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从2009 年1 月至2010 年2 月,我们对中国大陆海域沿岸搁浅和误捕的喙鲸类头骨标本进行了测量和鉴
定。目前中国大陆海域搁浅和误捕的喙鲸类有5 种,分别为柯氏喙鲸、贝氏喙鲸、朗氏喙鲸、柏氏中喙鲸和小
要形态鉴别特征为有1 对纺锤形牙齿着生在下颌骨联合后面。经对已报道过的大陆海域搁浅和误捕的3 个雌性
陆的3 个样本为雌性柏氏中喙鲸。本文报道了大陆沿岸海域搁浅和误捕的喙鲸类最新调查研究结果。  相似文献   

本文基于实验室筛选得到的13 对内含子标记,在鲸偶蹄目的15 个物种中进行有效扩增,并重建了这15
个物种的系统发育关系。结果表明,抹香鲸总科(Physeteroidea) 位于齿鲸亚目(Odontoceti)的基部,从而支
育问题。  相似文献   

<正>儒艮(Dugong dugon)隶属海牛目(Sirenia)儒艮科(Dugongidae)。广泛分布于印度洋、西太平洋热带及亚热带的大陆沿岸水域和岛屿间(周开亚等,2001),我国分布于广西、海南、广东和台湾省南部的沿岸海域,海南记录于东方北黎湾、儋州白马井洋浦港、澄迈东水港等地(王丕烈和孙建运,1986;周开亚等,2003;王丕烈等,2007)。  相似文献   

自小美喙藓属(Eurhynchiastrum Ignatov&Huttunen)2002年建立以来,中国有关该属系统的分类学研究尚未开展。笔者对中国小美喙藓属相关标本和文献进行了研究,结果表明:中国分布小美喙藓属植物1种,即小美喙藓(E. pulchellum(Hedw.) Ignatov&Huttunen),对其形态特征、生境及地理分布进行了描述和记录,提供了主要形态特征图版,与形态相近属和种进行了分析比较,并对其在中国的潜在地理分布区进行了预测。  相似文献   

<正>南瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops aduncus)是我国二级重点保护的水生哺乳动物,属于鲸目(Cetacea),海豚科(Delphinidae),瓶鼻海豚属(Tursiops)(Mller and Beheregaray,2001;Wells and Scott,2002)。南瓶鼻海豚是人工主要饲养的鲸类品种之一(刘仁俊等,2002;Zhang et al.,2012)。2011年4月30日,厦门市小嶝岛休闲渔村从福建东山引进两头南瓶鼻海豚进行人工饲养。饲养池位于北  相似文献   

半翅目鞘喙亚目是一类具有重要演化意义的昆虫。该亚目包括三个科:鞘喙蝽科(Peloridiidae)和卡拉蝽科(Karabasiidae)同属于鞘喙蝽总科;原臭虫科(Progonocimicidae)属于原臭虫总科。鞘喙蝽科是唯一的现生类群,孑遗于南半球。卡拉蝽科化石较丰富,但只发现于中亚、西伯利亚和蒙古中生代地层。本文...  相似文献   

李腾  唐启明  韦玉梅  赵建成  李敏 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1372-1390
通过对采自广西24个县(市)的1 147份青藓科植物标本的逐一鉴定及相关文献的查阅,确认有广西青藓科植物11属、44种,其中包括广西青藓科植物新记录属1属,即拟异叶藓属(Pseudokindbergia),新记录种7种,分别为匐枝青藓(Brachythecium procumbens)、阔叶尖喙藓(Oxyrrhynchium latifolium)、泛生尖喙藓(O. vagans)、拟异叶藓(Pseudokindbergia dumosa)、华东细喙藓(Rhynchostegiella sinensis)、长肋拟青藓(Sciurohypnum populeum)和弯叶拟青藓(S. reflexum)。该文提供了修订后的广西青藓科植物名录,并对其中的新记录属、种的主要形态学识别特征、生境和地理分布等进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

测定了 8个真海豚 (Delphinussp .)头骨的 3 5个形态学指标 ,并与其它水域真海豚的相应数据比较。结果表明 ,在喙的相对长度和绝对长度、颅基长、喙端至外鼻孔和内鼻孔的长度、上齿列长以及下颌骨长等方面 ,中国水域的真海豚与东北太平洋水域的长喙真海豚 (D .capensis)非常接近。中国水域真海豚的喙长与颧宽之比为 1 68~ 2 0 3 ,平均 1 85± 0 1 0 ;喙长与喙宽之比为 3 5 6~ 4 0 3 ,平均 3 79± 0 1 7,也完全符合长喙真海豚的鉴别特征。因此 ,中国水域的真海豚在分类上应属于长喙真海豚。  相似文献   

真海豚包括长喙真海豚( Delphinus capensis) 和短喙真海豚( D. delphis) 2 种, 而中国水域的真海豚到底是哪一个种或是否同时有两个种的存在, 并不清楚。本研究测定了12 头中国水域真海豚mtDNA 控制区(control region) 366 bp 和细胞色素b (cytochrome b , cyt b) 基因336 bp 的序列, 并与已发表的其它真海豚的序列合并分析,初步鉴定中国水域真海豚的分类地位。结果表明, 中国水域的真海豚与东太平洋的长喙真海豚有相同的鉴别位点, 且两者之间的核苷酸歧异度(控制区: 1.93 ±0.22 % , cyt b 基因: 0.68 ±0.19 %) 显著低于与短喙真海豚之间的差异(控制区: 2.92 ±0.41 % , cyt b 基因: 0.95 ±0.27 %) 。通过MEGA (molecular evolutionary genetic analysis) 软件中的邻接法(neighbor joining) 进行的系统发生分析中, 中国水域的真海豚与长喙真海豚聚成一支, 有明显较近的亲缘关系。因此, 中国水域的真海豚在分类上应归属于长喙真海豚。  相似文献   

本文共记载:1,盲蝽科纹唇盲蝽属Charagochilus Fieber 7个中国种,其中包括3个新种:邻纹唇盲蝽Ch. similis sp. nov., 玉龙纹唇盲蝽Ch. yulongensis sp. nov., 淡领蚊唇盲蝽Ch. pallidicollis sp. nov.;1个中国新记录种:狭领纹唇盲蝽Ch. angusticollis Linnavuori;将Proboscidocoris taivanus Poppius 1915移入Charagochilus属;并对Charagochilus gyllenhali (Fallen)的中国记录提出疑问。2,喙盲蝽属Proboscidocoris Reuter 1种:马来喙盲蝽P. malayus Reuter(中国新记录)。  相似文献   

Presented here is the first comprehensive and updated compilation of history, distribution, and findings of Stejneger's beaked whales (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) in Alaska. Stejneger's beaked whales are a poorly understood, elusive, deep-diving cetacean species found in the North Pacific Ocean. Since Stejneger's beaked whale strandings data in Alaska through 1994 were last published, 35 additional strandings have been documented. Twenty-seven animals stranded in the Aleutian Islands, seven stranded in Southcentral Alaska, and one animal stranded on St. Lawrence Island. Twenty-two carcasses were necropsied, but only four were fresh. Seventeen of the 22 died during mass stranding events and cause of death could not be definitively determined. Barotrauma was suspected in three cases and infectious disease possibly complicated by barotrauma occurred in two cases. We documented an expansion of strandings into the northern Bering Sea, characterized a sex bias, examined stomach contents that included macroplastic, and identified parasites not previously associated with Stejneger's beaked whales. Also included are data on the largest known mass stranding of Stejneger's beaked whales, which occurred on Adak Island in 2018. The history, distribution, and findings presented here are central to further our understanding of this species.  相似文献   

Mesoplodon perrini , a new species of beaked whale is described on the basis of five animals stranded on the coast of California (between 32°55'N, 117°15'W and 36°37'N, 121°55'W) from May 1975 to September 1997. Four of these animals were initially identified as Hector's beaked whales M. hectori based on cranial morphology (Mead 1981). A fifth specimen was initially identified as a neonate Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris based on external features. These specimens were first recognized as representatives of an undescribed species through phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region and cytochrome b sequence data. Although similar morphologically, the genetic data do not support a close evolutionary relationship between M. perrini and M. hectori . Instead, these data suggest a possible sister species relationship with the lesser beaked whale M. peruvianus . Sightings of two small beaked whales off California in the 1970s which were tentatively identified as M. hectori are also likely to be M. perrini . We suggest that M. hectori is confined to the Southern Hemisphere, while M. perrini is known to date only from the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Multiple sightings of a distinctive but unidentified species of beaked whale have been made in the eastern tropical Pacific. The unidentified whale has two color morphs: a conspicuously marked black and white form (judged to be larger), and a uniformly gray-brown form. Maximum length estimates have been 5–5.5 m. Other features include a relatively flat head, with a small, distinct melon; a moderately long beak; and a low, wide-based, triangular dorsal fin. On most animals the trailing edge of the dorsal fin is only slightly falcate and often appears straight. On the black and white morph, a broad white or cream-colored swathe originates immediately posterior to the dorsal surface of the head and runs posterio-ventrally on either side of the animal. The prevalence of scarring on the black and white animals suggests sexual dimorphism and that these larger, more conspicuously marked animals are adult males, while the smaller, browner, unscarred animals are females and young. Possibilities for identification include: 1) a well-marked race of a known Mesoplodon sp., 2) Mesoplodon (Indopacetus) pacificus or 3) an undescribed species.  相似文献   

There are two recognized species in the genus Berardius, Baird's and Arnoux's beaked whales. In Japan, whalers have traditionally recognized two forms of Baird's beaked whales, the common “slate‐gray” form and a smaller, rare “black” form. Previous comparison of mtDNA control region sequences from three black specimens to gray specimens around Japan indicated that the two forms comprise different stocks and potentially different species. We have expanded sampling to include control region haplotypes of 178 Baird's beaked whales from across their range in the North Pacific. We identified five additional specimens of the black form from the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea, for a total of eight “black” specimens. The divergence between mtDNA haplotypes of the black and gray forms of Baird's beaked whale was greater than their divergence from the congeneric Arnoux's beaked whale found in the Southern Ocean, and similar to that observed among other congeneric beaked whale species. Taken together, genetic evidence from specimens in Japan and across the North Pacific, combined with evidence of smaller adult body size, indicate presence of an unnamed species of Berardius in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Diel variation in beaked whale diving behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigate diel variation in beaked whale diving behavior using data from time–depth recorders deployed on six Blainville's ( Mesoplodon densirostris) (255 h) and two Cuvier's ( Ziphius cavirostris ) (34 h) beaked whales. Deep foraging dives (>800 m) occurred at similar rates during the day and night for Blainville's beaked whales, and there were no significant diel differences in ascent rates, descent rates, or mean or maximum depths or durations for deep dives. Dive to mid-water depths (100–600 m) occurred significantly more often during the day (mean = 1.59 h−1) than at night (mean = 0.26 h−1). Series of progressively shallower "bounce" dives were only documented to follow the deep, long dives made during the day; at night whales spent more time in shallow (<100 m) depths. Significantly slower ascent rates than descent rates were found following deep foraging dives both during the day and night. Similar patterns were found for the Cuvier's beaked whales. Our results suggest that so-called "bounce" dives do not serve a physiological function, although the slow ascents may. This diel variation in behavior suggests that beaked whales may spend less time in surface waters during the day to avoid near-surface, visually oriented predators such as large sharks or killer whales ( Orcinus orca ).  相似文献   

Mesoplodon peruvianus , a new species of beaked whale, is described on the basis of ten specimens which have either stranded or been captured between 11°12'S and 15°19'S latitude along the coasts of the provinces of Lima and Ica, south central Peru. This is the thirteenth living species of Mesoplodon recognized in the world's oceans. The animals that were examined were uniformly gray above, shading to lighter gray below. This whale is the smallest species of Mesoplodon (maximum body length 3.72 m) and is characterized by its teeth, which are small (31 to 65 mm long), ovate in cross section, and positioned 2.5% to 8.4% of the mandibular length from the anterior extremity, and posterior to the mandibular symphysis.  相似文献   

We present genetic and morphological evidence supporting the recognition of a previously synonymized species of Mesoplodon beaked whale in the tropical Indo‐Pacific, Mesoplodon hotaula. Although the new species is closely‐related to the rare ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale M. ginkgodens, we show that these two lineages can be differentiated by maternally (mitochondrial DNA), biparentally (autosomal), and paternally (Y chromosome) inherited DNA sequences, as well as by morphological features. The reciprocal monophyly of the mtDNA genealogies and the largely parapatric distribution of these lineages is consistent with reproductive isolation. The new lineage is currently known from at least seven specimens: Sri Lanka (1), Gilbert Islands, Republic of Kiribati (1+), Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, U.S.A. (3), Maldives (1), and Seychelles (1). The type specimen (Sri Lanka) was described as a new species, M. hotaula, in 1963, but later synonymized with M. ginkgodens. This discovery brings the total number of Mesoplodon species to 15, making it, by far, the most speciose yet least known genus of cetaceans.  相似文献   

Mesoplodon traversii (Gray, 1874) is shown to be a senior synonym of the recently described beaked whale Mesoplodon hahamondi Reyes et al. , 1995 on the basis of a phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. The mandible and teeth of M. traversii , first reported in 1873 by Hector as Dolichodon layardii . are redescribed. The species can be distinguished by features of the calvaria; including the large jugal, broad rostrum, and small distance between premaxillary foramina. The male teeth, which are large and spade-shaped with a strong terminal denticle, are also diagnostic. M. traversii is known only from Pitt Island and White Island, New Zealand and Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile.  相似文献   

In the first week of January 1931 a beaked whale (Family Ziphiidae) stranded at Gierinish, South Uist, Outer Hebrides, was identified as a True's beaked whale Mesoplodon mirus . This stranding is referred to frequently in the cetacean literature, either directly or indirectly. Re-examination of the skull of this specimen reveals characters unique to Cuvier's whale Ziphius cavirostris and not shown by any Mesoplodon . Therefore, there is no known stranding of True's beaked whale in Britain.  相似文献   

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