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Analysis of leaf canopy overtopping relationships was carried out using a non-destructive point quadrat method followed by a destructive stratified harvest of the above-ground phytomass in Dutch chalk grasslands with different management: summer sheep grazing and annual autumn mowing. The two methods of analysis are compared: e.g. relative leaf overtopping can be recorded by the point quadrat method but it is obscured in vertical vegetation profiles based on stratified phytomass distribution. However the stratified harvest method describes the relationship between canopy phytomass and light microclimate, recorded by measuring Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) at different heights in the vegetation. Plant growth form during peak standing crop is of greater significance than Raunkiaerian life form in determining structure of chalk grassland vegetation. In annually mown grasslands, the tall graminoid growth form, shown by Brachypodium pinnatum, reduces PAR in the lower canopy and suppresses most other growth forms except those which can reach the higher canopy levels, e.g. clumped herbs such as Origanum vulgare. In contrast, grazing can result in a reduction of dominance from the tall graminoids and reduction of the abundance of taller, grazing-sensitive herbs, e.g. clumped and climbing herbs such as Origanum and Lathyrus pratensis, and an increase in grazing-tolerant species, e.g. smaller rosette herb growth forms, e.g. Leontodon hispidus and shorter rhizomatous or stoloniferous graminoids, e.g. Carex flacca and Briza media. Changes in both the overtopping hierarchy at the peak of the growing season and the intensity of overtopping in the course of a growing season are of conclusive importance in determining the relative abundance of species in the vegetation.  相似文献   

Background: Seedling recruitment is widely recognised to be important in the maintenance of diversity and coexistence of species. It is not clear how local abiotic factors mediated by litter and biotic interactions influence plant species recruitment in alpine grasslands.

Aims: To determine how litter and standing vegetation affected seedling recruitment in plant communities in Tibetan alpine grasslands.

Methods: Seedling recruitment was quantified in response to experimental treatments: (1) removal of standing vegetation and litter; (2) removal of standing vegetation with litter intact; (3) intact standing vegetation and removal of litter and (4) control: intact standing vegetation and litter.

Results: Litter removal increased seedling numbers, while standing vegetation removal had no effect. An interaction between litter and standing vegetation removal marginally increased seedling number. Species richness of seedlings was not related to either litter removal or standing vegetation removal. Species composition of seedling differed significantly between removal of both litter and standing vegetation and control.

Conclusions: Litter and its interaction with standing vegetation has an important role in affecting plant species recruitment in this alpine plant community. In contrast, biotic interactions, such as competition or facilitation from standing vegetation, appear to have only minor effects on recruitment.  相似文献   

Veer  M.A.C.  Kooijman  A.M. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):119-128
The encroachment of tall grass species in open dune vegetation, as observed in the Dutch dry dune area, is considered unfavourable for nature conservation. The effects of grass-encroachment on the vegetation and the availability of light and its relation to nutrients were investigated through a comparative study of grass-dominated and open dune grassland plots at ten locations along the Dutch coast.Grass-dominated plots have a low species diversity and number of species, especially of mosses and lichens. This is associated with a high biomass and a low availability of light at soil surface. In addition, nutrient availability seems to be important. Root biomass and the amounts of both ectorganic and endorganic matter are significantly higher in grass-dominated plots, which may account for the higher nutrient uptake in the vegetation.It is likely that a grass-dominated system can maintain and consolidate itself because of the better competition for light and nutrients. The relevance of these results for restoration management is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Question: How does vegetation and management affect the population stage structure of Serratula tinctoria, a species indicative of highly endangered and species‐rich flood‐plain meadows? Are different management regimes suitable to support viable populations of S. tinctoria? Location: Flood‐plain of the northern Upper Rhine, Germany. Methods: We analysed the population structure of S. tinctoria at 24 meadow sites which differed in vegetation and management. In this comparative study the investigated meadows were either (1) late mown in September; (2) early mown in June or (3) mown in June and then grazed by sheep. Results: The structure of the surrounding vegetation had a clear effect on the population structure of S. tinctoria. The percentage of bare soil, as well as the cover of bryophytes, were positively related, whereas the Ellenberg N‐value of the established vegetation was negatively related to the density and proportion of seedlings. Generally, we found only slight differences between the population structure of S. tinctoria in early and late mown meadows. Both management regimes had high densities of seedlings. In contrast, the meadow pastures supported significantly lower densities of seedlings and generative adults but relatively high densities of juveniles and vegetative adults, indicating a greater importance of clonal propagation under grazing pressure. Conclusions: Our results clearly showed that viable populations of S. tinctoria may occur in all of the studied management regimes. Although S. tinctoria was considered to be highly sensitive to early mowing, our findings suggest a facilitation of the species at more nutrient‐rich sites by mowing in June, which is also a benefit for the integration of management in farming systems.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the population demography of frillneck lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii) in the Australian wet‐dry tropics. Annual growth rates of males were significantly higher across all body sizes compared to females, resulting in a significant larger maximum body size in males. Both male and female lizards were highly philopatric and 81% of the among‐year recapture distances were less than 200 m. Juvenile and adult frillnecks were subjected to low but highly variable annual survival rates. Both proportion of juveniles and relative proportion of reproductive females showed extensive among‐year variations. No relationship was, however, observed between proportion of gravid females and that of juveniles captured during the subsequent year. High rainfall in January was negatively correlated with recruitment most likely caused by increased egg/embryo mortality due to flooding of nest sites. We therefore suggest that the lack of association between female reproduction and juvenile recruitment was due to the effects of stochastic variation in January rainfall. Lizard numbers increased during the first five years of the study followed by a decline during the subsequent four years. Our analyses show that annual variation in survival constituted the main determinant in driving the annual change in frillneck numbers. Surprisingly, no relationship was observed between fillneck population dynamics and annual variation in juvenile recruitment. We suggest that the 7‐years over which these analyses were conducted were insufficient to detect any significant effects of recruitment on lizard numbers, demonstrating the need for long‐term studies to accurately document vertebrate population demographic processes in areas experiencing stochastic variations rainfall such as the Australian wet‐dry tropics.  相似文献   

Greater insight into the dynamics of genetic resources of crop plants is needed in order to pinpoint detrimental evolutionary patterns and draw up conservation priorities. The present study demonstrated farmer management of crop population structure and temporal evolution of rice genetic diversity in traditional production systems. The 16 STMS primers analysed for 11 rice landrace populations indicated enough polymorphism to fully differentiate the inter- and intrapopulation diversity. A total number of 98 alleles were recorded, of which 91 were common and seven were rare. The mean number of alleles per locus was 6.13 and for different groups of rice landrace populations, namely five populations of upland common landrace Jaulia, three populations of irrigated common landrace Thapachini and one population each of three distinct rare landraces were 4.37, 2.75 and 4.37, respectively. The study also compared genebank-conserved ( ex situ ) populations and on-farm-managed ( in situ ) landrace populations of same named landraces Jaulia and Thapachini, and revealed greater number of alleles per locus for on-farm-managed populations as compared to the populations under static management. A substantial number of alleles specific to populations under dynamic management could also be recorded. Further, the rare landrace populations included in the present study were more diverse than the common landrace populations. The rare landraces were distinct genetic entities largely representing locally common alleles. Investigating the population genetic structure is therefore helpful in monitoring change in diversity over time and space, and also for devising a rational plan for management of farmer landraces on-farm.  相似文献   

Neotropical grasslands have undergone intensive degradation by land conversion or biological invasion, but their restoration is still challenging. Here, we integrated two approaches to (1) assess the resilience of pristine dry and wet cerrado grasslands after removal of plants and topsoil and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments based on the material extracted from pristine grasslands to restore degraded dry and wet grasslands after pine invasion. We used old‐growth cerrado grasslands in southeastern Brazil as donor ecosystems and assessed their resilience after the removal of all plants and the upper 5‐cm soil layer. To restore both wet and dry grasslands, we tested topsoil translocation, plant transplantation, direct seeding, topsoil translocation + direct seeding, and needle layer removal. Both wet and dry grasslands were resilient to plants and topsoil removal, as evidenced by their fast recovery. The major mechanisms promoting resilience were seed germination in the wet grasslands and resprouting from underground organs in the dry grasslands. Transplantation was the most successful treatment to restore vegetation cover, species richness, and composition in both wet and dry grasslands, especially for herbaceous species. Restoration of the herbaceous layer of cerrado grasslands can be successful using natural ecosystems as donor sites without impairing their resilience in the studied scale. Improving the resilience of degraded dry and wet cerrado grasslands depends on reestablishing the condition to seed germination in the wet grasslands and reintroducing species with the ability to resprout after disturbance in the dry grasslands, attributes that explained the quick recovery of the donor ecosystems.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Do different management types (i.e. hay meadow, silage meadow, meadow‐pasture, pasture) have different impact on the size and composition of the seed bank of mesic grassland (Arrhenatheretalia)? 2. How strong is the effect of management on the seed bank in relation to above‐ground vegetation, edaphic factors and land‐use history? 3. Are there differences in C‐S‐R plant strategy types and seed longevity under different management regimes? Location: Lahn‐Dill Highlands in central‐western Germany. Methods: Above‐ground vegetation and the soil seed bank of 63 plots (at 21 sites) in mesic grasslands were studied. Differences between management types in quantitative seed bank traits and functional characteristics were tested by ANOVA. The impact of management, above‐ground vegetation, site conditions and land‐use history on seed bank composition were analysed by partial CCA. Results: Management had no significant impact on species richness and density of the seed bank but significantly influenced their floristic composition and functional characteristics. CCA revealed that even after adjustment for soil chemical parameters and above‐ground vegetation management still had significant impact on seed bank composition. ANOVA revealed that silage meadows contained higher proportions of R‐strategy compared to hay meadows. In contrast, in hay meadows and meadow‐pastures proportions of S‐strategy were higher than in silage meadows. Conclusions: The type of grassland management has little impact on quantitative seed bank traits. Management types with a high degree of disturbance lead to an increase of species following a ruderal strategy in the seed bank. Irrespective of management type only a limited proportion of characteristic grassland species is likely to re‐establish from the seed bank after disappearance from above‐ground vegetation.  相似文献   

Population viability analyses are useful tools to predict abundance and extinction risk for imperiled species. In southeastern North America, the federally threatened gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is a keystone species in the diverse and imperiled longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem, and researchers have suggested that tortoise populations are declining and characterized by high extinction risk. We report results from a 30-year demographic study of gopher tortoises in southern Alabama (1991–2020), where 3 populations have been stable and 3 others have declined. To better understand the demographic vital rates associated with stable and declining tortoise populations, we used a multi-state hierarchical mark-recapture model to estimate sex- and stage-specific patterns of demographic vital rates at each population. We then built a predictive population model to project population dynamics and evaluate extinction risk in a population viability context. Population structure did not change significantly in stable populations, but juveniles became less abundant in declining populations over 30 years. Apparent survival varied by age, sex, and site; adults had higher survival than juveniles, but female survival was substantially lower in declining populations than in stable ones. Using simulations, we predicted that stable populations with high female survival would persist over the next 100 years but sites with lower female survival would decline, become male-biased, and be at high risk of extirpation. Stable populations were most sensitive to changes in apparent survival of adult females. Because local populations varied greatly in vital rates, our analysis improves upon previous demographic models for northern populations of gopher tortoises by accounting for population-level variation in demographic patterns and, counter to previous model predictions, suggests that small tortoise populations can persist when habitat is managed effectively. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

2005年5月~10月对松嫩草原中度退化草地不同植被恢复方式样地进行土壤线虫调查,淘洗-过筛-蔗糖离心法提取土壤线虫,应用类群属数、个体密度、多样性指数和功能类群指数等多个群落参数,研究中度退化草地不同植被恢复方式间土壤线虫群落特征的差异.研究共捕获线虫13 713条,分别隶属于线虫动物门2纲7目24科40属,个体密度平均113条/100g干土.研究结果表明,不同植被恢复方式间土壤线虫群落特征存在一定差异,围栏封育和种植苜蓿均能明显改善中度退化草地土壤线虫群落环境,但围栏封育较种植苜蓿更能显著提高土壤线虫的个体密度和群落多样性.土壤线虫个体密度垂直分布,围栏封育样地线虫表聚性最明显,种植苜蓿样地表聚性次之,过度放牧样地表聚性最差,其夏季和秋季土壤线虫向土壤下层移动明显.此外,研究结果还表明,功能类群指数能够指示中度退化草地植被恢复方式间的差异,其中∑MI指数和PPI指数对于不同植被恢复方式下土壤线虫群落变化反映最敏感,根据功能类群指数统计,与围栏封育相比,种植苜蓿和过度放牧显著改变了土壤线虫群落中r-和k-选择植物寄生线虫的比例.对于松嫩草原中度退化草地,选择围栏封育方式可能更利于草地土壤线虫群落的恢复与重建.  相似文献   

Ctenomys (tuco‐tuco) is the most numerous genus of South American subterranean rodents and one of the most genetically diverse clades of mammals known. In particular, the genus constitutes a very interesting model for evolutionary studies of genetic divergence and conservation. Ctenomys magellanicus is the southernmost species of the group and the only one living in Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). This species presents two chromosomal forms (Cm34 and Cm36) fragmented into demes distributed from the north region (steppe) to the south region (ecotone) of the island, respectively; no hybrids or overlapping areas were detected. To study the historical demography and the spatial genetic structure of the C. magellanicus population we used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (D‐loop and cytochrome b) and microsatellite loci. Nine mtDNA haplotypes were identified, three of them belonging to the north and the other six to the south. Shared haplotypes between regions were not detected. mtDNA and microsatellite genotypes showed a marked pattern of population structure with low values of genetic flow between regions. The south is made up of small populations or isolated demes making up an endogamic metapopulation with unique alleles and haplotypes. Also, the results suggest a northward expansion process starting from an ancestral haplotype from the south. That population might have lived at a refuge through the adverse Pleistocene environmental conditions that took place at Tierra del Fuego. Results of this study are relevant to the conservation of C. magellanicus, suggesting that each region (north and south) might be considered as an Evolutionarily Significant Unit. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Madagascar is home to 208 indigenous palm species, almost all of them endemic and >80% of which are endangered. We undertook complete population census and sampling for genetic analysis of a relatively recently discovered giant fan palm, the Critically Endangered Tahina spectablis in 2008 and 2016. Our 2016 study included newly discovered populations and added to our genetic study. We incorporated these new populations into species distribution niche model (SDM) and projected these onto maps of the region. We developed population matrix models based on observed demographic data to model population change and predict the species vulnerability to extinction by undertaking population viability analysis (PVA). We investigated the potential conservation value of reintroduced planted populations within the species potential suitable habitat. We found that the population studied in 2008 had grown in size due to seedling regeneration but had declined in the number of reproductively mature plants, and we were able to estimate that the species reproduces and dies after approximately 70 years. Our models suggest that if the habitat where it resides continues to be protected the species is unlikely to go extinct due to inherent population decline and that it will likely experience significant population growth after approximately 80 years due to the reproductive and life cycle attributes of the species. The newly discovered populations contain more genetic diversity than the first discovered southern population which is genetically depauperate. The species appears to demonstrate a pattern of dispersal leading to isolated founder plants which may eventually lead to population development depending on local establishment opportunities. The conservation efforts currently put in place including the reintroduction of plants within the species potential suitable habitat if maintained are thought likely to enable the species to sustain itself but it remains vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

We used an individual-based population model to perform a viability analysis to simulate population growth (λ) of 167 elk (Cervus elaphus manitobensis; 71 male and 96 female) released in the Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee, to estimate sustainability (i.e., λ > 1.0) and identify the most appropriate options for managing elk restoration. We transported elk from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, and from Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky, and reintroduced them beginning in December 2000 and ending in February 2003. We estimated annual survival rates for 156 radio-collared elk from December 2000 until November 2004. We used data from a nearby elk herd in Great Smoky Mountains National Park to simulate pessimistic and optimistic recruitment and performed population viability analyses to evaluate sustainability over a 25-year period. Annual survival averaged 0.799 (Total SE = 0.023). The primary identifiable sources of mortality were poaching, disease from meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis), and accidents (environmental causes and unintentional harvest). Population growth given pessimistic recruitment rates averaged 0.895 over 25 years (0.955 in year 1 to 0.880 in year 25); population growth was not sustainable in 100% of the runs. With the most optimistic estimates of recruitment, mean λ increased to 0.967 (1.038 in year 1 to 0.956 in year 25) with 99.6% of the runs failing to be sustainable. We suggest that further translocation efforts to increase herd size will be ineffective unless survival rates are increased in the Cumberland Mountains. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Efforts are underway to return the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) to eastern forests of North America following its decline due to the introduction of the chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica). Approaches include developing blight‐resistant chestnut lines through breeding programs and via genetic engineering. Reestablishment of resistant chestnut to eastern forests would produce one of the most extensive ecological restoration transformations ever attempted. However, this undertaking is costly and optimization of reintroduction methods is needed. We used the computer program NEWGARDEN to model whether some patterns of founder placement (regular vs. random spacing at differing densities) produce more rapidly expanding populations across a range of gene dispersal distance conditions (via both offspring and pollen). For a simulated introduction project employing 169 founders, placing founders randomly in a square of side 0.85 km produced higher rates of predicted population growth compared with larger or smaller squares under near gene dispersal conditions; this side distance was 1.0 km under far gene dispersal conditions. After 100 population bouts of mating and under near gene dispersal conditions, the trial with founder placement producing the greatest population expansion rate exhibited a 314% increase in census size compared with the founder pattern yielding the slowest expansion. Neither loss of alleles nor inbreeding or subdivision was significantly increased under the founder placement patterns yielding the most descendants. Exploring different numerical and geometrical founding scenarios using NEWGARDEN can provide first estimates of founding patterns or stand manipulations that will return the most descendants produced per founder planted in restoration projects.  相似文献   

Some aspects of vegetation structure in two chalk grasslands were studied throughout the year in relation to the occurrence of some short-lived plant species per life-cycle stage. Whereas the main growth period is in May–June, there is another relatively important growth period in less productive stands in August. When the species are arranged in the order of their tolerance for less to more productive micro-sites during the adult life phase the following sequence emerges considering a generally weak significance in the results. Carlina vulgaris, Euphrasia officinalis, Gentianella germanica, and Scabiosa columbaria, Linum catharticum, Anthyllis vulneraria, and Daucus carota. In some species this preference was found to shift from seedling to vegetative and reproductove phase. Each life phase usually has its special abundance with regard to vegetation density.  相似文献   

小良热带植被生态恢复过程土壤保持的经济价值动态特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以热带植被退化生态系统恢复过程中的长期连续的动态监测资料为基础,应用时空互代法、机会成本法、市场价值法和影子工程法等方法,对小良极度退化生态系统的热带植被恢复中的土壤保持生态经济动态特征进行研究。结果表明:(1)退化森林生态系统恢复到30a林龄时土壤保持量已趋于饱和。边际效用递减到0时土壤保持总效用达到最高,土壤侵蚀基本控制。(2)土壤保持的经济价值具有时效依赖性。退化生态系统植被在20a林龄前恢复经济价值呈快速增长;20a林龄后增长趋势放缓,人工植被对水土的保持能力基本接近天然混交林;(3)土壤保持的经济价值同生态效应具有一致性。小良退化生态系统恢复到20a林龄,林木林冠较茂密,郁密度达到85%左右,土壤肥力增加,土壤侵蚀基本得到控制,同时植物多样性和生物多样性指数增高,其经济价值呈快速上升趋势,到20a林龄后土壤保持经济价值增长趋势平缓。(4)恢复的森林生态系统在不同林龄时的土壤保持经济价值与一些区域自然森林生态系统具有一致性。  相似文献   

Counts of 61 baboon troops (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at four localities in the Drakensberg mountains confirmed earlier reports of a small mean troop size. This troop size of 22.49 animals changed neither with latitude nor elevation. Data from two of the sites suggested that population density increases from south to north, while a working assumption of 2.5 animals/ km2 allowed us to set the population size at 7,540 animals, living in 335 troops. Both the adult sex ratio of 2.07 females/male and the immature/ adult female ratio of 1.17 were unaffected by troop size. Repeated counts from nine known troops revealed that the population is at equilibrium. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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