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Hans Joachim Becker 《Chromosoma》1962,13(4):341-384
Leonore Dennhöfer 《Genetica》1978,48(2):107-116
The ratio DNA: RNA in the dry substance of Drosophila melanogaster larvae changes when L-glutamic acid is added to the substratum. The number of cells in the salivary glands is not affected (Fahrig et al., 1967). The present paper deals with the effect of this altered ratio on the puffing pattern of the salivary gland chromosomes.Compared to controls of the same game age, glutamic acid fed prepupae younger than 15 min have five additional puffs. In all, 98 pairs of homologous puffs were studied. In 54 of these, size differences were tested statistically; in the glutamic acid series, 20 puffs were larger and 18 smaller than in the controls whereas 16 had the same size. Size reduction was stronger in the more prominent puffs. In prepupae reared at lower temperatures, chromosomes were significantly longer. Glutamic acid causes a significant increase in chromosome width. Combined measurements of both effects were made by determining the surface area of tested segments. Lowering the temperature adds higher size classes, whereas addition of glutamic acid causes a significant shift of the distributional peak towards the higher size classes. This excludes the possibility of an additional replication cycle. In salivary glands of glutamic acid fed prepupae the majority of nuclei have reached the highest degree of polyteny, which in controls is never found at 25° C but sometimes at 18° C. The agent causing both additional puffing and enhanced growth is effective only via the alimentary tract of the larva. 相似文献
Margrit Staub 《Chromosoma》1969,26(1):76-104
Salivary glands from late third instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster were transplanted into the abdomens of adult female and male flies and were kept in this medium from 6 to 120 h. Changes in the puffing pattern of chromosome arm III L were studied after the culture in vivo. Two noticeable puffs are induced. They are located in 68 B and 78 E. Neither of these loci show activity during normal development. — Front halves of embryos (6 to 9 h of age) were also transferred into adults. After 5 to 13 days in vivo they are able to develop and differentiate larval structures. Salivary glands, imaginal discs, fat body, Malpighian tubules and muscle fibers could be identified. Even 4 h old embryos can form polytene salivary gland chromosomes after a 13 day culture. These chromosomes can reach sizes comparable with the maximal size in normal development. In some nuclei an extensive growth leads to “supergiant” chromosomes. The puffs in 68B and 78E are formed in the polytenic chromosomes from embryonic implants as in cultured larval salivary gland chromosomes. 相似文献
L. Dennhöfer 《Genetica》1974,45(1):39-59
Fifteen X-ray induced chromosomal aberrations in twelve autogenous lines of the mosquitoCulex pipiens were analysed: eight simple reciprocal translocations, one double reciprocal translocation, one translocation combined with an intrachromosomal transposition and a small deficiency, one simple transposition, and one pericentric inversion. The breakpoints were located on the morphological map of the salivary gland chromosomes. Their distribution seems to be random. A consideration of distances between breakpoints argues against the assumption of a linear order of chromosomes in the elongated sperm head. The extent of sterility in the heterozygote was recorded for 12 of the aberrations. Translocation heterozygotes, carrying the genetic pool of the lines here analysed, produced about 50% aneuploid gametes, independently of the length of the interstitiell segments. 相似文献
L. Dennhöfer 《Genetica》1975,45(2):163-175
In the salivary gland chromosomes of the mosquitoCulex pipiens L. band 10 C 3 of the small chromosome I in female larvae always shows a homozygous heterochromatic balloon, while male larvae are heterozygous for this structure, the homologous band being euchromatic. In males, heterozygous for a male-linked reciprocal translocation, the chromosome with the distinct euchromatic band is always involved in the segmental interchange with an autosome. It is concluded that the euchromatic state of band 10 C 3 represents the male-determining allelomorph, and the heterochromatic state the female-determining allelomorph (M and m, respectively).
C. pipiens thus appears to be an excellent example of diplogenotypic determination of sex where the sexes are different in one pair of allelomorphs only. At the chromosomal level, this sexual dimorphism is expressed as a heterochromatic versus an euchromatic state of a single band. The significance of this observation is discussed in connection with the problem of the evolution of sex-determining mechanisms within the Nematocera. 相似文献
A. Sauer 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1970,41(4):157-163
Zusammenfassung Aus einer Laborpopulation wurden durch verschiedene Selektion Linien abgeleitet, in denen die Häufigkeiten der Telomeren an den Chromosomenarmen 3L und 3R ausgezählt wurden. Die beobachteten Häufigkeiten entsprachen in der Regel den beim Hardy-Weinberg-Gleichgewicht zu erwartenden. Die Häufigkeit der Telomeren am Chromosomenarm 3R wird von Art und Richtung der Auslese beeinflußt, wobei sich typische, von den Auslesebedingungen mitbestimmte Gleichgewichte einstellten. Terminale Adhäsionen der Chromosomenarme 3L und 3R wurden häufiger bei vorhandenem Telomer beobachtet.Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluß zu, daß Vorhandensein und Fehlen von Telomeren Bestandteil der genetischen Variabilität der Population ist und daß die Telomeren der Auslese direkte Ansatzpunkte liefern.
Frequency of telomers in Drosophila melanogaster dependent on different modes of selection
Summary The frequencies of telomers were counted in chromosomes 3L and 3R in several strains of Drosophila melanogaster kept under different selection pressures for many generations. Observed frequencies were in most cases in good agreement with frequencies expected from Hardy-Weinberg-equilibria. Mode and direction of selection affected the frequencies of telomers on chromosome 3R. Equilibria of the telomer-structures were determined to a certain degree by different selection procedures. Terminal adhesions of 3L and 3R were more frequent when telomers were present.The main conclusion is that presence or absence of telomers are part of the genetic variability of populations, and that telomer frequencies are affected by selection in much the same way as other adaptive chromosome polymorphisms.相似文献
Zusammenfassung Quantitative Untersuchungen über den Farbstoffgehalt der Drosophilaaugen haben schon wiederholt gezeigt, daß die Werte bei bestimmten Mutanten von der Erwartung abweichen. So fand man regelmäßig bei den rotäugigen Mutanten v bzw. cn weniger Pterin und bei der braunäugigen Mutante bw weniger Ommochrom als bei Wildfliegen.Wir haben diese Befunde zunächst mit Hilfe einer vereinfachten Extraktions- und Meßtechnik nachgeprüft und bestätigt. Die genauere Analyse ergab dann aber, daß das Farbstoffdefizit der Mutanten v, cn und bw lediglich darauf beruht, daß diese Tiere kleinere Augen haben als die Wildfliegen. Die Augenverkleinerung ist jedoch nicht, wie gelegentlich vermutet wurde, die Folge einer polyphänen Wirkung der Gene v, cn und bw, sondern nur eine besondere Eigenschaft bestimmter Fliegenstämme, die heute in fast allen Laboratorien gehalten werden.Die Erscheinung selbst beruht auf der Wirkung augenverkleinernder Modifikationsgene, die bei diesen Stämmen zufällig mit den Farbgenen gekoppelt sind, durch geeignete Kreuzungen aber eliminiert werden können. Unsere so erhaltenen neuen v-, cn- und bw-Stämme besitzen nicht nur ebenso große Augen wie die Wildfliegen, sondern enthalten auch die theoretisch erwarteten Mengen an Augenfarbstoffen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Größe der Augen und ihrem Farbstoffgehalt hat u. a. zur Folge, daß die Männchen, die ja stets kleinere Augen haben als die Weibchen, bei allen Mutanten weniger Augenpigment besitzen als jene.Der Farbstoffgehalt der Augen hängt außerdem von der Zucht-temperatur ab. Fliegen, die sich bei 18° C entwickeln, besitzen weniger Pterin aber mehr Ommochrom als solche, die bei 26° C aufgezogen werden. Auch die Melaninsynthese im Integument der Tiere wird durch Temperaturerniedrigung begünstigt; aus 18°-Zuchten stammende Fliegen sind deutlich dunkler als die entsprechenden 26°-Tiere. 相似文献
Ernst Oehler 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1934,6(9):205-211
Ohne ZusammenfassungVortrag, gehalten auf dem Fortbildungskursus für Pflanzenzüchter am 21. Juni 1934 in Müncheberg i. M. 相似文献
Klaus Hägele 《Chromosoma》1970,31(1):91-138
The pattern of DNA-synthesis of the salivary gland chromosomes of Chironomus thummi thummi, Ch. th. piger, Ch. annularius, Ch. plumosus and Ch. melanotus was studied using H3-thymidine-autoradiography. Contrary to the previous conception the bands of the salivary gland chromosomes of Chironomus do not begin replication simultaneously. H3-thymidine incorporation in bands of high DNA content begins later than in bands with a lesser amount of DNA. This difference in time is very small in bands outside the kinetochore regions and not comparable to the asynchrony in replication of typical heterochromatin in the salivary gland chromosomes of Chironomus melanotus. Differences in the amount of DNA in homologous bands do not affect the onset of replication. — Bands of high DNA content are replicating during a longer time than those having less DNA. However, certain chromosome regions behave differently. In these regions bands of very low DNA content are synthesizing DNA during the whole replication cycle. Since no excessive increase of DNA could be observed in these regions it is supposed that in addition to the duplication of structural DNA an extra DNA is synthesized which disappears immediately from the chromosome. — At the end of the replication cycle in the salivary gland nuclei of the hybrid Chironomus th. thummi X Ch. th. piger a labeling pattern is found in the chromosomes of Ch. th. thummi which differs from that in the parental subspecies Ch. th. thummi. 相似文献
Leo v. Dobkiewicz 《Development genes and evolution》1928,113(1):96-122
Ohne ZusammenfassungExperimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Wirbeltierhormonen auf Wirbellose. Von B.Romeis. 3. Mitteilung.Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft. 相似文献
Dr. Markus Lezzi 《Chromosoma》1967,21(1):72-88
Isolated salivary gland chromosomes of Chironomus tentans incubated in a simple salt or sucrose solution are able to synthesize not only RNA but also protein in their puffs. The migration of radioactively labelled material from isolated nucleoli to isolated chromosomes suggests that not all protein in the puffs is synthesized by the puffs themselves but that part of the puff protein stems from the nucleoli. It is concluded that besides bound RNA polymerase a puff contains ribosomes attached to the growing mRNA molecules. 相似文献
Wolfgang Hennig 《Chromosoma》1967,22(3):294-357
Incorporation studies with radioactive precursors have shown that the lampbrush-like loops of the Y-chromosome in the spermatocytes of Drosophila hydei contain axial DNA and actively synthesize RNA. Uridin-incorporation, at least in some of the loops, appears to be polarized. In most of the loops, the amount of the label increases with incubation time. Studies of the life cycle of spermatocytes indicate that labeled RNA is stored in the loops for about 20 to 30 hours, while the loops themselves persist for about 120 hours. Following incubation with labeled amino-acids, an uptake of labeled proteins from the cytoplasm into the nucleus was observed. The labeled nuclear proteins apparently leave the nucleus within a few hours, without long-term binding to the Y-structures, for even a 40-hour-incubation does not result in preferentially labeled Y-structures. These data, along with data on the action of antimetabolites, suggest that the Y-structures are dynamic structures: Their form seems to be maintained by an equilibrium between the accumulation and outflow of matrix material surrounding the DNA axis. The possible role of the functional structures of the Y-chromosome for messenger utilization in the postmeiotic stages of spermiogenesis is discussed. 相似文献
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