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Wu X  Zhu L  Guo J  Zhang DY  Lin K 《Nucleic acids research》2006,34(7):2137-2150
A map of protein–protein interactions provides valuable insight into the cellular function and machinery of a proteome. By measuring the similarity between two Gene Ontology (GO) terms with a relative specificity semantic relation, here, we proposed a new method of reconstructing a yeast protein–protein interaction map that is solely based on the GO annotations. The method was validated using high-quality interaction datasets for its effectiveness. Based on a Z-score analysis, a positive dataset and a negative dataset for protein–protein interactions were derived. Moreover, a gold standard positive (GSP) dataset with the highest level of confidence that covered 78% of the high-quality interaction dataset and a gold standard negative (GSN) dataset with the lowest level of confidence were derived. In addition, we assessed four high-throughput experimental interaction datasets using the positives and the negatives as well as GSPs and GSNs. Our predicted network reconstructed from GSPs consists of 40753 interactions among 2259 proteins, and forms 16 connected components. We mapped all of the MIPS complexes except for homodimers onto the predicted network. As a result, ~35% of complexes were identified interconnected. For seven complexes, we also identified some nonmember proteins that may be functionally related to the complexes concerned. This analysis is expected to provide a new approach for predicting the protein–protein interaction maps from other completely sequenced genomes with high-quality GO-based annotations.  相似文献   

Many biologically important protein-protein interactions (PPIs) have been found to be mediated by short linear motifs (SLiMs). These interactions are mediated by the binding of a protein domain, often with a nonlinear interaction interface, to a SLiM. We propose a method called D-SLIMMER to mine for SLiMs in PPI data on the basis of the interaction density between a nonlinear motif (i.e., a protein domain) in one protein and a SLiM in the other protein. Our results on a benchmark of 113 experimentally verified reference SLiMs showed that D-SLIMMER outperformed existing methods notably for discovering domain-SLiMs interaction motifs. To illustrate the significance of the SLiMs detected, we highlighted two SLiMs discovered from the PPI data by D-SLIMMER that are variants of the known ELM SLiM, as well as a literature-backed SLiM that is yet to be listed in the reference databases. We also presented a novel SLiM predicted by D-SLIMMER that was strongly supported by existing biological literatures. These examples showed that D-SLIMMER is able to find SLiMs that are biologically relevant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Identification of essential proteins plays a significant role in understanding minimal requirements for the cellular survival and development. Many computational methods have been proposed for predicting essential proteins by using the topological features of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. However, most of these methods ignored intrinsic biological meaning of proteins. Moreover, PPI data contains many false positives and false negatives. To overcome these limitations, recently many research groups have started to focus on identification of essential proteins by integrating PPI networks with other biological information. However, none of their methods has widely been acknowledged. RESULTS: By considering the facts that essential proteins are more evolutionarily conserved than nonessential proteins and essential proteins frequently bind each other, we propose an iteration method for predicting essential proteins by integrating the orthology with PPI networks, named by ION. Differently from other methods, ION identifies essential proteins depending on not only the connections between proteins but also their orthologous properties and features of their neighbors. ION is implemented to predict essential proteins in S. cerevisiae. Experimental results show that ION can achieve higher identification accuracy than eight other existing centrality methods in terms of area under the curve (AUC). Moreover, ION identifies a large amount of essential proteins which have been ignored by eight other existing centrality methods because of their low-connectivity. Many proteins ranked in top 100 by ION are both essential and belong to the complexes with certain biological functions. Furthermore, no matter how many reference organisms were selected, ION outperforms all eight other existing centrality methods. While using as many as possible reference organisms can improve the performance of ION. Additionally, ION also shows good prediction performance in E.Coli K-12. CONCLUSIONS: The accuracy of predicting essential proteins can be improved by integrating the orthology with PPI networks.  相似文献   



Understanding the information-processing capabilities of signal transduction networks, how those networks are disrupted in disease, and rationally designing therapies to manipulate diseased states require systematic and accurate reconstruction of network topology. Data on networks central to human physiology, such as the inflammatory signalling networks analyzed here, are found in a multiplicity of on-line resources of pathway and interactome databases (Cancer CellMap, GeneGo, KEGG, NCI-Pathway Interactome Database (NCI-PID), PANTHER, Reactome, I2D, and STRING). We sought to determine whether these databases contain overlapping information and whether they can be used to construct high reliability prior knowledge networks for subsequent modeling of experimental data.


We have assembled an ensemble network from multiple on-line sources representing a significant portion of all machine-readable and reconcilable human knowledge on proteins and protein interactions involved in inflammation. This ensemble network has many features expected of complex signalling networks assembled from high-throughput data: a power law distribution of both node degree and edge annotations, and topological features of a ??bow tie?? architecture in which diverse pathways converge on a highly conserved set of enzymatic cascades focused around PI3K/AKT, MAPK/ERK, JAK/STAT, NF??B, and apoptotic signaling. Individual pathways exhibit ??fuzzy?? modularity that is statistically significant but still involving a majority of ??cross-talk?? interactions. However, we find that the most widely used pathway databases are highly inconsistent with respect to the actual constituents and interactions in this network. Using a set of growth factor signalling networks as examples (epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-beta, tumor necrosis factor, and wingless), we find a multiplicity of network topologies in which receptors couple to downstream components through myriad alternate paths. Many of these paths are inconsistent with well-established mechanistic features of signalling networks, such as a requirement for a transmembrane receptor in sensing extracellular ligands.


Wide inconsistencies among interaction databases, pathway annotations, and the numbers and identities of nodes associated with a given pathway pose a major challenge for deriving causal and mechanistic insight from network graphs. We speculate that these inconsistencies are at least partially attributable to cell, and context-specificity of cellular signal transduction, which is largely unaccounted for in available databases, but the absence of standardized vocabularies is an additional confounding factor. As a result of discrepant annotations, it is very difficult to identify biologically meaningful pathways from interactome networks a priori. However, by incorporating prior knowledge, it is possible to successively build out network complexity with high confidence from a simple linear signal transduction scaffold. Such reduced complexity networks appear suitable for use in mechanistic models while being richer and better justified than the simple linear pathways usually depicted in diagrams of signal transduction.  相似文献   

GESTs (gene expression similarity and taxonomy similarity), a gene functional prediction approach previously proposed by us, is based on gene expression similarity and concept similarity of functional classes defined in Gene Ontology (GO). In this paper, we extend this method to protein-protein interaction data by introducing several methods to filter the neighbors in protein interaction networks for a protein of unknown function(s). Unlike other conventional methods, the proposed approach automatically selects the most appropriate functional classes as specific as possible during the learning process, and calls on genes annotated to nearby classes to support the predictions to some small-sized specific classes in GO. Based on the yeast protein-protein interaction information from MIPS and a dataset of gene expression profiles, we assess the performances of our approach for predicting protein functions to “biology process” by three measures particularly designed for functional classes organized in GO. Results show that our method is powerful for widely predicting gene functions with very specific functional terms. Based on the GO database published in December 2004, we predict some proteins whose functions were unknown at that time, and some of the predictions have been confirmed by the new SGD annotation data published in April, 2006.  相似文献   

GESTs (gene expression similarity and taxonomy similarity), a gene functional prediction approach previously proposed by us, is based on gene expression similarity and concept similarity of functional classes defined in Gene Ontology (GO). In this paper, we extend this method to protein-protein interac-tion data by introducing several methods to filter the neighbors in protein interaction networks for a protein of unknown function(s). Unlike other conventional methods, the proposed approach automati-cally selects the most appropriate functional classes as specific as possible during the learning proc-ess, and calls on genes annotated to nearby classes to support the predictions to some small-sized specific classes in GO. Based on the yeast protein-protein interaction information from MIPS and a dataset of gene expression profiles, we assess the performances of our approach for predicting protein functions to “biology process” by three measures particularly designed for functional classes organ-ized in GO. Results show that our method is powerful for widely predicting gene functions with very specific functional terms. Based on the GO database published in December 2004, we predict some proteins whose functions were unknown at that time, and some of the predictions have been confirmed by the new SGD annotation data published in April, 2006.  相似文献   

Hu L  Huang T  Liu XJ  Cai YD 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17668


Identifying associated phenotypes of proteins is a challenge of the modern genetics since the multifactorial trait often results from contributions of many proteins. Besides the high-through phenotype assays, the computational methods are alternative ways to identify the phenotypes of proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we proposed a new method for predicting protein phenotypes in yeast based on protein-protein interaction network. Instead of only the most likely phenotype, a series of possible phenotypes for the query protein were generated and ranked acording to the tethering potential score. As a result, the first order prediction accuracy of our method achieved 65.4% evaluated by Jackknife test of 1,267 proteins in budding yeast, much higher than the success rate (15.4%) of a random guess. And the likelihood of the first 3 predicted phenotypes including all the real phenotypes of the proteins was 70.6%.


The candidate phenotypes predicted by our method provided useful clues for the further validation. In addition, the method can be easily applied to the prediction of protein associated phenotypes in other organisms.  相似文献   

Detecting protein complexes from protein interaction networks is one major task in the postgenome era. Previous developed computational algorithms identifying complexes mainly focus on graph partition or dense region finding. Most of these traditional algorithms cannot discover overlapping complexes which really exist in the protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. Even if some density-based methods have been developed to identify overlapping complexes, they are not able to discover complexes that include peripheral proteins. In this study, motivated by recent successful application of generative network model to describe the generation process of PPI networks and to detect communities from social networks, we develop a regularized sparse generative network model (RSGNM), by adding another process that generates propensities using exponential distribution and incorporating Laplacian regularizer into an existing generative network model, for protein complexes identification. By assuming that the propensities are generated using exponential distribution, the estimators of propensities will be sparse, which not only has good biological interpretation but also helps to control the overlapping rate among detected complexes. And the Laplacian regularizer will lead to the estimators of propensities more smooth on interaction networks. Experimental results on three yeast PPI networks show that RSGNM outperforms six previous competing algorithms in terms of the quality of detected complexes. In addition, RSGNM is able to detect overlapping complexes and complexes including peripheral proteins simultaneously. These results give new insights about the importance of generative network models in protein complexes identification.  相似文献   



The development of high-throughput technologies such as yeast two-hybrid systems and mass spectrometry technologies has made it possible to generate large protein-protein interaction (PPI) datasets. Mining these datasets for underlying biological knowledge has, however, remained a challenge.  相似文献   

Studying the interactome is one of the exciting frontiers of proteomics, as shown lately at the recent bioinformatics conferences (for example ISMB 2010, or ECCB 2010). Distribution of data is facilitated by a large number of databases. Metamining databases have been created in order to allow researchers access to several databases in one search, but there are serious difficulties for end users to evaluate the metamining effort. Therefore we suggest a new standard, “Good Interaction Data Metamining Practice” (GIDMP), which could be easily automated and requires only very minor inclusion of statistical data on each database homepage. Widespread adoption of the GIDMP standard would provide users with:
•  a standardized way to evaluate the statistics provided by each metamining database, thus enhancing the end-user experience  相似文献   

Hu L  Huang T  Shi X  Lu WC  Cai YD  Chou KC 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e14556


With the huge amount of uncharacterized protein sequences generated in the post-genomic age, it is highly desirable to develop effective computational methods for quickly and accurately predicting their functions. The information thus obtained would be very useful for both basic research and drug development in a timely manner.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Although many efforts have been made in this regard, most of them were based on either sequence similarity or protein-protein interaction (PPI) information. However, the former often fails to work if a query protein has no or very little sequence similarity to any function-known proteins, while the latter had similar problem if the relevant PPI information is not available. In view of this, a new approach is proposed by hybridizing the PPI information and the biochemical/physicochemical features of protein sequences. The overall first-order success rates by the new predictor for the functions of mouse proteins on training set and test set were 69.1% and 70.2%, respectively, and the success rate covered by the results of the top-4 order from a total of 24 orders was 65.2%.


The results indicate that the new approach is quite promising that may open a new avenue or direction for addressing the difficult and complicated problem.  相似文献   

The interactions between proteins allow the cell's life. A number of experimental, genome-wide, high-throughput studies have been devoted to the determination of protein-protein interactions and the consequent interaction networks. Here, the bioinformatics methods dealing with protein-protein interactions and interaction network are overviewed. 1. Interaction databases developed to collect and annotate this immense amount of data; 2. Automated data mining techniques developed to extract information about interactions from the published literature; 3. Computational methods to assess the experimental results developed as a consequence of the finding that the results of high-throughput methods are rather inaccurate; 4. Exploitation of the information provided by protein interaction networks in order to predict functional features of the proteins; and 5. Prediction of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Gene Ontology (GO) uses structured vocabularies (or terms) to describe the molecular functions, biological roles, and cellular locations of gene products in a hierarchical ontology. GO annotations associate genes with GO terms and indicate the given gene products carrying out the biological functions described by the relevant terms. However, predicting correct GO annotations for genes from a massive set of GO terms as defined by GO is a difficult challenge. To combat with this challenge, we introduce a Gene Ontology Hierarchy Preserving Hashing (HPHash) based semantic method for gene function prediction. HPHash firstly measures the taxonomic similarity between GO terms. It then uses a hierarchy preserving hashing technique to keep the hierarchical order between GO terms, and to optimize a series of hashing functions to encode massive GO terms via compact binary codes. After that, HPHash utilizes these hashing functions to project the gene-term association matrix into a low-dimensional one and performs semantic similarity based gene function prediction in the low-dimensional space. Experimental results on three model species (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus) for interspecies gene function prediction show that HPHash performs better than other related approaches and it is robust to the number of hash functions. In addition, we also take HPHash as a plugin for BLAST based gene function prediction. From the experimental results, HPHash again significantly improves the prediction performance. The codes of HPHash are available at: http://mlda.swu.edu.cn/codes.php?name=HPHash.  相似文献   

Tu K  Yu H  Li YX 《Journal of biotechnology》2006,124(3):475-485
The ever-increasing flow of gene expression profiles and protein-protein interactions has catalyzed many computational approaches for inference of gene functions. Despite all the efforts, there is still room for improvement, for the information enriched in each biological data source has not been exploited to its fullness. A composite method is proposed for classifying unannotated genes based on expression data and protein-protein interaction (PPI) data, which extracts information from both data sources in novel ways. With the noise nature of expression data taken into consideration, importance is attached to the consensus expression patterns of gene classes instead of the actual expression profiles of individual genes, thus characterizing the composite method with enhanced robustness against microarray data variation. With regard to the PPI network, the traditional clear-cut binary attitude towards inter- and intra-functional interactions is abandoned, whereas a more objective perspective into the PPI network structure is formed through incorporating the varied function-function interaction probabilities into the algorithm. The composite method was implemented in two numerical experiments, where its improvement over single-data-source based methods was observed and the superiority of the novel data handling operations was discussed.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are critical to most biological processes, and locating protein-protein interfaces on protein structures is an important task in molecular biology. We developed a new experimental strategy called the ‘absence of interference’ approach to determine surface residues involved in protein-protein interaction of established yeast two-hybrid pairs of interacting proteins. One of the proteins is subjected to high-level randomization by error-prone PCR. The resulting library is selected by yeast two-hybrid system for interacting clones that are isolated and sequenced. The interaction region can be identified by an absence or depletion of mutations. For data analysis and presentation, we developed a Web interface that analyzes the mutational spectrum and displays the mutational frequency on the surface of the structure (or a structural model) of the randomized protein†. Additionally, this interface might be of use for the display of mutational distributions determined by other types of random mutagenesis experiments. We applied the approach to map the interface of the catalytic domain of the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a with its regulatory factor Dnmt3L. Dnmt3a was randomized with high mutational load. A total of 76 interacting clones were isolated and sequenced, and 648 mutations were identified. The mutational pattern allowed to identify a unique interaction region on the surface of Dnmt3a, which comprises about 500-600 Å2. The results were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and structural analysis. The absence-of-interference approach will allow high-throughput mapping of protein interaction sites suitable for functional studies and protein docking.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are crucial to most biochemical processes in human beings. Although many human PPIs have been identified by experiments, the number is still limited compared to the available protein sequences of human organisms. Recently, many computational methods have been proposed to facilitate the recognition of novel human PPIs. However the existing methods only concentrated on the information of individual PPI, while the systematic characteristic of protein-protein interaction networks (PINs) was ignored. In this study, a new method was proposed by combining the global information of PINs and protein sequence information. Random forest (RF) algorithm was implemented to develop the prediction model, and a high accuracy of 91.88% was obtained. Furthermore, the RF model was tested using three independent datasets with good performances, suggesting that our method is a useful tool for identification of PPIs and investigation into PINs as well.  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用在生物学过程和细胞功能行使中起核心作用。高通量技术的应用结合计算机预测方法的发展,使得直接和间接来源的蛋白质相互作用数据得到了大规模的增加。如何系统地整合这些数据并从中提取有用的信息是一项挑战,这也促使了许多整合算法应运而生。本文综述了八种整合蛋白质相互作用数据源的方法:投票、支持向量机、朴素贝叶斯、逻辑斯蒂回归、决策树、随机森林、基于随机森林的k-近邻法以及混合属性分类等方法。  相似文献   

We characterized and evaluated the functional attributes of three yeast high-confidence protein-protein interaction data sets derived from affinity purification/mass spectrometry, protein-fragment complementation assay, and yeast two-hybrid experiments. The interacting proteins retrieved from these data sets formed distinct, partially overlapping sets with different protein-protein interaction characteristics. These differences were primarily a function of the deployed experimental technologies used to recover these interactions. This affected the total coverage of interactions and was especially evident in the recovery of interactions among different functional classes of proteins. We found that the interaction data obtained by the yeast two-hybrid method was the least biased toward any particular functional characterization. In contrast, interacting proteins in the affinity purification/mass spectrometry and protein-fragment complementation assay data sets were over- and under-represented among distinct and different functional categories. We delineated how these differences affected protein complex organization in the network of interactions, in particular for strongly interacting complexes (e.g. RNA and protein synthesis) versus weak and transient interacting complexes (e.g. protein transport). We quantified methodological differences in detecting protein interactions from larger protein complexes, in the correlation of protein abundance among interacting proteins, and in their connectivity of essential proteins. In the latter case, we showed that minimizing inherent methodology biases removed many of the ambiguous conclusions about protein essentiality and protein connectivity. We used these findings to rationalize how biological insights obtained by analyzing data sets originating from different sources sometimes do not agree or may even contradict each other. An important corollary of this work was that discrepancies in biological insights did not necessarily imply that one detection methodology was better or worse, but rather that, to a large extent, the insights reflected the methodological biases themselves. Consequently, interpreting the protein interaction data within their experimental or cellular context provided the best avenue for overcoming biases and inferring biological knowledge.  相似文献   

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