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O-pyromellitylgramicidin is a derivative of gramicidin in which three carboxyl groups are introduced at the terminal hydroxyl end of the peptide. Experiments with artificial lipid membranes indicate that this negatively charged analog forms ion-permeable channels in a way similar to that of gramicidin. If O-pyromellitylgramicidin is added to only one aqueous solution, the membrane conductance remains small, but increases by several orders of magnitude if the same amount is also added to the other side. In accordance with the dimer model of the channel, the membrane conductance under symmetrical conditions is proportional to the square of the aqueous concentration of O-pyromellitylgramicidin over a wide range. The ratio lambdaPG/lambdaG of the single-channel conductance of O-pyromellitylgramicidin to that of gramicidin is close to unity at high ionic strength, but increases more than fivefold at smaller ionic strength (0.01 M). This observation is explained in terms of an electrostatic effect of the fixed negative charges localized near the mouth of the channel. In a mixture of O-pyromellitylgramicidin and gramicidin, unit conductance steps of intermediate size are observed in addition to the conductance steps corresponding to the pure compounds, indicating the formation of hybrid channels. Hybrid channels with preferred orientation may be formed if small amounts of gramicicin and O-pyromellitylgramicidin are added to opposite sides of the membrane. These hybrid channels show a distinct asymmetry in the current-voltage characteristic.  相似文献   

The effects of the peptide polycations salmon protamine (M r = 4332,z = + 21) and poly-l-lysine (M r 100,00,z + 775) on ion channels formed by synthetic alamethicin Alm-F30 (one negative charge), natural Alm-F50 (neutral) and phosphorylated Alm-F50 (two negative charges) reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers have been studied at the single channel level. It was observed that both polycations in micromolar concentrations transiently block ion permeation through the channels formed by each alamethicin analogue, although in case of the neutral Alm-F50 to a significantly lesser extent. Poly-l-lysine showed to be more effective than protamine in blocking these channels. If either polycation is present in the cis-compartment, blockade occurs only at cis positive membrane voltages. At constant polycation concentration, dwell times in the blocked state increase when salt concentration is lowered, and decrease at acidic pH with an apparent pK of 4.8. Mean lifetime of blockade events shortens when membrane voltage is increased, which suggests that both polycations may permeate through the oligomeric alamethicin channels if conductance levels are > 2. We suggest that blockade is caused by electrostatic binding of a single polycation molecule to the C-terminal channel mouth; in case of Alm-F30, Glu18 has to be considered as the putative binding site. Our results provide further evidence for the barrel-stave model and a parallel orientation of dipole monomers in the channel aggregate, the C-termini facing the membrane side with the more positive membrane potential.  相似文献   

Using the linear gramicidins as an example, we have previously shown how the statistical properties of heterodimeric (hybrid) channels (formed between the parent [Val1]gramicidin A (gA) and a sequence-altered analogue) can be used to assess whether the analogue forms channels that are structurally equivalent to the parent channels (Durkin, J. T., R. E. Koeppe II, and O. S. Andersen. 1990. J. Mol. Biol. 211:221-234). Generally, the gramicidins are tolerant of amino acid sequence alterations. We report here an exception. The optically reversed analogue, gramicidin M- (gM-) (Heitz, F., G. Spach, and Y. Trudelle. 1982. Biophys. J. 40:87-89), forms channels that are the mirror-image of [Val1]gA channels; gM- should thus form no hybrid channels with analogues having the same helix sense as [Val1]gA. Surprisingly, however, gM- forms hybrid channels with the shortened analogues des-Val1-[Ala2]gA and des-Val1-gC, but these channels differ fundamentally from the parent channels: (a) the appearance rate of these heterodimers is only approximately 1/10 of that predicted from the random assortment of monomers into conducting dimers, indicating the existence of an energy barrier to their formation (e.g., monomer refolding into a new channel-forming conformation); and (b), once formed, the hybrid channels are stabilized approximately 1,000-fold relative to the parent channels. The increased stability suggests a structure that is joined by many hydrogen bonds, such as one of the double-stranded helical dimers shown to be adopted by gramicidins in organic solvents (Veatch, W. R., E. T. Fossel, and E. R. Blout. 1974. Biochemistry. 13:5249-5256).  相似文献   

The effect of cytochrome c on the kinetic properties of ion channels formed by O-pyromellitylgramicidin (OPg), the negatively charged analogue of gramicidin A (gA), in bilayer lipid membranes was studied by the method of sensitized photoinactivation. The addition of cytochrome c to both sides of the membrane caused substantial deceleration of the photoinactivation kinetics of OPg channels which expose three negative charges to the aqueous phase at both sides of the membrane. By contrast, the gA photoinactivation kinetics was unaltered by the addition of cytochrome c. Based on the sensitivity of the observed effect to the ionic strength of the bathing solution, the cytochrome c-induced deceleration of the OPg photoinactivation kinetics reflecting the increase in the OPg channel lifetime was ascribed to electrostatic interaction of positive charges of cytochrome c with negative charges of OPg that resulted in channel clustering. Formation of clusters of OPg channels was previously inferred to explain the polylysine effect on the OPg channel kinetics. The decelerating effect of cytochrome c on OPg channels was observed only at a high number of OPg channels in the membrane, thus suggesting that the interaction between cytochrome c and the charged transmembrane protein requires sufficiently high negative charge density on the surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

The effects of different anionic polymers on the kinetic properties of ionic channels formed by neutral gramicidin A (gA) and its positively charged analogs gramicidin-tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (gram-TAEA) and gramicidin-ethylenediamine (gram-EDA) in a bilayer lipid membrane were studied using a method of sensitized photoinactivation. The addition of Konig's polyanion caused substantial deceleration of the photoinactivation kinetics of gram-TAEA channels, which expose three positive charges to the aqueous phase at both sides of the membrane. In contrast, channels formed of gram-EDA, which exposes one positive charge, and neutral gA channels were insensitive to Konig's polyanion. The effect strongly depended on the nature of the polyanion added, namely: DNA, RNA, polyacrylic acid, and polyglutamic acid were inactive, whereas modified polyacrylic acid induced deceleration of the channel kinetics at high concentrations. In addition, DNA was able to prevent the action of Konig's polyanion. In single-channel experiments, the addition of Konig's polyanion resulted in the appearance of long-lived gram-TAEA channels. The deceleration of the gram-TAEA channel kinetics was ascribed to electrostatic interaction of the polyanion with gram-TAEA that reduces the mobility of gram-TAEA monomers and dimers in the membrane via clustering of channels.  相似文献   

Complex conformational changes influence and regulate the dynamics of ion channels. Such conformational changes are stochastic and often inhomogeneous, which makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to characterize them by ensemble-averaged experiments or by single-channel recordings of the electric current that report the open-closed events but do not specifically probe the associated conformational changes. Here, we report our studies on ion channel conformational changes using a new approach, patch-clamp fluorescence microscopy, which simultaneously combines single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and single-channel current recordings to probe the open-closed transitions and the conformational dynamics of individual ion channels. We demonstrate patch-clamp fluorescence microscopy by measuring gramicidin ion channel conformational changes in a lipid bilayer formed at a patch-clamp micropipette tip under a buffer solution. By measuring single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer and fluorescence self-quenching from dye-labeled gramicidin channels, we observed that the efficiency of single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer and self-quenching is widely distributed, which reflects a broad distribution of conformations. Our results strongly suggest a hitherto undetectable correlation between the multiple conformational states of the gramicidin channel and its closed and open states in a lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

This review compares and contrasts the structures of several different types of ion channels with known three-dimensional structures, including gramicidin and the family of peptaibol channels, as well as the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel, to reveal common features in their structures that relate to their functional roles in ion binding and transport across membranes. Specifically, the locations of aromatic amino acids, the dimensions of the molecules, the multimeric nature of the channels and the roles of hydrogen bonds in stabilising such structures, the means by which the channels open and close, and the chemical nature of the groups which make up the channel lumen are discussed. The emphasis is on the commonality of features found in model channels, which may ultimately be found in other biological channel structures.  相似文献   

A model study of the motion of Na+ ions in the cavity of membrane gramicidin channels was performed by the methods of quantum mechanics. An approximation of the distribution of the electrostatic potential along the channel axis, determined by charges on the atoms of the gramicidin A molecule, was obtained. The energy distribution and the wave functions for the stationary states of the ions were determined. The solutions of the Schr?dinger equation for two conformers were compared.  相似文献   

The interaction of biotin-binding proteins with biotinylated gramicidin (gA5XB) was studied by monitoring single-channel activity and sensitized photoinactivation kinetics. It was discovered that the addition of streptavidin or avidin to the bathing solutions of a bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) with incorporated gA5XB induced the opening of a channel characterized by approximately doubled single-channel conductance and extremely long open-state duration. We believe that the deceleration of the photoinactivation kinetics observed here with streptavidin and previously (Rokitskaya, T.I., Y.N. Antonenko, E.A. Kotova, A. Anastasiadis, and F. Separovic. 2000. Biochemistry. 39:13053-13058) with avidin reflects the formation of long-lived channels of this type. Both opening and closing of the double-conductance channels occurred via a transient sub-state of the conductance coinciding with that of the usual single-channel transition. The appearance of the double-conductance channels after the addition of streptavidin was preceded by bursts of fast fluctuations of the current with the open state duration of the individual events of 60 ms. The streptavidin-induced double-conductance channels appeared to be inherent only to the gramicidin analogue with a biotin group linked to the COOH terminus through a long linker arm. Including biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine into the BLM prevented the formation of the double-conductance channels even with the excess streptavidin. In view of the results obtained here, it is suggested that the double-conductance channel represents a tandem of two neighboring gA5XB channels with their COOH termini being cross-linked by the bound streptavidin at both sides of the BLM. The finding that streptavidin induces the formation of the tandem gramicidin channel comprising two channels functioning in concert is considered to be relevant to the physiologically important phenomenon of ligand-induced receptor oligomerization.  相似文献   

The potential independent limiting flux of hydrated Tl(+) ions through gramicidin (GR) channels incorporated in phospholipid monolayers self assembled on a hanging mercury-drop electrode is shown to be controlled both by diffusion and by a dehydration step. Conversely, the potential independent limiting flux of dehydrated Tl(+) ions stemming from Tl amalgam electro-oxidation is exclusively controlled by diffusion of thallium atoms within the amalgam. Modulating the charge on the polar heads of dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS) by changing pH affects the limiting flux of hydrated Tl(+) ions to a notable extent, primarily by electrostatic interactions. The dipole potential of DOPS and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), positive toward the hydrocarbon tails, does not hinder the translocation step of Tl(+) ions to such an extent as to make it rate limiting. Consequently, incorporation in the lipid monolayer of phloretin, which decreases such a positive dipole potential, does not affect the kinetics of Tl(+) flux through GR channels. In contrast, the increase in the positive dipole potential produced by the incorporation of ketocholestanol causes the translocation step to contribute to the rate of the overall process. A model providing a quantitative interpretation of the kinetics of diffusion, dehydration-hydration, translocation, and charge transfer of the Tl(+)/Tl(0)(Hg) couple through GC channels incorporated in mercury-supported phospholipid monolayers is provided. A cut-off disk model yielding the profile of the local electrostatic potential created by an array of oriented dipoles located in the lipid monolayer along the axis of a cylindrical ion channel is developed.  相似文献   

alpha-Latrotoxin-induced fusion of liposomes has been described using large unilamellar vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine/cardiolipin at a molar ratio of 2:3:5. Vesicle fusion was monitored by terbium/dipicolinic acid assay as well as by fluorescence energy transfer measurement. The enhancement of the fusogenic effect of LTX by low concentrations (0.1-3 mM) of CaCl2 has been demonstrated. The efficiency of other divalent cations on the LTX fusogenic activity was shown to decrease in the sequence Ca greater than Cd greater than Sr greater than Mg greater than Ba. LTX-induced fusion was accompanied by the increase of vesicle size measured by laser correlation spectroscopy. It is concluded that fusogenic action of LTX may be involved in its effect on synaptic apparatus.  相似文献   

The conductance induced by the channel-forming peptide gramicidin A in lipid membranes is reduced by many orders of magnitude on exposure of the membrane and its aqueous environment to ionizing radiation. This results from an interaction of free radicals of water radiolysis with the tryptophan residues of gramicidin A. The sensitivity of the ion channels towards irradiation is strongly reduced in the presence of either vitamin E or of highly unsaturated lipids. An increase of the D37 dose up to a factor of 50 was found. The phenomena are interpreted via a reduction of the effective concentration of free radicals (such as OH.) in the membrane by reaction with unsaturated fatty acid residues or with vitamin E.  相似文献   

The competition of ion and water fluxes across gramicidin channels was assessed from the concentration distributions of both pore-impermeable and -permeable cations that were simultaneously measured by double-barreled microelectrodes in the immediate vicinity of a planar bilayer. Because water movement across the membrane led to accumulation of solutes on one side of the membrane and depletion on the other, the permeable cation was not only pushed by water across the channel (true solvent drag); it also flowed along its concentration gradient (pseudo-solvent drag). For the demonstration of true solvent drag, a difference between the bulk concentrations on the hypertonic and the hypotonic sides of the membrane was established. It was adjusted to get equal cation concentrations at both membrane/water interfaces. From the sodium and potassium fluxes measured along with membrane conductivity under these conditions, approximately five water molecules were found to be transported simultaneously with one ion through the channel. In diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes, a single-channel hydraulic permeability coefficient of 1.6 x 10(-14) cm(3) s(-1) was obtained.  相似文献   

Summary The gene for the antibacterial peptide colicin B was cloned and transformed into a host background where it was constitutively overexpressed. The purified gene product was biologically active and formed voltage-dependent, ion-conducting channels in planar phospholipid bilayers composed of asolectin. Colicin B channels exhibited two distinct unitary conductance levels, and a slight preference for Na+ over Cl. Kinetic analysis of the voltage-driven opening and closing of colicin channels revealed the existence of at least two conducting states and two nonconducting states of the protein. Both the ion selectivity and the kinetics of colicin B channels were highly dependent on pH. Excess colicin protein was readily removed from the system by perfusing the bilayer, but open channels could be washed out only after they were allowed to close. A monospecific polyclonal antiserum generated against electrophoretically purified colicin B eliminated both the biological and in vitro activity of the protein. Membrane-associated channels, whether open or closed, remained functionally unaffected by the presence of the antiserum. Taken together, our results suggest that the voltage-independent binding of colicin B to the membrane is the rate-limiting step for the formation of ion channels, and that this process is accompanied by a major conformational rearrangement of the protein.  相似文献   

Proton transfer in biological systems is thought to often proceed through hydrogen-bonded chains of water molecules. The ion channel, gramicidin A (gA), houses within its helical structure just such a chain. Using the density functional theory based ab initio molecular dynamics Car-Parrinello method, the structure and dynamics of proton diffusion through a polyglycine analog of the gA ion channel has been investigated. In the channel, a proton, which is initially present as hydronium (H3O+), rapidly forms a strong hydrogen bond with a nearest neighbor water, yielding a transient H5O2+ complex. As in bulk water, strong hydrogen bonding of this complex to a second neighbor solvation shell is required for proton transfer to occur. Within gA, this second neighbor shell included not only a channel water molecule but also a carbonyl of the channel backbone. The present calculations suggest a transport mechanism in which a priori carbonyl solvation is a requirement for proton transfer.  相似文献   

Chlorophyllide combines spontaneously not only with phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes but also with various other (plant) lipids dispersed in an aqueous medium. The lipid-associated chlorophyllide is highly fluorescent and the fluorescence yield is virtually independent of the nature of the lipid. Chlorophyllase (chlorophyll chlorophyllidohydrolase, EC activity assays that are based on the determination of this chlorophyllide fluorescence show that phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and also sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG), associate with isolated chlorophyllase, thereby inactivating the enzyme in a co-operative way. The extent of this inactivation depends on the pH and ionic strength of the reaction medium and can be completely reversed by divalent cations (Mg2+). The inhibition of chlorophyllase effected by free PG liposomes can be counteracted by electrically neutral lipids at relatively high concentration (PC and also chloroplast lipids). Digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) is not effective in this respect. When PG has been incorporated in PC or DGDG liposomes, its ability to inhibit chlorophyllase activity is reduced. Whereas the remaining chlorophyllase-inactivating effect of PG, incorporated in PC, can still be reversed by Mg2+, this is not found when enzyme inactivation is caused by PG incorporated in DGDG. The results reported here are consistent with those obtained earlier concerning the stabilization of chlorophyllase by PG and PG/galactolipid mixtures (Lambers, J.W.J., Verkleij, A.J. and Terpstra, W. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 786, 1-8). They are discussed in terms of the regulation of chlorophyllase activity by lipids surrounding the enzyme and by divalent cations.  相似文献   

We examined the permeabilization of lipid bilayers by the beta-sheet, cyclic antimicrobial decapeptide gramicidin S (GS) in phospholipid bilayers formed either by mixtures of zwitterionic diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine and anionic diphytanoylphosphatidylglycerol or by single zwitterionic unsaturated phosphatidylcholines having various hydrocarbon chain lengths, with and without cholesterol. In the zwitterionic bilayers formed by the phosphatidylcholines, without or with cholesterol, the peptide concentrations and membrane potentials required to initiate membrane permeabilization vary little as function of bilayer thickness and cholesterol content. In all the systems tested, the GS-induced transient ion conductance events exhibit a broad range of conductances, which are little affected by the bilayer composition or thickness. In the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine bilayers, the effect of GS does not depend on the polarity of the transmembrane potential; however, in bilayers formed from mixtures of phosphatidylcholines and anionic phospholipids, the polarity of the transmembrane potential becomes important, with the GS-induced conductance events being much more frequent when the GS-containing solution is positive relative to the GS-free solution. Overall, these results suggest that GS does not form discrete, well-defined, channel-like structures in phospholipid bilayers, but rather induces a wide variety of transient, differently sized defects which serve to compromise the bilayer barrier properties for small electrolytes.  相似文献   

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