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Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase histochemistry, which indicates the presence of neural nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme responsible for the generation of nitric oxide, was used in combination with retrograde labelling methods to determine, in whole-mounts and sections of rat major pelvic ganglia, whether neurons destined for the penile corpora cavernosa were able to produce nitric oxide. In whole-mount preparations of pelvic ganglia, among the 607±106 retrogradely labelled neurons innervating the penile corpora cavernosa, 84±7% were NADPH-diaphorase-positive, 30±7% of which were intensely histochemically stained. In serial sections of pelvic ganglia, out of a mean count of 451 retrogradely labelled neurons, 65% stained positively for NADPH-diaphorase. An average of 1879±363 NADPH-diaphorase positive cell bodies was counted in the pelvic ganglion. In the major pelvic ganglion, neurons both fluorescent for Fluorogold or Fast Blue and intensely stained for NADPH-diaphorase were consistently observed in the dorso-caudal part of the ganglia in the area close to the exit of the cavernous nerve and within this nerve. This co-existence was much less constant in other parts of the ganglion. In the rat penis, many NADPH-diaphorase-positive fibres and varicose terminals were observed surrounding the penile arteries and running within the wall of the cavernous spaces. This distribution of NADPH-diaphorase-positive nerve cells and terminals is consistent with the idea that the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa and the dilation of the penile arterial bed mediated by postganglionic parasympathetic neurons is attributable to the release of nitric oxide and that nitric oxide plays a crucial role in penile erection. Moreover, the existence in the pelvic ganglion of a large number of NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons that are not destined for the corpora cavernosa suggests that nitric oxide is probably also involved in the function of other pelvic tissues.  相似文献   

The distribution and colocalization of nitric oxide synthase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase) was investigated in the adrenal gland of developing, adult and aging rats with the use of immunohistochemical and histochemical techniques. Nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive neurons within the adrenal gland were found from the 20th day of gestation onwards. During early development the neurons were found as small clusters of smaller-size cells compared to those observed in the adult gland. Their number reached that of adult level by the 4th day after birth, and in the glands from aging rats a 28.6% increase was observed. Whilst no immunofluorescence was seen in chromaffin cells during early development, some cells from glands of aging rats showed nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactivity with varying intensity. The immunoreactive neurons from postnatal rat adrenals were also positive for NADPH-diaphorase, whilst those in prenatal rats were negative or lightly stained. Nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive nerve fibres were present in all adrenal glands examined from the 16th day of gestation onwards. A considerable degree of variation in the distribution of immunoreactive fibres both in medulla and outer region of cortex at the different age groups was observed and described. Most, but not all, nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive nerve fibres also showed NADPH-diaphorase staining.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized in neurons and is a potent relaxor of vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle. The uterus contains abundant NO-synthesizing nerves which could be autonomic and/or sensory. This study was undertaken to determine: 1) the source(s) of NO-synthesizing nerves in the rat uterus and 2) what other neuropeptides or transmitter markers might coexist with NO in these nerves. Retrograde axonal tracing, utilizing Fluorogold injected into the uterine cervix, was employed for identifying sources of uterine-projecting neurons. NO-synthesizing nerves were visualized by staining for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced)-diaphorase (NADPH-d) and immunostaining with an antibody against neuronal/type I NO synthase (NOS). NADPH-d-positive perikarya and terminal fibers were NOS-immunoreactive (-I). Some NOS-I/NADPH-d-positive nerves in the uterus are parasympathetic and originate from neurons in the pelvic paracervical ganglia (PG) and some are sensory and originate from neurons in thoracic, lumbar, and sacral dorsal root ganglia. No evidence for NOS-I/NADPH-d-positive sympathetic nerves in the uterus was obtained. Furthermore, double immunostaining revealed that in parasympathetic neurons, NO-I/NADPH-d-reactivity coexists with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuropeptide Y, and acetylcholinesterase and in sensory nerves, NOS-I/NADPH-d-reactivity coexists with calcitonin generelated peptide and substance P. In addition, tyrosine hydroxylase(TH)-I neurons of the PG do not contain NOS-I/NADPH-d-reactivity, but some TH-I neurons are apposed by NOS-I varicosities. These results suggest NO-synthesizing nerves in the uterus are autonomic and sensory, and could play significant roles, possibly in conjunction with other putative transmitter agents, in the control of uterine myometrium and vasculature.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and various neuropeptides in the myenteric plexus regulate esophageal motility. We sought colocalization of nitric oxide synthase and neuropeptides in frozen sections of mid-portion of smoothmuscled opossum esophagus using NADPH-diaphorase activity to mark the synthase and immunoreactivity to detect peptides. The peptides, all with demonstrated physiological activity in this organ, were calcitonin generelated peptide, galanin, neuropeptide Y, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The ExtrAvidin Peroxidase immunostain for each peptide was carried up to the final peroxidase reaction with 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole. The NADPH-diaphorase reaction was applied with short incubation to provide light staining just before the peroxidase reaction was performed. We examined sections for the proportions of singly and dually labeled nerve cells in the myenteric plexus. NADPH-diaphorase activity was highly colocalized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (59%), galanin (54%), and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (53%). It showed little colocalization with neuropeptide Y (10%) and substance P (8%). The proportions of all nerve cells containing each of the substances were: NADPH-diaphorase-33%, calcitonin gene-related peptide-30%, galanin-55%, neuropeptide Y-16%, substance P-35%, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-58%. We conclude that the nerves responsible for peristalsis in the esophagus may act by releasing nitric oxide along with other inhibitory substances, calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, but not excitatory substances, neuropeptide Y and substance P.  相似文献   

NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-D) activity and immunoreactivity for neural and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (nNOS and eNOS, respectively) were used to investigate nitric oxide (NO) regulation of penile vasculature. Both the histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques for NOS showed that all smooth muscles regions of the penis (dorsal penile artery and vein, deep penile vessels, and cavernosal muscles) were richly innervated. The endothelium of penile arteries, deep dorsal penile vein, and select veins in the crura and shaft were also stained for NADPH-D and eNOS. However, the endothelium of cavernous sinuses was unstained by both techniques. Fewer fibers were seen in the glans penis, those present being associated with small blood vessels and large nerve bundles near the trabecular walls. All penile neurons in the pelvic plexus, located by retrograde transport of a dye placed in the corpora cavernosa penis, were stained by the NADPH-D method. Essentially similar results were obtained with an antibody to nNOS. These data suggest that penile parasympathetic neurons comprise a uniform population, as all seem capable of forming nitric oxide. However, in contrast to the endothelium of penile vessels, the endothelium lining the cavernosal spaces may not be capable of nitric oxide synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Sympathetic neurotransmitters have been shown to be present in the ovary of the rat during early postnatal development and to affect steroidogenesis before the ovary becomes responsive to gonadotropins, and before the first primordial follicles are formed. This study was undertaken to determine if development of the ovarian innervation is an event that antedates the initiation of folliculogenesis in the rat, Rattus norvegicus. Serial sections of postnatal ovaries revealed a negligible frequency of follicles 24 h after birth (about 1 primordial follicle per ovary). Twelve hours later there were about 500 follicles per ovary, a number that more than doubled to about 1300 during the subsequent 12 h, indicating that an explosive period of follicular differentiation occurs between the end of postnatal days 1 and 2. Electron microscopy demonstrated that before birth the ovaries are already innervated by fibers containing clear and dense-core vesicles. Immunohistochemistry performed on either fetal (day 19) or newborn (less than 15h after birth) ovaries showed the presence of catecholaminergic nerves, identified by their content of immunoreactive tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis. While some of these fibers innervate blood vessels, others are associated with primordial ovarian cells, thereby suggesting their participation in non-vascular functions. Since prefollicular ovaries are insensitive to gonadotropins, the results suggest that the developing ovary becomes subjected to direct neurogenic influences before it acquires responsiveness to gonadotropins.  相似文献   

The possible coexistence of the two non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) inhibitory neurotransmitters, adenosine 5-triphosphate and nitric oxide in the myenteric plexus was investigated using whole-mount preparations of rat ileum, proximal colon and anococcygeus muscle. The presence of adenosine 5-triphosphate in neurones was examined using the quinacrine fluorescence technique. After localizing and taking photographs of quinacrine-fluorescent neurones and nerve fibres, the same tissues were then fixed and processed for NADPH-diaphorase activity, a marker for nitric oxide-containing neurones. We have demonstrated for the first time that almost all quinacrine-fluorescent myenteric neurones in the proximal colon are also NADPH-diaphorase reactive, while only a subpopulation of quinacrine-fluorescent neurones in ileum and anococcygeus muscle were also NADPH-diaphorase reactive.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive afferent nerve fibers are abundant in the rat penis. In addition, NADPH-diaphorase, which stains for nitric oxide synthase, has been localized within both autonomic and sensory dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and may be part of an important biochemical pathway involved in penile tumescence. The purpose of this study was: 1) to examine the circuitry of afferent nerves that are CGRP immunoreactive from the L6 DRG, 2) to examine the possibility that there are NADPH-diaphorase-positive afferent fibers from the L6 DRG to the rat penis, and 3) to examine the localization and colocalization of CGRP and NADPH-diaphorase within L6 DRG afferent perikarya. Calcitonin gene-related peptide immunostaining in the penis was eliminated following a bilateral transection of the pudendal nerves, but was unchanged following a bilateral transection of the pelvic splanchnic or hypogastric nerves. The NADPH-diaphorase staining was not altered by any of the nerve transections. Injection of the retrograde axonal tracer fluorogold (FG) into the dorsum penis labeled perikarya in the L6 DRG. Although the majority of FG-labeled perikarya contained neither CGRP nor NADPH-diaphorase, small subpopulations of perikarya contained either CGRP immunoreactivity, NADPH-diaphorase, or both. A unilateral pudendal nerve transection virtually eliminated (>99%) FG labeling in the ipsilateral L6 DRG. These data suggest that NADPH-diaphorase and CGRP are present, either together or separately, within a subpopulation of penile afferent perikarya. In addition, CGRP-immunoreactive afferent nerve fibers reach the penis primarily via the pudendal nerves. Finally, NADPH-diaphorase-positive penile afferents may be another important source of nitric oxide (NO) for penile tumescence.  相似文献   

The distributions of neuronal nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity (NOS-IR) and NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity were compared in the cat spinal cord. NOS-IR in neurons around the central canal, in superficial laminae (I and II) of the dorsal horn, in the dorsal commissure, and in fibers in the superficial dorsal horn was observed at all levels of the spinal cord. In these regions, NOS-IR paralleled NADPH-d activity. The sympathetic autonomic nucleus in the rostral lumbar and thoracic segments exhibited prominent NOS-IR and NADPH-d activity, whereas the parasympathetic nucleus in the sacral segments did not exhibit NOS-IR or NADPH-d activity. Within the region of the sympathetic autonomic nucleus, fewer NOS-IR cells were identified compared with NADPH-d cells. The most prominent NADPH-d activity in the sacral segments occurred in fibers within and extending from Lissauer's tract in laminae I and V along the lateral edge of the dorsal horn to the region of the sacral parasympathetic nucleus. These afferent projections did not exhibit NOS-IR; however, NOS-IR and NADPH-d activity were demonstrated in dorsal root ganglion cells (L7-S2). The results of this study demonstrate that NADPH-d activity is not always a specific histochemical marker for NO-containing neural structures.  相似文献   

By means of NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate that considerable numbers of NADPH-d-positive neurons are distributed throughout the canine superior cervical ganglion (SCG). These neurons also show NOS immunoreactivity. This finding indicates that NADPH-d histochemistry, a simple and reliable technique, can be used as a reliable marker of NOS activity in the sympathetic innervation of canine head and neck. The present findings suggest that the participation of nitric oxide in the SCG differs greatly between species.  相似文献   

When treating head and neck for cancer with the use of radiotherapy the salivary glands are usually within the treatment volume with ensuing dryness and discomfort. Since the autonomic nervous system is of pivotal importance for the salivary gland function and integrity, the irradiation-induced effects may involve an influence on the innervation of salivary glands. Therefore, the rat submandibular gland, including the submandibular ganglionic cells, has been subjected to immunohistochemical examination with respect to expression of neuropeptides following fractionated irradiation with high energy photons. A markedly enhanced expression of bombesin- and leu-enkephalin-(ENK)-like immunoreactivities (LI) in the ganglionic cells and a pronounced increase in the number of nerve fibers showing these immunoreactivities in the submandibular gland tissue following irradiation were observed 10 days after treatment. On the other hand, no changes in the patterns of VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide)- and NPY (neuropeptide Y)-immunoreactivities occurred. Thus, the present study shows that alterations in the expression of certain neuropeptides take place in the submandibular gland and its associated ganglionic cells in response to irradiation of the head and neck region. These changes may add further explanation to the inherent radiosensitivity of salivary glands.  相似文献   

 The present study was conducted to investigate the distribution and immunohistochemical characteristics of ascending and descending projection neurons of the rat superior olivary complex (SOC), a group of interrelated brainstem nuclei. Ascending neurons were identified by injection of cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) into the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC), descending neurons were labeled by application of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into the scala tympani of the cochlea, ipsilaterally to the IC injection. In accordance with the literature, we observed neurons innervating the IC located in the lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) and dorsal periolivary groups (DPO) on both sides, in the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPO) predominantly ipsilateral, as well as in the ipsilateral medial superior olivary nucleus (MSO) and the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Cochlear projection neurons were found predominantly in the ipsilateral LSO as well as in the bilateral SPO, DPO, MSO and MNTB. In addition, a considerable population of neurons in the ipsilateral LSO and SPO were identified as being both ascending and descending. To further characterize these double-projecting neurons, brainstem sections were incubated in antisera directed against different neuroactive substances. The majority of ascending/descending cells in the LSO contained calcitonin gene-related peptide, but not substance P (SP), met-enkephalin (ENK) or tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Some of these neurons apparently were contacted by ENK- or SP-immunoreactive fibers and terminals. In addition, we found TH-immunoreactive neurons in the lateral MNTB region. These neurons, which were labeled upon tracer injection into the cochlea (but not upon IC injection), probably belong to the C1 catecholaminergic cell group and may represent a division of the uncrossed olivocochlear bundle. The present results reveal the existence of a previously unknown subpopulation of SOC neurons that project to both the cochlea and the inferior colliculus. Their CGRP immunoreactivity and their uncrossed projection pattern provide evidence that they may belong to the cholinergic, putatively excitatory cell group. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 17 February 1999  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that NADPH-diaphorase can be used as a marker for neurones that employ nitric oxide as a messenger molecule. In the present study, the NADPH-diaphorase activity of intracardiac neurones and nerve terminals in whole-mount stretch preparations and sections of the newborn and adult guinea-pig atria and interatrial septum has been examined histochemically. Together with epicardial, endothelial and endocardial cells, which displayed some NADPH-diaphorase staining, a subpopulation of intracardiac neurones exhibited moderate-heavy labelling for NADPH-diaphorase, while the majority of neurones were only lightly stained or negative. Intracardiac ganglia containing positive neuronal cell bodies were located between the epicardial cells and atrial myocytes in four main regions: in association with the superior and inferior vena cavae, the points of entry of the pulmonary veins, and within the interatrial septum. Nerve terminals exhibiting NADPH-diaphorase activity were seen throughout the atrial tissue, forming basket-like endings around intracardiac neuronal cell bodies; varicose terminals were also observed on atrial myocytes and other non-neuronal structures. A proportion of the nerve fibres was clearly of intrinsic origin, other terminals may well have originated from neuronal cell bodies present outside the heart.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthase in the rat carotid body and carotid sinus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The participation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the innervation of the rat carotid body and carotid sinus was investigated by means of NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and NOS immunohistochemistry using antisera raised against purified neuronal NOS and a synthetic tridecapeptide. NOS was detected in 23% of neurons at the periphery of the carotid bodies. Some negative neurons were surrounded by NOS-positive terminals. NOS-containing varicose nerve fibres innervated the arterial vascular bed and, to a lesser extent, the islands of glomus cells. These fibres persisted after transection of the carotid sinus nerve and are probably derived from intrinsic neurons. Large NOS-positive axonal swellings in the wall of the carotid sinus were absent after transection of the sinus nerve, indicating their sensory origin. The results suggest a neuronal nitrergic control of blood flow, neuronal activity and chemoreception in the carotid body, and an intrinsic role of NO in the process of arterial baroreception.  相似文献   

The effects of radiotherapy on neuropeptide expression in the rat larynx were studied. Irradiation was given for five days, 6 or 8 Gray daily. Ten days after the end of irradiation, the larynx, the laryngeal nerves and different ganglia related to the larynx were dissected out from irradiated and control animals and processed for neuropeptide immunohistochemistry. There was an increased immunolabelling for two of the neuropeptides tested, substance P and enkephalin, in the innervation of the subglottic glands and in the acetylcholinesterase-positive ganglionic cells of the local ganglia. These cells were interpreted as representing postganglionic parasympathetic ganglionic cells. The changes seen in the subglottic glands were interpreted as most likely being related to the changing pattern of staining seen in the local ganglia. No changes in substance P-and enkephalin expression were observed in other laryngeal structures, the nodose ganglia, superior cervical ganglia or laryngeal nerve paraganglia. Thus, in certain respects neuropeptide expression in the larynx is modulated by radiotherapy. Since neuropeptides have both neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator effects in airway tissue and since they show effects as growth factors, the occurrence of this plasticity in neuropeptide expression should be taken into consideration in future studies examining the effects of irradiation on normal/diseased airway tissues.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic cells in the retina express the receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is the neurotrophic factor that influences the plasticity of synapses in the central nervous system. We sought to determine whether BDNF influences the network of dopaminergic amacrine cells in the axotomized rat retina, by immunocytochemistry with an anti-tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antiserum. In the control retina, we found two types of TH-immunoreactive amacrine cells, type I and type II, in the inner nuclear layer adjacent to the inner plexiform layer (IPL). The type I amacrine cell varicosities formed ring-like structures in contact with AII amacrine cell somata in stratum 1 of the IPL. In the axotomized retinas, TH-labeled processes formed loose networks of fibers, unlike the dense networks in the control retina, and the ring-like structures were disrupted. In the axotomized retinas treated with BDNF, strong TH-immunoreactive varicosities were present in stratum 1 of the IPL and formed ring-like structures. Our data suggest that BDNF affects the expression of TH immunoreactivity in the axotomized rat retina and may therefore influence the retinal dopaminergic system. E.-J. Lee and M.-C. Song contributed equally to this work. This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation (grant no. E00004, 2004).  相似文献   

The neurochemistry of intracardiac neurons in whole-mount preparations of the intrinsic ganglia was investigated. This technique allowed the study of the morphology of the ganglionated nerve plexus found within the atria as well as of individual neurons. Intracardiac ganglia formed a ring-like plexus around the entry of the pulmonary veins and were interconnected by a series of fine nerve fibres. All intracardiac neurons contained immunoreactivity to PGP-9.5, choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) and neuropeptide Y (NPY). Two smaller subpopulations were immunoreactive to calbindin or nitric oxide synthase. Furthermore, a subpopulation (approximately 6%) of PGP-9.5/ChAT/NPY-immunoreactive cells lacking both calbindin and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) was surrounded by pericellular baskets immunoreactive to ChAT and calbindin. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activated peptide (PACAP), substance P and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity was observed in nerve fibres within the ganglion, but never in neuronal somata. Furthermore, immunoreactivity for NPY was not observed in pericellular baskets surrounding intracardiac neurons, despite being present in all intrinsic neuronal cell bodies. Taken together, the results of this study indicate a moderate level of chemical diversity within the intracardiac neurons of the rat. Such chemical diversity may reflect functional specialisation of neurons in the intracardiac ganglia.This work was supported by a grant-in-aid (G00M0670) from the National Heart Foundation of Australia  相似文献   

A histochemical investigation of age-related changes that occur with respect to the localization of NADPH-diaphorase in the ganglionated plexus of the guinea-pig gallbladder was carried out. In all age groups examined (embryonic stages day 34 and 52, 2 to 4-day old, 6-month old and 2-year old), the mean percentage of NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons per ganglion was obtained by taking the number of neurons that were immunoreactive to protein gene product 9.5 (a general neuronal marker) as 100%. In addition, the possible co-existence of NADPH-diaphorase and nitric oxide synthase in the ganglionated plexus of 2 to 4-day old and 6-month old guinea-pig gallbladder was investigated. NADPH-diaphorase was not present in the ganglionated plexus of the gallbladder at embryonic day 34. At embryonic day 52, all the protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactive neurons showed positive staining to NADPH-diaphorase; this dropped to a minimum at 2–4 days (26.7%), rose slightly at 6 months (33.6%), and finally returned close to the 100% value at 2 years. In the gallbladders of 2-year old guinea-pigs, some (3 out of 10) ganglia were devoid of protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactive neurons, but NADPH-diaphorase-stained granules were found within the ganglia. However, all those neurons that were immunopositive to protein gene product 9.5 also expressed NADPH-diaphorase. Moreover, NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons in the gallbladder of 2 to 4-day-old and 6-month-old guinea-pigs were found to express nitric oxide synthase.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the ultrastructural pattern of distribution of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) in endothelial cells, using the rabbit aorta, and its colocalization with the neuronal isoform (type I) of nitric oxide synthase. About 30% of the endothelial cells showed a positive reaction for NADPH-d compared to about 6% for nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity. Simultaneous double histochemical-immunocytochemical labelling procedures indicate that all of the cells displaying nitric oxide synthase-positive reactivity also contained NADPH-d; the remainder of NADPH-d-positive endothelial cells were negative for this isoform of nitric oxide synthase. Nitric oxide synthase-immunogold labelling was mostly associated with free ribosomes, while NADPH-d activity was distributed largely in patches in the cytoplasm and in association with the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry has been used to demonstrate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH), phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactivities, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was demonstrated in rat adrenal glands. The TH, DBH, NPY and VIP immunoreactivities and AChE activity were observed in both the large ganglion cells and the small chromaffin cells whereas PNMT immunoreactivity was found only in chromaffin cells, and not in ganglion cells. Most intraadrenal ganglion cells showed NPY immunoreactivity and a few were VIP immunoreactive. Numerous NPY-immunoreactive ganglion cells were also immunoreactive for TH and DBH; these cells were localized as single cells or groups of several cells in the adrenal cortex and medulla. Use of serial sections, or double and triple staining techniques, showed that all TH- and DBH-immunoreactive ganglion cells also showed NPY immunoreactivity, whereas some NPY-immunoreactive ganglion cells were TH and DBH immunonegative. NPY-immunoreactive ganglion cells showed no VIP immunoreactivity. AChE activity was seen in VIP-immunopositive and VIP-immunonegative ganglion cells. These results suggest that ganglion cells containing noradrenaline and NPY, or NPY only, or VIP and acetylcholine occur in the rat adrenal gland; they may project within the adrenal gland or to other target organs. TH, DBH, NPY, and VIP were colocalized in numerous immunoreactive nerve fibres, which were distributed in the superficial adrenal cortex, while TH-, DBH- and NPY-immunoreactive ganglion cells and nerve fibres were different from VIP-immunoreactive ganglion cells and nerve fibres in the medulla. This suggests that the immunoreactive nerve fibres in the superficial cortex may be mainly extrinsic in origin and may be different from those in the medulla.  相似文献   

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