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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major causative pathogen associated with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The virus has a positive-sense RNA genome encoding a single polyprotein with the virion components located in the N-terminal portion. During biosynthesis of the polyprotein, an internal signal sequence between the core protein and the envelope protein E1 targets the nascent polypeptide to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane for translocation of E1 into the ER. Following membrane insertion, the signal sequence is cleaved from E1 by signal peptidase. Here we provide evidence that after cleavage by signal peptidase, the signal peptide is further processed by the intramembrane-cleaving protease SPP that promotes the release of core protein from the ER membrane. Core protein is then free for subsequent trafficking to lipid droplets. This study represents an example of a potential role for intramembrane proteolysis in the maturation of a viral protein.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a global health problem, with limited treatment options and no vaccine available. HCV uses components of the host cell to proliferate, including lipid droplets (LD) onto which HCV core proteins bind and facilitate viral particle assembly. We have measured the dynamics of HCV core protein-mediated changes in LDs and rates of LD movement on microtubules using a combination of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), two-photon fluorescence (TPF), and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopies. Results show that the HCV core protein induces rapid increases in LD size. Particle tracking experiments show that HCV core protein slowly affects LD localization by controlling the directionality of LD movement on microtubules. These dynamic processes ultimately aid HCV in propagating and the molecules and interactions involved represent novel targets for potential therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is a putative nucleocapsid protein with a number of regulatory functions. In tissue culture cells, HCV core protein is mainly located at the endoplasmic reticulum as well as mitochondria and lipid droplets within the cytoplasm. However, it is also detected in the nucleus in some cells. To elucidate the mechanisms by which cellular trafficking of the protein is controlled, we performed subcellular fractionation experiments and used confocal microscopy to examine the distribution of heterologously expressed fusion proteins involving various deletions and point mutations of the HCV core combined with green fluorescent proteins. We demonstrated that a region spanning amino acids 112 to 152 can mediate association of the core protein not only with the ER but also with the mitochondrial outer membrane. This region contains an 18-amino-acid motif which is predicted to form an amphipathic alpha-helix structure. With regard to the nuclear targeting of the core protein, we identified a novel bipartite nuclear localization signal, which requires two out of three basic-residue clusters for efficient nuclear translocation, possibly by occupying binding sites on importin-alpha. Differences in the cellular trafficking of HCV core protein, achieved and maintained by multiple targeting functions as mentioned above, may in part regulate the diverse range of biological roles of the core protein.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids were constructed by fusing the gene fragments encoding the full-length (1-191aa) and the truncated (1-40aa and 1-69aa) HCV core proteins (HCc) respectively to the core gene of HBV at the position of amino acid 144 and expressed in E. coli. The products were analyzed by ELISA, Western blotting as well as the immunization of the mice. The results showed that those fusion proteins (B144C191, B144C69, B144C40) possessed the dual antigenicity and immunogenicity of both hepatitis B virus core antigen (HBcAg) and hepatitis C virus core protein (HCc). Analysis by electron microscopy and CsCl density gradient ultra-centrifugation revealed that similar to the HBcAg itself, all fusion proteins were able to form particles. Comparison of the antigenicity and immunogenicity of those fusion proteins showed that the length of HCc gene fused to HBeAg had no much effect on the antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBcAg, however, B144C69 and B144C40 induced higher titres antibodies against HCc than B14d  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids were constructed by fusing the gene fragments encoding the full-length (1-191aa) and the truncated (1-40aa and l-69aa) HCV core proteins (HCc) respectively to the core gene of HBV at the position of amino acid 144 and expressed inE. coli. The products were analyzed by ELISA, Western blotting as well as the immunization of the mice. The results showed that those fusion proteins (B144C191, B144C69, B144C40) possessed the dual antigenicity and immunogenicity of both hepatitis B virus core antigen (HBcAg) and hepatitis C virus core protein (HCc). Analysis by electron microscopy and CsCI density gradient ultra-centrifugation revealed that similar to the HBcAg itself, all fusion proteins were able to form particles. Comparison of the antigenicity and immunogenicity of those fusion proteins showed that the length of HCc gene fused to HBcAg had no much effect on the antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBcAg, however, B144C69 and B144C40 induced higher titres antibodies against HCc than B144C191. Using those fusion proteins, ELISA for screening of antibodies against both HBV and HCV in human sera was also established.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that viral particles with the properties of nonenveloped hepatitis C virus (HCV) nucleocapsids occur in the serum of HCV-infected individuals (1). We show here that nucleocapsids purified directly from serum or isolated from HCV virions have FcgammaR-like activity and bind "nonimmune" IgG via its Fcgamma domain. HCV core proteins produced in Escherichia coli and in the baculovirus expression system also bound "nonimmune" IgG and their Fcgamma fragments. Folded conformation was required for IgG binding because the FcgammaR-like site of the core protein was inactive in denaturing conditions. Studies with synthetic core peptides showed that the region spanning amino acids 3-75 was essential for formation of the IgG-binding site. The interaction between the HCV core and human IgG is more efficient in acidic (pH 6.0) than in neutral conditions. The core protein-binding site on the IgG molecule differs from those for C1q, FcgammaRII (CD32), and FcgammaRIII (CD16) but overlaps with that for soluble protein A from Staphylococcus aureus (SpA), which is located in the CH2-CH3 interface of IgG. These characteristics of the core-IgG interaction are very similar to those of the neonatal FcRn. Surface plasmon resonance studies suggested that the binding of an anti-core antibody to HCV core protein might be "bipolar" through its paratope to the corresponding epitope and by its Fcgamma region to the FcgammaR-like motif on this protein. These features of HCV nucleocapsids and HCV core protein may confer an advantage for HCV in terms of survival by interfering with host defense mechanisms mediated by the Fcgamma part of IgG.  相似文献   

LDs (lipid droplets) are probably the least well-characterized cellular organelles. Having long been considered simple lipid storage depots, they are now considered to be dynamic organelles involved in many biological processes. However, most of the mechanisms driving LDs biogenesis, growth and intracellular movement remain largely unknown. As for other cellular mechanisms deciphered through the study of viral models, HCV (hepatitis C virus) is an original and relevant model for investigations of the birth and life of these organelles. Recent studies in this model have raised the hypothesis that the HCV core protein induces the redistribution of LDs through the regression and regeneration of these organelles in specific intracellular domains.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major causative agent of parenterally transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis. The genomic region encoding the virion-associated core protein is relatively conserved among HCV strains. To generate a DNA vaccine capable of expressing the HCV core protein, the genomic region encoding amino acid residues 1 to 191 of the HCV-1 strain was amplified and cloned into an eukaryotic expression vector. Intramuscular inoculation of recombinant plasmid DNA into BALB/c mice (H-2d) generated core-specific antibody responses, lymphoproliferative responses, and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activity. Our results suggest that the HCV core polynucleotide warrants further investigation as a potential vaccine against HCV infection.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is directed to the surface of lipid droplets (LD), a step that is essential for infectious virus production. However, the process by which core is recruited from LD into nascent virus particles is not well understood. To investigate the kinetics of core trafficking, we developed methods to image functional core protein in live, virus-producing cells. During the peak of virus assembly, core formed polarized caps on large, immotile LDs, adjacent to putative sites of assembly. In addition, LD-independent, motile puncta of core were found to traffic along microtubules. Importantly, core was recruited from LDs into these puncta, and interaction between the viral NS2 and NS3-4A proteins was essential for this recruitment process. These data reveal new aspects of core trafficking and identify a novel role for viral nonstructural proteins in virus particle assembly.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets play an important part in the life cycle of hepatitis C virus and also are markers for steatosis, which is a common condition that arises during infection. These storage organelles are targeted by the viral core protein, which forms the capsid shell. Attachment of core to lipid droplets requires a C-terminal domain within the protein that is highly conserved between different virus isolates. In infected cells, the presence of core on lipid droplets creates loci that contain viral RNA and non-structural proteins involved in genome replication. Such locations may represent sites for initiating assembly and production of nascent virions. In addition to utilising lipid droplets as part the virus life cycle, hepatitis C virus induces their accumulation in infected hepatocytes. The mechanisms involved in this process are not understood but evidence from patient-based studies and model systems suggests the involvement of both viral and host factors.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein has been suggested to play crucial roles in the pathogeneses of liver steatosis and hepatocellular carcinomas due to HCV infection. Intracellular HCV core protein is localized mainly in lipid droplets, in which the core protein should exert its significant biological/pathological functions. In this study, we performed comparative proteomic analysis of lipid droplet proteins in core-expressing and non-expressing hepatoma cell lines. We identified 38 proteins in the lipid droplet fraction of core-expressing (Hep39) cells and 30 proteins in that of non-expressing (Hepswx) cells by 1-D-SDS-PAGE/MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) or direct nanoflow liquid chromatography-MS/MS. Interestingly, the lipid droplet fraction of Hep39 cells had an apparently lower content of adipose differentiation-related protein and a much higher content of TIP47 than that of Hepswx cells, suggesting the participation of the core protein in lipid droplet biogenesis in HCV-infected cells. Another distinct feature is that proteins involved in RNA metabolism, particularly DEAD box protein 1 and DEAD box protein 3, were detected in the lipid droplet fraction of Hep39 cells. These results suggest that lipid droplets containing HCV core protein may participate in the RNA metabolism of the host and/or HCV, affecting the pathopoiesis and/or virus replication/production in HCV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus core protein forms the viral capsid and is targeted to lipid droplets (LDs) by its domain 2 (D2). By using a comparative analysis of two hepatitis C virus genomes (JFH1 and Jc1) differing in their level of virus production in cultured human hepatoma cells, we demonstrate that the core of the genotype 2a isolate J6 that is present in Jc1 mediates efficient assembly and release of infectious virions. Mapping studies identified a single amino acid residue in D2 as a major determinant for enhanced assembly and release of infectious Jc1 particles. Confocal microscopy analyses demonstrate that core protein in JFH1-replicating cells co-localizes perfectly with LDs and induces their accumulation in the perinuclear area, whereas no such accumulation of LDs and only a partial co-localization of core and LDs were found with the Jc1 genome. By using a fluorescence recovery after photobleaching assay, we found that green fluorescent protein-tagged D2 variants are mobile on LDs and that J6- and JFH1-D2 differ in their mobility. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the binding strength of the D2 domain of core for LDs is crucial for determining the efficiency of virus assembly.  相似文献   

In mammalian tissue culture cells, the core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is located at the surface of lipid droplets, which are cytoplasmic structures that store lipid. The critical amino acid sequences necessary for this localization are in a region of core protein that is absent in flavi- and pestiviruses, which are related to HCV. From our sequence comparisons, this region in HCV core was present in the corresponding protein of GBV-B, another virus whose genomic sequence has significant similarity to HCV. Expression of the putative GBV-B core protein revealed that it also was directed to lipid droplets. By extending the comparisons to cellular proteins, there were amino acid sequence similarities between the domains for lipid droplet association in HCV core and plant oleosin proteins. To determine whether these similarities were related functionally, an oleosin encoded by the Brassica napus bniii gene was expressed in different mammalian cell lines, where it retained the capacity to bind to lipid droplets. Analysis of deletion mutants indicated that the critical region within the protein required for this localization was the same for both plant and mammalian cells. A common feature in the viral and plant sequences was a motif containing proline residues. Mutagenesis of these residues in HCV core and plant oleosin abolished lipid droplet association. Finally, the domain within HCV core required for binding to lipid droplets could substitute for the equivalent domain in oleosin, further indicating the functional relatedness between the viral and plant sequences. These studies identify common features in disparate proteins that are required for lipid droplet localization.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein is a structural protein that packages the viral genomic RNA. In this study, we demonstrate that a stable core protein dimer could be produced in liver cells. The production of this protein could be enhanced by calphostin C and serum deprivation. This protein was determined to be the core protein dimer because of its reactivity with the anti-core antibody, its similar electrophoretic mobility compared with that of the core protein dimer generated by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, and its increase in size by a hemagglutinin tag fused to the core protein sequence. This core protein dimer was highly stable and resistant to SDS and beta-mercaptoethanol. The enzyme that mediated the formation of this stable core protein dimer was determined to be the tissue transglutaminase (tTG) because, first, tTG could be activated by calphostin C and serum deprivation; second, the formation of this dimer was suppressed by monodansylcadaverine, a tTG inhibitor; and third, the core protein could be cross-linked by tTG in vitro. Thus, the HCV core protein represents the first known viral structural protein substrate of tTG. The post-translational modification by tTG reduced the RNA binding activity of the core protein, raising the possibility that tTG may regulate the biological functions of the HCV core protein.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody C7-50 binds to the HCV core protein with high sensitivity and specificity. The coding sequences of the variable domains of the antibody were determined following cDNA cloning of the Fab and sFv fragments. Subsequently, intracellular expression and binding of these antibody fragments to the HCV core protein as a potential antiviral approach were studied. There was high specificity and sensitivity of binding of bacterially expressed, recombinant C7-50 Fab to HCV core as measured by EIA and immunoblot. For expression in mammalian cells, the C7-50 antibody was subcloned in the sFv format by the introduction of a (Gly(4)Ser)(3) linker spaced between light and heavy chains. Northern and Western blot analysis as well as confocal microscopy established the targeted expression of the C7-50 sFv antibody fragment in the endoplasmic reticulum of transfected cells. The colocalization and intracellular binding of the antibody fragment to HCV core protein was confirmed by immunoprecipitation and subsequent immunoblot analysis. This study demonstrates that gene delivery of cDNA coding sequences inducing intracellular expression of C7-50 antibody fragments leads to binding of the antibody fragment to the HCV core protein within the secretory compartment of transfected cells. Intracellular immunization represents a promising antiviral approach to interfere with the life cycle of HCV.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein plays an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis in patients with chronic HCV infection. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice infected with HCV core recombinant adenoviruses with resveratrol significantly decreased hepatic triacylglycerols (TAG) while the serum TAG level was unaffected. RT-PCR and Western blotting showed that HCV core protein attenuated the expression of Sirt1 and PPAR-α, which would be reversed by resveratrol. This was also confirmed in primary mouse hepatic cells infected with HCV core protein expressing adenovirus. Thus, resveratrol may prevent against hepatic steatosis by blocking the inhibited expression of Sirt1 and PPAR-α induced by HCV core protein.  相似文献   

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