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Summary In the hamster, the weight of the adrenal glands increases during the course of gestation, with the highest value at day 5. In comparison to non-pregnant control animals, there were no changes in the volume of the zona glomerulosa (ZG) and zona fasciculata (ZF), while the volume of the zona reticularis (ZR) increased notably. The average volume of ZG-cells rose at day 5 of pregnancy and thereafter gradually decreased to that of control hamsters. A marked drop in the volume of ZF-cells was seen at days 5 and 10 of pregnancy, whereas at day 15 the cells were larger than in controls. At day 5 of pregnancy, a conspicuous increase in the cell volume was found in ZR, followed by lower values at day 10 and again higher than in control hamsters at day 15. The total number of parenchymal cells in hamster adrenal cortex increased at day 10 of gestation, then underwent a marked decrease, reaching the control value at the final day of pregnancy; this drop was mainly due to a reduction in the number of ZF-cells. The changes in the cell volume were paralleled by rather proportional changes in the volume of the mitochondrial compartment and in the quantity of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The volume of the lipid-droplet compartment significantly rose in the course of gestation in both ZF- and ZR-cells. The cortisol output by adrenal homogenates gradually decreased during pregnancy.Study performed in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. Thesis of Magdalena Nowak  相似文献   


非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)是全球范围内广泛使用的解热镇痛抗炎药, 但存在明显的胃肠道不良反应, 可导致胃肠道溃疡、出血和穿孔等。目前, NSAIDs引起的肠病的发病率较高, 且作用机制尚不明确。其中, 肠黏膜屏障损伤在NSAIDs肠病发病机制中起着主要作用。近期研究表明肠道菌群与NSAIDs在机体内相互影响, 且肠道微生物对肠黏膜屏障功能的维持有重要作用。肠道菌群失衡逐渐成为NSAIDs肠病的病理生理机制之一。本文综述了肠道菌群与NSAIDs药物作用的密切关系, 并从肠黏膜屏障损伤和修复的角度阐述肠道菌群在NSAIDs肠病发生发展中的作用及机制, 为以肠道菌群为靶标治疗NSAIDs肠病提供理论基础。


OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the efficacy of paracetamol and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for symptom relief in osteoarthritis. DESIGN--Double blind, randomised, controlled trials in individual patients (n of 1 trials). Three treatment cycles with two weeks'' each of paracetamol (1 g twice daily) and diclofenac (50 mg twice daily) prepared in identical gelatin capsules. SETTING--General practices in metropolitan Sydney, Australia. SUBJECTS--25 patients (median age 64 years) with pain of osteoarthritis (median duration of disease eight years) considered by their general practitioners to require regular treatment. 20 were already taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Diary of pain and stiffness, function, and side effects. RESULTS--15 patients completed the study, five withdrew early but had made a therapeutic decision, and five dropped out very early. Results from 20 patients were analysed. Several patterns of response evolved. Eight of the 20 patients found no clear difference, symptoms being adequately controlled by paracetamol; five indicated a clear preference for the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; two showed control of symptoms after their initial two weeks of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which continued throughout subsequent treatment changes; in five the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug may have been better but neither agent gave satisfactory control. After three months nine of the 20 patients had adequate symptom control with paracetamol alone. CONCLUSIONS--Of 1 studies--that is, randomised trials in individual patients--are clinically useful in deciding treatment in heterogeneous conditions which require long term symptomatic relief. In osteoarthritis many patients currently receiving or being considered for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may achieve adequate control with paracetamol.  相似文献   

To define the role of adrenal hormones on PRL secretion, we investigated 28 women by administering i.v. 0.25 mg. ACTH (h 8.00) every 45' for 135' to better evaluate any relationship between enhanced adrenal steroidogenic activity (both glycoactive and androgenic) and PRL secretion. Blood samples were drawn at 0', 45', 90', 135', and PRL, F, DHEAS, and 170HP were measured by RIA methods. A significant lowering of PRL levels and a concomitant enhancement of steroid plasma levels were found. Our data are in line with those found by some Authors who observed the lack of PRL enhancement after hypoglycemia during glucocorticoid administration and the absence of nocturnal peak of PRL in patients with Cushing's disease. However statistical evaluation (linear analysis regression) of data obtained provides further evidence for the extremely influential role played by adrenal gland hormones on PRL secretion in women.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative analysis has revealed that submicroscopic changes of the rat adrenal cortex in dynamics of the stress reaction examined at the level of "functional element" which combines basic structural components of the parenchyma and stroma are of the polyphase character and agree with data from the biochemical analysis of 11-OCS in blood plasma. At the stage of exhaustion of the stress reaction (72 hours of immobilization) the ultrastructure of the adrenal cortex testifies to the preservation of functional reserves in the secretory cells.  相似文献   

The resolution of rac-suprofen (1) catalysed by lipase in organic solvents was investigated. Direct esterification of rac-1 with methanol in dichorometane catalysed by Novozym® 435 furnished the pharmacologically active (+)-(S)-suprofen as unreacted product with excellent enantiomeric excess. The same procedure in toluene using Mucor miehei lipase adsorbed in Celite as catalyst afforded (−)-(R)-suprofen with good optical purity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cobalt(II) complexes with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen in the presence or absence of nitrogen-donor heterocyclic ligands (pyridine, 2,2′-bipyridine or 1,10-phenanthroline) have been synthesized and characterized with physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques. The deprotonated naproxen acts as monodentate ligand coordinated to Co(II) ion through a carboxylato oxygen. The crystal structure of [bis(aqua)bis(naproxenato)bis(pyridine)cobalt(II)], 2 has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The EPR spectrum of complex 2 in frozen solution reveals that it retains its structure. UV study of the interaction of the complexes with calf-thymus DNA (CT DNA) has shown that the complexes can bind to CT DNA and [(2,2′-bipyridine)bis(methanol)bis(naproxenato)cobalt(II)] exhibits the highest binding constant to CT DNA. The cyclic voltammograms of the complexes recorded in DMSO solution and in the presence of CT DNA in 1/2 DMSO/buffer (containing 150 mM NaCl and 15 mM trisodium citrate at pH 7.0) solution have shown that they can bind to CT DNA by the intercalative binding mode which has also been verified by DNA solution viscosity measurements. Competitive study with ethidium bromide (EB) has shown that the complexes can displace the DNA-bound EB indicating that they bind to DNA in strong competition with EB. Naproxen and its cobalt(II) complexes exhibit good binding propensity to human or bovine serum albumin proteins having relatively high binding constant values. The antioxidant activity of the compounds has been evaluated indicating their high scavenging activity against hydroxyl free radicals and superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), on the voltage-gated inward Na+ current (I(Na)) in cultured rat myoblasts was investigated using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. At concentrations of 10 nM-100 microM, diclofenac produced a dose-dependent and reversible inhibition of I(Na) with an IC50 of 8.51 microM, without modulating the fast activation and inactivation process. The inhibitory effect of diclofenac took place at resting channels and increased with more depolarizing holding potential. In addition to inhibiting the Na+ current amplitude, diclofenac significantly modulated the steady-state inactivation properties of the Na+ channels, but did not alter the steady-state activation. The steady-state inactivation curve was significantly shifted towards the hyperpolarizing potential in the presence of diclofenac. Furthermore, diclofenac treatment resulted in a fairly slow recovery from inactivation of the Na+ channel. The inhibitory effect of diclofenac was enhanced by repetitive pulses and was inflected by changing frequency; the blocking effect at higher frequency was significantly greater than at lower frequency. Both intracellular and extracellular application of diclofenac could inhibit I(Na), indicating that diclofenac may exert its channel inhibitory action both inside and outside the channel sites. Our data directly demonstrate that diclofenac can inhibit the inward Na+ channels in rat myoblasts. Some different inhibitory mechanisms from that in neuronal Na+ channels are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Corynebacterium glutamicum was observed to undergo several morphological and ultrastructural changes during a shift in dilution rate when grown in phosphate-limiting continuous culture. At 0.1 h–1 the cell culture appeared homogeneous and the average diameter of cells and the cell length was approximately 0.7 m and 1–1.5 m respectively. At 0.04 h–1 there was essentially no change in these readings, but at this dilution rate there was a significant proportion of cells that measured three times the original length. At six residence times the elongated cells were increasing in number, but these changes occurred without diminishing the system's performance. Some changes in cell ultrastructure were observed during the shift in dilution rate. Thus, the presence of polyphosphate granules and of glycogen appeared in the cytoplasm of producing cells (0.04 h–1). We have confirmed by mass spectrometry the absence of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) in C. glutamicum.Correspondence to: N. Coello  相似文献   

The adrenal cortex plays an important role in adaptation to various forms of stress, including hypoxia. While physiological changes in the aldosterone metabolism during hypoxia have been extensively described, few studies have focused on the morphological changes in the adrenal glands under chronic hypoxia. We studied the ultrastructure of the zona glomerulosa of 6-month-old Wistar rats exposed to chronic normobaric hypoxia. Animals were divided into two groups: control (n=12) and hypoxic (n=12). In this latter group, the animals were kept at 7% O2 concentration after a gradual adaptation (21, 15, 12, 10, 8, 7 vol% O2). The duration of the study was 112 days. In comparison with normoxic rats, body weight and adrenal gland weight of hypoxic animals was significantly reduced by 18.5% (p=0.006) and 14.7% (p=0.001) respectively. The thickness of the zona glomerulosa decreased due to atrophy of cells. The main ultrastructural changes observed were: 1) a decrease in, or complete elimination of, lipid droplet content; 2) a marked increase in lysosome number; and 3) the presence of giant mitochondria. Our findings show that rats fail to adapt to severe chronic hypoxia. The ultrastructural changes in the zona glomerulosa found in the present study could reflect changes in the aldosterone pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the cadmium-induced immunohistochemical and morphological changes in the renal cortex of adult male rats exposed to high doses of cadmium for 30 d. Animals used as controls received a standard diet and water ad libitum. The animals used for this study received 15 ppm CdCl2 in their drinking water for 1 mo. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), the mean blood Cd level, and the mean tissue Cd content were significantly higher when compared to controls (p < 0.01). Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated a weak labeling to type IV collagen and laminin, but a strong labeling to fibronectin in the renal cortex of the Cd-treated animals when compared to controls. The ultrastructural alterations found in Cd-treated rats were a diminution in the amount of filtration slits, increased fusion of foot processes in epithelial cells of the glomeruli, increase of lysosomal structures and pinocytic vesicles as well as large mitochondria in proximal tubule cells, and degenerated cells in distal tubules. Additionally, the glomerular basement membrane was slightly thickened. In conclusion, cadmium toxicity results in alterations in the renal extracellular matrix and tubular or glomerular cells, which could play an important role in renal dysfunction.  相似文献   

Administration of cholesterin to rabbits for 2 months results in its increased concentration in blood and in adrenal cortex. Adrenocorticocytes demonstrate a decreased nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, decreased concentration of protein and RNA in cytoplasm, lowered succinate dehydrogenase and 3 beta-ol-++steroid dehydrogenase activity. In 2 months after abolishing cholesterin, a considerable part of the changes mentioned remains. If during this period dexamethasone, inhibiting the gland activity, is administered, the regression of the changes decelerates. Administration of the adrenal cortex activator--corticotropin--facilitates normalization of most of the parameters, altered in the gland under the effect of cholesterin administration.  相似文献   

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