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Acetyl esterase production was detected in a wood-rotting fungus,Coriolus versicolor, by the formation of a clear zone on a double layer agar plate containing glucose β-d-pentaacetate. Two polysaccharide acetates, carboxymethyl cellulose acetate and xylan acetate, also served as detectable substrates in place of glucose acetate to form clear zone. In an esterase assay, this fungal esterase showed a higher specificity to acetylxylan than did porcine liver esterase, indicating that it is an acetylxylan esterase.  相似文献   

The distribution of acetyl esterase was studied in 30 strains of wood-rotting fungi. A screening test on agar plates using glucose β-d-pentaacetate as a substrate indicated that all tested fungi produced acetyl esterase to form a clear zone on the culture. All fungi also showed positive responses in an agar test using carboxymethyl cellulose acetate. Enzyme assay showed that extracellular acetylxylan esterase activity was present in the filtrates of wood-meal culture of all these fungi. The ratio of fungal acetylxylan esterase activity to 4-nitrophenyl acetyl esterase activity were higher than that of porcine liver esterase, indicating that fungal esterases have high affinity for acetylated carbohydrates. Acetyl esterase is suggested to be distributed widely in wood-rotting fungi for degradation of native acetylated hemicelluloses.  相似文献   

Various glucosylamines were synthesized from glucose and different alkyl amine compounds. These amino compounds are beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (GPA), N-ethyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (EtGPA), N-butyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (BuGPA), N-hexyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (HeGPA), N-octyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (OcGPA), N-dodecyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (DoGPA), N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (HEtGPA) and N,N-di(2-hydroxyethyl)-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine (DHEtGPA). They were tested for their antifungal activity against the growth of Coriolus versicolor and Poria placenta. An improvement of the antifungal activity with the increase of alkyl chain length was observed. DoGPA exhibited the best antifungal activity against both strains. It completely inhibited the fungal growth at 0.01x10(-3)molmL(-1) and 0.0075x10(-3)molmL(-1) for C. versicolor and P. placenta, respectively. For other glucosylamines higher concentrations were needed for complete inhibition of fungi.  相似文献   

A total of 69 samples of hay and straw collected during the winter period of 1984/85 were surveyed for their contamination by Aspergillus versicolor. The percentage of A. versicolor-positive samples was 14.5%. Nineteen A. versicolor strains mainly isolated from roughage were tested for the production of sterigmatocystin. All of the isolates examined were capable of producing different levels of sterigmatocystin on a cracked corn substrate. The majority of these strains were highly toxigenic; 53% of the isolates produced more than 500 mg/kg of sterigmatocystin. These findings suggest that corn is a very suitable substrate for sterigmatocystin production and that particularly in the surface layers of feed stocks and corn silos such toxigenic strains of A. versicolor can produce considerable growth and possibly sterigmatocystin, too.  相似文献   

Amaranth, Tropaeolin O, Reactive Blue 15, Congo Red, and Reactive Black 5 were completely decolorized with no dye sorption by Trametes versicolor. Cibacron Brilliant Red 3G-P, Cibacron Brilliant Yellow 3B-A, and Remazol Brilliant Blue R were partially decolorized with some dye sorbed to the biomass. The Microtox assay before decoloration showed that Amaranth and Tropaeolin O were not toxic [the percent concentration to decrease 20% of the luminescence of Vibrio fischeri (EC20) was greater than 100%]; Cibacron Brilliant Yellow 3B-A, Reactive Blue 15 and Cibacron Brilliant Red 3G-P were moderately non-toxic (100% > EC20 > 75%); Remazol Brilliant Blue R was toxic (75% > EC20 > 50%); and Congo Red and Reactive Black 5 were moderately toxic (50% > EC20 > 25%). After decoloration the toxicity of the solutions containing Amaranth, Tropaeolin O and Reactive Black 5 was unchanged; Reactive Blue 15, Remazol Brilliant Blue R and Cibacron Brilliant Red 3G-P decreased to non-toxic levels; and Cibacron Brilliant Yellow 3B-A and Congo Red became very toxic (EC20 < 25%).  相似文献   

Eleven regions of mouse brain and twelve layers of monkey retina were assayed for choline acetyl transferase (ChAT), acetylcholine esterase (AChE), and 4 enzymes that synthesize acetyl CoA. The purpose was to seek evidence concerning the source of acetyl CoA for acetylcholine generation. In brain ATP citrate lyase was strongly correlated with ChAT as well as AChE (r=0.914 in both cases). Weak, but statistically significant correlation, was observed between ChAT and both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial thiolase, whereas there was a significant negative correlation between ChAT and acetyl thiokinase. In retina ChAT was essentially limited to the inner plexiform and ganglion cell layers, whereas substantial AChE activity extended as well into inner nuclear, outer plexiform and fiber layers, but no further. ATP citrate lyase activity was also highest in the inner four retinal layers, but was not strongly correlated with either ChAT or AChE (r=0.724 and 0.761, respectively). Correlation between ChAT and acetyl thiokinase was at least as strong (r=0.757), and in the six inner layers of retina, the correlation between ChAT and acetylthiokinase was very strong (r=0.932).Special issue dedicated to Dr. Lawrence Austin  相似文献   

To examine the influence of a phenolic compound on the production of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes of a woodrotting fungusCoriolus versicolor, a two-dimensional map of enzyme activity was constructed with various concentrations of cellobiose and vanillin. The productions of CMCase, xylanase, β-glucosidase, and β-xylosidase increased with higher cellobiose concentration and were markedly enhanced by addition of vanillin. Higher ratio of vanillin/cellobiose activated the production of these enzymes. Only acetyl esterase, which is not actively produced at the ligninolytic stage ofC. versicolor, was inhibited by the monolignol vanillin. As the presence of vanillin is considered to approximate conditions of wood decay more closely than its absence, the present result demonstrates that addition of vanillin, a phenolic compound, enhanced the production of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes for wood cell wall degradation.  相似文献   

Summary Coriolus versicolor, a white-rot Basidiomycete, secretes cellulolytic and ligninolytic enzymes as well as polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Whereas the former degrade wood polymers, the latter can convert diphenols to diquinones and oligomerize syringic acid, a lignin derivative. Certain phenolic compounds can serve as disease-resistance factors controlling the proliferation of wood-decay fungi within host tissues. BecauseC. vesicolor can be batch-cultured, overproduction and enhanced secretion of enzymes of biological and commercial interests are feasible. Reported here are the results of attempts to define the timed appearances of intracellular and extracellular PPO, to assess substrate specificity as well as distinguish synthesis versus activation of intracellular PPO and to partially purify extracellular PPO. These efforts were to provide data enabling cell-free synthesis of PPO, cloning of the gene(s) for the oxidase and the establishment of its subcellular route of secretion. Whereas two protein peaks (6 and 12 days in a 16 day time-course) were observed for dialyzed mycelial homogenates, the homogenates' PPO specific activity rose between 4 and 12 days and then declined. Total extracellular protein content climbed from 6 to 15 days for dialyzed growth medium and the medium's PPO specific activity rose at 4 days post-inoculation and except at 9 days increased linearly to 15 days. When aliquots of dialyzed 12 and 15 day media were added to PPO assay mixtures containing catechol and either syringic or gallic acids, statistically significant differences in PPO specific activity between phenolic substrates were noted. Supplementation of cultures with 1.91 g cycloheximide ml growth medium–1 (control, growth medium only) together with 0.5 Ci [14C]-leucine revealed that cycloheximide inhibited PPO activity and suppressed [14C]-leucine incorporation into TCA-insoluble cytoplasmic protein. As for PPO partial purification, growth medium dialysis followed by 0–30% (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and subsequent 12 000×g dialyzate centrifugation yielded a 3.27-fold enhancement in PPO specific activity within the 12 000×g supernatant. Chromatography of the latter upon DEAE-Sephadex indicated that PPO exchanged with the DEAE counterion as it could be eluted with high ionic strength salt. These results suggest that: the occurrences of intracellular and extracellular PPO are time-dependent, intracellular PPO is de novo synthesized, the preferred substrate for extracellular PPO appears to be catechol and extracellular PPO can be partially purified by a combination of dialysis and ammonium sulfate fractionation as well as possibly DEAE chromatography and/or Sephadex G-150 gel filtration.  相似文献   

Summary The white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor MTCC 138 has been identified as an excellent producer of the industrially important enzyme laccase. The basal medium containing glucose gave laccase activity of 155 U/ml. Screening of different media components and their effects on laccase production by Coriolus versicolor was studied using one factor at a time and L9 (34) orthogonal array method. A two-fold increase (305 U/ml) in laccase production was observed using a combination of glucose and starch as carbon source and yeast extract as nitrogen source. This activity is very high as compared to most of the reported strains. Hence this strain was explored for enhancement in laccase. The formation of extracellular laccase could be considerably stimulated by the addition of copper in the optimized medium. Addition of 1 mM copper enhanced laccase activity to 460 U/ml. Laccase production was further enhanced using different aromatic inducers. Among different inducers used 2,5-xylidine was found to be the best, and gave maximum laccase activity of 820 U/ml with 1 mM concentration. Thus, this strain could be an efficient and attractive source for laccase production.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of vanillin on the production of the wood-decomposing enzymes of a wood-rotting fungus, vanillin was added as a model of lignin-related phenols to Coriolus versicolor cultures containing cellulosic and xylan substrates. Among five conditions tested, cellobiose alone was the most effective inducer of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes. Addition of vanillin enhanced the effect of cellobiose on enzyme production. However, vanillin did not act as greatly in other cultures, except for cellobiose. Analytical isoelectric focusing and active staining of endo--1,4-glucanase demonstrated that isozyme patterns in the presence of vanillin were the same as those in absence of vanillin, indicating that vanillin does not induce novel isozymes but rather enhances enzyme production. On the other hand, vanillin, which enhanced production of phenol-oxidizing enzymes, was not always determined in all cultures, suggesting that the action of vanillin depends on the kinds of carbohydrates. Therefore, the effect of a monolignol vanillin on enzyme production was associated with coexistent carbohydrates.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method based on the evolution of wood extractives was developed to follow the first stages of fungal degradation of beech wood exposed to Coriolus versicolor. The nature and the quantity of the extracts initially present in wood depended on the extraction conditions and also on the wood-drying conditions (time and temperature). The most interesting fraction was soxhlet extracted with acetone at 56 °C for 6 h. The best conditions to avoid extractives degradation consisted of a moderate drying at 55 °C for 48 h allowing identification of catechin as potential tracer. After 2 weeks of wood blocks exposure to C. versicolor, analysis of their acetonic extractives showed that catechin signal initially detected in beech wood, had totally disappeared. Treatment of wood with an appropriate fungicide such as propiconazole before exposure to C. versicolor, prevents the catechin amount from any variation. The comparison of these results with the classical weight loss (WL) measurements obtained after long-time experiments on treated and untreated wood blocks shows that the catechin amount evolution, monitored during 2 weeks, correlates with the wood resistance evaluated during 16 weeks, allowing the use of this flavonoid as a valuable biomarker of wood decay.  相似文献   

以枯草芽胞杆菌CICC 20034为研究对象,对其分泌的高相对分子质量酯酶进行鉴定,并考察诱导剂对其活力的影响。结果表明:枯草芽胞杆菌CICC 20034可分泌一种相对分子质量为1.07×105的酯酶,经蛋白质质谱鉴定为乙酰木聚糖酯酶,单体分相对子质量为3.56×104。在发酵培养基中添加乙酸乙酯和木糖可以显著的促进乙酰木聚糖酯酶的活力,而三丁酸甘油酯和大分子诱导剂——木聚糖、玉米芯粉和壳聚糖对酯酶的活力几乎无促进作用。枯草芽胞杆菌CICC 20034以乙酸乙酯为诱导剂时最高比酶活为0.62 U/mL,为已知报道的野生细菌乙酰木聚糖酯酶的最高酯酶活力。  相似文献   

Acetylxylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei removes acetyl side groups from xylan. The crystal structure of the catalytic core of the enzyme was solved at 1.9 A resolution. The core has an alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold, similar to that of homologous acetylxylan esterase from Penicillium purpurogenum and cutinase from Fusarium solani. All three enzymes belong to family 5 of the carbohydrate esterases and the superfamily of the alpha/beta hydrolase fold. Evidently, the enzymes have diverged from a common ancestor and they share the same catalytic mechanism. The catalytic machinery of acetylxylan esterase from T. reesei was studied by comparison with cutinase, the catalytic site of which is well known. Acetylxylan esterase is a pure serine esterase having a catalytic triad (Ser90, His187, and Asp175) and an oxyanion hole (Thr13 N, and Thr13 O gamma). Although the catalytic triad of acetylxylan esterase has been reported previously, there has been no mention of the oxyanion hole. A model for the binding of substrates is presented on the basis of the docking of xylose. Acetylxylan esterase from T. reesei is able to deacetylate both mono- and double-acetylated residues, but it is not able to remove acetyl groups located close to large side groups such as 4-O-methylglucuronic acid. If the xylopyranoside residue is double-acetylated, both acetyl groups are removed by the catalytic triad: first one acetyl group is removed and then the residue is reorientated so that the nucleophilic oxygen of serine can attack the second acetyl group.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric analysis was used to compare the roles of two acetyl esterases (AE, carbohydrate esterase family CE16) and three acetyl xylan esterases (AXE, families CE1 and CE5) in deacetylation of natural substrates, neutral (linear) and 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid (MeGlcA) substituted xylooligosaccharides (XOS). AEs were similarly restricted in their action and apparently removed in most cases only one acetyl group from the non-reducing end of XOS, acting as exo-deacetylases. In contrast, AXEs completely deacetylated longer neutral XOS but had difficulties with the shorter ones. Complete deacetylation of neutral XOS was obtained after the combined action of AEs and AXEs. MeGlcA substituents partially restricted the action of both types of esterases and the remaining acidic XOS were mainly substituted with one MeGlcA and one acetyl group, supposedly on the same xylopyranosyl residue. These resisting structures were degraded to great extent only after inclusion of α-glucuronidase, which acted with the esterases in a synergistic manner. When used together with xylan backbone degrading endoxylanase and β-xylosidase, both AE and AXE enhanced the hydrolysis of complex XOS equally.  相似文献   

SGNH-type acetyl xylan esterases (AcXEs) play important roles in marine and terrestrial xylan degradation, which are necessary for removing acetyl side groups from xylan. However, only a few cold-adapted AcXEs have been reported, and the underlying mechanisms for their cold adaptation are still unknown because of the lack of structural information. Here, a cold-adapted AcXE, AlAXEase, from the Arctic marine bacterium Arcticibacterium luteifluviistationis SM1504T was characterized. AlAXEase could deacetylate xylooligosaccharides and xylan, which, together with its homologs, indicates a novel SGNH-type carbohydrate esterase family. AlAXEase showed the highest activity at 30 °C and retained over 70% activity at 0 °C but had unusual thermostability with a Tm value of 56 °C. To explain the cold adaption mechanism of AlAXEase, we next solved its crystal structure. AlAXEase has similar noncovalent stabilizing interactions to its mesophilic counterpart at the monomer level and forms stable tetramers in solutions, which may explain its high thermostability. However, a long loop containing the catalytic residues Asp200 and His203 in AlAXEase was found to be flexible because of the reduced stabilizing hydrophobic interactions and increased destabilizing asparagine and lysine residues, leading to a highly flexible active site. Structural and enzyme kinetic analyses combined with molecular dynamics simulations at different temperatures revealed that the flexible catalytic loop contributes to the cold adaptation of AlAXEase by modulating the distance between the catalytic His203 in this loop and the nucleophilic Ser32. This study reveals a new cold adaption strategy adopted by the thermostable AlAXEase, shedding light on the cold adaption mechanisms of AcXEs.  相似文献   

A new Volvariella volvacea gene encoding an acetyl xylan esterase (designated as Vvaxe1) was cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris. The cDNA contained an ORF of 1047 bp encoding 349 amino acids with a calculated mass of 39 990 Da. VvAXE1 is a modular enzyme consisting of an N-terminal signal peptide, a catalytic domain, and a cellulose-binding domain. The amino acid sequence of the enzyme exhibited a high degree of similarity to cinnamoyl esterase B from Penicillium funiculosum, and acetyl xylan esterases from Aspergillus oryzae, Penicillium purpurogenum, and Aspergillus ficuum. Recombinant acetyl xylan esterase released acetate from several acetylated substrates including beta-d-xylose tetraacetate and acetylated xylan. No activity was detectable on p-nitrophenyl acetate. Enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate was maximal at pH 8.0 and 60 degrees C, and reciprocal plots revealed an apparent K(m) value of 307.7 microM and a V(max) value of 24 733 IU micromol(-1) protein. ReAXE1 also exhibited a capacity to bind to Avicel and H(3)PO(4) acid-swollen cellulose.  相似文献   

Acetyl xylan esterase A (AxeA) from Streptomyces lividans belongs to a large family of industrially relevant polysaccharide esterases. AxeA and its truncated form containing only the catalytically competent domain, AxeA(tr), catalyze both the deacetylation of xylan and the N-deacetylation of chitosan. This broad substrate specificity lends additional interest to their characterization and production. Here, we report three systems for extracellular production of AxeA(tr): secretion from the native host S. lividans with the native signal peptide, extracellular production in Escherichia coli with the native signal peptide, and in E. coli with the OmpA signal peptide. Over five to seven days of a shake flask culture, the native host S. lividans with the native signal peptide secreted AxeA(tr) into the extracellular medium in high yield (388 mg/L) with specific activity of 19 U/mg corresponding to a total of 7000 U/L. Over one day of shake flask culture, E. coli with the native secretion signal peptide produced 84-fold less in the extracellular medium (4.6 mg/L), but the specific activity was higher (100 U/mg) corresponding to a total of 460 U/L. A similar E. coli culture using the OmpA signal peptide, produced 10mg/L with a specific activity of 68 U/mg, corresponding to a total of 680 U/L. In 96-well microtiter plates, extracellular production with E. coli gave approximately 30 and approximately 86 microg/mL in S. lividans. Expression in S. lividans with the native signal peptide is best for high level production, while expression in E. coli using the OmpA secretion signal peptide is best for high-throughput expression and screening of variants in microtiter plate format.  相似文献   

Summary Coriolus versicolor is a medicinal fungus producing exopolysaccharides (EPS). Five well-defined culture media were studied to select the medium that maximizes production of EPS by C. versicolor. Biomass, reducing sugars and EPS concentrations along with the rheological behaviour of the broth were followed during fermentations lasting 9 days. The yeast malt extract medium (YM) was shown to yield the highest production of EPS. Fermentation conditions with YM medium were further investigated to optimize EPS production by C. versicolor. An experimental design to do this was adopted, in which the effects of pH and initial substrate concentration were considered. The effects of initial glucose concentration (5, 15 and 25 g l−1) and pH (4.0, 5.5 and 7.0) were evaluated. The initial glucose concentration was found to be the most important factor in EPS production and also cell growth.  相似文献   

The protein-bound polysaccharides of Coriolus versicolor (CPS) have been reported to stimulate overall immune functions against cancers and various infectious diseases by activating specific cell functions. A New Zealand isolate (Wr-74) and a patented strain (ATCC-20545) of C. versicolor were compared in this study. The fruit bodies of both strains were grown for visual verification. Both strains were grown in submerged-culture using an airlift fermentor with milk permeate as the base medium supplemented with glucose, yeast extract and salt. Metabolic profiles of both strains obtained over 7-day fermentation showed very similar trends in terms of biomass production (8.9–10.6 mg/ml), amounts of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) from the culture medium (1150–1132 μg/ml), and intracellular polysaccharide (IPS) from the mycelium (80–100 μg/ml). Glucose was the dominant sugar in both EPS and IPS, and the polymers each consisted of three molecular weight fractions ranging from 2 × 106 to 3 × 103 Da. Both the EPS and IPS were able to significantly induce cytokine production (interleukin 12 and γ interferon) in murine splenocytes in vitro. Highest levels of interleukin 12 (291 pg/ml) and γ interferon (6,159 pg/ml) were obtained from samples containing Wr-74 IPS (0.06 μg/ml) and ATCC 20545 IPS (0.1 μg/ml), respectively. The results indicated that lower levels of EPS and IPS generally resulted in higher immune responses than did higher polymer concentrations.  相似文献   

The cyanide degradation abilities of three white rot fungi, Trametes versicolor ATCC 200801, Phanerochaete chrysosporium ME 496 and Pleurotus sajor-caju, were examined. T. versicolor was the most effective with 0.35 g dry cell/100 ml degrading 2 mm KCN (130 mg/l) over 42 h, at 30°C, pH 10.5 with stirring at 150 rpm.  相似文献   

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