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Kong QR  Zhu J  Huang B  Huan YJ  Wang F  Shi YQ  Liu ZF  Wu ML  Liu ZH 《遗传》2011,33(7):749-756
不完全的表观遗传重编程是造成转基因克隆动物效率低下的主要原因,组蛋白修饰作为表观遗传修饰的一个重要部分,可以直接影响克隆胚胎的发育和外源基因的表达情况。TSA(Trichostatin A)作为一种组蛋白去乙酰化抑制剂,可以改变组蛋白的乙酰化水平,促进表观遗传重编程,提高克隆动物的效率。同时TSA能改变染色质结构,使转录因子易于与DNA序列结合,促进外源基因的表达。文章确定了TSA处理转基因猪成纤维细胞和核移植胚胎的最佳条件,分别为250 nmol/L、24 h和40 nmol/L、24 h,通过进一步正交实验发现,TSA同时处理供体细胞和克隆胚胎可以显著的促进核移植胚胎的体外发育。此外,无论TSA处理转基因猪成纤维细胞或核移植胚胎,都可以提高外源基因的表达水平。  相似文献   

The production of transgenic mice by embryo microinjection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The production of transgenic mice is a technology of great utility in the dissection of complex biological processes. This article is intended as a detailed primer for people interested in learning to produce transgenic mice, and discusses equipment, methods, and future directions for this technique.  相似文献   

The use of transgenic mice has increased dramatically in recent years and continues to increase further. However, because transgenesis may alter a balanced genotype and produce unpredictable effects, careful monitoring of health and welfare of the transgenic animal is advised. The present study assessed the feasibility of the use of score sheets for monitoring transgenic mice, as part of daily routine, in a transgenic unit. The score sheets used were based on parameters which are sensitive and easy to determine. The score sheets were used by two animal technicians and a thorough evaluation showed that the score sheets, as described in this paper, are useful for routine monitoring in a transgenic unit and may result in the early detection of animal welfare problems. However, notwithstanding the limited number of parameters included and the restricted age-span covered by the screening, the monitoring system was considered to be time consuming. Large-scale implementation of such a scoring system during the first weeks of life would increase daily care time by at least 15-20 min for an average litter of 4-6 pups. Nevertheless, the use of score sheets seems to be a prerequisite for monitoring the animal's welfare in the course of producing transgenic lines.  相似文献   

The efficiency of ova transfer and subsequent survivability were explored in this study. The goals of the experiment were to 1) determine the minimum number of ova necessary for pregnancy maintenance, 2) ascertain if the number of zygotes used in ova transfer approaches or exceeds uterine capacity, and 3) establish if location of deposition of ova influences embryo survival. A total of 1647 pronuclear zygotes were transferred in groups of 1, 2, 4, 6, 15 or 25 on Day 1 of gestation either via the oviducal ampulla or ostium to 156 nulliparous ICR pseudopregnant female mice. Pregnancy status was determined on Day 12 or Day 19 of gestation. Results indicated that pregnancy rates were not significantly increased by transferring larger numbers of zygotes (P < 0.1504) and that beyond transfer of 15 zygotes, the progressive increase in fetal numbers per litter declined. However, on Day 19 of gestation, no definitive evidence of limitation of uterine capacity was obtained with the numbers of zygotes transferred (P < 0.0531), and the estimates of numbers of viable and resorbed fetuses differed when determinations were made on Day 12 versus Day 19 of gestation. Mean numbers of developed fetuses per recipient declined (P < 0.0001), whereas the number of resorptions (partially resorbed fetuses or resorption sites) increased (P < 0.0001) over this period, reflecting fetal loss in mid- to late-gestation and possibly the transient nature of resorptions prior to Day 12. Additionally, there was no difference in pregnancy outcome when transferring ova into the oviducal ostium or isthmus (P < 0.5256). Finally, these results illustrated that when large numbers of zygotes were transferred into the oviducal ampulla, equivalent numbers of ova eventually implanted in the uterus; however, proportionally more of them began resorption.  相似文献   

Hilgers LJ  Herr C 《Theriogenology》1993,40(5):923-932
Commonly used reagents in the culture and transfer of embryos are isolated from blood and tissue samples and thus have the potential for chromosomal and or mitochondrial DNA contamination. In this study, we evaluated the results obtained from PCR analysis of bovine trypsin, bovine sera, and bovine albumin precipitates. Bovine sera samples that were tested yielded minor to heavy DNA contamination signals depending on the manufacturer and specific type of sera. Bovine albumin precipitates showed very little DNA contamination or none at all. Bovine trypsin samples yielded moderate DNA contamination signals depending on the ability of the trypsin to be inactivated prior to PCR analysis.  相似文献   

Melican D  Gavin W 《Theriogenology》2008,69(2):197-203
We investigated the capability of repeat superovulation and non-surgical embryo retrieval, coupled with surgical embryo transfer, to expedite the production of transgenic progeny from transgenic founder dairy goat does. In addition, we compared embryo yields, number of embryos transferred per recipient, pregnancy rates, and offspring born during both the traditional (September-December) and non-traditional (January-May) breeding seasons. Although there were no significant differences, there were numerically more transferable embryos recovered per flush (3.5+/-0.9 vs. 2.4+/-0.9 embryos; mean+/-S.E.M.) and increases in both the proportion of recipients that were pregnant (83 vs. 69% pregnant) and offspring born from total embryos transferred (67 vs. 53% offspring) during the traditional versus the non-traditional breeding season. The transfer of one, two or three embryos did not significantly affect the proportion of pregnant recipients during either season. However, there was a difference (P<0.05) in the proportion of offspring produced for one versus two embryo transfers (89 vs. 44% offspring, respectively) during the non-traditional breeding season. Overall, 14 transgenic offspring were produced from 54 total offspring born, and the kidding interval was reduced to <3 months for six of the seven transgenic does. In summary, repeat superovulation and non-surgical embryo retrieval, coupled with surgical embryo transfer, expedited the production of progeny from transgenic founder does.  相似文献   

Experiments with mouse embryos were designed to assess the feasibility of freezing embryos after DNA microinjection. One-cell pronuclear stage mouse embryos were microinjected with cloned deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and cultured in vitro to the late eight-cell stage. Microinjected and matched control embryos were frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. Following thawing, embryos were cultured for 8 h and transferred to recipient females. In a separate set of experiments, embryos were transferred to recipients immediately following DNA microinjection. Control (uninjected) embryos developed to the late eight-cell stage significantly better than surviving microinjected embryos. Of the embryos thawed, 76% of the microinjected and 60% of the control embryos survived to be transferred to recipients. Progeny were obtained with similar survival rates from both groups following embryo transfer with transgenic mice identified among the progeny from microinjected embryos. Mouse embryos can be microinjected with DNA, cultured in vitro, frozen, thawed, transferred to recipients and transgenic progeny can be obtained.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide background material necessary for the development of international guidelines for the health and welfare monitoring of fish used in research. It provides an overview of present guidelines and discusses why more detailed and species-specific guidelines are needed. A major issue within fish research is to document the situation today and point out areas where improvements are needed.  相似文献   

We applied the embryo transfer technique to germfree (GF) mouse production. Embryos harvested from superovulated mice were transferred aseptically, in a sterile environment, to the uterus of GF recipient females which had been mated with vasectomized GF males. One of the recipients became pregnant and delivered offspring. Sterility tests confirmed that the vasectomized males, newborns, recipient female mice, embryo-containing culture media, and the inside of the vinyl film isolator were germfree. These results suggest that the embryo transfer technique can be successfully applied to the production of GF mice.  相似文献   

During a goat transgenic program that took place in Israel from July 1995 to February 1996, Saanen (n = 343) and Nubian x Damascus (n = 378) crossbred goats of mixed ages were used as donors (n = 433) and recipients (n = 288). The effects of season, age, number of surgical procedures, previous hormonal treatments and ovulation rate on the number of microinjectable embryos collected were studied. Likewise, the effects of these parameters on the pregnancy rate as well as the number of embryos transplanted, endogenous progesterone concentrations and exogenous progesterone supplementation were studied in recipient does. Following superovulation with ovine follicle stimulating hormone, 85% of the does responded with 13.6 +/- 5.7 (mean +/- S D) ovulations/doe. Age, month and number of previous hormonal treatments significantly affected the ovulation rate. The average recovery rate was 70%, and it was affected only by the ovulation rate. Pronuclei were visualized in about 30% of the flushed embryos (including unfertilized ova), and those were microinjected with human serum albumin gene construct. About 68% of the injected embryos underwent at least one division during an overnight incubation, and those embryos were transferred, giving about 2.0 transferred embryos per ovulated donor. Of the recipients, 86% responded following synchronization with 3.1 +/- 1.6 (mean +/- S D) ovulations per doe. Breed and month had a significant effect on the ovulation rate. Two or three microinjected embryos were transferred to each recipient, resulting in more than a 40% pregnancy rate during September to November. Lower pregnancy rates were obtained before and after that period. By monitoring plasma progesterone concentrations in the recipients it was found that progesterone concentration was correlated with the ovulation rate. However, the pregnancy rate was not affected by progesterone concentration. During January and February, 30 to 50% of the recipients failed to develop functional corpora lutea (CL) following embryo transfer, which explained the lower pregnancy rate in those months. Of the 86 kids born 4 were transgenic.  相似文献   

Dairy farming in western countries with cubicle housing is an efficient way of dairy farming. Though, a disadvantage is the high prevalence and incidence of foot disorders (clinical and subclinical), which cause high economic losses and also seriously impair the welfare of dairy cattle. To point out the importance of reducing the amount and severity of foot disorders, advice to farmers should include information about the scale of the problem and the consequences in terms of economics and animal welfare. To provide support in making decisions on implementing intervention measures, insight into costs and benefits of different measures should be available. The objective of this study, therefore, is to provide more insight into the costs and benefits, for farmer and cow, of different intervention measures to improve dairy cow foot health. Intervention measures were modeled when they were applicable on a dairy farm with cubicle housing and when sufficient information was available in literature. Net costs were calculated as the difference between the costs of the measure and the economic benefits resulting from the measure. Welfare benefits were calculated as well. Cost-effective measures are: improving lying surface (mattress and bedding, €7 and €1/cow per year, respectively), reducing stocking density (break even) and performing additional foot trimming (€1/cow per year). Simultaneously, these measures have a relative high welfare benefit. Labor costs play an important role in the cost-effectiveness of labor-intensive measures. More insight into cost-effectiveness and welfare benefits of intervention measures can help to prioritize when choosing between intervention measures.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos (8-16 cells) were collected from Sendai virus (SV)-infected mice at 5 or 7 weeks after inoculation. All donors having embryo(s) were positive when tested by CF test or ELISA for SV antibody at the time of embryo collection. Most of the morphologically normal embryos developed (90.6%, 259/286) to morulae or blastocysts after culture for 26-28 hr. A total of 76 embryos cultured were transferred to the uteri of SV-free pseudopregnant recipients. Forty-seven young were obtained from these recipients (61.8% of development rate) and 46 young were successfully reared up to 10th week of age. All the recipients and the young were negative by testing SV antibody. These results indicate that the embryo transfer technique is useful for cleaning of SV-infected mice.  相似文献   

Some common practices in aquaculture, ornamental trade and fish facilities may disturb the behavioural repertoire of fish and its natural adaptive value, reducing welfare and impairing fish production. Hence, it is necessary to understand fish behaviour, as well as the factors affecting it, to improve the quality of fish's life under artificial environment. Here, we reviewed the behaviour of the angelfish Pterophyllum scalare, an Amazonian cichlid used worldwide both as an ornamental fish and as a fish model in scientific research. We characterized social, reproductive and feeding behaviour, as well as the amazing cognitive ability of the angelfish. In addition, we reviewed the effects of environmental enrichment and suggested some important variables that need to be considered for rearing P. scalare. In this review, we show for the first time a synthesis on behaviour and a best practice overview to improve the welfare of angelfish as a target species. Nonetheless, most topics reviewed fit a broader set of fish species, particularly ornamental ones. This synthesis can therefore open a path for further behavioural research applied to the welfare of angelfish and bring insights to other fish species.  相似文献   

The effect of timing of microinjection of DNA constructs on the efficiency of transgenic embryo production and improved efficiency and quality through combining EGFP as a reporter gene with nuclear transfer techniques were examined. From 12 to 24 h after insemination, constructs of pCXNeo-EGFP were microinjected into a pronucleus of bovine IVM-IVF zygotes. Due to the difficulty in visualizing pronuclei, the incidence of successful injection of linear DNA was higher when zygotes were injected between 20 and 24 h, as compared with an early period between 12 and 16 h after insemination. However, developmental competence of DNA-injected zygotes and the EGFP expression rate were not affected by the injection time. A majority of the embryos expressing EGFP signal were mosaic. Following nuclear transfer of blastomeres expressing EGFP, 4.5% of morulae that developed from the NT eggs had a strong EGFP signal in all live blastomeres. In other embryos, EGFP signal had been lost. When cells derived from the EGFP-positive NT morulae were subcultured, all the cells expressed strong EGFP signal at the second passage and demonstrated neomycin resistance. These results show that transient expression of nonintegrated EGFP appears frequently in EGFP-positive bovine embryos and that additional selection of EGFP-positive morulae after nuclear transfer of EGFP-positive blastomeres would facilitate selection of transgenic embryos.  相似文献   

Pre-implantation embryos were infected with the retroviral vector MMCV-neo, which carries the neomycin resistance (neo) gene and the v-myc gene. Three transgenic substrains (M-TKneo 1-3) were derived which stably transmit a single intact copy of the vector. In all of the substrains, expression of the neo gene from the internal thymidine kinase (TK) promoter was detected, with two of the substrains expressing the gene in all tissues analysed. In the third substrain, the vector had integrated on the X chromosome and neo expression varied between different tissues. A second series of transgenic mice were obtained with the retroviral vector SAX, in which the human adenosine deaminase cDNA (ADA) is under the control of an internal SV40 promoter. Four substrains (M-SAX 1-4) were analysed; however, no expression of the ADA cDNA was detected. In all mice, no expression was found of the genes under the control of the viral 5' long terminal repeats (LTRs). In the M-TKneo substrains the vector was hypomethylated irrespective of its expression whereas in the M-SAX mice the vector was hypermethylated. These results demonstrate for the first time that the TK promoter can apparently express a gene in all tissues of adult mice and that retroviral vectors with internal promoters may provide an alternative to DNA injection for the efficient expression of genes in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Yuan T  Wang Y  Pao L  Anderson SM  Gu H 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e19233


MMTV-Cre mouse lines have played important roles in our understanding about the functions of numerous genes in mouse mammary epithelial cells during mammary gland development and tumorigenesis. However, numerous studies have not included MMTV-Cre mice as controls, and many investigators have not indicated which of the different MMTV-Cre founder lines were used in their studies. Here, we describe a lactation defect that severely limits the use of one of the most commonly used MMTV-Cre founder lines.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To explore the role of protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp1 in mammary gland development, mice bearing the floxed Shp1 gene were crossed with MMTV-Cre mice and mammary gland development was examined by histological and biochemical techniques, while lactation competency was assessed by monitoring pup growth. Surprisingly, both the Shp1fl/+;MMTV-Cre and MMTV-Cre female mice displayed a severe lactation defect when compared to the Shp1 fl/+ control mice. Histological and biochemical analyses reveal that female mice expressing the MMTV-Cre transgene, either alone or in combination with floxed genes, exhibit defects in lobuloalveolar expansion, presence of large cytoplasmic lipid droplets in luminal alveolar epithelial cells postpartum, and precocious induction of involution. Using a PCR-based genotyping method, the three different founder lines can be distinguished, and we determined that the MMTV-Cre line A, the most widely used MMTV-Cre founder line, exhibits a profound lactation defect that limits its use in studies on mammary gland development.


The identification of a lactation defect in the MMTV-Cre line A mice indicates that investigators must use MMTV-Cre alone mice as control in studies that utilize Cre recombinase to excise genes of interest from mammary epithelial cells. Our results also suggest that previous results obtained in studies using the MMTV-Cre line A line should be re-evaluated if the controls did not include mice expressing only Cre recombinase.  相似文献   

Seed storage proteins are a major component of mature seeds. They are utilized as protein sources in foods. We designed seed storage proteins containing bioactive peptides based on their three-dimensional structures. Furthermore, to create crops with enhanced food qualities, we developed transgenic crops producing seed storage proteins with bioactive peptides. This strategy promises to prevent lifestyle-related diseases by simple daily food consumption. In this review, we discuss a strategy to develop transgenic crops to improve human health by advanced utilization of seed storage proteins.  相似文献   

The data on transfer of mouse eggs microinjected with DNA during production of transgenic mice were analyzed. The transfer of mouse eggs into both oviducts did not lead to a reliably higher birth rate. It did not affect the frequency of recipients’ pregnancy and, although somewhat increased the frequency of multiple birth, led, finally, to unjustified loss of the major part of viable DNA-injected eggs. We recommend transferring no less than 15 microinjected eggs only in one oviduct of each recipient. The transfer into another oviduct is acceptable if the transfer into the first oviduct failed or its outcome is doubtful.  相似文献   

Rederivation of inbred strains of mice by means of embryo transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embryo transfers were performed to rederive six inbred strains of mice, A/He, BALB/cByJ, BALB/c Lac, B10.BR/SgSnJ, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J. The aim was to determine whether it is possible to eliminate pathogens like mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and Pasteurella pneumotropica (P.p.). The embryos were collected, handled and transferred into the oviduct of day one pseudopregnant SPF surrogate mothers under aseptic conditions. In 40.5% of the transfers, embryos developed to term. With respect to surrogate mothers delivering viable litters, 47.9% of the transferred embryos were born alive. Out of these 93.5% were reared. Virological and bacteriological examination of embryo donors verified the presence of P.p. and of antibodies against MHV in all strains. In some embryo donors P.p. could be isolated even from the uterine mucosa. However, neither in the surrogate mothers nor in the offspring could P.p. and antibodies against MHV be detected. Further bacteriological examination revealed that the offspring carried only the microbial flora received from the surrogate mother. The results indicate that embryo transfer is an appropriate tool to rederive mouse strains. In contrast to hysterectomy rederivation, embryo transfer has the advantage of avoiding postimplantational vertical transmissions of infections.  相似文献   

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