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Mouse bone marrow produces many "null" lymphocytes which lack B and T lineage markers (B220-Thy1-). A subset of these cells expresses the natural killer (NK) cell marker, NK1.1. In addition, some rapidly renewed bone marrow lymphocytes express low intensities of Thy1 (Thy1lo). In view of their possible implication in tumor-host interactions these various cell populations have now been examined in mice injected with either the nonmetastatic Ehrlich ascites (EA) tumor or the Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc), a highly metastatic solid tumor. In each case, the number of null lymphocytes, as defined by a lack of radioautographic labeling of either B220 glycoprotein or Thy1, increased markedly in both the bone marrow and spleen. Treatment with the prostaglandin inhibitor, indomethacin, enhanced the increase in null cells in the bone marrow and spleen of LLc-bearing mice. The number of null small lymphocytes expressing NK1.1, as detected by combined radioautographic and immunoperoxidase techniques, increased almost 30-fold in LLc-bearing mice. The number of Thy1lo small lymphocytes increased in parallel with null cells during EA tumor growth. The findings accord with the hypothesis that the null lymphocyte population produced in mouse bone marrow includes newly formed NK lineage cells which sequentially express NK1.1 and Thy1lo. The present work demonstrates that the populations of null, NK1.1+, and Thy1lo lymphocytes in mouse bone marrow expand rapidly during the early growth of transplanted tumors, the initial increase in null lymphocytes apparently being curtailed by prostaglandin production. The results suggest that the production of null lymphocytes in mouse bone marrow is responsive to tumor development, possibly providing cells to be involved in tumor-host interactions.  相似文献   

Recent reports have shown that various marrow-derived cell populations respond vigorously to recombinant rat stem cell factor (rrSCF164), one form of the kit-ligand. In the present study, we isolated cell populations from rat bone marrow using the Thy 1.1 antigen (an antigen that in the rat is differentially expressed on primitive hemopoietic progenitor cells) and fluorescently conjugated rrSCF164 (rrSCF164-PE). We show that rrSCF164 only stimulates cells that are enriched in the brightest Thy 1.1 populations (Thy 1.1bright). Numerous cell lines were generated by serial passage in rrSCF164 containing medium, and the prototypic cell lines have been designated SRT002 and SRT003. Each cell line retains the Thy 1.1bright phenotype and does not respond to interleukins (IL) 1-8, IL-10, granulocyte (G) colony-stimulating factor (CSF), granulocyte macrophage (GM) CSF, M-CSF, or crude preparations of mitogen-stimulated T-cell supernatants. The Thy 1.1bright population of rat marrow was subdivided into a subset that binds rrSCF164-PE (Thy 1.1bright, rrSCF164+). The majority of these cells possess certain characteristics in common with marrow-derived mast cells and the Thy 1.1bright, rrSCF164 responsive cell lines, having similar granule morphology, being metachromatic, and reacting positively with alcian blue. Moreover, rats treated with rrSCF164 displayed significant increases in Thy 1.1bright, rrSCF164+ cells in the bone marrow. These studies show that the combination of Thy 1.1 and rrSCF164 makes possible the isolation of a unique subset of rat bone marrow cells that differentially express the Thy 1.1 antigen and the cell surface receptor c-kit, the majority of which are morphologically similar to marrow-derived mast cells.  相似文献   

The coculture of rat bone marrow cells with recombinant interleukin-2 induced the generation of cells mediating natural killer (NK) activity and subsequent lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity depending upon the dose of IL-2 and time of culture. NK activity was detected as early as 4 to 5 days after the addition of IL-2 and could be evoked with as little as 5 to 50 U/ml. The induced NK cells had large granular lymphocyte (LGL) morphology and expressed 0X8 and asialo GM1 surface markers but did not express 0X19 or W3/25 markers. LAK activity was detected only after 5 days of culture, and required above 100 U/ml IL-2. Cells mediating LAK activity also expressed 0X8 and asialo GM1 but not 0X19. The generation of detectable NK and subsequent LAK activity was due to induction of early progenitor cells and not contaminating mature LGL/NK cells within the bone marrow population since of removal of such mature NK cells with L-leucine methyl ester (L-LME) did not affect the subsequent generation of either activity. Moreover, the removal of actively dividing cells as well as mature NK cells from the bone marrow by treatment with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in vivo enriched the remaining bone marrow population for both NK and LAK progenitor cells. The phenotype of the L-LME- and 5-FU-resistant NK and LAK progenitor cells within populations of bone marrow was determined by antibody plus complement depletion analysis. Although treatment of normal bone marrow with anti-asialo GM1 + C reduced the induction of NK and LAK activity in 5-day cultures, treatment of 5-FU marrow with anti-asialo GM1 + C did not affect either activity. Treatment with a pan-T cell antibody + C did not affect the development of NK or LAK activity under any conditions. Thus, the 5-FU-resistant NK/LAK progenitors were asialo GM1 negative but became asialo GM1+ after induction by IL-2. Finally, evidence that bone marrow-derived LAK cells were generated directly from the IL-2-induced NK cells was obtained by treating the IL-2-induced LGL/NK cells with L-LME.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Following previous work showing that electrothermocoagulation of the median region of the hypothalamus (MH) caused a marked and permanent decrease in the cytotoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells and in the number of large granular lymphocytes, a study was made of the effect of such lesions on the generation of NK cells in the bone marrow (BM) and spleen of C57BL/6 mice. Fresh spleen and BM cells from MH-lesioned and sham-operated mice were cultured with 40 U of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2). NK activity was significantly higher in BM of lesioned mice, whereas spleen NK activity was greater in the sham-operated controls. NK cells matured by culture with rIL-2 were characterized by assay with fluorescent monoclonal antibodies and found to display the typical NK phenotype. These results show that the number of NK precursors is greater in BM of MH-lesioned mice and that their migration into other organs is probably partially impeded. It can also be concluded that intactness of both BM and the hypothalamus is essential for the physiological generation of NK cells.  相似文献   

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) are multipotent progenitor cells that have shown promise for several different therapeutic applications. As they are able to modulate the function of several types of immune cells, BM-MSCs are highly important in the field of cell-based immunotherapy. Understanding BM-MSC-natural killer (NK) cell interactions is crucial for improving their therapeutic efficiency. Here, we observed that the type of NK cell-activating cytokine (e.g., IL-2, IL-12, IL-15 and IL-21) strongly influenced the outcomes of their interactions with BM-MSCs. The expression patterns of the ligands (CD112, CD155, ULPB-3) and receptors (LAIR, NCR) mediating the cross-talk between BM-MSCs and NK cells were critically modulated following co-culture. BM-MSCs partially impaired NK cell proliferation but up-regulated their secretion of IFN-γ and TNF-α. As they are cytotoxic, activated NK cells induced the killing of BM-MSCs. Indeed, BM-MSCs triggered the degranulation of NK cells and increased their release of perforin and granzymes. Interestingly, activated NK cells induced ROS generation within BM-MSCs that caused their decreased viability and reduced expression of serpin B9. Collectively, our observations reveal that BM-MSC-NK cell interactions may impact the immunobiology of both cell types. The therapeutic potential of BM-MSCs will be significantly improved once these issues are well characterized.  相似文献   

The growth kinetics and population dynamics of recombinent interleukin-2 (rlL-2) stimulated human natural killer (NK) cell-enriched populations were studied in vitro. The NK-enriched populations was obtained from normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) by immunomagnetic bead depletion of CD3(+) and CD5(+) T cells. The growth kinetics of NK cells, T cells, monocytes, and total cells are shown. In the absence of PBMNC accessory cells, the NK-enriched population showed limited expansion. In the presence of PBMNC accessory cells, the NK-enriched population expanded threefold more than in the absence of accessory cells due to increased NK cell growth rate and increased duration of exponential growth. Using a Transwell system, which separates two cell population by a polycarbonate membrane, the accessory cells were shown to act on the NK-enriched population via a diffusible factor. Accessory cell conditioned media was able to replace the accessory cell population to stimulate NK cell expansion. A monocyte-enriched population prepared by sheep red blood cell rosetting of T cells was extensively phenotyped and compared with the NK-enriched populations. Although the final cultured cells were phenotypically homogeneous for CD56(+)/CD3(-) NK cells, the initial NK precusor populations appear to be different. Namely, the NK cell precursors in the monocyte-enriched population were predominantly CD56(+)/CD2(-). Kinetic equations were formulated for this culture system and the effects of major culture variables are investigated.  相似文献   

Purified NK cells were obtained from mice with severe combined immune deficiency and were activated with human IL-2 (hrIL-2) in vitro to determine if, once activated, these cells could be transferred with compatible bone marrow cells (BMC) and promote marrow engraftment in irradiated allogeneic recipients. After culture with hrIL-2, these cells maintained a phenotypic and lytic spectrum consistent with a pure population of activated NK cells. These activated NK cells were then adoptively transferred with the donor BMC and rhIL-2 into lethally irradiated allogeneic hosts. The addition of NK cells with the BMC allowed for more rapid hematopoietic engraftment as determined through short term studies, and greater donor-derived chimerism with accelerated reconstitution of the B cell population as determined with long term analysis. No evidence of graft-vs-host disease was detected in the recipients receiving the activated NK cells with allogeneic T cell replete BMC and hrIL-2. The mechanism by which the transferred NK cells improved BMC engraftment was at least partly through the abrogation of the host effector cell's ability to mediate resistance to the marrow graft. Thus, the administration of donor-type activated NK cells with BMC and hrIL-2 may significantly augment hematopoietic engraftment and immune reconstitution in the clinical setting of allogeneic BMT without giving rise to graft-vs-host disease.  相似文献   

Non-adherent Percoll-separated large granular lymphocytes (LGLs) fractionated by fluorescence-activated cell sorter into CD16+ CD4- natural killer (NK) cells and CD16- CD4+ T cells, were co-cultured with bone marrow (BM) cells previously depleted of adherent T and/or NK cells by immunoadsorption (panning) and plated in a clonogenic assay to assess myeloid colony formation (CFU-gm growth). LGLs, NK cells and LGL T cells [low buoyant density (LBD) T cells] each significantly reduced colony-stimulating factor (CSF)-dependent CFU-gm growth to 70% of control values (p less than 0.05). Non-LGL T cells [high buoyant density (HBD) T cells] did not affect this growth. Incubation of the effector cells with human recombinant interleukin 2 prior to co-culturing did not alter these findings. The supernatants obtained from LGLs, NK cells and LBD T cells co-cultured with BM cells also inhibited CFU-gm growth to 70% of the control, whereas supernatants from effector cells which were not co-cultured with BM had no such effect. These supernatants from the LGL:BM co-cultured cells possessed NK cytotoxic factor (NKCF), but lacked alpha and gamma interferons, tissue necrosis factor-alpha, and prostaglandin E2. These results suggest that BM cells stimulate LGLs to produce NKCF, and that LGLs, CD16+ NK cells, and CD4+ CD16- LBD T cells activated by contact with BM cells inhibit CFU-gm growth.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of YAC-1 target cell DNA during cytolysis mediated by mouse natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was compared. Cleavage of nuclear chromatin was always an extensive and early event in CTL-mediated cytolysis, whereas with NK cell-mediated killing the degree of DNA fragmentation showed an unexpected relationship to the effector:target (E:T) ratio. At low NK:YAC-1 ratios, DNA fragmentation and 51Cr release were equivalent and increased proportionately until a ratio of about 50:1 was reached; at higher ratios, 51Cr release increased as expected but DNA fragmentation decreased dramatically. Comparison of time course data at E:T ratios producing similar rates of 51Cr release showed that the target cell DNA fragmentation observed in NK killing was not nearly as rapid nor as extensive as that observed with CTL effectors. These results suggest that NK cells induce target cell injury via two different mechanisms. One mechanism would involve lysis mediated by cell-to-cell contact, while the other may induce DNA fragmentation via a soluble mediator. In support of this notion, cell-free culture supernatants containing NK cytotoxic factor (NKCF) induced DNA fragmentation in YAC-1 cells. The DNA fragments induced by NK cells and NKCF-containing supernatants consisted of oligonucleosomes indistinguishable from those induced by CTL. The results presented here show distinct differences in target cell DNA fragmentation induced by CTL and NK cells, and suggest that these two effectors use different mechanisms to achieve the same end. CTL seem to induce DNA fragmentation in their targets by direct signaling, whereas NK cells may do so by means of a soluble factor.  相似文献   

NK cells with lytic capacity for Moloney leukemia virus-induced lymphomas have previously been found to occur spontaneously in spleens from nonimmune adult mice. Here, 89Sr-treatment is shown to suppress NK cell function in adult mice without similarly affecting other cell-mediated immune reactions. Thus, selective 89Sr-sensitivity distinguishes NK cells from other killer cell types. The present results indicate that in vivo a functional bone marrow is needed for generation and maintenance of NK activity.  相似文献   

Human bone marrow cells collected from ribs of patients undergoing thoracotomy had low or no natural killer (NK) cell activity against K562 in a 4-hour chromium release assay. In vitro overnight treatment with interferon or interleukin 2 of bone marrow cells resulted in no induction or augmentation of NK cell activity. In the presence of adherent bone marrow cells interferon was unable to enhance NK cell activity of blood lymphocytes, although the baseline level of NK cell activity was not suppressed. These results suggest that adherent bone marrow cells regulate the development of active NK cells and that bone marrow components do not provide a favorable environment for the functional differentiation of NK cells.  相似文献   

Precursors of murine natural killer (NK) cells and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells can be distinguished by utilizing an adoptive transfer system in which donor bone marrow is fractionated on Percoll discontinuous gradients. Although precursors of LAK cells are present in all fractions, one fraction (greater than 65% Percoll) contains LAK precursors and is depleted of NK precursors. Both in vitro NK activity and in vivo hybrid resistance is abrogated in recipients of bone marrow from the greater than 65% Percoll fraction, whereas LAK activity can be readily demonstrated.  相似文献   

We have fractionated murine bone marrow cells according to their density on bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradient and studied (a) the NK activity against YAC-1 targets, (b) the proportion of asialo GM1+ lymphocytes, (c) and the presence of large granular lymphocytes (LGL) in the different fractions (A, B, C, D). The NK activity was found mainly in the C fraction, but the proportion of asialo GM1+ cells was the same in every fraction. No LGLs were found in the bone marrow. Cells from the various fractions were also transplanted into irradiated recipients. Seven days later the highest NK activity was found in the spleens of mice injected with cells from the A + B fractions indicating that the immediate precursors for NK cells reside in the low density fractions of the BSA gradient. Mice transplanted with C or D fractions needed longer time to develop normal NK levels. The treatment of bone marrow cells before transplantation with anti-asialo GM1+ complement did not inhibit the development of NK activity, so it can be concluded that the precursor for NK is asialo GM1-.  相似文献   

Maintenance and regulation of natural killer (NK) cell activity in human bone marrow cultures were studied using K562 leukemia cells as targets. Culture of bone marrow cells in medium supporting long-term generation of myeloid cells resulted in a rapid loss of NK activity in 1-3 days. In contrast, antibody-dependent cytotoxicity to an NK-resistant tumor was maintained for more than 7 weeks. Horse serum, a component of the myelopoietic culture medium, was found to diminish NK cytotoxicity of blood and bone marrow cultures whereas hydrocortisone supplement did not. In addition, an adherent cell is present in bone marrow which greatly inhibits NK activity. Nonadherent bone marrow cells exhibited higher cytotoxicity than unfractionated cells at all days of culture; adherent cells were not cytotoxic to K562. Purified adherent marrow cells inhibited the cytotoxic capacity of nonadherent blood or marrow mononuclear cells during coculture. Indomethacin, an inhibitor of protaglandin synthesis, augmented levels of NK activity in cultures of bone marrow cells, indicating that macrophages may be suppressing this effector function via prostaglandins. Further identification of the adherent suppressor cells came from experiments in which suppression was prevented by treatment of the adherent cells with monoclonal OKM1 antibody plus complement. This study shows that bone marrow-adherent OKM1-positive cells, presumably macrophages, negatively regulate NK activity, and it defines conditions for analysis of the generation and/or positive regulation of NK cells in human bone marrow.  相似文献   

Unstimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes were depleted of K cells, which mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) without removing NK cells, which mediate natural killing (NK). K cell depletion was achieved by buoyant centrifugation removal of lymphocytes that bound to glutaraldehyde-treated P815-AB cells at high lymphocyte-to-target ratios. Likewise, NK cells were removed with glutaraldehyde-treated K562 cells without removing K cells. Furthermore, both cytotoxic cell populations were observed directly in one agarose single-cell cytotoxic assay (ASCA) using P815-AB and K562 cells simultaneously as target cells. Moreover, the percentage of total cytotoxic cells was equal to the sum of the percentage of K and NK cells observed in separate ASCA. Collectively, these results indicate that K cells and NK cells are distinct subsets of FcR-bearing lymphocytes. One subset, K cells, has more avid Fc receptors (fcR) than NK cells and are 'activated' via thier FcR to kill antibody-coated target cells. The second subset, NK cells, have less avid FcR and are not 'activated' through their FcR to kill antibody-coated target cells.  相似文献   

Mouse effector cells mediating natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity against tumor cells were found to contain a low density of Thy 1 antigen. Treatment of nude spleen cells, or spleen cells from mice in which natural reactivity was boosted, with anti-Thy 1.2 plus complement resulted in a substantial decrease in cytotoxicity. The spontaneous cytotoxic reactivity of young, thymus-bearing mice was resistant to such treatment, but repeated exposure to anti-Thy 1.2 plus complement did cause a decrease in lytic activity. By use of congenic anti-Thy 1.2 and effector cells from mice congenic for Thy 1, the effects of the treatment were shown to be specific for Thy 1.2 antigen.  相似文献   

The subset of murine natural killer (NK) cells that kills lymphoma targets contains about 50% cells expressing the Thy-1 antigen and this has been one of the reasons for assigning NK cells to the T-cell differentiation lineage. It has now been shown that the proportion of the Thy-1+ NK cells is not constant: ca. 90% of the NK cells appearing in the spleens of irradiated mice injected 10-14 days previously with bone marrow cells (anti-Thy-1 plus complement treated) express this antigen. The donor origin of these Thy-1+ NK cells was demonstrated by using semisyngeneic bone marrow cells in transfers but this same phenomenon could also be observed after entirely syngeneic transfers, excluding the possibilities that this Thy-1+ NK activity is due to activated T cells or to the effect of T-cell activation products on NK cells. Additionally, these early NK cells expressed the asialo-GM1 antigen, which is found on murine NK cells but not on cytotoxic T cells. These data suggest that the precursors for NK cells in the bone marrow are Thy-1-, and that the first splenic NK cells derived from these progenitors express this antigen.  相似文献   

We have studied the possible role of interleukin-1 (IL-1) on the interleukin-2 (IL-2) dependent development of mouse natural killer (NK) cells from primitive bone marrow (BM) precursors. Results indicate that both IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta (1-10 U/ml) are able to stimulate the generation of NK cells from 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) resistant BM progenitors. These precursor cells are asialoGM1-, Thy-1+, Lyt-1- and Lyt-2-. Effector cells generated by culturing with IL-2 (40 U/ml) and IL-1 (5 U/ml) are Thy-1+, asialoGM1+, Lyt-5+, Lyt-1-, Lyt-2- and lyse only NK-susceptible targets. Generation of NK cells is blocked by addition of anti-IL-2/r. These data indicate that IL-1 may play a role in the generation of mature NK cells from undifferentiated BM precursors.  相似文献   

Plastic-adherent lymphokine-activated natural killer (LANK) cells were generated from nylon wool-nonadherent murine splenocytes cultured in recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2). Under such conditions, adherent lymphokine-activated killer cells capable of killing natural killer (NK)-resistant targets were not generated. Adherent LANK cells proliferated rapidly and closely resembled NK cells in their morphology, cytotoxic reactivity, and surface marker expression. Mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) were used to generate adherent LANK cells to define the role of T cells in LANK cell development. Scid lymphocytes responded to IL-2 by becoming adherent LANK cells with potent NK-like activity, suggesting that soluble lymphokines other than IL-2 that may have been produced by T cells were not required for the generation of LANK cell activity in mice.  相似文献   

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