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生物大分子药物与传统治疗方式相比作用靶点具有高度的专一性,成为21世纪药物研发中最具发展前景的领域之一,但由于细胞膜的天然屏障作用致使许多潜在的胞内药物靶标无法应用于新药研究。细胞穿膜肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPP)是一类具有穿膜功能的小分子短肽,可高效携带核酸、蛋白质等生物大分子穿过细胞膜进入胞质发挥功能,在介导生物大分子药物入胞上有着高效、低毒等诸多优势,但仍存在效率低、靶向性差等问题。CPP携带货物分子入胞的方式可以根据是否依赖能量分为直接入胞和内吞。直接入胞依据孔隙形成的方式不同分为四种模型:桶板模型、超环面模型、地毯模型和反向胶团模型。内吞则根据受体的不同又分为巨胞饮、网格蛋白介导的内吞、小窝蛋白介导的内吞、硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖介导的内吞以及神经毡蛋白-1介导的内吞。CPP自身的类型、浓度、效应分子的物理化学性质以及分子大小都会影响CPP的入胞过程,进而决定CPP携带生物大分子入胞的途径。对CPP介导生物大分子的入胞机制进行综述,为研究更加高效、靶向性强的CPP提供依据,从而推动其在生物、医学领域的应用。  相似文献   

细胞穿膜肽的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞穿膜肽是一类能携带大分子物质进入细胞的短肽,其穿膜能力不依赖经典的胞吞作用。经过对天然存在的细胞穿膜肽的生物化学性质研究,已经逐渐掌握了细胞穿膜肽的一些共有特性,这类物质均为带有正电荷的长短不等的多肽片段,其中富含精氨酸、赖氨酸等碱性氨基酸残基,二级结构皆具有α-螺旋的空间构象。利用这些特性,目前已人工合成了穿透力更强、效率更高的穿膜肽PEP-1、MPG,并且成功地携带大分子物质进入细胞发挥生物学活性。  相似文献   

细胞穿膜肽(cell penetrating peptides,CPPs)是一种小分子多肽,能够容易地穿过细胞膜.这类分子,尤其是具有靶向功能的CPPs为高效率投送药物到靶细胞带来希望.因此,对其展开研究对于生物医学有着一定的意义.本工作主要从序列水平对具有不同穿膜活性的CPPs进行研究,试图找出影响CPPs穿膜活性的因素,以及不同活性CPPs与非穿膜肽(Non CPPs)序列上的差异,并引入一种分析生物序列的方法.我们基于CPPsite数据库和不同的文献获取CPPs和Non CPPs序列,并进一步从CPPs序列中提取具有高、中、低穿膜活性的穿膜肽(HCPPs、MCPPs、LCPPs)用于构建数据集.基于这些数据集,开展了以下研究:首先,利用方差分析的方法,对不同活性的CPPs以及Non CPPs的氨基酸及二级结构组成进行分析,发现氨基酸的静电与疏水相互作用对CPPs的穿膜活性起到了重要影响,同时螺旋结构和无规卷曲也会影响CPPs的穿膜活性;其次,使用理化性质与长度将不同活性的CPPs展示在二维平面上,发现在某些特殊的性质下不同活性的CPPs与Non CPPs可以产生聚簇现象,HCPPs、MCPPs以及LCPPs和Non CPPs被分成了三簇,这种现象显示了它们之间的差异;最后,本文引入了生物序列理化质心的概念,将组成序列的残基看作质点,进而把序列抽象成质点系进行研究,并将此方法应用到CPPs的分析中,通过PCA方法将不同活性的CPPs投射到三维平面上,结果发现绝大部分CPPs聚在一起,部分LCPPs与Non CPPs聚在一起.此工作对于CPPs的设计,以及理解不同活性CPPs序列上的差异具有一定的意义.另外,本文引入的生物序列理化质心的分析方法也可以用于其他生物问题的分析,同时它们可以作为某些生物分类问题的输入参数,在模式识别中起到一定的作用.  相似文献   

由于细胞膜的天然屏障作用,大多数具有治疗作用的极性分子、多肽、寡聚核苷酸很难进入细胞内发挥药效作用[1~3],因此很多具有良好治疗功能的大分子生物活性物质在实际应用中受到了极大的限制.为了克服这一治疗障碍和药物的转运,人们已经发展了各种穿透细胞膜的技术[4].目前通过细胞膜向细胞内转运的技术有病毒载体和非病毒载体.非病毒载体包括电穿孔、显微注射和脂质体转染[5,6].虽然这些方法广泛使用,但是存在很大的局限性,如转入效率低,细胞毒性大等.因此,寻找一种高效、无毒和能够穿过细胞的物质势在必行.  相似文献   

细胞穿膜肽(Cell-penetrating peptides,CPPs)是一类能够穿过细胞膜或组织屏障的短肽。CPPs可通过内吞和直接穿透等机制运载蛋白质、RNA、DNA等生物大分子进入细胞内发挥其效应功能。相比于其他非天然的化学分子,CPPs具有生物相容性佳、对细胞造成的毒性小、完成入胞转运后可降解、并能与生物活性蛋白直接融合重组表达等优点,因此成为以胞内分子为靶标的药物递送技术发展的重要工具,并在生物医学研究领域具有良好的应用前景。文中针对CPPs的分类特点、入胞转运机制及其治疗应用的新近研究进展进行综述和讨论。  相似文献   

如何将生物活性分子高效投递到靶标的细胞和组织仍然是生物治疗领域研究人员面临的难题之一。直到细胞穿膜肽(cell penetrating peptides, CPPs)的出现,其可介导多种外源性功能分子(核酸、多肽、蛋白质和化学药物)进入细胞,而且不影响外源活性分子的功能发挥。另外,CPPs在传递外源活性成分进入肿瘤组织和细胞方面表现出更具应用前景的优势。因此,通过对CPPs的分类、鉴定方法、穿膜机制、其在抗肿瘤治疗中的最新应用以及尚需要解决的问题进行综述,以期为新型CPPs的鉴定和其抗肿瘤治疗策略提供参考。  相似文献   

吴强  徐祥  梁华平  张明 《生命的化学》2005,25(4):304-306
穿膜肽(penetratin)是果蝇的触角足同源异形域的DNA结合结构域第三个片段的商品名,由16个氨基酸残基组成,它可以介导多种疏水大分子进入活体细胞质内而不破坏细胞膜的完整性;其最大的特点是可以介导多种大分子进入细胞内,并且无需外源能量,分子作为整体插入细胞内,穿膜过程不需解折叠。该发现开辟了药物进入细胞的新的介导途径。该文介绍穿膜肽的结构特点、穿膜机制、应用及局限性。  相似文献   

本文比较了两种常用穿膜肽TAT和R9的体外穿膜效率、对细胞影响以及小鼠活体内不同器官的穿膜效率。非特异性穿膜肽TAT和R9分别为11个氨基酸和9个氨基酸的短肽,能够有效地穿过细胞膜进入细胞。本研究纯化制备出融合蛋白TAT-EGFP及R9-EGFP多肽,用相同浓度的活性TAT-EGFP和R9-EGFP处理肺癌细胞,观察比较二者的穿膜活性及效率;设置不同浓度梯度检测两种穿膜肽是否对细胞产生影响;通过小鼠腹腔注射TAT-EGFP和R9-EGFP活性肽段,研究二者在活体能够穿膜到达的靶位置,并比较分析二者穿膜的效果器官分布。结果显示制备获得的两种融合蛋白TAT-EGFP和R9-EGFP均能有效穿过实现穿膜功能,两种穿膜肽对乳腺癌细胞影响较小。活体试验证明两种穿膜肽在心、肝、脾、肺、肾器官均有分布,R9主要富集在小鼠的肾和肝脏中,TAT在6种被研究的器官都有富集,两种细胞穿膜肽都能透过血脑屏障到达脑部。相对来说,TAT在小鼠活体中的穿膜效果更好,荧光富集多,R9整体穿膜效果较弱。本研究分析比较了两种穿膜肽的细胞安全性浓度和活体的穿膜能力,为TAT和R9两种穿膜肽在后续试验中的合理有效的选择和使用,提供了基础数据和指导性依据。  相似文献   

以细胞内物质为靶标的药物(大分子、蛋白质、多肽及核酸)只有穿透细胞膜才能进一步发挥其药效。细胞穿透多肽(穿膜肽)是由少于30个氨基酸残基组成的小肽,它们能够通过与细胞膜相互作用而穿透细胞膜这一天然屏障。穿膜肽大致分为宿主防御肽、基于信号序列的穿膜肽和富含精氨酸的穿膜肽;穿膜肽进入细胞的机制尚未完全阐明,存在倒置微团模型、地毯式模型及打孔模型等假说。穿膜肽能够携带各种物质进入细胞的特性受到人们的关注。我们就穿膜肽的种类、穿膜机制,及其在生物影像学和生物递送系统中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

穿膜肽是一类具有特殊穿膜功能的多肽分子,能携带其它分子甚至超分子颗粒穿膜进入细胞内部.早期研究认为,其进胞是一种无需受体、也不存在饱和状态的非经典胞吞行为.近年研究表明,其穿膜机制可能与其含有的氨基酸种类有很大关系.现在,穿膜肽的穿膜过程称为巨型胞饮行为,它与传统的胞吞形式很相似.当然,还可能存在着其它的进胞方式而没有被证明或发现.关于穿膜肽的应用也是人们最感兴趣的,在很多领域的研究都在进行并不断取得进展.不论是生物界还是医学界,穿膜肽都被认为将是一类非常有发展潜力的多肽分子.  相似文献   

细胞膜穿透肽(cell-penetrating peptide,CPP)的发现,为向细胞内输送各种大分子生物活性物质提供了一个有力的运送载体,相比于以前的各种运送载体,它具有操作简便、相对安全和毒副作用小等优点,但同时也存在着诸如从内含体释放效率低、细胞内定位不够精确以及缺乏组织细胞靶向性等缺陷,这也是目前国内外对于CPP的研究热点。  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides can cross cell membranes and are commonly seen as biologically inert molecules. However, we found that some cell-penetrating peptides could remodel actin cytoskeleton in oncogene-transformed NIH3T3/EWS-Fli cells. These cells have profound actin disorganization related to their tumoral transformation. These arginine- and/or tryptophan-rich peptides could cross cell membrane and induce stress fiber formation in these malignant cells, whereas they had no perceptible effect in non-tumoral fibroblasts. In addition, motility (migration speed, random motility coefficient, wound healing) of the tumor cells could be decreased by the cell-permeant peptides. Although the peptides differently influenced actin polymerization in vitro, they could directly bind monomeric actin as determined by NMR and calorimetry studies. Therefore, cell-penetrating peptides might interact with intracellular protein partners, such as actin. In addition, the fact that they could reverse the tumoral phenotype is of interest for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Bioactive peptides have been reported to exhibit opioid-like activity and are termed as opioid peptides. Either these are produced...  相似文献   

Structure determination of membrane proteins by crystallographic means has been facilitated by crystallization in lipidic mesophases. It has been suggested, however, that this so-called in meso method, as originally implemented, would not apply to small protein targets having ≤4 transmembrane crossings. In our study, the hypothesis that the inherent flexibility of the mesophase would enable crystallogenesis of small proteins was tested using a transmembrane pentadecapeptide, linear gramicidin, which produced structure-grade crystals. This result suggests that the in meso method should be considered as a viable means for high-resolution structure determination of integral membrane peptides, many of which are predicted to be coded for in the human genome.  相似文献   

近年来细胞穿膜肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPP)在生物医药领域被广泛应用,它为生物分子的胞内递送提供了有效的策略。关注CPP在肿瘤治疗及疾病诊断中的作用,并重点介绍其在肿瘤靶向治疗和医学影像诊断中的应用及优势。同时,根据CPP在药物传递系统中的特点,改进CPP存在的不足,扩大其联合用药的可能性,这也成为CPP研究的热点。对CPP及其在肿瘤等疾病的诊断及治疗中的应用作一综述,并简述其优化及改进策略,以期促进CPP在临床中的应用。  相似文献   

Cholesterol is distributed unevenly between different cellular membrane compartments, and the cholesterol content increases from the inner bilayers toward the plasma membrane. It has been suggested that this cholesterol gradient is important in the sorting of transmembrane proteins. Cholesterol has also been to shown play an important role in lateral organization of eukaryotic cell membranes. In this study the aim was to determine how transmembrane proteins influence the lateral distribution of cholesterol in phospholipid bilayers. Insight into this can be obtained by studying how cholesterol interacts with bilayer membranes of different composition in the presence of designed peptides that mimic the transmembrane helices of proteins. For this purpose we developed an assay in which the partitioning of the fluorescent cholesterol analog CTL between LUVs and mβCD can be measured. Comparison of how cholesterol and CTL partitioning between mβCD and phospholipid bilayers with different composition suggests that CTL sensed changes in bilayer composition similarly as cholesterol. Therefore, the results obtained with CTL can be used to understand cholesterol distribution in lipid bilayers. The effect of WALP23 on CTL partitioning between DMPC bilayers and mβCD was measured. From the results it was clear that WALP23 increased both the order in the bilayers (as seen from CTL and DPH anisotropy) and the affinity of the sterol for the bilayer in a concentration dependent way. Although WALP23 also increased the order in DLPC and POPC bilayers the effects on CTL partitioning was much smaller with these lipids. This indicates that proteins have the largest effect on sterol interactions with phospholipids that have longer and saturated acyl chains. KALP23 did not significantly affect the acyl chain order in the phospholipid bilayers, and inclusion of KALP23 into DMPC bilayers slightly decreased CTL partitioning into the bilayer. This shows that transmembrane proteins can both decrease and increase the affinity of sterols for the lipid bilayers surrounding proteins. This is likely to affect the sterol distribution within the bilayer and thereby the lateral organization in biomembranes.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) can traverse cellular membranes and deliver biologically active molecules into cells. In this study, we demonstrate that CPPs comprised of nona-arginine (R9) and a penetration accelerating peptide sequence (Pas) that facilitates escape from endocytic lysosomes, denoted as PR9, greatly enhance the delivery of noncovalently associated quantum dots (QDs) into human A549 cells. Mechanistic studies, intracellular trafficking analysis and a functional gene assay reveal that endocytosis is the main route for intracellular delivery of PR9/QD complexes. Endocytic trafficking of PR9/QD complexes was monitored using both confocal and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Zeta-potential and size analyses indicate the importance of electrostatic forces in the interaction of PR9/QD complexes with plasma membranes. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy reveals that the secondary structural elements of PR9 have similar conformations in aqueous buffer at pH 7 and 5. This study of nontoxic PR9 provides a basis for the design of optimized cargo delivery that allows escape from endocytic vesicles.  相似文献   

Peptide libraries or antigenic determinants can be displayed on the surface of bacteria through insertion in a suitable outer membrane scaffold protein. Here, we inserted the well-known antibody epitopes 3xFLAG and 2xmyc in exterior loops of the transmembrane (TM) domain of OmpA. Although these highly charged epitopes were successfully displayed on the cell surface, their levels were 10-fold reduced due to degradation. We verified that the degradation was not caused by the absence of the C-terminal domain of OmpA. In contrast, a peptide that was only moderately charged (SA-1) appeared to be stably incorporated in the outer membrane at normal protein levels. Together, these results suggest that the display efficiency is sensitive to the charge of the inserted epitopes. In addition, the high-level expression of OmpA variants with surface-displayed epitopes adversely affected growth in a strain dependent, transient manner. In a MC4100 derived strain growth was affected, whereas in MC1061 derived strains growth was unaffected. Finally, results obtained using a gel-shift assay to monitor β-barrel folding in vivo show that the insertion of small epitopes can change the heat modifiability of the OmpA TM domain from ‘aberrant’ to normal, and predict that some β-barrels will not display any significant heat-modifiability at all.  相似文献   

小干扰RNA(si RNA)的发展给针对病理障碍特异性基因的靶向治疗带来了巨大的希望。然而,细胞膜对带负电荷分子的低渗透性,细胞对si RNA的摄取能力差,成为了si RNA临床应用的主要障碍。虽然学者们提出了一系列si RNA递送的方法,但是截止到目前,仍没有递送si RNA的通用方法。细胞膜穿透肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPPs)的发现为si RNA非侵袭性的进入细胞提供了一种非常有前景的运载工具,已被成功地应用于治疗性si RNA分子的体内和体外实验的递送。最近,一种新的以两亲性CPPs为基础的si RNA递送系统-CADY(a secondary amphipathic peptide,Ac-GLWRALWRLLRSLWRLLWRA-cysteamide)受到了高度关注,它能与si RNA形成稳定的非共价复合物,并在原代和悬浮细胞系中高效地递送si RNA,具有极高的应用前景。  相似文献   

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