posterior part of the body. Prismatolaimus chilensis sp. n. is distinguished by its amphidelphic reproductive system, short tail (c'' = 9.5), V = 63.4; males have 23 supplements reaching up to the neck region. A well-developed dorsal body pore behind the cardia connected with an apparently glandular organ is reported in P. novoporus sp. n. Function of the organ is unknown, and it is not a general feature in the genus. The generic diagnosis of Prismatolaimus is emended and keys to species, both females and males, are presented. The systematic position of Prismatolaimus is discussed, and it is judged to be the only genus of Prismatolaimidae. Also, it is concluded that Prismatolaimidae and Bastianidae represent two sister taxa in Araeolaimida or Leptolaimina.  相似文献   

Study of the syntype of Larinioides subinermis, a species known from Ethiopia only, revealed that it actually belongs to Singafrotypa Benoit, 1962. We redescribe Singafrotypa subinermis (Caporiacco, 1940), comb. n., and provide a key to females of four species belonging to Singafrotypa. A distribution map for all species is provided.  相似文献   

The free-living nematodes Eumonhystera borealis n. sp., Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp., and S. gracilis de Man 1876 from Bothnian Bay in the northern Baltic Sea are described and illustrated. Eumonhystera borealis n. sp. differs from other species by its small body size (314-393 μm), narrow body (a = 37-49), and large anterior amphids. In Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp. the amphids are posterior to the buccal cavity, and it differs from other similar species by having two sclerotized rings in the posterior part of the buccal cavity. An intersex is reported for S. gracilis. Sphaerolaimus gracilis is cannibalistic or a predator of other species, with a preference for E. borealis n. sp. Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp. coexists with S. gracilis at depths of 80 m but not at 12 m.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new and two known species of Paroigolaimella collected from India. Paroigolaimella helalii n. sp. is characterized by having conspicuous sexual dimorphism in the stoma and pharynx, ovaries with a sphincter separating the mature oocyte from developing ones, a vagina leading to a strong ovijector, a pore-like vulva with cuticular flap; males with slender strongly arcuate spicules with dilated capitula; the gubernaculum slender with expanded plate-like distal end and nine pairs of genital papillae, and four to five pairs of copulatory muscle bands. P. coprophila (Sudhaus and Rehfeld, 1990) Sudhaus and Fürst von Lieven, 2003 collected from leaf litter from a farmyard has been redescribed with reassessment of its distinguishing characters from P. bernensis. P. bodamica (Micoletzky, 1922) n. comb. has been described and its status has been discussed with context to P. bernensis.  相似文献   

A steinernematid nematode was isolated from soil samples collected near St. John''s, Newfoundland, Canada. On the basis of its morphometry and RFLPs in ribosomal DNA spacer, it was designated as a new strain, NF, of Steinernema feltiae. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis was used to separate isozymes of eight enzymes in infective juveniles of S. feltiae NF as well as four other isolates: S. feltiae Umeå strain, S. feltiae L1C strain, Steinernema carpocapsae All strain, and Steinernema riobravis TX strain. Based on comparisons of the relative electrophoretic mobilities (μ) of the isozymes, one of the eight enzymes (arginine kinase) yielded zymograms that were distinctive for each of the isolates, except for the Umeå and NF strains of S. feltiae, which had identical banding patterns. Four enzymes (fumarate hydratase, phosphoglucoisomerase, phosphoglucomutase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) yielded isozyme banding patterns that were characteristic for all isolates, except for the L1C and NF strains of S. feltiae, which were identical. Two enzymes (aspartate amino transferase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) yielded zymograms that permitted S. carpocapsae All strain to be discriminated from the other four isolates, while the remaining enzyme (mannose-6-phosphate isomerase) was discriminatory for S. riobravis TX strain. Except for one enzyme, the isozyme banding pattern of the NF isolate of S. feltiae was the same as in the L1C strain, isolated 13 years previously from Newfoundland. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis could prove invaluable for taxonomic identification of isolates of steinernematids, provided that a combination of enzymes is used.  相似文献   

The taxonomy, biology, and population status of flying foxes (Pteropus spp.) remain little investigated in the Caroline Islands, Micronesia, where multiple endemic taxa occur. Our study evaluated the taxonomic relationships between the flying foxes of the Mortlock Islands (a subgroup of the Carolines) and two closely related taxa from elsewhere in the region, and involved the first ever field study of the Mortlock population. Through a review of historical literature, the name Pteropus pelagicus Kittlitz, 1836 is resurrected to replace the prevailing but younger name Pteropus phaeocephalus Thomas, 1882 for the flying fox of the Mortlocks. On the basis of cranial and external morphological comparisons, Pteropus pelagicus is united taxonomically with Pteropus insularis “Hombron and Jacquinot, 1842” (with authority herein emended to Jacquinot and Pucheran 1853), and the two formerly monotypic species are now treated as subspecies — Pteropus pelagicus pelagicus in the Mortlocks, and Pteropus phaeocephalus insularis on the islands of Chuuk Lagoon and Namonuito Atoll. The closest relative of Pteropus pelagicus is Pteropus tokudae Tate, 1934, of Guam, which is best regarded as a distinct species. Pteropus pelagicus pelagicus is the only known resident bat in the Mortlock Islands, a chain of more than 100 atoll islands with a total land area of <12 km2. Based on field observations in 2004, we estimated a population size of 925–1,200 bats, most of which occurred on Satawan and Lukunor Atolls, the two largest and southernmost atolls in the chain. Bats were absent on Nama Island and possibly extirpated from Losap Atoll in the northern Mortlocks. Resident Mortlockese indicated bats were more common in the past, but that the population generally has remained stable in recent years. Most Pteropus phaeocephalus pelagicus roosted alone or in groups of 5–10 bats; a roost of 27 was the largest noted. Diet is comprised of at least eight plant species, with breadfruit (Artocarpus spp.) being a preferred food. Records of females with young (April, July) and pregnant females (July) suggest an extended breeding season. Pteropus pelagicus pelagicus appears most threatened by the prospect of sea level rise associated with global climate change, which has the potential to submerge or reduce the size of atolls in the Mortlocks. Occasional severe typhoons probably temporarily reduce populations on heavily damaged atolls, but hunting and ongoing habitat loss are not current problems for the subspecies.  相似文献   

Ying Tian  Guo-Dong Ren  Qiang Li 《ZooKeys》2014,(426):111-118
This paper deals with a species-group carniolica of the genus Nacerdes from China. This species-group has seven known species/subspecies in the world and two of them are known from China. Nacerdes (Xanthochroa) arcuata sp. n. is a new species belonging to carniolica group. The species were collected from Anhui (Eastern China, 30°02''17.37"N, 118°50''1.72"E). A key to the species of the species-group from China is given along with a distribution map.  相似文献   

A cyst nematode, Heterodera goldeni n. sp., is photographed and described from Qasabagrass roots (Panicum coloratum L.) in Alexandria, Egypt. It is characterized in having second-stage juveniles with body length of 546 µm (450-612), stylet length of 22.6 µm (22-23.5) with anchor-shaped knobs, lateral field with 3 lines, tail 60-75 µm, hyaline tail terminus 38.4 µm (33-43); cysts are lemon-shaped, dark to light brown with an extensive sub-crystalline layer covering the entire cyst, cuticular midbody pattern zig-zag, cysts ambifenestrate, well-developed underbridge with finger-like projections, bullae present, vulva slit measuring 44-48 µm long. Males are absent, and females have heavy punctations on the cuticle. Its relationship to H. graminophila described from Florida and Louisiana and H. leuceilyma described from Florida are discussed. The present known distribution is restricted to Alexandria, Egypt. Its economic importance in rangeland grasses and cultivated crops such as rice is not known.  相似文献   

The free-living marine nematode Dracognomus simplex (Gerlach, 1954) Allen &Noffsinger, 1978 was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The morphology of males and females is described and illustrated in detail. In addition to the typical and modified adhesion tubes, a new type of posterior adhesion tube was discovered. A neotype is proposed for Dracognomus simplex, and D. simplex sensu Decraemer &Gourbault, 1986 is renamed as Dracognomus americanum n. sp. Additionally, a key toward the Dracognomus species is proposed.  相似文献   

The identity and taxonomy of the genus Crassolabium are discussed based on examination of material of C. australe, its type species and its comparison with Iberian species of close genera. The existence of refractive masses (thickenings) at the inner core of lateral lips, the most distinctive diagnostic feature of Crassolabium, is considered to be of minor taxonomical significance because of its interspecific and even intraspecific variability. It is concluded that Crassolabium and Thonus are identical, and a reversal of precedence among both genera is suggested. Crassolabium australe is re-described, and some comments are provided on C. robustum, the second species in the genus.  相似文献   

Crews SC  Harvey MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(99):1-104
We relimit and revise the family Selenopidae to include four new genera and 27 new species from Australia and the Oriental Region. The family is redefined, as are the genera Anyphops Benoit, Garcorops Corronca, Hovops Benoit, Selenops Latreille, and Siamspinops Dankittipakul & Corronca, to accommodate the new genera and to correct previous inconsistencies in the diagnoses and definitions of the aforementioned genera. The species of Selenops that occur throughout India and China are also reviewed. Three species occur in China: Selenops bursarius Karsch 1879, also known from Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Selenops ollarius Zhu, Sha, & Chen 1990, and Selenops radiatus Latreille 1819, the type of the genus and most widespread selenopid. Selenops cordatus Zhu, Sha & Chen syn. n. is recognized as a junior synonym of Selenops radiatus. Amamanganopsgen. n. is monotypic, with Amamanganops baginawasp. n. (♀; from the Philippines). Godumopsgen. n. is monotypic, with Godumops caritussp. n. (♂; from Papua New Guinea). Karaopsgen. n. occurs throughout Australia and includes 24 species. A new combination is proposed for Karaops australiensis (L. Koch 1875) comb. n. (ex. Selenops), and the new species: Karaops gangariesp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops monteithisp. n. (♀), Karaops alanlongbottomisp. n. (♂), Karaops keithlongbottomisp. n. (♂), Karaops larryoosp. n. (♂), Karaops jarritsp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops marrayagongsp. n. (♀), Karaops ravenisp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops badgeraddasp. n. (♀), Karaops burbidgeisp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops karrawarlasp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops julianneaesp. n. (♀), Karaops martamartasp. n. (♀), Karaops manaaynsp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops vadlaadambarasp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops pilkingtonisp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops deserticolasp. n. (♀), Karaops ngarutjaranyasp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops francesaesp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops toolbrunupsp. n. (♀, ♂), the type species Karaops ellenaesp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops jenniferaesp. n. (♀), and Karaops dawarasp. n. (♀).The genus Makdiopsgen. n. contains five species from India and Nepal. A new combination is proposed for Makdiops agumbensis (Tikader 1969), comb. n., Makdiops montigenus (Simon 1889), comb. n., Makdiops nilgirensis (Reimoser 1934) comb. n.,(ex. Selenops). Also, there are two new species the type of the genus Makdiops mahishasurasp. n. (♀; from India), and Makdiops shivasp. n. (♀). The genus Pakawopsgen. n. is monotypic. A new combination is proposed for Pakawops formosanus (Kayashima 1943) comb. n. (ex. Selenops), known only from Taiwan. A new combination is proposed for Siamspinops aculeatus (Simon)comb. n. (ex. Selenops). The distribution and diversity of the studied selenopid fauna is discussed. Finally, keys are provided to all of the selenopid genera and to the species of Karaopsgen. n.and Makdiopsgen. n.  相似文献   

Paolo Rosa  Hege V?rdal 《ZooKeys》2015,(495):79-132
A critical and annotated catalogue of 72 types of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) belonging to 53 species and subspecies housed in the Swedish Museum of Natural History is given. The lectotypes of Chrysis diversa Dahlbom, 1845, Chrysis soror Dahlbom, 1854, Chrysura sulcata Dahlbom, 1845 and Holopyga amoenula Dahlbom, 1845 are designated. The previous lectotype of Chrysis diversa Dahlbom, 1845 is set aside. Five new synonymies are proposed: Chrysis elegans var. smaragdula Trautmann, 1926 (currently Chrysis elegans ssp. interrogata Linsenmaier, 1959 repl. name for smaragdula Trautmann, nec Fabricius, 1775), syn. n. of Chrysis confluens (Dahlbom, 1845); Chrysis eximia Mocsáry, 1889, syn. n. of Chrysis poecila Mocsáry, 1889; Chrysis pyrrhina Dahlbom, 1845, syn. n. of Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845; Chrysis separata Trautmann, 1926, syn. n. of Chrysis lateralis Dahlbom, 1845; Chrysis sicula Abeille de Perrin, 1877, syn. n. of Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845. Chrysis serena Radoszkowski, 1891 is the first available name for Chrysis pyrrhina sensu auctorum. Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845 is revaluated as valid species. The neotype of Chrysis inaequalis Dahlbom, 1845 is designated in the Linsenmaier collection (NMLS). Illustrations of 34 types are given.  相似文献   

Thecavermiculatus andinus n.sp. is described and illustrated from Oxalis tuberosa originally collected in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca high in the Andes mountains of southern Peru. This new species differs markedly front the other two species in the genus, especially in having a much greater female vulval-anal distance and annules with lined punctation on most of the female body with a lacelike pattern restricted to the posterior portion, particularly at the vulva and anus which do not protrude. Females are essentially spherical with protruding neck, white to yellowish in color, and can easily be mistaken for potato cyst nematodes. Among the dozen or more known weed and crop host plants are potato and eggplant. In order to accommodate this new species, the genus Thecavermieulatus is emended. A key to the species of this genus is presented.  相似文献   

Crematogaster fraxatrix Forel, 1911 and two new species, C. chhangi sp. n. and C. simboloni sp. n., are described from Cambodia and Indonesia, respectively. DNA sequences were generated for C. fraxarix and the two newly described species using 3 amplications of two regions of the mitochondrial gene COI with a total of 1129 bp. The mean interspecific divergences are 9.4% and 23.5% for C. fraxatrix vs. C. chhangi, C. simboloni, respectively. DNA sequences reveal that C. simboloni is found to be genetically distinct from the other two species, but C. chhangi is not distinct from C. fraxatrix.  相似文献   

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