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Anadromous Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) were captured from three Newfoundland lakes. Yearling and 2 year parr were captured most often in shallow water <2 m deep around lake perimeters and were not abundant at greater depths. The 3+ and 4+ parr age groups were rarely found inshore (<2 m) but were captured in deeper offshore areas. Though the parr population in one deep lake was too small to be estimated by mark-recapture, estimates of the yearlings plus 2+ age groups in two shallower lakes were 55 and 63 parr ha−1. respectively. No under yearlings were found in lake habitats. Parr density in the three study lakes varied inversely with mean lake depth. Lacustrine parr growth rate was greater than or equal to that of stream dwelling parr. It is concluded that some shallow lakes of Newfoundland provide major rearing areas for juvenile anadromous Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon fry (0+) sampled from the River Alta exhibited only minor differences in stomach content weights and feeding rates throughout diel periods, but feeding rates were generally lowest at night. In contrast, salmon parr (1+ to 3+) had large diel fluctuations in stomach content weight, with the largest weights usually being recorded during the night and early morning. Accordingly, their feeding rates were highest at night. This nocturnal feeding pattern was consistent throughout all sampling occasions, and appeared to reflect a persistent feeding periodicity in the salmon parr. The daily food consumption rates of both fry and parr were highest during midsummer and decreased towards autumn.  相似文献   

The recruitment dynamics and life history of migratory brown trout, Sulmo trutta L., were investigated in a small Baltic coast stream subject to recurring drought. Spawning males consisted of both mature male parr (101–206 mm t.l. ) and migrant males (205–780 mm t.l. ). Spawning females were all migrants which delayed maturity until reaching a significantly greater size on average (424–805 mm t.l. ) than migrant males. Male: female ratios were very high in spawning aggregations (9–12 males: 1 female) with males representing up to five year-classes or more. Gametes from several generations of males per spawning event may be important for maintaining the genetic viability of this population with few female spawners per year. The amount of spawning was dependent on precipitation just prior to and during the spawning period since migrants could not enter the stream under drought conditions. Migrants did not overwinter in the stream.
Drought also caused variable fry mortality following emergence in early summer. Recruitment of 0+ parr in autumn varied from c . 175 to 3000 during 3 years. Smolts were relatively young (ages 1–2) and small (≥8 cm), and were significantly longer on average than sibling parr. Yet emigration of 1-year-olds was not related to 0+ parr size the previous autumn because of overlapping growth rates.
Persistence of the migratory brown trout in this unstable environment may be the consequence of (i) life history adaptation (e.g. short freshwater residence of both juveniles and spawners), and (ii) a complementary set of individual life histories where variation in age of migrant spawners and the occurrence of mature male parr result in a stable spawner population despite inconsistent recruitment of migrants to the sea.  相似文献   

Nocturnal underwater counts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr were made on four consecutive occasions (two lunar cycles, samplings at both the full and new moon) at four 40 m long sites in the Sainte‐Marguerite River, Québec, Canada, between 30 June and 14 August 2003. Atlantic salmon parr counts did not differ significantly between moon phases. Cloud cover ranged from 0 to 100% during the study, and had no significant effect on parr counts. There were significantly more Atlantic salmon parr in the near shore than in the midstream areas. The findings of this study suggest that the sampling strategy of summer studies aimed at assessing population abundance or developing habitat quality models can be designed without taking moon phase or cloud cover into consideration, but it should account for the higher relative abundance of Atlantic salmon parr in the near shore areas as compared to areas closer to the middle of streams.  相似文献   

The densities of Atlantic salmon fry (0+ years) and parr (1+ years and older) in shoreline habitats of the large River Teno watercourse and its tributary, the River Utsjoki generally fluctuated considerably, showing an increase from early summer towards late August and a subsequent decline towards autumn. The seasonal pattern of variation in density was more distinct for parr than for fry. In the period between late July and early September, parr density followed a sinusoidal curve, being highest in late August and lowest in early August and in September. Fry density had a weaker seasonal profile than parr, being highest in late August and in early September. Frequency distributions of the parr age groups (1+, 2+ and 3+ years) were mainly independent of the sampling month.  相似文献   

 In lacustrine masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, originated from anadromous fish and inhabiting an artificial lake (Shumarinai Lake), we examined the relationship between individual growth during the juvenile stage and phase differentiation under artificial rearing conditions. In females, the mean fork length of potential (subsequent) 1+ smolts and potential 1+ parr (1+ parr show fish that neither smolted nor matured until 1+ autumn) always differed after their first summer (0+ summer), the former being larger. In males, the juveniles that grew faster during their first spring became 0+ mature male parr. After their first summer, potential 1+ smolts were always larger in body length than potential 1+ mature parr and potential 1+ parr. These results were similar to previous reports of anadromous masu salmon, suggesting that the lacustrine masu salmon studied seems to have maintained the phase differentiation as in the original fish, likely because only 60 years have passed since the formation of the lacustrine population.  相似文献   

水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)是我国特有濒危极小种群物种, 其种群的状态一直被国内外学者广泛关注。分析现存水杉原生种群结构和空间分布格局及其空间关联性, 可以从空间格局角度深入认识水杉原生种群结构和分布格局及可能的形成机理。本文基于湖北利川境内水杉原生种群的野外调查数据, 分析其径级和高度级结构, 同时运用点格局分析中的成对相关函数g(r)以及3个零模型(完全空间随机模型、异质泊松模型、先决条件模型)分析水杉原生种群空间分布格局、各龄级空间分布格局及空间关联性。结果表明: (1)分布于研究区域内的水杉原生种群个体数共5,663株, 已死亡33株, 现存活5,630株, 其中40株濒临死亡, 465株处于衰弱状态, 部分个体呈现不同的形态特征和生长状况, 断梢和蚁害最为常见, 雷击是最致命的危害。(2)水杉原生种群结构分析显示, 其径级结构和高度级结构均呈纺锤型, 自然更新不良。(3)基于完全空间随机模型, 水杉原生种群在各尺度下均呈现聚集分布, 中龄树在较小尺度(r < 3,300 m)上呈现聚集分布, 成年树和老龄树在较大尺度(r < 4,700 m)上呈现聚集分布; 排除生境异质性影响后, 聚集尺度均减小, 所以种群及不同龄级的聚集尺度分别为0-3,000 m、0-2,100 m、0-2,900 m和0-2,500 m, 随后呈现为微弱的随机分布和均匀分布。(4)基于完全空间随机模型, 3个龄级之间在所有尺度均为正关联; 在排除生境异质性影响后, 不同龄级的正关联尺度减小, 均在0-2,800 m呈正关联。综上, 水杉原生种群个体数量正呈现逐步减少的趋势, 种群主要呈聚集分布, 各个龄级间具有正向的关系, 从现有的空间格局来看, 生境异质性、扩散限制和种内竞争是导致该格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

Relationships between the degree of anadromy, sex ratio and parr growth of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were investigated in Lake Storvatn in Hammerfest town, by estimating the densities of resident and anadromous charr in the lake, and by comparing the smolt characteristics of fish captured in the outlet river with those of fish of the same age in the lake. About two-thirds of the charr older than 5 years were anadromous. The sex ratio of smolts was approximately 1 : 1 and the frequency of mature male parr in the lake was low. As females tended to dominate the mature portion of the anadromous population, there was probably a relatively higher mortality among sea-run male smolts. The youngest smolts (3+ and 4+) were probably recruited from fast-growing parr in the littoral zone, while older smolts (>4+) may have been recruited from all habitats in the lake.  相似文献   

Hatchery reared 0+ year brown trout Salmo trutta , with 51 mm mean L T, were released in a sea trout stream in June 1991 to compare the survival of wild and introduced trout during the freshwater stage from age 0+ to 2+ years. The introduced brown trout were homozygous for a genetic marker, enabling released individuals and their offspring to be distinguished phenotypically from the local sea trout. The mean size of 0+ and 1+ year introduced parr was larger than 0+ and 1+ year wild parr, while 2+ year parr of both groups were of the same size. Half year survival rates of both introduced and wild parr increased with size up to c . 80 mm (1+ years), but then decreased, and could be described by a polynomial regression function, with the same shape for both groups. The introduced parr had, however, a significant lower survival rate than the wild parr. The number of the introduced cohort decreased from 2200 at release in 1991 to c . 20 in March 1994 ( c . 1% of the original number). Between 1994 and 2000 no introduced individuals or offspring have been observed in the study area. High mortality at the parr stage and additional mortality until the spawning, give a low probability for a genetic impact on the local population as long as releases are restricted, both in time and number of fish.  相似文献   

Energy contents of immature parr and smolts, and mature resident and anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta sampled from a small stream in southern Norway were estimated from lipid, protein and carbohydrate concentrations. In immatures the lipid concentrations were highest in parr in the autumn. Mean lipid concentrations increased significantly with age in parr sampled in autumn (1·3% in age 0+ to 3·4% in age 3+), whereas they did not in smolts. The lipid concentrations of parr in spring were not significantly different from those of similarly aged smolts. By contrast, the relative water content (%) decreased with age in parr in the autumn and increased with age in smolts, mean values being slightly higher in smolts (78%) than in parr (77%). Protein and carbohydrate concentrations did not vary with age in the immature fish, mean protein concentrations being 18·0, 17·5 and 16·8% in parr in the autumn and spring, and in smolts, respectively. In residents, the concentrations of lipids were lower and of water higher, in age group 1 than in older fish, whereas there was no significant variation with age amongst anadromous trout. The energy concentration of 2+ smolts (349 kJ 100 g-1) was similar to that of 0+ parr in the autumn. Mean somatic energy density in autumn was 1·1 times higher in freshwater residents than in parr at age 1+ (407 and 387 kJ 100 g-1) and marginally different at age 2+ (462 and 426 kJ 100 g-1, respectively). The energy contents per unit mass of residents were 1·3–1·6 times that of similar aged smolts. Mean somatic energy density of anadromous trout (504 kJ 100 g-1) was higher than that of residents (455 kJ 100 g-1). Somatic energy, lipid and protein concentrations were correlated highly with water contents of all life stages, age and sex groups.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that otolith growth is in some way dependent on somatic growth (i.e. that the two processes are coupled). We examined the relationships between sagitta radius and fork length in 0+ Atlantic salmon parr that would subsequently smolt aged 1 + (UMG fish) or 2+ (LMG fish). Repeated measurements of fork lengths of individually marked parr, taken over a 211-day period from first feeding, were compared to sagitta radii on the same measuring dates (obtained by analysis of daily increments). The results showed that there was a linear relationship between fork length and otolith radius in UMG parr. However, this was not true for LMG parr. These fish enter a state of natural anorexia in their first autumn (despite excess food), but their otoliths continued to grow at the same rate despite the virtual cessation of somatic growth; they had therefore developed disproportionately large otoliths by the end of the study period. The relative growth rates of soma and otoliths first changed in LMG fish in late July/early August; this is the most precise estimate yet obtained of the timing of divergence in the developmental pathways of UMG and LMG parr. The rate of sagitta accretion was consistently lower in LMG parr, possibly indicating a lower metabolic rate in these fish. The results are discussed in relation to previous theories of the relationship between otolith and somatic growth.  相似文献   

李肖叶甲成虫数量及三维空间格局动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对合肥地区李肖叶甲成虫数量动态及三维空间格局进行研究,结果表明该成虫5月下旬初见,6月4日至7月16日为发生高峰期,9月上旬仍有零星虫口。6月4日至9月10日种群增长模型为y=1692.2258e-0.0545t,6月4日至8月27日树冠上部部位增长模型为y=205.60e-0.0523t,树冠西部部位的增长模型为y=257.13e-0.0505t。样地中的李肖叶甲5月21日至8月13日半变异函数方程是y=0.0709x3-10.479x2+391.67x-300.71、y=-0.0122x3+1.1201x2-19.781x+317.84、y=-0.0013x3+0.1613x2-4.4862x+67.363、y=-0.0016x3+0.9177x2-11.495x+551.94、y=-0.0029x3+0.3034x2-7.5906x+103.37和y=-0.0002x3+0.0172x2-0.4975x+13.691,变程在20.3938—65.0289之间,均为聚集格局,聚集强度指标表明也均为聚集格局;树冠东、西、南、北方位的水平分布5月21日至8月13日的C值均大于1,I值均大于0,CA值均大于0,Iw值均大于1,为聚集格局;树冠上、中、下方位的垂直分布6月4日至8月13日的C值均大于1,I值均大于0,CA值均大于0,Iw值均大于1,为聚集格局;5月21日至8月13日的树冠东、南、西、北、上、中、下部位的C值均大于1,I值均大于0,CA值均大于0,Iw值均大于1,三维分布均为聚集格局。用Iwao公式计算的结果与聚集强度指标分析的结果一致。6月4日—8月13日林间李肖叶甲的种群聚集均数λ值均大于2,聚集是李肖叶甲本身的行为所致。  相似文献   

The incidence, relative abundance and biological characteristics of mature male parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied in two subarctic (69–70 N°) river systems in the northernmost part of Scandinavia. The proportion of mature males was low (0–25%) among ≥1 year‐old parr, and clearly lower than reported earlier in more southern rivers. The ages of mature males ranged from 1+ to 6 + year, the most abundant age group was 3 + year. Both age structure and size of the mature male parr varied between rivers and years. Mature male parr in the main stem were younger and also smaller than the parr of the same age in the tributaries.  相似文献   

Microhabitat use by 0+ and older fishes in a small English chalk stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microhabitat use of two size/age classes of fish (0 +, ≥1+) in the River Lee, based on measurements of 14 environmental variables, was studied using point abundance sampling by electrofishing over the summer and autumn of 1995. Microhabitat use by all cyprinid species (barbel Barbus barbus, minnow Phoxinus phoxinus , chub Leuciscus cephalus and gudgeon Gobio gobio ) differed between 0+ and older (≥1+) with lentic, shallow, littoral environments being important for 0+ fishes, whereas deeper, faster areas in mid-channel were important for ≥ 1 + fishes. There was more overlap in microhabitat use by 0+ juvenile cyprinids in the River Lee than in larger systems such as the River Danube (Slovakia/Hungary) and River Great Ouse (U.K.).  相似文献   

A remote monitoring system was developed to provide information on the behaviour of mature and immature Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr at nests during the spawning season. An octagonal passive integrated transponder (PIT) detector (0·865 m maximum diameter) designed to surround nests of Atlantic salmon was used to identify individual salmon parr present at 38 spawning events in three circular spawning channels. The range of the detector for PIT tags presented in the optimum orientation was 2·4 cm (range between tags 1·7–3·0 cm). Using a sub-sample of 20 spawnings, the mean efficiency of the detector (number of fish passes registered relative to number of passes observed on video) was 70·5% (range 32-100%). There were no significant effects of time from spawning, total number of registrations, body size or maturity status (mature or immature) on efficiency. However, fish were more likely to be detected entering nests than leaving, as departures were more rapid and higher in the water column. The PIT detector did not affect the numbers of parr at spawnings or between spawning intervals of females, and allowed for the individual identification of 65 of the 72 parr observed in nests during spawning. In all cases where certain identifications were not possible and the video was of satisfactory quality, this was due to obstruction of the camera view by anadromous fish. The remote monitoring system was thus effective in identifying behavioural differences, and only one of 20 immature parr was ever detected during the period encompassing 10 min before and after spawning compared with 30 or 40 mature parr.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of the fork length of 0+ aged masu salmon,Oncorhynchus masou, changed from unimodal to bimodal distribution in autumn of the years from 1982 to 1984 in the Mogusa River of southern Hokkaido, Japan. The bimodal distribution consists of two (upper and lower) modal groups. These two groups resulted from a difference in growth rate of 0+ aged individuals in autumn. Fish belonging to the upper modal group are assumed to be potential 1+ smolts. Whether 0+ aged parr transform into smolt or remain as parr in the following spring may be related to the growth rate of fish in the first autumn.  相似文献   

The effects of maturation, castration, and androgen implants on growth in 1- and 2-year-old Baltic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) were studied in a stock originating from the Umeälven (Ume river) in northern Sweden. 1 + male parr that later matured were larger than non-maturing parr in the spring. Later in the summer, during the period of gonadal growth, the growth rate of maturing parr was depressed compared to that of non-maturing males. Implantation of capsules with 11-ketoandrostenedione (OA) or testosterone (T) in sexually immature 1-year-old fish, accelerated the specific growth rate in spring and early summer, particularly considering growth in weight, resulting in an increase in the condition factor. In contrast, the growth rate was depressed from late June onwards, the period when the gonads normally develop in 1 + parr. T, but not OA, also promoted sexual maturation. Castration or OA treatment did not affect total summer growth in 2-year-old salmon. This study suggests a causal relationship between androgens and the growth pattern observed in maturing 1 + male parr.  相似文献   

Factors affecting sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) juveniles in fresh water were analysed under wild conditions in Little Codroy River (southwest Newfoundland). Large size after the first year of life and short winters favoured maturation of age 1 + male parr. Incidence of maturing 1+ males was greater where high densities of parr (>0.2 individuals m 2; fish >6cm fork length) were recorded in the second season of growth. These results were discussed according to current knowledge on early maturation in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in in the Dale River as a part of a stock enhancement programme. The aim was to compare growth and the incidence of precocious maturation between offspring from precocious and large maturing males, and to study genotype‐environment interactions. River and hatchery performance was compared for 5 × 2 maternal half‐sib family groups, which were stocked as 0+ juveniles or maintained in the hatchery throughout. To identify the offspring, the broodfish were characterized by DNA‐fingerprinting (eight microsatellite markers). Smolt size of 1+ hatchery‐reared smolt and fish caught in a smolt trap, and the size and incidence of precocious maturation among 1+ hatchery‐reared parr and 1+ and 2+ parr caught in the river are compared between the families.  相似文献   

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