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The sulphydryl reagent thimerosal (50 microM) released Ca2+ from a non-mitochondrial intracellular Ca2+ pool in a dose-dependent manner in permeabilized insulin-secreting RINm5F cells. This release was reversed after addition of the reducing agent dithiothreitol. Ca2+ was released from an Ins(1,4,5)P3-insensitive pool, since release was observed even after depletion of the Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive pool by a supramaximal dose of Ins(2,4,5)P3 or thapsigargin. The Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive pool remained essentially unaltered by thimerosal. Thimerosal-induced Ca2+ release was potentiated by caffeine. These findings suggest the existence of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release also in insulin-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Elevation in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) is a common mechanism in signaling events. An increased [Ca2+]i induced by GH, has been observed in relation to different cellular events. Little is known about the mechanism underlying the GH effect on Ca2+ handling. We have studied the molecular mechanisms underlying GH-induced rise in [Ca2+]i in BRIN-BD11 insulin-secreting cells. GH (500 ng/ml, 22 nm) induced a sustained increase in [Ca2+]i. The effect of GH on [Ca2+]i was prevented in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and was inhibited by the ATP-sensitive K(+)-channel opener diazoxide and the voltage-dependent Ca(2+)-channel inhibitor nifedipine. However, GH failed to induce any changes in Ca2+ current and membrane potential, evaluated by patch-clamp recordings and by using voltage-sensitive dyes. When the intracellular Ca2+ pools had been depleted using the Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin, the effect of GH was inhibited. In addition, GH-stimulated rise in [Ca2+]i was completely abolished by ruthenium red, an inhibitor of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport, and caffeine. GH induced tyrosine phosphorylation of ryanodine receptors. The effect of GH on [Ca2+]i was completely blocked by the tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and lavendustin A. Interestingly, treatment of the cells with GH significantly enhanced K(+)-induced rise in [Ca2+]i. Hence, GH-stimulated rise in [Ca2+]i is dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and is mediated by Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release. This process is mediated by tyrosine phosphorylation of ryanodine receptors and may play a crucial role in physiological Ca2+ handling in insulin-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the activation of endometrial Cl(-) secretion through P(2Y2) (P(2U)) purinoceptors by extracellular ATP. The present study further explored the presence of pyrimidine-sensitive receptors in the primary cultured mouse endometrial epithelial cells using the short-circuit current (I(SC)) and whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. UDP induced a transient increase in I(SC) in a concentration-dependent manner (EC(50) approximately 8.84 microM). The UDP-induced I(SC) was abolished after pretreating the epithelia with a calcium chelator, 1, 2-bis-(2-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N'N'tetraacetic acid-acetomethyl ester (BAPTA-AM), suggesting the dependence of the I(SC) on cytosolic free Ca(2+). The type of receptor involved was studied by cross-desensitization between ATP and UDP. ATP or UDP desensitized its subsequent I(SC) response. However, when ATP was added after UDP, or vice versa, a second I(SC) response was observed, indicating the activation of distinct receptors, possibly pyrimidine-sensitive receptors in addition to P(2Y2) (P(2U)) receptors. Similar results were observed in the patch-clamp experiments where UDP and ATP were shown to sequentially activate whole-cell current in the same cell. The UDP-activated whole-cell current exhibited outward rectification with delay activation and inactivation at depolarizing and hyperpolarizing voltages, respectively. In addition, the UDP-evoked whole-cell current reversed near the equilibrium potential of Cl(-) in the presence of a Cl(-) gradient across the membrane, and was sensitive to 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), indicating the activation of Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) conductance. These characteristics were very similar to that of the ATP-activated whole-cell current. Taken together, our findings indicate the presence of distinct receptors, pyrimidinoceptors and P(2Y2) (P(2U)) receptors in mouse endometrial epithelial cells. These distinct receptors appear to converge on the same Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) channels.  相似文献   

Peptidylarginine deiminase 4 (PAD4) is a Ca(2+)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of protein arginine residues to citrulline. Its gene is a susceptibility locus for rheumatoid arthritis. Here we present the crystal structure of Ca(2+)-free wild-type PAD4, which shows that the polypeptide chain adopts an elongated fold in which the N-terminal domain forms two immunoglobulin-like subdomains, and the C-terminal domain forms an alpha/beta propeller structure. Five Ca(2+)-binding sites, none of which adopt an EF-hand motif, were identified in the structure of a Ca(2+)-bound inactive mutant with and without bound substrate. These structural data indicate that Ca(2+) binding induces conformational changes that generate the active site cleft. Our findings identify a novel mechanism for enzyme activation by Ca(2+) ions, and are important for understanding the mechanism of protein citrullination and for developing PAD-inhibiting drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

We previously showed that A23187 in high ionophore/protein ratios almost completely inhibits the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase [Hara, H. & Kanazawa, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 16584-16590]. In an attempt to obtain information on the mechanism of this inhibition, the effects of A23187 on conformational changes involved in the Ca(2+)-induced activation of the enzyme were investigated. The purified enzyme from sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit skeletal muscle as well as the purified enzyme labeled with fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC) were preincubated with A23187 in the absence of Ca2+ at pH 7.0 and 0 degrees C for 45 min. The activation of the enzyme following addition of CaCl2 was assessed by determining the capacity for rapid formation of phosphoenzyme from ATP. This activation was strongly inhibited by the preincubation with A23187. This indicates that the previously observed inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase is mostly due to hindrance of the Ca(2+)-induced activation of the enzyme. In the control, in which the FITC-labeled enzyme was preincubated without A23187, the fluorescence intensity of the bound FITC decreased in a biphasic manner upon addition of CaCl2. The first rapid phase of this fluorescence drop was unaffected by A23187, whereas its second slow phase was almost completely inhibited by this drug. These results show that the Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change is biphasic and that the second slow phase (but not the first rapid phase) of this conformational change is inhibited by A23187. This suggests that the observed inhibition of Ca2+ activation is attributed to hindrance of the second slow phase of the Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratorydemonstrated that arachidonic acid activates c-junNH2-terminal kinase (JNK) through oxidative intermediatesin a Ca2+-independent manner (Cui X and Douglas JG.Arachidonic acid activates c-jun N-terminal kinase throughNADPH oxidase in rabbit proximal tubular epithelial cells. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 94: 3771-3776, 1997.). We now report thatJNK can also be activated via a Ca2+-dependent mechanism byagents that increase the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration(Ca2+ ionophore A23187, Ca2+-ATPaseinhibitor thapsigargin) or deplete intracellular Ca2+stores [intracellular Ca2+ chelator1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid(BAPTA)-AM]. The activation of JNK by BAPTA-AM occurs despite adecrease in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration as detected by theindicator dye fura 2, but appears to be related to Ca2+metabolism, because modification of BAPTA with two methyl groups increases not only the chelation affinity for Ca2+, butalso the potency for JNK activation. BAPTA-AM stimulates Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane, and the resultinglocal Ca2+ increases are probably involved in activation ofJNK because Ca2+ influx inhibitors (SKF-96365, nifedipine)and lowering of the free extracellular Ca2+ concentrationwith EGTA reduce the BAPTA-induced JNK activation.


Effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) responses to nucleotides, Ca(2+) release from thapsigargin-sensitive stores and capacitative Ca(2+) entry were investigated in cultured mouse mammary epithelial cells. EGF treatment induced proliferation of mammary epithelial cells. We checked for mitotic activity by immunocytochemistry with an anti-PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) antibody, which stains nuclei of the cells in S-phase of cell cycle. EGF treatment apparently increased the number of PCNA-stained cells compared to those treated with differentiating hormones (insulin, prolactin and cortisol) or without any hormone. Application of EGF did not induce any acute [Ca(2+)](i) response. EGF treatment for 1-2 days in culture, however, enhanced [Ca(2+)](i) responses including [Ca(2+)](i) increase by ATP, UTP and other nucelotides, Ca(2+) release from thapsigargin-sensitive stores, as well as capacitative Ca(2+) entry. Genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, prevented EGF-induced cell proliferation and the [Ca(2+) ](i) responses in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that EGF treatment enhances Ca(2+) mobilization and capacitative Ca(2+) entry, well correlated with cellular proliferation in mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

In rat uterine stromal cells (U(III) cells), an oxidative stress induced by H(2)O(2) caused a dose-dependent release of arachidonic acid (AA) that was independent of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and was not inhibited by Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) inhibitors, nor by protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors or by PKC down-regulation. H(2)O(2) treatment did not impair AA esterification but significantly increased Ca(2+)-independent PLA(2) (iPLA(2)) activity. Since iPLA(2) specific inhibitor bromoenollactone almost completely suppressed the release of AA induced by H(2)O(2), we conclude that iPLA(2) activity represents the major mechanism by which H(2)O(2) increases the availability of non-esterified AA in U(III) cells. Moreover, PKC inhibitors sphingosine and calphostin C markedly potentiated the release of AA trigger by H(2)O(2), suggesting a regulatory mechanism of iPLA(2) by PKC that remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The adjustment of Ca2+ entry in cardiac cells is critical to the generation of the force necessary for the myocardium to meet the physiological needs of the body. In this review, we present the concept that Ca2+ can promote its own entry through Ca2+ channels by different mechanisms. We refer to it under the general term of ‘Ca2+-induced Ca2+ entry’ (CICE). We review short-term mechanisms (usually termed facilitation) that involve a stimulating effect of Ca2+ on the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa-L) amplitude (positive staircase) or a lessening of Ca2+-dependent inactivation of ICa-L. This latter effect is related to the amount of Ca2+ released by ryanodine receptors (RyR2) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Both effects are involved in the control of action potential (AP) duration. We also describe a long-term mechanism based on Ca2+-dependent down-regulation of the Kv4.2 gene controlling functional expression of the repolarizing transient outward K+ current (Ito) and, thereby, AP duration. This mechanism, which might occur very early during the onset of hypertrophy, enhances Ca2+ entry by maintaining Ca2+ channel activation during prolonged AP. Both Ca2+-dependent facilitation and Ca2+-dependent down-regulation of Ito expression favour AP prolongation and, thereby, promote sustained voltage-gated Ca2+ entry used to enhance excitation–contraction (EC) coupling (with no change in the density of Ca2+ channels per se). These self-maintaining mechanisms of Ca2+ entry have significant functions in remodelling Ca2+ signalling during the cardiac AP. They might support a prominent role of Ca2+ channels in the establishment and progression of abnormal Ca2+ signalling during cardiac hypertrophy and congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

It is still debated whether inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate(IP(3))-induced Ca(2+) release is loading-dependent. We now report that stimulation of the IP(3) receptor by luminal Ca(2+) depends on the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] in permeabilized A7r5 cells. The EC(50) and maximal extent of Ca(2+) release were loading-dependent in the presence of 5 mM 1, 2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid: the EC(50) increased 1.9-fold and the maximal release decreased from 88 to 52% when the stores contained 73% less Ca(2+). In the presence of 0.3 microM free Ca(2+), the EC(50) for filled and less filled stores differed, however, only 1.2-fold and the maximal Ca(2+) release was respectively 96 and 87% of the total releasable Ca(2+). At 1 microM free Ca(2+), the difference in EC(50) between filled and less filled stores again became larger (2.2-fold) and the maximal Ca(2+) release decreased from 93 to 87% when the stores contained less Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Hua SY  Liu C  Lu FM  Nohmi M  Kuba K 《Cell calcium》2000,27(4):195-204
How depolarization-induced Ca2+ entry or caffeine activates Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm was studied by recording intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) with a confocal microscope in cultured bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cells. The amplitude and propagation speed of voltage pulse-induced rises in [Ca2+]i were greater in the submembrane (< 5 microns depth) region than in the core region, and delayed and smaller, but significant, in the nucleus. Ryanodine and dantrolene reduced the rises in [Ca2+]i in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. A rapid application of high K+ solution induced global rises in [Ca2+]i in both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, which were decreased by dantrolene. Caffeine produced a slow, small rise in [Ca2+]i which grew into a global, regenerative rise both in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm with some inward gradient in the cytoplasm. Each of the high [Ca2+]i phases during caffeine-induced [Ca2+]i oscillation began in the submembrane region, while low [Ca2+]i phases started in the core region. These results suggest that CICR activated by Ca2+ entry or caffeine occurs predominantly in the submembrane region causing an inwardly spreading Ca2+ wave or [Ca2+]i oscillations, and that the nuclear envelope can cause CICR in the nucleoplasm, which is delayed due to Ca2+ diffusion barrier at the nuclear pores.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) plays a critical role in various neutrophil functions including the generation of leukotrienes and platelet-activating factor release. Enzyme activity is regulated both by translocation to the membrane in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner and serine phosphorylation by members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family. In this report, we have investigated the role of granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-mediated signalling pathways in the regulation of cPLA(2). GM-CSF-induced cPLA(2) phosphorylation was not affected by pharmacological inhibition of p38 MAPK, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase or Src. However, inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) MAPK activation resulted in a partial inhibition of cPLA(2) phosphorylation, revealed in a slower onset of phosphorylation. A cell line stably transfected with the GM-CSF receptor was used to further analyze GM-CSF-mediated cPLA(2) phosphorylation. Mutation of tyrosine residues 577 and 612 resulted in a delayed cPLA(2) phosphorylation similar to the pharmacological ERK inhibition. Furthermore, inhibition of p38 MAPK in cells bearing the double mutant betac577/612 completely abrogated GM-CSF-induced cPLA(2) phosphorylation. We conclude that GM-CSF can mediate cPLA(2) phosphorylation through the redundant activation of both p38 and ERK MAP kinases.  相似文献   

Ryanodine, a plant alkaloid, is one of the most widely used pharmacological probes for intracellular Ca(2+) signaling in a variety of muscle and non-muscle cells. Upon binding to the Ca(2+) release channel (ryanodine receptor), ryanodine causes two major changes in the channel: a reduction in single-channel conductance and a marked increase in open probability. The molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations are not well understood. In the present study, we investigated the gating behavior and Ca(2+) dependence of the wild type (wt) and a mutant cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) after being modified by ryanodine. Single-channel studies revealed that the ryanodine-modified wt RyR2 channel was sensitive to inhibition by Mg(2+) and to activation by caffeine and ATP. In the presence of Mg(2+), the ryanodine-modified single wt RyR2 channel displayed a sigmoidal Ca(2+) dependence with an EC(50) value of 110 nm, whereas the ryanodine-unmodified single wt channel exhibited an EC(50) of 120 microm for Ca(2+) activation, indicating that ryanodine is able to increase the sensitivity of the wt RyR2 channel to Ca(2+) activation by approximately 1,000-fold. Furthermore, ryanodine is able to restore Ca(2+) activation and ligand response of the E3987A mutant RyR2 channel that has been shown to exhibit approximately 1,000-fold reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity to activation. The E3987A mutation, however, affects neither [(3)H]ryanodine binding to, nor the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of ryanodine on, the RyR2 channel. These results demonstrate that ryanodine does not "lock" the RyR channel into an open state as generally believed; rather, it sensitizes dramatically the channel to activation by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Hormones, such as glucagon and glucagon-like peptide-1, potently amplify nutrient stimulated insulin secretion by raising cAMP. We have studied how cAMP affects Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) in pancreatic beta-cells from mice and rats and the role of CICR in secretion. CICR was observed as pronounced Ca(2+) spikes on top of glucose- or depolarization-dependent rise of the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). cAMP-elevating agents strongly promoted CICR. This effect involved sensitization of the receptors underlying CICR, because many cells exhibited the characteristic Ca(2+) spiking at low or even in the absence of depolarization-dependent elevation of [Ca(2+)](i). The cAMP effect was mimicked by a specific activator of protein kinase A in cells unresponsive to activators of cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Ryanodine pretreatment, which abolishes CICR mediated by ryanodine receptors, did not prevent CICR. Moreover, a high concentration of caffeine, known to activate ryanodine receptors independently of Ca(2+), failed to mobilize intracellular Ca(2+). On the contrary, a high caffeine concentration abolished CICR by interfering with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP(3)Rs). Therefore, the cell-permeable IP(3)R antagonist 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate blocked the cAMP-promoted CICR. Individual CICR events in pancreatic beta-cells were followed by [Ca(2+)](i) spikes in neighboring human erythroleukemia cells, used to report secretory events in the beta-cells. The results indicate that protein kinase A-mediated promotion of CICR via IP(3)Rs is part of the mechanism by which cAMP amplifies insulin release.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (1 microM) and histamine (100 microM) evoked an initial transient increase and a subsequent sustained increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in fura-2-loaded human gingival fibroblasts, which may be attributed to Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores and Ca(2+) entry from extracellular sites, respectively. In fibroblasts pretreated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as herbimycin A (1 microM) and tyrphostin 47 (20 microM), the sustained level of [Ca(2+)](i) induced by bradykinin and histamine increased, but not the initial peak level. In the absence of external Ca(2+), bradykinin and histamine induced only the transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i), but a subsequent addition of Ca(2+) to the medium resulted in a sustained increase in [Ca(2+)](i) caused by Ca(2+)entry. Thapsigargin, an inhibitor of Ca(2+)-ATPase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca(2+) stores, mimicked the effect of bradykinin and histamine. In the fibroblasts pretreated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, the bradykinin-, histamine- and thapsigargin-induced Ca(2+) entry was clearly enhanced, but not the transient [Ca(2+)](i) increase. Tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor benzylphosphonic acid (200 microM) had no effect on Ca(2+)entry or transient [Ca(2+)](i) increase. These results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in Ca(2+) entry in human gingival fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) regulation of gap junctional coupling in lens epithelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The quantitative effects of Ca2+signaling on gap junctional coupling in lens epithelial cells have beendetermined using either the spread of Mn2+ that is imagedby its ability to quench the fluorescence of fura 2 or the spread ofthe fluorescent dye Alexa Fluor 594. Gap junctional coupling wasunaffected by a mechanically stimulated cell-to-cell Ca2+wave. Furthermore, when cytosolic Ca2+ concentration(Ca) increased after the addition of the agonistATP, coupling was unaffected during the period thatCa was maximal. However, coupling decreasedtransiently ~5-10 min after agonist addition whenCa returned to resting levels, indicating that thistransient decrease in coupling was unlikely due to a direct action ofCa on gap junctions. An increase inCa mediated by the ionophore ionomycin that wassustained for several minutes resulted in a more rapid and sustaineddecrease in coupling (IC50 ~300 nM Ca2+, Hillcoefficient of 4), indicating that an increase in Ca alone could regulate gap junctions. Thus Ca increases that occurred during agonist stimulation and cell-to-cell Ca2+ waves were too transient to mediate a sustaineduncoupling of lens epithelial cells.


Extracellular nucleotides have been implicated in the regulation of secretory function through the activation of P2 receptors in the epithelial tissues, including tracheal epithelial cells (TECs). In this study, experiments were conducted to characterize the P2 receptor subtype on canine TECs responsible for stimulating inositol phosphate (InsP(x)) accumulation and Ca(2+) mobilization using a range of nucleotides. The nucleotides ATP and UTP caused a concentration-dependent increase in [(3)H]InsP(x) accumulation and Ca(2+) mobilization with comparable kinetics and similar potency. The selective agonists for P1, P2X, and P2Y(1) receptors, N(6)-cyclopentyladenosine and AMP, alpha,beta-methylene-ATP and beta, gamma-methylene-ATP, and 2-methylthio-ATP, respectively, had little effect on these responses. Stimulation of TECs with maximally effective concentrations of ATP and UTP showed no additive effect on [(3)H]InsP(x) accumulation. The response of a maximally effective concentration of either ATP or UTP was additive to the response evoked by bradykinin. Furthermore, ATP and UTP induced a cross-desensitization in [(3)H]InsP(x) accumulation and Ca(2+) mobilization. These results suggest that ATP and UTP directly stimulate phospholipase C-mediated [(3)H]InsP(x) accumulation and Ca(2+) mobilization in canine TECs. P2Y(2) receptors may be predominantly mediating [(3)H]InsP(x) accumulation, and, subsequently, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca(2+) mobilization may function as the transducing mechanism for ATP-modulated secretory function of tracheal epithelium.  相似文献   

Polyaminesare essential for early mucosal restitution that occurs by epithelialcell migration to reseal superficial wounds after injury. Normalintestinal epithelial cells are tightly bound in sheets, but they needto be rapidly disassembled during restitution. -Catenin is involvedin cell-cell adhesion, and its tyrosine phosphorylation causesdisassembly of adhesion junctions, enhancing the spreading of cells.The current study determined whether polyamines are required for thestimulation of epithelial cell migration by altering -catenintyrosine phosphorylation. Migration of intestinal epithelial cells(IEC-6 line) after wounding was associated with an increase in-catenin tyrosine phosphorylation, which decreased the bindingactivity of -catenin to -catenin. Polyamine depletion by-difluoromethylornithine reduced cytoplasmic free Ca2+concentration ([Ca2+]cyt), preventedinduction of -catenin phosphorylation, and decreased cell migration.Elevation of [Ca2+]cyt induced by theCa2+ ionophore ionomycin restored -cateninphosphorylation and promoted migration in polyamine-deficient cells.Decreased -catenin phosphorylation through the tyrosine kinaseinhibitor herbimycin-A or genistein blocked cell migration, which wasaccompanied by reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins. These resultsindicate that -catenin tyrosine phosphorylation plays a criticalrole in polyamine-dependent cell migration and that polyamines induce-catenin tyrosine phosphorylation at least partially through[Ca2+]cyt.


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