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小麦抗白粉病基因定位与分子标记   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对小麦抗白粉病基因的遗传定位与分子标记进行了综述,介绍了小麦抗白粉病的遗传,并对今后的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

近交系NJS小鼠的育种及其特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙敬方SUN  Jing-Fang 《遗传》1997,19(4):18-21
近交系NJS小鼠是通过连续全同胞交配和在固定的普通日粮下以70日龄血清胆固醇含量为选育指标定向选育而成,经多项遗传监测证实已符合近交系动物的纯度要求,并具有独特的遗传概貌和特性。近交20世代后,该品系血清胆固醇含量为5.65±0.83mmol/L, 已超过小鼠的正常值范围,显示该品系小鼠已呈自发性高胆固醇血症状态。该品系8-10月龄动脉硬化在好发部位,如主动脉窦、升主动脉的阳性检出率为100%,主要是处于脂斑和脂纹期的病变。该品系可作为自发性高胆固醇血症和动脉粥样硬化症的模型动物。 Abstract:Inbred NJS mouse strain was bred by using continuous brother-sister mating and directive breeding on the common diet with serum cholesterol at 70 days as breeding index,Acording to various genetic monitoring,the strain has been bred as a standard inbred strain of mice in genetic homogeneity,with particular genetic system and specific property.After 20th generation,serum cholesterol of the strain was 5.65±0.83 mmol/L.This value went outside the normal range in mice showing that the strain was in a situation of spontaneous hypercholesterolemia.Its incidence of atheroscerosis was 100% in some liable positions such as aortic sac and ascending aorta at 8~10 months.Most of the pathological changes were in fatty streaks.The strain may be used as a animal model of spontaneous hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病基因Pm6的RAPD标记   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
从提莫菲维小麦转移到普通小麦中的小麦白粉病抗性基因Pm6是小麦白粉病(Erysiphe hraminis f sp.tritici)的有效抗性基因。用700个随机引物对Pm6近等基因系进行RAPD分析,发现引物OPV20可在抗病近等基因系中产生大小为2kb的稳定的多态片段。用该引物检测10个其他携Pm6的渐渗系材料,均可稳定扩增出该2kb的多态片段。理一步用OPV20对Pm6F2(IGV1-463  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病基因Pm23对世界上很多麦区流行的白粉病表现高抗或免疫.本研究以Pm23和Chancellor为抗感亲本,用集群分离分析法对抗性基因Pm23进行了RAPD分析,从320个十碱基随机引物中筛选到一个与Pm23紧密连锁的相引相标记OPE051100. 对F2分离群体进行RAPD分析表明,该标记与Pm23基因之间的连锁距离为10.65±3.25 cM.该标记可以有效用于小麦育种分子标记辅助选择中.  相似文献   

与小麦抗白粉病基因Pm6紧密连锁的分子标记筛选   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陶文静  刘大钧 《遗传学报》1999,26(6):649-650
以Prins*PI170914/7*PinsF2分离群体对在Prins与其Pm6近等基因系PI170914/7*Prins之间呈现多态性的RFLP标记进行遗传和图,发现8个多态性标中有3个与转称到普通小麦2B染色体长臂上的来源于。  相似文献   

青海省小麦品种中Yr10和Yr15基因及其1BL/1RS易位的分子检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用抗条锈病基因Yr10和Yr15的SCAR和Barc8标记以及1BL/1RS易位的复合标记,对青海省育成和引进的137份小麦品种进行检测,以明确Yr10和Yr15基因以及1BL/1RS易位在青海小麦品种资源中的分布.结果显示:在137份材料中,有4份检测到Yr10基因,19份检测到Yr15基因,分别占参试材料的2.9%和13.9%,没有检测到同时携带Yr10和Yr15基因的材料;有22份材料为1BL/1RS易位,占参试材料的16.1%.研究表明,青海省大部分小麦抗锈品种及1BL/1RS易位品种为外引种品种.  相似文献   

从波兰小麦与普通小麦感病品系‘中13’杂交后代中选育出小麦抗源材料WP6192,田间表现高抗白粉病,遗传分析表明其含有1对显性抗白粉病基因,暂定名为PmWP6192。用分离群体分组分析法筛选多态性SSR标记,并用F2代群体进行遗传连锁分析。结果表明,SSR标记Xgwm515、Xgwm249、Xgwm425、Xgwm372、Xg-wm630、Xbarc10、Xbarc220、Xbarc201和Xbarc353与PmWP6192基因连锁,相距最近的标记是Xbarc353,遗传距离为2.3cM。根据连锁标记所在的染色体位置,将PmWP6192定位于2AL染色体。通过基因来源分析和2AL染色体上已有抗白粉病基因的等位性分子检测,推断PmWP6192可能是1个新的抗白粉病基因。  相似文献   

粘类非1BL/1RS小麦CMS基因定向选择及其育性特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对携有不同不育基因的4个粘类小麦雄性不育系进行了定向选择与鉴定,并对其育性特性进行研究,以选育更具应用价值的粘类非1BL/1RS小麦雄性不育系,推动三系杂交小麦的实际应用.结果表明:(1)根尖体细胞随体鉴定和A-PAGE技术分析筛选出的SP4、莫迦小麦为非1BL/1RS类型,其它供试不育系均属于1BL/1RS类型;(2)减数分裂及成熟花粉粒形态观察,粘类非1BL/1RS小麦雄性不育系其不育性是在整个配子发育过程中连续产生的,且在B型不育细胞质背景下,SP4和莫迦小麦的花粉细胞学形态与在K、Ven型2种不育细胞质背景下的不同,B型不育细胞质背景下SP4和莫迦不育系的花粉萌发率比K、Ven型不育细胞质背景下的花粉萌发率高;(3)以不同来源不育基因培育成的粘类K、Ven型非1BL/1RS不育系育性恢复性测定发现,SP4、莫迦小麦2种雄性不育系育性恢复性有一定差异,莫迦小麦不育类型育性恢复性高于SP4.  相似文献   

培育抗病品种是控制小麦白粉病危害最经济有效而又安全的手段.寻找和创造新抗源是抗病育种的基础工作,是解决抗源单一化问题的有效途径.来自以色列的野生二粒小麦G-305-M对北京地区小麦白粉菌流行小种15号表现免疫,用G-305-M与小麦品种781杂交并用京411回交(G-305-M/781//京411*3),成功地将G-305-M的抗白粉病基因转入普通小麦中.遗传分析表明转入小麦中的抗病性苗期表达受一对显性基因控制,该基因暂定名为MlG.用96对小麦微卫星引物对一个167株的抗性分离家系进行了SSR分析,发现引物WMS570扩增产物在抗感个体间存在多态性.经分离群体验证,抗病基因MlG与小麦染色体6AL上的微卫星位点Xgwm570连锁,遗传距离为14.9±3.0cM,据此将MlG定位于6AL.根据系谱和基因位点分析,推断MlG基因是不同于已知抗白粉病基因的一个新基因.  相似文献   

李松涛  钟少斌 《遗传学报》1995,22(2):103-108
RAPD是一种新发展的分子标记技术,本实验利用这种技术对小麦抗白粉病基因Pm4a的近等基因系进行分析。在100个随机引物中找到了3个引物在这对抗白粉病的近等基因系中所扩增出的带型出现差异。并根据理论计算所找到的差异与抗生基因Pm4a连锁的概率是0.7,即3个差异中应有2个标记与抗性基因连锁。  相似文献   

 RFLP, RAPD, STS and DDRT-PCR techniques were applied to find molecular markers linked to Pm13, an Aegilops longissima gene conferring resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. The experimental strategy was based on the differential comparison of DNAs from common wheat and from common wheat/Ae. longissima recombinant lines carrying short segments of the 3S l S chromosome arm containing the Pm13 gene. Sixteen RFLP clones that detect loci previously located in the short arms of group-3 wheat chromosomes were screened for their ability to hybridise to Ae. longissima restriction fragments derived from the 3S l S segments introgressed into the recombinant lines. Eight RFLP clones and one STS marker detected 3S l S-specific fragments whose location relative to the wheat-alien chromatin breakage point of the recombinant lines was determined. Four amplification products were identified through the screening of about 200 RAPD primers. Their polymorphism was associated with the introgression of the alien DNA. One of the differential fragments was derived from the 3S l S DNA segment, while the remaining three corresponded to the replaced 3DS DNA. Further analyses carried out using 40 combinations of DDRT-PCR primers detected an additional reproducible polymorphism associated with the presence of 3S l S DNA. In view of their possible utilisation in Pm13 marker-assisted selection, differentially amplified RAPD and DDRT-PCR fragments were cloned, transformed into RFLP markers and converted into STS markers. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

普通小麦99-2439中的白粉病抗性遗传   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
普通冬小麦品系99-2439在郑州连续4年对田间白粉菌(Blumeria graminis sp.tritici)表现高抗,但其抗性基因来源不清.通过染色体C-分带和IRS染色体特异性SCAR标记鉴定,表明它是一个小麦-黑麦(Triticum aestivum-Secale cereale)lBL/1RS异易位系.通过对中国春×99-2439杂交F2代分离群体抗性鉴定和1RS染色体臂检测结果分析,证明该抗病基因不在1RS染色体臂上.用单孢小麦白粉菌分离株对其抗性遗传进行研究,结果表明,99-2439的白粉病抗性由一对小种专化、隐性抗病基因控制.由于携带Pm5a的Hope/8Cc对中国的21个小麦白粉菌分离菌株均高度感病,而99-2439高抗混和白粉菌和5个单孢分离菌株,所以,99-2439所携带的抗白粉病基因不同于Pm5a.  相似文献   

A suppressor of resistance to powdery mildew conferred by Pm8 showed complete association with the presence of a storage-protein marker resolved by electrophoresis on SDS-PAGE gels. This marker was identified as the product of the gliadin allele Gli-A1a. The mildewresponse phenotypes of wheats possessing the 1BL.1RS translocation were completely predictable from electrophoretograms. The suppressor, designated SuPm8, was located on chromosome 1AS. It was specific in its suppression of Pm8, and did not affect the rye-derived resistance phenotypes of wheat lines with Pm17, also located in 1RS, or of lines with Pm7.  相似文献   


Wheat powdery mildew is controlled mainly by race-specific resistance. To be effective, breeding wheat for resistance to powdery mildew requires knowledge of virulence diversity in local populations of the pathogen. Isolates of Blumeria graminis, collected in 2009 and 2010 from three areas of Iranian production, were analysed for virulence using a host differential series comprised of 16 known genes conferring resistance to powdery mildew. The results showed that high-virulence frequencies to genes Pm1, Pm2, Pm4a, Pm5, Pm6, Pm7, Pm8 and Pm9 were found over both years and across all three areas. Virulence frequencies for Pm3a and Pm3b were intermediate, while virulence frequencies for Pm3a, Pm3c, Pm4a and Pm2, 6 were low. Genes Pm1, 2, 9 and Pm2, 4b, 8 were highly resistant in all regions. Virulence to Pm8 increased to high levels, while virulence to Pm4a decreased across the area surveyed from 2009 to 2010.  相似文献   

 Chinese wheat landrace Chiyacao exhibited a response pattern different from that of the cultivars/lines possessing documented Pm genes after inoculation with 106 isolates of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici. To characterize this resistance and to determine the chromosomal location of the gene or genes present, we crossed the landrace to susceptible cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ and also to a set of 21 ‘Chinese Spring’ monosomic lines. Monosomic F1 plants were allowed to self-pollinate and to produce F2 seeds. Seedlings of F2 plants and their parents were inoculated with isolates nos. 5 and 12 of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici. The results revealed that one major dominant gene is located on chromosome 6D of Chinese common wheat landrace Chiyacao. The new gene is designated Pm 24. Received: 12 May 1997 / Accepted: 23 May 1997  相似文献   

 The chromosomal location and genetic characterization of powdery mildew resistance genes were determined in the common wheat lines MocZlatka, Weihenstephan Stamm M1N and in a resistant line of Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta var. duhamelianum. Monosomic analyses revealed that one major dominant gene is located on chromosome 7A in each of the lines tested. Allelism tests with Pm1 in the backcross-derived line Axminster/8*Cc on 7A indicated that the resistance genes are alleles at the Pm1 locus. These alleles are now designated Pm1a in line Axminster/8*Cc, Pm1b in MocZlatka, Pm1c in Weihenstephan Stamm M1N, and Pm1d in T. spelta var. duhamelianum, respectively. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 January 1998  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of powdery mildew resistance genes were conducted in common wheat cultivars Hope and Selpek possessing resistance gene Pm5, cvs. Ibis and Kormoran expressing resistance gene Mli, a backcross-derived line IGV 1–455 and a Triticum sphaerococcum var. rotundatum Perc. line Kolandi. Monosomic analyses revealed that one major recessive gene is located on chromosome 7B in the lines IGV 1–455 and Kolandi. Allelism tests of the F2 and F3 populations involving the tested resistant lines crossed with either cv. Hope or Selpek indicated that their resistance genes are alleles at the Pm5 locus. The alleles are now designated Pm5a in Hope and Selpek, Pm5b in Ibis and Kormoran, Pm5c in T. sphaerococcum var. rotundatum line Kolandi, and Pm5d in backcross-derived line IGV 1–455, respectively. Received: 5 November 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

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