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文中综述了核糖体基因在黏菌分子系统学研究中应用现状,并就目前黏菌分子系统中存在的问题及发展方向提出了看法。  相似文献   

在昆虫系统学中,传统分类学作为昆虫分类的主要方法,在昆虫形态分类中发挥着重要的作用,但是对于近缘种分类上却没有明确的界限。生物学技术的发展,在昆虫系统学中应用核糖体DNA序列分析的方法,有效的解决了传统分类学的局限性,在昆虫种、属和种群水平的研究中发挥了重要作用。本文对核糖体DNA序列分析的方法进行分析,探讨其在昆虫系统学中的应用。  相似文献   

核糖体DNA ITS区序列在植物分子系统学研究中的价值   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文就近年来国内外有关被子植物核糖体DNA中的内转录间隔区(ITS)序列在植物属内,近缘属间乃至科内系统发育研究中的应用,结合作者在中国姜科山姜属(Alpinia Roxb.)上的研究,对ITS区序列在植物分子系统学研究中的价值作一简要综述,对其应用前景也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

真菌分子系统学以分子生物学、遗传学和生物信息学为手段,以分子水平对真菌进行种属识别,与传统的表型分类系统相比,更为可靠、高效,极大地推动了真菌分类学的发展。因此,真菌分类学正处于一个划时代的转变时期,即由表型分类向基因型分类的转变,以形态学为基础的种属概念向以分子系统学为基础的种属概念转变。综合论述了分子系统学在真菌分类和命名中的应用,并介绍近年来真菌分类和命名方面的变化和进展,供国内科研和临床工作者参考。  相似文献   

【目的】多肽化合物Surugamides(sgm)生物合成基因簇包含4个非核糖体多肽合酶(NRPS)基因surA–D,负责2个NRPS生物合成途径。已有报道确认surA基因与SurugamideA产物相关,而surB基因与sgm F产物相关,但对surC和surD基因功能的归属尚没有实验证据。本工作拟在之前研究的基础上进一步确认surA和surD负责Surugamide A产物生物合成,为基因工程改造Surugamides生物合成途径以及研究其NRPS蛋白之间的识别机制提供理论依据。【方法】从海绵中分离放线菌并通过16S rRNA基因序列比对分析其分类单元。通过在线数据库antiSMASH分析基因组序列,发现天然产物生物合成基因簇。通过UPLC-Q-TOF-MS和~(13)CNMR鉴定化合物结构。把构建完成的同源重组双交换质粒导入链霉菌宿主后筛选基因缺失或替换突变株。【结果】从胄甲海绵来源链霉菌S.albidoflavus LHW3101基因组中发现了Surugamides生物合成基因簇,确认了该菌株发酵产物中的化合物sgmA和sgm F。构建了surB和surC基因同时缺失的突变株RJ9,发现RJ9不再产sgm F而仍然产Surugamide A。在缺失突变surB和surC基因的同时在surD基因前引入了组成型强启动子ermEp*,结果发现RJ9产SurugamideA水平是野生型菌株的约2倍。【结论】确认了surB和surC基因与sgmA产物无关。在surD基因前引入强启动子后显著提高了SurugamideA的产量,提示surD基因与sgmA产物相关,结合已报到surA基因与Surugamide A产物相关的证据,进一步确认了surA和surD基因负责Surugamide A生物合成的推论。  相似文献   

DNA分子标记技术为真菌系统进化研究提供了许多新的方法,真菌分子系统学已成为一门成熟的学科。简述了真菌分子系统学的发展简史和代表性的研究方法以及对真菌系统学的主要贡献,包括将广义的真菌划分为3个类群,粘菌和卵菌不再属于真菌界成员。真菌生命之树项目的研究结果对真菌界高阶分类系统作出重大调整,将先前的4个门(壶菌门、接合菌门、子囊菌门和担子菌门)变为7个门(微孢子虫门、壶菌门、新丽鞭毛菌门、芽枝霉门、球囊菌门、子囊菌门和担子菌门)和4个亚门,并对真菌各类群概念作出修订。此外,DNA分子标记技术对真菌种概念的认识、有性型-无性型关联及分子生态学等研究领域产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

微生物能够产生众多结构和生物活性多样的次生代谢产物,而其生物合成基因簇的挖掘和异源表达是药物创新和产量提高的必要前提. 在过去20年里,大量重要天然产物的生物合成基因簇在微生物中被不断的发现. 在这些被挖掘的基因簇中,肽类抗生素的生物合成基因簇占了很大比重.肽类抗生素因具有抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等多种生物学活性而备受化学家和药物学家的重视. 如能了解它们的生物合成机制,实现其基因簇的异源表达,将使合理化遗传修饰生物合成通路获取结构类似物(药物开发)和提高产量成为可能. 大肠杆菌作为最广泛、最成功的表达体系,常用来表达外源基因,但一般只能表达一个或几个基因,却很少有用它来表达整个生物合成基因簇. 2001年,Khosla和Cane在E.coli中成功异源表达了一个复杂聚酮天然产物(红霉素苷原6dEB)基因簇. 这是首个有关在E.coli中异源表达天然产物生物合成基因簇的研究. 至此之后,大肠杆菌开始作为生物合成基因簇的异源表达宿主,越来越受到相关领域的重视. 紧接着核糖体肽和非核糖体肽生物合成基因簇也相继在大肠杆菌中成功异源表达. 本文对肽类抗生素生物合成基因簇在E.coli中的异源表达进行了综述.  相似文献   

核糖体DNA序列分析在昆虫系统学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着分子生物学技术的迅速发展,DNA序列分析在昆虫系统学研究中的应用不断增多。本文系统阐述了核糖体DNA的结构、分类学意义、以及在昆虫不同类群不同阶元之间系统发育关系研究中的应用,概要介绍了序列分析方法,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

核糖体rDNA ITS序列在真菌学研究中的应用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
匡治州  许杨 《生命的化学》2004,24(2):120-122
rDNA序列的同源性和变化性使其用于真菌各级水平的系统学研究,其中ITS区进化速率较快、长度适中,广泛用于属内种间或种内群体的系统学研究。该文就rDNA序列结构特点、ITS序列在真菌分子系统学及病原学中的应用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

本文对于真菌系统学中的重要技术与方法的最新进展进行了综合性评论,其中涉及到电子显微镜、染色技术、次生代谢产物、酶、血清学、细胞壁糖类、脂肪酸及酿类、染色体及核酸、以及数量分类等技术.作者讨论了这些新技术与新方法的现状与展望,并认为今后在真菌系统研究中多种学科之间的结合与国际之间的合作研究将具有特别重要的意义.  相似文献   

The interrelationships within the clade comprised of turtles, pareiasaurs, and procolophonid-like taxa are investigated via a cladistic analysis incorporating 56 characters. A single most parsimonious tree was found (80 steps, c. i. = 0·8) in which the successive outgroups to turtles are: pareiasaurs, Sclerosaurus, lanthanosuchids, procolophonoids (=Owenetta, Barasaurus and procolophonids), and nyctiphruretians (= nycteroleterids). Thus, as suggested recently by other workers (Reisz, in Fischman, 1993) turtles are the highly modified survivors of a radiation of poorly-known reptiles commonly called ‘parareptiles’. Pareiasaurs are united with turtles on the basis of twenty unambiguous derived features which are absent in other basal amniotes (=‘primitive reptiles’) and reptiliomorph amphibians: for example, the medially located choana, enlarged foramina palatinum posterius, blunt cultriform process, fully ossified medial wall of the prootic, opisthotic-squamosal suture, lateral flange of exoccipital, loss of ventral cranial fissure, thickened braincase floor, ‘pleurosphenoid’ ossification, reduced presacral count, acromion process, trochanter major, reduced fifth pedal digit, and presence of transverse processes on most caudals. Recent phylogenetic proposals linking turtles with captorhinids, with dicynodonts, and with procolophonoids are evaluated. None of the proposed traits supporting the first two hypotheses is compelling. The procolophonoid hypotheses is supported by only one synapomorphy (the slender stapes). All other synapomorphies proposed in favour of the above groupings either occur in many other primitive amniotes, or are not primitive for turtles, or are not primitive for the proposed chelonian sister-group. Nyctiphruretus and Lanthanosuchids and nycteroleterids, often considered to be seymouriamorph amphibians, are demonstrated unequivocally to be amniotes. The ‘rhipaeosaurs’, currently considered to be pareiasaur relatives, are shown to be a heterogenous assemblage of seymouriamorphs, therapsids and nycteroleterids. The phylogeny proposed here indicates that many of the traits of the earliest known turtle, Proganochelys, previously interpreted as unique specialisations, also occur in pareiasaurs and other near outgroups of turtles, and must instead represent the primitive chelonian condition: for example, the wide parietals and the short quadrate flange of the pterygoid. The sequence of acquisition of chelonian traits is discussed: many features once thought to be diagnostic of turtles actually characterize larger groupings of procolophonomorphs, and must have evolved long before the chelonian shell appeared. These traits include most of the chelonian-pareiasaur synapomorphies listed above, and many others which characterize more inclusive groupings found in this analysis. In putting Proganochelys much closer to the main line of chelonian evolution, in elucidating the sequence of acquisition of chelonian traits, and in reducing greatly the number of differences between turtles and their nearest relatives, this study helps bridge one of the major gaps in the fossil record. The failure of previous cladistic analyses to identify correctly the nearest relatives of turtles is attributed to biased character selection, caused by an over-reliance on cranial characters deemed ‘important’ by earlier workers, and by a tendency to shoehorn ‘parareptile’ taxa into phylogenies derived from analyses restricted to ‘mainstream’ groups such as synapsids, diapsids, turtles, and ‘captorhinomorphs’. Many of the synapomorphies that resolve turtle origins are postcranial, and the three nearest outgroups to turtles are all highly bizarre groups which were dismissed as ‘too specialized’ by early workers and continued to be inadequately assessed even by workers using a cladistic framework.  相似文献   

Ecologists are concerned with population dynamics of organisms and with the spatial patterns of single or multiple populations. The goal of the ecologist is usually to explain the observed patterns in terms of processes. Field samples of nematodes from different habitats may contain similar but not identical specimens of a nominal taxon, and the systematist can help the ecologist decide whether the specimens are ecophenotypes of a single taxon or represent distinct species. A correct decision may be important or trivial, depending on the parameters and goals of the ecological study. When a precise identification is crucial to the success of the study, new biochemical methodologies of systematists may provide rapid and accurate diagnoses. Systematists can provide additional help in the assignment of taxa to trophic groups. For clarifying host-parasite associations, often a goal in ecological investigations, modern analytical methods of systematists can facilitate the ordering of systematic relationships.  相似文献   

Short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) efficiently inhibit gene expression by RNA interference. Here, we report the efficient inhibition by DNA-based vector-derived shRNAs of core protein expression in Huh-7 cells. The shRNAs were designed to target the core region of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome. The core region is the most conserved region in the HCV genome, making it an ideal target for shRNAs. We identified an effective site on the core region for suppression of the HCV core protein. The HCV core protein in core protein-expressing Huh-7 cells was downregulated by core protein-shRNA expression vectors (core-shRNA-452, 479, and 503). Our results support the feasibility of using shRNA-based gene therapy to inhibit HCV core protein production.  相似文献   

时间减影在静脉肾盂造影中的应用价值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨数字X线机(DFR)时间减影对静脉肾盂造影的诊断价值,并与常规单纯DFR静脉肾盂造影比较。方法对38例运用数字(DFR)静脉肾盂造影的检查者,同时采用时间减影进行分析。检查结果正常16例,肾盂积水、肾结石、输尿管畸形、输尿管结石等22例。结论数字静脉肾盂造影检查 时间减影检查,较好地克服了传统造影方法的不足,为泌尿系统的诊断和治疗提供了更全面和确切的依据,取得了较好的临床效果。  相似文献   

壳聚糖作为基因治疗载体的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从壳聚糖-DNA复合物/微球的形成方法和机理,稳定性,转染细胞效率等方面综述了壳聚糖在基因治疗领域目前的研究现状。  相似文献   

Sequences of the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA are considered useful for reconstructing the tree of life because this molecule is found in all organisms and is large enough not to have become saturated with multiple mutations. However, these data sets are large, difficult to align, and have extreme biases in base compositions which makes their phylogenetic signal ambiguous. Large ambiguous data sets may have many most-parsimonious trees, and finding them all may be impossible using convential phylogenetic methods. To examine the reliability of the number and relationships of eukaryotic kingdoms proposed by previous analyses of the SSU, we calculated trees from aligned sequences from eukaryotes in the Ribosomal Database Project using parsimony jackknifing which uses a resampling procedure to rapidly search large data sets for the branches that are strongly supported and eliminates poorly supported groups. Two separate analyses were carried out: an analysis in which all bases were equally weighted, and one in which transversions only were used. The parsimony jackknife procedure was able to efficiently find trees in which most major groups of eukaryotes were supported and in which some evolutionary hypotheses proposed by previous workers were tested. The relationships of these major groups to each other were largely unresolved, indicating that the SSU data, as represented in this database, is insufficient for answering questions about these deep branches. Interestingly, the analysis of transitions differs from the results of the entire data set, primarily being less resolved. This indicates that transversional mutations are important contributors to the resolved structure of the tree.  相似文献   

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