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It is generally believed that plants "evolved a strategy of defending themselves from a phytopathogen attack" during evolution. This metaphor is used frequently, but it does not facilitate understanding of the mechanisms providing plant resistance to the invasion of foreign organisms and to other unfavorable external factors, as well as the role of these mechanisms in plant growth and development. Information on processes involving one of the plant resistance factors--polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP)--is considered in this review. The data presented here indicate that PGIP, being an extracellular leucine-rich repeat-containing protein, performs important functions in the structure of plant cell wall. Amino acid residues participating in PGIP binding to homogalacturonan in the cell wall have been determined. The degree of methylation and the mode of distribution of homogalacturonan methyl groups are responsible for the formation of a complex structure, which perhaps determines the specificity of PGIP binding to pectin. PGIP is apparently one of the components of plant cell wall determining some of its mechanical properties; it is involved in biochemical processes related to growth, expansion, and maceration, and it influences plant morphology. Polygalacturonase (PG) is present within practically all plant tissues, but the manifestation of its activity varies significantly depending on physiological conditions in the tissue. Apparently, the regulation of PG functioning in apoplast significantly affects the development of processes associated with the modification of the structure of plant cell wall. PGIP can regulate PG activity through binding to homogalacturonan. The genetically determined structure of PGIP in plants determines the mode of its interaction with an invader and perhaps is one of the factors responsible for the set of pathogens causing diseases in a given plant species.  相似文献   

The recycling of photosynthetically fixed carbon in plant cell walls is a key microbial process. In anaerobes, the degradation is carried out by a high molecular weight multifunctional complex termed the cellulosome. This consists of a number of independent enzyme components, each of which contains a conserved dockerin domain, which functions to bind the enzyme to a cohesin domain within the protein scaffoldin protein. Here we describe the first three-dimensional structure of a fungal dockerin, the N-terminal dockerin of Cel45A from the anaerobic fungus Piromyces equi. The structure contains a novel fold of 42 residues. The ligand binding site consists of residues Trp 35, Tyr 8 and Asp 23, which are conserved in all fungal dockerins. The binding site is on the opposite side of the N- and C-termini of the molecule, implying that tandem dockerin domains, seen in the majority of anaerobic fungal plant cell wall degrading enzymes, could present multiple simultaneous binding sites and, therefore, permit tailoring of binding to catalytic demands.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the interaction of prion protein PrPC with components of glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains in lymphoblastoid T cells. PrPC was distributed in small clusters on the plasma membrane, as revealed by immunoelectron microscopy. PrPC is present in microdomains, since it coimmunoprecipitates with GM3 and the raft marker GM1. A strict association between PrPC and Fyn was revealed by scanning confocal microscopy and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. The phosphorylation protein ZAP-70 was immunoprecipitated by anti-PrP after T cell activation. These results demonstrate that PrPC interacts with ZAP-70, suggesting that PrPC is a component of the multimolecular signaling complex within microdomains involved in T cell activation.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein D (SP-D, CP4) is a collagenous surfactant-associated glycoprotein synthesized by lung type II epithelial cells. SP-D can be selectively and efficiently eluted from isolated rat surfactant with glucose, maltose, and certain other saccharides. We therefore examined the ability of the purified protein to interact with carbohydrates in vitro. Saccharide-substituted bovine serum albumins (BSA neoglycoproteins) were adsorbed to plastic wells, and binding of purified SP-D was quantified with monospecific antibodies to SP-D using an indirect immunoassay. SP-D showed specific calcium-dependent binding to alpha-D-glucosidophenyl isothiocyanate-BSA and maltosyl-BSA, but negligible binding to beta-D-glucosidophenyl isothiocyanate-BSA or unconjugated BSA. The most efficient inhibitors of SP-D binding were alpha-glucosyl-containing saccharides (e.g. isomaltose, maltose, malotriose). SP-D showed quantitative binding to maltosyl-agarose and was specifically eluted with maltose or EDTA. High affinity binding to maltosyl-BSA was also demonstrated using a solution-phase polyethylene glycol precipitation assay. These studies demonstrate that SP-D is a calcium dependent lectin-like protein and that the association of SP-D with surfactant is mediated by carbohydrate-dependent interactions with specificity for alpha-glucosyl residues.  相似文献   

The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis has a thick cell wall. The cell wall contains various proteins, both for secretion and for peptidoglycan (PG) maintenance. Penicillin-binding proteins for PG synthesis, PG hydrolases (autolysins), and regulator proteins for the autolysins are the known components of the PG maintenance system. YqgA was identified as an abundant protein attached to the cell wall of B. subtilis through a proteomics analysis. The YqgA protein was localized at cell division sites during the transition period between the exponential and the stationary phases. YqgA localization was affected by mutations in the dl-endopeptidases (DLEPases), which are the autolysins involved in cell morphogenesis. Furthermore, yqgA mutations on a background of defective DLEPases led to delays in cell growth and cell morphological changes. These results demonstrate that yqgA is genetically related to the genes encoding DLEPases involved in cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The yeast exocytic SNARE complex consists of one molecule each of the Sso1/2 target SNAREs, Snc1/2 vesicular SNAREs, and the Sec9 target SNARE, which form a fusion complex that is conserved in evolution. Another protein, Sec1, binds to the SNARE complex to facilitate assembly. We show that Mso1, a Sec1-interacting protein, also binds to the SNARE complex and plays a role in mediating Sec1 functions. Like Sec1, Mso1 bound to SNAREs in cells containing SNARE complexes (i.e. wild-type, sec1-1, and sec18-1 cells), but not in cells in which complex formation is inhibited (i.e. sec4-8 cells). Nevertheless, Mso1 remained associated with Sec1 even in sec4-8 cells, indicating that they act as a pair. Mso1 localized primarily to the plasma membrane of the bud when SNARE complex formation was not impaired but was mostly in the cytoplasm when assembly was prevented. Genetic studies suggest that Mso1 enhances Sec1 function while attenuating Sec4 GTPase function. This dual action may impart temporal regulation between Sec4 turnoff and Sec1-mediated SNARE assembly. Notably, a small region at the C terminus of Mso1 is conserved in the mammalian Munc13/Mint proteins and is necessary for proper membrane localization. Overexpression of Mso1 lacking this domain (Mso1-(1-193)) inhibited the growth of cells bearing an attenuated Sec4 GTPase. These results suggest that Mso1 is a component of the exocytic SNARE complex and a possible ortholog of the Munc13/Mint proteins.  相似文献   

The assembly into supramolecular complexes of proteins having complementary activities is central to cellular function. One such complex of considerable biological and industrial significance is the plant cell wall-degrading apparatus of anaerobic microorganisms, termed the cellulosome. A central feature of bacterial cellulosomes is a large non-catalytic protein, the scaffoldin, which contains multiple cohesin domains. An array of digestive enzymes is incorporated into the cellulosome through the interaction of the dockerin domains, present in the catalytic subunits, with the cohesin domains that are present in the scaffoldin. By contrast, in anaerobic fungi, such as Piromyces equi, the dockerins of cellulosomal enzymes are often present in tandem copies; however, the identity of the cognate cohesin domains in these organisms is unclear, hindering further biotechnological development of the fungal cellulosome. Here, we characterise the solution structure and function of a double-dockerin construct from the P. equi endoglucanase Cel45A. We show that the two domains are connected by a flexible linker that is short enough to keep the binding sites of the two domains on adjacent surfaces, and allows the double-dockerin construct to bind more tightly to cellulosomes than a single domain and with greater coverage. The double dockerin binds to the GH3 beta-glucosidase component of the fungal cellulosome, which is thereby identified as a potential scaffoldin.  相似文献   

N-linked protein glycosylation is an essential process in eukaryotic cells. In the central reaction, the oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase) catalyzes the transfer of the oligosaccharide Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 from dolicholpyrophosphate onto asparagine residues of nascent polypeptide chains in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. The product of the essential gene STT3 is required for OTase activity in vivo, but is not present in highly purified OTase preparations. Using affinity purification of a tagged Stt3 protein, we now demonstrate that other components of the OTase complex, namely Ost1p, Wbp1p and Swp1p, specifically co-purify with the Stt3 protein. In addition, different conditional stt3 alleles can be suppressed by overexpression of either OST3 and OST4, which encode small components of the OTase complex. These genetic and biochemical data show that the highly conserved Stt3p is a component of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex. Received: 3 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   

How plant organs grow to reach their final size is an important but largely unanswered question. Here, we describe an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, brassinosteroid-insensitive4 (bin4), in which the growth of various organs is dramatically reduced. Small organ size in bin4 is primarily caused by reduced cell expansion associated with defects in increasing ploidy by endoreduplication. Raising nuclear DNA content in bin4 by colchicine-induced polyploidization partially rescues the cell and organ size phenotype, indicating that BIN4 is directly and specifically required for endoreduplication rather than for subsequent cell expansion. BIN4 encodes a plant-specific, DNA binding protein that acts as a component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex. Loss of BIN4 triggers an ATM- and ATR-dependent DNA damage response in postmitotic cells, and this response coincides with the upregulation of the cyclin B1;1 gene in the same cell types, suggesting a functional link between DNA damage response and endocycle control.  相似文献   

A bovine liver protein which catalyzes the transfer of triglyceride between membranes has previously been isolated from the lumen of the microsomal fraction. When further purified about 100-fold, two polypeptides of molecular mass 58,000 and 88,000 were identified (Wetterau, J. R., and Zilversmit, D. B. (1985) Chem. Phys. Lipids 38, 205-222). We demonstrate here that the two polypeptides (referred to as 58-kDa and 88-kDa, respectively) are associated in a protein-protein complex, and that the triglyceride transfer activity is associated with this complex. Antibodies specific for either polypeptide immunoprecipitated both the 58-kDa and 88-kDa polypeptides as well as the lipid transfer activity. The 58-kDa subunit of the microsomal transfer protein complex was identified as protein disulfide-isomerase (PDI) (EC by 1) a comparison of the amino-terminal sequence of PDI and the 58-kDa subunit of the transfer protein, 2) a comparison of the reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography peptide maps of CNBr digests of PDI and the lipid transfer protein, 3) immunoprecipitation competition experiments in which PDI was found to compete with the lipid transfer protein for immunoprecipitation by the anti-58-kDa polyclonal antibodies, 4) immunological cross-reactivity of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein complex with polyclonal antibodies raised against PDI, and 5) the appearance of protein disulfide isomerase activity following the dissociation of purified microsomal transfer protein complex with guanidine HCl. In conclusion, the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein has a multi-subunit structure which is unique compared to other intracellular lipid transfer proteins which have been described to be single polypeptides. The unexpected finding that PDI is a component of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein complex suggests a new previously undescribed role for protein disulfide isomerase.  相似文献   

Cell junctions are essential to maintain polarity and tissue integrity. Epithelial cell junctions are composed of distinct sub-compartments that together ensure the strong adhesion between neighboring cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans epithelia, the apical junction (CeAJ) forms a single electron-dense structure, but at the molecular level it is composed of two sub-compartments that function redundantly and localize independently as two distinct but adjacent circumferential rings on the lateral plasma membrane. While investigating the role of the multi PDZ-domain containing protein MAGI-1 during C. elegans epidermal morphogenesis, we found that MAGI-1 localizes apical to both the Cadherin/Catenin (CCC) and AJM-1/DLG-1 (DAC) containing sub-domains. Removal of MAGI-1 function causes a loss of junctional compartmentalization along the lateral membrane and reduces the overall robustness of cell-cell adhesion mediated by either type of cell junctions. Our results suggest that MAGI-1 functions as an “organizer” that ensures the correct segregation of different cell adhesion complexes into distinct domains along the lateral plasma membrane. Thus, the formation of stable junctions requires the proper distribution of the CCC and DAC adhesion protein complexes along the lateral plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Through two-hybrid interactions, protein affinity and localization studies, we previously identified Yip1p, an integral yeast Golgi membrane protein able to bind the Ras-like GTPases Ypt1p and Ypt31p in their GDP-bound conformation. In a further two-hybrid screen, we identified Yif1p as an interacting factor of Yip1p. We show that Yif1p is an evolutionarily conserved, essential 35.5 kDa transmembrane protein that forms a tight complex with Yip1p on Golgi membranes. The hydrophilic N-terminal half of Yif1p faces the cytosol, and according to two-hybrid analyses can interact with the transport GTPases Ypt1p, Ypt31p and Sec4p, but in contrast to Yip1p, this interaction is dispensable for Yif1 protein function. Loss of Yif1p function in conditional-lethal mutants results in a block of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi protein transport and in an accumulation of ER membranes and 40-50 nm vesicles. Genetic analyses suggest that Yif1p acts downstream of Yip1p. It is inferred that Ypt GTPase binding to the Yip1p-Yif1p complex is essential for and precedes vesicle docking and fusion.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA), a genetic disorder predisposing to aplastic anemia and cancer, is characterized by hypersensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and oxidative stress. Five of the cloned FA proteins (FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG) appear to be involved in a common functional pathway that is required for the monoubiquitination of a sixth gene product, FANCD2. Here, we report that FANCA associates with the IkappaB kinase (IKK) signalsome via interaction with IKK2. Components of the FANCA complex undergo rapid, stimulus-dependent changes in phosphorylation, which are blocked by kinase-inactive IKK2 (IKK2 K > M). When exposed to mitomycin C, cells expressing IKK2 K > M develop a cell cycle abnormality characteristic of FA. Thus, FANCA may function to recruit IKK2, thus providing the cell a means of rapidly responding to stress.  相似文献   

Aims:  The objective of the study was to produce and characterize the cinnamoyl esterase EstA from the anaerobic fungus Piromyces equi for potential industrial applications.
Methods and Results:  The catalytic domain EstA was produced in Trichoderma reesei. Because the two fungi displayed different genome features, including different codon usage and GC content, a synthetic gene was designed and expressed, leading to the production of the corresponding protein at around 33 mg per litre in the T. reesei culture medium. After the recombinant protein was purified, biochemical characterization showed that EstA presents peak activity at pH 6·5 and at 50–60°C. Furthermore, EstA remained stable at pH 6–8 and below 50°C. EstA was compared to cinnamoyl esterases FaeA and FaeB from Aspergillus niger in terms of ferulic acid (FA) release from wheat bran (WB), maize bran (MB) and sugar beet pulp (SBP).
Conclusion:  The synthetic gene was successfully cloned and overexpressed in T. reesei. EstA from P.   equi was demonstrated to efficiently release FA from various natural substrates.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Recombinant EstA produced in an industrial enzyme producer, T. reesei , was biochemically characterized, and its capacity to release an aromatic compound (FA) for biotechnological applications was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The ciliary rootlet, first recognized over a century ago, is a prominent structure originating from the basal body at the proximal end of a cilium. Despite being the largest cytoskeleton, its structural composition has remained unknown. Here, we report a novel 220-kD protein, designated rootletin, found in the rootlets of ciliated cells. Recombinant rootletin forms detergent-insoluble filaments radiating from the centrioles and resembling rootlets found in vivo. An mAb widely used as a marker for vertebrate rootlets recognizes an epitope in rootletin. Rootletin has a globular head domain and a tail domain consisting of extended coiled-coil structures. Rootletin forms parallel in register homodimers and elongated higher order polymers mediated by the tail domain alone. The head domain may be required for targeting to the basal body and binding to a kinesin light chain. In retinal photoreceptors where rootlets appear particularly robust, rootlets extend from the basal bodies to the synaptic terminals and anchor ER membranes along their length. Our data indicate that rootlets are composed of homopolymeric rootletin protofilaments bundled into variably shaped thick filaments. Thus, rootletin is the long-sought structural component of the ciliary rootlet.  相似文献   

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