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The toxicity of zinc sulphate and cadmium sulphate to stone loach Noemacheilus barbatulus was examined in an attempt to explain the distribution of the species in two polluted streams. Stone loach in hard water were more sensitive than rainbow trout to zinc, but much more resistant to cadmium. Their disappearance from the Willow Brook, Northants, in 1971–72 could be accounted for by zinc toxicity. A behavioural change, the loss of the instinct to hide during daylight, occurred in subsequently lethal concentrations of cadmium. The accumulation of cadmium in several tissues was also determined.  相似文献   

Roach and stone loach were exposed to cadmium dissolved in their aquarium water at 500 and 1250 micrograms/l, respectively, and the distribution of the metal accumulated in the major body organs was determined. The pattern of distribution for each species was somewhat different and was distinct in each case from that observed previously with rainbow trout. The total body loads of cadmium accumulated by the three species were assessed during the period of exposure and found not to correlate directly with the concentration of cadmium to which the individual species had been exposed. An alternative comparator was devised which as the quotient of the total body cadmium accumulation (microgram/100 g body wt) and the notional cadmium dose (microgram/l) X weeks was described as a fractional retention coefficient for cadmium. The coefficient was constant for each species at different periods of exposure to cadmium alone. The values of the coefficient for roach and stone loach were however much lower than that for rainbow trout. When rainbow trout were preexposed to zinc (100 micrograms/l, 5 days) before being exposed to cadmium, the fractional retention coefficient for cadmium fell to a value similar to those seen with roach and stone loach exposed to cadmium alone. The significance of these observations in relation to the nature of the intracellular proteins to which cadmium is bound in the three species is discussed in the light of their differential susceptibility to the toxic effects of cadmium.  相似文献   

We studied the association between environmental stress and epidermal papillomatosis of roach Rutilus rutilus L. in Finnish waters using a 'matched pairs' design. Populations impacted by industrial and/or sewage effluents were compared to reference populations from pristine sites. We examined both the prevalence (proportion of diseased fish) and intensity (number of scales covered by tumors) of the disease. Results of Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) indicated that the risk of papillomatosis was 7.5 times higher in males than females, and increased 1.3 times for every 10 mm increment in fish length. We controlled for the possible effects of fish size, sex and temporal variation through sampling procedures and statistical analyses. Mean prevalence of epidermal papillomatosis was 16.6 and 5.8% in impact and reference populations, respectively (10 population pairs; nfish = 1714). Results of GLMM suggested that the risk of being diseased was 2.7 times higher in the impact than reference populations. Thus, the prevalence of epidermal papillomatosis in roach can be used as an indicator of environmental stress. Results of Linear Mixed Models indicated no difference in the intensity of the disease between impact and reference populations (5 population pairs; nfish = 73; mean+/-SE 10.7+/-1.8 and 11.7+/- 2.9 scales, respectively), although prevalence was higher in impact populations in those 5 population pairs. The possible relationship between environmental stress and intensity of epidermal papillomatosis in natural roach populations remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, known to be present in the environment, have great potential for interfering with reproductive health in wildlife and humans. There is, however, little direct evidence that endocrine disruption has adversely affected fertility in any organism. In freshwater and estuarine fish species, for example, although a widespread incidence of intersex has been reported, it is not yet known if intersexuality influences reproductive success. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to determine gamete quality in wild intersex roach (Rutilus rutilus) by assessing sperm characteristics, fertilization success, and ability to produce viable offspring. The results clearly demonstrate that gamete production is reduced in intersex roach. A significantly lower proportion of moderately or severely feminized fish (17.4% and 33.3%, respectively) were able to release milt compared with normal male fish from contaminated rivers (in which 97.6% of the males were able to release milt), reference male fish (97.7%), or less severely feminized intersex fish (experiment 1: 85.8%, experiment 2: 97%). Intersex fish that did produce milt produced up to 50% less (in terms of volume per gram of testis weight) than did histologically normal male fish. Moreover, sperm motility (percentage of motile sperm and curvilinear velocity) and the ability of sperm to successfully fertilize eggs and produce viable offspring were all reduced in intersex fish compared with normal male fish. Male gamete quality (assessed using sperm motility, sperm density, and fertilization success) was negatively correlated with the degree of feminization in intersex fish (r = -0.603; P < 0.001) and was markedly reduced in severely feminized intersex fish by as much as 50% in terms of motility and 75% in terms of fertilization success when compared with either less severely feminized intersex fish or unaffected male fish. This is the first evidence documenting a relationship between the morphological effects (e.g., intersex) of endocrine disruption and the reproductive capabilities of any wild vertebrate. The results suggest that mixtures of endocrine-disrupting substances discharged into the aquatic environment could pose a threat to male reproductive health.  相似文献   

  • 1 In this highly productive chalk stream the stone loach, sampled by electrofishing over a 30 month period, had a high growth rate reaching a mean length of 65 mm in 1 year and 93 mm in 2 years. The fish were short-lived in contrast to most slow-growing populations in the U.K. and Finland with 11 group fish comprising 8.8% and III group fish only 1.1% of the total number.
  • 2 The loach were fractional spawners: a 75 mm female produced an estimated 10,620 eggs between late April and early August totalling 46% of the loach's initial weight.
  • 3 In March and April some small 0 group females contained only poorly developed eggs and up to 10% of 0 group fish may have failed to spawn.
  • 4 Amongst loach >52 mm in length in March and April there was an exponential relationship between absolute fecundity and fish length but no relationship between relative fecundity and length. There was. however, a relationship between fish length and both gonadosomatic index and maximum egg size, which may indicate that large fish began to spawn first.

Genetic variation at five microsatellite loci and in mtDNA was surveyed in reintroduced and 'control' populations of roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) in Sweden. Microsatellite allelic richness and allele size ranges were significantly reduced in reintroduced populations, and mtDNA diversity was nearly significantly reduced in reintroduced populations. These measures of genetic variability were strongly correlated with lake characteristics that influence population size and food availability.  相似文献   

The composition and development of the parasite community of overwintering young-of-the-year (YOY) roach (Rutilus rutilus) was studied in outdoor artificial ponds. Cumulative mortality of the roach from November until May was about 20%. The prevalences of the epizoic ciliates Trichodina sp. and Apiosoma sp., and of the monogeneans Dactylogyrus suecicus, Dactylogyrus nanus, and Gyrodactylus sp. in general tended to peak in the beginning of April at a water temperature of about 8 C. However, mean parasite intensity remained constant over this interval. Prevalence of metacercariae of the digeneans Diplostomum cf. spathaceum and Tylodelphys clavata remained constant with values around 60% and 10%, respectively. Larvae of the nematode Philometra obturans and the cestode Ligula intestinalis and females of the copepod Neoergasilus japonicus were found sporadically. A concept of 2 thresholds, a critical condition factor (attained by a temperature-induced energy deficiency), and a condition-dependent critical infection intensity, which determine winter mortality of YOY, is suggested.  相似文献   

The roach, Rutilus rutilus , is normally a dioecius species. During an experimental study of reproduction in this species, a condition of apparently functional intersex was discovered. Anatomically the gonad was a testis, exhibiting various normal stages of spermatogenesis. A group of oocytes was found during the microscopical examination of the gonad, interspersed between lobules of normal testicular tissue. A few small oocytes were found to be in the chromatin-nucleolus stage, while the rest were in the perinucleolus stage. In addition, some large oocytes with an average diameter of 40 μm were randomly distributed among the lobules of the testis.  相似文献   

1. The chief objective was to determine the upper and lower thermal limits for feeding and survival in the stone loach, Noemacheilus barbatulus, using juveniles (total length 30–45 mm, live weight 0.25–0.80 g) from one population and adults (total length 77–100 mm, live weight 3.6–7.9 g) from three populations. 2. Fish were acclimatized to constant temperatures of 3, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 27°C; then the temperature was changed at a rate of 1°C/30min to determine the critical limits for feeding, survival over 7 days (incipient lethal temperature), or survival for 10 min or less (ultimate lethal temperature). The rate of 1°C/30min was the optimum value from preliminary experiments, using nine rates from 0.5°C/48h to 18°Ch?1. As values for adults were not significantly different between populations, they were pooled to provide arithmetic means (with 95% CL) for the thermal limits at each acclimation temperature. 3. Feeding limits increased with acclimation temperature to upper and lower mean values of 28.0 ± 0.15°C and 5.1 ± 0.55°C for adults, 25.0 ± 0.54°C and 6.1 ± 0.92°C for juveniles. Incipient lethal levels defined a tolerance zone within which stone loach survive for a considerable time; upper limits increased with acclimation temperature to reach a maximum plateau of 29.1 ± 0.18°C for adults and 29.0 ± 0.40°C for juveniles; lower limits also increased from near 0°C to 3.0 ± 0.40°C for adults and juveniles. Upper limits for the ultimate lethal level increased with acclimation temperature to a maximum plateau of 33.5°C for adults (95% CL ± 0.19) and juveniles (95% CL ± 0.40), whilst the lower limits increased from near 0°C to 2.5 ± 0.30°C. At acclimation temperatures below 20°C, upper incipient and ultimate lethal values were significantly lower for juveniles than those for adults. 4. The thermal tolerance of stone loach was higher than that of juvenile Atlantic salmon or brown trout, one or both of these species often being dominant in streams with stone loach.  相似文献   

  • 1 Multiple linear regression (MLR), generalised additive models (GAM) and artificial neural networks (ANN), were used to define young of the year (0+) roach (Rutilus rutilus) microhabitat and to predict its abundance.
  • 2 0+ Roach and nine environmental variables were sampled using point abundance sampling by electrofishing in the littoral area of Lake Pareloup (France) during summer 1997. Eight of these variables were used to set up the models after log10 (x+ 1) transformation of the dependent variable (0+ roach density). Model training and testing were performed on independent subsets of the whole data matrix containing 306 records.
  • 3 The predictive quality of the models was estimated using the determination coefficient between observed and estimated values of roach densities. The best models were provided by ANN, with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.83 in the training procedure and 0.62 in the testing procedure. GAM and MLR gave lower prediction in the training set (r = 0.53 for GAM and r = 0.32 for MLR) and in the testing set (r = 0.48 for GAM and r = 0.43 for MLR). In the same way, samples without fish were reliably predicted by ANN whereas GAM and MLR predicted absence unreliably.
  • 4 ANN sensitivity analysis of the eight environmental variables in the models revealed that 0+ roach distribution was mainly influenced by five variables: depth, distance from the bank, local slope of the bottom and percentage of mud and flooded vegetation cover. The nonlinear influence of these variables on 0+ roach distribution was clearly shown using nonparametric lowess smoothing procedures.
  • 5 Non‐linear modelling methods, such as GAM and ANN, were able to define 0+ fish microhabitat precisely and to provide insight into 0+ roach distribution and abundance in the littoral zone of a large reservoir. The results showed that in lakes, 0+ roach microhabitat is influenced by a complex combination of several environmental variables acting mainly in a nonlinear way.

1. The accumulation of cadmium in the liver, kidney and gills of rainbow trout and stone loach was measured during exposure of the fish to the metal at 3 smg/l in their aquarium water. The pattern of accumulation of the toxic metal in the individual organs was different between the two species.2. The tissue concentrations of metallothionein-specific mRNA and metallothionein protein were also determined in these organs from the same fish. In rainbow trout, the induction of metallothionein gene expression resulted in a gradual increase in metallothionein concentration in gill over the course of the experiment whereas increases in metallothionein in the liver and kidney were detected only at the later time points of analysis (beyond 19 weeks). By contrast, in the same tissues from stone loach, relatively minor changes were quantified in specific mRNA and metallothionein concentrations.3. Throughout the experimental period, tissue concentrations of zinc and copper were determined in the liver, kidney and gills of the rainbow trout and stone loach. Subtle decreases were observed in the zinc concentration of gills in rainbow trout and substantial increases were observed in the hepatic copper concentrations in both species at the later time points of analysis.4. The ability of cadmium to induce metallothionein gene expression and its subsequent ability to compete for the sequestration sites on the newly-synthesized protein is discussed with regard to the relative levels of cadmium, zinc and copper in the organs studied and differing regimes of cadmium administration.  相似文献   

To analyse a recruitment failure in a roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) population exposed to cooling water from a Swedish nuclear power plant, histopathological examinations were made on female gonads. Several disorders were documented, corresponding to effects previously seen in Lithuanian, Moldavian and Russian heated waters, The relative gonad size (GSI) was generally lower in the exposed population. Oocyte degeneration was observed in about 50% of the females, potentially seriously reducing their reproductive capacity. The gameto- and gonadogeneses also were clearly affected and generally occurred at a faster rate. Sexual maturity was earlier and was accompanied by an increased occurrence of asynchionic gonad and oocyte growth. A normal gonad development should pass through different stages, coupled to the seasons, and the difference between individuals in a population should be small. However, in some exposed fish, the sequence of seasonal development was disturbed and a simultaneous, intensive, growth of sex cells in different stages of development could be seen. An increase of variation in gonad development both within, as well as between, fish thus was documented. Conclusively, the histopathological analysis provided evidence that the observed recruitment deficit could be related to gonad failure.  相似文献   

The occurrence of hybrids between chub, Leuciscus cephalus , and roach, Rutilus rutilus , from three rivers in England is reported. The hybrids are described and illustrated, and means of identification are indicated. Chub X roach hybrids, like those between other leuciscine cyprinid species, can be positively identified by the number and form of the pharyngeal teeth.  相似文献   

1. The ability of roach to use cyanobacterial food is generally believed to be one reason for the dominance of roach over perch in eutrophic European lakes. The aim of this study was to test whether cyanobacteria really are a suitable food for juvenile roach. Special attention was paid to differences between the two cyanobacteria species Aphanizomenon and Microcystis which are common in eutrophic lakes and are ingested by roach there.
2. We performed growth and behaviour experiments with juvenile roach fed with zooplankton and the different cyanobacteria. Growth rate with Aphanizomenon was lower than with Daphnia but significantly higher than without food, whereas growth rate with Microcystis was as low as without food.
3. In cultivation experiments of roach faeces, Microcystis was found not to have been digested and grew exponentially after passing through the gut whereas Aphanizomenon stayed at low biomass. Differences in growth were not related to the toxin content of cyanobacteria. Investigations of roach motility showed no differences whether fed with Aphanizomenon or Microcystis .
4. In contrast to Microcystis , Aphanizomenon can be regarded as a suitable food source for juvenile roach probably because of its better digestability. We conclude that the ability to feed on cyanobacteria is not a general competitive advantage for roach, but the outcome depends on the species composition of the cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, which occurs frequently in aquatic ecosystems and is mainly due to increasing eutrophication can cause severe environmental stress in fish. We investigated experimentally the hypothesis that hypoxia could be one of the environmental stress factors that can induce papillomatosis in fish. Male roach Rutilus rutilus exposed to periodic oxygen deficiency and accompanied temperature increases (OT group) showed the highest increase in the intensity of papillomatosis, as measured by the number of scales covered by papillomatosis tumors. The second highest increase in disease intensity was among male roach exposed to periodical temperature increases. The incidence of such tumors was lowest in the control group, which was exposed to neither hypoxia nor increased temperature. The mortality of fish during the 17 d experiment was highest and the condition factor was lowest in the OT group, indicating this group experienced a higher level of stress. The apparent interaction of hypoxia and temperature suggests that these environmental stressors are among the multifactorial elements leading to papillomatosis in roach. Furthermore, these results provide experimental evidence to indicate that hypoxia may contribute to tumor development in fish.  相似文献   

Specimens of Cottus gobio and Noemacheilus barbatulus from the River Avon, Hampshire, were examined between July 1970 and July 1971. Both fish were found to act as hosts for Nicolla gallica (adult), Pomphorhynchus laevis (adult) and Triaenophorus nodulosus (plerocercoid). The incidence and intensity of infection were lower in N. barbatulus than in C. gobio , and this was related to differences in host diet. A small number of N. barbatulus were also found to harbour Proteocephalus torulosus . Seasonal cycles of incidence and intensity were evident in N. gallica , with a peak occurring in the winter. P. laevis and T. nodulosus showed no such cycles. Increasing host size was associated with a higher infection of both N. gallica and P. laevis , but not T. nodulosus . The diet of the host was considered to be important in influencing this increase. Differences in host reproductive condition affected the population levels of N. gallica only, where an increased parasite burden was evident in gravid female fish. This was considered to influence the observed increase in incidence and intensity of this parasite during the winter. None of the parasites showed any seasonal maturation cycles. There was no evidence of any interactions between the parasite populations. Host diet and the availability of infective larvae were considered to be the most important features influencing the number of parasites which became established, and the rate at which this occurred. Temperature probably acted indirectly on the establishment of N. gallica , by controlling the availability of the larval stages, and also, by influencing the host reproductive condition, on the length of time for which the parasite was retained by the host.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of predation by roach (Rutilus rutilus) on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in a large, eutrophic lake showed that there was a clearly marked size threshold ( 160 mm SL) above which roach began to feed on mussels. Roach preying on various sizes of mussels selected them in proportions different from their abundance and accessibility in the habitat. The mean size of mussels ingested by roach of 220 mm and larger, which fed predominantly on Dreissena, closely followed the pattern expected for a constant ratio of mean prey size to mean predator mouth size = 0.59. To explain the size selection we applied an optimal foraging approach, based on the ability of different-sized fish to crush (cost) mussels of different sizes, and hence crushing resistance, and energy contents (benefit). We found that fish smaller than 160 mm, which showed no inclination to eat Dreissena, would only be able to take small mussels with a very high cost/benefit ratio. The real switch to Dreissena would be expected in fish of 230–240 mm that could take most of their prey from highly profitable, numerous, and easily accessible size classes while keeping the mean prey size at the optimal level relative to mean predator mouth size.  相似文献   

The tolerance to freezing and thawing of Leucodon sciuroides, a moss growing in mountainous areas of the Mediterranean (south-east Spain), was investigated by means of CO2 gas exchange, modulated chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence and pigment analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evidence is presented for freezing-induced decreases in CO2 fixation that enhance non-radiative dissipation of absorbed light energy, a process which protects the photosynthetic apparatus. The photosynthetic apparatus of L. sciuroides remained fully recuperable after freezing, as indicated by the recovery of photosynthetic CO2 fixation and Chl fluorescence parameters to pre-freezing values during thawing. The rapid recovery of photosynthesis activity during thawing in L. sciuroides suggests that this moss is capable of tolerating freeze-thaw cycles in a manner similar to that found at higher latitudes or in the Antarctic. The resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus of this moss to freezing might be achieved, at least partially, through the employment of dissipative pathways, such as non-radiative dissipation of absorbed light energy. Received: 4 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

A histochemical study of the myotomal muscles in the roach revealed three main muscle regions: red, intermediate and white. These were distinguished on the basis of glycogen content, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase) activity. Except for the red fibre region, none of these described regions is homogeneous. The principal new findings are the toniclike fibre, the presence of a transitional zone with two fibre types, and the mosaic organization of the white fibre region. The significance of this type of myotome architecture in relation to the locomotion of the species is discussed.  相似文献   

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