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All photosynthetic organisms endeavor to balance energy supply with demand. For sea‐ice diatoms, as with all marine photoautotrophs, light is the most important factor for determining growth and carbon‐fixation rates. Light varies from extremely low to often relatively high irradiances within the sea‐ice environment, meaning that sea‐ice algae require moderate physiological plasticity that is necessary for rapid light acclimation and photoprotection. This study investigated photoprotective mechanisms employed by bottom Antarctic sea‐ice algae in response to relatively high irradiances to understand how they acclimate to the environmental conditions presented during early spring, as the light climate begins to intensify and snow and sea‐ice thinning commences. The sea‐ice microalgae displayed high photosynthetic plasticity to increased irradiance, with a rapid decline in photochemical efficiency that was completely reversible when placed under low light. Similarly, the photoprotective xanthophyll pigment diatoxanthin (Dt) was immediately activated but reversed during recovery under low light. The xanthophyll inhibitor dithiothreitol (DTT) and state transition inhibitor sodium fluoride (NaF) were used in under‐ice in situ incubations and revealed that nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) via xanthophyll‐cycle activation was the preferred method for light acclimation and photoprotection by bottom sea‐ice algae. This study showed that bottom sea‐ice algae from the east Antarctic possess a high level of plasticity in their light‐acclimation capabilities and identified the xanthophyll cycle as a critical mechanism in photoprotection and the preferred means by which sea‐ice diatoms regulate energy flow to PSII.  相似文献   

Microalgae growing within brine channels (85 psu salinity) of the surface ice layers of Antarctic pack ice showed considerable photosynthetic tolerance to the extreme environmental condition. Brine microalgae exposed to temperatures above ?5°C and at irradiances up to 350 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 showed no photosynthetic damage or limitations. Photosynthesis was limited (but not photoinhibited) when brine microalgae were exposed to ?10°C, provided the irradiance remained under 50 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. The highest level of photosynthetic activity (maximum relative electron transport rate [rETRmax]) in brine microalgae growing within the surface layer of sea ice was at approximately 18 μmol electrons·m?2·s?1, which occurred at ?1.8°C. Effective quantum yield of PSII and rETRmax of the halotolerant brine microalgae exhibited a temperature‐dependent pattern, where both parameters were higher at ?1.8°C and lower at ?10°C. Relative ETRmax at temperatures above ?5°C were stable across a wide range of irradiance.  相似文献   

The impacts of ultraviolet‐B radiation (UVB) on polar sea‐ice algal communities have not yet been demonstrated. We assess the impacts of UV on these communities using both laboratory experiments on algal isolates and by modification of the in situ spectral distribution of the under‐ice irradiance. In the latter experiment, filters were attached to the upper surface of the ice so that the algae were exposed in situ to treatments of ambient levels of PAR and UV radiation, ambient radiation minus UVB, and ambient radiation minus all UV. After 16 d, significant increases in chl a and cell numbers were recorded for all treatments, but there were no significant differences among the different treatments. Bottom‐ice algae exposed in vitro were considerably less tolerant to UVB than those in situ, but this tolerance improved when algae were retained within a solid block of ice. In addition, algae extracted from brine channels in the upper meter of sea ice and exposed to PAR and UVB in the laboratory were much more tolerant of high UVB doses than were any bottom‐ice isolates. This finding indicates that brine algae may be better adapted to high PAR and UVB than are bottom‐ice algae. The data indicate that the impact of increased levels of UVB resulting from springtime ozone depletion on Antarctic bottom‐ice communities is likely to be minimal. These algae are likely protected by strong UVB attenuation by the overlying ice and snow, by other inorganic and organic substances in the ice matrix, and by algal cells closer to the surface.  相似文献   

A distinct vertical zonation was observed among diatoms in a bottom congelation ice community at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during the 1981 spring bloom. The bottom 20 cm of ice collected in December from four stations with variable snow cover was subdivided into 5 cm sections for analysis of algal distribution. Algal abundance was inversely related to the depth of snow cover, and generally decreased with increasing distance above the ice-water interface. Most diatoms, including the dominant species Nitzschia stellata Manguin, Amphiprora kufferathii Manguin and Fragilaria islandica var. adeliae Manguin showed peak abundance in the bottom 10 cm of the ice, where the proportion of living to empty cells was also highest. Two species, however, an Auricula Castracane sp. and Navicula glaciei van Heurck, reached highest concentrations at depths 10–20 cm above the ice-water interface. We considered two factors as contributing to the observed vertical zonation: (1) successive blooms at the ice-water interface become spatially stratified within the ice by further accretion below; (2) a differential growth of species occurs along physicochemical gradients within the ice column. A comparison of early versus late season profiles suggests the latter mechanism may prevail once ice accretion has ceased.  相似文献   

An index based on chl a fluorescence quenching analysis was tested as a predictor of photosynthetic rates of undisturbed intertidal microphytobenthic assemblages. The fluorescence index, Pfluo, was derived from the combination of different chl a fluorescence parameters chosen to represent the two main sources of short‐term variability in the community‐level microphytobenthic photosynthesis: 1) the quantum yield of photosynthesis of the microalgae present in the photic zone of the sediment, φP, and 2) the community‐level efficiency of photosynthetic light absorption, ?, determined by the microalgal concentration in the photic zone. Variations in φP were traced by the fluorescence index ΔF/Fm′ (the effective quantum yield of charge separation at PSII), whereas changes in ? were followed by the fluorescence parameter Fo (dark or minimum fluorescence level). Gross photosynthetic rate, P, and fluorescence parameters were measured nondestructively and simultaneously under in situ conditions, on the same samples, using oxygen microelectrodes and pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry, respectively. Despite the large and uncorrelated hourly variability in irradiance, photosynthetic rate, and fluorescence parameters included in Pfluo, highly significant correlations between Pfluo and P were found for all the sampling periods, encompassing hourly, biweekly, and seasonal time scales. The variability in P explained by Pfluo ranged from 84.3% to 91.4% when sampling periods were considered separately and reached 81.1% when all data were pooled. The results of the study show that despite its simplicity, the index Pfluo can be used to trace short‐term variations in the photosynthetic rate of undisturbed microphytobenthic assemblages undergoing rhythmic vertical migration.  相似文献   

Temperature is expected to modify the effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on photosynthesis by affecting the rate of repair. We studied the effect of short‐term (1 h) and long‐term (days) acclimation to temperature on UVR photoinhibition in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal. Photosynthesis was measured during 1 h exposures to varying irradiances of PAR and UVR + PAR at 15, 20, and 25°C, the latter corresponding to the upper temperature limit for optimal growth in T. pseudonana. The exposures allowed the estimation of photosynthesis–irradiance (P–E) curves and biological weighting functions (BWFs) for photoinhibition. For the growth conditions used, temperature did not affect photosynthesis under PAR. However, photoinhibition by UVR was highly affected by temperature. For cultures preacclimated to 20°C, the extent of UVR photoinhibition increased with decreasing temperature, from 63% inhibition of PAR‐only photosynthesis at 25°C to 71% at 20°C and 85% at 15°C. These effects were slightly modified after several days of acclimation: UVR photoinhibition increased from 63% to 75% at 25°C and decreased from 85% to 80% at 15°C. Time courses of photochemical efficiency (ΦPSII) under UVR + PAR were also fitted to a model of UVR photoinhibition, allowing the estimation of the rates of damage (k) and repair (r). The r/k values obtained for each temperature treatment verified the responses observed with the BWF (R2 = 0.94). The results demonstrated the relevance of temperature in determining primary productivity under UVR exposures. However, the results suggested that temperature and UVR interact mainly over short (hours) rather than long (days) timescales.  相似文献   

Sea ice algal communities are naturally exposed to very high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, which are likely to lead to increasing stress levels and declines in productivity. To test this hypothesis, cultures of Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grun?) Hasle, Pseudo‐nitzschia sp., Fragilariopsis curta (Van Heurch), Porosira glacialis (Grunow), and Entomoneis kjellmannii (Cleve) from Antarctic sea ice and Nitzschia frigida from Arctic sea ice were exposed to elevated dissolved oxygen levels, and their growth, maximum quantum yield, relative maximum electron transport rate, and photosynthetic efficiency were measured. At oxygen concentrations equivalent to approximately four times air saturation (89% oxygen), the growth rate and maximum quantum yield were significantly reduced in all taxa. When the oxygen concentration was regularly allowed to drop, the effect on growth and quantum yield was reduced. At lower dissolved oxygen concentrations (52%), the declines in growth and quantum yield were reduced but were still mostly significantly different from the controls (21% oxygen). It is likely that the generation of excess active oxygen radicals in the presence of free oxygen is responsible for most of the decline in growth, maximum quantum yield, relative maximum electron transport rate, and photosynthetic efficiency in all species.  相似文献   

One goal of the Icecolors 1993 study was to determine whether or not photosystem II (PSII) was a major target site for photoinhibition by ultraviolet-B radiation (QUVB, 280–320 nm) in natural communities. Second, the degree to which QUVBinhibition of PSII could account for QUVBeffects on whole cell rates of carbon fixation in phytoplankton was assessed. On 1 October, 1993, at Palmer Station (Antarctica), dense samples of a frazil ice algal community were collected and maintained outdoors in the presence or a bsence of QUVBand l or ultraviolet-A (QUVB, 320–400 nm) radiation. Samples were then collected at intervals over the day to track the time course of UV inhibition of primary production. The ice algae were assessed for changes in pigment composition and rates of carbon fixation. The quantum yield of PSII (ØIIc°) was measured by P ulse A mplitude M odulated fluorometry. Over the day, ØIIc° declined due to increasing time-integrated dose exposure of QUVB. The QUVB-driven inhibition of ØIIc° increased from 4% in the early morning hours to a maximum of 23% at the end of the day. The QUVB photoinhibition of PSII quantum yield did not recover by 6 h after sunset. In contrast, photoinhibition by QUVA and photosynthetically available radiation (QPAR, 400–700 nm) recovered during the late afternoon. Flourescence-based estimates of carbon fixation rates were linearly correlated (P =0.002, r2=0.45) with measured carbon fixation. Fluorescence overestimated the observed QUVB inhibition in measured carbon fixation rates by 8% in the morning hours; however, the discrepancy increased during the afternoon. Therefore, researchers should be cautious in using fluorescence measurements to infer ultraviolet inhibition for rates of carbon fixation until there is a greater understanding of the coupling of carbon metabolism to PSII activity for natural populations. Despite these current limitations, fluorescence-based technologies represent powerful tools for studying the impact of the ozone hole on natural populations on spatial/ temporal scales not possible using conventional productivity techniques.  相似文献   

The terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault occurs worldwide, including in Japan and on the Antarctic continent. The terrestrial green alga Prasiola crispa (Lightf.) Kütz. is also distributed in Antarctica. These two species need to acclimate to the severe Antarctic climate including low ambient temperature and desiccation under strong light conditions. To clarify this acclimation process, the physiological characteristics of the photosynthetic systems of these two Antarctic terrestrial organisms were assessed. The relative rate of photosynthetic electron flow in N. commune collected in Japan and in Antarctica reached maxima at 900 and 1,100 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, respectively. The difference seemed to reflect the presence of high amounts of UV‐absorbing substances within the Antarctic cyanobacterium. On the other hand, the optimal temperatures for photosynthesis at the two locations were 30°C–35°C and 20°C–25°C, respectively. This finding suggested a decreased photosynthetic thermotolerance in the Antarctic strain. P. crispa exhibited desiccation tolerance and dehydration‐induced quenching of PSII fluorescence. Re‐reduction of the photooxidized PSI reaction center, P700, was also inhibited at fully dry states. Photosynthetic electron flow in P. crispa reached a maximum at 20°C–25°C and at a light intensity of 700 μmol photons ? m?2 ? s?1. Interestingly, the osmolarity of P. crispa cells suggested that photosynthesis is performed using water absorbed in a liquid form rather than water absorbed from the air. Overall, these data suggest that these two species have acclimated to optimally photosynthesize under conditions of the highest light intensity and the highest temperature for their habitat in Antarctica.  相似文献   

Progress in the study of stable isotope discrimination in carbon assimilation by aquatic macrophytes has been slower than for other groups of primary producers, such as phytoplankton and terrestrial plants. A probable reason has been the methodologies employed for such a study: field collections or long‐term incubations, both relying on the observation of changes in carbon isotope composition of plant tissue. Here, we present a short‐term incubation method based on the change in carbon stable isotope composition in water. Its fundamental advantage over the other approaches is that the change in stable isotope composition in water in a closed system is much faster than in the plant tissue. We applied the method to investigate the relationship between carbon assimilation intensity and isotope discrimination. The results included a relatively small discrimination in respiration, a significant influence of carbon assimilation rate on discrimination, and the suggestion of HCO3? or CO2 uptake in photosynthesis. The information gathered using this method would be difficult to obtain in other ways, and so we believe that it should contribute to a better understanding of the physiology and ecology of aquatic macrophytes.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of different life stages of the eulittoral green alga Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Aresch. to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was examined in the laboratory. Gametophytic filaments and propagules (zoospores and gametes) released from filaments were separately exposed to different fluence of radiation treatments consisting of PAR (P = 400–700 nm), PAR + ultraviolet A (UVA) (PA, UVA = 320–400 nm), and PAR + UVA + ultraviolet B (UVB) (PAB, UVB = 280–320 nm). Photophysiological indices (ETRmax, Ek, and α) derived from rapid light curves were measured in controls, while photosynthetic efficiency and amount of DNA lesions in terms of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) were measured after exposure to radiation treatments and after recovery in low PAR; pigments of propagules were quantified after exposure treatment only. The photosynthetic conversion efficiency (α) and photosynthetic capacity (rETRmax) were higher in gametophytes compared with the propagules. The propagules were slightly more sensitive to UVB‐induced DNA damage; however, both life stages of the eulittoral inhabiting turf alga were not severely affected by the negative impacts of UVR. Exposure to a maximum of 8 h UVR caused mild effects on the photochemical efficiency of PSII and induced minimal DNA lesions in both the gametophytes and propagules. Pigment concentrations were not significantly different between PAR‐exposed and PAR + UVR–exposed propagules. Our data showed that U. penicilliformis from the Antarctic is rather insensitive to the applied UVR. This amphi‐equatorial species possesses different protective mechanisms that can cope with high UVR in cold‐temperate waters of both hemispheres and in polar regions under conditions of increasing UVR as a consequence of further reduction of stratospheric ozone.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in effective yield (ΔF:Fm′), rapid light curves (RLCs), and induction/dark recovery time series were measured on individual cells of the giant diatom Ethmodiscus Castracane using active fluorescence (pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry). Unlike the co‐occurring diatom Hemiaulus and bulk phytoplankton, there was no observable diurnal down‐regulation of yield or relative electron transport rates in Ethmodiscus. Yields were constant at or near maximum values (0.7–0.8). Increases in ΔF:Fm′ during the initial actinic levels are consistent with dark nonphotochemical quenching mechanisms. Sustained actinic illumination (660 μmol photon·m?2·s?1) resulted in a ΔF:Fm′ of 0.2–0.3, but rapid recovery to near‐maximum values occurred in subsequent dark periods. Such recovery occurred even after exposure to full sunlight for 28 min, but not at 60 min. Thus, the lack of diurnal down‐regulation in Ethmodiscus is apparent, not real, and is an artifact of the time scale of sample extraction from net tows. These positively buoyant cells showed no evidence of routine photodamage, probably due to mixing and reduction in the average light exposure. The general patterns seen in RLCs from light‐and dark‐adapted higher plants are significantly different from those observed in Ethmodiscus. These results suggest that active fluorescence characteristics require careful examination to differentiate habitat‐ and taxon‐specific characteristics from light‐history effects. It is unclear whether the rapid recovery seen in Ethmodiscus is unique. The differences seen between Hemiaulus and Ethmodiscus from the same samples suggest that changes in community yield values measured in countertop systems could be the result of species replacement in addition to experimental or environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Dunaliella bardawil Ben-Amotz & Avron, a β-carotene-accumulating halotolerant alga, was analyzed for the effect of growth temperatures on its pigment content and on the stereoisomeric composition of β-carotene by the use of advanced liquid chromatography and photodiode array detection. Decreasing culture temperature from 30° to 10°C increased the β-carotene content twofold and the ratio of 9-cis to all-trans β-carotene fourfold, with no significant changes in the other cell pigments. The variation of total β-carotene content by temperature was correlated with the integral irradiance received by the algal culture during a cell division cycle, whereas the 9-cis stereoisomer increased over the amount expected by that integration. The massive accumulation of 9-cisβ-carotene within the β-carotene globules is interpreted as indicating that the oily 9-cis stereoisomer protects against the crystallization of all-trans β-carotene at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Polarella glacialis (Montresor et al.) was identified in Davis Station sea ice by morphological and DNA sequence comparison of cultures with those of the authentic strain P. glacialis CCMP 1383 isolated from McMurdo Sound. Cells and cysts of the Davis isolate (FL1B) were morphologically indistinguishable from P. glacialis, and comparison of the large subunit rDNA of both cultures demonstrated only 0.2% sequence divergence over 1366 base pairs. The photosynthetic pigments of P. glacialis (strains FL1B and CCMP 1383) were typical of dinoflagellates, with peridinin (contributing up to 31%) as the major accessory pigment. Extremely high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, up to 76.3%) were characteristic of P. glacialis isolate FL1B. The high PUFA concentration of this species is thought to be an adaptation to survive the cold temperatures of the upper fast ice. The sterol profile of FL1B was atypical of dinoflagellates, with 4‐desmethylsterols (up to 79%) in greater abundance than 4α‐methyl sterols (up to 24%). 27‐Nor‐24‐methylcholest‐5,22E‐dien‐3β‐ol was identified as the principle sterol in P. glacialis, contributing up to 64% of the total sterol composition.  相似文献   

The leaffooted bug, Leptoglossus zonatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) is an emerging pest of several crops around the World and up to now very little is known of its digestive system. In this article, glycoside hydrolase (carbohydrase) activities in the adult midgut cells and in the luminal contents of L. zonatus adult females were studied. The results showed the distribution of digestive carbohydrases in adults of this heteropteran species in the different intestinal compartments. Determination of the spatial distribution of α‐glucosidase activity in L. zonatus midgut showed only one major molecular form, which was not equally distributed between soluble and membrane‐bound isoforms, being more abundant as a membrane‐bound enzyme. The majority of digestive carbohydrases were found in the soluble fractions. Activities against starch, maltose and the synthetic substrate NPαGlu were found to show the highest levels of activity, followed by enzymes active against galactosyl oligosaccharides. Based on ion‐exchange chromatography elution profiles and banding patterns in mildly denaturing electrophoresis, both midgut α‐amylases and α‐galactosidases showed at least two isoforms. The data suggested that the majority of carbohydrases involved in initial digestion were present in the midgut lumen, whereas final digestion of starch and of galactosyl oligosaccharides takes place partially within the lumen and partially at the cell surface. The complex of carbohydrases here described was qualitatively appropriate for the digestion of free oligosaccharides and oligomaltodextrins released by α‐amylases acting on maize seed starch granules.  相似文献   

This study assessed the implication of oxidative stress in the mortality of cells of Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. Cultures grown at 25°C were exposed to 32°C, darkness, and hydrogen peroxide (0.5 mM) for 96 h. The cellular abundance, chl a concentration and content, maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm ratio), intracellular oxidative stress (determined with dihydrorhodamine 123 [DHR]), cell mortality (revealed by SYTOX‐labeling of DNA), and activation of caspase 3–like proteins were assessed every 24 h. The presence of DNA degradation in cells of M. aeruginosa was also assessed using a terminal deoxynucletidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay at 96 h. Transferring cultures from 25°C to 32°C was generally beneficial to the cells. The cellular abundance and chl a concentration increased, and the mortality remained low (except for a transient burst at 72 h) as did the oxidative stress. In darkness, cells did not divide, and the Fv/Fm continuously decreased with time. The slow increase in intracellular oxidative stress coincided with the activation of caspase 3–like proteins and a 15% and 17% increase in mortality and TUNEL‐positive cells, respectively. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide had the most detrimental effect on cells as growth ceased and the Fv/Fm declined to near zero in less than 24 h. The 2‐fold increase in oxidative stress matched the activation of caspase 3–like proteins and a 40% and 37% increase in mortality and TUNEL‐positive cells, respectively. These results demonstrate the implication of oxidative stress in the stress response and mortality of M. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The ratio of two biosynthetic pathways was estimated, the C5 and Shemin pathways, to δ‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA, a biosynthetic intermediate of tetrapyrrole) from the 13C‐enrichment ratios (13C‐ER) at the carbon atoms of chl a (after conversion to methyl pheophorbide a) biosynthesized by Euglena gracilis G. A. Klebs when l ‐[3‐13C]alanine was used as a carbon source. On the basis of these estimations, we confirmed that ALA was efficiently biosynthesized via both the C5 and Shemin pathways in the plastids of E. gracilis, and we determined that the ratio of ALA biosynthesis via the Shemin pathway was increased in the ratio of 14%–67%, compared with that in our previous d ‐[1‐13C]glucose feeding experiment ( Iida et al. 2002 ). This carbon source dependence of the contributions of the two biosynthetic pathways might be related to activation of gluconeogenesis by the amino acid substrate. The methoxy carbon of the methoxycarbonyl group at C‐132 of chl a was labeled with the 13C‐carbon of l ‐[methyl13C]methionine derived from l ‐[3‐13C]alanine via [2‐13C]acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), through the atypical tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, gluconeogenesis, and l‐ [3‐13C]serine. The phytyl moiety of chl a was also labeled on C‐P2, C‐P31, C‐P4, C‐P6, C‐P71, C‐P8, C‐P10, C‐P111, C‐P12, C‐P14, C‐P151, and C‐P16 from 13C‐isoprene (2‐[1,2‐methyl,3‐13C3]methyl‐1,3‐butadiene) generated from l ‐[3‐13C]alanine via [2‐13C]acetyl CoA.  相似文献   

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