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A proportion of 1/4 to 1/2 of North African female pool is made of typical sub-Saharan lineages, in higher frequencies as geographic proximity to sub-Saharan Africa increases. The Sahara was a strong geographical barrier against gene flow, at least since 5,000 years ago, when desertification affected a larger region, but the Arab trans-Saharan slave trade could have facilitate enormously this migration of lineages. Till now, the genetic consequences of these forced trans-Saharan movements of people have not been ascertained.  相似文献   

Seventy individuals from two African and four black Brazilian populations were studied for the first hypervariable segment of mtDNA. To delineate a more complete phylogeographic scenario of the African mtDNA haplogroups in Brazil and to provide additional information on the nature of the Atlantic slave trade, we analyzed our data together with previously published data. The results indicate different sources of African slaves for the four major Brazilian regions. In addition, the data revealed patterns that differ from those expected on the basis of historical registers, thus suggesting the role of ethnic sex differences in the slave trade.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of historical social resources in the development of a transnational trade diaspora of Ecuador's indigenous Otavalan merchants. The Otavalans are well known for their production of handicrafts, using pre-industrial and industrial technologies, and for their far-flung trips in search of foreign buyers. In this account, the role of 'social capital', typically defined as a 'public good', is highlighted to better gauge its usefulness to other migrant and indigenous groups. I conclude that the Otavalo case suggests that in-group 'social capital' is: (a) not sufficient or necessary for 'grass-roots' transnational entrepreneurship; (b) the political origins of an ethnic group's 'trust-worthiness' reveal a more diverse set of symbolic and cultural 'capitals', which may then be used by an emergent merchant class to gain financial capital for a business venture; and (c) 'globalization' notwithstanding, contemporary trade diasporas may rise and fall due to similar causal dynamics found among much older and ubiquitous 'cross-cultural trade diasporas'.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) mitochondrial genome has been determined. The entire sequence is 16665 base pairs (bp) in length, with a gene content (13 protein-coding, two ribosomal RNA [rRNA] and 22 transfer RNA [tRNA] genes) and order conforming to that observed in most other vertebrates. Base composition and codon usage have been detailed. Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of the 13 protein-coding genes from Atlantic salmon have been compared with their counterparts in rainbow trout. A putative structure for the origin of L-strand replication (O(L)) is proposed, and sequence features of the control region (D-loop) are described.  相似文献   



Genetic studies of the Arabian Peninsula are scarce even though the region was the center of ancient trade routes and empires and may have been the southern corridor for the earliest human migration from Africa to Asia. A total of 120 mtDNA Saudi Arab lineages were analyzed for HVSI/II sequences and for haplogroup confirmatory coding diagnostic positions. A phylogeny of the most abundant haplogroup (preHV)1 (R0a) was constructed based on 13 whole mtDNA genomes.  相似文献   

Since the first Chinese shop opened in Cape Verde in 1995, this remote archipelago has experienced a wave of Chinese entrepreneurial immigration that has transformed local retail and significantly affected people's purchasing power. During this process, Chinese migrants have seen profit margins fall and now complain that there are too many Chinese in Cape Verde. This article explores the migration dynamics that have characterized the pioneer phase of Chinese immigration, and the migrants’ understanding of their own position in relation to the Chinese diaspora. Furthermore, it discusses how the characteristics of the local economy and the resources of the Chinese migrants have interacted to form the basis for Chinese settlement. The article examines the process of market saturation, and relates responses to market saturation to a conceptual framework developed on the basis of literature on Chinese migration to Europe and the former Soviet Union.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide sequences of African origin have been found at low frequency (1%, in average) in different European populations. In the present study, data on mtDNA variability in populations of Eurasia and Africa are analyzed and search of African-specific lineages present in Europeans is conducted. The results of analysis indicate that, despite a high diversity of African mtDNA haplotypes found in Europeans, monophyletic clusters of African mtDNA lineages, arisen in Europe and characterized by long-term diversity, are nearly absent in Europe. Only two respective clusters (belonging to haplogroups L1b and L3b), which evolutionary age does not exceed 6.5 thousands years, were revealed. Comparative analysis of distribution of frequencies of autosomal microsatellite alleles found in Russian individuals, carrying the African-specific mitochondrial haplotypes, in populations of Europe and Africa has indicated that autosomal genotypes of those Russian individuals are characterized by the presence of alleles characteristic mostly for Europeans.  相似文献   

Since Thor Heyerdahl asserted that Polynesia was first colonized from the Americas (Heyerdahl 1950), geneticists have sought--but have not found--any evidence to support his theories. Here, Native American Y chromosomes are detected on the Polynesian island of Rapa. However, this, together with other odd features of the island's Y-chromosomal gene pool, is best explained as the genetic impact of a 19th century Peruvian slave trade in Polynesia. These findings underscore the need to account for history before turning to prehistory and the value of archival research to understanding modern genetic diversity. Although the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on the distribution of modern genetic diversity has been well appreciated, this represents the first study investigating the impact of this underappreciated episode on genetic diversity in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Asthma is epidemic in developed and developing countries including those in the Caribbean where it is widely believed that African dust, transported in high concentrations in the Trade Winds every year, is a major causative factor. The link between asthma and dust in the Caribbean is based largely on anecdotal evidence that associates sharp increases in the occurrence of asthma symptoms with hazy conditions often caused by dust. Here we report on a 2-year study of the relationship between the daily concentrations of dust measured in on-shore Trade Winds at Barbados and pediatric asthma attendance rates at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH). We looked for large increases in QEH daily attendances in relation to daily dust concentrations as previously suggested by anecdotal observations. We could not find any obvious relationship although there may be more subtle linkages between dust and asthma. Our measurements show, however, that the concentration of dust in the size range under 2.5 μm diameter is sufficiently high as to challenge United States Environmental Protection Agency air quality standards for respirable particles. Thus, African dust may constitute a health threat of a different nature, producing symptoms less obvious than those of asthma.  相似文献   

Recent genetic results support the recognition of two African elephant species: Loxodonta africana, the savannah elephant, and Loxodonta cyclotis, the forest elephant. The study, however, did not include the populations of West Africa, where the taxonomic affinities of elephants have been much debated. We examined mitochondrial cytochrome b control region sequences and four microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic differences between the forest and savannah elephants of West and Central Africa. We then combined our data with published control region sequences from across Africa to examine patterns at the continental level. Our analysis reveals several deeply divergent lineages that do not correspond with the currently recognized taxonomy: (i) the forest elephants of Central Africa; the forest and savannah elephants of West Africa; and (iii) the savannah elephants of eastern, southern and Central Africa. We propose that the complex phylogeographic patterns we detect in African elephants result from repeated continental-scale climatic changes over their five-to-six million year evolutionary history. Until there is consensus on the taxonomy, we suggest that the genetic and ecological distinctness of these lineages should be an important factor in conservation management planning.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 204 individuals of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) revealed no differentiation among samples from three sites in the Mediterranean Sea (Greece, Italy, Spain), but a high degree of differentiation between Mediterranean samples and a sample from the Gulf of Guinea. A fifth sample from the Atlantic side of the Straits of Gibraltar (Tarifa) consisted mostly of mitotypes that are common in the Mediterranean, but contained several of mtDNA types of the Guinea sample not found in the Mediterranean. We conclude that, in spite of free migration of swordfish across the Straits of Gibraltar, little genetic exchange occurs between the populations inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea and the tropical Atlantic ocean. This is the first evidence of genetic differentiation among geographic populations of this highly mobile species that supports a world-wide fishery.  相似文献   

The blue and the black wildebeest, Connochaetes taurinus and C. gnou, are currently classified as congeneric, but previous reports have placed C. taurinus in its own genus, Gorgon. To further clarify the evolutionary relationship between these two species, we examined and compared their mitotic chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). No species-specific G-banded or C-banded chromosomal markers were found, and we conclude that the karyotypes are invariant at the level of resolution obtained. An evolutionary divergence time of approximately 1 million years was calculated from mtDNA restriction fragment data, indicating a close phylogenetic relationship for the two wildebeest species. The low nucleotide diversity detected within the black wildebeest (0.09%) is thought to reflect the recent population bottleneck to which the species has been subjected. In contrast, the limited heterogeneity (0.02%) within the South African blue wildebeest herds sampled in this study was surprising, and we argue that for many populations, especially those on smaller reserves, this may reflect common descent from a small number of animals through management-controlled translocations.  相似文献   

The African clawed frogs (Silurana and Xenopus), model organisms for scientific inquiry, are unusual in that allopolyploidization has occurred on multiple occasions, giving rise to tetraploid, octoploid, and dodecaploid species. To better understand their evolution, here we estimate a mitochondrial DNA phylogeny from all described and some undescribed species. We examine the timing and location of diversification, and test hypotheses concerning the frequency of polyploid speciation and taxonomy. Using a relaxed molecular clock, we estimate that extant clawed frog lineages originated well after the breakup of Gondwana, about 63.7 million years ago, with a 95% confidence interval from 50.4 to 81.3 million years ago. Silurana and two major lineages of Xenopus have overlapping distributions in sub-Saharan Africa, and dispersal-vicariance analysis suggests that clawed frogs originated in central and/or eastern equatorial Africa. Most or all extant species originated before the Pleistocene; recent rainforest refugia probably acted as "lifeboats" that preserved existing species, rather than "species pumps" where many new successful lineages originated. We estimate that polyploidization occurred at least six times in clawed frogs.  相似文献   

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