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丁波  张亚平 《动物学研究》1998,19(2):171-172

云南姬鼠的蛋白多态性及其遗传分化关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宿兵  陈志平 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):259-262
本文采用蛋白电泳技术对来源于云南省若干地区的姬鼠属(Apodemus)的3种姬鼠──高山姬鼠(A.chevrieri)8只,中华姬鼠(A.draco)3只和大耳姬鼠(A.latronum)1只,以及作为外群的同科的绒鼠属的大绒鼠(Hapalomysdelalori)3只进行了分析。共检测遗传座位27个,发现21个座位存在多态性。根据蛋白多态的数据对研究对象进行遗传分化关系的探讨,用系统分析软件PHYLIP计算它们之间的分化关系,得到了一棵无根系统树。结果表明,作为外群的大绒鼠明显不同于其它3种姬鼠而聚在最外面。8只高山姬鼠个体汇聚成独立的一支,中华姬鼠的3个个体也聚成一支,但大耳姬鼠却聚在中华姬鼠一支中,因此我们认为大耳姬鼠同中华姬鼠的分化时间可能比较晚近。  相似文献   

分子标记在猕猴遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
分子标记目前已成为研究遗传多样性的主要工具,为此,简要综述了几种常用的分子标记(RFLPs、RAPD、mtDNA、微卫星DNA、SNPs)的检测方法及其在猕猴种群遗传多样性研究中的应用,为国内猕猴遗传多样性的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

九种杜鹃属植物的遗传分化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高连明  张长芹  王中仁   《广西植物》2000,20(4):377-382+393
采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术 ,对 9种杜鹃属 ( Rhododendron)植物的遗传分化进行了初步研究。对 10个酶系统的 14个等位酶位点的检测表明 ,9种杜鹃花在种内个体间的遗传变异水平较高 ,多态位点比率数为 P=2 8.6%~ 57.1% ,等位基因平均数 A=1.3~ 1.9,平均预期杂合度 He=0 .111~ 0 .319,平均观察杂合度 Ho=0 .0 83~ 0 .381。种间的多态位点比率非常高 P=10 0 % ,这说明杜鹃属种间的遗传分化较高 ,具有丰富的遗传多样性。杂合性基因多样化比率 Fst=0 .683,表明各种间存在明显的遗传分化现象  相似文献   

从形态学、染色体、蛋白质、DNA水平等方面对中国猕猴的遗传多样性进行了综述,以期为我国猕猴资源的保护和利用提供理论基础,为猕猴遗传多样性的研究提供参考.染色体核型和蛋白质分析表明中国猕猴遗传多样性有限,DNA多态性分析表明中国猕猴具有丰富的遗传多样性.基于线粒体控制区部分序列的分析有助于中国猕猴系统发育与进化的研究,Neighbor-joining进化树和Median-Joining网络图将中国猕猴分为7个类群.  相似文献   

猕猴是最理想的医学实验灵长类动物,并且是国家二级保护动物。四川地区的猕猴数量多、分布广,全面了解其遗传背景对于该地区猕猴资源的保护与合理利用具有重要的意义。本研究对来自四川8 个地理种群的231个不同猕猴个体的线粒体DNA 控制区部分序列进行了测定和群体分析,发现了110 个变异位点(22. 49% ),定义了56 种单倍型,其单倍型多样性(h)平均值为0. 686、核苷酸多样性(π)平均值为0. 01483,种群总体遗传多样性较高;进一步分析表明,8 个地理种群间存在着明显的遗传分化(Fst = 0. 70412,P < 0. 05),种群间基因交流较低(Nm < 1);系统发育树显示,四川猕猴8 个地理种群的单倍型基本上成簇分布在系统树上,与地理位置呈现一定的对应关系,说明四川猕猴具有明显的系统地理分布格局。地理隔离和人类活动可能是促使四川猕猴种群分化的主要因素。  相似文献   

川金丝猴遗传多样性的蛋白电泳及其保护生物学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用同功酶粉凝胶电泳技术检测了严自甘肃摩天岭和陕西秦岭两个地区的19只川金丝猴(Rhinopithecusroxellanae)的44个遗传座位,没有发现多态座位。其平均遗传杂合度为0。这与滇金丝猴的平均遗传杂合度处于同一水平。  相似文献   

本研究以青海土种犬和藏狮犬为对照,采用RAPD技术对河曲藏獒和青海藏獒群体的遗传多样性及遗传分化进行了分析.研究结果表明,河曲藏獒和青海藏獒群体的多态性位点百分率分别为85.53%和98.16%,平均多态性位点百分率为91.85%.藏獒群体遗传变异分析显示两个藏獒群体的有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei氏平均预期基因杂合度(H)和Shannon遗传信息指数(I)的平均值分别为1.5354、0.3191和0.4807;且两个藏獒群体93.09%的变异来自群体内,仅6.91%变异来自群体间;两个群体间的基因流为3.3679.研究还发现两个藏獒群体之间的Nei氏标准遗传距离(D)为0.050 5.本研究结果说明藏獒群体内遗传变异丰富,不同地域的藏獒群体之间存在广泛的基因交流,群体之间遗传分化程度很低,这为藏獒品种资源保护与合理开发利用提供了参考.  相似文献   

用薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析118头人繁殖恒河猴血清四种蛋白质和同工酶遗传基因位点的多态性,结果表明,除醇脱氢酶(ADH)为单态外,其余三个基因位点均表现多态,前清蛋白(PA)可分为AA、AB、AC、AD和BB、CC,EE七种表型,各基因的频率为A 0.85,B 0.072,C 0.042,D 0.009,E 0.034转铁蛋白(Tf)可分为CC、DD、EE、FFGG、CD、CE、CG、CH、DE、DF、DG、DH、EF、EG、EH、FG十七种表型,墓因频率为C 0.064,D 0.380,E 0.188,F 0.111,G 0.244,H 0.014,苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)可分MDH)1-1和MDH2-1两种表型,基因频率为MDH~10.958和MDH~20.042。  相似文献   

5种松树的遗传多样性和遗传分化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘占林  杨雪 《西北植物学报》2007,27(12):2385-2392
利用cpSSR和AFLP标记,比较了巴山松、黄山松、油松、马尾松以及云南松的遗传多样性与遗传分化结果.发现5种松树都表现出较高水平的遗传多样性与种间分化,但cpSSR比AFLP标记提供了更多的种内种间分化,而展示的遗传多样性相对要少.在对不同方法指标的对比研究后,认为将cpSSR的单倍体关系考虑在内,能够更有效地分析植物居群遗传分化造成的地理结构.对于显性标记AFLP,传统的平方根法会低估遗传参数,而Lynch和Milligen的方法因样本量的限制也可能高估遗传多样性,Bayesian法被认为是最精确的方法,提供了与分子方差分析(AMOVA)近似的遗传分化值.  相似文献   

以高原鳅(Triplophysa)属鱼类8个种群共75个个体的线粒体Cytb基因为标记,通过生物信息学分析高原鳅属种群遗传多样性和系统发育关系.结果表明,全长1 140bp的Cytb基因序列中共检测到527个多态位点,界定了61个单倍型,A+T含量(55.9%)高于G+C含量(44.2%).8个种群单倍型多样度(Hd)...  相似文献   

We examined protein polymorphism of 20 nativepig breeds in China and 3 introduced pig breeds. Thirtyloci have been investigated, among which six loci werefound to be polymorphic. Especially, the polymorphismof malate dehydrogenase (MDH), adenylate kinase(AK), and two new alleles of adenosine deaminase (ADA)had not been reported in domestic pigs and wild pigs.The percentage of polymorphic loci (P), the meanheterozygosity (H), and the mean number ofalleles (A) are 0.200, 0.065, and 1.300, respectively.The degree of genetic variability of Chinese pigs as awhole was higher than that of goats, lower than thatof cattle and horses, and similar to that ofsheep. Using the gene frequencies of the 30 loci, Nei'sgenetic distance among the 20 native breeds in China and3 introduced pig breeds was calculated by theformula of Nei. The program NEIGHBOR in PHYLIP3.5c was chosen to construct an UPGMA tree and a NJtree. Our results show that, of the total geneticvariation found in the native pig breeds in China, 31%(0.31) is ascribable to genetic differencesamong breeds. About 69% of the total genetic variationis found within breeds. Most breeds are in linkagedisequilibrium. The patterns of genetic similaritiesbetween the Chinese native pig breeds were notin agreement with the proposed pig type classification.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase in available bacterial whole-genome information, comparison of bacteria at the whole-genome level has proven to be highly useful in microbial phylogenetic research. Here we constructed a phylogenetic tree based on 15 whole genomes of Mycoplasma and the related bacteria. First, 143 orthologous gene families that are shared by all of the 15 bacteria were selected and 143 multiple alignments were generated. Next, a concatenated multiple alignment inferred from the 143 multiple alignments was generated. A total of 43,370 amino acid sites were considered in the neighbor-joining analysis. The phylogenetic tree based on the whole-genomic information indicated that the 15 bacteria were divided into four major groups with 100% bootstrap support, i.e., the M. hyopneumoniae (Mhy) group, the M. mycoides (Mmy) group, the M. pneumoniae (Mpn) group, and the Bacillus-Phytoplasma (BP) group. In the phylogenetic tree, the Mhy group was more closely related to the Mpn group than the Mmy group. The relationships among the Mhy, Mmy, Mpn, and BP groups were supported with 100% in bootstrap analysis. The phylogenetic tree based on the whole-genome comparison is different from the 16S rRNA tree. Thirty-nine of the 143 phylogenetic trees had the same type of the topology based on the whole-genome comparison. However, we could not identify a gene family contributing or solely belonging to the topology of the 39 proteins. In this study, we showed that some proteins, such as RpoA, RpoB, RpoC, and RpoD, are not suitable for evolutionary studies on relationships among major groups of mycoplasmas. We also showed that glycolysis-related genes of Ureaplasma have a higher substitution rate than the other bacteria. The phylogenetic approaches at the whole-genome level are very important and will be essential for microbial evolutionary studies. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Reviewing Editor: Dr. John Oakeshott  相似文献   

忍冬属植物的遗传多样性及其种间关系研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用RAPD标记技术对甘肃省境内的23种忍冬属(Lonicera Linn.)植物的遗传多样性及其种间关系进行了探讨。从34个随机引物中共选出9个多态性和重复性较好且谱带清晰的引物,这9个引物扩增出的DNA片段大多在300~3000bp之间,所形成的多态性位点数差距较大。POPGENE 1.31软件分析结果表明:甘肃省忍冬属植物具有较为丰富的遗传多样性,其多态性比率为71.93%,Shannon多样性指数与Nei指数分别为0.3230和0.2086。Nei‘s遗传距离和UPGMA分析结果显示,23种忍冬明显地聚为2大类,其下又有较多分支,即隶属于同一亚组或相近亚组的不同种基本归为一类,其种间关系与传统的形态学分类结果基本一致。但也有个别种的归属及种间关系稍有变化,如形态学上差异较大的毛药忍冬和毛花忍冬在本研究中聚在一起。这可能与不同的分类水平有关。  相似文献   

The genetic variation among and within sixpopulations of the corn borer was determined by usingrandom amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers.Extensive genetic variability was detected. Of the 802RAPD markers obtained, 781 (97.4%) were polymorphicamong populations. Genetic similarities and distancesbetween each pair of individuals were calculated. UPGMAcluster analysis showed that the YN population (Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner) and the other fivepopulations (Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee) made upbranches of the corn borer lineage, instead ofdeviating; there was no significant geneticdifferentiation between YN and the other five corn borerpopulations.  相似文献   

基部藓类是稳定地处于藓类系统发育树基部的类群.它包括7纲,2亚纲,10目,10科,34属,637种.基部藓类虽然只占藓类种类的5%,但由于其内部各类群孢子体形态极为丰富,因此对于理解整个藓类植物的系统发育具有重要意义.通过对48个种(36个藓类、4个维管植物、2个角苔、4个苔类和2个藻类)的9个DNA片段(NU:26S,18S; MT:nad5,cox1; CP:rbcL,rps4,cp-LSU,cp-SSU,atpB)进行分子系统学分析,综合最大似然法(maximum likelihood)、最大简约法(most parsimony)和贝叶斯分析(Bayesian inference)方法的建树结果,理清了前人研究中存在冲突的类群之间的关系并为已确定的关系提供了更高的支持率.研究结果如下:(1)藻苔纲和泥炭藓纲互为姐妹类群,处于整个藓类的最基部;(2)黑藓纲与黑真藓纲互为姐妹类群(3)长台藓纲和具齿藓类组成单系;(4)四齿藓纲是所有具齿藓类的基部类群;(5)烟杆藓亚纲处于真藓纲的最基部,其次是短颈藓亚纲.以上结论在分子系统树上得到了很高的支持率.  相似文献   

In 6 Chinese yak (Bos. Grunniens) populations including 177 yaks, 34 blood protein loci were studied by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, four of these loci (AKP, ALB, LDH-1, TF) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci(P) is 0.118, the mean individual heterozygosity(H) is 0.015, which means a low level of genetic diversity in the whole Chinese yak population. The coefficient of gene differentiation (G ST ) is 0.0625, which indicated an almost-indistinguishable divergence among different populations at the level of blood protein electrophoresis.  相似文献   

In a study of relationships among selected cyst-forming and noncyst-forming species of Heteroderoidea, combined sequences comprised of DNA from part of the conserved 18S ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) plus the complete ITS rDNA segment were more similar to analyses based on the ITS data alone than to analyses based on the 18S data alone. One of the two noncyst-forming species, Ekphymatodera thomasoni, grouped with cyst-forming species of Heteroderoidea. Bilobodera flexa, also a noncyst-forming species, was separated from all the other taxa by a long branch. Afenestrata koreana, with a weakly sclerotized cyst, grouped closely with H. bifenestra. These observations suggest that phylogenetic analyses using molecular data may aid in our understanding of the evolution of cyst formation in nematodes, including the possibility of secondary loss. The usefulness of molecular phylogenetic analyses in nematodes may depend more on the particular selection of taxa than on mere addition of data from additional genes.  相似文献   

Rh系统单倍型在中国人群中的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾旭明  王沥  郝露萍  金锋 《遗传学报》2001,28(5):385-397
对中国已发表的125个人群Rh血型系统表型分布频率数据进行了收集和整理。用累积计算法(Counting method)重新计算单倍型频率,通过各单倍型的分布差异分析中国不同地区不同种族、人群的遗传差异,分组比较了不同地区汉族和少数民族人群的基因多样度和基因分化度,结果表明南方少数民族和北方少数民族民族亚群体基因多样度有明显差异,用不同方法计算中小组遗传距离并进行聚类分析。最后,计算了除维吾尔族和哈萨克族外的68个人群间的遗传距离并聚类比较,结果表明Rh基因单倍型的分布与地理分布基本相符。  相似文献   

胡麻种质资源遗传多样性及亲缘关系的SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SRAP分子标记,对国内外5个不同地区161份胡麻种质资源的遗传多样性及亲缘关系进行研究,为胡麻育种提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)20对引物扩增出307个条带,其中有192个多态性条带,多态比率为62.54%,平均每对引物组合有9.60个多态性位点,每对引物的多态性信息量(PIC)为0.51~0.76,平均为0.61。(2)有效等位基因数(Ne)、香浓信息指数(I)和Neis遗传相似系数(H)在物种水平上分别为1.582 0、0.521 1和0.346 5,在群体水平上分别为1.491 1、0.431 1和0.286 3。(3)各群体遗传多样性指数表现为中国西北群体中国华北群体美洲群体亚洲群体欧洲群体。(4)聚类分析结果显示,在遗传相似系数为0.335 5处,将161份胡麻资源分为2大类;在0.455 0处,分为5个亚类,与国内外5个不同地区来源吻合。研究表明,中国西北地区胡麻品种(系)的遗传多样性最为丰富;地域是影响胡麻种质资源遗传多样性的主要因素;国内、外品种(系)间的遗传差异较大,表现出较远的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

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