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小麦低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用改良的两步一向SDS—PAGE(two—step one—dimensional SDS—PAGE)分析了几种小麦低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)组成。70%热乙醇提取总谷蛋白,11%分离胶进行第一步SDS—PAGE分离.电泳1h后切取顶端1cm胶条并置于巯基乙醇溶液进行还原,还原后的胶条于11%~16.5%的梯度胶进行第二步SDS—PAGE分离。结果显示。两步一向SDS—PAGE可以彻底除去清蛋白、球蛋白和醇溶蛋白对LMW—GS分离的背景干扰。提高LMW—GS的分辨率。对几种小麦低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基分析表明:LMW-GS组合比HMW—GS更为丰富,每种小麦含有2~5种B亚基,2~4种C亚基.B、C亚基的总数量为4~8种。  相似文献   

A model was constructed to describe the translocation and partitioningof nitrogen on the seventh day after anthesis for well-wateredand droughted plants of two wheat varieties (Triticum aestivumL. cv. Warigal and Condor). The glasshouse-grown plants weredetillered so that a simplified model could be derived for themain stem. A 9-d drought treatment was imposed just after anthesisand this coincided with the period of endosperm cell divisionin the grains. Warigal, which had a higher grain yield thanCondor under drought, absorbed up to 15-times more nitrogenand translocated 1.5-fold more nitrogen to the shoot via thexylem. In both varieties, nitrogen redistributed from vegetativeorgans accounted for more than 60 per cent in control and 70per cent in droughted plants of the nitrogen needed for eargrowth. The net loss of nitrogen increased by 4-3 per cent inthe leaves, but decreased by 60 per cent in the stem under drought.Stem and roots appeared to play an important role in the nitrogeneconomy of droughted plants: less nitrogen was translocateddirectly to the grains from the senescing leaves and 40–60per cent more nitrogen was translocated to the roots. Nearlyall the nitrogen reaching the roots in the phloem was reloadedinto the xylem stream and translocated back to the shoot. Thetransfer of nitrogen through the stem was reduced under droughtand this resulted in a constant C:N ratio of the grains whichmay be important in the regulation of endosperm cell division. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, nitrogen, senescence, translocation  相似文献   

A model was constructed to describe the partitioning of carbonon the third and seventh day from anthesis for well-wateredand droughted plants of two wheat varieties (Triticum aestivumL. cv. Warigal and Condor). The glasshouse-grown plants weredetillered so that a simplified model could be derived for themain stem. The 9-d drought treatment, imposed just after anthesisduring the period of cell division in the grains, reduced grainyield by 18 per cent in Warigal and 30 per cent in Condor. Netcarbon fixation was up to 60 per cent higher in Warigal thanCondor towards the end of the drought period and this correlatedwith better osmotic adjustment in the flag leaf. Carbon partitioningbetween plant organs responded to water deficit more rapidlythan net carbon fixation. On day 3, carbon allocation to theroots of droughted plants was maintained in Condor and increasedby 14 per cent in Warigal, whereas carbon allocation to theear decreased in both varieties. However the roots did not competewell with the ear when the water deficit became more severe.Warigal accumulated 3 times more stem reserves than Condor underdrought. In the roots, the pattern of carbon allocation betweenrespiration and carbon accumulation changed soon after impositionof drought. Although total root respiration decreased underdrought it became more energy efficient, particularly for Warigal,as less respiration took place via the alternative pathway.On day 3, the larger carbon allocation to the roots and thelower root respiration accounted for the 4-times larger sugaraccumulation in droughted roots of Warigal compared with thoseof Condor. Osmotic adjustment in mature leaves and roots maybe of importance for the maintenance of vital processes andfor recovery after drought. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, carbon, partitioning  相似文献   

黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)品质性状多样性分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
本文以黄淮麦区 100个小麦品种(系)为材料,对19个蛋白质品质和淀粉品质性状进行了多样性分析.结果表明,100个小麦品种(系)存在丰富的多样性.蛋白质性状的多样性指数(H′)为1.44~2.33,其中蛋白质含量性状(GMP含量、蛋白质含量、干和湿面筋含量)的H′均大于2;变异系数为10.18%~101.13%,其中粉质仪参数的变异系数均在70%以上.淀粉性状的多样性指数为0.86~2.96,其中直链淀粉含量、降落值、稀懈值的H′均大于2;变异系数为4.26%~25.28%,其中降落值、低谷粘度和稀懈值的变异系数超过20%.采用离差平方和聚类法,根据蛋白质性状和淀粉性状将100个品种(系)分别划分为具有不同特点的4个类别,为小麦品质改良提供了参考.  相似文献   

小麦Beclin1类似基因的分子克隆与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以小麦 簇毛麦 (Triticumaestivum Haynal diavillosa) 6VS/6AL易位系 92R1 3 7为材料 ,应用mRNA差异显示和快速扩增cDNA末端 (rapidam plificationofcDNAends,RACE)技术对在白粉菌(Blumeriagraminis)诱导后表达增强的基因进行了克隆。分离到一个与拟南芥Beclin1类似基因同源的全长cDNA克隆 ,暂定名为小麦Beclin1类似基因。它编码 441个氨基酸组成的多肽。二级结构推导显示与人类Beclin相似 ,具有螺旋结构。Northern杂交分析表明 ,小麦Beclin1类似基因在白粉菌诱导后表达增强。Southern分析证明 ,小麦Beclin1类似基因为单拷贝基因  相似文献   

Fifty-six sequences encoding the pina protein were characterized from three species or subspecies of einkorn wheat. These sequences contained 1,595 nucleotides, including 1,270 conserved sites, 21 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and 16 indels. The average frequency of SNPs and indels was one out of 76.1 and 99.9 bases, respectively. Five SNPs and no indels were found in the translated sequences. Fourteen haplotypes were defined, and the accessions in each haplotype ranged from 1 to 18. There were nine haplotypes in Triticum monococcum ssp. aegilopoides, eight in T. monococcum ssp. monococcum, and two in T. urartu. Phylogenetic analysis showed that pina genes from different species or subspecies could be clearly differentiated based on the open reading frame. Genes from T. urartu grouped together, whereas genes from T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides and T. monococcum ssp. monococcum were shared by three and two clusters, respectively. Both the haplotype and phylogenetic analyses indicated that T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides was more diverse. These results would contribute to the understanding of functional aspects and efficient utilization of pina genes.  相似文献   

Sheng  Huajin  Zeng  Jian  Liu  Yang  Wang  Xiaolu  Wang  Yi  Kang  Houyang  Fan  Xing  Sha  Lina  Zhang  Haiqin  Zhou  Yonghong 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2020,39(2):795-808

The effect of Mn and NaCl on growth, mineral nutrients and antioxidative enzymes in two tetroploid wheat genotypes differing in salt tolerance was investigated in this study. 100 mM NaCl and Mn stress significantly inhibited plant growth, photosynthesis and Ca uptake, while stimulated ROS accumulation, MDA and proline content in wheat plants, Mn stress also increased SOD, APX, GR and DHAR activities. Durum wheat (AS780) was less affected by 100 mM NaCl and Mn stress than emmer wheat (AS847) due to more proline production, higher antioxidative enzymes activities and less-affected mineral nutrients. Application of 10 mM NaCl to Mn-stressed durum wheat alleviated Mn-induced damage by reducing Mn accumulation and translocation, while promoting proline accumulation and SOD, APX and GR activities. Irrespective of NaCl level, the combined stress of Mn and NaCl caused more severe oxidative stress, result in further reduction of photosynthetic rate and plant growth in emmer wheat as compared to Mn stress alone. The additively negative effects of NaCl and Mn stress on growth of emmer wheat results from reduced SOD and APX activities as well as Ca, Cu and Fe accumulation in both shoots and roots. These results suggest that salt-tolerant durum wheat is superior to emmer in adapting to Mn stress and the combined stress of salinity and Mn.


不同磷效率小麦品种的磷吸收特性   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
在丰磷、缺磷条件下,对不同磷效率小麦品种的磷吸收特性进行研究。缺磷条件下,不同磷效率品种成熟期的植株全磷量和生育中后期(挑旗-成熟期)植株磷累积量均以磷高效品种最高,中效品种次之,低效品种最低。不同磷效率品种拔节期、挑旗期和成熟期的磷利用效率差异较小。表明磷高效小麦品种在缺磷条件下子粒产量形成能力的提高。与生育中后期植株具有相对较强的磷素吸收能力有关。缺磷条件下,不同磷效率品种在生育中后期的根系TTC还原力和可溶蛋白含量也以高效品种最高,中效次之,低效最低。表明磷高效小麦品种植株生育中后期根系具有较强的生理功能,是其在缺磷务件下吸磷量增加、产量相对明显提高的重要生理基础。研究表明,不同磷效率小麦品种在磷胁迫条件下的根系酸性磷酸化酶(APase)活性存在显著差异,并在小麦磷吸收效率的调控中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Wheat is grown as a staple crop worldwide. It is important to develop an effective genotyping tool for this cereal grain both to identify germplasm diversity and to protect the rights of breeders. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping provides a means for developing a practical, rapid, inexpensive and high-throughput assay. Here, we investigated SNPs as robust markers of genetic variation for typing wheat cultivars. We identified SNPs from an array of 9000 across a collection of 429 well-known wheat cultivars grown in China, of which 43 SNP markers with high minor allele frequency and variations discriminated the selected wheat varieties and their wild ancestors. This SNP-based barcode will allow for the rapid and precise identification of wheat germplasm resources and newly released varieties and will further assist in the wheat breeding program.  相似文献   

Aspects of the water relations of spring wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) are described for cultivars Highbury (low ABA) and TW269/9(high ABA), and low and high ABA accumulating F6selections derivedfrom a cross between them. In a pot experiment, pressure-volume (P-V) curves were constructedfor main stem leaf four (MSL4) of well-watered plants of Highburyand TW269/9. Estimates of solute potential (2) from these curveswere similar for the two cultivars, but varied with the timeof sampling and the time allowed for hydration in dim light. In a field experiment with four low and four high ABA F6lines,P-V curves for flag leaves from both droughted and irrigatedplants gave at both zero turgor (p) and zero water potential(1) which differed with degree of stress, sampling time andgenotype. 1was strongly dependent on the initialL of the leafand was reduced on average by c. 0.4 MPa per MPa decline ininitial L.5, was lower (more negative) by c. 0.1-MPa in theafternoon than in the morning. Overall, was also 0.1 MPa lowerin low ABA lines than in high ABA lines. In another field experiment, flag leaves of five low and fivehigh ABA F6lines were sampled over a 4 week period from droughtedplots and L and 5, measured (the latter by osmometry with expressedsap). For these leaves 5, at zero p or zero L was consistentlylower by 0.3–0.5 MPa than estimates of 5, from the P-Vcurves with flag leaves. However, data for the low ABA lineswere again lower (by c. 0.1 MPa) than those for high ABA lines. The consequences of these differences in 1 are discussed inrelation to the stimulation of ABA accumulation in low and highABA selections. Key words: Water potential, Solute potential, P-V curves, Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Drought stress  相似文献   

The relationship between phenological development in wheat (TriticumaestivumL.) and growth was studied to determine if the switchfrom a vegetative to a reproductive apex increases plant growthrate. Plant partitioning and relative growth rates during vegetativeand pre-flowering reproductive periods were determined in twosets of near-isogenic lines differing in phenological development.Spaced plants were grown in two photoperiods (15 and 10 h) toincrease the range of development rates. Lines within each isogenicset and photoperiod treatment did not differ in whole plantgrowth rate despite large differences in developmental rate.In addition, the partitioning of biomass between roots and shootswas also similar. The transition of the apex from vegetativeto reproductive mostly affected the partitioning of shoot biomassinto leaf (blades) and stems (rest of the shoot). A longer timeto reach floral initiation was associated with the productionof more, and larger, leaves as well as more tillers. This resultedin large differences in leaf area between isolines. However,at the whole plant level, all lines accumulated biomass at thesame rate with time. The early flowering lines compensated fortheir reduced leaf area by having a higher net assimilationrate and were thereby able to maintain the same relative growthrate as their later flowering counterparts.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Development, growth, partitioning,Triticum aestivumL., wheat, isolines.  相似文献   

甘肃省春小麦品种高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)技术,对甘肃省121个普通小麦品种(包括地方品种、育成品种和引进品种)高分子量谷蛋白亚基构成、不同等位基因间亚基变异及出现频率系统分析的结果表明,甘肃省春小麦品种HMW-GS等位基因Glu-Al编码1、2*、N(缺失)三种亚基,Glu-B1 编码 7 8、7 9、17 18、22、7、8、14 15七种亚基,Glu-D1编码2 12、2 11、5 10、2 10、10、4 11、3 12、N八种亚基,频率最高的亚基分别是Null(81.0%)、7 8(86.0%)、2 12(60.0%);一些优质亚基在现有品种中都存在,如甘春20、高台紫麦子等,作亲本用于品质改良有很大潜力,而且少数罕见亚基7、8、11也存在;不同来源的春小麦品种HMW-GS组成比较,优质亚基组成类型如1、7 8、5 10,1、17 18、5 10在育成品种中出现频率较高.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in Two Wheat Cultivars Differing in Salt Susceptibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
El-Shintinawy  F. 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(4):615-620
Salinised (150 mM NaCl for 15 d) roots excised from salt sensitive wheat cultivar Giza 163 showed about 15-fold increase in the ratio of Na/K while salt tolerant Sakha 92 exhibited only 7.5-fold increase compared to their control ratios. Root ratio of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids was stimulated twice in the sensitive cultivar versus 1.7-fold increase in the tolerant ones. Salinity enhanced greatly the accumulation of spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd) contents associated with a decrease in putrescine (Put) content in both wheat cultivars. Higher ratios of Spm+Spd/Put associated with lower content of proline and low ethylene evolution were detected in shoots and roots of salt tolerant cultivar. Chlorophyll a/b ratio showed an increase from 1.3 in control of both cultivars to 1.6 and 1.4 in stressed Giza 163 and Sakha 92, respectively. A reduced Hill reaction activity (19 %) was observed in stressed chloroplasts isolated from leaves of the tolerant cultivar versus 40 % inhibition in the sensitive ones. Moreover, chloroplasts isolated from stressed leaves of the sensitive cultivar showed about 25 % reduction in fluorescence emission at 685 nm as well as shifts in the peaks in the visible region.  相似文献   

Kong  Y.  Zhou  G.  Wang  Y. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2001,48(5):595-600
Changes in respiratory pathway, dry weight, contents of proline, ATP, Na+and K+were investigated under five salinity treatments in the leaves of plants of spring wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Two cultivars differing in salt resistance, namely, 89122 (salt-tolerant) and Longchun13 (salt-sensitive), were used. The decrease in dry weight and K+content was observed with the increasing NaCl concentrations, but more in cv. 89122 plants than in Longchun13 plants. Contents of proline and Na+in both cvs increased greatly, but the former increased more in 89122 while the latter more in Longchun13 plants. In all salinity treatments tested, a salt-induced increase in the activity of the alternative pathway was found, although cytochrome pathway (CP) still remained the main electron transport pathway. ATP production changed in parallel with CP operation. Cv. 89122 plants could produce more ATP than cv. Longchun13 plants exposed to each salinity treatment and their ATP generation could even be stimulated in contrast to its rapidly decline in Longchun13 plants with increased salinity stress. The possible relationship between respiration metabolism and above mentioned physiological changes is discussed.  相似文献   

The composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMWGS) is studied by means of the SDS-PAGE electrophoresis method in varieties of winter (obtained with the involvement of the Agropyron glaucum (Desf.)) and spring common wheat created in the West Siberian region. Data on HMWGS in the promising lines obtained with the involvement of the Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. and T. dicoccum var. farrum (having a complex resistance to pathogens) are presented. The prospects of the creation of spring common wheat varieties with the involvement of the presented lines and the use of some of them as a model for the study of heterosis mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A virulent strain of motile aeromonad (77-18) differed from an avirulent strain (78-16) in the contents of lipids and phospholipids and odd-numbered fatty acids, activity of hydrolytic enzymes, and amount of proteins with molecular weights of 47–56 kDa. It is assumed that proteins with molecular weights of 47–56 kDa, proteolytic enzymes active within a wide pH range, and odd fatty acids may act as pathogenicity factors. Each of these compounds or their combination determines a certain stage of infection.  相似文献   

山东小麦种质资源品质特性多样性研究及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连续2年对698份地方品种、育成品种和省外引进品种的淀粉糊化特性、面团揉混特性和面筋蛋白特性等进行了详细的研究,并对不同生态类型区地方品种的品质特性进行了分析。结果表明:(1)不同来源种质资源品质特性表现出一定差异,育成品种和省外引进品种具有较长的面团揉混形成时间和较高的沉淀值,形成时间超过3.5min的品种分别有10和16个,最高值达5.2min;沉淀值水平较高,超过40.0ml的品种分别有32和25个,最高值分别为61.8ml和68.8ml;地方品种表现出较好的淀粉RVA糊化特性和较高的面筋蛋白含量,峰值粘度大于2900cP的有24个,最高峰值粘度高达4099cP,沉淀值在40.0ml以上的品种占48.8%,最高值达58.8ml;(2)不同生态类型区地方品种具有不同的品质特性,胶东丘陵冬性晚熟类型区烟台和青岛的地方品种具有较好的淀粉RVA糊化特性和较高的面筋蛋白含量,鲁西北平原冬性/半冬性晚熟类型区滨州、潍坊和德州的地方品种具有较好的淀粉RVA糊化特性,鲁中山丘川半冬性/冬性中熟类型区临沂、泰安的地方品种具有较高的面筋蛋白含量;(3)筛选出形成时间大于4.5min且沉淀值高于50.0ml的育成品种济南17、济宁16、济麦20、洲元9369和泰麦一号等,沉淀值超过60.0ml的省外引进品种藁优9415、冀5099、临汾6410和临汾6510等,峰值粘度高于3100cP的地方品种半截芒、白秃头(二)、三八麦、白秃头、小白芒(2)、半截红穗,以及沉淀值高于50.0ml的地方品种蚂蚱头、白肚、白气死雾、一穗收、四棱白、白穗红、半截红穗等,这些材料均可作为培育优质小麦的首选亲本。  相似文献   

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