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Studies of short or medium range geographic variations play an increasing role in ecological genetics, and sensitive techniques are required to detect them. In this respect, two sampling techniques were compared inD. melanogaster. The biological data were provided by the analysis of four natural populations from the same geographic area, Spain (one) and Southern France (three), for four morphometrical traits: abdomen and thoracic pigmentation, and wing and thorax lengths. Traits were measured on wild living females and on their progeny reared in the laboratory at 25°C. For progeny analyses, two techniques were compared: the usual isofemale line technique, sib families issued from a single female, and a new isogroup technique, the progeny produced by a group of 20 wild-collected parents. Large phenotypic variations were observed in wild living flies, corresponding to the unstability of natural environmental conditions during their development. Among laboratory grown flies, variations were much smaller. Between isogroups, differences were small, due to sampling error and some common environment effects. Variations between lines were much greater, thus demonstrating a strong genetic component. When different populations have to be compared, the isogroup technique should be preferred since, for the same amount of work, the lesser variability between groups provides a more precise characterization of the population means.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 59 gene loci coding for enzymes (50) and larval proteins (9) has been studied in sympatric populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from insular and continental origin. The average number of alleles per locus, the mean proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity are similar both within and between species. There are however some significant differences between D. simulans populations in the genotypic frequencies for four polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

Genetic structure and variability were investigated in several Hawaiian populations of D. simulans and D. immigrans. Genetic variability is lower in Hawaiian populations of D. simulans than in Texas populations, and allelic differences exist as well. For D. immigrans, Hawaiian and Korean populations are similar in variability, allelic content, and gene frequencies. Several hypothesis are advanced to account for the patterns in gene variation observed between island and continental populations of these two colonizing species.This research was supported by Grant GB-23230 to the Hawaii Subprogram of the International Biology Program, by Grant GB-27586 to Dr. H. L. Carson, and by the Research Board of the School of Life Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.Technical Report No. 57 of the U.S. IBP, Hawaii Integrated Research Program.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in patch time allocation in a parasitic wasp   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
1. The intra-patch experience acquired by foraging parasitoid females has often been considered to have a strong influence on their tendency to leave a patch, and thus on their total patch residence time. Most studies that have been performed on this subject suggest that the patch-leaving rules observed are adaptive because they enable the females to adjust their patch residence time to local environmental conditions.
2. Considering a behavioural rule as being adaptive supposes that it has been progressively settled by natural selection, and thus that there is, in the population, genetic variation on which the natural selection could act.
3. Therefore, this study aimed to discover whether there was indeed genetic variability in the patch-leaving decision rules in a population of the egg parasitoid species Telenomus busseolae , which attacks patches of its hosts, the eggs of Sesamia nonagrioides . Different wasp families were compared using the isofemale lines method, and the behavioural records were analysed by means of a modified version of the Cox's proportional hazards model proposed by Haccou et al . (1991 ) and Hemerik, Driessen & Haccou (1993 ).
4. The results obtained show that T. busseolae females increase their tendency to leave the patch after each successful oviposition. Each host rejection also led to an increase in the tendency to leave the patch, but this effect was smaller when host rejections were observed between two ovipositions occurring in rapid succession. Subsequent visits to the patch also increased the patch-leaving tendency.
5. Genetic variability was found in both the global patch-leaving tendency and in the effect that successful ovipositions and host rejections have on this tendency.
6. The adaptive and evolutionary consequences of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of foraging hymenopterous parasitoid females to discover their hosts, and thus to be efficient agents in biological control programs, is likely to be related to the surface they are able to prospect per unit of time. However, this behavioural trait has never been accurately estimated, and its implication in female efficiency has never been really demonstrated. This paper provides an algorithmic method that can be used to estimate this trait from an automatic recording of the females' walking path. Using stochastic procedures simulating walking tracks, this trait is shown to be strongly related to the number of hosts that parasitoid females are able to attack per unit of time. This trait was estimated for individual females of Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera; Trichogrammatidae). On average, females of this species are able to prospect about 28mm(2)s(-1). Finally, the genetic variation in this trait was studied using the iso-female line method. A significant genetic variability was observed. It provides the basic information that is necessary to start a genetic selection of mass-reared Trichogramma in order to improve their efficiency in controlling target pests in biological control programs. The functional and evolutionary implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Preadult mortality of Drosophila simulans in the laboratory is influenced by larval behavior during pupation site choice. The possibility that larvae select a suitable place to pupate may have profound repercussions on their darwinian fitnesses. Twenty-three isofemale lines of a population of D. simulans were analyzed twice for pupation preference, the first time inmediately after being captured, and again after a year of laboratory culture. Pupation height per vial, pupation height on the vial walls, percentage of pupae either in food or on the wall, and egg-to-pupa viability were estimated. A great intrapopulational variation was noticed with an important genetic component for pupation site choice. This suggests a great larval adaptative potential in the population for selecting and using heterogeneous habitats. Time seems not to have modified the population in both the mean values and the phenotypic and genetic variances. Larval viability, however, increased with time. Pupation site choice is discussed on the basis of two independent sets of genes.  相似文献   

Associations between mycophagous Drosophila and nematode parasites occur throughout the temperate and boreal regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. The nematode Howardula aoronymphium has substantial adverse effects on host survival and fertility on North American Drosophila. Long-term data show that rainy summers lead to a high prevalence of parasitism in the fall and the following spring, resulting in up to a 1-yr time lag between present rainfall and increased prevalence of H. aoronymphium parasitism. A biogeographic analysis of the relative abundance of different Drosophila species has shown that H. aoronymphium may facilitate the coexistence of different species of Drosophila that compete for larval food resources. The actual host range of parasites in nature is determined by the intrinsic suitability of potential hosts for parasite infection and reproduction and various ecological factors. For H. aoronymphium in eastern North America, intrinsically suitable hosts fall within a restricted clade within the genus Drosophila. However, the temperature sensitivity of H. aoronymphium prevents it from using several host species that occur outside the geographical range of the nematodes. Finally, the host range, virulence, and geographical range of Drosophila-parasitic nematodes appear to be highly dynamic over evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   

Selection for increased numbers of dorsocentral and scutellar bristles produced an increase of In(3R)C heterozygotes in isofemale lines of D. melanogaster. The influence of polygenic selection in the maintenance of the chromosomal polymorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

Drosophila prolongata, a member of the rhopaloa subgroup of the melanogaster species group, occurs in Southeast Asia. Drosophila prolongata is known to have unique and prominent sexual dimorphism, with extraordinarily thick and elongated forelegs only in males. Mating behavior of D. prolongata is also characteristic: males perform “leg vibration” in their courtship toward females, in which the elongated forelegs play an important role. Comparisons with closely related species suggest that these morphological and behavioral traits have evolved rapidly after the divergence of D. prolongata. In the present study, variation in morphological and behavioral traits was examined among D. prolongata strains derived from single females collected in their natural habitats. Significant variations were detected in the size of various body parts, aggressiveness of interactions between males, and mating behavior. However, no obvious relationship was observed between morphological and behavioral traits. These results suggested that genetic factors contribute to the variation in morphological and behavioral traits in D. prolongata. The strains characterized in this study are useful for studies on the genetic mechanisms underlying the evolution of characteristic traits in D. prolongata.  相似文献   

Lee SF  Rako L  Hoffmann AA 《Heredity》2011,107(1):22-29
Many ecologically important traits exhibit latitudinal variation. Body size clines have been described repeatedly in insects across multiple continents, suggesting that similar selective forces are shaping these geographical gradients. It is unknown whether these parallel clinal patterns are controlled by the same or different genetic mechanism(s). We present here, quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of wing size variation in Drosophila simulans. Our results show that much of the wing size variation is controlled by a QTL on Chr 3L with relatively minor contribution from other chromosome arms. Comparative analysis of the genomic positions of the QTL indicates that the major QTL on Chr 3 are distinct in D. simulans and D. melanogaster, whereas the QTL on Chr 2R might overlap between species. Our results suggest that parallel evolution of wing size clines could be driven by non-identical genetic mechanisms but in both cases involve a major QTL as well as smaller effects of other genomic regions.  相似文献   

The sex comb on the forelegs of Drosophila males is a secondary sexual trait, and the number of teeth on these combs varies greatly within and between species. To understand the relationship between the intra- and interspecific variation, we performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses of the intraspecific variation in sex-comb tooth number. We used five mapping populations derived from two inbred Drosophila simulans strains that were divergent in the number of sex-comb teeth. Although no QTLs were detected on the X chromosome, we identified four QTLs on the second chromosome and three QTLs on the third chromosome. While identification and estimated effects of the second-chromosome QTLs depend on genetic backgrounds, significant and consistent effects of the two third-chromosome QTLs were found in two genetic backgrounds. There were significant epistatic interactions between a second-chromosome QTL and a third-chromosome QTL, as well as between two second-chromosome QTLs. The third-chromosome QTLs are concordant with the locations of the QTLs responsible for the previously observed differences in sex-comb tooth number between D. simulans and D. mauritiana.  相似文献   

We investigated body-size inheritance in interspecific sterile hybrids by crossing a Drosophila simulans strain with 13 strains of Drosophila melanogaster, which were of various origins and chosen for their broad range of genetic variation. A highly significant parent-offspring correlation was observed, showing that the D. melanogaster genes for size are still expressed in a hybrid background. Superimposed on to this additive inheritance, the size of hybrids was always less than the mid-parent value. This phenomenon, which at first sight might be described as dominance or overdominance, is more precisely interpreted as a consequence of a hybrid breakdown, that is, a dysfunction of the parental genes for size when put to work together. This interpretation is enforced by the fact that phenotypic variability was much more prevalent in hybrids than in parents. We also analysed body pigmentation inheritance in the same crosses and got a very different picture. There was no increase in the phenotypic variance of F(1) hybrids and only a low parent-offspring correlation. Apparent overdominance could be observed but in opposite directions, with no evidence of hybrid breakdown. Our data point to the possibility of analysing a diversity of quantitative traits in interspecific hybrids, and indicate that breakdown might be restricted to some traits only.  相似文献   

Macroecology of a host-parasite relationship   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The larvae of freshwater mussels are obligate ectoparasites on fishes while adults are sedentary and benthic. Dispersal of mussels is dependent on the movement of fish hosts, a regional process, but growth and reproduction should be governed by local processes. Thus, mussel assemblage attributes should be predictable from the regional distribution and abundance of fishes. At a broad spatial scale in the Red River drainage, USA, mussel species richness and fish species richness were positively associated; maximum mussel richness was limited by fish richness, but was variable beneath that constraint. Measured environmental variables and the associated local fish assemblages each significantly accounted for the regional variation in mussel assemblages. Furthermore, mussel assemblages showed strong spatial autocorrelation. Variation partitioning revealed that pure fish effects accounted for 15.4% of the variation in mussel assemblages; pure spatial and environmental effects accounted for 16.1% and 7.8%, respectively. Shared variation among fish, space and environmental variables totaled 40%. Of this shared variation, 36.8% was associated with the fish matrix. Thus, the variation in mussel assemblages that was associated with the distribution and abundance of fishes was substantial (> 50%), indicating that fish community structure is an important determinant of mussel community structure. Although animals commonly disperse plants and, thus, influence the structure of plant communities, our results show a strong macroecological association between two disparate animal groups with one strongly affecting the assemblage structure of the other.  相似文献   

In order to maximize their fitness under Local Mate Competition (LMC), arrhenotokous female wasps have to produce a precise sex ratio when encountering hosts. Recent progress in the theory of hymenopterous parasitoid reproduction suggest that they manage to do it by laying male and female eggs in a particular order and that such reproductive strategies are adaptive. Therefore, the determinism of such sequential patterns would be regulated by genetic control on which natural selection could act. To test this hypothesis, sequences of oviposition were recorded in a set ofTrichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera; Trichogrammatidae) females and in their daughters by providing themEphestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae) eggs. In order to describe accurately sex pattern within these oviposition sequences, I present a joined non-parametric and multivariate statistical method. It is shown thatT. brassicae females do not produce male and female eggs in random sequences. Moreover, the way they organize the sequence of the sexes in their progeny seems to be under a strong genetic control. The evolutionary consequences of such results are discussed.  相似文献   

We addressed the question if local adaptation to a thermal gradient is possible in spite of a high gene flow among closely spaced populations of two species of Drosophila from the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Variation in multiple traits related to stress resistance in different life stages was measured in both species in flies collected from five localities at different altitudes and thereby with different climatic conditions. Based on microsatellite loci, the populations were not genetically differentiated. However, 18 of the 24 independent traits measured showed significant differentiation among populations of Drosophila buzzatii, but only nine of 25 for Drosophila simulans. This difference in the number of traits might reflect higher habitat specificity and thus higher potential for local adaptation of D. buzzatii than D. simulans. We found clinal variation, as some traits showed significant linear regressions on altitude, but more on altitude cubed.  相似文献   

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