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We studied population polymorphism at a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II beta gene in the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). We found that: (i) a single population of P. maniculatus has significantly higher levels of DNA and protein sequence diversity than worldwide samples from homologous genes in other taxa, including humans and mice; and (ii) the genealogy of allelic sequences in P. maniculatus deviates significantly from theoretical expectation under a model of symmetric balancing selection, in that alleles are relatively more divergent than expected. We suggest that the observation of high levels of pairwise allelic sequence divergence and deviation of the genealogy from theoretical expectation in P. maniculatus together provide support for a divergent allele advantage model for the maintenance of MHC polymorphism.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity at class II DRB loci of the primate MHC   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The evolution of polymorphism at loci encoding the beta-chains of the MHC class II DR Ag was studied in primates by DNA amplification (polymerase chain reaction). Phylogenetic analysis of 63 DRB sequences from the polymorphic second exon (first domain) of nonhuman primates and 53 human sequences indicates the presence of five DRB loci in primates, derived from a DRB1-like ancestral locus over 20 million yr ago. Many of the allelic types at the DRB1 locus predate the divergence of hominoids (5 million yr ago) and some (DR4, DR3, 5, 6) predate the divergence of Old world monkeys and hominoids (20 million yr ago). The DRB3 locus appears to have arisen before the divergence of hominoids on an ancestral DRB1 lineage. The DRB2 and DRB5 loci were generated more than 20 million yr ago and the DRB4 locus more than 5 million yr ago. The DRB2 locus, a pseudogene in humans, is polymorphic in the nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The products of the class II-like H2-M genes of the major histocompatibility complex are required for class II antigen processing. We sequenced H2-Ma and Mb from several mouse strains to determine whether these genes are polymophic, like H2-O. Both Mb loci appear to be transcribed and are distinct from each other. Mb1 and Mb2 differ by about 11% at the nucleotide level and are most dissimilar in their second exons (corresponding to the 1 domain). Relative to the published Mb 1 d haplotype sequence, the products of the b, g7, f, and k2 alleles of Mb 1 from Mus musculus domesticus and the separate mouse species Mus spretus differ by only one to four amino acids. The majority of the changes occured in the second exon of Mb 1, in contrast to HLA-DMB, the human orthologue. Little polymorphism was seen for Mb 2, and Ma was invariant in all strians tested. The similarity of the g7 allele to those from other haplotypes makes it unlikely that the M class II genes play a role in the autoimmune diabetes of NOD strain mice. The M genes are regulated in a manner similar to classical class II genes, in that they are upregulated by IFN-gd in mcrophages, and to a lesser extend by IL4 in B cells. When modeled on the crystal structure of the HLA-DR1 class II molecule, nearly all of the differences between M1 and M2 affect residues facing away from the putative peptide binding groove.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB, DQB, DPB, and DOB gene clusters are shared by different eutherian orders. Such an orthologous relationship is not seen between the beta genes of birds and eutherians. A high degree of uncertainty surrounds the evolutionary relationship of marsupial class II beta sequences with eutherian beta gene families. In particular, it has been suggested that marsupials utilize the DRB gene cluster. A cDNA encoding an MHC class II beta molecule was isolated from a brushtail possum mesenteric lymph node cDNA library. This clone is most similar to Macropus rufogriseus DBB. Our analysis suggests that all known marsupial beta-chain genes, excluding DMB, fall into two separate clades, which are distinct from the eutherian DRB, DQB, DPB, or DOB gene clusters. We recommend that the DAB and DBB nomenclature be reinstated. DAB and DBB orthologs are not present in eutherians. It appears that the marsupial and eutherian lineages have retained different gene clusters following gene duplication events early in mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

Plasmid diversity within the genus Chlamydia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Examination of 12 Chlamydia psittaci strains recovered from nine different host species (three avian and six mammalian) revealed the presence of a 7.5 kb plasmid in all isolates except two ovine abortion strains, the human strain IOL207 and the Cal 10 strain. Restriction mapping analysis distinguished four different plasmids that were associated with avian, feline, equine and guinea-pig C. psittaci isolates, respectively. The restriction maps of these four C. psittaci plasmid types all differed from that of the plasmid recovered from C. trachomatis L2/434. Despite this plasmid diversity, which is likely to be of taxonomic importance, all four plasmids identified within the species C. psittaci were found to share some sequence homology, which was mapped to two separate regions in the plasmid molecules. One region, which showed a high degree of homology between C. psittaci plasmids and also detectable homology with the C. trachomatis plasmid, may represent a common replication control region for plasmids of this genus.  相似文献   

MHC class II tetramers have emerged as an important tool for characterization of the specificity and phenotype of CD4 T cell immune responses, useful in a large variety of disease and vaccine studies. Issues of specific T cell frequency, biodistribution, and avidity, coupled with the large genetic diversity of potential class II restriction elements, require targeted experimental design. Translational opportunities for immune disease monitoring are driving the rapid development of HLA class II tetramer use in clinical applications, together with innovations in tetramer production and epitope discovery.  相似文献   

Positive selection of the normal repertoire of TCRs results from low-avidity interactions with a set of self-peptides bound to the MHC molecules expressed by thymic epithelial cells. The contribution of the individual peptide to positive selection remains a matter of debate. Here, for the first time, we show that two covalent class II MHC-peptide complexes positively select different TCRs expressing a common transgenic TCRbeta-chain and endogenous TCRalpha-chains. Simultaneous expression of both A(b)-peptide complexes changed the diversity of positively selected TCRs, indicating an additive and possibly synergistic effect of various peptides in this process.  相似文献   

The largest remaining carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), is currently under threat of extinction due to a fatal contagious cancer-devil facial tumour disease. Low major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I diversity is believed to have contributed to the transmission of the tumour allograft through devil populations. Here, we report low MHC class II variability in this species, with DA β chain genes (Saha-DAB1, 2 and 3) exhibiting very limited diversity and the sole α chain gene (Saha-DAA) monomorphic. Three, six and three alleles were found at Saha-DAB1, 2 and 3, respectively, with a predominant allele found at each locus. Heterozygosity at these three loci is low in the eastern population and modestly higher in northwestern individuals. The results are indicative of a selective sweep likely due to an infectious disease resulting in the fixation of selectively favoured alleles and depletion of genetic diversity at devil class II loci. Several attempts were made to isolate the other marsupial classical class II gene family, namely, DB, resulting in only one DBB pseudogene being found. These findings further support the view that this species has a compromised capacity to respond to pathogen evolution, emerging infectious diseases and environmental changes.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-presenting genes are the most variable loci in vertebrate genomes. Host-parasite co-evolution is assumed to maintain the excessive polymorphism in the MHC loci. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the striking diversity in the MHC remain contentious. The extent to which recombination contributes to the diversity at MHC loci in natural populations is still controversial, and there have been only few comparative studies that make quantitative estimates of recombination rates. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis for 15 different ungulates species to estimate the population recombination rate, and to quantify levels of selection. As expected for all species, we observed signatures of strong positive selection, and identified individual residues experiencing selection that were congruent with those constituting the peptide-binding region of the human DRB gene. However, in addition for each species, we also observed recombination rates that were significantly different from zero on the basis of likelihood-permutation tests, and in other non-quantitative analyses. Patterns of synonymous and non-synonymous sequence diversity were consistent with differing demographic histories between species, but recent simulation studies by other authors suggest inference of selection and recombination is likely to be robust to such deviations from standard models. If high rates of recombination are common in MHC genes of other taxa, re-evaluation of many inference-based phylogenetic analyses of MHC loci, such as estimates of the divergence time of alleles and trans-specific polymorphism, may be required.  相似文献   

Genetic deversity at the highly polymorphic BoLA-DRB3 locus was investigated by DNA sequence analyses of 18 African cattle from two breeds representing the two subspecies of cattle, Bos primigenius indicus and Bos primigenius taurus. Yhe polymorphism was compared with that found in a sample ofd 32 European cattle from four breeds, all classified as B. p. taurus. Particularly extensive genetic diversity was found among African cattle, in which as many as 18 alleles were recognized in this small random sample of animals from two breeds. The observed similarity in allele frequency distribution between the two African populations, N'Dama and Zebu cattle, is consistent with the recent recognition of gene flow between B. p. indicus and B. P taurus cattle in Africa. A total of 30 DRB3 alleles were documented and as many as 26 of these were classified as major allelic types showing at least five amino acid substitutions compared with other major types. The observation of extensive genetic diversity at MHC loci in cattle, as well as in other farm animals, provides a compelling argument against matin-type preferences as a primary cause in maintaining major histocompatibility complex diversity, since the reproduction of these animals has been controlled by humans for many generations.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been given the accession numbers X87641-X87670  相似文献   

Parasite-mediated selection on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes has mainly been explored at the intraspecific level, although many molecular studies have revealed trans-species polymorphism. Interspecific patterns of MHC diversity might reveal factors responsible for the long-term evolution of MHC polymorphism. We hypothesize that host taxa harbouring high parasite diversity should exhibit high levels of MHC genetic diversity. We test this assumption using data on rodent species and their helminth parasites compiled from the literature. Controlling for similarity due to common descent, we present evidence indicating that high helminth species richness in rodent species is associated with increased MHC class II polymorphism. Our results are consistent with the idea that parasites sharing a long-term coevolutionary history with their hosts are the agents of selection explaining MHC polymorphism.  相似文献   

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