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This study evaluates the effects of fragmentation on the spatial and temporal dynamics of small litterfall production in Atlantic rainforest in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Litterfall was collected for 24 months at two 0.2 ha sites, located in the forest edge zone and the forest interior, within a rainforest patch of about 300 ha. Structural parameters of both forest sites were recorded. Litter was sorted into six fractions (foliage, twigs, buds/flowers, fruits/seeds, peduncles, rest), dried and weighed. The interior forest plot contained 314 live trees with a dbh 5 cm and a stand basal area of 41.8±8.7 m2, whereas the forest edge contained 211 live trees and a stand basal area of 23.4±3.6 m2. Total small litterfall was extraordinarily high and totalled 12.62±4.73 t ha−1 yr−1 in interior forest and 14.74±2.78 t ha−1 yr−1 in forest edge. High litterfall rates are probably due to a pronounced periodicity, edge effects alter litterfall strongly.  相似文献   

The invasive Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. is suspected to outcompete native bryophytes but we know very little about the mechanisms involved in its success. We used extensive mixed-stands of Campylopus introflexus and the indigenous C. pilifer Brid. in a French Nature Reserve to study comparative ecological niches, growth rates, density and reproduction between the two mosses. A re-evaluation of the discriminant morphological characters was first undertaken to allow a straightforward separation of both species in the field. Sporophytes were never encountered on Campylopus pilifer, whereas they are produced in great profusion by C. introflexus, implying a massive sporal investment. In contrast, Campylopus pilifer can produce deciduous shoot-tips in mature colonies whereas C. introflexus is apparently unable to do so, the propagules being restricted to immature developmental stages. Campylopus pilifer does not occupy exactly the same niche as C. introflexus. Only Campylopus pilifer occupies the harsher microhabitats whereas only C. introflexus occurs in moister ones. The mixed-stands are restricted to medium-dry environments. The success of the alien Campylopus introflexus may be largely attributed to its growth response which is, on average across habitats, about twice that of C. pilifer. The combination of faster growth and higher branch frequency contribute to the competitive advantage of Campylopus introflexus, which is able to aggressively overtop and laterally penetrate adjacent cushions of Campylopus pilifer. Removal of trees as soon as their crown begins to cast some shade and soil scraping should be tested in order to lower the negative impacts of Campylopus introflexus in the study site.  相似文献   

缙云山片断常绿阔叶林小气候边缘效应的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对缙云山5个片断常绿阔叶林和1个连续常绿阔叶林林缘附近的小气候要素水平梯度分布进行测定.结果表明,各片断阔叶林斑块边缘均存在明显的小气候边缘效应.林缘与林内最高和最低气温、光合有效辐射、最小相对湿度均为干季高于或大于雨季,而地表最高温度则为雨季高于干季;各阔叶林斑块的小气候边缘效应以最大斑块波及林内的深度最浅、最小斑块波及林内的深度最深.  相似文献   

The number of horses in northern Spanish mountains has increased in recent decades, but little is known about their grazing behaviour, performance and potential for foal meat production. This research aimed to study the diet selection, liveweight (LW) changes and parasitic status of dry and lactating mares, and foals’ LW gains, grazing on heathlands with different botanical composition. The experimental design consisted of three vegetation types: dominated by heather (Ericaceae) species (H), dominated by gorse (Ulex gallii; G) and co-dominated by gorse and heath-grasses (G-G), with four replicates per treatment (12 paddocks of 1.2 ha). The study lasted three grazing seasons (2010–12). Each year, 24 crossbred mature mares (310±52 kg LW) were used, managing one lactating mare with her foal plus one non-lactating mare per paddock from May to late summer or early autumn. In the case of H paddocks, animals had to be removed before (late August to early September) because of apparent loss of body condition. Animals were periodically weighed. Mares’ diet composition was estimated using alkane markers, analysing the discrepancies in alkane concentrations between dietary plant components and faeces. Faecal samples were also analysed for gastrointestinal nematodes ova. Chemical composition of the main plant components (i.e. heather, gorse and grasses) revealed a low nutritive value, averaging 79, 115 and 113 g CP/kg dry matter (DM), respectively, that could restrict livestock performance. Mares initially selected gorse and grasses (0.47 and 0.40, respectively, in 2010), increasing heather consumption over time (from 0.13 in 2010 to 0.29 in 2012) as gorse availability decreased. The performance of both mares and foals was lower in H compared with G and G-G paddocks (−216 v. 347 g/day for mares, P<0.01; 278 v. 576 g/day for foals, P<0.05), whereas LW changes were more favourable in dry mares than in lactating ones (241 v. 78 g/day; P<0.05). Small strongyle (Cyathostominae) egg counts in mares’ faeces increased across the grazing season with no differences between treatments. These results indicate that grazing by horses on gorse- and grass-gorse-dominated shrublands could be sustainable at least during part of the year (4 to 6 months). However, heather-dominated heathlands are not able to meet the nutritional needs of horses even for a short time (2 to 4 months). Nevertheless, the low nutritive quality of these vegetation communities, especially in autumn, requires animal access to other pastures with a higher nutritive value, or supplementary feeding, to enhance foals’ growth and maintain sustainable grazing systems with productive herds.  相似文献   

Forest edges and fire ants alter the seed shadow of an ant-dispersed plant   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Ness JH 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):448-454
Exotic species invade fragmented, edge-rich habitats readily, yet the distinct impacts of habitat edges and invaders on native biota are rarely distinguished. Both appear detrimental to ant-dispersed plants such as bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis. Working in northeastern Georgia (USA), an area characterized by a rich ant-dispersed flora, fragmented forests, and invasions by the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , I monitored the interactions between ants and S. canadensis seeds in uninvaded forest interiors, uninvaded forest edges, invaded forest interiors, and invaded forest edges. I observed 95% of the seed dispersal events that occurred within the 60-min observation intervals. Seed collection rates were similar among all four (habitat × invasion) groups. The presence of invasive ants had a strong effect on seed dispersal distance: S. invicta collected most seeds in invaded sites, but was a poorer disperser than four of five native ant taxa. Habitat type (interior versus edge) had no effect on seed dispersal distance, but it had a strong effect on seed dispersal direction. Dispersal towards the edge was disproportionately rare in uninvaded forest edges, and ants in those habitats moved the average dispersed seed approximately 70 cm away from that edge. Dispersal direction was also skewed away from the edge in uninvaded forest interiors and invaded forest edges, albeit non-significantly. This biased dispersal may help explain the rarity of myrmecochorous plants in younger forests and edges, and their poor ability to disperse between fragments. This is the first demonstration that forest edges and S. invicta invasion influence seed dispersal destination and distance, respectively. These forces act independently.  相似文献   

Edge effects are increasingly recognised as a threat to interior species, but the influence of edges on open habitats has rarely been addressed so far. We investigated the diversity pattern of the Orthoptera fauna across a habitat edge between a pine plantation and a natural steppe ecosystem. Thirty pitfall traps were positioned along a transect line from 80 m in the forest to 208 m in the grassland at 10 fixed distances from the edge. The orthopteran assemblage of the pine plantation was depauperate in species and individuals and, with a few exceptions, lacked steppe species. We found no increase in species richness at the forest–grassland edge. In the grassland, Orthoptera species numbers increased steadily with increasing distance from the forest edge. Two-phase regression analysis revealed a traceable edge effect up to about 30 m into the grassland. This effect was exclusively caused by an increase in acridid species numbers, while tettigoniid species numbers showed no clear relation to edge distance. Correlation analysis of the habitat variables suggested that this pattern is a result of irradiance and soil temperature sums. Since acridids show species-specific temperature requirements for their development, shading of the soil surface prevents a number of species from completing their life cycle. We suggest that present trends of shrub encroachment and eutrophication of dry grassland habitats in eastern Austria are serious threats for a large part of the orthopteran fauna.  相似文献   

Vera  M. L. 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(1):101-106
The effects of altitude and seed size on germination and seedling survival were studied in Calluna vulgaris, Erica cinerea and Erica vagans. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory over a one year period. Seeds collected from heathlands of different altitudes were divided in two size classes. They were sowed on moist filter paper inside Petri dishes which were placed in chambers at 20 °C and a photoperiod of 12 h light/12 h darkeness. The seeds of Calluna vulgaris were the first to begin germination and had the highest rate and percentage of germination. The germination of Erica vagans was moderate, while seeds of Erica cinerea germinated later and the germination was very low. Seeds of Calluna vulgaris and E. cinerea collected at the highest altitudes had the highest germination percentages. Seed size in Calluna vulgaris and E. cinerea did not affect germination. However, large seeds of Erica vagans had higher germination rates and percentages than small seeds. The large seed size of Calluna vulgaris contributes to a better survival and growth of its seedlings.  相似文献   

To study the impact of high atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the leaching of NO3 and NH4+ beneath forest and heathland vegetation, investigations were carried out in adjacent forest and heathland ecosystems in Northwest Germany. The study area is subjected to high deposition of nitrogen ranging from 15.9 kg ha–1 yr–1 in bulk precipitation to 65.3 kg ha–1 yr–1 beneath a stand of Pinus sylvestris L. with NH4–N accounting for 70–80% of the nitrogen deposited. Considerable leaching of nitrogen compounds from the upper horizons of the soil, mostly as nitrate, occurred at most of the forest sites and below a mixed stand of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. and Erica tetralix, but was low in a Betula pubescens Ehrh. swamp forest as well as beneath Erica tetralix L. wet heath and heath dominated by Molinia caerulea(L.) Moench. Ground water concentrations of both NO3–N and NH4–N did not exceed 1 mg L–1 at most of the sites investigated.  相似文献   

Question: What are the responses of epiphytic lichens to the intensity of management along a large environmental gradient in Mediterranean Quercus forests? Location: Central Spain. Methods: This study was carried out on 4590 trees located in 306 forest stands dominated by Quercus faginea or Quercus ilex ssp. ballota. The effect of forest management and other predictor variables on several species diversity indicators were studied. Variables modelled were total species richness, cyanolichen richness and community composition. A large number of predictor variables were included: forest fragmentation (patch size, stand variability), climate and topographic (altitude, slope, sun radiation, annual rainfall and mean annual temperature) and intensity of management. General linear models and constrained ordination techniques were used to model community traits and species composition, respectively. Results: Total richness and especially cyanolichens richness were significantly and negatively affected by the intensity of management. Lichen composition was influenced by management intensity, climatic and topographic variables and stand variability. Conclusions: In Mediterranean forests, human activities related to forestry, agricultural and livestock use cause impoverishment of lichen communities, including the local disappearance of the most demanding species. The conservation of unmanaged forests with a dense canopy is crucial for lichen diversity.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北坡火后紫貂冬季生境适宜性与景观格局的恢复   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由自然和人为原因引起的生境丧失与生境破碎化已严重影响到野生动物的生存。大兴安岭北坡是国家一级保护动物紫貂(Martes zibellina)的主要分布区,1987年发生在这里的特大森林火灾造成了森林景观的严重破碎化,紫貂的生存面临极大的威胁。本文的研究目的是为了确定火灾13年后,紫貂冬季生境的恢复程度。首先根据紫貂对冬季生境的喜好,选取对其生存影响较大的生态因子,结合数字化林相图,利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS编制火烧前后的生境适宜性类型图。然后选取相关的景观格局指标,对火烧前后的生境格局进行对比分析。结果显示,尽管火后采取了一系列的森林恢复措施,但紫貂冬季适宜生境仍有大幅度减少,特别是中等适宜生境类型减少最为明显。适宜生境破碎化加剧,隔离度增加。适宜生境斑块的形状趋于简单,软边界比重有所增加。以上结果表明,与火前相比,紫貂生境明显恶化,需要较长的时间恢复。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea is subject to an ever-increasing arrival of non-indigenous marine organisms. Microcosmus squamiger is a solitary ascidian that inhabits shallow rocky littoral habitats. It probably originated in Australia and it has shown great invasive potential in other parts of the world. In the Mediterranean, M. squamiger has only been reported at a few sites in Spain and Italy. However, the closely related species Microcosmus exasperatus has been reported in several areas of the western Mediterranean. As these species can be easily confused, we re-examined most of the material from previous studies and our personal collections. In addition, sampling was done at several sites along the western Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. The results showed that the majority of the M. exasperatus reports correspond to M. squamiger, and that M. squamiger is common on the Atlantic shores. This suggests that M. squamiger has entered the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar Strait, while the restricted distribution in the eastern Mediterranean of M. exasperatus suggests that this species is probably a Lessepsian migrant. In the Mediterranean Sea, M. squamiger has the ability to occupy extensive areas of hard substrata and to outcompete native species. Further studies are necessary to assess what impacts this invasive species have on native communities.  相似文献   

长白山暗针叶林苔藓枯落物层的降雨截留过程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
叶吉  郝占庆  姜萍 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2859-2862
对长白山北坡暗针叶林地面苔藓枯落物层 (苔藓植物和枯落叶交织而成的层状结构 )持水能力、截留降雨过程及动态变化进行了研究。结果表明苔藓枯落物层持水能力很强 ,最大持水量相当于 4 .8mm的降雨量 ,这个结果大于将苔藓与枯落物分开来测定的结果之和 ,说明成层结构能够提高持水能力。在一次降雨过程中对降雨截留过程的观测发现 :持水量刚开始随降雨增加而增加 ,到一定量时 ,降雨再增加 ,持水量反而缓慢下降。对持水动态变化一个月的观测 ,表明苔藓枯落物层水分蒸发较快 ,当长时间无雨时 ,持水量显著下降 ,当降雨再次发生时 ,持水量迅速回升 ,这种动态过程伴随着降雨的发生而不断往复。此外 ,在夜间苔藓枯落物层有吸收空气中水气的特点 ,吸收量受空气湿度的影响  相似文献   

Rising nitrate concentrations in the water column and the spread of invasive, non-native macrophytes are two major threats to Florida's oligotrophic, freshwater ecosystems. We used a replicated mesocosm experiment to test the effects of elevated nitrate concentrations in the water on the growth of the invasive macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata and two common, native submerged macrophytes Vallisneria americana and Sagittaria kurziana. Results from this study indicate that nitrate concentrations of 1.0 mg L−1 NO3-N in the water increased the final dry-weight biomass of H. verticillata by 2.75 times, while having no statistical effect on the growth of the two native species. Additionally, H. verticillata grew at a faster rate than the two native species in the low nitrate treatments accounting for 82% of the total biomass, indicating that it may have the capacity to invade relatively pristine communities. In waters where nitrate concentrations continue to rise, the cost of control efforts for H. verticillata may substantially increase in the future.  相似文献   

During the last decades, the perennial tussock grass Molinia caerulea has shown an increased abundance in European heathlands, most likely as a result of increased nitrogen deposition and altered management schemes. Because of its deciduous nature, Molinia produces large amounts of litter each year, which may affect the intensity and frequency of accidental fires in heathlands. These fires may influence plant population dynamics and heathland community organization through their effects on plant vital attributes and competitive interactions. In this study, fire-induced changes in competitive ability and invasiveness of Molinia through changes in biomass production, seed set and seed germination under both natural and laboratory conditions were investigated. We found that fire significantly increased aboveground biomass, seed set and germination of Molinia. Seed set was twice as high in burned compared to unburned heathland. Two years after fire, seedling densities in natural conditions were on average six times higher in burned than in unburned heathland, which resulted in increased abundance of Molinia after burning. The seed germination experiment indicated that seeds harvested from plants in burned heathland showed higher germination rates than those from unburned heathland. Hence, our results clearly demonstrate increased invasive spread of Molinia after large and intense fires. Active management guidelines are required to prevent further encroachment of Molinia and to lower the probability of large fires altering the heathland community in the future.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the effects of tropical forest fragmentation indicate that fragmented landscapes are complex and heterogeneous systems influenced by factors other than the size or degree of isolation of forest remnants: of particular importance are the quality of the matrix and the edge-induced habitat changes. In order to investigate the influence of these factors, small mammals were surveyed in 36 sites in the landscape of Una, a region that encompasses some of the last and largest Atlantic Forest remnants in northeastern Brazil. Six sites were distributed on each of six landscape components – the interiors and edges of small remnants, the interiors and edges of large remnants, and the most common forested habitats found in the matrix. The survey comprised 46,656 trap-nights and yielded 1725 individuals of 20 species of rodents and marsupials. Results revealed: an increase in beta-diversity caused by fragmentation; the contrasting effects of the altered forested habitats of the matrix, which harbor both forest and disturbance-adapted species; a greater importance of edge effect than of patch size to the observed changes in small mammal community in remnants; an association among terrestrial forest species and among arboreal forest species in terms of the distribution and abundance in the Una mosaic; and a distinctive vulnerability of these two groups of species to fragmentation. Results emphasize the biological importance and conservation value of both fragmented landscapes and small remnants in the Atlantic Forest, as well as the importance of management techniques to control and attenuate edge effects.  相似文献   

Question: How important are habitat configuration, quality, history and anthropic disturbance in determining nemoral plant species richness and distribution of fragmented forest patches in a Mediterranean region? Location: Agricultural landscape north of Rome, Italy. Methods: Sixty‐nine woodland patches, identified through a stratified random sampling, were sampled for nemoral plant species. The homogeneity of woodlands was tested through a hierarchical classification of the floristic data and a Mann‐Whitney test of dependent and independent variables. The importance of habitat configuration (area, isolation, shape), quality (soil properties, forest structure, anthropic disturbance) and history (age of woodland) in determining species richness was estimated through a Poisson regression model. Presence‐absence of each species was analysed by logistic regression. Differences among plant life‐trait types (life span, dispersal mode, habitat preference) were analysed by comparing their median β‐values through ANOVA models. Results: Through hierarchical classification, two woodland types were identified that differed in species composition, habitat quality and spatial configuration. Poisson regression showed that habitat configuration and history influenced species richness. Multiple logistic regression resulted in significant fits for 88 species/variable combinations: 38 are habitat quality variables, 25 are habitat configuration variables, and 13 are anthropic factors. Dispersal strategies varied significantly with respect to area, isolation and age, while generalist and specialist species differed according to age of the woodland. Conclusion: Our results show that habitat history and configuration are the key factors determining species richness of woodland. Together with habitat configuration, habitat quality (mainly soil acidity) appeared to influence species composition.  相似文献   

Fragmentation is recognized as one of the main factors affecting species and functionality losses in tropical landscapes. In this study, we assess how landscape quality and quantity affect taxonomic and functional diversities and carbon stocks in the Atlantic Forest. We used a large dataset, which comprises 92,754 adult trees of 668 species, distributed over an area of ​​95,733 km2 in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. In each plot, we quantified the taxonomic diversity (species richness), the functional diversity (functional richness), and the aboveground carbon stock and related it to different landscape metrics (fragment area and total area, number of fragments, total edge area, index of the largest fragment, effective network size and aggregation index) and anthropogenic impacts in three surrounding landscape buffers (radius 1000, 3000 and 5000 m). We built multiple regression models, selecting the best models (Akaike's criterion), to assess the influence of the landscape and anthropogenic index on diversities and carbon stocks. Our study shows that the landscape quantity and quality, and the anthropogenic effects are factors that negatively affect the carbon stock, reinforcing that small-scale exploration, within the fragment itself, is an important factor in reducing diversity and carbon stock. The importance of considering local exploitation has important implications for conservation, and these results bring important insights for conservation, especially for forest fragments in anthropized landscapes, where exploration within the fragments are factors that interfere in the conservation and maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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