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Polyketide synthases cannot be functional unless their apo-acyl carrier proteins (apo-ACPs) are post-translationally modified by covalent attachment of the 4'-phosphopantetheine group to the highly conserved serine residue, and this reaction is catalyzed by phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTases). Cloning and sequence analysis of the 33-kb fredericamycin (FDM) biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces griseus revealed fdmW, whose deduced gene product showed significant sequence homology to known PPTases. Biochemical characterization of FdmW in vitro confirmed that it is a PPTase. Inactivation of fdmW resulted in approximately 93% reduction of FDM production, and complementation of the fdmW::aac (3)IV mutant by expressing fdmW in trans restored FDM production to a level comparable with that of the wild-type strain. Although FdmW can phosphopantetheinylate various ACPs, it prefers its cognate substrate, the FdmH ACP, with a K(m) of 5.8 microM and a k(cat)/K(m) of 8.1 microM(-1) x min(-1), to heterologous ACPs, such as the TcmM ACP with a K(m) of 1.0 x 10(2) microM and a k(cat) /K(m) of 0.6 microM(-1) x min(-1). These findings suggest that FdmW is specific for FDM biosynthesis. FdmW therefore represents the first holo-ACP synthase-type PPTase identified from an aromatic polyketide biosynthetic gene cluster.  相似文献   

RppA, a chalcone synthase-related polyketide synthase (type III polyketide synthase) in the bacterium Streptomyces griseus, catalyzes the formation of 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene (THN) from five molecules of malonyl-CoA. The K(m) value for malonyl-CoA and the k(cat) value for THN synthesis were determined to be 0.93 +/- 0.1 microm and 0.77 +/- 0.04 min(-1), respectively. RppA accepted aliphatic acyl-CoAs with the carbon lengths from C(4) to C(8) as starter substrates and catalyzed sequential condensation of malonyl-CoA to yield alpha-pyrones and phloroglucinols. In addition, RppA yielded a hexaketide, 4-hydroxy-6-(2',4',6'-trioxotridecyl)-2-pyrone, from octanoyl-CoA and five molecules of malonyl-CoA, suggesting that the size of the active site cavity of RppA is larger than any other chalcone synthase-related enzymes found so far in plants and bacteria. RppA was also found to synthesize a C-methylated pyrone, 3,6-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2-pyrone, by using acetoacetyl-CoA as the starter and methylmalonyl-CoA as an extender. Thus, the broad substrate specificity of RppA yields a wide variety of products.  相似文献   

Wang M  Boddy CN 《Biochemistry》2008,47(45):11793-11803
The final step in polyketide synthase-mediated biosynthesis of macrocyclic polyketides is thioesterase (TE)-catalyzed cyclization of a linear polyketide acyl chain. TEs are highly specific in the chemistry they catalyze. Understanding the molecular basis for substrate specificity of TEs is crucial for engineering these enzymes to macrocyclize non-native linear substrates. We investigated the role of hydrogen bonding interactions in the substrate specificity of formation of an acyl-enzyme intermediate for the TE from the 6-deoxyerythronolide B biosynthetic pathway. Thirteen single site-directed mutants were constructed, via removal of side chain hydrogen bonding groups from the binding cavity. Specificity constants for four different substrates with and without hydrogen bond donors and acceptors were determined for the five active mutants. The relative magnitude of specificity constants for substrates did not change for the mutant TEs. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to show that the majority of the catalytically inactive mutants did not fold. Two mutations were identified that enabled mutant TEs to form a folded but catalytically inactive tertiary structure. Our data do not support a role for hydrogen bonding in mediating substrate specificity of bacterial polyketide synthase TEs. The highly conserved polar residues in the binding cavity appear to stabilize the unusual substrate channel, which passes through the enzyme. We propose that hydrophobic interactions between the binding cavity and substrate drive substrate specificity, as is seen in many protein-carbohydrate recognition events. This hypothesis is in agreement with high-resolution structural data for nonhydrolyzable acyl-enzyme intermediates from the picromycin TE.  相似文献   

Analysis of the gene cluster from Streptomyces hygroscopicus that governs the biosynthesis of the polyketide immuno-suppressant rapamycin (Rp) has revealed that it contains three exceptionally large open reading frames (ORFs) encoding the modular polyketide synthase (PKS). Between two of these lies a fourth gene (rapP) encoding a pipecolate-incorporating enzyme that probably also catalyzes closure of the macrolide ring. On either side of these very large genes are ranged a total of 22 further ORFs before the limits of the cluster are reached, as judged by the identification of genes clearly encoding unrelated activities. Several of these ORFs appear to encode enzymes that would be required for Rp biosynthesis. These include two cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases (P450s), designated RapJ and RapN, an associated ferredoxin (Fd) RapO, and three potential SAM-dependent O-methyltransferases (MTases), RapI, RapM and RapQ. All of these are likely to be involved in ‘late’ modification of the macrocycle. The cluster also contains a novel gene (rapL) whose product is proposed to catalyze the formation of the Rp precursor, L-pipecolate, through the cyclodeamination of L-lysine. Adjacent genes have putative roles in Rp regulation and export. The codon usage of the PKS biosynthetic genes is markedly different from that of the flanking genes of the cluster  相似文献   

The acyl carrier protein (ACP) of the tetracenomycin C polyketide synthase, encoded by the tcmM gene, has been expressed in both Streptomyces glaucescens and Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Expression of the tcmM gene in E. coli results mainly in the TcmM apo-ACP, whereas expression in S. glaucescens yields solely the holo-ACP. The purified holo-TcmM is active in a malonyl coenzyme A:ACP transacylase assay and is labeled by radioactive beta-alanine, confirming that it carries a 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group.  相似文献   

A methodology was developed to construct any desired chromosomal mutation in the gene cluster that encodes the actinorhodin polyketide synthase (PKS) of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). A positive selection marker (resistance gene) is first introduced by double crossing-over into the chromosomal site of interest by use of an unstable delivery plasmid. This marker is subsequently replaced by the desired mutant allele via a second high-frequency double recombination event. The technology has been used to: (i) explore the significance of translational coupling between two adjacent PKS genes; (ii) prove that the acyl carrier protein (ACP) encoded by a gene in the cluster is necessary for the function of the actinorhodin PKS; (iii) provide genetic evidence supporting the hypothesis that serine 42 is the site of phosphopantetheinylation in the ACP of the actinorhodin PKS; and (iv) demonstrate that this ACP can be replaced by a Saccharopolyspora fatty acid synthase ACP to generate an active hybrid PKS.  相似文献   

Bacillaene生物合成过程中,聚酮合酶第一个延伸模块的酮还原酶结构域(Bac KR1)既催化α酮基的还原,也催化β酮基的还原,具有天然的底物宽泛性。为进一步研究该结构域的底物特异性,在大肠杆菌中对其进行了异源表达。体外酶学分析表明Bac KR1可以催化聚酮类底物(±)-2-甲基-3-氧代戊酸-乙酰半胱胺硫酯外消旋体的立体选择性还原,仅生成4种非对映异构体中的一种,此外Bac KR1还可以催化环己酮和对氯苯乙酮等非聚酮类底物的还原,暗示了聚酮合酶中酮还原酶结构域作为生物催化剂的潜力。  相似文献   

Type II polyketide synthases (PKSs) utilize a dedicated and essential acyl carrier protein (ACP) in the biosynthesis of a specific polyketide product. As part of our ongoing studies into the mechanisms and control of polyketide biosynthesis, we report the second structure of a polyketide synthase ACP. In this work, multidimensional, heteronuclear NMR was employed to investigate the structure and dynamics of the ACP involved in the biosynthesis of the commonly prescribed polyketide antibiotic, oxytetracycline (otc). An ensemble of 28 structures of the 95 amino acid otc ACP (9916Da) was computed by simulated annealing with the inclusion of 1132 experimental restraints. Atomic RMSDs about the mean structure for all 28 models is 0.66 A for backbone atoms, 1.15 A for all heavy atoms (both values calculated for the folded part of the protein (residues 3-80)), and 0.41 A for backbone atoms within secondary structure. Otc ACP adopts the typical right-handed, four-helix fold of currently known ACPs but with the addition of a 13-residue flexible C-terminus. A comparison of the global folds of all structurally characterized ACPs is described, illustrating that PKS ACPs show clear differences as well as similarities to FAS ACPs. (15)N relaxation experiments for the protein backbone also reveal that the long loop between helices I and II is flexible and helix II, a proposed site of protein-protein interactions, shows conformational exchange. The helices of the ACP form a rigid scaffold for the protein, but these are interspersed with an unusual proportion of flexible linker regions.  相似文献   

Modular polyketide biosynthesis can be harnessed to generate rationally designed complex natural products through bioengineering. A detailed understanding of the features that govern transfer and processing of polyketide biosynthetic intermediates is crucial to successfully engineer new polyketide pathways. Previous studies have shown that substrate stereochemistry and protein-protein interactions between polyketide synthase modules are both important factors in this process. Here we investigated the substrate tolerance of different polyketide modules and assessed the relative importance of inter-module chain transfer versus chain elongation activity of some of these modules. By constructing a variety of hybrid modular polyketide synthase systems and assaying their ability to generate polyketide products, it was determined that the substrate tolerance of each individual ketosynthase domain is an important parameter for the successful recombination of polyketide synthase modules. Surprisingly, however, failure by a module to process a candidate substrate was not due to its inability to bind to it. Rather, it appeared to result from a blockage in carbon-carbon bond formation, suggesting that proper orientation of the initially formed acyl thioester in the ketosynthase active site was important for the enzyme-catalyzed decarboxylative condensation reaction.  相似文献   

Cassette replacement of acyltransferase (AT) domains in 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS) with heterologous AT domains with different substrate specificities usually yields the predicted polyketide analogues. As reported here, however, several AT replacements in module 4 of DEBS failed to produce detectable polyketide under standard conditions, suggesting that module 4 is sensitive to perturbation of the protein structure when the AT is replaced. Alignments between different modular polyketide synthase AT domains and the Escherichia coli fatty acid synthase transacylase crystal structure were used to select motifs within the AT domain of module 4 to re-engineer its substrate selectivity and minimize potential alterations to protein folding. Three distinct primary regions of AT4 believed to confer specificity for methylmalonyl-CoA were mutated into the sequence seen in malonyl-CoA-specific domains. Each individual mutation as well as the three in combination resulted in functional DEBSs that produced mixtures of the natural polyketide, 6-deoxyerythronolide B, and the desired novel analogue, 6-desmethyl-6-deoxyerythronolide B. Production of the latter compound indicates that the identified sequence motifs do contribute to AT specificity and that DEBS can process a polyketide chain incorporating a malonate unit at module 4. This is the first example in which the extender unit specificity of a PKS module has been altered by site-specific mutation and provides a useful alternate method for engineering AT specificity in the combinatorial biosynthesis of polyketides.  相似文献   

An acyltransferase-homologous DNA fragment was amplified in a PCR reaction on a cosmid DNA template from the genomic DNA library of the soil bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The putative amino acid sequence of the fragment resembles acyl-CoA:ACP acyltransferase domains from several bacterial enzymatic complexes of polyketide synthase. There is a high similarity with acyltransferase domains from so-called type I polyketide synthases. Such synthases catalyze production of the aglycone portion of macrolides and polyethers that are important as antibiotics or immunosuppressants. The amplified fragment is considered to be a part of a larger gene complex.  相似文献   

The transfer of the phosphopantetheine chain from coenzyme A (CoA) to the acyl carrier protein (ACP), a key protein in both fatty acid and polyketide synthesis, is catalyzed by ACP synthase (AcpS). Streptomyces coelicolor AcpS is a doubly promiscuous enzyme capable of activation of ACPs from both fatty acid and polyketide synthesis and catalyzes the transfer of modified CoA substrates. Five crystal structures have been determined, including those of ligand-free AcpS, complexes with CoA and acetyl-CoA, and two of the active site mutants, His110Ala and Asp111Ala. All five structures are trimeric and provide further insight into the mechanism of catalysis, revealing the first detailed structure of a group I active site with the essential magnesium in place. Modeling of ACP binding supported by mutational analysis suggests an explanation for the promiscuity in terms of both ACP partner and modified CoA substrates.  相似文献   

Complementation of defined actinorhodin beta-ketoacyl synthase (KS) mutants by various other KS genes suggested that the ORF1-encoded KS may be relatively generalized in function, whereas the ORF2-encoded KS component may provide specificity in polyketide chain construction. Evidence for differential temporal-spatial expression of the actinorhodin and spore pigment KSs in Streptomyces coelicolor was obtained.  相似文献   

We cloned a new polyketide gene cluster, aur2, in Streptomyces aureofaciens CCM3239. Sequence analysis of the 9531-bp DNA fragment revealed 10 open reading frames, majority of which showed high similarity to the previously characterized type II polyketide synthase (PKS) genes. An unusual feature of the aur2 cluster is a disconnected organization of minimal PKS genes; ACP is located apart from the genes for ketosynthases KSalpha and KSbeta. The aur2 gene cluster was disrupted in S. aureofaciens CCM3239 by a homologous recombination, replacing the four genes (aur2A, E, F, G) including ketosynthase KSalpha, with antibiotic resistance marker gene. The disruption did not affect growth and differentiation, and disrupted strain produced spores with wild-type grey-pink pigmentation. The biochromatographic analysis of the culture extracts from S. aureofaciens wild type and aur2-disrupted strains did not reveal any difference in the pattern of antibacterial compounds.  相似文献   

PhlD, a type III polyketide synthase from Pseudomonas fluorescens, catalyzes the synthesis of phloroglucinol from three molecules of malonyl-CoA. Kinetic analysis by direct measurement of the appearance of the CoASH product (k(cat) = 24 +/- 4 min(-1) and Km = 13 +/- 1 microM) gave a k(cat) value more than an order of magnitude higher than that of any other known type III polyketide synthase. PhlD exhibits broad substrate specificity, accepting C4-C12 aliphatic acyl-CoAs and phenylacetyl-CoA as the starters to form C6-polyoxoalkylated alpha-pyrones from sequential condensation with malonyl-CoA. Interestingly, when primed with long chain acyl-CoAs, PhlD catalyzed extra polyketide elongation to form up to heptaketide products. A homology structural model of PhlD showed the presence of a buried tunnel extending out from the active site to assist the binding of long chain acyl-CoAs. To probe the structural basis for the unusual ability of PhlD to accept long chain acyl-CoAs, both site-directed mutagenesis and saturation mutagenesis were carried out on key residues lining the tunnel. Three mutations, M21I, H24V, and L59M, were found to significantly reduce the reactivity of PhlD with lauroyl-CoA while still retaining its physiological activity to synthesize phloroglucinol. Our homology modeling and mutational studies indicated that even subtle changes in the tunnel volume could affect the ability of PhlD to accept long chain acyl-CoAs. This suggested novel strategies for combinatorial biosynthesis of unnatural pharmaceutically important polyketides.  相似文献   

SEARCHPKS is a software for detection and analysis of polyketide synthase (PKS) domains in a polypeptide sequence. Modular polyketide synthases are unusually large multi-enzymatic multi-domain megasynthases, which are involved in the biosynthesis of pharmaceutically important natural products using an assembly-line mechanism. This program facilitates easy identification of various PKS domains and modules from a given polypeptide sequence. In addition, it also predicts the specificity of the potential acyltransferase domains for various starter and extender precursor units. SEARCHPKS is a user-friendly tool for correlating polyketide chemical structures with the organization of domains and modules in the corresponding modular polyketide synthases. This program also allows the user to extensively analyze and assess the sequence homology of various polyketide synthase domains, thus providing guidelines for carrying out domain and module swapping experiments. SEARCHPKS can also aid in identification of polyketide products made by PKS clusters found in newly sequenced genomes. The computational approach used in SEARCHPKS is based on a comprehensive analysis of various characterized clusters of modular polyketide synthases compiled in PKSDB, a database of modular polyketide synthases. SEARCHPKS can be accessed at http://www.nii.res.in/searchpks.html.  相似文献   

The significance of potential active site motifs for acyltransferase and beta-ketoacyl:acyl carrier protein synthase regions within the TcmK protein was investigated by determining the effects of mutations in the proposed active sites on the production of tetracenomycins F2 and C. In a Streptomyces glaucescens tcmGHI JKLMNO null mutant, plasmids carrying the S351A mutation produced high amounts of tetracenomycin F2 but plasmids carrying the C173A or C173S mutation or the H350L-S351A double mutation produced no detectable amount of any known intermediate. In a tcmK mutant, plasmids with the S351A mutation restored high production of tetracenomycin C and plasmids carrying the other mutations were able to complement the chromosomal defect to some extent. None of the mutations affected the amount of TcmK produced.  相似文献   

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