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正在自然生境中,果蝠主要以果实或者花蜜为食,成熟果实或花蜜由于微生物发酵而含一定量的乙醇。乙醇在生态系统中是一种常见物质,它是生物厌氧代谢的终端产物之一(Van Waarde,1991)。一旦果实成熟,它们中的糖分就会被微生物或者自身发酵代谢成乙醇(Battcock and Azam-Ali,1998;Dudley,2000,2004)。果实中的乙醇浓度主要是由这些以糖分为能源的发酵微生物的扩增状态来决定  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss how yeast, fungi ubiquitously presentin sugar-rich fruit, can influence the interaction between frugivoresand fleshy-fruited plants via ethanol. We suggest that plants,the seeds of which are mostly dispersed by vertebrates, exploitthe ethanol from alcoholic fermentation by yeast in their seeddispersal strategy. Moderate consumption of ethanol, i.e., atconcentrations close to those in naturally ripening fruit, byfrugivores may have beneficial short- and long-term effectsfor these potential dispersers, whereas consumption of largerquantities may have negative short- and long-term effects. Ethanolvapor emanating from palatable fruit may act as an odor cue,guiding bats and other frugivores to the fruit, and aiding themto assess its quality. In addition, we suggest that ingestedethanol may be an appetitive stimulant. We also evaluate thepossibility that ethanol within fruit may be used as a sourceof energy by frugivorous vertebrates. Our preliminary data indicatethat Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) can use theodor of ethanol to assess food suitability, but also that itmay not serve as an attractant over short distances (i.e., <1m). Instead, ethanol is avoided at concentrations greater than1%, a value which might typically characterize overripe andotherwise unpalatable fruit. Our initial results further indicatethat Egyptian fruit bats significantly decrease their food consumptionif it contains 1 or 2% ethanol. Overall, ethanol may play diverseroles in the nutritional ecology and behavior of fruit-eatingbats, and in the interaction between frugivores and plants,in general.  相似文献   

Ethanol, a potential toxin for vertebrates, is present in all fleshy fruits and its content increases as the fruit ripens. Previously, we found that the marginal value of food for Egyptian fruit bats, Rousettus aegyptiacus, decreases when its ethanol content exceeds 1%. Therefore, we hypothesized that, if ingested, food containing >1% ethanol is toxic to these bats, probably causing inebriation that will affect flight and echolocation skills. We tested this hypothesis by flying Egyptian fruit bats in an indoor corridor and found that after ingesting ethanol-rich food bats flew significantly slower than when fed ethanol-free food. Also, the ingestion of ethanol significantly affected several variables of the bats’ echolocation calls and behavior. We concluded that ethanol can be toxic to fruit bats; not only does it reduce the marginal value of food, but it also has negative physiological effects on their ability to fly competently and on their calling ability.  相似文献   

Evolutionary origins of alcohol consumption have rarely been considered in studies of ethanol addiction. However, the occurrence of ethanol in ripe and decaying fruit and the substantial heritability of alcoholism in humans suggest an important historical association between primate frugivory and alcohol consumption. Olfactory localization of ripe fruit via volatilized alcohols, the use of ethanol as an appetitive stimulant, and the consumption of fruits with substantial ethanol content potentially characterize all frugivorous primates, including hominoids and the lineage leading to modern humans. Patterns of alcohol use by humans in contemporary environments may thus reflect a maladaptive co-option of ancestral nutritional strategies. Although diverse factors contribute to the expression of alcoholism as a clinical syndrome, historical selection for the consumption of ethanol in the course of frugivory can be viewed as a subtle yet pervasive evolutionary influence on modern humans.  相似文献   

The sugars in fleshy fruits provide a rich source of energy to frugivorous animals. However, these carbohydrates also serve as a substrate for alcoholic fermentation by yeasts, ethanol being the main by-product of this process. Ethanol ingestion via frugivory thus occurs in a diverse assemblage of invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, including numerous species of birds. We tested the roles of ethanol as an odor cue for resource location by adult yellow-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos) and as a possible appetite stimulant in feeding trials with artificial food. We hypothesized (1) that the odor of ethanol does not serve as a food-locating cue in diurnal frugivorous passerine birds, and predicted that the choice of food source and the mass of food eaten by such birds will not be influenced by the odor of ethanol. We further hypothesized (2) that food intake in passerine birds is affected by ingestion of ethanol according to its concentration [EtOH], and predicted that food intake will follow a bell-shaped curve in relation to [EtOH]. In accord with hypothesis (1) and its prediction, we found that the odor of ethanol did not affect food preferences, in either ethanol-naïve or ethanol-experienced yellow-vented bulbuls, when presented at concentrations found in naturally ripe fruit (0.0–1.0%); this suggests that the odor of ethanol is not a food-locating cue for the bulbuls. Hypothesis (2) was partially supported, namely at low [EtOH] (0–3%), food intake was constant and at high [EtOH] (3%) food intake decreased, following only the right half of the predicted bell-shaped response. Ethanol-naïve birds showed no preference towards any [EtOH] presented in two-way choice trials. However, daily food intake in ethanol-experienced bulbuls in single option trials decreased by an average of 36% when the artificial food contained the highest tested concentration of ethanol (3.0%). We suggest that decreasing food intake when food ethanol concentration is relatively high may be a means of avoiding intoxication and is related to the ethanol-metabolizing ability of the bird.  相似文献   

We tested whether food availability, thermal environment and time of year affect torpor use and temperature selection in the large mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) in summer and winter. Food-deprived bats were torpid longer than bats offered food ad libitum. Bats placed in a gradient of low (0 degrees C-25 degrees C) ambient temperatures (T(a)) spent more time in torpor than bats in a gradient of high (7 degrees C-43 degrees C) T(a)'s. However, we did not observe seasonal variations in the use of torpor. Moreover, even when food deprived in winter, bats never entered prolonged torpor at T(a)'s characteristic of their natural hibernation. Instead, bats preferred shallow torpor at relatively high T(a), but they always maintained a difference between body and ambient temperatures of less than 2 degrees C. Calculations based on respirometric measurements of metabolic rate showed that food deprived bats spent less energy per unit of time in torpor than fed individuals, even when they entered torpor at higher T(a)'s. We conclude that T(a) likely serves as a signal of food availability and daily torpor is apparently an adaptation to unpredictable changes in food availability, such as its decrease in summer or its increase in winter. Thus, we interpret hibernation to be a second step in the evolution of heterothermy in bats, which allows survival in seasonal environments.  相似文献   

The diets of frugivorous and nectarivorous vertebrates contain much water and generally have high energy but low protein contents. Therefore, we tested the prediction that to save energy under conditions of high energy demands and high water intake, frugivorous Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) will increase both the absolute quantity and the proportion of ammonia in their urine. We also examined whether such changes occur when protein intake is low and water intake is high. We did three feeding trials. In trials 1 and 2, bats were fed one of four liquid diets containing constant soy protein concentrations but varying in sucrose concentration and were kept at ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 30 degrees Celsius and 12 degrees Celsius, respectively. In trial 3, bats were kept at Ta=12 degrees Celsius and fed one of four liquid diets with equal sucrose concentrations but varying protein concentrations. In trial 1, food intake at a sucrose concentration of 256 mmol/kg H(2)O was initially high but decreased to a constant rate with further increases in sucrose concentration, while in trial 2, food intake decreased exponentially with increasing sucrose concentration. As predicted, at 12 degrees Celsius with varying sucrose concentration, both the absolute quantity and the fraction of ammonia in the bats' urine increased significantly with food intake (P<0.02), while the absolute quantity of urea and the fraction of urea nitrogen excreted decreased significantly with food intake (P<0.03). Varying sucrose concentration had no significant effect on nitrogen excretion at Ta=30 degrees Celsius. Varying protein concentration had no significant effect on nitrogen excretion at Ta=12 degrees Celsius. We suggest that Egyptian fruit bats can increase ammonia excretion in response to increased energetic demands, and we calculate that they can save energy equal to approximately 2% of their daily metabolic rate by doing so.  相似文献   

The significance of sleep and factors that affect it have been well documented, however, in light of global climate change the effect of temperature on sleep patterns has only recently gained attention. Unlike many mammals, bats (order: Chiroptera) are nocturnal and little is known about their sleep and the effects of ambient temperature (Ta) on their sleep. Consequently we investigated seasonal temperature effects on sleep behaviour and surface body temperature of free-ranging Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus wahlbergi, at a tree roost. Sleep behaviours of E. wahlbergi were recorded, including: sleep duration and sleep incidences (i.e. one eye open and both eyes closed). Sleep differed significantly across all the individuals in terms of sleep duration and sleep incidences. Individuals generally spent more time awake than sleeping. The percentage of each day bats spent asleep was significantly higher during winter (27.6%), compared with summer (15.6%). In summer, 20.7% of the sleeping bats used one eye open sleep, and this is possibly the first evidence of one-eye-sleep in non-marine mammals. Sleep duration decreased with extreme heat as bats spent significantly more time trying to cool by licking their fur, spreading their wings and panting. Skin temperatures of E. wahlbergi were significantly higher when Ta was ≥35°C and no bats slept at these high temperatures. Consequently extremely hot days negatively impact roosting fruit bats, as they were forced to be awake to cool themselves. This has implications for these bats given predicted climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Hibernation by tree-roosting bats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In summer, long-eared bats (Nyctophilus spp.) roost under bark and in tree cavities, where they appear to benefit from diurnal heating of roosts. In contrast, hibernation is thought to require a cool stable temperature, suggesting they should prefer thermally insulated tree cavities during winter. To test this prediction, we quantified the winter thermoregulatory physiology and ecology of hibernating tree-roosting bats, Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gouldi in the field. Surprisingly, bats in winter continued to roost under exfoliating bark (65%) on the northern, sunny side of trees and in shallow tree cavities (35%). Despite passive re-warming of torpid bats by 10-20 degrees C per day, torpor bouts lasted up to 15 days, although shorter bouts were also common. Arousals occurred more frequently and subsequent activity lasted longer on warmer nights, suggesting occasional winter foraging. We show that, because periodic arousals coincide with maximum roost temperatures, when costs of rewarming and normothermic thermoregulation are minimal, exposure to a daily temperature cycle could largely reduce energy expenditure during hibernation. Our study provides further evidence that models of torpor patterns and energy expenditure from hibernators in cold temperate climates are not directly applicable in milder climates, where prolonged torpor can be interspersed with more frequent arousals and occasional foraging.  相似文献   

Although many tropical and subtropical areas experience pronounced seasonal changes in weather and food availability, few studies have examined and none have compared the thermal physiology and energetics of a hibernating mammal that is restricted to these regions. We quantified thermal energetics of northern long-eared bats (Nyctophilus bifax; body mass ~10 g) during summer, winter, and spring from a subtropical habitat, and also during winter from a tropical habitat, to determine how N. bifax cope with climate and seasonal changes in weather. We captured bats in the wild and measured metabolic rates via open-flow respirometry. The basal metabolic rate of subtropical bats at an ambient temperature (T(a)) of 32.6 ± 0.7°C was 1.28 ± 0.06 ml O(2)·g(-1)·h(-1) during both summer and winter, similar to other species of Nyctophilus. Resting metabolic rates below the thermoneutral zone increased similarly with decreasing T(a) during all seasons and in both regions. All individuals showed a high proclivity to enter torpor at T(a) values below the thermoneutral zone. Metabolic rates in torpid thermoconforming bats fell with T(a) and body temperature, and mean minimum metabolic rates during torpor were similar during all seasons and in both regions and as predicted from body mass in temperate zone hibernators. At very low T(a), torpid N. bifax thermoregulated, and this threshold T(a) differed significantly between subtropical (T(a) = 3.5 ± 0.3°C) and tropical (T(a) = 6.7 ± 0.7°C) individuals, but not between seasons. Our data show that thermal energetics of N. bifax do not vary seasonally and in many aspects are similar in tropical and subtropical bats; however, torpid individuals from the subtropics allow body temperature to fall to significantly lower values than those from the tropics.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in ambient temperature (Ta) require changes in thermoregulatory responses of endotherms. These responses vary according to several factors including taxon and energy constraints. Despite a plethora of studies on chiropteran variations in thermoregulation, few have examined African species. In this study, we used the Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi, body mass≈115 g) to determine how the thermoregulatory abilities of an Afrotropical chiropteran respond to seasonal changes in Ta. Mass specific Resting Metabolic Rates (RMRTa) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) were significantly higher in winter than in summer. Furthermore, winter body mass was significantly higher than summer body mass. A broad thermoneutral zone (TNZ) was observed in winter (15–35 °C) compared with summer (25–30 °C). This species exhibited heterothermy (rectal and core body temperature) during the photophase (bats' rest-phase) particularly at lower Tas and had a low tolerance of high Tas. Overall, there was a significant seasonal variation in the thermoregulatory abilities of E. wahlbergi. The relative paucity of data relating to the seasonal thermoregulatory abilities of Afrotropical bats suggest further work is needed for comparison and possible effects of climate change, particularly extreme hot days.  相似文献   

Daily torpor can provide significant energy and water savings in bats during cold ambient temperatures and food scarcity. However, it may reduce rates of foetal and juvenile development. Therefore, reproductive females should optimize development by minimizing times in torpor. To test this hypothesis, the use of torpor by female and male free-ranging Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) during reproduction (gestation, lactation, and post-lactation period) was investigated in 1998 and 1999. Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were attached to the bats to measure skin temperature. Simultaneously, ambient temperature was recorded. While both sexes became torpid during daytime, male bats used daily torpor (>6°C below individual active temperature) significantly more often during reproductive period (mean: 78.4 % of day time in May and 43 % in June) than females. Female bats went into daily torpor, particularly in late summer when juveniles were weaned (mean: 66.6 % of daytime). Lowest skin temperatures occurred in a female bat with 21.0°C during post-lactation. Skin temperatures of male bats fluctuated from 16.8°C in torpor to 37.2°C during times of activity. There was a significant effect of reproductive period on skin temperature in females whereas mean ambient temperature had no significant effect. However, mean ambient temperature affected mean skin temperatures in males. Our findings indicate that female Daubenton’s bats adopt their thermoregulatory behaviour in particular to optimize the juvenile development.  相似文献   

Although roost choice in bats has been studied previously, little is known about how opposing roost colours affect the expression of torpor quantitatively. We quantified roost selection and thermoregulation in a captive Australian insectivorous bat, Nyctophilus gouldi (n=12) in winter when roosting in black and white coloured boxes using temperature-telemetry. We quantified how roost choice influences torpor expression when food was provided ad libitum or restricted in bats housed together in an outdoor aviary exposed to natural fluctuations of ambient temperature. Black box temperatures averaged 5.1 °C (maximum 7.5 °C) warmer than white boxes at their maximum daytime temperature. Bats fed ad libitum chose black boxes on most nights (92.9%) and on 100% of nights when food-restricted. All bats used torpor on all study days. However, bats fed ad libitum and roosting in black boxes used shorter torpor and spent more time normothermic/active at night than food-restricted bats and bats roosting in white boxes. Bats roosting in black boxes also rewarmed passively more often and to a higher skin temperature than those in white boxes. Our study suggests that N. gouldi fed ad libitum select warmer roosts in order to passively rewarm to a higher skin temperature and thus save energy required for active midday rewarming as well as to maintain a normothermic body temperature for longer periods at night. This study shows that colour should be considered when deploying bat boxes; black boxes are preferable for those bats that use passive rewarming, even in winter when food availability is reduced.  相似文献   

The interaction of ethanol (EtOH), prolactin (Prl) and luteinizing hormone (LH) was examined in two studies. In the first study, adult male C57 B1/6J mice were given a single intraperitoneal injection of either vehicle or Prl at 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg and a significant dose-related suppression of ethanol consumption was found. This injection did not cause any differences in food intake or body weight. Additionally, a 5 mg/kg dose of Prl was also given to adult male Long Evans Hooded rats and, similarly, there was a significant suppression of ethanol consumption. In a second study, when rats were given a free choice between water and 5% EtOH, three subgroups were found regarding the amount of EtOH consumption: low, medium and high. After 2 weeks of free choice, hypothalamic, but not serum Prl and LH levels, were significantly increased in EtOH-imbibing groups compared to controls. These findings suggest important interactions between EtOH consumption and ambient levels of Prl and LH.  相似文献   

大麝鼩(Crocidura lasiura)是一种分布较广的食虫目动物,以往的工作仅限于对其形态及分布的描述。目前大麝鼩不仅成为上海地区农田生态系统中鼠形小兽群落内的优势种,而且也是当地流行性出血热(EHF)的主要传染源之一。但对其生态学研究几乎是空白。近年来,我们对大麝鼩的繁殖、食性和越冬等生态问题作了报道,并对其种群密  相似文献   

Previous tests with essential oils from ripe chiropterochoric fruits suggested they can be used to attract and capture fruit-eating bats inside forest remnants. Here we evaluated the efficiency of these oils to attract frugivorous bats to open areas. We performed field tests with artificial fruits impregnated with essential oils of the genera Piper or Ficus that were attached to two groups of mist-nets set 50 m outside the border of a forest remnant. One group of artificial fruits received the corresponding oil isolated through hydrodistillation and the other received water only. Fruits with oils attracted significantly more fruit-eating bats, especially Artibeus lituratus that regularly crosses open habitats to reach other forest remnants. The highly significant attraction of A. lituratus by the oil of Piper was unexpected, since this bat is a specialist on Ficus fruits. We hypothesize that in habitats with no fruit available it is possible to attract frugivorous bats with the odor of several ripe fruit species. Furthermore, we verified that almost half of the individuals captured defecated seeds, indicating that the oils also attract recently fed bats, even when their preferred food is available nearby. This technique potentially may increase seed rain at specific locations, being particularly promising to restoration projects.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of food supplementation during summer and winter in seminatural field conditions on thermoregulation of a desert rodent, the golden spiny mouse Acomys russatus. We hypothesized that (a) under natural food availability (control conditions), mice will use less precise thermoregulation (i.e., an increase in the variance of body temperature [T(b)]) during winter because of low ambient temperatures (T(a)'s) and low food availability and during summer because of low food and water availability; (b) food supplementation will result in more precise thermoregulation during winter, but the effect will be smaller during summer because variation in T(b) in summer is also driven by water availability during that period. We found that under natural food availability, spiny mice thermoregulated more precisely during summer than during winter. They spent more time torpid during summer than during winter even when food was supplemented (although summer nights are shorter), allowing them to conserve water. Supplementing food resulted in more precise thermoregulation in both seasons, and mice spent less time torpid. In summer, thermoregulation at high T(a)'s was less precise, resulting in higher maximum T(b)'s in summer than in winter and when food was supplemented, in accord with the expected effect of water shortage on thermoregulation. Our results suggest that as expected, precise thermoregulation is beneficial when possible and is abandoned only when the costs of homeothermy outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

Estivation is accompanied by a reduction of oxygen consumption in amphibians during drought. We tested the hypothesis that, during the dry season, the toad Bufo paracnemis selects a lower preferred body temperature (T(b)), and would be less sensitive to hypoxia, than during its active period. Therefore, during winter (dry season in S?o Paulo state, Brazil) and summer, we measured the effects of hypoxia (7% inspired O(2)) on preferred T(b). Additionally, pulmonary ventilation, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen consumption were also measured in toads at 15 and 25 degrees C. Blood gases were measured at 25 degrees C. Oxygen consumption was significantly higher during summer in toads at 25 degrees C. Under normoxia, preferred T(b) was higher during summer than during winter, and hypoxia caused a drop in preferred T(b) during both seasons. In both seasons, toads at 15 degrees C showed reduced pulmonary ventilation, heart rate, and blood pressure, and hypoxia had no effect. At 25 degrees C during summer only, hypoxia caused an increase in ventilation. Season had no effect on blood gases. We conclude that B. paracnemis displays an endogenous seasonal pattern of thermoregulation and control of ventilation. The decreased preferred T(b) and the physiological responses to hypoxia may be beneficial to toads encountering drought and when food is not available.  相似文献   

BackgroundPteropine orthoreovirus (PRV) is an emerging bat-borne zoonotic virus that causes severe respiratory illness in humans. Although PRVs have been identified in fruit bats and humans in Australia and Asia, little is known about the prevalence of PRV infection in Africa. Therefore, this study performed an PRV surveillance in fruit bats in Zambia.MethodsEgyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus, n = 47) and straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum, n = 33) captured in Zambia in 2017–2018 were screened for PRV infection using RT-PCR and serum neutralization tests. The complete genome sequence of an isolated PRV strain was determined by next generation sequencing and subjected to BLAST and phylogenetic analyses. Replication capacity and pathogenicity of the strain were investigated using Vero E6 cell cultures and BALB/c mice, respectively.ResultsAn PRV strain, tentatively named Nachunsulwe-57, was isolated from one Egyptian fruit bat. Serological assays demonstrated that 98% of sera (69/70) collected from Egyptian fruit bats (n = 37) and straw-colored fruit bats (n = 33) had neutralizing antibodies against PRV. Genetic analyses revealed that all 10 genome segments of Nachunsulwe-57 were closely related to a bat-derived Kasama strain found in Uganda. Nachunsulwe-57 showed less efficiency in viral growth and lower pathogenicity in mice than another PRV strain, Miyazaki-Bali/2007, isolated from a patient.ConclusionsA high proportion of Egyptian fruit bats and straw-colored fruit bats were found to be seropositive to PRV in Zambia. Importantly, a new PRV strain (Nachunsulwe-57) was isolated from an Egyptian fruit bat in Zambia, which had relatively weak pathogenicity in mice. Taken together, our findings provide new epidemiological insights about PRV infection in bats and indicate the first isolation of an PRV strain that may have low pathogenicity to humans.  相似文献   

1. Haematological values and iron status of wild and captive fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) were determined. 2. Plasma iron concentrations were 175 micrograms/dl in wild males, and 286-316 micrograms/dl in captive bats. 3. Total splenic stores were small (around 100 micrograms) in relation to hepatic stores (3 mg) and total haem iron (2.6 mg). 4. Haemoglobin levels, red cell counts and haematocrits were unusually high and mean corpuscular volumes low. 5. Lactating wild bats showed no deficits in iron status or in haematological values. 6. It is concluded that the ascorbic acid content of fruit, together with the bats' high food requirement, has ensured an ample iron supply in this vegetarian species.  相似文献   

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