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We performed laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of predator avoidance and numerical effects of predation on spatial distribution of small Saduria entomon (Isopoda) and Monoporeia affinis (Amphipoda), with large S. entomon as predators. The horizontal distribution and mortality of the prey species, separately and together, were studied in aquaria with a spatial horizontal refuge. We also estimated effects of refuge on mortality of small S. entomon and M. affinis by experiments without the refuge net. In addition, we investigated whether predation risk from large S. entomon influenced the swimming activity of M. affinis, to clarify the mechanisms behind the spatial distribution. Both small S. entomon and M. affinis avoided large S. entomon. The avoidance behaviour of M. fffinis contributed about 10 times more to the high proportion in the refuge than numerical effects of predation. Due to the low mortality of small S. entomon the avoidance behaviour of this species was even more important for the spatial distribution. The combined effect of avoidance behaviour and predation in both species was aggregation, producting a positive correlation between the species in density. M. affinis showed two types of avoidance behaviour. In the activity experiments they reduced activity by 36% and buried themselves in the sediment. In the refuge experiments we also observed avoidance behaviour with the emigration rate from the predator compartment being twice the immigration rate. The refuge did not lower predation mortality in M. affinis, probably due to the small scale of the experimental units in relation to the mobility of the species. Predation mortality in small S. entomon was higher in absence of a refuge and especially high in absence of M. affinis.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the endemic Okhotsk Sea sculpin Myoxocephalus ochotensis Schmidt (Cottidae) from Odyan Bay was studied. The number and morphology of chromosomes were determined, 2n = 42 (2 metacentric, 20 subtelocentric, and 20 acrocentric chromosomes), NF = 44. Variability of chromosome number was not revealed; no difference between male and female karyotypes was found. The karyotype of the Okhotsk sculpin M. ochotensis was compared with karyotypes of the Far East Steller’s M. stelleri (Tilesius), snow M. brandti (Steindachner), and plain M. jaok (Cuvier) sculpins, and to the European shorthorn sculpin M. scorpius (Linnaeus) from White Sea. Their similarities and distinctions were shown.  相似文献   

It may be expected that vertehral anomaties would reduer the viability and reproductive success of fish. In the present study. the relationship of vertebral defects to body mass. Iength, age, condition, gonadosomatic index and growth in fourhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis , in the Gulf of Bothnia was studied. There were no differences in growth between normal and defective lish, for either males or females. While normal and defectives males were similar in age and length. defective females were older and longer than normal females. Defective males and females had a significantly greater somatic mass that normal fish. However defective females may be later than in normal fish. Hence, vertebral defects do not necessarly reduce the reproductive potential of fourhorn sculpin.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on the isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) are studied by static toxicity tests. Results demonstrate that the species is sensitive to Cd+2, Cr+6, Cu+2, Fe+3, Hg+2, Ni+2 Pb+2 and Zn+2, but the toxicity of each metal is different. Differences are also found between adults and between adults and juveniles. The comparative analysis of all data on the toxicity has been performed on the concentrations of metal ions and not on metal compound concentrations.Criteria for establishing water quality in order to guarantee protection of the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of Copper on the life-cycle of two crustacean isopods, Asellus aquaticus (L.) and Proasellus coxalis Dollf., are studied. ST50 indicates that females and males are differently sensitive in comparison with juveniles. The two species do not show differences in sensitivity in the range of 0.01–15 mg·1-1 between adults and juveniles. The effect of 0.005 mg·1-1 Copper sulphate was strongest on embryonic and larval stages. Ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic exposure to 5 g·1–1 cadmium or copper on the crustacean Isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) were studied by analyzing survival and body growth in the first stages of the life-cycle and by determining fecundity and survival of embryo-bearing females. Juveniles survival is differently affected by the two metals in that embryonic development is more sensitive to cadmium while juvenile development is more sensitive to copper. Juvenile body growth is stimulated by cadmium and depressed by copper. Embryo-bearing female survival and fecundity are significantly reduced by cadmium but are not affected by copper. The consequence of environmental contamination by a sublethal cadmium or copper concentration is discussed.  相似文献   

Asellus aquaticus (L.) was the most important benthic food item for perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.), in a small, extremely humic forest lake in southern Finland. The proportion of A. aquaticus in the diet of perch varied according to the former's availability, which, in turn, depended on its life cycle. Perch 11.0–12.9 cm (total length) most frequently fed on A. aquaticus; smaller and larger perch fed more frequently on crustacean zooplankton and aquatic insect larvae, respectively. The high density of the perch population, the importance of A. aquaticus in the benthos of the study lake and the general high activity level of the prey resulted in a high predation (0.1–1.8% per day). The population of A. aquaticus was also limited by the scarcity of macrophytic vegetation and the small area of oxygenated littoral in the lake.  相似文献   

We tested the role of the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), a benthic fish, in structuring the rocky littoral invertebrate community in Toolik Lake, Alaska. Comparisons of sculpin gut contents and prey community structure indicated that these fish forage selectively, eating proportionally more large and motile prey, and proportionally fewer small and sessile forms. Field experiments compared the effects of natural, reduced and elevated sculpin densities on benthic community structure. At natural levels of sculpin density, biomass of trichopteran larvae were reduced by more than 50%, and predatory chironomid larvae by 27%, in comparison to areas where sculpin were excluded. Tube-dwelling and small free living chironomid larvae were unaffected at normal sculpin densities. Under artificially high sculpin densities, there was some reduction of tube-dwelling chironomids, but the small free living ones remained unaffected. There appears to be a threshold length of about 3.5 mm, below which chironomid larvae are free form sculpin predation. Tube-dwelling chironomids may be longer than this threshold, but still avoid predation by having most of their body hidden in their tubes.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of predation by roach (Rutilus rutilus) on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in a large, eutrophic lake showed that there was a clearly marked size threshold ( 160 mm SL) above which roach began to feed on mussels. Roach preying on various sizes of mussels selected them in proportions different from their abundance and accessibility in the habitat. The mean size of mussels ingested by roach of 220 mm and larger, which fed predominantly on Dreissena, closely followed the pattern expected for a constant ratio of mean prey size to mean predator mouth size = 0.59. To explain the size selection we applied an optimal foraging approach, based on the ability of different-sized fish to crush (cost) mussels of different sizes, and hence crushing resistance, and energy contents (benefit). We found that fish smaller than 160 mm, which showed no inclination to eat Dreissena, would only be able to take small mussels with a very high cost/benefit ratio. The real switch to Dreissena would be expected in fish of 230–240 mm that could take most of their prey from highly profitable, numerous, and easily accessible size classes while keeping the mean prey size at the optimal level relative to mean predator mouth size.  相似文献   

Foraminiferan (Protozoa) epizoites were examined on two deep-water isopods, Neastacilla sp. and Pleuroprion hystrix (Valvifera, Arcturidae), from the north Atlantic Ocean and the Nordic Seas. Most foraminiferans belonged to genus Cibicides and occurred on 27% of Neastacilla and 23% of Pleuroprion hystrix. The pattern of foraminiferan epibiosis was similar in both species, with a concentration on the dorsal body and on the posterior pereopods. The arcturids showed an increase in number of foraminiferans with increased body size, suggesting that available time span for settling on the younger stages (mancas) was relatively short. There was a trend towards larger numbers of foraminiferans occurring on larger arcturid species, suggesting that available space is the factor that determines the total number of foraminiferans for epibenthic arcturid isopod species.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, eleven out of twenty-one invertebrate species and all of the three fish species tested fed on freshly laid flaccid cocoons of Erpobdella octoculata, though predation was only severe from a dytiscid beetle, E. octoculata and the fish species. There was a tendency for more cocoons to be eaten by starved than fed predators. Only snail species damaged one-week-old tougher cocoons.Only one out of 471 E. octoculata collected during their breeding season from the stony shores of two eutrophic lakes had a cocoon in its gut.The role of cannibalism of and interspecific predation on cocoons in the control and regulation of lake-dwelling populations of the erpobdellid is discussed, and assessed to be relatively unimportant. A more likely regulatory mechanism may involve high juvenile mortality from as yet unknown causes.  相似文献   


The present paper is the first to give a comprehensive and detailed characterization of Sertoli cells in the isopod, Saduria entomon, based on transmission electron microscopy. Two types of Sertoli cells, A and B, were distinguished which clearly differ in their location in the wall of the testicular tubule, and in their morphology, ultrastructure, and function. Their occurrence is closely connected with the characteristic arrangement of germ cells inside the tubule. Sertoli A cells occupy only the part of the tubule containing spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes and they are associated with these cells by means of numerous ramified processes running in many directions. They are irregular in shape, but their shape and the ultrastructure are stable during maturation of the germ cells. Sertoli B cells, which compose most of the testicular tubule wall, form a columnar epithelium. They send long processes into the lumen of the tubule by means of which they make contact with maturing spermatids. The cytoarchitecture of the processes is highly variable and reflects their role in spermiogenesis and the formation of sperm bundles. After spermiation, when the apical part of the Sertoli cells has become flattened, they phagocytoze the residual cytoplasmic masses of spermatids, which undergo degradation in heterophagic vacuoles. Simultaneously, numerous autophagic vesicles appear.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok from the Ussuriisky, Amursky, and Vostok Bays was studied. It was found that 2n = 24, among the chromosomes there were 16 metacentric, 4 submetacentric, and 4 acrocentric, NF = 44. There was no variation in the number of chromosomes, and no differences between male and female karyotypes were revealed. A comparison of Myoxocephalus jaok, M. brandti and M. stelleri karyotypes was performed. The pronounced distinction of Myoxocephalus jaok karyotype resulting from chromosomal rearrangements was shown.  相似文献   

Freshwater sculpins probably evolved from marine ancestors which entered bodies of water such as proglacial lakes or lakes which were gradually isolated from the sea by isostatic rebound. Sculpins in fresh water lakes (Myoxocephalus thompsoni [Girard]) lack cephalic horns and live well below a depth of 10 m. Those in the sea (Myoxocephalus quadricornis [Linnaeus]) typically live above 10 m and possess a well developed set of four cephalic horns. The sculpins in Garrow Lake, North West Territories, are intermediate between the marine and fresh water forms with respect to their depth distributions and their cephalic horns (spines). As a consequence, Garrow Lake, which separated from the sea some 3000 years ago, serves as an excellent laboratory for studying evolutionary changes in this sculpin. The age of the lake was based on carbon-14 dates of the fossil pelecypods from raised beaches around the lake and from observations of rates of isostatic rebound in the area as reported by Dickman & Ouellet 1983 and Pagé et al. 1984. During the last 3000 years, the surface waters of Garrow Lake have freshened and its sculpins have apparently adapted to this top down freshening by occupying a depth where the salinity of the lake approaches that of sea water. As a result, the sculpin population in Garrow Lake lives deeper than the sculpin population in the nearby Garrow Bay. Thus, the deeper dwelling Garrow Lake sculpins appear to be less vulnerable to avian predation than their shallow water dwelling marine ancestors. It is hypothesized that reduced avian predation of the Garrow Lake sculpin population is associated with the observed reduction in their cephalic horns which impart a certain degree of disruptive colouration and disruptive pattern outline allowing the shallow dwelling marine species to blend in with its background in a manner which appears to make it less visible to avian predators.It is unfortunate that the three thousand year old Garrow Lake sculpin population is now endangered by mine tailings entering the lake from the nearby Cominco Ltd. mine. The entire food chain of the lake appears to have been severely impacted by lead and zinc mine tailings entering Garrow Lake at a rate of 100 metric tonnes per hour.  相似文献   

Summary The production of seedless fruits (parthenocarpy) is not yet understood from an evolutionary viewpoint, even though it is taxonomically widespread. Here I present a case in which parthenocarpy reduces the incidence of seed predation by insects. At least the first generation of chalcidoid wasps that oviposit in the fruits ofPistacia terebinthus L. (Anacardiaceae) cannot discriminate among viable and inviable fruits, allocating energy and time to oviposition on fruits that are not suitable for larval development.  相似文献   

The susceptibility to fish predation in males, ovigerous, and non-ovigerous females of the freshwater copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis is investigated in the laboratory by direct observation of the predation sequence of zebrafish, and by studying mortality when confronted with zebrafish or roach. Ovigerous females had the highest encounter rate indicating that the highly visible egg-clutch is a major determinant of their susceptibility. Males were least successful in escaping, the main reason being their inability or disinclination to react fast enough when attacked. This difference in escape reaction may have evolved because of sex-specific requirements in mate encounter and mate location. Ovigerous females and males had higher mortality than non-ovigerous females in all experiments while ovigerous mortality was higher than male mortality only in the zebrafish experiments. Neither experiment showed any difference in male and overall female mortality but as a consequence of the abrupt change in susceptibility between the ovigerous and non-ovigerous condition, it follows that sex-specific mortality rates may be dependent on the reproductive condition within diaptomid populations. A consequence of the sex-specific difference in escape ability is that the sex-specific mortality may be influenced by variation in the attack efficiency within and among predator populations.  相似文献   

Diurnal vertical migration (DVM) of Daphnia hyalina in Lake Bled was most intense during summer stratification. The extent of DVM varied with the size of the animal and its reproductive state. Migration distances were shortest in immature specimens and longest in ovigerous females. During daytime, ovigerous females stayed deeper in the water column than females without ova or immatures. The daytime temperature of water at the median depth of the ovigerous females did not exceed 10 °C, even in the warmest season. At night they migrated upward to an environment which was warmer by as much as 9 °C.Laboratory observations indicate that specimen's size and water temperature determine the velocity of passive sinking, such that morning descent of the different groups of Daphnia can be explained by passive sinking alone.Our hypothesis is that the distribution of different groups of D. hyalina in Lake Bled is influenced by two types of predators: fish (Perca fluviatilis L. and Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and larvae of Chaoborus flavicans (Meig.), the latter appearing in the epilimnion during the night. Fish predation has a key-role at the beginning of thermal stratification. Supposing that in spring the gene pool of Daphnia consists of a mix of different genotypes, distributed at different depths during the day, fish predation combined with a presence of fish chemicals favored genotypes with a lower day-depth during the spring/summer period.  相似文献   

This note reports on the presence of a well established population of the isopod Synidotea laevidorsalis (Miers) in the Gironde estuary (southwestern France). This species is new for the European fauna. S. laevidorsalis is a nonendemic cool-temperate to subtropical, shallow-water species which was probably introduced into the study area from Asia. In the salinity range of 1 to 10 g 1-1 of the Gironde the species constitutes an important component of the brackish-water hyperbenthic community. The population was already present in 1975 when it was misidentified as the native species Idotea emarginata (Fabricius).  相似文献   

Woolly apply aphid predation by the common earwig, Forficula auricularia L., and other predators was compared in high, intermediate and low earwig density plots of mature apple trees at an experimental orchard in the Netherlands. Aphid colonies were discovered and exterminated primarily by earwigs much more rapidly in the high and intermediate earwig density plots than in the low density plots. Where earwigs were excluded from trees by Tanglefoot bands around the trunks, woolly apple aphids infested 30–35% of new growth shoots whereas less than 10% of the shoots were infested where earwigs were relatively abundant.Several factors including the availability of alternate prey (e.g. Aphis pomi De Geer), earwig developmental phenology and weather probably influenced the outcome of the predation experiments. Nevertheless earwigs play an important role in suppressing woolly apple aphid populations and are potentially important, naturally occurring biological control agents for this pest.
Résumé L'action prédatrice exercée sur le puceron lanigère par le perceoreille commun, Forficula auricularia, et par d'autres prédateurs, a été comparée dans des parcelles d'un verger expérimental de pommiers adultes aux Pays-Bas. Ces parcelles étaient caractérisées par des densités fortes, intermédiaires, et basses en perce-oreilles. Les colonies de pucerons ont été découvertes et exterminées principalement par les perce-oreilles beaucoup plus rapidement dans les parcelles à forte et moyenne densité de perce-oreilles que dans celles à faible densité. Les pucerons lanigères ont colonisé 30 à 35% des nouvelles pousses lorsque les perce-oreilles étaient exclus par une barrière mécanique (Tanglefoot), alors que moins de 10% des pousses ont été infestées lorsque les perce-oreilles étaient relativement abondants.Plusieurs facterus ont probablement influencé le résultat des expériences de prédation, notamment la présence de proies alternatives (par exemple Aphis pomi), la phénologie du développement des perce-oreilles et le climat. Néanmoins, les perce-oreilles ont joué un rôle important en limitant les populations du puceron lanigère, et constituent potentiellement d'importants agents de contrôle naturel de ce ravageur.

An investigation of the effects of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) predation was conducted in 12 experimental ponds in southern California over a period of 10 months.Gambusia essentially eliminatedDaphnia pulex andCeriodaphnia sp. populations, reducedDiaptomus pallidus andKeratella quadrata populations, had little impact onCyclops vernalis, and caused large increases inK. cochlearis, Polyarthra sp.,Synchaeta sp., andTrichocerca spp. populations and in total phytoplankton.Gambusia caused a decrease in the PIE (probability of interspecific encounter) of the planktonic crustaceans and an increase in the PIE of the planktonic rotifers. Hemiptera, such as neustonicMicrovelia sp. and nektonicBuenoa sp. andNotonecta sp., andHyla regilla tadpoles were absent from fish ponds but sometimes abundant in control ponds.Gambusia caused higher pH and oxygen levels, presumably via its effect on the phytoplankton. The impact ofGambusia on the pond ecosystems was less in winter, when fish numbers and feeding rates were low, than in summer. Results of other fish-plankton studies are summarized in tabular form. A model is proposed to account for variation in the calanoid/cyclopoid ratio; evidence is summarized suggesting that in general calanoids are more susceptible to predation by predaceous zooplankters while cyclopoids are more susceptible to fish predation. Some parallels are drawn between the effects ofGambusia predation and those of insecticide treatments.  相似文献   

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